Is it possible to propose to a girl. How to propose to a girl

How to propose to a girl? You do not come to this question right away, but when it arises, you feel panic. Where to make an offer? What kind of music, drinks to choose? Are they needed at all? What about the ring? In addition, everything should be unbanal so that this moment will be remembered for a lifetime. We propose to consider 12 original ideas marriage proposals. But first, let's go through important points preparation.

How to make an unusual proposal

Find out your ring finger size right hand chosen ones. Asking directly is suspicious. Girlfriends are also not an option, because they will talk. It is safer to borrow a ring from your middle or index finger and show it to a jeweler. The diameter of the ring for the proposal will be one less than that of the test one.

Go shopping with a girl, and, as if by the way, invite you to a jewelry store. Considering the rings, offer to try on the ones you like. During this time, listen and observe. So you will know the size, as well as the general style of products that your beloved prefers.

To make an original marriage proposal, consider the nature and hobbies of the future bride. A romantic girl will appreciate an evening in a good restaurant or dinner by the sea during sunset. If she doesn't mind adventure, organize a quest or something extreme.

Marriage proposal: ideas

How nice to propose to a girl? These 12 ideas will help set the direction for planning. In each of them you can bring something personal that only the two of you will understand. This approach will make this event truly memorable:

  1. Original marriage proposal. If you know how to sail, rent a boat and have a romantic dinner. Prepare flowers, champagne and a treasured box. Wait until sunset, kneel down and propose.
  2. Come home first, decorate the room with rose petals and line up the words "Marry me!" from small candles. Organize a romantic dinner in another room. This method can be used outdoors, as long as there is no wind.

  1. A simple yet cute way to propose. After shopping, put the box with the ring in the shopping bag. Returning from the store, wait until the girl disassembles the desired package. As soon as you see that she took out the box, take the prepared bouquet and ask the main question.
  2. Give the girl a box of tropical butterflies as a gift. When the beloved opens it, they will break free, and inside is a proposal ring. The result will be amazing. For the best effect, do it in a place where there is a lot of greenery and light.
  1. Order a laser show and adapt to your story. Beautiful animation your relationship with the cherished question at the end will make a stunning impression. To avert suspicion, the best moment for this is Valentine's Day or the anniversary of a relationship.
  2. The original way is to shoot a high-quality video with a thoughtful plot and upload it to YouTube. When your chosen one is watching the video, quietly stand behind your back. There will be a question - let me know.
  3. Arm yourself with stereotypes. Since girls dream of a prince on a white horse, become him (a prince, not a horse). Rent a white horse, put on armor, jump to your beloved on the street and invite her to share the kingdom with you.
  4. Give a "marriage" ring for your birthday. Carefully pack, making a semblance of a nesting doll out of ten boxes. When she gets to the gift, say the right question.
  5. The place where you met is a great option for a marriage proposal. Prepare sweets, champagne, a bouquet of flowers. Of course, don't forget the traditional gesture - get down on one knee.

  1. Arrange a small quest within the city or apartment. Original riddles, small trials will intrigue the girl, who will be amazed at the outcome of the adventure.
  2. If you know how to do foot massage, you can put a ring on your toe at some point. As soon as the girl sees the ring, ask: "Will you become my wife?" This simple but fun way is sure to be remembered.
  3. A great option to make an unusual offer - on hot-air balloon. Warm is perfect for this moment. summer evening. The main thing is that the weather does not let you down, and the potential bride is not afraid of heights.

It is important to propose at the right time. Omissions, claims, resentment - this should not be. If there was a quarrel the day before, wait until everything gets better. We hope now you understand how beautiful it is to propose to a girl. To avoid banality, show imagination. If you can’t come up with something original, connect your friends: brainstorming works well.

Have you ever been worried, restless, trying to squeeze yourself out brilliant idea how to make an offer? We have prepared for you 20 wonderful and far from boring ways to ask your loved one the main question.

1. Red roses in the trunk of a car

Put a huge bunch of red roses in your trunk, make sure they cover the entire area, and put the ring box on top. Take her to a picnic, and when you get there, ask her to help you get things from the trunk. When you open the trunk, she will be amazed by the flowers. Grab the ring and propose to your beloved!

2. Machine gun with a ring

When you walk, take the girl to the vending machine and ask her what she will drink. You can pretend that you are tossing coins, choosing a drink and as if reaching for it. Then turn to your lady and say "There are no drinks, but look what I found." Show her the ring and make a marriage proposal.

3. Prophecy comes true

Ask your beloved to go to a fortuneteller - women love this! Leave her alone with the soothsayer, hide and watch what happens. Of course, you should arrange in advance for your girlfriend to be told that she will soon get married. And then you appear, ready to turn the prophecy into reality.

4. Propose in the bathroom

Write "Will you marry me?" back to front on a large sheet of paper and stick on the bathroom door. When a girl enters the bathroom, closes the door and looks in the mirror, she will see an offer. At this time, you are standing near the bath in anticipation of her inevitable admiration. She will immediately run out to you - meet her with a ring in your hand.

5. Empty ring box

A similar way to propose was shown in the movie Intuition. Prepare some boxes different sizes, put them in each other and give to your beloved. She certainly expects to see in the middle wedding ring. Instead, he finds a bunch of boxes and hopes that the last one will contain the treasured ring. But no! Then you come up - already with a ring - and say "Be my wife."

6. Mangosteen ring

If you are bored with the monotonous style of boxes, try this: invite your chosen one to dinner and ask to wait in a restaurant - you will come running as soon as you are free. Be a little late and say you're sorry. Then put three mangosteens (peeled) on a plate and ask her to take a look.

In the first mangosteen, hide a note with the words "I'm sorry I'm late."
In the second - a note "all these mangosteens are not just like that."
In the third - a ring and a note "Marry me."

7. Picture to help

Ask a street artist to draw you with a girl. Agree with him in advance so that in the picture you should kneel when proposing to her. You sit quietly, and the cartoonist does his job. When your loved one sees the result, she will be confused. What to do next - you know.

8. Surprise enough?

Ask your loved one for ring size. She will think that you are going to buy her a ring and will complain that you didn't surprise her. Smile sweetly and show the ring with the words “How about this? Surprise enough?"

9. Annoying questions

This method only works with certain types of women! You need to prepare a bunch of questions for the most different topics– from politics to meaningless. When you walk with your chosen one, bombard her with questions and make sure they are annoying enough. When she gets bored and asks you to stop, say "Okay, but let me ask you one last question." Then kneel down and ask "Are you ready to be my wife?"

10. Underwater marriage proposal

Invite her to the aquarium. Hire divers to demonstrate your offer in a beautiful huge aquarium. Write on a canvas or any water-repellent material "Will you marry me?" and subscribe. Ask the divers to keep it in front of the girl's eyes. When she finishes the question, take out the ring and propose.

11. With the help of lit candles

Write a sentence in front of the windows of her house using candles. Call and ask to look out the window.

12. Pet as a helper

If a girl loves pets, a rabbit, puppy or kitten will help in your important work! You can buy a cute little animal and tie a ring around her neck. As soon as your beloved sees him, propose to her in front of a small witness.

13. Offer on the windshield

If she has a car, write a cherished question on the filed windshield (the main thing is that she sees it before washing the car).

14. Love is on her way

Do you know which way she gets home or to work every day? Take advantage of this. Write “Marry me” and your name on posters in large letters, and stick them on trees, poles, etc. Wait for her at home. What to do next, after her arrival, you know.

15. Under one umbrella

Write a proposal on an umbrella and hang a wedding ring. If it rains during the walk, open it, hug your beloved tightly, and she will see a proposal with a ring.

16. Surrender to her heart

Invite a girl to a competition (not serious) in which you yourself participate. After half an hour of play or during halftime, raise a white flag that says "I surrender." This behavior will puzzle her. Then go up to her and raise another flag with the inscription “I surrender to your heart. Will you marry me?"

17. Conference room for lovers

If your girlfriend is a workaholic, take this opportunity to propose to her. in an unusual way.
First, ask her boss for help. Let him call and ask to immediately come to an emergency meeting on a day off. Ask colleagues to launch a PowerPoint presentation on a big screen. When she enters, the screen will display the title "The most important project in my life" and on the next slide - "Marry me." Then enter the room with a bouquet of red roses and a ring.

18. Star in your hand

Select romantic place where you can admire the starry sky. While you are looking at the stars together, say "I can get a star for you", and with the words "You are the brightest star in my life, are you willing to become my wife?"
Open your hand with the ring.

19. Rehearse the proposal

While your girlfriend is sitting on the couch reading a book, pretend to talk to yourself and wander around the house until she asks what you're looking for. Ignore, and only on the third time answer "I'm rehearsing." Undoubtedly, she will be curious: “What are you rehearsing ?!”. To which you say: "I'm rehearsing a proposal." Then kneel in front of her with a ring in your hand and ask “Will you marry me? This time I'm serious."

20. Unexpected offer

You are having a romantic evening, you are preparing dinner. During a candlelit meal, suddenly declare, "I'm giving you 10 seconds to prepare, and then I'll propose to you." She would be completely speechless in shock. Start counting to ten and propose.

Now the candy-buffet period of your relationship has ended, and you have decided Make proposal hands and hearts to your girlfriend. Want to Make proposal How special and romantic? Read this article and your marriage proposal will be doomed to success.

Now many young couples live together before the wedding, and circumstances, relatives or the girl herself often push to propose. But you are independent, decisive, responsible, and most importantly loving man decided on their own to propose to their only girlfriend.

Many girls dream of a beautiful marriage proposal, but they get the usual “Let's sign”, “Let's live together”, “Since you are pregnant, you need to get married.” Let your marriage proposal be not ordinary.

  • Don't propose:
  1. like in between
  2. drunk, respect your chosen one
  3. by phone
  4. in bed
  5. at the stadium (it's very noisy), even if she's an ardent fan.
  6. in front of the family, it's very big stress for her and for you.
  • Don't chew when you propose, don't get distracted.
  • Do not hide the ring in food, it may end badly.
  • Do not be upset if the girl did not immediately answer you “Yes”. Perhaps she also needs to think, you also thought about your proposal for a long time.

Buy the ring before you propose. You need to choose it yourself without the participation of the bride, you can use your mother, girlfriend or sister. You can ask her for the size herself, as it were, “for information”. Which ring she desires surely knows her best friend, or she herself told you when you walked past the jewelry showcase.

20 best options for how to propose a hand and heart to a girl

1. Many girls love sweets, especially chocolate.

You can hide the treasured ring in Kinder Surprise. First, you will please with a delicious chocolate bar, and then with a non-childish surprise.

You need to carefully print the wrapper. Separate with a warm knife or blade chocolate egg. Replace the toy with a ring. Just carefully pack the wrapper. A surprise for your beloved is ready!

2. If you want to make an offer in a restaurant, then let the waiter bring a ring instead of hot on a plate under the lid. And you, at the moment of her surprise, say your cherished words, and invite her to try on the ring.

But in no case do not hide the ring in food, a bad outcome and a trip to the hospital will not please you.

3. If neither you nor your chosen one are shy of the public, but even vice versa, you can make an offer in public.

Make a video clip, from your love story or with a declaration of love and marriage proposal. Arrange with the cinema to play your video during pre-movie commercials.

Take your girlfriend to the cinema. Don't forget to come to the movie early.

After the video, present the ring and make an offer. If you prefer to stay in the dark, then it is better to take seats in the back rows.

For greater publicity, before the start of the video, even during the advertisement, you can allegedly go for popcorn and drinks, and go downstairs yourself. On the video, invite her to come down to you and give the ring to the applause of the audience and find out her answer.

4. Invite your girlfriend to a concert of her favorite band or artist.

After the performance, the performer will say touching words, for example, these: “Today, a couple is sitting in the hall in 10 and 11 places, in the 7th row. Sasha asked me to tell him that he is madly in love with his girlfriend Masha and wants to marry her. Mashenka, do you agree? After that, she will definitely agree.

5. If your loved one is far away (on a business trip, on vacation, or just lives in another city), you have a unique opportunity to propose at the airport or train station.

Let your friends help you. Line up everyone unlikely with signs "Will you marry him?" and an arrow in your direction, and you are in the middle with a sign "Will you marry me?". Seeing this, she will definitely agree.

6. Propose in the park...

Invite your beloved to take a walk in the park where there are musicians singing in the street. You can invite them yourself to make it look like an accident.

Let them sing popular romantic songs, and when you walk past them, they will begin to sing your song. Write the words for the song yourself or to order about your love story.

It would be ideal if they could surround the two of you in a circle. And under a slow romantic melody, you will take out a ring and make a marriage proposal to a girl.

7. Most girls dream of a prince on a white horse.

So be that prince. To do this, you need a white horse and a prince costume.

Get on your horse and ride to the house of your beloved. Let your friends support you, dress up as knights and fabulous ladies-in-waiting.

Serenade under the balcony and call her to come down to you. When she comes down, propose to her, and your friends will shower you with rose petals.

Then put her on a horse and go to a restaurant or cafe, where you will celebrate such an important event.

8. Make a marriage proposal in a boat.

Remember if there is a river or lake in your city where you can rent a boat. Decorate the boat with flowers in advance.

Invite your girlfriend to walk along the embankment past these boats in the evening. When you see this beautiful boat, invite her to ride, and there on the boat tell her how much you love her, why you decided to connect your life with her, make a marriage proposal. Here she certainly will not go anywhere ... agree.

Get a bottle of champagne out of the boat to celebrate such an event and make it clear that such a beautiful boat is not accidental ...

9. You can propose on some holiday.

New Year's Eve, her birthday, Valentine's Day is an opportunity to propose.

IN New Year you can bring a box with a ring to the Christmas tree. Invite your loved one to look for a gift on the tree when she finds it to propose.

10. You can also propose romantically at home.

After work, invite her to take a bath. Fill the bath with water, add foam, rose petals, put candles on, turn on romantic music. When she relaxes and enjoys the chic surroundings, quietly launch a toy duck with a ring around her neck into the water. When she sees him, she will immediately understand your intentions.

11. Enjoy the starry "sky"

While your beloved is not at home, attach phosphorus stars to the ceiling, laying out a marriage proposal from them.

In the evening, when she has already gone to bed, turn off the light yourself, let her fully enjoy the starry “sky”.

Write an article there about your love story with your joint photo and marriage proposal. Bring her this magazine in the evening and offer to read it. Immediately say out loud your confessions and proposal.

13. You can propose a marriage on a banner by placing it on your girlfriend's usual route.

It will be more interesting if there are several of them in a row, so she definitely won’t miss them.

And you will meet her at work, with a ring, a bouquet of flowers and a living marriage proposal. You can ask her colleagues to meet her with you, for greater solemnity and formality of the moment.

14. Make a burning marriage proposal.

Lay out a proposal to marry you on the pavement with candles. It is advisable to choose a calm evening.

Take your girlfriend to the balcony before the candles go out and give her a marriage proposal ring.

You can ask a friend to light candles.

15. You can make a marriage proposal with the help of balloons.

Tie a ring to a helium balloon and pack the balloon in a box (it is advisable to tie the balloon to the box so that it does not fly high).

Give your gift to your loved one with a marriage proposal.

16. With the help of balloons, you can propose differently.

If your lady has her own car. Ask for the keys to it, supposedly you need to pick up something there. Fill the car with balloons.

When she leaves work, hide nearby with a bouquet of flowers. After she sees this miracle, go out and propose to her.

17. Helium balloons can be tied to the railing at the entrance.

For each ball, write one letter of your sentence. And you wait for her at the apartment with a bouquet of flowers and a ring.

18. For suitors whose bride lives no higher than the fifth floor.

You will need a car with a ladder, like the electricians. Let your beloved be awakened by a knock on the window, and there you are with flowers and a marriage proposal.

19. In a TV store.

When you walk there, let them turn on your marriage proposal on all screens. There will be so many of them and from all sides that it will be impossible to refuse.

20. See a very positive marriage proposal.

Make a marriage proposal beautifully, romantically, it is not necessary to spend a lot of money. Most importantly, tell her how much you love her. Let your marriage proposal be from a pure heart, and not under duress.

What are your ideas for the most important proposal of your life? Now it remains to be hoped that she will tell you "YES!". And we will prepare together for your fabulous wedding, subscribe to new articles and we will definitely not get lost on the Internet.

When a man realizes that the woman next to him is the person with whom he wants to spend the rest of his life, the matter remains small, namely: how to surprise your beloved by making her a beautiful and original marriage proposal.
Those men who do not pay due attention to this event, and prefer to make the proposal trivial something like: "let's get married, it's time already." It’s even worse when sitting in the kitchen or in the evening in front of the TV to say: “let’s sign”, they lose a lot in front of those who make efforts and connect all their imagination so that the girl will remember this day forever.

Many unromantic men are sure that it is expensive to propose beautifully, both financially and morally. It is not necessary to order a balloon or an airplane. The whole essence of this event lies in the words you said, and in the beauty of the deed. After all, lovers create romance out of nothing. It is important to prove to your beloved the seriousness of intentions, and the stability of your feelings.

Marriage proposal on one knee

It seems so easy to make such a gesture, but most men are pragmatists and materialists. And you buy a ring (by the way, it will be possible to make an engraving on it), a bouquet of flowers or one rose, it will be exquisite, get down on one knee and say what you feel for her. For example: “Beloved, we both had a past, but now there is a present, it’s Me and You, and I really want to share my future with you. It will be a great honor for me if you marry me.” This kind of words original proposal hands and hearts will be remembered forever, and the tears of joy of your beloved will become a truly pleasant moment.

"Multi-story" love

Some girls love publicity, they like to be in the thick of things. If your girlfriend belongs to this type, you can safely discourage her with a serenade in the yard. If there is no voice, it does not matter either. Then write a confession on the pavement near her balcony, ask her to open the window. But do not forget about the monologue. Since you are going to make a proposal publicly, so to speak, the speech should correspond to the moment. For example: “Darling! I want everyone to know what beautiful girl lives here. I want the most amazing woman to be next to me only. I don't want to share you with anyone. Will you marry me? I promise to do everything to always see a smile on your face! Such a classic technique will enchant any girl, and she will agree. After all, she will be bursting with a sense of pride and, most importantly, joy that her beloved did not stint on emotions. Yes, and the neighbors should forgive the "daub" on the pavement. The main thing is the result!

Marriage proposal made in nature

It is very romantic to propose to a girl in nature. The best place and you don't have to search. Whether it will be a sunset, or a dawn. There is no difference as such. In this case, prepare a bottle of champagne and her favorite sweets in advance. Everything seems to be trite, but the main thing in this method is to focus on speech. Be sure to think over your monologue. Do not spare expressions, it is so important for a woman to hear everything at this very moment. Every bride dreams of hearing beautiful, cherished words from her lover. For example: “Honey! To say that I thought for a long time is to say nothing. I was most worried and thought about whether I deserve a woman like you? And you know, I realized that only next to you I will become a real man who can make such a woman happy. tender girl, How are you. I do not feel sorry for you not only words, I will give you a fortune full of love and family happiness. Will you agree to give me the chance to be a wonderful husband for you?”

No matter how you are going to surprise your woman, she will remember this day forever. For men who are stingy in their language, their wives become joyless and dull. Women should bathe in compliments and surprises. From this they bloom and are filled with vital energy. Men should give more meaning to words and express their feelings more often. The main thing is not the financial or material side of the surprise, your attitude, your speech, and sincerity of motivation are more important!

By the way, when your beloved listens favorably to your words with a marriage proposal and reciprocates, you will need to draw up a plan for preparing for the wedding step by step. And it will be easier to do it by coming back to our site!

A young man who is preparing to take a very important step - to offer a girl to become his wife - must thoroughly prepare for this event in order to look worthy in front of his beloved, and in response to receive the desired “yes”. We advise you to explore all possible ways of how to beautifully propose to a girl, and then decide on the option that is acceptable to you.

7 ways to propose beautifully

Are you sure you know your future soul mate well? The chosen method of making an offer will directly depend on its nature. Think about what your beloved expects from you, feel her state of mind. If your girlfriend is modest, restrained, present an engagement ring in a warm, cozy home environment or tête-à-tête in a restaurant. Well, if she loves publicity, then it is better to make a loud confession on the radio or TV, or in a suitable public place.


Ask your girlfriend if she agrees to spend the day off at a picnic, if she has any other plans. If everything goes well, start preparing. It is clear that this will not be a simple baked potato picnic, everything must be organized the best way. Choose a picturesque place on the edge of a forest or near a river, where a tent will be set up in advance.

To create a festive mood for a girl, save her from cooking, take care of it yourself. Let your beloved just rest from all worries, think only about you. Think of a way to set the impromptu table with delicious, beautifully decorated dishes.

Do not forget about the solemnly opened champagne, a huge bouquet of flowers and the highlight of the program - a ring, dressed on a lover's finger. You will need to get on one knee in front of the girl, gallantly deliver a speech or read a suitable poem.

Want to enlist the support of your friends? Invite them to a picnic, they will tell you how beautifully you can propose to a girl. Successfully passing contests, tests, games, show yourself as a real hero-superman, then your chosen one simply cannot refuse you.

Instead of a picnic in nature, it has become popular to propose to a girl on the roof of a high-rise building. How did our hero do it? Watch the video:

At home

There are girls who do not like publicity, they prefer to keep everything personal behind the closed doors of their home. Then it is better to make an offer at home.

Do you live with a girl? So, you have all the trump cards. Prepare a surprise for your beloved - while the girl is not at home, decorate the house with rose petals, line the path from the front door to the bedroom with them, let her bare feet touch the sincerity of your feelings. Light a lot of candles, turn on relaxing music, prepare a small buffet with champagne, sweets.

Meet your beloved at the door with big bouquet flowers while she is shocked by everything that is happening, hold your hand into the bedroom, kneel and propose. Open the box with the ring, put it on the bride's finger.

If the girl is still living separately, you will definitely have a conversation with the girl's parents, receiving their blessing. Dress solidly, get yours for this holiday costume, a tie, stock up on flowers for her mother and a bottle of good wine or cognac for her father - everyone likes to receive gifts. Well, a gift for the bride is kept by a magic box. The formula for success is simple:

  • Be punctual, don't be late.
  • Think of words to thank your parents for this good daughter tell them why they loved her.
  • Be sincere, say what you think, and then you will see tears of happiness in their eyes.
  • After that, go to the main thing - announce that you intend to legitimize the relationship and have come here to ask for the hand of their daughter and get consent to the marriage.

In public

You guess that the girl wants to hear an offer from you not alone, but with a large number of people, as a confirmation of your boundless love? So follow your dream! Believe me, this will flatter her pride and play to your advantage. If you think carefully about how beautifully you can propose to a girl in a public place, then you will find a lot of suitable places for such an occasion - a metro station, a shopping center, a square, a theater, a concert venue, a park.

Does your girlfriend love theater? So, she just needs to hear a marriage proposal right from his stage. Gain courage, go on stage and say the cherished words in front of all the honest people. Believe me, the support of the large hall will play its role, the answer of the beloved will be positive.

Can you sing? Gather your friends, sing a serenade with them under the girl's balcony. Let the whole house know that you are in love, that your chosen one is the best of all! But you shouldn't propose like this if the girl lives on the top floor of a very tall building, otherwise you won't be heard.

And at night, lay out your confession with the help of lit small bright candles, as shown in the photo. The effect will be amazing!

Watch in the video how beautifully an ordinary guy proposed to a girl with the help of friends.

At the restaurant

A marriage proposal in a restaurant is an unfading classic. So they did in the old days, so do connoisseurs of good taste and gallant manners now. beautiful clothes, gourmet dishes, romantic music - all this is conducive to pleasant conversations, emotional intimacy, it is not for nothing that the restaurant has heard the most such proposals.

Do not rush to propose to a girl immediately upon arrival, limit yourself beautiful bouquet colors. Continue to constantly look after your lady, show all kinds of signs of attention, let her feel like a real queen.

When the moment is right, take out the box with the ring and invite the girl to accept it as a sign of your love and desire to be together all your life. To make the proposal more original, try to negotiate with the waiter, let him unexpectedly bring a ring on a tray covered from above beautiful napkin or cap. And then take the initiative.

At work or school

Do you want to make this working or school day of your girlfriend the happiest? Then arm yourself with flowers, a treasured ring - and head straight to where she is now. Your appearance will be unexpected, but this is the beauty of the moment! Imagine how surprised everyone around will be when you appear in the office or audience with a bouquet, fall on your knees and ask for her hand! Such a touching moment will not leave her indifferent.

On the radio

You will never guess what other way to beautifully propose to a girl! If a loved one listens to radio programs that convey congratulations on her birthday and other holidays, this is an occasion to call or write a letter to the host of the program and order a song for her, and at the same time make an offer to the girl right in front of an audience of thousands! Let the whole country hear that there is a man who loves her more than life! By doing this, you will reach the very depths of her soul.


Fork out, buy a ticket for two to some romantic place, for example, the city of lovers, Paris, is suitable for this. The final destination of the trip does not play a special role, the main thing is that you will be just the two of you, dedicate unforgettable moments to each other. Traveling will help you relax, give vent to feelings. A new environment, a variety of impressions will enliven emotions, and you will guess how beautiful it is to propose to your beloved girl.

On a warm summer evening, after completing the next cycle of excursions, somewhere by the sea, under the whisper of the waves and the sound of the surf, or high in the sky in a hot air balloon, tightly hugging your beloved girl, tell her that you want to see her as your wife. Perhaps you will remember this place forever, and you will return there together more than once.
