How do girls dress in London? learn about the style of the inhabitants of foggy albion! How British women dress.

England is very often compared to Russian expanses, and for good reason. First of all, these countries are related by high humidity, chilly wind and constant gray rains. Umbrellas in England are the same forced favorite accessories as in Russia. But, despite the similarity of weather conditions, the fashion culture is very different, and English children dress in a completely different way than Russian kids.

Many consider the territory of England to be the epicenter of fashion trends, but this is not entirely true. In fact, fashionable bows are found here exclusively in London and in a number of some metropolitan areas. Standard England lives by completely different laws and is often accused of open propaganda of anti-fashion.

For English mothers, the most important thing in life is comfort and convenience. For example, young English women will never wear heels and short skirts in everyday life just to look stylish. And if a business dress code requires heels, then, of course, the girl will wear them, but when she leaves the office she will immediately put on comfortable sneakers, not even thinking about the strangeness of the combination of a classic suit and informal sports shoes.

The British also dress their children for reasons of comfort, in the concept of which they put their own considerations. Standard kits for babies always consist of panties or tight leggings, sweatshirts, hoodies and sweatshirts, voluminous tracksuits and light jackets or knitted cardigans. The color scheme is not particularly bright: most often the choice of English parents falls on gray, black and any dark shades. Therefore, they often say about the English everyday style - "put on whatever came to hand."

In winter in England it can be quite frosty, especially the minus temperature is felt due to the very high humidity. But the British themselves are very hardened people - they do not wrap their children up, like Russian parents, and dress themselves quite easily. Children in England in the winter constantly walk with their noses red from the cold, but this does not bother their parents at all. Children here also wear shoes out of season. A child in an unbuttoned warm jacket and ballet flats on his feet is more of a rule in cities than an exception. As proof of readiness to go out into the cold, English parents can tie a warm knitted scarf around the child's neck over a light jacket or put on a hat for the baby. In some kindergartens and schools, children are sent home with a note: "Dress the child warmer!", And for the British this will not be a surprise. After all, adults often send their children in the winter quite lightly - in golfs, shoes and a light jacket, without mittens and hats.

The most insane passion of the whole country is, perhaps, ugg boots, which the British wear “from young to old” both in winter and in summer. Tourists note that for some reason, the residents here massively wear brown ugg boots, apparently considering this color to be something between gloomy black and bright positive. English kids also run in uggs - and also in any weather.

No one is chasing fashion in England; residents prefer to buy clothes and shoes in mid-range stores such as H&M, New Look, River Iceland, Marks&Spenser. The British don’t really follow the quality of their things and clothes for babies and don’t really understand this, so on the streets you can often meet people with threads sticking out at the seams or already frayed pants, which we usually wear only for a trip to the country. Beautiful, bright and stylish, the British dress up only for holidays and parties - and then mainly in London and large cities.

In general, the British are very similar in style of life and love of comfort to other Europeans - Spaniards, Swedes or, for example, Germans. They also go wide open in the cold, confuse winter shoes with summer shoes, like calm and neutral colors, and most often wear oversized clothes.

The English tend to have a very complex and, frankly, confusing relationship with clothing. Their main problem is that they constantly need rules and are almost unable to cope without them. This explains the fact why foreigners tend to consider their style of dress mostly gaudy, but acknowledging that in some areas it reaches perfection. For example, high-end luxury men's suits, ceremonial and celebration outfits and modern streetwear make an unforgettable impression. In other words, "uniform", that is, an appearance that is distinguished by a strict canon, is the best type of clothing for the British.

You might be surprised how the British dress, that their modern streetwear is also included in the list of formal attire. After all, everyone knows that punks with their huge mohawks and vampire-like goths are movements that claim to be original and contrary to the rules. Indeed, it is true that they look different from the rest, and rather eccentric, but they all dress the same, or at least very similar. Thus, they too wear a kind of uniform.

The only person in the country who dresses truly eccentric and surprises with unusual outfits is the queen, who does not pay attention to fashion and continues, no matter what, to dress the same as she used to, in a style similar to the fashion of the 1950s, without listening to other people's opinions. However, it can be said with absolute certainty that the style of clothing created by the progressive British youth is more distinctive than the street style of any other nation. That is why it is often repeated in the images of young people around the world. The British may not be all individually eccentric, except, of course, the queen, but they have the so-called "collective originality", and they also respect and greatly appreciate the originality of the style of clothing, despite the fact that they themselves, for the most part, do not possess.

Exploring other aspects, we can conclude that there is another "rule" of behavior that is common in the UK. It lies in the fact that most of the inhabitants of Foggy Albion always strive to present themselves as less serious as possible and show that they can laugh at themselves with ease. However, it is widely known that most teenagers tend to take the world around them too seriously. Will a group of young people be able to laugh at the way they dress? The researchers decided to find out and sent an assistant to a youth group whose personality is closely related to how they dress, to the Goths.

Vampire-like goths in their dark and mysterious costumes definitely look like they take themselves a little too seriously. But when the assistant entered into a conversation with them, she suddenly discovered that this group of people also had very good feeling humor. One day at the bus stop, she was chatting with a goth who was dressed in a frightening image of a vampire - whitened face, deep purple lipstick standing dark hair, a black leather jacket and solid boots that almost reach the knees. She also noticed that he was wearing a T-shirt that said "Goth" in big white letters. When the assistant asked why he was wearing this thing, the young man, pretending to be serious, replied: “This is in case people don’t understand that I’m a Goth.” After that, they both laughed as they looked at his extremely conspicuous appearance.

Thus, despite the problems with style, the British learned to put up with this problem, in some cases reaching perfection in classic "correct" clothes, and in others - surpassing themselves in the ability to laugh at their own appearance.

Canadian (now) Mouse

24.07.2005, 17:41

Thank you!

24.07.2005, 18:07

girls, speak out, please, otherwise I need to start collecting things soon .... a coat, raincoat or jacket? if a jacket, how thick/long? I don’t think that even light down jackets are needed in London ...
Thank you!
Believe me, the down jacket will be just right. However, it is cold in winter, the wind chills to the bone. So wrap up warm. But summer things you can leave at home. :)))) (just kidding, but in every joke you know...)

24.07.2005, 18:31

24.07.2005, 18:55

I was answered here on a similar question, that even winter boots Not needed. In general, winter shoes are not needed. I don't even know whether to believe it or not.

24.07.2005, 19:00

girls, speak out, please, otherwise I need to start collecting things soon .... a coat, raincoat or jacket? if a jacket, how thick/long? I don’t think that even light down jackets are needed in London ...
Thank you!
raincoat AND jacket and preferably with a hood. And boots can be without fur, but waterproof.

24.07.2005, 19:29

Thank you. :hb15: Actually, I'm not going to London either, but to Bournemouth. It's in the very south. Housing 500 meters from the sea. Dampness, probably, will be terrible in winter.

24.07.2005, 20:39

24.07.2005, 21:19

and the winds near the sea are strong. windproof-waterproof is a must.


Canadian (now) Mouse

24.07.2005, 21:56

25.07.2005, 09:22

so it won't be hot in oogie boots? hmm...
Some local young ladies wear them in summer... And in winter, respectively, in sandals:) ;)

25.07.2005, 12:42

girls, speak out, please, otherwise I need to start collecting things soon .... a coat, raincoat or jacket? if a jacket, how thick/long? I don’t think that even light down jackets are needed in London ...
Thank you!

I am a heat-loving lady (Crimean) and went in a long down jacket in winter, though quite thin, but I felt very comfortable.
Boots are really not needed, and even I went in autumn shoes and tights under jeans. I put on warm boots 3 times, it was very hot for me, I will buy thin ones for this winter.

25.07.2005, 13:07

I was answered here on a similar question that even winter boots are not needed. In general, winter shoes are not needed. I don't even know whether to believe it or not.
do not believe it, even in the summer some people manage to wear them. :) and last season it was generally fashionable to have such furry boots as yeti shoes!

25.07.2005, 13:17

do not believe it, even in the summer some people manage to wear them. :) and last season it was generally fashionable to have such furry boots as yeti shoes!
and in general, all catalogs and shops here offer boots. very warm is really useless, but in general model boots - IMHO very elegant!

25.07.2005, 13:32

I was answered here on a similar question that even winter boots are not needed. In general, winter shoes are not needed. I don't even know whether to believe it or not.

Here (at least in London) such winters are simply ridiculous. around zero is already very cold.
here's what you're aiming for.

25.07.2005, 13:40

here (at least in London) such winters are simply ridiculous. around zero is already very cold.
here's what you're aiming for.
It's just that the humidity is different here, so the cold feels different. In Russia, the climate is continental, it is drier there, so the cold is easier to bear. :)

25.07.2005, 18:07

A week ago we were at a party, I was exhausted from the heat in a light linen suit and sandals, and next to me was a girl in a black leather jacket and knee-high leather boots. I have no doubt that in winter she will walk around in sandals: lol:

25.07.2005, 18:17

A week ago we were at a party, I was exhausted from the heat in a light linen suit and sandals, and next to me was a girl in a black leather jacket and knee-high leather boots. I have no doubt that in winter she will walk around in sandals: lol:

25.07.2005, 19:16

You don't understand anything. Boots on bare feet - summer form, on tights - winter. You kill two birds with one stone with one pair of shoes :)
And barefoot sandals in winter? :clueless:

25.07.2005, 20:14

I'm such a heat-loving creature, but in London in winter I usually wear locally made coats. there are two Russian down jackets of different warmth and a fur coat - worn several times. more comfortable in a coat.

25.07.2005, 22:16

You don't understand anything. Boots on bare feet - summer form, on tights - winter. You kill two birds with one stone with one pair of shoes :)

Poor hares - if the boots are stiletto heels, they will get SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much!! :stray:
Okay, hares - the main thing is not to try this technique on your husband! :D

26.07.2005, 14:29

And also, I would take an officer's raincoat and high boots for the summer. Everything is pink, of course :)

Super. She ran to paint an officer's cape. :break:
and look for officer high boots.

26.07.2005, 14:39

26.07.2005, 14:46

and by the way I wonder what style will be fashionable this winter?

26.07.2005, 15:29

And barefoot sandals in winter? :clueless:
And I am also delighted with the color of the legs in winter of such girls: something blue-violet-red: lol: Looks very nice: yo:

So maybe that's the whole point: in winter it's easy to dress to feel the cold, and in summer, on the contrary, it's hot, huh?

26.07.2005, 17:07

26.07.2005, 17:12

2) what for a fur coat if you have a car? And everyone has a car.
I don't have :clueless:

26.07.2005, 17:15

To understand the logic of such local fashion, you need to remember 2 things:
1) for many, fashion is above comfort;
2) what for a fur coat if you have a car? And everyone has a car.
You can jump from home to car and from car to pub in a T-shirt in winter.

And sheepskin coats are simply not in fashion here, and it's not about Green Peace. Just like fur coats, Russian-Chinese shiny down jackets, nylon blouses, a large platform, red lipstick, tights with stains, patent leather jackets ... I can list for a long time :)

V Londone mnogim mashina kak sobake pyataya noga.

26.07.2005, 17:18

I don't have :clueless:

Most have it, they are the ones who make fashion. In the evening, in general, all the girls are in T-shirts and flip flops in any weather. So either by car or by taxi. Otherwise, such a "fashion" would not have survived.

26.07.2005, 17:20

But this winter, sheepskin coats will even be very, very fashionable ... :sweet:
The direction is.
However, they never came out.
However, not such sheepskin coats as in Moscow, in which no frost will take. :lol:
So I looked after myself a sheepskin coat, but I didn’t have time to look back - the aunts came running and bought everything, I’m waiting for how it will be, maybe some others ... better.
No, in Dublin in the winter in a sheepskin coat just right. And here the winter is warmer here, although the summer is colder than in the South Caucasus. Heat in a sheepskin coat and does not blow. Only now it gets wet in the rain and deteriorates, although if treated with a spray (for suede shoes), it works very well. :shy67:

26.07.2005, 17:30

V Londone mnogim mashina kak sobake pyataya noga.

So, those reason number 1: fashion over comfort

26.07.2005, 17:43

Sheepskin coats in England are still worn. They are just too expensive here. for example ( or for example ( Therefore not everyone can afford to buy this beauty in order to vilify it for a couple of weeks of local frosts or for a weekend by the sea :)

26.07.2005, 17:43

to put on a fur coat here a) it will be hot, even at 0 degrees and b) it is dangerous, they can be accused of cruelty to animals - up to and including assault.

Much depends on where you live and what kind of transport you use. in London, say, public transport (underground, train) can be hot and stuffy. for me personally, a demi-season (by our standards) woolen coat is just right. it's in the city. if I'm going somewhere where I can be in jeans all the time, I love my long leather jacket with a hood (like a parka). no wind and rain are terrible.

26.07.2005, 18:05

I gave my chic long sheepskin coat to my cousin, she will need it more in the Urals than I do here. :lol: And last winter here I managed with an artificial likeness of a sheepskin coat. On the trail. the season is no longer to be worn, the size has become too big: lol: but it was very comfortable and warm in it.

26.07.2005, 18:14

Sheepskin is by-product, so it's ok to wear it.

26.07.2005, 18:33

And I just moved mine here for winter weekends by the sea :) I travel by car, so all last winter I carried a sheepskin vest and down jacket for long walks.

26.07.2005, 19:38

IMHO a puff jacket is the optimal winter uniform for the UK: it is warm, does not blow through, does not get wet, you can wash it, it is more affordable than natural sheepskin coats, it does not look cheap as artificial ones.

How much does a down jacket cost, please? In order not to be dragged from Moscow. I don't have anything in my wardrobe. In a sheepskin coat, apparently, I will feel like a black sheep. Yes, she's already tired to death. The coat is very light. Cashmere, good for +10-+15.

26.07.2005, 19:55

and finally, who else felt the local population’s dislike for natural sheepskin furs?:shy67: otherwise I’m thinking of bringing a sheepskin coat for the winter - here in the north in winter and summer in one color (damn, fingers are chilly right now in the office knocking on the clave. ..) yes, I’m afraid for Green Peace activists - someone told me a fable that our lady is in mink coat from the back with a bucket of paint doused ....:strah:

And I wore a natural sheepskin coat 5 times in winter, no one reacted particularly, the ladies looked with some interest, as it seemed to me. :shy67: I have it short, sheepskin collar and lapels, not pretentious and tasteful. I also loved her in Ukraine, but then I didn’t give a damn about the local fashion and went! If I like it and it's comfortable, I don't look at anyone. And that I look like a Russian, I don't care, I am Russian. :lol:


26.07.2005, 20:03

For me, last winter was the first in the UK. I took sweaters and a leather jacket with me, it was planned that I would put it on a sweater and be good .. But ... this alignment did not work at all, I was freezing like a zutsik. As a result, I went to some cheap store and bought a down jacket. Painfully I liked the color and it was also sewn for me. Warm, just do not get enough. But ... all the horror began after the first wash. I didn't look at the tag that it can't be machine washed. That's how I found out that there are feathers inside! And rushed ... despite the fact that after washing it looked like new, after I took it off, the procedure for plucking feathers from all the clothes that was under the jacket began ... :strah:
Now my jacket is in the pantry and waiting for me to open it up and use feathers for a pillow or knitted toys for my baby.

This is what winter clothes look like :lol:

26.07.2005, 20:09

IMHO a puff jacket is the optimal winter uniform for the UK: it is warm, does not blow through, does not get wet, you can wash it, it is more affordable than natural sheepskin coats, it does not look cheap as artificial ones.

It's right. I have a long Collins down jacket, though, a very pleasant dark blue color, with a hood and trimmed with a thin, thin fox, completely unobtrusively. So I even received a compliment from the manager in the pub, she told my husband what, they say, Lena has a beautiful coat. I I was even a little surprised, because it was clearly visible that it was not of English production. And you see, you like it! :shy67:

So feel free to bring a down jacket or buy it here. At the end of spring, I generally saw good down jackets in Marks and Spencer for only 25 pounds in the sale! I still regret that I didn’t buy it, it seems like I shouldn’t have.

26.07.2005, 22:30

how much does a down jacket cost, please? so as not to drag from Moscow. I don't have anything in my wardrobe. in a sheepskin coat, apparently, I will feel like a black sheep. Yes, she's already tired to death. coat is very light. cashmere, suitable for +10-+15.
150 pounds approx.

27.07.2005, 10:10

Ladies, today it's raining and cool in London, so what people got out into the street! From long leather boots with stiletto heels to almost down jackets. Moral: in London people wear anything and nobody cares! So, the author of the thread, don't sweat your brains, come in what you have (for sure, you have a lot of good clothes in your closet! :)), come and figure it out. :)

27.07.2005, 16:29

How much does a down jacket cost, please? In order not to be dragged from Moscow. I don't have anything in my wardrobe. In a sheepskin coat, apparently, I will feel like a black sheep. Yes, she's already tired to death. The coat is very light. Cashmere, good for +10-+15.

My long down jacket with a hood cost 60-80 pounds from Bench. But if you are still in Russia, then I advise you to look there first. There is very little choice here. I once searched, was already going to buy on eBay from America and pay extra for shipping. By the way, in the Next catalog for this autumn-winter I saw a short down jacket, wow, unfortunately I didn’t remember the prices, but somewhere around 60-100.

27.07.2005, 21:01

to the question of down jackets.

The most magical down jacket in collins costs no more than 6,000 rubles. this if I count correctly is about 110-120 lbs. and so, in general, three thousand and a half four rubles (the same 60 - 80 pounds). so I will buy in Moscow.
there are true lovers of Finnish down jackets. these can all cost 9000. but they may be better in quality, but inferior in appearance to Collins.
thank you all for the info.

England is a very class society, and representatives of different classes often have nothing at all. mutual friend with a friend other than belonging to female gender. It is believed that there are six social categories of the English social system: Underclass Working Class Low Middle Class Middle Middle Class Upper Middle Class Upper Class

Underclass (lower class) This is the class that appeared after the War, in connection with the advent of welfare - social security. This includes individuals who left school immediately after compulsory education (that is, at age 15); not working or working here and there, for cash; receiving subsidies from the state; involved in criminal activities, etc.

It is popular among women in this class to have at least three children, starting at the age of 15, in order to obtain sufficient provision from the state. A prominent representative is a certain Karen Matthews, who organized the abduction of her own daughter a few years ago and is now in prison.

She has seven children from six fathers. You see, a charming creature. Despite her atypical act, she looks about the same as the rest of the group. Namely clinically obese, in sportswear, in a lot of puffy gold jewelry, with a special love for the Burberrys cage.

So don't wear this cage if you don't want to be mistaken for chavs. In addition to the love of gold jewelry, women of this class usually do not adorn themselves in any way, as a rule they do not make up, often do not comb, do not make lips and breasts. Apparently, appreciate the natural beauty!

Chav - chav in the youth subculture of modern Great Britain: a teenager or young man, often poorly educated, blindly following fashion; lives on welfare or takes an unskilled job; dressed in sports suit, white sneakers, a baseball cap with conspicuous logos of fashion brands; wears a large number of gold jewelry: massive chains, rings, bracelets; for the middle class personifies laziness, ignorance and stupidity

In England (as elsewhere in the world, but in a much more pronounced form), there is a relationship between weight and social group. The correlation is stronger only in America. In particular, because the number of fat and obese people in England is an order of magnitude greater than in the rest of Europe. Among adults there are 61% overweight, and among children 31%. Think about these monstrous numbers! Two-thirds of people are overweight, and among them there are a huge number of clinically obese, that is, with obesity in the medical sense of the word.

Due to the fact that there are so many fat people, in certain classes and places it has become a kind of norm, and people do not consider their weight to be something abnormal, unhealthy and unattractive. A person can have 10 extra pounds, but since many around have 20, he considers himself "nothing yet." As in America, here you can come to the playground and immediately understand what area you are in. In expensive areas, mothers will be slender, in the rest, fat or very fat.

Hundreds of books have been written in an attempt to explain the relationship between weight and social status. main reason the fact that the more educated and wealthy a person is, the more pleasures in his life that are not related to food. He has other opportunities to relax, relieve stress or have fun, in addition to food comfort.

Working Class/Lower Middle Class Traditionally in England, people working with their hands were considered the working class. But since there are very few of them left over the past fifty years, this class has practically merged with the Lower Middle Class. These two groups include those working in manufacturing, service, builders, telephone operators, and taxi drivers. Their education usually ends at the age of 18, although some after school go to apprenticeship (training in a craft), to study for working specialties. This is an analogue of the Soviet vocational school.

Katie Price aka Jordan One of the most popular paths for girls from this layer is to become a hairdresser. In the salons, as before, mostly English women work. And there were practically none left in service, they were all driven out by visitors from Poland and the Baltic states. Therefore, there is widespread dislike among the working class towards foreigners who have "taken away their jobs." In fact, the British are simply not able to compete with the Poles in terms of quality of work, work ethic, or requirements.

Unlike the representatives of the Underclass, women in this layer are very fond of decorating. This is where the real Silicon Valley is! Made lips and breasts, tattooed eyebrows, hair extensions, inlaid nails, lifelong fake tan and, most sacredly, a miniskirt.

In any British city, in any weather and time of the year, on Saturday evening you can observe the same picture: the girls went to hell. It may be cold and snowy outside, but working-class English girls walk around in miniskirts, with huge bare-legged cleavages, and high heels. They always walk in groups of five to ten people. It's called girls night out.

This includes: Having a drink at home before going out (alcohol is expensive in the city). Drop into a club and drink many, many more alcopops, cheap, sweet, ready-to-drink vodka cocktails. Fall out of the club and roam the streets laughing loudly and occasionally falling.

This pastime became so common that it got the name: Ladette Culture flooded all of Europe, and especially loved some resorts in Greece and Spain. The English ladette is very easy to identify at any resort. As a rule, it is noisy, tall, rather thick and scalded to a bright red color.

In the evenings, she usually whoops on the table at the local bar. And at night she has one night stand. In general, one night stands, that is, connections for one night, are very common in this segment of society. Englishmen of all classes are reserved and shy people, and despite the defiant behavior of some, it is difficult for them to get acquainted with the opposite sex. Therefore, there are many casual connections made while intoxicated.

From all of the above, one might get the wrong impression that the representatives of the English working class are monsters and savages! In fact, this is not at all the case. Most of them work honestly, pay taxes, take care of their families. They just have an exotic understanding of leisure. For example, they have great reverence for "aristocratic" entertainment and love to visit Ascot. They also come there in groups and dress up in all the brightest, eye-catching and brilliant.

They are trying to imitate, their style is copied. They do not imitate only in one thing, in weight. Again, this topic cannot be bypassed. Such large busty women as in England, you will not find anywhere. It is as if two peoples live here: in one, women are heavy, loose, with a bust of the fifth size. Women of great merit. In the other, tall, thin, lean.

In England, everyone can afford good quality products. But a lot of people here eat mostly ready made meals - that is, semi-finished products that just need to be warmed up. They are more expensive but more convenient. So this is not poverty, but the culture of food, or rather its absence. At many children's birthday parties, one wonders what the children are fed with. Sausages, ketchup, chips, cola, monster cake covered in icing. Eating habits are formed in early childhood (and now they say that in the prenatal period) and children will love what their parents eat for life.

Middle Middle Class Belonging to the real middle class in England implies the presence of several mandatory characteristics. Namely: higher education and professional work. Doctors, teachers, teachers, scientists, accountants, journalists, programmers and other employees belong to it. In America, to belong to the middle class, you need a certain income above the average. In England, teachers with a salary of 20,000 pounds a year and doctors with a salary of 150,000 are in the same social class. This class is determined by cultural rather than material achievements. Most of all, good manners are valued here. The famous English politeness is the prerogative of this social group.

The main brand of the middle class is Boden The Middle Сlass expression very often begins with the word aspiring (aspiring). This is because representatives of this segment of society are constantly trying to improve their situation. They strive to buy the best house, the best car, the best job, the best society, the Upper Middle. The representatives of the middle class try to achieve all this through education. Nowhere else is education more valued than in this class, because no other class is characterized by such passionate social climbing - climbing the socio-economic hierarchical ladder.

A striking example of this phenomenon is the parental family of Kate Middleton. In one generation, Kate's parents moved from Working to Middle Class and sent their daughter to Marlborough College, an expensive and prestigious private school that determined her fate. Now Kate is as different from her parents as they are from theirs.

In England, only 7% of children study in private schools Private education of even one child is not available to the vast majority of families in all grades except Upper & Upper Middle. However, quite a few middle-class parents literally deny themselves everything in order to give their children an independent education. Because a good education is a pass for their children in the same middle class or, if you're lucky, higher. Middle class membership is not inherited and must be confirmed in each generation. Therefore, this is the class that is most worried about the stability of its position.

A woman from the English middle class will never be exaggeratedly decorated. Made lips, extended hair and nails, orange tan, neckline to the navel or micro-mini are unacceptable here. More recently, no more than fifteen years ago, English women did not do manicures and pedicures, did not remove hair from their bodies. Now these salons are on every corner, but the quality of the procedures is usually very low, because local women simply do not see the difference. There is no body care culture here. The British do not like saunas, baths, massages, swimming pools and do not understand routine skin and hair care. Gradually this is changing because other cultures have become available and English women have seen that it is different.

To imagine what an English woman from the Middle class looks like, just look at the weather forecast in the news on the BBC. Weather girls, as they are called, are always bright representatives of this class, although on average, of course, they are somewhat more attractive than ordinary women. But not by much so as not to stand out too much.

These women dress quite brightly. Different prints and a combination of several colors are very popular. But the cut is usually conservative and even boring. This market is served by a host of brands such as Hobbs, Jigsaw & Marks and Spencer. The main brand of the middle class is Boden. Its name has become a household name and merged in the mass consciousness with the Middle class. IN Lately Boden does not quite justify the trust of buyers, because he began to invite beautiful women into the models with whom the average English woman cannot associate herself. The last straw was Helena Christensen, who appeared in the catalog last year. Boden has received thousands of outraged emails complaining that by posting pictures of her, the brand is alienating its regular female fans due to her unattainable beauty and figure.

Upper Middle Class In many ways, this class is similar to just the Middle class: it also requires higher education, a professional career, and good manners. But there is one significant difference: it has a lot more money. If in the middle class there can be people with a very small salary (for example, teachers), then here the income cannot be less than a certain figure (about 300 thousand pounds a year).

As a rule, members of the upper middle class receive not only higher education, but also Masters, and most often in prestigious universities, where they are still about half, despite the fact that the class itself makes up no more than 5% of the total population. Children from this layer almost always study in private schools.

At work, representatives of this class should occupy executive & managerial positions. Among them are many doctors in private practice, senior management of large companies, financiers from the City, successful entrepreneurs. In the upper and upper middle classes, names of this kind are common: Cressida Tallulah Harriett Daphne Tabitha Or nicknames that have little to do with the real name): Trinny (Sarah-Jane) Tilda (Matilda) Decca (Jessica) Bodley (Diana) Cici (Nancy )

Whether as a result of years of selective breeding or for other mysterious reasons, girls in this layer tend to be very beautiful. Those who claim that English women are fat and scary have simply never seen Sloane Rangers. Long loose hair is a necessary element.

The Sloane Ranger should be: Tall and slim. Here you will never see excess weight. Almost always with long flowing hair. WITH short nails, no tattoos, no piercings, no tan. No visible logos on clothing. Very athletic, excellent swimmer and skier. Dressed in preppy style, often with eccentric elements. (preppie - a student or graduate of an expensive private preparatory school)

Trinny Woodall top fashionista Upper Middle Class Sloan Ranger's main insults are looking vulgar and trying too hard. Pretty, sequins, silicone, Burberrys plaid, tight rubber dresses and protruding breasts are unpopular here. Unlike the Middle class, where all this is also unpopular, the Upper Middle Class women dress much more edgy and less "elegant". Jockey boots outperform heeled pumps without a fight. In general, in this style there are many adapted elements of clothing for sports: equestrian, skiing, polo, tennis and hunting. Lots of shirts, tight pants and jeans, boots, large bags, scarves, biker jackets.
Eccentric and quirky appearance and behavior This means: I am above caring what is fashionable or beautiful right now. This approach distinguishes England from America, where eccentricity is not encouraged by society, because the American Dream involves demonstrating one's social and property status to others.

Upper Class/British Nobility There is no English equivalent for "nobility". Because there is no such social phenomenon. Nobility & Aristocracy do not mean nobility in the Russian sense, but mean "aristocracy", which is not at all the same thing. Approximately 100 families belonged to the aristocracy in Russia, such as the Yusupovs and the Golitsyns. Most of them were descendants of the boyars who had served under Ivan the Terrible. But in addition to the aristocracy in Russia there were hundreds of thousands of ordinary nobles, including small estates, most of whom lived only slightly better than their serfs and were just as dark. This happened because the titles were continuously blurred through the generations.

In England, however, there was a majorat, in which only the eldest son inherited the title, and all other children received a title one lower. For example, the eldest son of Duke became Duke, and the rest became Marquesses. In turn, the younger children of Marquess were Earls, and since there were only six or seven titles, they very quickly disappeared altogether. Therefore, the aristocracy remained small and was a real nobility. Actually, for this, the system of majorat was introduced.

Mayorat - a legislative norm prohibiting the division of a land allotment between heirs public service, do business, take tonsure, or become robbers

The First World War dealt a heavy blow to the English aristocracy. Firstly, a great many men from this class died. Secondly, conditions have changed and those who served the estates went to the front or to production. Those who remained demanded such payment that most of the large estates could not support them and could not exist without them. The last straw was death duties - an inheritance tax introduced in 1945, which finished off most of the noble families.

Today there are very few estates in England and almost all of them are open to visitors for the purpose of earning money and avoiding taxes. But the titles survived and the culture remained British aristocracy. One of the women from this layer is Samantha Cameron, a direct descendant of Charles II.

In England there is a whole class of schools, usually boarding, where the academic requirements are noticeably lower than in good schools, but which are nonetheless very difficult to get into from another class. The emphasis there is on sports and team games. Graduates of these schools also often do not go to universities, although now this is gradually changing.

Outwardly, the women here are similar to the women of the Upper Middle Class, but more casual and loving extravagant things. They think it's too cool to care too much how they look. Extravagance is considered a sign of this I dont give a damn attitude to appearance. They may be wearing wild-colored trousers, or a sweater torn at the elbows, or a coat embroidered with crocodiles. But those who work try not to stand out, there are no crocodiles here. The rest of the aesthetic in this class differs little from the Upper Middle Class, no lips like a carp, no fake tan, no sparkles.

Upper Class is the only class where foreigners (or representatives of other groups) cannot enter as their own (yes, and Natalia Vodianova too). You cannot marry into this class, you have to be born into it. Therefore, Kate Middleton does not belong to him, but her children will.

Foreigners coming to England, for all intents and purposes, fall into the class to which they fit their education, work, culture and income. Beneficiaries in the Underclass, blue-collar workers in the Working class, mid-level professionals in the Middle class, big business, bankers and oligarchs in the Upper Middle

I will make a reservation right away that we are talking only about representatives of the middle class. Within the framework of this article, I will not consider the upper and lower strata of British society, as well as ethnic minorities, where their own separate laws apply (read more about the division into classes here: English society: classes and their signs). So let's take the middle class - the backbone and "majority" of the British society and go in the direction "from head to toe".


In the photo: often men and women in London wear hats of the same style. Photo

Generally speaking, the tops of British women are rarely covered. Even in winter, on cold, windy days, English women steadfastly hold on without hats. In severe cases, they are rescued hoods. If there is suddenly no hood, or the Englishwoman - nonsense - has caught a cold, she pulls a simple knitted hat beany hat type. Wide-brimmed felt hats are not in favor of English ladies, although there are plenty of them in stores.

And what about hats so dear to our hearts that are strongly associated with good old England? Alas, they are worn only on special occasions: weddings, graduation balls and other ceremonial events. Woven straw hats of the "boater" type can be seen on the heads of the fair half in the summer. At the same time, men's and women's hats often do not differ in design and have a purely utilitarian function - to protect from the sun.

From the head smoothly move to the body. What do the English women wrap him in?


In the photo: typical winter bows women in London

Generally speaking, the English way of dressing is based on two main principles: restraint And practicality. Englishwomen do not think about beauty and grace in the first place. If an item is beautiful but completely impractical to wear, it is very likely to hang in the store until the end of the season, until the sale begins. It is customary to “invest” in clothes, as in everything else, and therefore every piece of clothing should be a reliable investment. As the saying goes, “less is more”.

Dressing in bright, flashy colors among the middle class is not accepted, although in London there are individual eccentrics who dress deliberately catchy. As a rule, these are representatives of creative professions and subcultures. “Ordinary” people adhere to calm, natural tones in clothes. Monochrome or a combination of a maximum of two colors is very popular.

Undressing to the nines for no particular reason is considered bad manners: in any situation, it is better to be “underdressed” than “overdressed”.

Loved by the middle class stamps can be mentioned Boden, Joules, Hobbs, H&M, Topshop, Next, All Saints, Fatface, The White Company and, oddly enough, Zara.

In the photo: clothing brand The White Company

I would like to highlight the brand Burberry: despite being perhaps the most famous English brand, no Englishman in their right mind would wear their recognizable checkered pattern. You can unmistakably identify foreigners in the crowd by Burberry scarves and raincoats: only they fall for these expensive toiletry items.

As for the composition of things, the middle class prefers clothes from natural materials: cotton, wool or viscose. From synthetics, fastidious English women wrinkle their noses in disgust - these are clothes not for everyday wear.

London style in winter

If we talk about a certain “average” style, then it is, first of all, functional: in the winter season, an Englishwoman pulls on several layers of clothing. Under the bottom, she puts on a light top, turtleneck or cotton shirt, and on top - a knitted pullover or cardigan. The main principle is to create layering, because the English weather is variable and unpredictable. The Englishwoman should be able to quickly undress and warm back if necessary.

It is not forbidden to walk around the city in full sports uniform, thus demonstrating a commitment to an active lifestyle.

If the air temperature tends to zero, English women are reluctant to pull dusty coats, down jackets and jackets with a hood out of the closets. Fur coats and sheepskin coats natural fur - under the strictest taboo: there are many animal advocates among the British. Only artificial fur is allowed (and its unnaturalness should be obvious, for the sake of the wearer's own safety), but the middle class neglects it - rather, this is the prerogative of the lower classes.

Sleeveless quilted vests are popular, especially for jogging.

To protect against piercing winds from the Thames, shawls, scarves and scarves of various formats are pulled around the necks and shoulders. Snoods are very comfortable - a purely English feature - large-knit looped scarves.

London style in summer

In the photo: typical summer bows of women in London

In the summer, English women wear light dresses or tops with loose skirts or trousers. Again, preference is given natural materials: cotton, linen and silk. Here you can already show your imagination, and the usual neutral tones are replaced by a riot of colors: London fashionistas flaunt in contrasting dresses with floral patterns. But monochrome is also popular in summer: The White Company's monochromatic assortment is in demand all year long.


To work in the office, English ladies dress in approximately the same way - usually a light-colored shirt or blouse under a classic business suit in muted tones. A scarf or other will allow you to diversify a boring office style. bright accessory. On Fridays in many offices in London it is customary to dress in casual, and then, on the contrary, the usual office "uniform" will raise questions from colleagues at work. Jeans and relaxed casual style show the intention to have fun after the end of the working week. However, even the strictest dress code will not become an obstacle if the British decide to get drunk together after work: in the evenings, patches near pubs in the City of London are filled with ladies in unbuttoned blouses and gentlemen in loose ties.


In the photo: London women prefer jeans and leggings

From what is worn on the feet, jeans- the absolute favourite. Skinny skinny and super skinny classic jeans are in fashion now shades of blue. As an alternative - dense dark tight-fitting leggings. Flared and wide trousers are not in favor with the locals.

It's a shame that the fashion for ripped jeans, and the streets of London are full of respectable matrons with holes in their knees.


In the photo: London women usually choose shoes without a heel

As for shoes, everything is simple here: if this is an office, then some unfortunate people are sentenced to wear shoes with heels. As a result, these sufferers carry a "shift" with them, in order to remove the hated "heels" at the first opportunity. In everyday life, English women put on stilettos except in “out”, and then it is painfully sad to look at them: they pace with an uneven gait, bending their knees. But in most cases, common sense works, and a self-respecting English lady would rather not leave the house than put her feet in uncomfortable shoes.

Popular in London different kinds"flats" - flat shoes: sandals, ballet flats, loafers, moccasins, oxfords and brogues. It is not considered shameful to combine sneakers or sneakers with casual wear. Of the sports brands in London are especially popular Nike, Converse, New Balance And Adidas. Of the other shoe brands worth mentioning Clarks, Office, Geox, Crocs, Skechers And Vans.

Surely I forgot something, but in general terms, I hope I managed to describe the situation with the style typical of the female half of London. Of course, compared to Russian women, English ladies are far from being so fixated on appearance, however, I personally prefer the relaxed English approach than the desire to always be “fully armed”, common in Russia.
