Is it possible to smear herpes with hygienic lipstick. How to disguise herpes on the lip with makeup and a band-aid - hide a cold

Therapeutic lipstick- one of the most convenient and: it effectively eliminates symptoms, often has a pleasant smell, it can be carried with you, and its application does not require special devices and is available at any time. All these advantages make many resort to its use, especially in the cold season - during the period of exacerbation of infectious diseases.

Overview of lipsticks from different companies

There are several anti-herpes products that are produced by various companies. Among them there are 3 popular lipsticks - Evalar, Dr. Nona and Dawn. Each of them will be discussed in detail below. The listed brands have one important advantage - they do not contain antiviral components, only natural ingredients so they can be used for prevention. But this same feature can also become a disadvantage - for a complete cure, caring cosmetics are not enough.

There is only one contraindication to their use - intolerance to the components. Signs of hypersensitivity are increased discomfort - itching, pain, rashes, redness. If they appear, you need to stop using lipstick.

For a complete treatment, the means that eliminate the virus are needed.


This is a balm, completely consisting of natural ingredients - essential oils, beeswax, propolis and lanolin. The composition additionally includes fat-soluble vitamins A and E. The medicine has a pleasant taste, looks like a colorless lipstick.

It has an anti-inflammatory, wound-healing effect, inhibits the activity of the virus, relieves itching and pain, and prevents the penetration of bacteria. It can be used both as a regular hygienic lipstick and as a remedy for fighting herpes.

As a preventive measure, it softens the skin, fights cracks, protects against frost, wind and other adverse factors, promotes the healing of minor injuries and injuries - scratches, chapping. Eliminates seizures, rashes of a non-herpetic nature, has a beneficial effect on warts.

To eliminate the herpes virus, it is applied 4-5 times a day after meals and hygiene procedures. After applying the lipstick, it is advisable not to eat for half an hour, do not brush your teeth, do not chew gum and do not kiss, so that the active ingredients have their effect.

There is only one contraindication - individual intolerance. In order to avoid, you need to carefully read the composition indicated on the package and in the instructions for use. If the use of lipstick causes itching, pain, new rashes and dryness of the lips, you need to stop the procedure and replace it with another medicine.

What they say about this tool:

I used to use Evalar balm, I was happy with everything, I treated my lips with a bang. Now the packaging design has changed, and the lipstick itself has deteriorated - it has become hard, it is inconvenient to smear, because of this, the result has become worse. I will look for another remedy.

Mira, 38 years old, Moscow

Good medicine. And not only, but also in general from any weathering, cracks. In winter, just salvation, especially if the wind is outside.

Alina, 18 years old, Omsk

I never liked smearing my lips, I'm not a girl, but when I completely tortured herpes, I had to take up my appearance. It hurts to walk with a rash, and everything itches, with lipstick it’s really easier. But as soon as I recover, I will immediately stop painting.

Alexey, 24 years old, Yekaterinburg

Doctor Nona

This tool is also a colorless lipstick. It differs from the Evalar product in composition - it contains Dead Sea water, as well as a specially selected vitamin and mineral complex, which is easily absorbed through the skin. In this way, a lasting result is achieved, and much faster disposal of rashes.

It can be used to prevent a rash, for this you need to smear your lips every time before going out or every day before going to bed. For treatment, it should be used every 2 hours and always at bedtime. Active substances have a beneficial effect on the skin, quickly dry up bubbles and erosion.

Proven effectiveness of Doctor Nona balm from consumers:

I have been using "Doctor Nona" since school, so far it has never let me down. In winter, I smear every day at night, and I live without a cold. In the summer I take it only if necessary - if the weather is bad or I have wind.

Anara, 18 years old, Kemerovo

Tried Doctor Nona recently. Acts quickly, the rash went away in 2 days. I didn’t suffer from a cold, I removed pimples and now I enjoy life. I think next winter I will buy several tubes at once.

Lena, 39 years old, Omsk


Firm "Rassvet" produces many types of cosmetic products, including hygienic lipstick against herpes. It contains larch balm, which is a natural antiseptic, and calendula extract, which is a drying, anti-inflammatory and antipruritic agent. To soften the skin, propolis and gum resin are used.

The composition is close to the Evalar product, but the proportions are somewhat different. Means Dawn - less greasy, and half an hour after its application, you can paint your lips. It should be applied every 2 hours or more often if the symptoms are very severe. It can be used for prevention and as a regular caring cosmetics.

Opinions on balm Dawn:

I recently got a cold in the corner of my mouth, it hurt terribly, it interfered with speaking. Mom gave Dawn lipstick, said to smear constantly, as soon as it dries, immediately again. I walked like this for two days, now the third, there is almost no rash, nothing hurts, my face looks beautiful.

Ekaterina, 14 years old, Tyumen

I have a strict dress code for work, including makeup. I can’t come to work without makeup - this is an immediate reprimand. Therefore, all sorts of pimples and rashes become a serious problem. From for the fight against herpes, I found a solution - Dawn. Spread them at home in the morning, and at work - make up your lips with real lipstick.

Sonya, 29 years old, Novosibirsk

The use of hygiene products does not replace, but is necessary in order to achieve good health and a beautiful appearance. Before going to the pharmacy, it is worth studying the instructions for use and reviews about cosmetics so that it brings benefits, not harm.

Most people have been in a situation where painful blisters popped up on their lips, called "colds". The rash is preceded by unpleasant itching, burning. This is herpes, a viral disease that is accompanied by a characteristic rash. Medicine offers enough drugs for treatment. However, it is not possible to remove the virus from the body, it is “put to sleep” until the immune system fails again.

Pharmacy hygienic lipsticks for herpes

Anti-herpes remedies are offered in the form of ointments, gels or sprays based on acyclovir, which relieve pain on the lips, dry, and heal wounds. Today in the pharmacy there are preparations for herpes on a plant basis (pharmacy name - "Panavir"). Helps in the rapid healing of wounds. "Panavir" is available in the form of a gel, does not cause addiction and allergies.

There is also a hygienic lipstick against the virus, which includes useful types of oils, beeswax, antiseptics. It protects lips, moisturizes, cares for them.


Cosmetic product for active protection against herpes. Does not contain dyes. Fits well on the lips, has a moisturizing effect, pleasant smell. Helps with herpes, prevents its occurrence.

According to the manufacturer, the composition contains only natural ingredients - beeswax, castor oil, cocoa and mango, calendula extract, vitamins. Although according to reviews, the composition also includes acyclovir, instead of the alpine kopek extract declared by the manufacturer, which performs the function of protecting against herpes.


Heals rashes, with regular use prevents their appearance. Hygienic lipstick has a greasy texture, a peculiar smell. According to manufacturers, it has antiseptic, antiviral properties. Non-toxic, does not contain dyes. In the treatment of herpes, it is applied to the lips every 2 hours.

"Doctor Nona"

Manufacturers claim that hygienic lipstick contains a bio-organo-mineral complex that can stimulate the immune system and protect against the effects of stress. Also contains Dead Sea minerals, Castor oil, beeswax, vitamins. It has bactericidal properties, is indicated for herpes. The shelf life of the product is 5 months. Lies on the lips with a thin layer, moisturizes, heals cracks.

lipstick recipes

Such hygienic cosmetics are good in the autumn-winter period, when the herpes virus is activated in many. Try to make them yourself.

  • To do this, you need a little cocoa butter, jojoba, propolis, 5 drops of vitamin E and 3-4 drops of bactericidal essential oil. Mix melted warm propolis with oils. When the mixture is almost cool, add vitamin E and essential oil (tea tree or lavender is best).
  • Propolis, poppy and castor oil, honey. Mix everything, add 1 drop each of essential oils of geranium, myrtle and orange.
  • Propolis, shea butter, cocoa, wheat germ oil, honey. Melt the ingredients, mix, add any essential oils optional.

The proportions for the funds are arbitrary, just make sure that they acquire a creamy consistency. For color in this lipstick, you can add your favorite factory-made. Submerge it a little and mix with the main ingredients. Natural cosmetics, made by hand, will give your lips health and beauty.

Herpes is a virus that appears when the immune system is weakened, manifesting itself in the form of inflammation on the lips. He brings a lot psychological problems, does not look aesthetically pleasing and spoils appearance. If the disease has appeared, you can reduce discomfort and try to mask herpes on the lip.

Herpes appears with a decrease in immunity, it is transmitted from a patient to a healthy person by contact and airborne droplets. The virus can appear in early childhood and remain in the body forever. With a decrease in immunity, it begins to manifest itself in the form of damage to areas of the skin, tissues, mucous membranes. If you start treatment, you can avoid the appearance of inflammation. There are many types of herpesviruses and places of its localization, more often a cold appears on the lips and nasal mucosa. This is a serious disease that requires treatment and prevention.

How to cover up with makeup

Vesicles, ulcers and swelling are clearly visible. It is better not to resort to the use of cosmetics and wait for the symptoms to disappear. Sometimes you need to look perfect - for a successful photo or going on a date. In this case, try to mask the rash.

  • First, cool the inflamed area, treat with salicylic acid.
  • Moisturize the healthy area with cream.
  • If herpetic eruptions go beyond the border of the lips, use a foundation. First apply moisturizer, then foundation all over the skin. Use the shading technique to de-emphasize the affected area and even out the tone.
  • Paint your lips with lipstick. Choose light or skin tones.
  • Apply funds cotton swabs, discs or decorative brushes to prevent the possibility of infection.
  • Powder the top of the wound, make it less noticeable.
  • Focus on the eyes. This will help divert attention from inflammation.
  • Do not forget to wash off cosmetics before going to bed, treat inflammation with drugs (zovirax or acyclovir).
  • If there are consequences in the form of scars, apply sunscreen before each exit to the street. It is harder to mask scars that are light from the sun.

What are the best tools to use

Decorative cosmetics will help cover up a cold. The main assistant is lipstick, matte, natural shades are better. Refrain from using dark, bright, rich or saturated colors, glosses or pearly lipsticks. They will make the disease more noticeable and emphasize the shortcomings. Skip the lip liner. He focuses on swelling. Helps cover dark areas foundation, apply with your finger and blend lightly.

You can hide herpes with 1-2 drops of concealer. Use a shade lighter skin 1 tone, apply to the affected area, and make up with lipstick on top.

Try to apply products with a synthetic brush, wash it thoroughly with a mild liquid soap and wipe it with an alcohol-based disinfectant after completion of the procedure to prevent infection from getting into cosmetics.

Mistakes when hiding a cold on the lips

  • Do not try to quickly hide a cold on your lip. In the early stages of the disease, along with cosmetics, an infection can be introduced. And the virus can go to a healthy part of the face. Try first to remove the inflammation with a decoction of chamomile or mint.
  • During the first day, apply the cream 5 times a day, every 4 hours. Use drugs that kill the infection.
  • Treat the bubbles with an antiseptic. You can use folk remedies: hydrogen peroxide, tea tree oil. Continue cauterizing the sores until a crust appears. Do not remove it yourself, it will lead to scarring.
  • Use oil-free moisturizers.
  • Read the ingredients carefully cosmetics. They must not contain exotic plant extracts. Useful components - chamomile, nettle, burdock.
  • Maintain hygiene.

It is not always possible to hide a cold on the lip with makeup. Care must be taken to permanently remove herpes from the lips, the factors for curing a cold will be taking tests, taking antiviral drugs, and resting at home.

Not only delivers pain, but also worsens appearance.: inflammation, swelling and sores attract attention.

However, it is not at all necessary to endure inconvenience and refuse scheduled meetings - a temporary disadvantage can be made almost invisible. How to do it right?

You can use folk remedies : hydrogen peroxide or.

Do not use iodine, vodka or medical alcohol - the action of these funds is too aggressive.

Such measures are necessary so that the infection does not get into the wound. Apply funds should be in the morning and evening until the moment when ulcers do not form at the site. dry crust.

During an exacerbation of the disease, it is important to choose the right cosmetics. All funds must be new, fat free and suitable for problematic skin . It is recommended to use moisturizers - in the form of gels or emulsions.

Preparations containing nettle, chamomile or burdock extract are suitable.

But with those that include exotic plants, should be more careful.

It is better to postpone them until the moment of recovery.

You can learn how to make lipstick matte on the lips from ours.

Important advice from the editor

If you want to improve the condition of your skin, special attention should be paid to the creams you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of creams of famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are referred to as methylparaben, propylparaben, ethylparaben, E214-E219. Parabens negatively affect the skin and can also cause hormonal imbalances. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances. Recently, the experts of our editorial staff conducted an analysis of natural creams, where the first place was taken by funds from Mulsan Сosmetic, a leader in the production of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

How to hide with makeup?

In order for the inflammation to be as inconspicuous as possible, it is important to strictly follow the procedure for applying funds and adhere to the following rules:

Keep in mind that dark and bright, juicy colors will not only draw attention to the lips, but also highlight all imperfections. Therefore, you should not use them.

Pearlescent lipsticks and lip glosses are also not suitable: they do not give a very dense coating, sores and swelling will be noticeable.

The best option would be lipstick natural beige shades. It is important to remember that it should not be nutritious (fatty). In makeup, focus on


In order not to mask herpes, try to prevent a rash on the skin. This is quite possible if, within a day after the first symptoms appear (tingling, itching,) you apply a thick layer of Zovirax, Acyclovir or Panciclovir cream to the painful area. The cream is available at the pharmacy without a prescription. Apply it at least 5 times a day every 4-5 hours.

Dermatologists advise cauterizing or cauterizing herpes. You can also use colorless salicylic alcohol or Castellani. You will have to cauterize until a crust appears. If the wound is not cauterized before applying decorative cosmetics, there is a possibility of infection of the sore.

An unpleasant "guest" in the form of herpes on the face can be camouflaged, but only if the inflammation appears on the lips. If sores and blisters appear on the cheeks, dermatologists do not recommend covering them with foundation and powder. Bubble herpes on the cheeks will pass faster, if it is lubricated only with dermatological preparations prescribed by a doctor.

A sore on the lips can be easily hidden with lipstick. Lipstick should not be greasy and nourishing. And also do not apply dark, rich lipstick - this will only make the sore more noticeable. Light, almost flesh tones, on the contrary, will help to disguise herpes.

If part of the sore goes beyond the border of the lip, use foundation. First apply a moisturizing non-greasy cream to the sore, then a foundation, which, by the way, will have to be applied to the entire face, otherwise the herpes will become more visible. Use a fat-free foundation. Do not rub it in, but lightly smear it with a brush so as not to tear off the hardened crust. From above the sore can be powdered.

Helpful advice

Fatty nutritious cream contraindicated in herpes. It will only provoke the reproduction of viruses and can cause infection. But moisturizers will not enhance the manifestation of the virus. Give preference to completely fat-free moisturizing formulations: gels, emulsions.

The composition of the care product should not include extracts of exotic plants. With an aggravated virus, on the contrary, plants of the middle band are shown, such as nettle, chamomile, burdock.

A cold on the lips (or herpes) is a widespread and very unpleasant phenomenon. First, in the place where the sore subsequently forms, the lip or skin on the cheek swells a little, then itching and burning appear. After a while, small bubbles form. They soon burst, forming a dark crust, which dries up and dies.


When the first symptoms of the disease are detected, apply to the affected area special creams(Zovirax, Panciclovir or Aciclovir). It is necessary to apply drugs 5 times a day every four hours. If within two days of the development of herpes you will use such remedies, rashes will not appear, and you will be able to avoid an undesirable situation.

During the formation of bubbles, it is better to avoid any contact with cosmetics. Firstly, by such actions you can introduce an infection into the wound, and subsequently the lip can swell to a terrifying size. Secondly, it is a contagious disease, which is why it can easily pass to a healthy area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe face.

There are times when your flawless appearance is a vital issue. The only helper here will be . For the correction of herpes, if the rash extends beyond the lips, apply a small amount of powder or not containing fat foundation. In this case, blend the product all over the face so as not to highlight the affected area.
