Advantages and disadvantages of breastfeeding for mother and child: we weigh all the pros and cons. Key advantages and disadvantages of breastfeeding Benefits of breastfeeding

Many young mothers are in a hurry to transfer their child to artificial ones, focusing on annoying manufacturers' advertisements that claim that mixtures are no worse than breast milk. Moreover, in the very first month after childbirth, breastfeeding can “bring surprises” to the mother in the form of painful cracks in the nipples, lactostasis, and even.

But the benefits breastfeeding a lot for both the child (which is most important) and for the mother. Having carefully studied the importance of mother's milk for a baby, perhaps many women will take the issue of feeding a newborn baby more seriously.

With mother's milk, the child receives the hormone of joy, which provides him good mood.

Mother's milk is a unique product for a child, which cannot be compared with any milk formula.

Its advantages for the child in comparison with artificial nutrition are obvious:

  1. The digestibility of mother's milk is 2 times higher, the enzymes (enzymes) contained in it contribute to the digestion of essential nutrients. Vitamins and trace elements are absorbed from breast milk better than from the highest quality mixtures.
  1. The nutritional content is optimal for the baby. Nature provides that the composition of breast milk changes as the child grows to fully meet the needs of the developing organism, as if adjusting to them. That is why breastfed babies develop faster than "artificial" ones.
  1. Protects against infections and promotes the formation of immunity. The immune system of a newborn is not yet formed. Breast milk contains immunoglobulins (antibodies) that can protect the baby from infections. Of great importance are class A immunoglobulins (IgA), which provide local immunity to the mucous membranes of the digestive tract, respiratory and genitourinary organs.

The highest concentration of IgA in colostrum is 16 mg/ml. It is very important that the baby be attached to the breast immediately after birth and suck out the droplets of colostrum that precedes breast milk. Already from the 2nd day, the content of immunoglobulins decreases, and from the 6th day it stabilizes and up to 8-9 months of lactation is 1 mg / ml.

With colostrum per day, about 1000 mg of IgA enters the intestines of an infant. In the following months, its entry into the intestines at the same level is ensured by increasing the frequency of feeding and the amount of milk drunk. In addition, immunoglobulins of other classes - M, G, and D - enter the child's body with milk.

So, if a child becomes infected from his mother, then he will recover faster, since he will receive ready-made antibodies to this virus with milk. According to statistics, breastfed babies are much less likely to get sick than formula-fed babies.

  1. If the mother adheres to the recommendations for her diet, then the baby has fewer problems with the intestines. The necessary acidic environment is created in it, beneficial microorganisms necessary for proper digestion are populated, bloating is less likely to bother, and regurgitation is not so plentiful.

In the first month of life will be after each feeding. And in the subsequent up to 6 months, if the child receives only the mother's breast, the child can recover 1 time in 7-10 days. And this is the norm according to WHO, if the baby is calm, and he urinates at least 12 times a day.

  1. Breastfeeding makes it easier to care for a sick baby. During an illness, as a rule, it is necessary to drink plenty of water, which can be provided by the mother's breast, if given the opportunity to "hang" on it as much as the baby wants. In addition to eating and drinking, suckling will help your baby calm down and fall asleep.
  2. Children do not develop to human milk proteins, unlike cow and goat, intolerance to which occurs in almost every newborn. Breastfeeding allows you to exclude them from baby food up to 2 years.
  3. When breastfeeding, a special emotional connection between child and mother. Contact with a mother for a baby is safety and comfort, an opportunity to feel her love.

Through trust in the mother, the ability to build relationships with other people in the future life, the ability to make friends and love is formed. Closeness with the mother, attachment to her in early childhood affect the emotional relationship in the child's life, the formation of positive traits in him as a person.

But breastfeeding also affects the mother, helps to feel the baby better and respond to changes in his condition.

  1. With mother's milk, the baby receives the hormone of joy, which will provide him with a good mood and well-being.
  2. Breast milk prevents the development of rickets, and at an older age -,.
  3. The harmonious development of the child is also associated with nutrition. Breast milk contains sugars and fats necessary for the development of the brain and intelligence. The baby's facial skull is properly formed, which reduces the risk of orthodontic problems and snoring in the future.
  4. Breast sucking satisfies the non-sucking reflex in an infant.

We can definitely say that breastfed babies grow up healthier and happier.

Benefits of Breastfeeding for the Mother

Mom can feed the baby at any time, even on the street. And for this, she does not need numerous boxes, bottles and other devices - the food is always ready and always with her.

Those women who believe that breastfeeding a baby is troublesome and very burdensome are mistaken. Such feeding is not only healthy, but also convenient for mothers.

Here are its benefits:

  1. Baby food is always ready, day or night, at home or away. No need to sterilize nipples and bottles or heat water, prepare formula while hearing a baby cry. Breast milk is always sterile, fresh, and at the right temperature.
  2. Mom gets rid of sleepless nights: at the request of the baby at night, you can put him next to him, give him a breast and continue to doze off. The baby at the breast quickly calms down and falls asleep.
  3. Due to the production of oxytocin in the body of a woman during breastfeeding, recovery after childbirth occurs faster. Oxytocin prevents the occurrence of postpartum hemorrhage, promotes faster contraction of the uterus.
  4. With exclusively breastfeeding of the baby (without supplementation and supplementation), that is, up to 6 months after childbirth, lactational amenorrhea develops in the female body: the absence of ovulation and menstruation, the likelihood of pregnancy is reduced to zero, contraceptives are not needed.
  5. Statistics have shown that women who breastfeed have a reduced risk of developing genital and breast cancer.
  6. After childbirth, depression may develop, a feeling of depression in a woman due to a sharp change in hormonal levels. It is the hormones (endorphins) produced during lactation that soothe, reduce the effects of stress, help to cope with emerging problems and difficulties, prevent the development of neurotic reactions, and help strengthen family relationships.
  7. The hormone prolactin produced during lactation increases the feeling of love for the child. Mothers who breastfeed a baby remain more caring, affectionate and attentive to him than those who bottle fed.
  8. Women who believe that when feeding a child their figure will deteriorate are mistaken. The lactation period contributes to the removal of fats in a natural way, and not as a result of exhausting fitness and starvation diets. You just need to not overeat. A nursing mother with proper nutrition quickly loses weight. When breastfeeding, you need an additional 500 kcal per day.
  9. Good baby food- pleasure is not cheap. Much cheaper to provide proper nutrition a nursing mother to maintain lactation and breastfeed her baby than to buy nipples, bottles, mixtures. Over the year, the savings will be about $ 1,000.
  10. Breastfeeding is very convenient when traveling, for a long journey in a train or car. There is no need to take a supply of food, bottles and look for an opportunity to prepare the mixture. Even if the child older than a year, in unforeseen situations, you can feed him with breast milk or calm a tired baby.

Resume for moms

Before deciding to transfer a child to artificial feeding should be taken seriously. And if the interests of the child are put in the first place, then the issue of breastfeeding will be decided by itself. Although for mothers, there will immediately be many advantages. In addition, breastfeeding a child is also a joy, a pleasure. Do not deprive either the child or yourself of this feeling of happiness!

Video lecture by a specialist on the topic “Whether to breastfeed. Benefits of breastfeeding":

Short educational film on the topic "Benefits and secrets of breastfeeding":

TV project "Hello, baby!", The theme of the release is "Breast milk: the subtleties and benefits of breastfeeding":

Breastfeeding is a unique gift of wise nature. It is incredibly useful for both a newborn baby and his mother. Unfortunately, for various reasons, some women deliberately refuse breastfeeding and transfer it to artificial milk formulas, not realizing that they thereby cause great harm to themselves and the child. Let's take a look at the benefits of breastfeeding and why doctors recommend breastfeeding your baby for as long as possible.

Benefits of breastfeeding for baby

Mother's milk is the most optimal food for a newborn. All the proteins, fats, microelements and vitamins contained in it are absorbed by the child's body most fully, which cannot be achieved when feeding with mixtures.

  • The proteins that make up breast milk do not cause allergic reactions in the child, they contain amino acids necessary for growth and development.
  • Breast milk fats contain many beneficial fatty acids. They are easily broken down by the child's body, in which the production of the necessary enzymes has not yet been established. The own enzyme contained in milk - lipase also helps to break down fats, providing a normal stool for the child, the absence of constipation and intestinal colic.
  • Mother's milk carbohydrates are represented by lactose, which regulates the acidic environment of the child's gastrointestinal system. This is very important for the functioning of beneficial bacteria and the suppression of pathogenic flora.
  • The calorie content of mother's milk provides the child with the necessary energy for growth and development.
  • During breastfeeding, the baby has the opportunity to eat as actively as he needs, to pause, which is difficult to achieve when feeding from a bottle.
  • In addition to enzymes, breast milk contains hormones and biologically active substances necessary for the proper development of the child. As well as a wide range of natural immunomodulators, such as lactoferrin, globulin A and others. Thanks to them, the baby receives powerful protection against viruses and infections. For each child, the composition of immune factors is individual. Antibodies obtained by the baby with mother's milk protect it from many diseases, significantly increasing the body's resistance to viruses, infections, bacteria, which artificial children do not receive.
  • The milk produced always has its own specific composition, which is unique during each feeding. Depending on the mother's diet and the substances transmitted through it to the child, the mother's body adjusts the composition of breast milk so that the child receives a balanced product that can be easily processed and absorbed with the greatest benefit.
  • During the capture of the nipple, the child forms the correct bite. Breast sucking further reduces the likelihood of caries and stomatitis.
  • The advantages of breastfeeding also lie in establishing a special psycho-emotional contact between the baby and mother in the process of feeding, which has a beneficial effect on nervous systems both of them.
  • Breast milk cannot be overheated or underheated, it is always at the optimum temperature, and it is also always sterile and cannot be stale or contain bacteria, which is quite common when formulas are used.

What to do if your chest hurts while breastfeeding

Benefits of breastfeeding for mom

Not only breastfed babies experience the benefits of breastfeeding. It also brings great benefits to women in labor.

  • Normalization of hormonal background. When a baby suckles the mother's breast, the female body produces the hormone oxytocin. It enhances uterine contractions, which is why babies are now breastfed immediately after birth. In breastfeeding women, the uterus recovers faster. In addition, this hormone stimulates the separation of the placenta and reduces the likelihood of bleeding.
  • Additional contraception. Prolactin produced during breastfeeding stimulates the production of milk by the female body. During the production of this hormone, the production of hormones such as estrogen and progesterone is suppressed. They are responsible for the reproductive function of the body. The absence of these hormones stops the process of maturation and release of the egg, and therefore leads to the impossibility of its fertilization, and thus protects the body from repeated pregnancy. Therefore, natural feeding provides a woman in labor with natural contraception, although one can be sure of its reliability only if a number of specific requirements are met.
  • Suppression of cancer cells. Increased production of estrogen by the body can provoke the growth of cancer cells in the reproductive organs. Prolactin produced during breastfeeding suppresses the production of estrogen by the pituitary gland, thus reducing the likelihood of developing this disease. Medical statistics report that breastfeeding reduces the risk of breast cancer by 50% and ovarian cancer by 25%. During feeding, mastopathy of the mammary glands significantly decreases or even disappears without a trace. To treat it in a natural way, mammologists recommend giving birth and breastfeeding a child up to 3 years.
  • In women with diabetes, insulin dependence is reduced.
  • Starting from the moment of conception and for six months after the cessation of lactation, calcium is intensively absorbed by the female body. Nature arranged it so that during the period when this element is so necessary for mother and child, the mechanisms of its assimilation are activated. It is believed that each breastfed child reduces the risk of osteoporosis in older women by 25%.
  • Weight recovery. During pregnancy, certain reserves of useful substances are formed in the body of a woman, which should provide good nutrition to the baby, even in the case of a meager diet for the mother after childbirth. Therefore, women who go on diets for weight loss after childbirth are simply wasting their time. Until the useful substances necessary for the child are transferred to him with the mother’s breast milk, getting rid of the “reserves” will still not work. Long-term breastfeeding will give a signal to the body that the baby is already strong enough and has grown up, so you can start getting rid of the reserves made “just in case”.
  • Improvement of the psycho-emotional state. During breastfeeding, the female body produces more than usual amounts of the hormone endorphin. He is responsible for an elevated psycho-emotional state, a feeling of happiness and joy, peace. Actively produced prolactin is a natural tranquilizer. A woman is less worried about various everyday difficulties, she focuses all her attention on the child, enjoying every minute of communication with him.
  • Immunity boost. During lactation, metabolic processes in the body are significantly activated. Therefore, the removal of toxins, cell renewal, and tissue regeneration are accelerated. The mucous membrane becomes more resistant to viruses and infections, immunity increases.
  • After all, breastfeeding saves the family budget, which is especially true for young families, while good formula milk is quite expensive.

Breastfeeding problems

In fairness, it should be noted that there are pros and cons of breastfeeding. The latter include the following issues.

  • Violation of feeding technique can lead to cracked nipples.
  • If the baby does not fully suck out the breast, mastitis may occur.
  • An increase in endorphin and prolactin levels leads to drowsiness, decreased memory and concentration.
  • It is impossible to leave the baby for a long time, since the breaks between feedings are relatively small.
  • All the time you have to control and limit your mother's diet. Some medications should not be used during lactation.

As you can see, the cons of breastfeeding are much less of a list than the benefits of breastfeeding. In addition, some of these problems can be avoided with the proper organization of the regimen and feeding technique. You can also seek help from a lactation consultant. Of course, each woman independently decides how to feed the baby. But the main factor in this should be taking care of the growth and development of the child, and breastfeeding provides this most effectively.

Not being too lazy to establish breastfeeding, a woman will be able to provide her child with all the necessary nutrients, and by maintaining natural feeding for up to two years, help children's immunity to form and strengthen.

Not always breastfeeding a child brings pleasure and relief to the mother. Not all women experience joyful feelings when breastfeeding a baby - cracks in the nipples, pain, mastitis, lactostasis or lack of milk can drive anyone to despair.

Often, young inexperienced mothers, having experienced the first difficulties of breastfeeding, are faced with a choice: continue to feed their child with their milk no matter what, or transfer the baby to artificial nutrition. To not have to regret decision, you need to understand how important breastfeeding is for the child and his mother.

Benefits of breastfeeding for a baby

Children of the first year of life who are breastfed grow and develop faster than their artificial peers, because they receive all the substances necessary for the body from mother's milk.

Perhaps this is the most important argument in favor of breastfeeding. However, in addition, breastfeeding provides the child with:

  • quick and easy digestion of milk - the main food product
  • development of immunity and protection against infectious diseases
  • maximum protection against skin diseases, allergic rashes
  • quick recovery after illness
  • peace and security at the mother's breast
  • satisfaction of the sucking reflex without the use of a pacifier
  • good health in older age, after breastfeeding is stopped

Benefits of Breastfeeding for the Mother

It is a mistake to think that breastfeeding spoils the figure of a woman and takes away strength. In fact, breastfeeding is good for both the baby and the mother. Women who are breastfeeding:

  • recover faster after childbirth
  • reduce the risk of developing breast, uterine and ovarian cancer
  • are protected from the onset of a new pregnancy by a natural method
  • save about $1,000 a year on baby food
  • keep in shape by dieting in the first months of breastfeeding
  • do not know what sleepless nights are - babies quickly fall asleep at the breast
  • do not have the hassle of preparing a mixture, sterilizing bottles
  • connected with the baby on a subtle emotional and sensory level

Disadvantages of breastfeeding

No matter how many advantages breastfeeding has, the other side of the coin also makes itself felt. Mistakes made in the organization of feeding a child can turn it into an unpleasant, and sometimes even painful process for the mother and a dangerous process for the baby.

A nursing mother who does not take special vitamins can easily lose most of her hair in the first few months after childbirth - they will begin to crumble and split.

One of the disadvantages of breastfeeding is the loss and deterioration of the mother's hair.

Teeth and nails also get hit - they become unnaturally brittle and brittle. You can stop these processes by starting to take a vitamin-mineral complex for nursing.

If a nursing mother does not exercise, her breasts will most likely change shape better side. Loss of elasticity, reduction or unnatural increase in size, stretch marks, nipple wounds from the sharp teeth of a child, loss of sensitivity - all these troubles can also lie in wait for a tender female breast while feeding a child.

Unexpected moments for a nursing mother can also be:

  • "Leaking" weak nipples - the breast may not hold the entire volume of milk and begin to secrete it spontaneously in large quantities at the wrong time
  • round-the-clock attachment to the feeding regime - if the child is not accustomed to the bottle, the mother will have to be constantly nearby so as not to leave the child hungry for a long time
  • baby's refusal to sleep without mother's breast
  • the need to follow a strict diet to avoid colic, stool problems and allergic reactions in the child
  • drowsiness that occurs under the action of endorphins produced by the body during feeding

Constant sleepiness - lack of breastfeeding

IMPORTANT: A woman will be able to avoid all of the listed troubles of breastfeeding by preparing for the upcoming mentally and physically.

Breastfeeding can be unsafe for a baby if:

  • mother does not follow a diet, eats spicy, fried, smoked and fatty foods
  • mother drinks alcohol and coffee, smokes
  • baby has lactose intolerance
  • mother can fall asleep soundly during feeding and inadvertently crush the baby, blocking his air supply

Natural feeding of children of the first year of life: rules and periods

Establishing natural breastfeeding is not so easy. In the first few days after childbirth, the mother may not have any milk at all. This is absolutely normal, but many women unknowingly do not put the baby to the breast, thereby making a serious mistake already at this initial stage.

IMPORTANT: The baby should be breastfed for the first time in the delivery room, immediately after delivery. It is very important for a baby to get colostrum, which always comes before milk.

In the future, the child is breastfed as often as possible. As practice shows, women who do not adhere to the feeding schedule and breastfeed the baby on demand manage to keep milk and breastfeed more often than mothers who feed their babies “by the clock”.

A young mother should not give in to the persuasion of older relatives “to give the child a mixture to eat” and pay attention to their significant sighs about the length of the child’s stay near the breast.

IMPORTANT: For the first 2 - 4 months, many children instinctively ask for their hands, under their chest. At the same time, the child can suck in order to get enough, only 10 - 20 minutes, and the rest of the time just sleep without letting the nipple out of his mouth. Do not deprive the baby of this pleasure. It will take quite a bit of time, and he himself will establish the most acceptable schedule for eating and relaxing.

It is noteworthy that for those mothers who feed the baby on demand, the problem of pumping disappears by itself. The breast does not overflow with "extra" milk.

Feeding on demand is a must for breastfeeding

In the former Soviet Union, new mothers were taught to stick to a feeding schedule of three-hour intervals. This is absolutely false. After all, while the child is very small, he may need breast milk every 1 - 1.5 hours. Thus, by sticking to schedules and following routines, the mother simply deprives the child of the necessary nutrition.

IMPORTANT: There is no need to be afraid that the child will overeat or not finish eating. Nature will wisely put everything in its place, and the business of the mother is simply to give the breast to the baby according to his every desire.

After complementary foods appear in the baby’s diet, his need for breast milk will decrease slightly. Gradually, the mother will be able to replace breastfeeding by offering the child previously introduced products.

In the first months after birth, the child can "hang" on the chest for 20 hours a day

How long to breastfeed a baby?

Define optimal age child for weaning from breastfeeding is impossible. Some children themselves abruptly refuse to breastfeed as soon as they try complementary foods, others leave their mother's breasts gradually, applying only at night or in stressful situations, and still others are not ready to say goodbye to their favorite treat even at the age of three.

Mistakenly outdated opinion that breastfeeding a child over 1 year of age is impractical. Previously, it was believed that "late" milk no longer contains useful substances necessary for the growth and development of the baby.

IMPORTANT: Research recent years proved that over time, the percentage of fat content and the content of vital vitamins and microelements in breast milk increases. Continuing to receive breast milk after a year, children almost completely satisfy the body's need for protein, calcium, vitamins A, B12, C.

How long to breastfeed a baby is up to the mother

Do not look around in search of the right solution. Every mother is able to intuitively feel whether her child is ready for weaning. To do this, just listen to yourself and your child.

Video: Breastfeeding. How long? — School of Dr. Komarovsky

Natural feeding is the feeding of a child with women's milk, by applying the child to the breast. When a mother asks why she should breastfeed her baby, she should first of all know the benefits of breastfeeding her baby and how dramatically it differs from cow's milk.

Benefits of breastfeeding your baby:

  1. Human milk is a unique and most balanced food product for a baby in the first year of life;
  2. The composition of each mother's breast milk exactly matches the needs of her baby in various substances: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals;
  3. Mother's milk contains special substances - enzymes that promote the digestion and absorption of proteins, fats and carbohydrates;
  4. Mother's milk contains immunoglobulins and immune cells that protect the child from most infectious diseases: intestinal infections, infectious hepatitis, diphtheria, tetanus and others;
  5. Breast milk contains substances that regulate the growth and development of the child (hormones, growth factors, taurine, zinc, iodine, etc.);
  6. In the process of breastfeeding, a special very close relationship develops between mother and child, the warmth of which remains throughout the rest of life;
  7. Breastfeeding is good for the health of the mother as it it promotes uterine contraction after childbirth, helps to restore the figure and is the best prevention of mastopathy and breast cancer.

The difference between breast milk and cow milk:

  1. Protein content. There is less protein in breast milk than in cow's milk, fine fractions predominate in it, particles of coarse casein protein are several times smaller, which ensures curdling of breast milk in the stomach with more delicate flakes, which facilitates the digestion process.
  2. Breast milk proteins are similar to plasma proteins, and cow's milk proteins have a pronounced antihypertensive activity, which contributes to the appearance of allergic reactions.
  3. The content of amino acids in breast milk is less, which is more optimal for the baby. Cow's milk contains three times more amino acids, which leads to protein overload, which can lead to metabolic disorders.
  4. Women's milk, especially colostrum, released in the first three days, is very rich in immunoglobulins, especially A, which plays an important role in creating local immunity in the gastrointestinal tract of newborns. The level of lysozyme is 300 times higher than in cow. It contains the antibiotic lactofelicin. Thereby infant has good immuno-biological protection.
  5. The amount of fat is the same, but there is an important distinguishing feature, this is the composition of the fat. Breast milk is dominated by unsaturated fats. It has been proven that artificial feeding often leads to obesity.
  6. Carbohydrates in breast milk in large quantities.
  7. Breast milk is rich in enzymes: amylase, trypsin, lipase. There are hundreds of times less enzymes in cow's milk. This compensates for the temporary low enzymatic activity of the child and ensures the absorption of a fairly large amount of food.
  8. The mineral composition of breast milk: the amount of calcium and phosphorus is less than in cow's milk, but absorption is twice as good, so breastfed children are much less likely to get rickets. The content of bioelements (sodium, magnesium, iron, zinc, etc.) in breast milk is optimal and meets the needs of the child. In breast milk a large number of vitamin D, which helps prevent rickets.

Basic principles of successful breastfeeding:

1. Strictly adhere to the established rules for breastfeeding and regularly bring these rules to the attention of medical personnel and puerperas.
2. Train medical personnel in the necessary skills for the implementation of the practice of breastfeeding.
3. Inform all pregnant women about the benefits and techniques of breastfeeding.
4. Help mothers start breastfeeding within the first half hour after birth.
5. Show mothers how to breastfeed and how to maintain lactation, even if they are temporarily separated from their children.
6. Do not give newborns any food or drink other than breast milk, unless medically indicated.
7. Practice round-the-clock finding of the mother and the newborn side by side in the same room.
8. Encourage breastfeeding on demand rather than on a schedule.
9. Do not give newborns who are breastfed, any sedatives and devices that mimic the mother's breast (nipples, pacifiers).
10. Encourage the establishment of a breastfeeding support group and refer mothers to these groups after discharge from the maternity hospital.

Rules necessary for successful feeding:

1) early attachment of the child to the breast (in the delivery room);

2) in the first weeks, it is desirable to provide the child with a free feeding regime (at the request of the child) and only later transfer the child to meals by the hour, which he himself has chosen;

3) when introducing complementary foods, to prevent the extinction of lactation, it is recommended to put the baby to the breast at the end of each feeding;

4) if there is not enough milk, it is often necessary to apply the baby to the breast. It must be remembered that for a nursing baby, every drop of mother's milk is priceless. However, frequent breastfeeding can increase milk production in the breast.

Possible contraindications to breastfeeding by the mother:


Heavy bleeding during or after childbirth;

Open form of tuberculosis;

Decompensation or chronic diseases of the heart, lungs, kidneys,

baking, as well as hyperthyroidism;

Acute mental illness;

Especially dangerous infections;

Herpetic eruptions on the nipple of the mammary gland (before their aftercare);

HIV infection;

Mastitis in a woman: upon detection of a massive growth of St.aureus ≥ 250 CFU per 1 ml and / or a single growth of Enterobacteriacae and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Guidelines for the bacteriological control of breast milk, Moscow, 1984);

Taking cytostatics, immunosuppressive drugs, anticoagulants, some antibacterial drugs;

Alcohol and nicotine addiction.

Breastfeeding during the onset of a ‘new pregnancy may continue.

Contraindications to early breastfeeding on the part of the child:

Apgar score below 7 points;

Birth injury;


Deep prematurity;

Severe malformations (gastrointestinal tract, maxillofacial apparatus, heart, etc.);

Delivery by operation C-section(under anesthesia).

Absolute contraindications to breastfeeding by the child in the subsequent stages of lactation:

Hereditary enzymopathies (galactosemia);

Phenylketonuria (with individual selection of therapeutic nutrition).

In the first days after childbirth, for the formation of lactation, it is important:

early attachment to the breast,

baby feeding on demand

cohabitation of mother and child,

prevention of lactic crisis.

Often, women who are expecting a baby for the first time have doubts about whether to breastfeed the baby. To understand how beneficial it is for the baby and for the mother, it is worth evaluating all the benefits of breastfeeding.
After all, despite the abundance of artificial nutrition and its improvement, breast milk is still irreplaceable. If there are no compelling reasons for not feeding, there is no doubt about its benefits and importance.

Benefits of breast milk

Mother's milk is unique. It absorbs all the substances necessary for the baby. In addition, it is created by the female body specifically for each baby. Taking into account its needs and features of development.

According to Komarovsky, natural way it's always better when you're not sure the other way has advantages.

Here are some additional advantages noted by the pediatrician:

Breastfeeding helps prevent your baby from developing the habit of thumb sucking. He satisfies the sucking reflex by applying to the mother's breast.

It's much easier to breastfeed your baby when you're on a long trip than it is to prepare formula on the road.

Mother's milk is absolutely sterile.

Moral satisfaction from intimacy with the baby. The feeling that the child receives something that no one else in the world can give him.

Breast-feeding - The best decision for mothers who do not have medical indications that do not allow breastfeeding.

It is especially important in the first six months of a baby's life. And the optimal feeding time is before the baby is 1 year old.
