Lesson summary on art (fgos) - "Russian folk women's costume" (grade 5). Folk festive costume Class type: combined

Outline of the lesson "Folk holiday costume"5th grade


* contribute to the development of national self-awareness of students,

* build respect for Russian culture,

* develop patriotism.



* Introduce students to the Russian festive costume.

* To form an understanding of the connection between people's ideas about the structure of the world and the figurative structure of clothing.

* Strengthen the skills of working with decorative composition.


* Develop an aesthetic worldview.

* To promote the perception of a respectful attitude towards the traditions of the Russian people.


* Develop mental cognitive processes (perception, attention, memory, visual-figurative and logical thinking, speech).

I. Actualization of knowledge.

Teacher: - Children! Do you like to wear beautiful clothes?

A student dressed in a Russian folk costume enters the class.

Teacher: - The costume of what people is represented on our assistant?

Teacher: Your great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers also flaunted in folk attire. The life of the peasants was inextricably linked with nature, the cultivation of the land and the corresponding labor cycles. The holiday either completed some stage of the difficult peasant life, or preceded the next important stage. The holidays were waiting, preparing for them. And so in Rus' there was a whole complex wonderful holidays and wonderful folk traditions that have come down to our days. Let's now remember what folk, Christian, holidays do you know? (List of traditional holidays)

II. Formation of new knowledge.

"They are greeted by clothes ..."

This well-known proverb came to us from the depths of centuries. A thousand years ago, it was enough for our ancestors to look at the clothes of a stranger once to understand what locality he is from, what kind of tribe he belongs to, what his social status and “civil status” are - an adult or not, whether he was married, and so on. .

Such a "visiting card" made it possible to immediately decide how to behave with a stranger and what to expect from him. We note, by the way, that a person who, without extreme necessity, dressed in clothes that did not correspond to his dignity and gender, was expected at best to be condemned, if not punished.

The clothes of each region (province) of Russia had their own ornaments, favorite colors, decoration, shapes and styles. In the Arkhangelsk, Vologda, Novgorod, Kostroma, Yaroslavl regions, combinations of a white base with a red pattern were common.

Due to climatic and cultural differences between the regions of Russia National Costume the Russians did not develop in uniform forms. The archaic South Russian pony complex (with a skirt of three panels - ponyova), the later North Russian complex with a sundress and the Central Russian mixed complex, as well as the “couple” complex (with a skirt and jacket) formed under the influence of urban fashion at the end of the 19th century and an ensemble of one piece dress. Belts were a necessary element of men's and women's costumes in all of the above complexes.

In addition to the most common features that separated the forms of northern and southern Russian costumes, individual features characterize the costume of each province, county and even village. Folk clothes differed in purpose (everyday, festive, wedding, mourning), age, marital status. A computer presentation will help us to see all the beauty of the festive Russian costume today.

Let's repeat now, what details of old Russian clothes do you know? (View slides, student answers.)

Most often, the insignia were not the cut and type of clothing, but its color, the amount of decor (embroidered and woven patterns), the use of silk, gold and silver threads.

Festive clothes were very colorful, necessarily decorated with embroidery elements, lace stripes, beads, cord, sequins and other details that, as a rule, were not in casual clothes. The most elegant was clothes made of red fabric. The concepts of "red" and "beautiful" were unambiguous in the popular imagination.

Let's now watch an excerpt from the wonderful film "Morozko". Pay attention not only to the clothes of the heroes, but also to the hats. (View H.F.)

After the decrees of Peter the Great, Russian noble and urban costumes underwent Europeanization. Aesthetic ideas about human beauty have also changed. The Russian peasantry remained the guardian of the national ideal and costume. Trapezoidal or straight monumental silhouette, main types of cut, picturesque decorative and color scheme.

Headdresses of Ancient Rus' existed in the peasant environment until the 18th - 19th centuries.

The main fabrics used for folk peasant clothing were homespun canvas and wool of simple linen weave, and from the middle of the 19th century. - factory-made silk, satin, brocade with an ornament of lush flower garlands and bouquets, calico, chintz, satin, colored cashmere.

Patterned weaving, embroidery, and prints were the main ways of ornamenting home textiles. Striped and checkered patterns are varied in shape and color. The technique of folk patterned weaving, as well as embroidery by counting the threads, led to rectilinear, geometric contours, the absence of rounded outlines in the pattern.

Tell me, what are the most common elements of the amulet ornament do you know and what do they mean? (rhombuses, oblique crosses, octagonal stars, rosettes, Christmas trees, bushes, stylized figures of a woman, a bird, a horse, a deer).

Patterns, woven and embroidered, were made with linen, hemp, silk and woolen threads, dyed with vegetable dyes, giving muted shades. The range of colors is multicolor: white, red, blue, black, brown, yellow, green. Multicolor was decided, most often, on the basis of white, red and blue (or black) colors.

From the middle of the XIX century. homespun fabrics are replaced by factory-made fabrics with printed floral, checkered, striped patterns. Folk costumes with crimson roses and bright green leaves on a black or red background are found in the paintings of Malyavin, Arkhipov, Kustodiev, reflecting the bright national identity of Russian folk life of that time. (View reproductions on slides)

An important place in the costume was occupied various decorations. IN in large numbers necklaces made of pearls and beads, colored wool, gaitans - stringed beads, to which were hung crosses, scapulars, amber beads, blown glass beads, ribbons were worn around the neck. big love enjoyed large earrings, pendants, sometimes they reached the shoulders. Colored belts, narrow braided sashes and wide rainbow woven sashes complemented and decorated the costume, completing the whole ensemble.

For many peoples, ancient festive clothes had a three-tiered structure of decorations.

Headdresses and the upper part of the costume are associated with the image of the sky, so the compositions of the patterns are based on the appeal to the sun, stars, birds that connect heaven and earth. Ribbons descending from headdresses symbolize rain. Patterns and embroideries are dominated by the image of fertile land.

We wear caps, berets, hats on our heads. And in ancient times, women wore kokoshniks, magpies, covering them with scarves on top. These hats consisted of 2-5 elements and sometimes weighed several kilograms.

Headdresses were divided into girls' and women's, or "women's". Girls, according to custom, braided their hair in one braid, the crown was left open. Therefore, their headdress is all kinds of crowns, bandages, hoops, which were decorated with freshwater pearls and beads. "Bandage", or, as it was often called, "beauty", "volushka", in each village had its own form and ornament. It is based on a strip of fabric, often made of finely patterned chintz, with a solid forehead part made of canvas (paper) quilted in several layers, decorated with a braid or embroidery, with strong ties at the ends. It covers the head in the form of a hoop or dressing.

The girl's headdress was complemented by "guns" - balls of white goose or swan's down, as well as "curls" - bright Drake feathers. In ancient times, Slavic girls walked with loose hair. Later, this custom was preserved only in wedding ceremonies.

The basis of all Russian women's headdresses, despite their diversity, was a hard forehead part, depending on the shape (flat, spade-shaped, with horns) called kichka or horned kichka.

Women have always paid special attention to headdresses, the most noticeable part of any costume. Hats were extremely diverse, but they were always clearly divided into girlish hats and headdresses. married women.

A married woman, according to ancient custom, had to carefully cover her hair from prying eyes. It was impossible to leave the house with an uncovered head, to do household chores.

But young girls were not forbidden to show their hair: "A girl's braid is beauty for the whole world." Hence the differences: girls have light air braids, korunas, crowns, kokoshniks, ribbons, hoops, and women have deaf magpies, kicks, warriors, scarves. (Demonstration of models from the collection of the school museum)

Over the course of several centuries, a tradition has developed to create and wear those forms of clothing that were most functional and adapted both to climatic conditions and to convey certain information about their owners. Russia as a whole is characterized by 2 types of women's costume set: northern Russian, which is based on a shirt and long sundress, and South Russian, the second component of which is a short and voluminous poneva.

The festive shirt was decorated with embroidery, which protected the woman from the evil eye. The collar, shoulders, chest, hem were especially decorated.

It was believed that the richer the shirt was decorated. The happier its owner. Touching the ground with the hem of a shirt, a woman received vitality, and embroideries with fertility symbols gave the earth fertile forces.

The hem of a shirt or skirt was decorated with ornaments symbolizing sown arable land. These are triangles, rhombuses, rectangles with dots. The ends of the braided belts were decorated with the heads of lizards, which symbolized the underground and underwater world.

Teacher: What forms of ornament do you know? Where are they applied?

Student responses:

Ornaments are classified into three forms: closed, ribbon and mesh.

A closed ornament is a pattern whose decorative elements are grouped in such a way that they create a closed movement. This ornament is used to decorate tablecloths, napkins, plates, windows and other frames.

A ribbon ornament is a pattern whose decorative elements create a rhythmic row with an open two-way movement that fits into the ribbon. The ribbon ornament is widely used in decorating clothes in the form of an embroidered collar, sleeve edge, belt, headband.

A mesh ornament is a pattern in the form of cells that are filled with decorative elements. Woven things were decorated with such an ornament.

Teacher: What colors prevailed in the folk ornament and what is their meaning?

Students' answers: White, red, black, yellow, brown colors. Sometimes gentle blue and natural green.

The white color in folk representations was associated with light, purity and personified the feminine.

Red was the color of the sun, fire, life, beauty and personified the masculine principle. The theme of Russian clothing has another important meaning.

Clothing is a calling card.

Almost every woman was obliged to sew clothes for herself and her family. Accordingly, the more successfully the costume turned out, the more ornaments, decorations, etc. on it, the better and more diligent the hostess was considered. In addition, the basis of the Slavic worldview is the ability to harmonize the space around oneself. That is - harmony in the family, order in the yard and house. This harmony can be achieved only under the condition of inner harmony. If a person has balanced and harmonized his energies, he will easily do this with the space around him. Accordingly, if a woman is in harmony with herself, the result of her actions (in this case, tailoring and decorating clothes) will be harmonious and attractive. Conclusion - if a person comes to you in a torn shirt with protruding threads and slanting sleeves - this is a reflection of the atmosphere in his family, respectively, in his soul. Nothing good should be expected from this person, no matter what he touches - it will turn out just like his shirt.

More importantly. Needlework was done only by WOMEN. This is another confirmation that the ancestors understood that the atmosphere in the family depended only on women.

III. Consolidation of knowledge.

The game "Tuesok" to recognize the element of the costume you like. The assistant holds a wicker tuesok with notes on which the name of the elements of the folk costume is written. Students who wish take turns tearing off the leaves and showing the named parts of the costume on the assistant.

IV. Practical work.

Task: make a sketch of a folk and festive costume (winter or summer), discuss in advance the size of the figures.

The performance of practical work is accompanied by the sound of music (Russian folk).

Materials: paper, gouache, watercolor, brushes (large and small)

Visuals: illustrations depicting a folk costume, computer presentation, a student in Russian clothes, headdresses from the museum.

Musical series: Russian melodic melodies, folk dance music and songs.

Teacher: guys, you and I must remember that the peasantry in Rus' is the keeper of aesthetic ideas and traditions in folk costume

V. Analysis of work. Summing up the lesson.

At the end of the 2-hour lesson, an exhibition and discussion of children's work, during which shortcomings and the most successful moments and children's work are revealed. The best sketches for the school exhibition are selected by the general decision method.


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Love for the native land, knowledge of its history is the basis on which alone the growth of the spiritual culture of the whole society can be carried out. Apron (zapon) - clothes from two long panels of fabric, not sewn, gathered on a lace. Curtain - long tunic-like clothes with sleeves and a rectangular cutout to the shoulder blades.

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"Folk holiday costume"

  • 5th grade

Folk festive costume

Lesson Objectives:

  • To consolidate knowledge of the folk costume;
  • To acquaint with the concept of ensemble and the meaning of color in clothes;
  • Develop aesthetic taste;
  • To instill an interest in folk art.

  • Respect for the past is the feature that distinguishes education from savagery.

A. S. Pushkin

  • Love for the native land, knowledge of its history is the basis on which alone the growth of the spiritual culture of the whole society can be carried out. D.S. Likhachev

Woman suit

  • Shirt- the basis of women's folk costume.
  • Sundress

  • Belt
  • Apron (zapon)- clothes from two long panels of fabric, not sewn, gathered on a cord
  • Curtain- long tunic-like clothing with sleeves and a rectangular neckline to the shoulder blades.

  • soul-warming- a short loose jacket, gathered in the upper part into small folds.

  • Epanechka- a kind of soul warmer, a short insulated jacket without sleeves and a collar, held on by straps.
  • Poneva- homespun plaid wool skirt. Clothing for married women.

The combination of white and red - a distinctive feature of both embroidery and folk clothing in general.





Men's suit.

  • basis men's suit there was a shirt that had a slit in the middle or side at the collar (kosovorotka). The shirt was worn loose and must be belted. It was sewn from white, red or blue fabric, also decorated with embroidery.

  • Trousers were an obligatory part of the clothes of a Russian peasant. (ports), tied with a drawstring around the waist. Wealthy people wore ports made of silk and cloth, ordinary people - canvas. They were tucked into boots, or wrapped in long pieces of cloth. (onuchami). They put on over zipun.

  • Kaftan - traditional outerwear
  • Armyak - clothes similar to a bathrobe. Worn over a caftan

Orlovsky costume

Kursk costume

Tambov costume

Ryazan costume

Smolensk costume

Voronezh costume

  • What is the secret of the beauty of the Russian folk costume?
  • What role did patterns play in the decoration of a peasant costume?

Practical work

  • Sketch of female and male figures in traditional dress

Objectives: To introduce students to the Russian folk costume, the concept of "ensemble", the meaning of color in clothes. To form the skills and abilities of students when using various kinds technology at work. To continue the development of aesthetic and artistic taste, creative activity and thinking of students. To instill interest in Russian folk art.

LESSON PLAN Talk about folk costume. The relationship of costume composition with folk architecture and ornament in folk art. Listening to musical excerpts, folklore works. Statement of the artistic task: the choice of composition and technique. Execution of a small sketch in which the student determines the color and basic character of the costume. Start of work on the final version. Completion of the sketch. Exhibition and discussion of works.

Russian woman suit The usual idea of ​​a Russian women's costume is usually associated with a shirt, sundress, belt, and sometimes an apron. In the north, sarafans were often supplemented with chest-opening clothes - an epanechka, and in cold weather they put on a long-sleeved dushegrey on a sarafan.

Russian shirt Both in the north and in the south, the shirt was sewn from homespun canvas, generously decorating it with embroidery, patterned weaving, compositions of braid, galloon, sequins. The combination of white and red is a distinctive feature of both embroidery and Russian folk clothing in general.

In the southern regions of Russia, another type of clothing was common, consisting of a shirt, a poneva (skirt), an apron, and a headdress - a hat (magpie). This clothing, unlike the sundress, was only peasant. Poneva was sewn from woolen checkered homespun material. It was decorated with embroidery, stripes of lace, ribbons, beadwork. On men's shirts on the left side, in place of the heart, a rhombus was embroidered. Poneva consists of three panels, along the seams - an ornament. The color of the poneva was black, brown, blue in a cage. The main color of the seed ensemble is red.

Technological map of the lesson on fine arts in 5 Target: To acquaint students with the Russian folk costume, with its elements; show the meaning of symbolism and color in clothes.

Planned results: In the field of knowledge:

To define the concepts studied:

a suit, a shirt, a sundress, a paneva, an epanechka, a shower warmer, a coruna, trousers-ports, a zipun;

Describe the elements of folk costume;

In the value-oriented sphere:

Analyze and evaluate the role of symbols in costume decoration;



Knowledge of folk traditions;

Feeling of pride in Russian culture;

The ability to manage your cognitive activity.


- Set a goal and analyze the conditions for achieving the goal.

Predict the situation of future events.


Search for information using various resources.

Establish cause and effect relationships.

Give definitions to concepts.


Ability to organize educational cooperation and joint activities with partners

The ability to enter into a dialogue and participate in a collective discussion of the problem, to argue one's position

Forms of work:

Individual work on a sketch of a Russian folk costume (female or male)

Basic concepts: Suit, shirt, sundress, paneva, epanechka, shower warmer, korun, ports, zipun.

Resources: Textbook, handout, presentation designed by the teacher, drawings depicting Russian folk costumes



Teacher: Bisenaliev N.I.

Subject: ISO

Class 5

Topic: "Folk festive costume"

Target: To acquaint students with the Russian folk costume, with its elements; show the meaning of symbolism and color in clothes.

Planned results:In the field of knowledge:

To define the concepts studied:

a suit, a shirt, a sundress, a paneva, an epanechka, a shower warmer, a coruna, trousers-ports, a zipun;

Describe the elements of folk costume;

In the value-oriented sphere:

Analyze and evaluate the role of symbols in costume decoration;



Knowledge of folk traditions;

Feeling of pride in Russian culture;

The ability to manage their cognitive activity.


- Set a goal and analyze the conditions for achieving the goal.

Predict the situation of future events.


Search for information using various resources.

Establish cause and effect relationships.

Give definitions to concepts.


Ability to organize educational cooperation and joint activities with partners

The ability to enter into a dialogue and participate in a collective discussion of the problem, to argue one's position

Forms of work:

Individual work on a sketch of a Russian folk costume (female or male)

Basic concepts:Suit, shirt, sundress, paneva, epanechka, shower warmer, korun, ports, zipun.

Resources: Textbook, handout, presentation designed by the teacher, drawings depicting Russian folk costumes

Technological map of the study of the topic

Lesson stages

Teacher activity

Student activities


1st stage of motivation (self-determination) for learning activities;

Good afternoon guys! You have three emoticons on the tables, choose the one that suits your mood.

How many smiles lit up. Thank you!

And this is my mood… I am ready to cooperate productively with you. Good luck!

Choose an emoticon and show your mood


2nd stage. Actualization. Determining the topic of the lesson

Marks attendees. Greets students.

Choice effective ways workspace organization.

- In order to determine the topic of our lesson, we must solve a crossword puzzle.

1) what people used in ancient times to protect themselves and their homes(characters)

2) constant companion of peasant women(spinning wheel)

3) the color that personified the masculine principle(red)

4) item for newborn(cradle)

5) spinning wheel element(blade)

6) the main symbol in ancient folk art(Sun)

Determination of the topic of the lesson in cooperation with students

Guys, what tasks should we set for ourselves in order to find out what the Russian folk costume is like?

Got the key word of the lesson- COSTUME

- Today we will look at Russian folk costumes.

Consider images of men's and women's costumes

Let's determine what elements the women's and men's suit consists of;

Consider images of costumes of the peoples of Russia

Let's define the difference between the costumes of different territories of Russia.

Meaning formation.

Setting a learning task based on what is already known and mastered, and what is still unknown.

Independent selection of a cognitive goal,

Stage 3 identifying the location and cause of the problem

Do you know what costume your great-great-grandmother might have worn?

What did folk costumes look like, how and why were they decorated?

Everything in the costume reminds of the beauty of the native land. For several centuries in different ends Russian lands developed their own characteristic features in clothing, and people strictly adhered to local traditions.

What elements does the folk costume consist of, what secret does its elegant pattern keep?

Show presentation and sketches of costumes prepared by high school students

Ability to analyze and discuss;

Evaluation of objective difficulties

Formulation of the problem;

Self-creation of ways to solve problems of a creative nature.

The ability to express one's thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy.

Stage 4 of building a project to get out of difficulty

Offers the game "Dress up the doll".

Show progress on the boardthe teacher performs a sketch of the costume on the blackboard in stages)

(Students are invited to choose the necessary elements of the costume for the doll

Correction (making necessary additions to the plan and method of action in case of discrepancy between the standard and the real result)

Formulation in a communicative form of a specific
target their future actions, eliminating the cause
the difficulty that has arisen;

Ability to cooperate with interlocutors, use of speech means of communication

Stage 5 independent work with
self-examination according to the standard and Itogin


Independent creative work:

Based on the material you saw about the costume, make a sketch of the costume of your choice (male or female). When performing work, you can use patterns of a human figure.

Individual work

Demonstrate the ability to work on a sketch of a Russian folk costume;

Ability to manage behavior and activities

Ability to organize educational cooperation: independently create ways to solve problems of a creative nature.

Stage 6 of primary consolidation with pronunciation in external speech

Offers to present creative work

Showcase their work

Analyze work

The ability to express one's thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy.

Self-regulation as the ability to mobilize forces and energy

The ability to express and defend one's point of view, to accept someone else's point of view, to oppose the interlocutor

Stage 7 Reflection

Organizes a discussion of the results of the work, solving the problem, achieving the goal

What did we learn in class?

What new and interesting things did you learn?

What are the main elements in the Russian folk costume?

What is the difference between the "Northern" suit and the "South" suit?

Consciously drawing conclusions

Express their own opinion about the work and the result

Evaluate the correctness of the actions performed, make the necessary results and correct them

Carry out final control

Moral and ethical orientation, evaluation of digestible content, providing a personal moral choice.

Evaluation (highlighting and understanding by students of what has already been learned and what is still to be learned, awareness of the quality and level of assimilation.

Stage 8 - homework

Assigns and comments on homework

Offers to find material about Russians folk holidays and rites.

Level 1 - easy to find:

Level 2 - submit in writing;

Level 3 - present in writing with a presentation

Choose a level

receive information,

Capturing information consciously

Lesson type: combined.

Form: lesson-conversation, excursion into history.

Target:development of students' interest in the historical heritage of our Motherland.


  1. To introduce students to the Russian folk costume, the concept of "ensemble", the meaning of color in clothes.

  2. To form the skills and abilities of students in the use of various types of technology in the work.

  3. Create conditions for creative work and development of artistic taste, fantasy and imagination.

  4. To develop the skills of search and research, independent activities of students.

  5. To instill interest in Russian folk art, to form a sense of patriotism.

Equipment: presentation on the topic: "Russian folk festive costume", computer, projector; record player; reproductions of paintings depicting Russian folk costume (I.P. Argunov "Portrait of a Peasant Woman in Russian Folk Costume", V.M. Vasnetsov "The Frog Princess"); illustrations for fairy tales; panels depicting a rural landscape, patterns of human figures; musical series: Russian folk songs; library materials (books: "Explanatory dictionary", "Russian folk riddles, proverbs, sayings", "Traditions of the Russian people"), a set of art materials.

Lesson plan:

    Setting lesson goals. Introduction by the teacher.

    Talk about folk costume. Student messages, presentation.

    Statement of the artistic task.

    Independent work of students.

    Work on a collective panel, exchange of impressions.


Lesson progress:

I. Organizational moment.

II. Announcement of the topic of the lesson, introductory speech of the teacher.

(slide 1,2)

a) Conversation:

Let's imagine, guys, that we live in Russia not in the twenty-first century, but somewhere in the seventeenth! What can you say about Russian life families ? What was life like? What did they do in summer and winter?(Children express their thoughts).

You are correct: life was difficult in past centuries: hard work in the field in spring and summer, harvesting and harvesting in autumn. Work began with the first rays of the sun, and ended when it was already completely dark.

But when the holiday came, it was greeted joyfully, they always prepared for it.

Presentation (slide 3.4)

Every nation has holidays. They reveal the soul of a person, his character. In Rus' they loved holidays. They met spring and saw off winter, celebrated the completion of field work, and sometimes just the end of the working day. Holidays have always been fun filled with music, singing, games and dancing. Every evening people different ages they gathered in the evening at someone's hut and sang and danced (danced) there. The song and dance repertoire was very rich and varied. For all seasons, for everything calendar holidays had their own songs, games, dances, fun, nursery rhymes. Often, incantations, jokes, jokes were invented on the spot, on the move - they improvised, especially ditties.

A holiday is not only songs and dances.

- How else is this day different from ordinary everyday life?/outfits/

On the eve of the festivities, heavy chests were thrown open. The more they were stuffed, the richer the owner of the house was considered. All festive clothes were necessarily decorated with embroidery elements, beads, sequins, which, as a rule, was not in everyday clothes. By the clothes one could judge the taste and skill of the craftswoman, because the peasant woman made the outfit herself.

Presentation (slide 5)

Student messages:

    People in the old days were a little like modern inhabitants. They dressed quite differently. Nobody bought clothes: they made them at home with their own hands.

    It was believed that clothes should be comfortable, so they were sewn loose. They did not give their shirt to anyone, as it was believed that it protects a person from adversity.

    In the old days they treated clothes with respect, put them in chests, and washed them on purpose.

What a variety of festive outfits! Slide 6.7 (presentation)

And what do they have in common? (patterns)

How else can you call it? (ornament) What is an ornament?

Any Russian costume in the old days was certainly decorated with ornaments and embroidery.

Let's remember what types of ornament do you know? /plant and geometric/

Let's take a closer look at the outfits. (Slide 8)

The basis of any Russian costume was shirt. Shirts with a fastener on the side were called blouses. These were usually worn by men. They also included trousers who refueled in boots or in onuchi(a piece of cloth), and on top of the onuchs they dressed bast shoes.

The shirt was wide and was decorated along the hem, along the collar, along the edge of the sleeves with embroidery. And be sure to tie sash belt <рисунок 1>.

Belts performed many functions: they spoke about the well-being of a person, and were also an award and a gift, and were inherited. Festive shirts were embroidered with silk colored threads. Preference was given to red (as a talisman).

vocabulary work(work given to students in advance: find the interpretation of words: kosovorotka, shirt, onuchi, bast shoes, pants (ports), belt (sash), V explanatory dictionary Ozhegov or Dalia)

Picture 1.

And now let's get acquainted with the women's suit (slide 9, 10)

In the central and northern regions of Russia, women dressed for the holidays sundress<рисунок 2>.

Vocabulary work: find the meaning of words: sundress, epanechka, dushegreya, kokoshnik, kichka, korotena, poneva, cap.

The smooth lines of the sundress seemed to flow, making the woman look like a swan. No wonder in songs and fairy tales they are called swans.

The festive attire also included the so-called dushegrei - epanechki or shorts - short blouses with straps, similar to sarafans<рисунок 2>.

Figure 2.

And in the southern regions of Russia, women of fashion dressed in a pony complex<рисунок 3>.

Figure 3

Poneva - skirt. She always dressed over a shirt, then came an apron, and then a top.

Red prevailed. This is the color of fire, the sun, magical, beautiful, a symbol of salvation and a sign of a barrier to evil forces. This color was supposed to scare away demons and spirits that have a human appearance, store and protect the owner from various misfortunes.

And finally, hats.

They were clearly divided into girls' and married women's dresses:

Kokoshniks, ribbons, wreaths /girlish/.

Koruna, magpie, kichka /female/.

In the names of headdresses, one can hear kinship with a bird: kokoshnik, kichka, magpie. And this is no coincidence. Remember fairy tales: a swan, a white swan, like a peacock.

Give an interpretation of the words "ensemble", "color".

Ensemble - consistency, harmony of parts of a single whole.

Color - saturation of color, the ratio of colors in tone.

III. Practical work – creation of a collective panel on the theme “Holiday in the village”.

Students are given figurines depicting people and need to make them festive clothes.

Task differentiated:

1 group: colorize ready-made figurines, already “dressed” - a task for slow-moving children and those who have difficulty with self-image. Design your own ornament.

2 group: “Dress” paper figurine, i.e. design and draw your own festive outfit.

The main condition is the presence of an ornament in clothes.

Finished works are glued to a pre-prepared panel depicting the countryside.

In the course of work, you can make a few riddles to the children (slide 11-13) and proverbs (slide 14)

In the course of work, students can be invited to listen to several Russian folk songs.

IV. Outcome.

Everything in life changes, but the holiday remains. And although he can cope in different ways, the main thing remains - joy, special excitement, fun, elegant clothes, gifts, songs and dances, for us now sometimes mysterious. However, these traditions are unusual and special. They need to be remembered and known.

V. Evaluation of works.

VI . Homework: selection of material modern fashion(Materials of magazines).

Interpretation of words:
