New Year's toys from eggshells with their own hands. DIY Christmas decorations from eggshells for children

Hope Lichman

Already quite soon New Year !

This is the most joyful and wonderful holiday for adults and children. Pre-holiday mood, buying a Christmas tree, preparing gifts leaves neither adults nor children indifferent. The process of decorating brings special joy. Christmas tree . Today there is a large selection in stores New Year's toys But you can make toys with your own hands. Doing toys, we experience great pleasure, joy, creative impulse. The guys and I decided to do Christmas toys from eggshell and colored paper Children helped color eggshell, held the blanks longer so that they stick.

If you draw on shell bright paint eyes, glue the ears, trunk and you get a baby elephant.

And if eggshell paint with yellow paint, draw scales on it, glue a tail and fins from colored paper - a fabulous fish will come out.

I propose master- manufacturing class egg shell bunnies.

We'll need:

Blue universal napkin;

- eggshell;

Cotton pads;

Narrow ribbon;


Paints or markers;

Thick needle;

Glue pencil.

Use a thick needle to poke holes in both ends of the egg and blow the contents into a glass. You will be left whole shell.

From cotton pads cut out the ears bunny, cut out the ears from the blue napkin too, but less than the white ones.

Cut out a circle from a blue napkin, this is a tummy bunny.

Cut out a heart from cardboard - these are paws.

We put blue ears on white ears, fold the lower part in half and glue it.

Then glue both ears together.

In the egg, on top, we make a larger hole in order to stick both ears smeared with glue there.

Glue the napkin circle to the bottom end eggshell - this is the tummy.

Glue a bow to the base of the ears.

We draw felt-tip pens or watercolor muzzle, and glue the egg on the heart - these are paws.

Here is our ready bunny.

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I bring to your attention an application made of eggshells. The work can be done collectively, depending on the volume of the drawing. material for.

At the end of May, children graduated from school. The children are gone, but some of the crafts made by the children remain. I collected crafts and arranged them into a composition.

Master class on unconventional technique V visual activity"Gifts of the forest" (painting from an eggshell). Material: shell from.

1. Break the eggs, pour boiling water over the shell, remove the inner film from the shell. 2. We take paper napkins, cut flowers. 3. We cover.

New Year is the most magical holiday! New Year's fuss and revival, elegant decorations, expectation of a miracle, as everyone knows. Magic is everywhere. So.

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Goal: Making New Year's toys using improvised material for development creativity children. Tasks: To teach.

Easter is coming, which means that every home will have a lot of colored eggs. So, it's time to learn a new needlework technique: eggshell crafts.

Eggshells are a great material for creativity. And we offer you two options for its use:

Materials and tools for eggshell crafts

  • eggshell
  • pva glue and brush
  • thick cardboard or other surface (box, vase, etc.)
  • tweezers
  • a small wooden stick, for pressing the shells (a manicure stick is great)
  • acrylic paints if the mosaic is made from white shell
  • decoupage napkin (if necessary)

First you need to prepare the material. To do this, the collected eggshells are washed in warm water (and for better degreasing, you can even lower them into boiling water with a soda solution). After that, the shell must be dried, the inner film removed from it and sorted by color.

Professionals use shells from raw eggs, because the shell that has undergone heat treatment loses its hardness, its surface becomes more loose. But for children's crafts, you can use any shell, including those left over from boiled Easter eggs.

eggshell mosaic

To make an eggshell mosaic with your own hands, you will need a template for the future drawing. If you have artistic abilities, then simply draw a template on a piece of paper. If not, you can take any drawing intended for coloring in children. All contours are clearly drawn there and usually a large number of colors are not required. Glue the sheet with the pattern on thick cardboard.

Now we start gluing the shell. To do this, grease a small fragment of the picture with PVA glue and put a piece of shell on top. If the shell is too large, then you just need to press on top with a stick, the shell will crack and fall apart into several small pieces. Make sure that there is approximately the same distance between the shells.

Having filled one fragment of the picture, we move on to the next.

After filling the entire pattern, set it aside until the glue has completely dried. If you used a white shell, then only after drying, the drawing can be painted with acrylic paints.

Finished work must be varnished. The result is a kind of eggshell appliqué.

See what wonderful paintings made of eggshells by real craftswomen!

If you decide to do decoupage using eggshells, then first select a blank for future crafts. It can be a box, a key holder, a bottle and even a vase.

Master class on decoupage on an eggshell wooden box

This box is wooden, so first we sand the entire surface (both internal and external) with sandpaper. If you have taken up the decoupage of a bottle with an eggshell, then the surface must first be degreased with alcohol.

It depends only on you how large the pieces of the shell will be and the distance between them.

We fill the entire surface in this way.

And once again cover everything with a layer of PVA glue.

After that, we cover the entire workpiece in several layers of white acrylic paint.

And we move on to gluing the napkin, that is, directly to the decoupage itself.

Let me remind you that three-layer napkins are usually used for decoupage. We only need the top layer - the one on which the drawing. Lubricate the work surface with PVA glue. If the surface is very large, or you are working with rounded objects (a vase, a bottle), then it is better to cut the napkin into two or three fragments. We apply a napkin element to the surface and immediately apply PVA glue on top. We draw a brush from the center to the edges to expel the air from under the napkin.

Thus, we glue the box on all sides.

Set aside for a while to dry completely.

And then - two options (depending on your imagination). The finished work can simply be varnished. And you can also age the box. To do this, you can ask the shells with silver acrylic paint, and apply black pastel to the edges of the box with a foam sponge.

Good afternoon, today I decided to upload a selection of eggshell craft ideas. Here you will find the easiest and most interesting egg crafts suitable for kids. They are easy to make with your own hands for children, if adults help them a little. The crafts below can be taken for a creative competition in kindergarten and school. You can create table theaters from egg crafts (this will be discussed below). And of course decorate festive table on Holy holiday Easter. All this will be discussed in our article.

So, let's see what eggshell crafts you can make.

Idea #1

Nest with birds.

We take wrapping paper And cut it into small narrow strips, we crumple this paper cut - and from such dry blades of grass we form a nest. Glue the beak and wings onto the eggshell. We draw eyes.

This the simplest crafts from eggs, available for young children. Unless, of course, you convince them in advance not to test empty eggs for strength, not to push with your finger and not to squeeze with your palm.

And here's a little trick for you (see the photo below). On sale there are eggs large and smallish. If you buy both sizes, you can small paint in yellow , leave large white. And then insert yellow dyed ones into large white shells and arrange it like yellow chicks hatched from white eggs.

Can this idea of ​​​​chicks be developed and add mother hen. We make chickens from eggs painted yellow - we put them in a cassette from eggs. We sculpt a chicken from salt dough - dry it in the oven - decorate with gouache. And we sit behind the chickens from the eggs. We decorate the craft with green grass (cut green paper, or green threads). Add watercolor feathers from the pillow.

You can have cockerels in a chicken family. With a comb made of paper and a fluffy tail. Strips of paper for the tail are cut with scissors and twisted around a cylindrical object (bottle, hairspray can).

QUESTION: What kind of glue to stick the paper to the eggshell?

ANSWER: PVA glue is suitable (stationery or construction anyway, the composition is the same, only the second is 2 times cheaper).

DOUBLE-SIDED TAPE is also suitable - this is the best way to keep the paper on the shell.

You can use pieces of egg cartons. We cut out a cell from the cassette holder and play with its shape in order to bring it closer to something similar to a bird.

A chicken craft made of eggs can be decorated with PLASTILINE details. Sculpt the scallop, beak and paws. If you make cockerels, then you can also fashion a tail out of plasticine (from a thin, lightweight plasticine plate). And cockerels can be put on high legs (make holes in the bottom of the shell and insert cocktail tubes) - or without holes, simply attach the tubes to plasticine.

And also great idea is to buy small QUAIL EGGS in the store. Their size is just right for baby chickens. It is necessary to paint the quail shells yellow. And plant these little eggs inside big chicken shells. It will turn out a chicken family - a rooster, a hen and babies that have just hatched from an egg shell.

Idea #2

BIRDS from eggs.

And other birds can also be made from eggshells - TOUCANES, PARROTS, PEACOCKS, PENGUINS, BUNNIES, TITTS.

These are the owls you get if you decorate their shells into different painting zones. And decorate the boundaries between the zones with beads (for beauty and contrast). And if you don’t have the strength to mess around with beads (we’re not Faberge with you), then you can decorate the borders of the zone with DOTS with a simple THICK MARKER, stick it and that’s it - we’ll get the same bead effect only cheaper and faster.

Then add eye stickers, and stick the wings behind (everything is perfectly attached to the double-sided tape).

Or the egg craft owl design could be simpler. It looks pretty nice if the owl's wings have patterned colors (cut out from a piece of wallpaper, or gift wrapping). It is also beautiful when the eyes are shaped like a flower with petals. Owl legs from eggs can be molded from plasticine or cut out of thick cardboard or thick felt.

Crafts from eggs.

Idea #3


If you take cardboard rolls and insert an egg into the upper bell of the roll. Then we will get a blank for the tabletop theater character. The roll can be taken ready-made - from toilet paper- and wrap it in colored paper. And then decorate our character

Depending on the color and design of the egg and paper roll, we get a GREEN frog, a SPOTTY cow, a BROWN dog, a YELLOW chicken, etc. (see photo of egg crafts below).

You can make any characters from eggs. Try to make them look like mussel personalities and tear up small TV shows in the table theater.

Instead of cardboard rolls, you can use ready-made plastic egg stands (as in the photo of crafts below).

You can find small ones for sale. plastic cups and use them as a basis for theatrical crafts.

Egg shells for egg crafts can be painted with GOUCHE and then covered with nail polish or sprinkled with hairspray - this will make the color BRIGHTER and the surface of the egg will become shiny and smooth like plastic.

From eggs, you can make crafts on Christmas themes (as in the photo below).

You can act out your favorite fairy tales by preparing special scenery for the character. In such an interesting environment, your children will play their crafts with hot delight.

You can make a tropical island - populate it with animals from hot countries. Make one character each evening… your child will be intrigued as to which animal will be next and will look forward to creative get-togethers with colored paper, a hard-working mom and a gambling dad.

But below I liked the idea where the double-sided egg cassette turns into an island zone and a sea zone. And from the eggs we make crafts-characters inhabiting the earth's firmament and the depths of the sea (photo below). A very original and long-lasting egg craft for children.

Idea number 4. Crafts from eggs

with fluffy wire.

And here is another idea that fluffy wire can be an additional visual tool for making eggshell crafts. From fluffy wire it is good to make ponytails for mice, cats and pigs. Wire brushes can be the tentacles of a crab, or eyes on the legs of a snail and the same crab.

Here are some more springs that are used as paws and ears of hares.

Idea #5

HARES from the shell.

And here is a cheerful family of white rabbits. White hares with pink ears the cutest egg craft. Ordinary felt-tip pens help draw a muzzle, and the ears are made of paper.

You can depict a bunny by placing an egg on a barrel - stick it on a cardboard backing, and stick a muzzle in front - a nose made of plasticine or a decorative pom-pom.

Short pieces of plastic tubes (or strips of paper twisted into a tight tube) can serve as a stand for such egg crafts - the legs are attached to hot glue or plasticine, or double-sided tape (left craft in the photo below).

A low cardboard ring can serve as a stand for a hare (right photo below).

Details for an eggshell hare can be cut out of colored felt. It turns out a bright elegant craft for children.

Idea #6

shell animals

Crafts for children from eggs most often depict animals - forest or domestic. Here are some cute eggshell pigs. Piglets are best made from dark eggs, from pockmarked hens.

But we make a cow from a white shell and draw spots on it with a black marker.

In black and white color scheme crafts from eggs look beautiful - PENGUIN and PANDA.

I also like tricks with bug-eyed crafts. bulging eyes on egg crafts look good not only in frogs - but also in cockerels, bunnies.

Crafts from broken shells.

If your shells are damaged, then this is not a reason to cry - this is the first step towards a new egg craft idea.

Like these ones original crafts for children from shells with a damaged barrel, you can think of.

Egg plugs.


All boys will love the divers theme.

You can make a pot-bellied egg craft submarine. And make several enemy boats that will lie at different depths of your underwater world, made from a TV box.

You can make a sea out of blue cellophane and launch a toothy shark into it.

You can also build a flying saucer from a basin and populate it with little green men. Cute aliens with three eyes will be your little boys' favorite toys for a long time.

And girls enjoy playing egg town. Little Kinder Surprise dolls will walk the streets of such a cozy town and have picnics in cozy backyard gardens.

And girls love cats. If we make Kitty's head with a white egg and put it on a cardboard roll (like the aliens from the photo above), then we will get a favorite toy for your daughter.

AND ALSO in an egg you can poke a neat hole into it pour liquid wax from a candle and insert wand- so we get a theatrical craft on a stick. And it will be possible to act out performances of the puppet-egg theater behind a screen, holding the character on a stick (photo below). Kids really like this craft for children, they are happy to play with such toys on sticks.

And thanks to the hardened wax inside the shell, such a craft will be even stronger and more durable.

SPRING CRAFTS from eggs.

The spring season is rich in Easter crafts from eggs. Therefore, eggshells have become the subject of festive decor during the Easter season.

You can turn on your ingenuity and come up with your own spring crafts from eggs. In the meantime, I'll show you the ones I found.

Here are shell-vases for miniature bouquets of spring flowers - crocuses, coltsfoot, snowdrops, primroses.

You can insert a straw for a cocktail into an eggshell. And wrap the egg in crepe paper. And we get tulip on a stem. Add juicy green leaves and form a spring craft-bouquet of eggs.

Can you put it on eggshells? petal skirts (photo below) and also arrange a spring bouquet of eggs. This egg craft is suitable for children 5 years old. We fold a sheet of paper into a triangle as for cutting out a snowflake - but instead of snowflake patterns, we draw 2 oval petals (heart) on it and give it to the child. He cuts out the petals and cuts off the central corner of the folded triangle along a rounded line. Expand and get a petal circle with a hole for putting on an egg.

Skirts with petals can be cut out of felt - this material is lighter than cardboard and bright in color.

You can make a series of cacti from eggs. A great egg craft available for children is to simply paint the eggs with green gouache and paint the needles with white paint.

Here are some ideas with crafts from empty egg shells.

Good luck with your creativity.

Olga Klishevskaya, specially for the site
