Congratulations and thanks to parents for graduation. Graduation congratulations in prose Very touching words for graduation

So, perhaps, one of the most important days in your life has come - graduation. So many paths have been trodden around the school, and so many roads open up in new life. I wish you always fondly remember school years, school friends and, of course, teachers who gave you such an important impetus in life, investing the most valuable and necessary. I want you to do right choice and take the path that will help you master your favorite and necessary profession, bypass all failures, obstacles and acquire the benefits that you are striving for now, because your future depends on this. Strive, dare, go only forward and never back down.

Congratulations on graduation! The hard way has been passed, but the most interesting is ahead! I wish you success in your adult life. Let every door you want to knock on open. Make your dreams come true and feel happiness every second!

Today you leave your native school, and everything that awaits you in adult life now depends only on you. Here you were taught to be sincere, independent, responsible, responsive. They taught us to be friends, to defend our opinion, to love science, to treat knowledge with care, that is, they gave the basis of what it is impossible to become a real Man with a capital letter without! We wish you not to lose all this, but to increase, educate in yourself best qualities. We wish your dreams come true. Good luck, luck, new achievements, happiness and success in later life!

Congratulations on your graduation and I want to wish you not to be afraid of change and boldly go towards your big dreams. Let an interesting and wonderful world, in which you will certainly achieve your goal, you can discover many new and beautiful things for yourself. I wish you good luck, support from your loved ones and only positive mood!

This is the end of another stage in your life. You are moving into adulthood, more responsible. Therefore, we want to say parting words to you. Always follow your dream and don't back down, find happiness in life and don't miss it. Good luck and success to you on a difficult, but very interesting life path.

Congratulations on graduation. I wish you to find your way in this world and follow the call of your heart. Let there be as few obstacles as possible on your way to your dream, and let there be as many opportunities as possible for its realization.

So the time has come to say goodbye to school, the exams are behind, the lessons at the school desks will also be left behind. And today is an exciting, at the same time joyful and sad day - a day of farewells and new expectations, good hopes and bright smiles. I congratulate you on your Graduation and I want to wish you to go your own way to your cherished dream, overcoming all obstacles. May everything turn out wonderfully in your life, may your beloved relatives, friends, and just good kind people always be nearby.

Here it is - both a joyful and a little sad day in your life. A day of farewell to school, a day that will open a new path for you to dream. Congratulations on your graduation and I wish you never give up and confidently go towards your goals, and may the road to these goals be easy and unhindered. May the last school waltz swirl you in a beautiful whirlwind of happiness, may this day leave in your memory only cheerful memories, smiles from classmates and praise from your favorite teachers. Good luck and a great bright future!

Congratulations on your graduation and from the bottom of my heart I wish you to boldly rush into battle for an important and necessary profession. May everything work out for you, may not only a bright, but also a bright, promising, successful future await you ahead!

Congratulations on your graduation and sincerely wish you always know what you want from this life, confidently fight for your happiness and by all means achieve your dreams. May any business bring success, may any occupation be a pleasure, may any day bring good luck and joy.

Soon, at the end of May, all schools in the country will ring Last call. Graduates of 9th and 11th grades will decide which way of life to choose, what profession to master, where to go for further studies. This touching day, both for all subjects and for the children, is usually remembered forever. Grown up girls and boys say goodbye to the class teacher, all teachers. Not so long ago, it seemed to them that school days lasted indefinitely; they rushed to the break, which always seemed to them such a wonderful, but short rest between classes. Now their relationship to learning process has changed. Reading poems touching to tears on the last call , already former students thank their teachers not only for the knowledge transferred to them from big love, but also for the mass of life lessons taught to students.

Touching to tears verses to the classroom - Congratulations from graduates on the last call

The last bell for schoolchildren is a long-awaited, touching, heartbreaking event. Graduates realize that they will never have to see many teachers, including the class teacher. Many of the guys on this day do not hide their tears, saying goodbye to the native walls of the school. On a line dedicated to solemn day, students read soulful lines of poetry, many of which you will find here.

Touching poems for the class on the last call - Congratulations from the graduates

The last call for each class teacher is a touching parting with graduates who have become almost family. Traditionally, on this day, schoolchildren congratulate their teachers on the successful completion of school year. Some of the graduate girls do not hide their tears, experiencing the moments of farewell to the school. In sincere poems dedicated to their teacher, schoolchildren try to convey their experiences in this moment emotions.

We are still in the classroom, in the lesson,
But already the last school May,
Behind the window, sonorous and high,
The sound of bird flocks excites.

Greenery blinds with novelty,
Everyone's heads are spinning blue,
Youth combined with spring
Claims bold rights.

We are in love, we argue with passion,
We like the noise and din of spring,
We are hardly chained to desks
For successful graduation.

Theorems, formulas, figures,
Books with their innumerable lines...
Will ring for the last time soon
We are happy and sad call.

Faces darken, faces brighten
We bite our hands, rub our foreheads with our palms ...
Filling in the last pages
Carefree schoolchildren of fate.

Whether your expectations were justified, we do not know:
After all, the final exam is still so far away,
In the meantime, we invite you to visit us
On our holiday cheerful - Last call!
And please forgive all sins
What we have accumulated last day:
And control with a load of wrong decisions,
And the answers are indistinct, and chatter,
But you know one thing: we will remember the school
And not only in these excited words.
We will never forget our teachers
And your work will resonate in our affairs.

Years flew by unnoticed -
Goodbye, school forever!
Know this moment of parting
You can never forget!
Try to make your dream come true
And boldly go into a big life!
Believe in friendship, do not doubt yourself -
Waiting for success and happiness ahead!

Heartfelt to tears poems on the last call from graduates to subject students

Each first-grader, having come to school, first gets acquainted with his first teacher, and then, growing up, already with subject teachers. Many graduates have favorite teachers who have passed on their knowledge to them for several years. For some it's a geographer, for others it's a teacher in English. Sincere to tears, poems on the Last Call are already dedicated to them by yesterday's schoolchildren.

Examples of sincere to tears poems for subject teachers from graduates on the last call

Gathering for a line dedicated to the Last Bell, graduates read sincere, sometimes touching to tears, poems to their favorite subjects. They thank the teachers of physics, chemistry, biology, physical culture, foreign language, literature... In each of the lines of these verses, words of recognition to teachers are heard for their hard, noble work and patience.

Physics teacher

You need to know both physics and astronomy -

She tells us every now and then.

But we don't get tired of listening to it.

She's good at telling a story

About the current strength and conductor resistance

About part of the Galaxy, Heavenly bodies.

She is very strict, - you can only hear from the lazy.

But the one who wants to know - knows her science,

And in the lessons - "four", "five"

Received with great success.

For a physical education teacher

Let's plunge into sports

Let's play volleyball, show judo

After all, (name of the teacher) is ours, his teacher

He will cheer us up where necessary - he will help us.

We understand well

That you need to exercise.

And we will douse ourselves with cold water

And in old age the legs will not be tangled.

Phys-ra is our favorite subject!

And doing every day

We will live in health for many years!

For a labor teacher (CPC)

In the workshop of the Criminal Procedure Code

(name of teacher) is busy

The girls are all "working hard"

They just want to be beautiful.

Knit, sew and embroider

And everyone dreams of good things:

How the outfits are all sewn,

Create comfort in the family ...

And not far away is a meeting with a noble couturier ...

And she is the source of everything - (the name of the teacher)!

Poems for the holiday of the last call in grade 11

Probably, the 11th grade students experience the strongest emotions at the Last Bell holiday. They know for sure that a completely new, different life awaits them beyond the threshold of the school, difficult, independent decisions made. Most of the graduates are sure that they will enter higher educational establishments. They are expected not only by exams to universities, but also by one of the most important exams, called Life. In verses dedicated to the end of school, they say "Thank you" to each of the teachers, director, head teachers.

Examples of poems for the last call in grade 11

Festively dressed schoolchildren of the 11th grade, lined up on the occasion of the Last Bell at school, feel almost like adults. Some of them will soon continue their studies at an institute or university; others will start working, receive their first salary, and begin to learn how to manage money. At the holiday, graduates thank with poems not only teachers, but also parents, who always support them at the right time.

Farewell to school

The wind blows young in all lands,
Goodbye, school bench!
The road promises us
Many fun meetings
We meet new friends.

Happiness, glory, exploits - everything is ahead,
Youth is perky on the way.
Wishes will come true
Minutes of parting
We will find everything we want to find.

Unique minutes

We want to leave school as soon as possible
We don't think about it with you
That this minute does not return,
The hour will not repeat graduation!

From childhood, we were in a hurry to be adults,
School years rushed.
In order for us to cherish childhood,
We must part with him forever.

Goodbye school!

School, school… Goodbye!
We say goodbye to you.
The hour of parting has come
We will go our own way.

How many years have we been together
Like a good family.
They argued together, they loved.
We are great friends.

With a new backpack on my back
We came to you at the age of 7
Believing the world will open for us
Every new item of yours.

Trill calls for change
We will always remember.
The look of the teacher first
Let's get through the years.

We have learned and grown
Understanding the essence of life.
Week after week
You led us on a good path.

And today at the hour of farewell
Hard as ever.
School, school… Goodbye!
You are always in our heart!

Poems for teachers on the last call in grade 9

9 years went by fast school life. Today's graduates are surprised how, it would seem, quite recently they were brought by the hand of mom and dad to the first grade, how embarrassed they were to get acquainted with the first teacher, how long the lessons lasted and how short the breaks seemed. Of course, ninth graders know that they have difficult exams ahead of them, and they will communicate with classmates for some time, but, nevertheless, many children experience vague anxiety about the still uncertain future. At the Last Bell, they dedicate their farewell poems to their favorite teachers.

Examples of poems for teachers on the last call in grade 9

The last call in the 9th grade is a farewell to the native school for half of the graduates. The guys are now worried about whether they will pass the exams and whether they will go to colleges. Some schoolchildren remain to continue their studies in grades 10 and 11 for further higher education. Nevertheless, for them the last call is a touching event. At this holiday, the guys sing songs, read poems to teachers, take pictures with the already former class.

School graduation

Forward for your youth
Let's go from the school threshold,
And, like cranes in the sky,
We will part the fate of the road.

Wiping away tears of happy eyes,
The teachers will wave their hands.
And there is no happier now
Graduates from our school.

And goodbye, our friendly class!
When else will we be together?
Probably next time
Twenty years later, in this place.

Let's go like ships
There is a compass, latitude and degree,
And the sea of ​​life ahead
And the wind blows the sail.

Clouds are flying - they are calling for themselves ...

The last bell rang.
How quickly time flies.
Just recently in first grade.
And sadness grows in my heart.

Recently we were together
But let's run away.
Everyone has their own path.
Farewell, school years!

The last call accompanies
In adulthood, a great life.
A tear involuntarily emerges.
We will keep the school in our hearts.

Poems on the last call to teachers

Each graduate, with excitement and light impatience, is waiting for the Last Bell to say to the school: “Thank you! Goodbye!" Many of the former students later bring their children here, introducing them to such native teachers. During the holiday of farewell to the school, according to tradition, they release into the sky Balloons, sing songs together, read good thanksgiving verses to parents and teachers.

Examples of poems for teachers on the last call

On the Last Bell, not only graduates dedicate wonderful poems to teachers. Future first-graders come to the holiday with their parents in order to also read wonderful lines of poems. Pupils of grades 9 and 11, holding first-graders by the hand, smile at them, talking about excellent teachers and future interesting lessons.

How many spiritual words sounded,
And we will repeat them again and again:
Congratulations teachers,
And we thank you from the bottom of our hearts
For the fact that we were raised and taught,
Raised, sowed good,
Skills and knowledge invested
Gave understanding, warmth.
We wish you success and good luck,
Health, strength for many years,
Diligent and obedient students.
And we will never forget you!

We wish all teachers
Dreams and goals to come true
More to smile
And just enjoy life!

Let every moment illuminate you
Indescribable beauty!
And the word warms the soul,
Don't let pain disturb your heart.

Please accept our thanks
For your hard work at school.
Keep jubilation, joy,
And in the house happiness and comfort!

And the farewell bell sounds again,
Solemn and a little sad.
Congratulations for you today
And the heart is full of excitement again.

Thank you for the academic year -
Intense and slightly magical
For knowledge and wisdom of words
From all your students.

Smartly dressed graduates of grades 9 and 11, dedicating poems touching to tears on the Last Bell to their favorite teachers, thank each teacher for his hard work, donated knowledge and experience. Very often, congratulations on the end of the school year are dedicated to both subject teachers and the class teacher, as well as the directorate and administration of the school.

Graduation party is a kind of feature, a thin border of the transition from childhood to adult independent life. It is not surprising that this important event is usually celebrated on a special scale, so that it is remembered for a lifetime. Among the numerous songs, dances, awards, congratulations on graduation deserve special attention, which on this day sound almost continuously. Most of them are addressed, of course, to the main heroes of the occasion - young graduates. But teachers and parents hear a lot of warm and sincere words of gratitude on this day, without which the success of graduates would not be so significant and bright. In our today's article, we tried to collect for you the most touching and beautiful congratulations on the graduation party. Feel free to use them to congratulate your dearest people on this significant day!

Touching congratulations on graduation in grades 9, 11 in verse

For many years they have been waiting for this day with great impatience, but when it finally comes, they dream that it does not end as long as possible. Only now, at the very graduation party, now former high school students understand that childhood is over. Right from tomorrow morning, a new adult life will begin, in which the school will remain only in memories. This realization, frankly, is not easy for many. Therefore, tears in the eyes of graduates during the celebration are not at all a rare occurrence. Beautiful congratulations in verse can support and reassure young graduates at this difficult moment. For example, in the verses for congratulating graduates, which you will find below, there are words of support, admiration, and touching parting words.

You are already saying goodbye to your native school.

Today is your high school graduation.

You are grown-up guys - girls and boys,

Reading their own books for the first time.

We wish you good luck and the right path,

And also in your life, a calling to find.

Do not forget dear teachers, your class,

Come to us good ones, at least once more.

Congratulations on finishing school!

Years fly by fast

Like one moment

There is no escape from this speed.

The boys have grown up

No need to pack a portfolio

You have embarked on a new path

Let our orders be fulfilled:

Never lose heart

We wish you neither feather nor fluff!

May luck be with you

You have become graduates!

Here comes the graduation

School is behind us.

Get up early tomorrow morning

You are on the adult path.

And the road is not easy.

Everyone chooses a path.

Just a word on the track

You probably don't forget.

Let everything come easy

Bypass all obstacles.

And your love in the world

Find it soon.

Prom night is coming

At the end, friends

Good luck to everyone in your endeavors.

Remember us always!

This holiday is warm, sweet,

Congratulations on graduation.

And share a secret

Unpretentious, simple.

We've known for a long time

This is how the law works:

The world will definitely be happy

The one who is in love with his life.

Today we wish

You have an easy path.

And let your competitors

Will always be behind.

Sincere congratulations on the prom in prose

You can support graduates and express your admiration for their success not only in poetry, but also in prose. Moreover, congratulations on graduation in prose are simple and sincere. They are perceived as their own words and therefore they are always more willing to listen to such congratulations. Therefore, when choosing congratulations for graduation in prose, try to give preference to options that include words of pride, well-deserved praise, and good parting words. It is these congratulations in your own words that await you further.

Dear Guys! Surely, everyone remembers how they were looking forward to their graduation day, and now you can see barely restrained tears in your eyes. Know that the doors of the school are always open to you, despite the fact that the paths of many of you will part. We hope that this is where you will bring your children here, and we will teach them everything that we have taught you.

Dear our graduates! Congratulations on finishing 9th grade. Many of you will continue your studies at our school. And for those who have decided to start a new, independent life, we want to wish you an easy overcoming of obstacles on the way to the intended goal. May today be a successful start to your adult life. Good luck, our beloved students!

Dear 11th graders! Recently, you, such timid little first-graders, crossed the threshold of a school for the first time, which for 11 years took you to a fairy tale called "Study", plunged you into a sea of ​​unforgettable and bright school moments. In any fairy tale there is a "Happy ending", which each of you will come up with for yourself. Let strength, inspiration and perseverance be the main companions in achieving new knowledge, goals and life tasks. Happy holiday!

All with prom night Congratulations! To graduates, a bright road in life, I wish everyone to choose their favorite profession, create strong family found a decent and well-paid job. I would like to thank the teachers for their patience and understanding, and wish: strength, health, good and sympathetic students.

Beautiful congratulations on graduation in grade 4

It may seem like prom is in primary school- it's just a formality. In fact, in terms of its importance for children, it is not inferior to graduation in high school. The fourth graders, just like their older comrades, are worried, worried and sad about the upcoming parting with their first teacher. And therefore, it is as important for them to hear beautiful congratulations on this day as it is for eleventh graders. So, let's support our young graduates and congratulate them with the warmest words on such an important event in life!

You passed the first stage of knowledge,

Today is the first graduation

Grades in the report card - a reward for efforts,

So let great success await you in life!

We wish you a good rest in the summer,

To step back to knowledge again,

Let a lucky star guide you

And you always remember the first teacher!

4 school years have passed.

Guys, you've grown up.

A wonderful road awaits you

You have everything ahead of you.

Four years unnoticed

Already gone, they can't be returned

But there is still to come

It's been a long, important journey.

Your teacher free you

Azam taught science.

Don't forget those years.

A new stage has come for you!

Learned a lot in fourth grade

Let the flame of knowledge blaze.

Gained a wealth of knowledge

Now the holidays are time to rest.

Rather, gain new strength

And from the summer on a hot day on the way,

Please don't forget

That you go to school in the fall.

Dear our graduates! Now you can read, write and count. This is the first stage of knowledge that you have successfully passed. Climb higher and higher, grab new skills like air! The higher you manage to climb, the easier it will be in adulthood. Remember, we love you and look forward to your new successes.

Best Graduation Congratulations for Teachers

Beautiful congratulations at the prom also deserve those thanks to whom proud graduates can boast of their knowledge. I'm talking, of course, about teachers. subject teachers, classroom teacher, director, head teachers - all of them have contributed to the development of abilities and the acquisition of knowledge by today's graduates. And we can say with the same certainty that they are all waiting for this day warm words and congratulations from their now former students. Be sure to congratulate your dear teachers at the graduation party and do not forget to express deep gratitude to them for their hard work.

Dear our teachers!

May this day not add wrinkles,

And the old will smooth and erase,

Strengthens health, relieves sorrows

And happiness will bring to the house for a long time.

We wish you once again

Health, happiness, joy.

We wish instead of all awards

More anniversaries.

Let bright days thread does not break

Neither sadness nor sorrow.

And the heart is forever young.

We wish you joy, success,

Doubly good health

We wish you the simplest:

Live longer on earth.

Students to be loved

Worthy colleagues and friends.

We congratulate you with marks:

“Fives!” - for teachers!

We are grateful to you

For the help given.

For the warmth of hearts

Mental restlessness.

For those beautiful words

What were you saying.

We are grateful to you

And to you - a bow to the earth!

We have come to you already big -

Each required their own approach.

Your talent and words are simple

They figured out that difficult move.

We were interested in you.

Howl look like they were aiming for you.

Adult children "cool mom"

Today he will say: “It's time! Have a good time!”

June graduation nights

You will not be found in a shorter year.

Let's postpone parting with school,

We will dance until morning.

Teachers you are our relatives,

Congratulations, you're graduating.

Great paths await us

Life prepares a different choice for us.

Original congratulations on graduation for parents

Can't be left without beautiful congratulations and parents of graduates. Their work within the framework of schooling is not always visible. And by no means always it concerns only verification homework or help preparing for a test. Parental support is first and foremost support, wise advice and well-timed parting words. Touching congratulations graduation for parents is like a confirmation that they coped with the task and were able to go through the difficult school path to knowledge with their child.

Step into life. And this important step

Like a path through an unknown planet,

And behind the back - the parent hearth.

We are the best in the world

Yesterday's girls, boys.

Parents, be proud! Your children

Beautiful, young, worthy and smart!

Do not be sad, dad, mom,

That we have become a little older.

Life, alas, is in a hurry stubbornly,

Dreams are on the way soon.

You are our support in everything,

Our hearth and our shelter.

Next to you we are not afraid

The winds are those that bend the masts.

But the time has come for us to strength

Wings to test,

For the heights you raised us,

The time has come to fly.

Dear you, our good ones!

How can I thank you for everything?

In our time, unthinkable complex,

It is very difficult to raise children.

So unbearable at times we were,

We would like everything at once.

You gave all your strength to the end

To your daughters and sons.

Dear you our parents!

So who else will love us?

For a long, long time you live in the world,

Wise, happy and good!

I would like to say a special thank you to all parents. Each of them all these years helped in any way they could. Someone helped to make repairs at the school, someone helped with the organization of holidays, and someone helped morally. Many thanks to all of you! We are very happy and proud that you have entrusted your children to us. And we, in turn, taught them so as not to let you down. Only the final exams remained ahead, and then the entrance exams. And then study at institutes, work and real adult life. And we really hope that it will turn out perfectly for each of today's graduates. And you, parents, say thank you to us!

More more congratulations there will be a graduation

Congratulations on your graduation and from the bottom of my heart I wish you a successful start to adulthood, a successful search for your business and your interests, good friends and support from your relatives, brilliant ideas and promising horizons, happiness in the soul and the eternal pursuit of your dreams.

My dears, I congratulate you on your graduation - a cheerful and a little sad holiday! Behind the school years, ahead - an adult harsh life! I wish you, our dear graduates, excellent final and entrance exams, easy and successful study or work! I wish you to find your own path in life and walk along it confidently and boldly! Let your adult life be bright, happy and filled with good events and kind people!

So school time is over! Over the years, you all have matured and turned from touching chicks into real birds, ready to fly, spreading their wings. Front - long interesting life and we wish everyone to find their own way in it. Let all the knowledge and skills that you received at school become a solid foundation for further achievements, and the people who have been with you all these years will remain in everyone's heart for a long time. Bon Voyage!

I congratulate you on Graduation and sincerely wish you to always follow your own path of happiness, without changing your cherished dream and listening to your heart. And may there be a lot of opportunities on your way and many good people Let everything in your life turn out in the best way.

Dear and beloved our graduates! Today is an important day for you - farewell to the school years, which were amazing and unforgettable for each of you. You are now entering new stage life's path, and we wish you to follow it with confidence towards a lofty goal that will bring you the desired results. Let success accompany your actions and aspirations, joy does not let you be sad, and happiness will be as close and carefree as in childhood. good luck and highlights you in climbing the steps of knowledge, new feelings, develop your talents and always be full of faith in a good and worthy future!

Congratulations on Graduation and I want to wish you to live brightly and interestingly, confidently and swiftly run towards your dreams, always achieve everything that you have planned. Good luck on the path of learning your favorite profession, success in all creative and business ideas.

Congratulations on your graduation and I want to wish you an easy and interesting path to adulthood! Now you have the right to do what you want and strive for your goals. May luck help you realize your skills and reach unknown distances. I wish to find myself in the profession and my little warm corner in life. Greet each morning with a smile and do not lose a positive attitude. Everything will definitely turn out the way you think.

Graduation - and you, children, have matured so quickly, it still seems that yesterday you came to the first grade, and today you are already leaving the school, matured and ready for an independent life. We want to wish you a great colorful future and great achievements in your new field. Let the sun illuminate the horizon for you and the stars show you the right path, because there are many ways, it is important to find your own and move towards your beautiful, which is sure to await you outside the school walls. Good luck to you, children, love, kindness and support.

So the last bell rang and the last school exams were passed, today the last school ball will take place and a new stage of independent life will begin. It is a little sad in my heart to part with my beloved teachers, my usual desk, my classmates. But I wish that this sadness wraps the heart with a warm wave, only with joyful and bright memories. Good luck and success to you ahead, in a good way.

Congratulations on graduation. I wish you not to be afraid of change and keep these good happy moments in your memory, I wish you to boldly embark on a new path to big dreams and bright hopes, I wish you to conquer many heights and peaks, and also find in this life everything that your heart loves and cherishes.

Graduation party for 11th graders! Touching and responsible moment! What awaits them behind the walls of the good old school?
This event is exciting not only for the graduates themselves, but also for their teachers and parents. How to make this day unforgettable? What words to say so that they are remembered for the rest of your life?
We want to help you find such words, so we have collected beautiful and touching wishes 11th grade graduates.

Wishes to graduates are universal: in verse and in prose

The school years have gone by.
Congratulations on graduation.
But we want them to stay
You have a mischievous attitude.

So that everything works out for you
In the life of adults,
So that the dream smiles at you
And fate gave friends!

This is the end of another stage in your life. You are moving into adulthood, more responsible. Therefore, we want to say parting words to you.

Always follow your dream and don't back down, find happiness in life and don't miss it. Good luck and success to you on a difficult, but very interesting life path.

Here is the last lesson.
Life opens up many roads for you.
School years flew by in an instant.
We want you to try

Choose your right, true path,
Firmly walking on it, do not turn,
Don't be off-road.
Happiness, good luck and God's help!

Today you leave your native school and everything that awaits you in adult life now depends only on you. Here you were taught to be sincere, independent, responsible, responsive.

We learned to be friends, defend our opinions, love science, treat knowledge with care - that is, we gave the basis of what it is impossible to become a real Man with a capital letter without!

We wish you not to lose all this, but to increase, cultivate the best qualities in yourself. We wish your dreams come true. Good luck, luck, new achievements, happiness and success in later life!

Graduates, happy road to you,
After all, your choice means a lot!
Believe in yourself, don't worry
I wish you all the luck!

Let there be everything that you have long dreamed of
Let life lead you to success!
I want you all to understand:
Great happiness awaits you ahead!

Wishes for graduation grade 11

Congratulations on graduating from school and we wish that the road to adulthood will go through a flowering garden, that the carriage of life will easily and happily carry you along life's roads, overcoming all obstacles and difficulties, so that everyone you need is nearby. Good luck and prosperity!

We congratulate you today
You are now graduates.
Changes are waiting for you in life
Let dreams come true.

We wish you a new life
Don't deviate from the path
Achieve new goals
Keep up with the times.

We wish everyone only good
Don't forget us friends.
Come visit more often
And bring the kids.

Guys, now you proudly bear the title of "graduate", with which we want to congratulate you. May all your innermost desires and dreams always come true, and all your plans will certainly come true.

So you grew up, matured,
Leave the school walls
From the nest, as the chicks flew away,
To be happy without fail.
We wish you to conquer
All the heights you wanted
And nests so you don't forget
From which you flew!

How quickly school years flew by. Here is your graduation party. I wish you to enter adulthood from the front door along the red carpet.

Carry yourself with dignity, nobility and honesty. Never make deals with conscience. I wish you the fulfillment of all your dreams, no matter how incredible they are.

Congratulations on graduation!
And we hurry to give you a present today.
Joy, big victories,
Kind words and warm songs.
We want to live a hundred years
To keep the world interesting.

This is your last day at this school. Today is your graduation!

We wish you a happy future, a prosperous life, in which there is a place for seriousness and fun, love and devotion, fulfillment of desires and successful work!

Keep memories in your heart school days and live easy!

Wishes to graduates from parents

Dear Guys! It seems that only yesterday we brought you to the first grade, and today you are already graduates. Time flew by quickly, but your path was not easy: it was filled with successes and failures, joys and sorrows. You did it and we are proud of you!

But the path continues - you have new heights and achievements ahead of you. Let faith, hope and love be your constant companions!

Faith in yourself is the key to success. Confidence in a bright future is the creed of an optimist. Faith will help you achieve your goals and not deviate from your plans, and optimism will not allow you to become sour if something does not work out.

Don't let go of hope. She inspires and gives strength. Walking hand in hand with hope, you can overcome any difficulties.

Cherish the love. It is in each of you. Don't let her light go out. Save love for teachers, for knowledge, for your small homeland.

Love relatives, loved ones, friends, nature, music. Look at life with love and it will love you back!

Believe! Hope! Love! And you will succeed!

Dear, beloved, our dear,
The children grew up and got older quickly.
Now you have become beautiful exactly in a row,
And the tears from afar burn with a spark!
Today we cry and laugh with you,
And let's touch the cherished dream together!
Congratulations on the holiday - may you be lucky
Desires will come true - with God, all in flight!

Dear children, until recently funny and charming, you walked into the first grade, holding tightly to your parents' hands. Now, confident in your independence, you hold your classmates by the hand.
And we still want to take the child by the palm, lead us through this difficult life, bypassing all obstacles, substituting our shoulder.
We understand that it is impossible, so we say, walk through life with dignity!

Today is your farewell evening, with school
We'll have to part, and soon
You will enter into life. You are eagerly awaited in it,
Please accept congratulations from your family.

With hope and faith live in the soul,
Fortunately for you, the road is already open,
And let this life seem difficult to you,
Dreaming of the impossible is also possible.

Be greedy for science and knowledge,
That's all we want to say goodbye
Happy road, success in everything,
Walk confidently this way.

Dear Guys! From this day begins a new stage in your life, it's time to make an informed choice and rely heavily on your own strengths.
Graduation is not a reason to be sad about the past amazing childhood. No matter how much you want to keep it, there are great changes ahead, the result of which depends on you.
We, your parents, are always ready to support and help you as soon as you need it.

Wishes to graduates from teachers

Dear our graduates! Today you have a responsible event - graduation party. You enter adulthood, leaving the walls of the school, and take the first serious steps on your way.
We, your teachers, wish you strength and courage to accept this responsibility and avoid irreparable mistakes. Do not be afraid of difficulties and boldly make decisions using reason and own feelings.
Let life be an exciting journey for you, which will give you valuable lessons for future use.

We taught, and you surprised
Us success and kindness,
But you grew up fast
And now it's your graduation!

You guys have a happy road
In this life, sometimes difficult,
Let her be bright, beautiful,
Like today's graduation ball!

Nothing lasts forever, so school years have come to an end. They flew by unnoticed both for you and for us - your teachers.
Throughout all these years, we have helped you as much as we could, and experienced failures together, rejoiced at your successes. So let there be a reliable shoulder next to each of you that can help you in difficult times.
Take care of your friends and do not forget your loved ones and your teachers, then luck will definitely smile at you in life!

Release your students
The school staff is so nice!
Know that his work is necessary,
Every teacher is happy.

Let the dream call beyond the horizon
And luck is waiting around the corner
In life there will be happiness and love,
Friendship and love!

Let in the labyrinths of adult life
You will be simple and easy!
Serve the Cause and the Motherland
Near and far!

The world is incredibly interesting
And intriguingly large!
Let it be joyful from songs
Let the mainland be small!

The day of parting has come, but, guys, know: teachers never forget their students. Years will pass, and you can always return to your native school, as to your home.
May your destiny be the best way and everyone will get what he deserves with perseverance, work and talent. Come on guys, the adult world is waiting for you!

We congratulate you, dear children!
You graduated from high school and now
We wish you to find ways such
To achieve goals without loss.

On us, students, do not be offended,
Don't get angry if something suddenly goes wrong.
We love you, no doubt about it.
May every new step be true.

And may you succeed
Everything you dream of right now.
We wish you aspirations, ambitions,
And so that love does not leave you!

We really hope that you liked our wishes for graduates, and you will be able to give them real pleasure in their last night within the walls of the school.
