Cleaning the apartment: useful tips for housewives. Five secrets of cleanliness: useful ideas for cleaning the house

What tricks will help keep the house clean at the proper level? What do you need to buy to make cleaning fast and high quality?

Today we will talk about how to organize the process of restoring order in order to spend a minimum of effort and money on it.

List of cleaning products color>

The first thing to take care of is the availability of items and means by which cleaning is carried out. What should every housewife have at hand?

We suggest using a convenient list:

  1. Detergents and cleaners. This includes preparations for washing dishes, treating the hob, microwave and dishwasher, cleaning kitchen apron and tiles in the toilet and bathroom, windows and mirrors, silverware, descaling, rubbing floors, etc. You can use eco products.
  2. Disinfectants. Necessary for cleaning the toilet bowl, bathtub, sink, trash can and its storage area, etc.
  3. Latex gloves. There should be several pairs of them: for example, for dishes, cleaning in utility rooms, cleaning vegetables.
  4. Buckets. It makes sense to buy a couple of buckets different sizes- one to use for washing floors, the other - for windows.
  5. Sponges, rags and napkins. They should be different sizes and from different materials: microfiber, flannel, foam rubber, plastic, with antistatic impregnation, etc. It is important to separate them by application areas - it is unacceptable to wash dishes and the floor with one rag. Useful for this different colors: for example, a red napkin for the trash can and toilet, yellow for the bathroom, green for the kitchen, blue for living rooms. All rags and sponges need to be changed regularly, because. they are the biggest breeding ground for bacteria and germs!
  6. Powder, conditioner and bleach for laundry.
  7. Shoe care products (brushes, sponges, creams, sprays, etc.). Leather and suede require different products! Wet weather will also require special moisture impregnation.
  8. Mop.
  9. Broom and shovel.
  10. Stain remover for upholstered furniture, carpets and clothes.
  11. Rubber scraper. It's great for cleaning glass, mirrors, shower enclosures, and picking up pet hair from a variety of surfaces!
  12. Whisk for dusting fragile objects, paintings, etc.
  13. Folding ladder.
  14. Vacuum cleaner.
Use a professional approach: it is better to buy one universal detergent that can treat several types of surfaces at once than many different ones. This will save both money and storage space.

No harsh chemicals! color>

If you do not want to buy drugs that have an aggressive effect, we offer a simple solution: prepare an antibacterial agent for cleaning your home with your own hands!

What is needed for this:

Spray bottle;

750 ml filtered or distilled water;

125 ml of ordinary table vinegar;

15 drops of essential oil.

Pour the water and vinegar into the bottle using a funnel. Then add an essential oil - you can use one or make a composition. The following oils have excellent antibacterial properties: tea tree, lavender, rosemary, lemon, sage, pine, fir, juniper, coriander, dill.

Screw on the spray cap and shake the bottle. Your effective eco remedy is ready!

Regularly spray the product in places where microbes, mold and fungi are most concentrated, and you will reliably protect yourself and your family from pathogenic microflora! The effectiveness of these oils as a disinfectant has been confirmed various studies- for example, the Tufts Medical Center in New England.

A good alternative to store-bought products color>

You can make homemade cleaning products with your own hands. It's quite easy! And the first places on the list are rightfully occupied by familiar vinegar and soda.

They may be useful for:

  • cleaning clogged pipes;
  • stain removal;
  • removing dirt and grease from dishes;
  • dishwasher washing;
  • disinfection;
  • removal of unpleasant odors;
  • cleaning the microwave and oven;
  • removal of scale and rust;
  • washing laminate;
  • getting rid of dust and dirt on different surfaces.
As you can see, soda and vinegar are really universal remedy for house cleaning!

In addition to them, there are other effective substances. So, with the help of dry mustard, you can easily remove grease residues from dishes - even in cold water!

Instead of a special powder for carpets, it is more profitable to use simple starch: it is enough to scatter it over the surface, leave it for 10-15 minutes, and then vacuum it. This will remove even ingrained dirt and unpleasant odors.

Shorten the list detergents ammonia will help for cleaning. By mixing it with water in a ratio of 1:10, you will achieve a radiant purity of windows, mirrors and crystal. By the way, in the absence of ammonia, you can wash the window with ... potatoes! Rub the glass with raw potatoes cut in half, then go over with a dry napkin.

Half of a squeezed citrus fruit can be beneficial. To achieve crystal cleanliness, just sprinkle a lemon or grapefruit on the cut side with salt and wipe the sink and tub!

Benefits of home cleaning products: color>

  • Allows you to maintain perfect cleanliness in all areas - both residential and utility;
  • Allows you to reduce your purchase costs household chemicals;
  • They have a completely natural composition;
  • Eco home cleaning products are suitable for people with allergies;
  • Do not pollute the environment.



2 cups baking soda

half cup cornmeal

4 bay leaves

1 tablespoon cloves or cinnamon (optional)


Mix all the ingredients in a bowl (to mix them thoroughly, you can use a mixer). Pour into a jar and close the lid. Before vacuuming the carpet, sprinkle the mixture and let it sit for a couple of hours. Baking soda helps to remove dust and dirt, and Bay leaf and cloves act as antibacterial agents and leave a pleasant fragrance.



1 glass of vinegar

half a glass of soda


Mix, leave for 15 minutes, rub and rinse.



1 liter of vinegar

4-5 drops essential oil (any oil you like)


Mix the ingredients, pour into a bottle with a cap, add half a glass during washing.



old t-shirts

distilled water

15 drops of lemon essential oil


Cut the T-shirts into rags, fill a clean glass jar ¾ full with water and then with vinegar. Add essential oil and dip the rags into the jar. Close and store under the sink to wipe countertops, stoves, Appliances etc.



half a glass of soda

half a glass of hydrogen peroxide

1 spoon of dishwashing detergent


Mix the ingredients together, apply to the tiles and bath, leave for 5 minutes, and then rinse with a sponge or brush. Very effective remedy!



¾ cup olive oil, ideally any vegetable oil

¼ distilled vinegar

1 teaspoon lemon juice(about half a lemon)


Mix in a separate container, pour into a bottle and store in the refrigerator. Shake well before cleaning furniture. The oil will take care of the furniture, the vinegar will remove dust and refresh the surface, and the lemon will help fight stains.



vinegar 1 glass

water 1 glass

essential oil or peel of a lemon or lime.


Mix and pour into a bottle if using essential oil. If lemon peel, then put it in vinegar, leave for a couple of weeks, and then, when infused, add water. Very well washes all surfaces in the kitchen, from countertops to kitchen cabinets.



1 glass of vinegar

1 glass of water

a quarter cup of lemon juice

essential oil (optional)


Mix the ingredients, pour into a spray bottle and enjoy!



2 cups soda

3 tablespoons hydrogen peroxide

10-20 drops of any essential oil

parchment paper

2 cups of vinegar

1 tablespoon dish detergent


Before washing the machine, wipe it and clean the filters. Mix baking soda, essential oil, and peroxide together to make a wet paste. Shape it into balls using a tablespoon or small ladle. Lay out the balls, not parchment, and leave for a few hours or overnight to dry. After that, fill any bowl with vinegar and add to it liquid agent for dishes. Place the bowl on the top shelf of the dishwasher and put a baking soda tablet on the bottom and run a full wash cycle. Your car will be like new after that!



half a glass of soda

1 teaspoon dish soap

1 or 2 tbsp. l. hydrogen peroxide


Mix together baking soda and peroxide to a creamy paste. Apply it on a baking sheet and clean with a sponge, this method does not damage metal utensils and can be used often.

The woman is the guardian family hearth, the creator of comfort in the house. And what could be nicer than a clean and warm home? Today the market offers us hundreds of various means on cleaning, but are they as good and harmless as we think? By keeping your home clean with environmentally friendly products, you make your home not only clean, but also safe. It is especially important to use natural remedies in those homes where there are small children, the elderly or pets.

Why are synthetic detergents harmful?

Synthetic detergents contain a large number of substances harmful to health. These substances are very difficult to wash off with water, they remain the thinnest film on all surfaces in the house, whether it be floors, furniture, dishes, clothes. Drying, some of them irritate the skin upon contact, some microparticles scatter in the closed space of the apartment, getting into the lungs. This provokes various allergies, asthma, skin diseases. They are especially dangerous for young children, who, in constant curiosity, touch all surfaces and often take both objects and hands into their mouths.

The most common substances contained in almost all synthetic detergents:

  • surfactant. Surfactants are found in any detergent that lathers. Due to their high reactivity, they remove stubborn stains and easily remove grease. It is very difficult to completely remove them from the treated surface. With clothes, clean dishes and washed surfaces, these surfactants penetrate the body and accumulate in tissue cells. In the future, this leads to malfunctions of the immune system, expressed in allergies, dermatitis and an increased susceptibility to diseases.
  • Phosphorus compounds. By themselves, these compounds are not so terrible, but they are added to detergents in order to increase the activity of surfactants. This activity extends not only to the quality of cleaning or washing, but also to the rate of penetration of surfactants into the cells of the body. Moreover, it is phosphorus compounds that make surfactants practically indelible.
  • Chlorine compounds. Chlorine-containing household chemicals are carcinogenic, meaning they can cause cancer. Therefore, in some countries their use is prohibited. In addition, they adversely affect the cardiovascular system, skin, hair and nails.

This list can be listed for a very long time, because each type of household chemicals contains a lot of additional, not at all useful substances. Meanwhile, there are many simple and natural ways make the house clean, without harming yourself and your loved ones.

Brilliant kitchen

Housewives spend a lot of time in the kitchen, but at the same time, the kitchen and Appliances exposed to the most severe, oily pollution. In order to keep the kitchen in all its splendor, you should stock up on vinegar, lemons and mustard.

Mustard It has excellent fat-dissolving properties, so it is indispensable in the kitchen. To wash the gas stove and the area around it, you can prepare a solution from a glass of water and two to three tablespoons mustard powder. Apply gruel with a wet sponge to all dirty surfaces and leave for 10 minutes. Then wipe them properly with a sponge and rinse with a soft cloth. If necessary, repeat the procedure in the places where it is required.

Can be with mustard wash the dishes. To do this, mix in a half-liter jar a tablespoon of soda and three tablespoons of mustard. This solution will perfectly wash any dirt from the dishes, but if you do not have enough soap and foam, you can rub laundry soap into it. Such a dishwashing detergent will wash away the most greasy dirt and will not leave any synthetic films on the dishes.

Lemons have an antiseptic effect, the juice destroys unpleasant odors, and have the ability to dissolve limescale. In order to clean the kettle scale, cut one lemon and boil water twice in a kettle until the scale is completely dissolved. To remove limescale from the surface of chrome faucets, rub them with a slice of lemon, and after five minutes, rinse with water and rub to a shine.

If the refrigerator wound up bad smell, wash it with water and lemon juice in equal proportions, you can add a small amount of soda to better wash off the dirt. Unpleasant odor remains on the hands and cutting board after cooking some dishes, such as fish or garlic. To remove the odor, wipe your hands, knife, and cutting board with lemon juice.

Lemon will be useful for washing the microwave. Place the sliced ​​lemon in a cup of water and turn on the stove for a few minutes. Lemon essential oil dissolves grease and fills the stove with a pleasant aroma.

Lemon is great for removing rust spots. Squeeze lemon juice on the stain and leave for a while. Lemon juice can be used to clean silverware and add shine to stainless steel dishes.

Instead of lemons, citric acid powder can be used for the same purposes, but in smaller proportions.

Vinegar has disinfectant properties. It is very useful to keep a spray bottle with a solution of water and vinegar mixed in equal proportions in the kitchen. Sprinkle liquid on the table, cooking work surface, and cutting board to keep germs from growing.

If mold or an unpleasant smell has appeared in the bread box, properly treat its inner surface with vinegar. If necessary, repeat the procedure several times.

Vinegar and soda can be used to treat the sink in the kitchen to make it white.

Wet furniture cleaning can be done with just a damp cloth. If you don't think that's enough, add some vinegar to the water to sanitize surfaces.

As polishes for unvarnished wooden furniture, use this product: mix in equal proportions olive oil and lemon juice, apply a little mixture to a flannel cloth and polish the surface. It will not only give furniture beautiful view, but also protect the tree from the harmful effects of humidity or excessively dry air.

Once a month recommended clean carpets with vinegar. Vinegar has the ability to restore brightness to textile paints. Mix water with vinegar in a ratio of 3: 1 in a basin and brush the carpet, after vacuuming it. You will see how it sparkles with fresh colors.

Window can be washed in different ways:

  • Cut the potato in half and rub the glass with it, then wipe it with a newspaper or cotton rag.
  • In a liter spray bottle, pour water with three tablespoons of vinegar and a teaspoon of liquid soap. Spray a window or mirror with the solution and rub it with a cloth made of natural, moisture-absorbing fibers.

Wash the floors can be water with laundry soap. It contains a lot of natural active alkalis and has bactericidal properties. Choose only dark brown pieces, since light bleached pieces with odors no longer have the desired useful properties. Rub the soap on a coarse grater and fill with water. Keep this solution for mopping. If you have tiled floors, add vinegar to the water to remove stubborn grime and freshen up the color of the tile.

White bathroom and toilet

Bathroom and toilet rooms are places where we spend a lot of time and, of course, they should shine. To achieve this is not at all difficult with the help of all the same natural substances.

for washing bathroom and sink you will need soda. Moisten them with water and sprinkle with baking soda powder, lightly wipe the entire surface and leave for 10 minutes. Then wipe again and rinse with water. Acrylic bathtubs should not be washed in this way, as baking soda can scratch them. In such cases, make a solution: add liquid soap made from shavings to water laundry soap and a glass of vinegar. Wash the tub with this solution.

Toilet washed with pure vinegar. Pour vinegar into the toilet and after 10 minutes clean it with a brush, and with a cloth soaked in vinegar, treat the edges and seat of the toilet. Vinegar itself bleaches, removing yellow plaque, and destroys bacteria. But if this seems insufficient to you, you can add tea tree, lemon, pine or juniper essential oil to it when washing, they also have strong bactericidal properties, and, in addition, pleasant smells that refresh the toilet room.

Get rid of limestone streaks on tiles and glass shower doors, you can use lemon. Rub half a lemon on these surfaces once a week, leave for 10-15 minutes, rub the surfaces again and rinse with water. Wipe the tiles and doors dry with a cloth natural fabric, for these purposes, soft from long washes, unnecessary cotton T-shirts are well suited.

In order to always have a pleasant smell in the bathroom and toilet rooms, make natural air freshener. Pour dried flowers into a beautiful small vase, hide a small sponge in the middle. Saturate the sponge with any vegetable oil mixed with essential oil the scent you love. Citrus and coniferous oils or geranium oil are especially good - they disinfect the air. From time to time, add fresh oil to the sponge or drip extra ether.

Surfactants, which are so rich in powders, remain on clothes after washing, penetrating into the skin. Smell fresh laundry and you will smell the powder on it, which is often passed off as the smell of freshness. The situation is even worse with fabric softeners, they are deliberately formulated in such a way that they do not wash off, leaving things with a strong smell and a feeling of softness. In turn, through things, these chemicals get to your skin, over time, causing dermatitis, allergies and eczema.

A good and natural solution are soap nuts. These are the fruits of the soap tree (Sapindus mukorossi), they are rich in saponins, which form soap suds. These substances are harmless and hypoallergenic. They wash dirt, grass stains or ketchup well. But they do not cope with difficult stains such as blood, wine, grease. These stains need to be treated before washing. For washing, a few nuts are placed in a linen bag along with the laundry.

Instead of rinse aid for laundry, use vinegar, it is poured half a glass into the softener compartment in washing machine. It softens laundry, brings back the brightness of colored laundry and protects your washing machine from limescale better than special synthetic products. The smell of vinegar does not remain.

Good limescale remover also in the car lemon acid. Pour two tablespoons of acid into the powder compartment and run the machine at 90 degrees idle. At the same time, you can also wash rags, if any. Washing machine cleaned in this way every three months.

When washing silk and woolen products, you can add 100 g of mustard powder to soap nuts, it takes care of these fabrics and allows them to be washed better.

To remove complex stains, treat them in advance, depending on the type of stain:

  • Laundry soap. This is a general purpose stain remover. Wet the cloth and rub the stain with soap, leave for 15 minutes. Wash the fabric, if the stain remains, try the procedure up to two more times. If the stain cannot be removed, most likely, synthetic stain removers will no longer help, and it will remain forever.
  • Grass. Grass stains are removed with a salt solution. Half a glass of water requires two tablespoons of salt. Also, these stains can be removed with vodka.
  • Ball pen. Such traces are treated with lemon juice or alcohol.
  • Coffee and tea. Prepare a solution of a teaspoon of soda and the same amount of ammonia. Wash the dirty item and apply the solution on it, rub it with a brush and wash the item.
  • Wine. Boil the kettle and from a height slowly pour boiling water over the stain. If it is immediately impossible to carry out this procedure, cover the stain with salt, and if possible, treat with boiling water. You can also remove red wine stains with lemon juice.
  • Sweat. Yellowed sweat stains are removed with vinegar or lemon juice. After processing the fabric, wash the item in the machine with the addition of vinegar.
  • Fruits. Put a slice of lemon on a fresh stain. If the stain does not come off, treat it with laundry soap.
  • Soot. Wash the item or pan with a solution of a glass of water and two tablespoons of soda.
  • Blood. Removed with ice water and laundry soap.

As you can see, keeping your home clean with natural products is not at all difficult. If you prefer to buy "natural" household chemicals, pay attention to their composition. Often they are not as natural as stated on the packages.

Almost all chemical detergents are harmful to health and pollute the air in our apartment.

Even if it is impossible to completely abandon household chemicals today, it is still worth reducing its use to a minimum, returning to the good old-fashioned cleaning methods.
We've put together some simple cleaning tips to help you keep your home tidy.

Anti rust in the bathroom

Rust in tiles can be removed by wiping the stained area with a sizzling mixture of vinegar and baking soda. Leave the product on for a couple of minutes, then rinse with water and pat dry.

Get rid of dirt and stains

The best window cleaner is water with the addition of ordinary ammonia (1 part of ammonia is diluted in 10 parts of water). After washing, the windows are wiped dry with newsprint or a rag. Also, the function of a cleaning agent is excellently performed by raw potatoes. To do this, wipe the windows with potato halves and wipe with a dry cloth.

To make the floor shine

To achieve the perfect shine of the parquet, use the following solution: dilute 1/4 cup of vinegar in 1 liter of water. Wash the tiles with boiling water.

From scale in the washing machine

To dissolve scale, put the wash without laundry for one cycle at 80 ° C, after pouring 80 g of citric acid into the washing tray.

To shine mirrors

Mirrors must be degreased before washing. To do this, add 2 tbsp to the solution with which we washed the windows. l. alcohol.

How to clean a cutting board

To clean a wooden board from smell and stains, wipe it with half a lemon, add salt and leave for 10-15 minutes. Then, with the rest of the lemon, again wipe the surface sprinkled with salt. Rinse with water.

Remove deep-seated dirt

To remove dirt, sprinkle carpets with starch and baking soda, then vacuum. This will help remove deep-seated dirt, and besides, baking soda will eliminate unpleasant odors.

To get rid of bad odor

If an unpleasant smell has wound up in the refrigerator, wash it with water and lemon juice in equal proportions, you can add a small amount of soda to better wash off the dirt.

Shower tiles and doors

You can get rid of streaks of limescale and fungus on the tile with soda or lemon. Dip a wet toothbrush in baking soda, scrub the tile seams, then rinse with water. Once a week, you can rub these surfaces with half a lemon, leave for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with water and wipe dry.

To keep your oven looking like new

Mix 1 cup baking soda with 1/2 cup warm water. Apply the resulting paste on the oven doors and leave for 15 minutes. Rinse thoroughly and wipe the glass with a clean, dry cloth. Fill a spray bottle with white distilled vinegar, spray evenly and leave for 15 minutes. Then wipe dry with a cloth.

We try to surround ourselves with environmentally friendly things, change furniture, get rid of synthetic fabrics, monitor the environmental friendliness of products, but we still don’t always read the composition of the detergents we buy at home.

But manufacturers often change only the name, and not the essence of the product, believing that the very word "ecological" on the label will already make the world cleaner, and consumers healthier.

Soda and mustard

These are really penny funds. Soda has an abrasive property, and mustard repels grease.

Replace means for washing dishes, stoves, plumbing and kitchen worktops.

How to use:

  • 1 tsp mustard powder for a few liters hot water even greasy frying pans will be washed to a squeak.
  • We pour a thin layer of soda on a dirty carpet, lightly three with a brush and vacuum.


An excellent disinfectant that removes grease and dirt, soap stains on tiles.
In addition, it resists mold and is a natural flavoring agent.

Replaces kitchen and bathroom cleaners.

How to use:

  • We wipe the board for cutting fish or meat to disinfect and get rid of an unpleasant smell.
  • A solution of lemon juice and water in the proportions of 3 tbsp. l. 400 ml, placed in a container in the microwave for 10 minutes at the highest power, will completely clean it from the inside.
  • Lemon juice easily copes with limescale on the tap.


A versatile tool that helps keep your home clean and fresh. Perfectly eliminates water scale and stale plaque. To kill the unpleasant smell of vinegar, you need to add a drop of lavender essential oil to it.

Replaces the means for washing mirrors and windows, plumbing, tiles and floors.

How to use:

  • 1 tsp dilute vinegar in 1 liter of water, pour it into a spray bottle and wash windows and mirrors.
  • We apply the product on the tile in the bathroom, wait 10 minutes and rinse with clean water.
  • With strong deposits on the sink, put a cloth soaked in hot vinegar on the contaminated place, and after half an hour remove the plaque with a brush and ordinary soap.
  • Hard-to-remove white plaque on the floor after repair is removed with a solution of 2 tbsp. l. for 1 liter of water.


Always available in every kitchen. The cheapest cleaning product. Salt has many uses in everyday life.

Replaces kitchen, bathroom, plumbing cleaners, stain removers.

How to use:

  • To clean and disinfect your kitchen sponge and washcloths, place them in a container of salt water.
  • To get rid of an unpleasant smell, before defrosting or washing the refrigerator, we apply salt diluted in carbonated water to the door and internal parts.
  • A woolen bedside rug is easy to clean if sprinkled with salt, sprinkled with water and vacuumed after half an hour.

cola or pepsi

This exotic cleaner removes even the toughest dirt. Easily removes limescale and soap deposits.

Replaces the means for washing showers, bathrooms, taps, plumbing, tiles, burnt dishes, ovens.

How to use:

  • We boil soda in a saucepan with a burnt bottom - we get almost new dishes.
  • We remove rust and corrosion from any household items with this soda.
  • If you pour soda into the drain pipe at night, you can perfectly clean it of hair and fat deposits.

Vitamin C

Effervescent tablets perfectly clean dirty plumbing. They deal with pollution without any effort on your part.

Replaces the means for washing plumbing.

How to use:

  • To clean the toilet from limescale under the water line, you can throw a few vitamin C effervescent tablets at night, and in the morning remove the plaque with a brush and flush the water.

Olive oil

tradecorp, camping
The best tool even for the most expensive furniture, and very economical - you need a couple of drops for cleaning. The oil refreshes and polishes wood surfaces.

Replaces polish and wood cleaners.

How to use:

  • A couple of drops on a cotton cloth will refresh and polish wooden, leather furniture, solid wood and parquet.
  • So that balcony or country wicker furniture does not dry out, you can wipe it with oil from time to time.

Essential oils

Oils are the best flavorings and an excellent disinfectant. Able to prevent even the appearance of mold and fungus on the walls. They turn cleaning into aromatherapy.
Prevent mold.

Replace air freshener, disinfectant, wood floor cleaner, anti-mold.

How to use:

  • With lavender oil or tea tree oil, we treat any surfaces where bacteria accumulate - kitchen countertops, cutting boards, plumbing fixtures.
  • Add 30 drops to 5 liters of water and wash the floors.
  • Undiluted oil of lemon, lemon balm, fir, juniper, thyme, mint, lavender, spruce will dissolve in 3-5 minutes greasy spot on fabric.


Pasta is always at hand. It cleans almost all surfaces effortlessly. This is an excellent stain remover.

Replaces abrasive products, cleaning products for tiles, plumbing, stain remover.

How to use:

  • A single brushing of toothpaste will clean even the oldest silverware and silverware.
  • Removes ink, cosmetics, oil, coffee or tea stains on carpets. Put some toothpaste on the stain, leave for a few minutes and rinse well.
  • To clean wooden furniture from traces of cups, we take soft tissue with a small amount of paste and wipe the surface.
  • Easily removes marker and pen marks from painted walls.

Hydrogen peroxide

There is in any home. Disinfects any surface. It can be safely used in a baby's room.

Replaces bathroom and kitchen cleaners, bleaching.

How to use:

  • Antibacterial property for cleaning work surfaces, cutting boards and various food storage containers in the kitchen.
  • Mixing hydrogen peroxide and lemon juice creates a natural alternative to fabric bleach.
  • If you put white dishes for 10 minutes in a basin of warm water and 2 tbsp. l. peroxide, it will become boiling white.

Activated carbon

Absorbs the most unpleasant smells. Coal is simplest way elimination of smells from the refrigerator, garbage cans.

Replaces store-bought odor traps and air fresheners.

Mode of application:

  • We put crushed activated carbon in the refrigerator for several hours, which will definitely eliminate unpleasant odors.


A simple remedy from a pharmacy, absolutely harmless even for babies.

Replaces the means for cleaning stains from fabrics, floors.

How to use:

  • Sprinkle a fresh greasy stain on a carpet or fabric with talcum powder, cover with clean paper and press it with something heavy. The next day, we clean and knock out the thing.
  • Can be used to clean any fresh spots from linoleum.

raw potatoes

There are always potatoes at home. In cleaning, she quickly gives results. It can even be used for works of art.

Replaces window and tile cleaner.

How to use:

  • In order to clean the paintings, you need to rub 0.5 kg of raw potatoes, pour 4 liters of water into it, heat it up, mix it and put it in a warm place. After a day, the resulting product can wipe the paintings. It is important to rinse the sponge frequently in clean water and wring it out well.
  • We simply wipe the windows and tiles in the bathroom with a piece of raw potato, and then with a clean and dry rag.

Jul 19, 2016 Sergey
