Lesson - presentation of projects "such different holidays". Presentation on the topic "Such different holidays" Presentation such different holidays







May 2015

Subject: Such different holidays.

Lesson type : Learning new material.

Purpose: to form an idea about the holidays in Russia, their differences and features.

Cognitive - to base a cognitive task, to read, extracting the necessary information, to identify the known and the unknown;

Communicative - to participate in a general conversation, observing the rules of speech behavior,

Regulatory - accept and save the learning task, plan the necessary actions in cooperation with the teacher and classmates;

Personal - to realize oneself as an individual and at the same time a member of society, to recognize generally accepted moral and ethical standards for oneself.

To educate patriotism, attitude to the family as the highest value in life.

Equipment: 4th grade textbook "The world around" A.A. Pleshakov, test on the topic “We are citizens of Russia”, envelopes with tasks No. 1, No. 2, No. 3 for each group, A3 sheets, glue, cards with the word “Holidays” and the names of five groups of holidays, postcards by the number of children .

If the sun shines bright
This is very good!
Adults and children know:
Many holidays in the world
Ask us about any...
They are celebrated with love
As it should, in Rus'!


  1. Organizing time.

Check it out buddy

Are you ready to start the lesson?

Is everything in place, is everything in order,

Book, pen and notebook?

Have you checked? Sit down!

Work diligently!

(Children are seated in groups of 4 people)

  1. Checking homework.

SLIDE 2 - 7

  1. Children in groups perform the test "We are citizens of Russia"
  1. A citizen of Russia is one who

T) lives and works in Russia

P) executes the laws of Russia and has the right to protect and manage it

H) came to Russia to rest

  1. What rights do citizens of Russia have?

C) to protect the Fatherland, to take care of the conservation of nature

P) protection of one's honor and good name, for work and education

H) fight with classmates if you don't like them

  1. What are the responsibilities of Russian citizens?

A) to protect the Fatherland, to take care of the conservation of nature

L) protection of one's honor and good name, for work and education

O) fight with classmates if you don't like them

  1. At what age do Russian citizens have the right to participate in the management of state affairs?

B) from the age of 14

H) from 18 years old

E) from the age of 21

  1. Our head of state is

L) prime minister

P) speaker of parliament

D) president

  1. Our parliament is

I) the Federal Assembly

H) Federation Council

H) State Duma

  1. What is the Government of Russia doing?

E) make laws

D) approves or rejects laws

I) develops measures for the development of the culture and economy of the country

  1. The laws of Russia come into force when they

X) approves the Federation Council

U) adopted by the State Duma

C) signed by the president

Clockwise exchange tests and check.

  1. - Read the word that the letters form next to the correct answers of the test.


What do you think we will talk about in class today?

The lesson has already begun
He will go to the guys for the future
We are about the holidays of Russia
Let's talk today.

SLIDE #8 - The topic of today's lesson is "Such different holidays"

What is the purpose of the lesson in relation to the topic?

(Expand knowledge on the topic)

What do you know about this topic?

What is a holiday?
These are smiles! They are gifts! This is a good mood!
These are happy memories!
The holiday decorates our life, makes it brighter and brighter.
The holiday gives us unforgettable moments of joy and fun.

What would you like to learn in class today?

SLIDE #9 - Already now on the pages of the "Calendar of events" there are more than three hundred holidays celebrated in Russia. Yes, today you will learn the holidays that are celebrated in Russia, learn how they are celebrated, find out into which groups all holidays can be conditionally divided.

SLIDE № 10-11 -What is a holiday? (Ozhigov's Dictionary)

SLIDE number - 12 “And you will find out right now. To do this, remove the cards from envelope No. 1 and cross out all the letters in them that form the word "holiday"






SLIDE № - 13- 14 The result is the words "folk", "professional", "school", "all-Russian", "family"

What do you think “folk” (“professional”, “school”, “all-Russian”, “family”) holidays mean?

  1. - Now we will get to know the holidays of each group more closely. To do this, we will use envelopes No. 2. (They contain cards with the names of holidays and brief information about them or a link to a textbook where you can find this information)

SLIDE number - 15 1 group.

Fire Protection Day - April 30On this day in 1649, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich signed a decree establishing the first Russian fire service. One of the first professional fire brigades was created under Peter the Great. In 1999, by the Decree of the President of Russia Boris Yeltsin, April 30 was established as the Day of the Fire Protection of Russia.

Day medical worker- third Sunday in JuneOn the third Sunday of June, Russian healthcare, according to a long tradition, celebrates the Day of the Medical Worker. Reason: Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of 01.10.1980.

Teacher's Day - October 5UNESCO approved Teacher's Day only in 1994, but in Russia this holiday has been celebrated since 1965, and earlier teachers were congratulated every first Sunday in October.

Day of the motorist - last sunday OctoberProfessional holiday of workers road transport and road infrastructure has been celebrated since 1996 on the basis of the Decree of the President Russian Federation dated November 7, 1996.

SLIDE number - 16 2nd group.

Birthday - the day of the year in which a person was born. In many cultures, it is customary to arrange birthday parties and give gifts to the hero of the occasion. One of the most common birthday rituals is the preparation of a cake with candles stuck in it according to the number of years the birthday person turns.

Wedding - a solemn ceremony dedicated to the conclusion of marriage. Wedding organizers invite a wedding planner, the so-calledtoastmaster , which during the event controls its progress, gives the floor to those wishing to make a toast, monitors the order of the performance of the artists, and so on.

Christening - home holiday, festive dinner on the day of the sacrament of baptism. On this day, only the closest and dearest people used to come to visit the baby and parents.

Mothers Day - between folk holiday in honor of mothers. On this day, it is customary to congratulate mothers and pregnant women, in contrast to the International women's day when all female representatives accept congratulations. Mother's Day in Russia is celebrated annually onlast Sunday in November.

International day of the elderly(international day of the elderly) October 1 since 1991. It was proclaimed at the 45th session of the UN General Assembly.

SLIDE number - 17 3rd group.

In schools promsusually noted at the beginning of the twentieth numbersJune , after all school final exams are over. Prom usually not assigned to22nd of June - Day of Remembrance and Sorrow . IN 1941 Graduation in schools took place from 21 to 22 June. At the official ceremony, the schoolchildren who received the results of their studies are traditionally first of all honoredmedals , then handed certificates .

Knowledge Day September 1 - the beginning of a new school year for all Russian schoolchildren, students, teachers and lecturers. Traditionally, on this day, ceremonial lines are held in schools, cool watch, lessons of knowledge, peace, security and courage.

Last call - traditional holiday students completing their studies. Recent calls in schools are held at the end of May, when studies have already ended, and the final exams have not yet begun.

Initiation into first graders

Farewell to the alphabet

SLIDE number - 18

We worked great.

Take a break now -

And charging is familiar to us

Comes to class for class.

It's a holiday - have fun!

Run, jump and spin.

Once - swear

Bow down two

And sit down on a chair.

SLIDE number - 19 4 group.

(see textbook p.178)

Maslenitsa - a multi-day holiday dedicated to seeing off winter and welcoming spring. The start date of Maslenitsa changes every year. Main traditional attributes folk celebration Shrovetide - a scarecrow of Shrovetide, fun, festivities, for Russians - obligatory pancakes and cakes, for Ukrainians and Belarusians - dumplings, cheesecakes.

Easter (Resurrection of Christ) -main holiday Orthodox calendar, established in memory of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Easter does not have a fixed date, but is calculated according to lunar calendar. On this day they put on the table colored eggs, kulich - high bread made from rich dough and Easter - a sweet dish of cottage cheese with raisins.

Ivan Kupala (Midsummer Day) is a summer folk holiday of pagan origin. On the night of Ivan Kupala, the betrothed were chosen and marriage ceremonies were performed: jumping over the fire holding hands, exchanging wreaths, searching for a fern flower and bathing in the morning dew.

Valentine's Day, or St. Valentine's Day- a holiday that The 14th of February celebrated by many people around the world. Those who celebrate this holiday give flowers, sweets, toys, gifts to their beloved and dear people. air balloons and special cards (often in the form of a heart), with poems, love confessions or wishes for love - valentines.

SLIDE No. - 2 0 -21 5 group.

(Textbook p. 175)

(Textbook p. 175)

(Textbook p. 175)

(Textbook p. 175)

(Textbook p. 176)

(Textbook p. 176)

(Textbook p. 178)

(Textbook p. 178)

(Textbook pp. 176-177)

The guys study the names of the holidays, determine which group they all belong to, study the information about the holidays and prepare to tell it to the whole class. After the performance, a card with the name of the holiday is placed on the board under the corresponding name of the group.

  1. SLIDE number - 22 Consolidation of the studied material.

The guys work in groups with envelope No. 3, in which there are pictures illustrating different holidays (each envelope contains pictures for the holidays of only one group). Children need to stick them on A3 sheet, and under each picture stick the corresponding card with the name of the holiday, which the guys choose on the board. The resulting collage is placed on the stand, each under the name of the group of holidays corresponding to it.

  1. Reflection and evaluation.

Have each group review their lesson today. How would you rate yourself? Put the mark that you think you deserve today on your postcard. Pass it to your neighbor on the right, let him also appreciate your work. Now let the neighbor on the left do the same. As a result of these assessments, each of you will receive a mark for the work in the lesson in the journal.

SLIDE number - 23

6. Bottom line.

Remember and name the topic of our today's lesson.

What did you learn in this lesson?

What do you remember best?

SLIDE number - 24 - Where can we use the knowledge gained in the lesson?

SLIDE number - 25 - Thank you all for your work.


  • What is depicted on the State Emblem of Russia?
  • What does the State Flag of the Russian Federation look like?
  • What do you know about the Victory Banner?
  • What do you know about the National Anthem of Russia?
Call it in one word
  • HOLIDAY - a celebration in honor of an event.
  • Peter I introduced a new calendar and New Year began to celebrate January 1st.
  • In ancient Rus', it was celebrated on March 1, then on September 1.
How is the New Year celebrated in Russia?
  • Read the textbook p.177
New Year in Japan.
  • On the morning of January 1, all residents of cities and villages take to the streets to meet the sunrise. With the rays of the sun, the Japanese congratulate each other on the coming year and exchange gifts.
New Year in Vietnam.
  • Here the New Year is celebrated at night. With the onset of dusk, the Vietnamese make fires in parks, gardens or on the streets, several families gather around the fires. Special delicacies from rice are cooked on coals. On this night, all quarrels are forgotten, all insults are forgiven.
New Year in Mongolia.
  • New Year in this country coincides with the festival of cattle breeding, so it is characterized by sports competitions, tests of dexterity and courage. Just like the peoples of Europe, the Mongols celebrate the New Year at the Christmas tree, Santa Claus also comes to them, but in the clothes of a cattle breeder.
New Year in Bulgaria.
  • When people gather at holiday table, in all houses the lights are turned off for three minutes. These minutes are called minutes
  • New Year's kisses, the secret of which is kept by darkness.
New Year in Romania.
  • It is customary to put various small surprises in New Year's pies - small money, rings, hot pepper pods. If you find a ring in the cake, the new year will bring you a lot of happiness.
New Year in Burma.
  • New Year comes at the hottest time of the year,
  • therefore, his arrival is celebrated with a "festival of water".
  • On the streets of cities and villages, when they meet, people pour water on each other from different dishes.
  • At the same time, no one is offended: after all, dousing with water -
  • this is a kind of wish for happiness in
  • New Year.
Read about other holidays.
  • Textbook p.175, p.178.
Holidays are:
  • State
  • School
  • Family
  • Professional
State holidays.
  • June 12 - Russian Independence Day
  • August 22 - State Flag Day
  • December 12 - Constitution Day
School holidays.
  • Knowledge Day
  • Last call
  • Farewell to the alphabet
Family holidays.
  • Birthdays
  • weddings
professional holidays.
  • Teacher's Day
  • Medical Worker's Day
  • Where can new knowledge be useful in life?
  • What seemed the most interesting?
  • What did you do well in class?
  • What needs to be worked on?
  • http://vdv-nf.ru/pic/news/1433153333.jpg
  • http://sch32.do.am/_nw/0/89864372.jpg
  • http://ask-22.ru/2016/03/08/pozdravlyaem-s-8-marta/
  • http://muzon-podarok.ru/wp-content/uploads/muzon-podarok-02fcl6.jpg
  • http://ietwhat.at.ua/e/f/Touringoru_9.jpg
  • http://www.goliath-travel.ru/upload/goliathtravel/tourtypecountry_photo/10/189/371.jpg
  • http://triphints.ru/media/uploads/articles/308882b7f8daec294738e3d2c948c201/article_54a068877e0449.13351888.jpeg
  • http://triphints.ru/media/uploads/articles/e744ff05b2de1033fa0ba3c811953228/article_5436a015abdf82.80893240.jpeg
  • http://estreshenie.ru/images/tort_estreshenie.jpg
  • http://www.lav-kalendar.ru/korporativnye_otkrytki1/22850
  • http://znaigorod.ru/storage/files/159730/1252-690/shkola1.png
  • http://russoft.ucoz.com/_ld/7/65744787.jpeg
  • https://www.2016.life/media/upload/saigon_10.jpg
  • http://gusev.asch39.ru/uploads/posts/2014-06/1402413660_flag-karta5.jpg
  • http://ru.apa.az/upload/images/news/2015/march/08/big/13ab79c60817b5ef31cda4def75663f1.jpg
  • http://otvetkak.ru/image/%D0%9F%D0%9B9%D0%94%D0%9F-11.jpg
  • http://www.webturizm.ru/news/pics/18584.jpg
  • http://storage.surfingbird.ru/s/13/12/26/19/r2_frpN155a8_orig_7f24676d.jpg
  • http://photosflowery.ru/photo/67/67bbaf1274706029104b8623769a994b.jpg
  • Presentation template http://templated.ru/uploads/posts/2015-02/1424886484_vozdushnye-shary-i-podarki.jpg

Lesson summary

EMC "School of Russia",PleshakovA.A., Kryuchkova E.A., part 2;

Item: The world

Class: 4

Lesson topic: "Such different holidays"

Lesson type: Discovery of new knowledge

Target: formation of ideas about holidays in Russia, their differences and features.


    To educate patriotism, attitude to the family as the highest value in life.

    To expand and deepen knowledge about the history of the emergence and celebration of some Russian holidays;

    To cultivate a respectful attitude to the culture of Russia, its traditions, holidays.

Planned subject results of mastering the material:

    Recognize the role of some Russian holidays in the history and culture of our state.

    Be aware of the cognitive task, read, extracting the necessary information, identify the known and the unknown;

    Accept and save the learning task, plan the necessary actions in cooperation with the teacher and classmates;

    Participate in a general conversation, observing the rules of speech behavior;

    Be aware of your individuality and at the same time your belonging to society, recognize for yourself the generally accepted moral and ethical standards.

Equipment: textbook, projector, laptop

During the classes

Organizational stage

W: Hello guys! Let's smile at each other and good mood Let's start our lesson.

Motivation for learning activities

T: Before moving on to new topic, let's repeat what we talked about in the last lesson.

D: About state symbols - rowing, flag, anthem.

U: What is depicted on the State Emblem of Russia?

D: A red shield with a double-headed golden eagle under three crowns - two small and one large. All three crowns are connected by ribbons. In the right paw - a scepter (rod), and in the left - an orb (golden ball with a cross)

Q: What does the national flag of the Russian Federation look like?

D: The flag consists of 3 stripes - white, blue, red.

T: When is the National Anthem of Russia performed?

D: At official events.

Knowledge update

W: So guys. The topic of today's lesson will also concern our country. What do you see on the screen now?

D: Calendar.

T: Usually all the days of the calendar are highlighted in black, but there are also those that are highlighted in red. Do you know what these days are?

D: Weekends and holidays.

T: What do you think we will talk about today at the lesson?

D: About the holidays.

W: Right! Today we will talk about the holidays celebrated in our country. What do you think a holiday is?

D: Celebration, on holidays they say congratulations and give gifts.

T: A holiday is a day or days of celebration established in honor or in memory of an event (historical, civil or religious). On such a day, according to tradition, it is customary to joyfully spend time, arrange ceremonies, parties, and feasts.

Primary assimilation of new knowledge.

U: Do you think there are many holidays in our country? What holidays do you like the most?

D: A lot. Birthday, New Year

T: The slide shows some holidays. Guys, all holidays are divided into groups, can you divide them now?

D: No.

T: Then read the text on page 175, first and second paragraph.

Initial check of understanding

T: Now we can divide these holidays into groups. For what?

D: Family (Birthdays, weddings, parties). Professional (Educator's Day, Archaeologist's Day, etc.). State (Defender of the Fatherland Day, Russia Day, Constitution Day, Victory Day, etc.). National (Mother's Day on November 29, April Fool's Day on April 1, Knowledge Day on September 1, Student's Day on January 25, Day of Family, Love and Fidelity on July 8and etc.).

W: Right. The first group of holidays we'll talk about is Family Holidays.

The family is the main value of human life. Strengthen family relationships and express your love and gratitude to loved ones family holidays. These are solemn days dedicated to family happiness and well-being.

Each family member has his own holiday, on which he receives congratulations from the people dearest to him. Grandparents, mothers and fathers, children have their own holidays. And we are talking not only about birthdays and name days, but also about special holidays, family, dedicated to family relationships. For example, Birthday, New Year, Mother's Day, Family Day, Love and Fidelity Day

Professional holidays in Russia are celebrated by many professions: prosecutors, press workers, dentists, diplomats, surveyors, submariners, cultural workers and many others. Such days do not appear on the calendar by chance and are evidence of the recognition by the state of the professional merits of workers in this industry. For example, November 27 - Marine Corps Day, December 3 - Lawyer's Day, December 10 - World Football Day

T: The next group of holidays we'll talk about are National Holidays. These are holidays that are established by decree of the President of the Russian Federation. These days we usually rest.

Examples public holidays(June 12 - Day of Russia, August 22 - National Flag Day, December 12 - Constitution Day, Defender of the Fatherland Day - February 23; Spring and Labor Day - May 1; Victory Day - May 9; International Women's Day - March 8.

U: Well, now let's get acquainted with national holidays.

National holidays are celebrated by all residents of the country, regardless of nationality and religion. Kolyada, Shrovetide, Christmas, Easter


The moon floats in the sky. (Smooth wiggle left and right.)

She went into the clouds.

One, two, three, four, five (clap hands.)

Can we get the moon. (Hands up.)

Six, seven, eight, nine, ten - (claps above the head.)

And move it lower. (Hands down.)

Ten, nine, eight, seven (Walking in place.)

So that the moon shines for everyone. (Children sit quietly.)

Primary fastening.

T: Read the textbook on pages 175-178. What holidays are listed in the textbook?

D: List the holidays given in the textbook

Q: What group would you put them in?

D: divided into groups

Information about homework, briefing on its implementation

W: yours homework do it greeting card for any family member in honor of his holiday: professional national, etc.

Reflection (summarizing the lesson)

T: What holidays did we meet today, give examples?

D: New Year, Christmas, Russia Day

Q: What groups are the holidays divided into?

D: There are family, professional, folk holidays.

Q: What holidays are of particular importance?

D: Public holidays are of particular importance: June 12 - Day of Russia, August 22 - Day of the State Flag of Russia, December 12 - Constitution Day.

All-Russian holidays are holidays for the whole people.

They make us one.

Celebrating these holidays, we remember important milestones in the history of our country, we are proud of the glorious deeds of our ancestors.

2. What memorable dates in Russia that are not mentioned in the text do you know?

In Russia there is a whole group of holidays called the Days of Military Glory. For example, such a day is the day of April 18, when Alexander Nevsky defeated the Germans on Lake Peipsi, or September 21, the day of victory on the Kulikovo field.

3. What holidays are celebrated in your native land?

In my region, all the same holidays are celebrated as elsewhere in Russia. Especially everyone loves New Year and Christmas. Victory Day, March 8, February 23, Easter are also beautifully celebrated.

Let's check ourselves

1. List the holidays and memorable days of Russia.

2. What is the history of the New Year celebration? Name other holidays associated with the arrival of the new season.

In the past, Rus' celebrated the New Year on March 1, then on September 1. Even then it was a solemn day when everyone walked and had fun, church bells rang and guns fired.

Peter the Great ordered to celebrate the New Year on January 1, and during his reign they began to decorate the Christmas tree for the first time, this custom came from Germany.

Another holiday associated with the onset of the new season is Maslenitsa. This is the celebration of the arrival of spring.

3. According to the text and illustrations of the textbook, tell us about the celebration of Victory Day.

The story of the celebration of Victory Day for grade 4

Victory Day is celebrated every year on May 9th. This is the day when Nazi Germany capitulated in 1945 and the Great Patriotic War ended.

Every year on this day, a military parade is held in different cities of the country, but the main parade takes place in Moscow, on Red Square.

This parade must be attended by the president and members of the government and parliament.

Soldiers are marching along Red Square, modern and old military equipment is passing by, planes are flying in the sky.

Schoolchildren on May 9 usually congratulate war veterans, give them flowers and postcards, and veterans share their memories and victory.

Homework assignments

1. Design and make a greeting card for one of the holidays in our country. Hold a postcard contest in class.

Greeting card for the Day of National Unity:

2. Learn from adults about their professional holidays. In class, make a calendar of professional holidays.

Calendar of professional holidays in Russia for grade 4

Second Sunday of February: Aeroflot Day.

Third Sunday of March - Trade Worker's Day and consumer services population.

Third Sunday of June - Medical Worker's Day

Third Sunday of July - Metallurgist's Day

The fourth Sunday of July is Trade Workers Day.

First Sunday of August - Railwayman's Day

Second Sunday of August - Builder's Day

Last Sunday in October - Motorist's Day

3. Using the Internet, find additional information about one of the memorable days in Russia.

Message about one of the memorable days of Russia - the day of Russia for grade 4

This is a relatively young holiday, for the first time it was decided to celebrate it in 1992 on the day when the Declaration of State Sovereignty was signed.

This Declaration was signed in 1990, but the day itself became a non-working holiday only in 1992.

Another name for this holiday is Independence Day.

But this is a wrong name, because the independence of Russia does not have a specific date.

Historically, Russia has been an independent state for many centuries.

On this day, the President of the country presents state awards in the Kremlin to people who have made an important contribution to the development of the country.

In all cities are solemn events, festivities, concerts, and a fireworks display is sure to take place.

In the next lesson

Remember what peoples of our country you know. What cities?

Representatives of more than 160 peoples live in our country. Russians, Belarusians, Ukrainians, Germans, Yakuts, Mansi, Chukchi and many others.

There are a lot of cities in Russia, but the most important is the city of Moscow - the capital of our Motherland.

slide 3

Family Professional National State

slide 4

Family We all love holidays. A holiday is a day of celebration established in honor or in memory of someone or something. Birthdays Weddings Parties

slide 5

Teacher's Day (October 5) Builder's Day (August 14) Medical Worker's Day (third Sunday in June) Professional

slide 6

New Year Defender of the Fatherland Day International Women's Day Victory Day National (state)

Slide 7

New Year This holiday is one of the most beloved, fun, magical. The ancient Slavs celebrated the New Year on March 1 - the beginning of field work. Later, they began to celebrate the New Year on September 1: exactly at midnight they fired from a cannon on the wall of the Moscow Kremlin, followed by the largest bell of the Ivan the Great Belfry. In Russia, they began to celebrate the New Year on January 1 under Peter I. This happened for the first time on January 1, 1700. Our custom of lighting Christmas tree lights for the New Year came from ancient times. And he was born not in Russia, but among the ancient inhabitants of England and Germany

Slide 8

New Year in different countries Japan On the morning of January 1, all residents of cities and villages take to the streets to meet the sunrise. With the first rays of the sun, the Japanese congratulate each other and exchange gifts. Bulgaria When people gather at the festive table, the lights are turned off in all houses for three minutes. These minutes are called the minutes of New Year's kisses, the secret of which is kept by darkness. Cuba The inhabitants of this country fill their glasses with water before the New Year, and when the clock strikes 12, they throw it out into the street through an open window as a sign that the year will be as clear and clean as water. Burma New Year comes at the hottest time of the year, so its arrival is celebrated with a "water festival". On the streets, people pour water on each other when they meet. At the same time, no one remains offended: after all, dousing with water is a kind of wish for happiness in the new year.

Slide 9

the great wizard is called Santa Claus Names In Denmark Ületomte In Finland Joulupukki In The Czech Republic Mikulas In The Netherlands Sunderklass In France Pere Noel In Italy Babbo Natale

Slide 10

Defender of the Fatherland Day February 23 On this day everyone who once served, serves now or will serve the cause of defending the Fatherland is congratulated. And let the girls congratulate the boys-classmates on the holiday they have not yet deserved. The time will come, they will require obligations - they will also stand in the ranks of the defenders of the Fatherland.

slide 11

MARCH 8 This holiday was invented in 1910 by the German revolutionary Clara Zetkin. March 8 was supposed to be the day of the struggle of women of all countries for their equality. This holiday has long since lost its political connotation, And we celebrate it as a holiday of SPRING, LOVE, BEAUTY. Men on this day are especially gallant and courageous. March 8 is the holiday of flowers. Flowers are given to mothers and grandmothers, sisters, classmates, colleagues, friends ...

slide 12

May 9 Victory Day On this day, joy and sorrow are close by. "It's a holiday with tears in your eyes." There is no family in Russia that the war bypassed. Therefore, on this day, every family remembers those who remained on the battlefields and those who, after the war, established a peaceful life. And also - congratulations to veterans of the Great Patriotic War. . . On this significant day, military parades are held, flowers and wreaths are laid at the monuments of military glory. Veterans meet with their fellow soldiers. And in the evening, the sky over Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities of the country is lit up with fireworks.

slide 13

Sources of information Pleshakov A.A. "The World Around Us" (textbook for grade 4) - M .: Education, 2009. Background: http://i022.radikal.ru/1104/d5/d3609546ccc2.jpg http://s43.radikal.ru/i100/ 1104/51/4978b3bd49e2.jpg Pictures: http://netnotes.narod.ru/sbm/newyear/t13.html http://netnotes.narod.ru/sbm/newyear/t10.html ttp://http:/ /blondie.ru/user/29938?page=18 http://9may1945.su/orden.htm http://s52.radikal.ru/i135/1104/0f/c819e94512af.jpg http://s41.radikal. ru/i092/1104/75/b3fbf82711c6.jpg http://i055.radikal.ru/1104/6e/570abee60c06.jpg http://s010.radikal.ru/i311/1104/aa/2ab41f6d56b7.jpg http:/ http://s45.radikal.ru/i109/1104/67/96712654876c.jpg http://s014.radikal.ru/i327/1104/61/18f78df14af0 .jpg http://s40.radikal.ru/i089/1104/e0/a39bc264a467.jpg http://i046.radikal.ru/1104/6f/d6708e8ca3f2.jpg http://i046.radikal.ru/1104/ 6f/d6708e8ca3f2.jpg http://s56.radikal.ru/i153/1104/76/829b8d406217.jpg .ru/i307/1104/af/a61235c394b6.jpg http://s42.radikal.ru/i096/1104/ab/a526cb7b25f5.jpg http://s44.radikal.ru/i105/1104/0d/ce41fea12fca.jpg http://s57.radikal.ru/i156/1104/51/54d2c65ac6a7.jpg http://i037.radikal.ru/1104/ 58/658f9f111567.jpg http://s61.radikal.ru/i173/1105/bd/685392c8b26b.jpg http://s014.radikal.ru/i328/1105/d4/15e57132db44.jpg http://s003.radikal .ru/i202/1105/7a/dba59bcac0a3.jpg http://s003.radikal.ru/i202/1105/0f/0275c887bf32.jpg http://i004.radikal.ru/1105/52/321104ac8ae4.jpg http://i055.radikal.ru/1105/1b/cc33dcd46c8e.jpg http://s40.radikal.ru/i090/1105/3a/ ca85ee23d9ba.jpg http://i045.radikal.ru/1105/82/1f5e2e7dc290.jpg http://i014.radikal.ru/1105/6d/e040caef6c92.jpg http://s46.radikal.ru/i112/1105 /33/04c9b95aa741.jpg http://i055.radikal.ru/1105/8d/0f0f6a01e638.jpg http://i012.radikal.ru/1105/05/9bd97bb9adb8.jpg http://s005.radikal.ru/ i209/1105/07/5e1c77bc6a41.jpg http://s39.radikal.ru/i084/1105/89/7518852122ed.jpg /s55.radikal.ru/i149/1105/74/31e6dd66d998.jpg
