New Year's verses for children. We teach short poems to Santa Claus for the New Year, and you? New Years is soon

New Year is coming! Let's please Grandfather Frost and tell him a poem about him, the Snow Maiden, the Christmas tree or the New Year.

What is New Year?

What is New Year?

It's all the other way around:

Trees grow in the room

Squirrels do not gnaw cones,

Hares next to the wolf

On a thorny tree!

The rain is also not easy,

In the New Year it is golden,

Shine that there is urine,

Nobody gets wet

Even Santa Claus

Doesn't pinch anyone's nose.


New Year

Smells like fresh tar again

We gathered at the tree

Our tree is dressed up

The lights on her lit up.

Games, jokes, songs, dances!

There are masks here and there...

You are a bear and I am a fox.

What miracles!

Let's dance together

Hello, hello New Year!

(N. Naydenova)

Winter has come

The winter is merry

With skates and sleighs

With powdered ski tracks,

With a magical old fairy tale.

On a decorated tree

The lanterns swing.

May the winter be cheerful

It doesn't end anymore!

(I. Chernitskaya)

Christmas tree

A Christmas tree in summer is just a Christmas tree:

You touch a branch - it's prickly to your fingers,

The trunk is entwined with cobwebs,

A fly agaric is below.

That's when winter comes

The tree seems to come to life:

Will fluff up in the cold

Unfold under the winds

Not prickly at all

Like a fragrant flower.

It smells not of dew, not of honey,

The tree smells like New Year!

(N. Filimonova)

Christmas tree…

Winter before the holiday

For the green tree

Dress white herself

Sewn without a needle.

Shake off the white snow

Christmas tree with a bow

And is the most beautiful of all

In a green dress.

To her green color to the face

Elka knows this.

How is she on New Year's Eve?

Well dressed!

(T. Volgina)

winter guest

We will not meet him in the spring,

He won't come in the summer

But in winter to our children

He comes every year.

He has a bright blush

Beard like white fur

Interesting gifts

He will cook for everyone.

Happy New Year congratulations,

Will light a magnificent Christmas tree,

amusing kids,

Get up with us in a round dance.

We welcome him together

We are great friends...

But drink hot tea

This guest is not allowed!

(N. Naydenova)

Father Frost

Santa Claus walked through the forest

Past the maples and birches,

Past the clearings, past the stumps,

Walked through the forest for eight days.

He walked through the forest -

Christmas trees dressed up in beads.

This New Year's Eve

He will take them to the guys.

Silence in the meadows

Shining yellow moon..

All trees are in silver

Hares dance on the mountain

Ice sparkles on the pond

The New Year is coming!

(Z. Aleksandrova)

Santa Claus paper

Santa Claus paper -

He is gray-haired and important,

With a beard and a bag

With wooden stick...

A whole year on the mezzanine

He lay in the dust


And now he's standing on a chair

He is under the tree on guard -

Waiting for the NEW YEAR.

Do you hear?..

(S. Wheat)

The most important guest

Who is in an elegant warm coat,

With a long white beard

Comes to visit on New Year's Eve

And ruddy, and gray-haired?

He plays with us, dances,

With him, the holiday is more fun!

Santa Claus on our Christmas tree

The most important of the guests!

(I. Chernitskaya)

If the frost ends

If the frost ends

Snow melts white

What is Santa Claus

The poor will do?

Water will run from it

Brooks on the floor

From his beard then

Will it drip too?

Dear Santa Claus,

Sweetheart, darling!

Hide, Santa Claus,

In our fridge!

(V. Danko)

bear dream

Sympathizes with the bear

Forest people in winter.

Never clubfoot

Didn't celebrate New Years.

Him a barrel of honey

Left Santa Claus

And he snores in a den,

Covering your nose with your hand.

But who will congratulate him?

You won't meet a daredevil.

Wake up the couch potato -

What if the sides will wrinkle?

New Year's greetings of the snowman

Snowman sends a letter to a friend:
"I wish you a blizzard ...
So that the blizzard chalk all year ...
Ice, snowdrifts, snow slides,
And frost "minus forty" ...
And warmth!"
A. Usachev

Father Frost

He grew to my eyebrows,
He climbed into my boots.
They say he is Santa Claus,
And naughty like a little one.
He ruined the water faucet
In our washbasin.
They say he has a beard
And naughty like a little one.
He paints on glass
Palm trees, stars, skiffs.
They say he's a hundred years old
And naughty, like a little one!
E. Tarakhovskaya

Santa Claus puts all the hares under the Christmas tree
By soft toy- fluffy wolf.
Let every coward play the one
Who brings terror to him in the forest.

And each chanterelle - a new comb
For trendy, shiny and red hair.
So that there was no time to offend bunnies -
You have to keep your hair in order.

And what did Santa Claus have in store for the teddy bear?
A basket of raspberries? Honey from a barrel?
Left under a huge forest spruce
Alarm clock that wakes up the bear in the spring.
N. Stozhkova

Father Frost

I am Frost, Red Nose,
With a white beard.
Pinch - so to tears!
Don't joke with me.
For what, why
Should I be angry?
I came to you friends
To have fun!
new year, new year
I meet with you
Happy New Year to all of you
I congratulate you.
E. Boguslavskaya

Oh, Frost, Red Nose,
We don't know you.
And you, Santa Claus,
We gladly meet.

Oh, frost, red nose,
We sing a song
And you in a round dance
We invite children.

Oh, frost, red nose,
Hit harder in the palms
And we have more fun
Legs will dance.
E. Boguslavskaya

"What are you doing, Winter?.."
- What are you doing, Winter?
- I'm building a miracle tower!
I pour snow silver
I decorate all around.

The carousel spins
Rampant blizzard!
I'll try so that in the morning
Didn't miss the kids

To light up the tree
So that the trio rushed!
Winter has countless worries:
Soon holiday - New year!
R. Farhadi

New Years is soon

Soon, soon the New Year!
He's in a hurry, he's coming!
Knock on our doors:
Children, hello, I'm with you!

We celebrate the holiday
We decorate the Christmas tree
We hang toys
Balls, crackers...

Soon Santa Claus will come
Will bring us gifts -
Apples, candy...
Santa Claus, where are you?!

Z. Orlova

New Year's Eve

On New Year's Eve, like in a fairy tale,
Full of miracles.
The Christmas tree hurries to the train,
leaving winter forest.
And the stars shine bright
And lead a round dance

Under New, New Year!

Laughs like snowflakes
They fly all night, they fly.
And songs everywhere
They sound funny.
The wind whistles
Snowstorm sings
New Year's Eve New Year's Eve
Under New, New Year!

V. Shumilin

New Year

Children rejoice, tomorrow is the New Year.
It means Santa Claus is coming soon.
He will put up a Christmas tree in the yard,
For the kids to have fun.

Decorate the windows in my room.
On fun party gather friends.
Tomorrow there will be games, bright lights.
The children will shout in chorus: "Christmas tree, burn!"

Together with the Snow Maiden
Let's get into a round dance.
Oh how wonderful
New Year holiday!

A. Andreeva

Where does the new year come from?

New Year flies from the sky?
Or coming from the forest?
Or from a snowdrift
Is the new year coming to us?

He probably lived as a snowflake
On some star
Or hiding behind a feather
Frost has a beard?

He went to sleep in the fridge
Or to a squirrel in the hollow ...
Or an old alarm clock
Did he get under the glass?

But there is always a miracle
The clock strikes twelve...
And no one knows where
The New Year is coming to us!

A. Usachev

Why is it snowing?
Why is there ice on the river?
This winter has come to us -
Got a lot of snow.
Why are we visiting
Christmas tree in bright lights?
Because it's coming to us
Winter holiday - New Year!

N. Veresokina

New Year

You are waiting: when will he come?
Wake up at dawn
Everything is as always, and the New Year
It's been in the yard for a long time!
Everything is the same from the Christmas tree branches
Tinsel flows down
And the red ball glistens under her
Given yesterday...
But during the night the snow fell
Still so evenly white
And last year's pie
Not stale yet!

M. Boroditskaya

The forest and the field are white...

Forest and field are white,
White meadows.
At snow-covered aspens
Branches like horns.
Under the strong ice
The waters of the rivers slumber.
White snowdrifts
Snow fell on the roofs.
The stars are bright in the sky
They lead a round dance.
The old year says goodbye -
Enter the New Year.

E. Trutneva

All year round. December

In December, in December
All trees are in silver.

Our river, as if in a fairy tale,
Frost paved the night
Updated skates, sleds,
I brought a Christmas tree from the forest.
The tree cried at first
From home warmth.
Stop crying in the morning
She breathed, she came alive.
Her needles tremble a little,
The branches are on fire,
Like a ladder, a Christmas tree
The fires fly up.
Flappers glitter with gold,
I lit a star with silver
Run to the top
The bravest bastard.

A year has passed like yesterday.
Over Moscow at this hour
The clock of the Kremlin tower strikes
Your salute twelve times!

S. Marshak

Christmas lights

Christmas lights
They shine in every house.
They shine happily
Both big and children.

The darker it is outside
The more lights.
And wherever you look
In the windows - Christmas trees and lights!

O. Vysotskaya

new year wishes

Here is my New Year's poem.
I wish you today:
In January - the rays of April,
To keep you warm
To make the winds blow more often -
Yes, not in March, but in July.
So that your day is without night
Or the night was shorter
To the sea of ​​days and years
There was no bad weather
So that the whole year did not know the fight
Your cats and dogs
No matter how much bread we cut,
He was soft, he was fresh,
To cream fountains
Filled your glasses.
If it's too much
Don't judge too harshly.
I don't need an award.
Your joy is my reward.

J. rodari

New Year's

The New Year is coming.
What will he bring to people?
Everyone who works
Who is honest, kind and brave,
Let the wish come true
Whatever he wants.

Builder wants to build a house
To the delight of the newcomers,
So that everyone becomes in it
Happy and cheerful.

What is the dream of a gardener?
In his dreams the whole world blossoms.
And people looking at the flowers
They get better.
May these glorious dreams
Fulfilled soon.

E. Serova

The kids go to bed early...

Children go to bed early
On the last day of December
And wake up a year older
On the first day of the calendar.

The year begins with silence
Unfamiliar from past winters:
Noise behind the double frame
We can barely catch it.

But the guys are calling out
Winter day through the ice glass -
In a refreshing cold
From cozy warmth.

With a kind word we will remember
Years of old care,
Starting early in the morning
New day and new year!

S. Marshak

Happy New Year!

The wind blows like a white bird
Exciting snow-snow.
He knocks on my window
"Happy New Year, my friend!"
To us in a green robe
A guest from the forest came
Noisy animals gathering
She brought along.
Here she is with green bangs
Christmas tree, in our house a Christmas tree,
So it's the New Year!
He brings light to every house,
He has gifts - a cart!
Those gifts are presented
With a joke Santa Claus.
We sing merrily, we play
We can't be sad now!
Congratulations to all our friends:
- Happy New Year to you, friends!

G. Ramazanov

New Year's Eve

They say: on New Year's Eve
Whatever you wish -
Everything will always happen
Everything always comes true.

Maybe even the guys
All wishes come true
All you need, they say
Put in the effort.

Don't be lazy, don't yawn
And have patience
And learning does not count
For your pain.

They say: on New Year's Eve
Whatever you wish -
Everything will always happen
Everything always comes true.

How can we not guess
humble desire -
On "excellent" to perform
School assignments.

So that the students
Began to work
To deuce in diaries
Couldn't get through!

S. Mikhalkov

New Year

New Year! New Year!
Will bring a lot of happiness:
Adults - all kinds of joys,
Children - different sweets.
Get terribly excited
Christmas trees - new outfits,
Yards - snowmen,
Ice - a cheerful creak of skates,
The sky is fireworks
Santa Claus - a medal for work!

T. Shatskikh


Pave the way to the threshold
Snow falls on the road
And with the beginning of winter days
Someone is rushing towards us along it.

He carries a wonderful bag.
What is hidden in it? Unknown.
Is the book new? A game?
Secrets of our yard?
Maybe ski trips
Or a dog of a funny breed?
Maybe clubs loud knock
Or just a new friend?
...Snow falls on the road.
How long can you wait, by God!
Maybe he won't come at all?
Here he is! Hello New Year!

N. Stozhkova


Everything is new today
garden bench,
new yard,
new cat,
New janitor at the gate.
White fur on the Christmas tree -
New, brand new!
The bullfinch sat on a branch -
Well, quite a newbie!
Isn't it a novelty
Path through the yard?
I will run along it to the gate,
I will give people the news:
- Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!
With new happiness! I say.

New Year's time is approaching, and with them various matinees, performances, performances and family gatherings, at which children should tell a couple of poems about winter holiday. It is better to start learning in advance so that the baby does not stumble, feel confident while reciting the verse and read it to the public with pleasure.

And I will give you a selection of the simplest and most interesting poems for the new year for children. different ages. And also an option for children who do not pronounce the letter "r".

New Year's poems for children 2 3 years old

You can memorize and read poetry even before entering kindergarten. The best and most grateful audience is relatives who will listen with pleasure to rhymes performed by children, grandchildren, nephews and other relatives.

It will be useful for the child to perform for the first time in a circle of loved ones. The situation is familiar, there is no embarrassment in front of familiar faces, there is no fear of ridicule from peers or punishment from the teacher / teacher.
Only pleasant memories will remain from such a performance: pride, a sense of support, joy from a common cause, if the parents also perform their numbers.

You need to start, of course, with very simple rhymes. The simpler and clearer they are, the higher the chance of success. And difficulties at first can only scare the child away. Unpleasant memories can further completely discourage the desire to memorize poems and tell them in public.

Pay attention to the following simple New Year's rhymes for kids under 2-3 years old:

Outside the window, a flock of snowflakes
He also leads a round dance!
Saying goodbye to the old year,
We are celebrating the New Year!

Red-cheeked and broad-shouldered
Dear Santa Claus!
All decorated in fluffy snow
And he brought gifts!

Bunny jumping under the tree
The bunny is also waiting for the holiday,
After all, cabbage and carrots
Santa Claus brings him!

Shine with lights, tree,
Call us for a holiday
Fulfill all desires
Make all your dreams come true!

Where does Santa Claus live?
Amazing question!
Not in a lamp, not in an alarm clock,
Let's see in the fridge!

Santa Claus goes to the holiday
In a red coat, felt boots
He brings gifts
For little kids

Mom decorated the tree
And I helped my mother;
Gave her toys
Stars, balloons, crackers.

Santa Claus sent us a Christmas tree
He lit the fires on her.
And the needles shine on it,
And on the branches - snow!

There is also a special rhyme for kids who are still bad at pronouncing the letter "r":

Our tree is high
Our tree is big
Above mom, above dad
Reaches the ceiling!

A quatrain made of simple and understandable words for a child is the best option at this age. Studying new poems, you can decorate the Christmas tree, get christmas toys, examine them and at the same time pronounce lines from rhymes.

Short poems about the new year for children 3-4 years old in kindergarten

At New Year's children's matinees, it is no longer enough to read a simple quatrain. After all, there are many other children here, and surely someone has learned a longer and more intricate verse. If a child remembers poetry well and wants to impress peers, you need to look at more difficult options.

In some kindergartens, teachers themselves give out verses for the matinee so that the children do not repeat themselves.

At the entrance, on the site
I collected snow with a shovel.
Although there was not much snow,
I made a snowman.
I put it in the corridor
And she ... melted!

Oh what a good
Good Santa Claus!
Christmas tree for our holiday
Brought from the forest.
The lights are sparkling
Red, blue!
Good for us, Yolka,
Have fun with you!

The tree stretched out its branches
Smells like forest and winter.
Candies hung from the tree
And crackers with fringes.
We clapped our hands
We got up together in a round dance ...
So good has come
And Happy New Year!

Spinning and whining
Blizzard for the New Year.
The snow wants to fall
And the wind does not.
And the trees have fun
And every bush
Snowflakes, like twigs
They dance on the fly.

It's snowing, snowflakes are flying
The New Year is knocking on the door.
Congratulations mom and dad
And loved by all friends.

We will lead a round dance
And wait for gifts together.
We love this holiday very much.
We will sing and dance.

* * *
Soon, soon the New Year!
Santa Claus is coming soon.
Behind the shoulders of the Christmas tree
Fluffy needles.
He gives us presents
And he asks us to read poetry.

Like lights on a Christmas tree
Fun twinkle!
It means new year
Children are celebrating!

Soon Santa Claus
Will come to visit us!
And a whole load of gifts
He will give the children!

The girls stood in a circle
They got up and shut up.
Santa Claus lit the fires
On tall tree.
Above the star
Beads in two rows.
Let the tree not go out
May it always burn!

For the guys who are still bad at pronouncing the letter "r", there is interesting rhyme without this letter:

smells like new year
Christmas tree branches
smells like new year
Delicious sweets:
Sweet pastille
chocolate smooth
Smells like oranges
New cars
dolls and books
Plush bears.
cartoons, fairy tales,
skis, sledges,
Take a breath - and ahni! (Oh!)
Smells like children's happiness!

Poems for the new year for children 5-6 years old for a matinee

At this age, children can no longer just recite memorized poems, but also actively engage in acting skills. Even the simplest rhyme, read with expression, appropriate facial expressions and active gestures, will impress all listeners. The main thing is to rehearse the performance at home, so that the mother from the outside can evaluate and make corrections, if necessary.

On the Christmas tree of our funny toys:
funny hedgehogs and funny frogs
Funny bears, funny deer,
Funny walruses and funny seals.

We are also a little funny in masks,
Santa Claus needs us to be funny,
To be joyful, to hear laughter,
After all, today is a fun holiday for everyone!

Today is a lot of fun
We lead a round dance
Everything was hung with tinsel -
We welcome the New Year!

We decorated the Christmas tree
fancy balls,
Meet Santa Claus
Beautiful rhymes!

What is New Year?
It's all the other way around:
Trees grow in the room
Squirrels do not gnaw cones,
Hares next to the wolf
On a thorny tree!
The rain is also not easy,
In the New Year it is golden,
Shine that there is urine,
Nobody gets wet
Even Santa Claus
Doesn't pinch anyone's nose.

In a spacious bright room
We have removed the tree.
Welcoming and bright
The lights on it are on.
And Santa Claus for the holiday
Brought different toys
And jokes and songs
He makes the guys happy.
Fly, fly snowflakes
Cold fluffs, -
And spin around merrily
And fall on the fur.
We are celebrating the New Year
We dance and play
And elegant Christmas trees
A cheerful laugh rings out.

Christmas tree lights up
Under her shadows are blue,
prickly needles
As if in white frost.
She thawed out in warmth
Straightened out the needles
And with funny songs
We came to our Christmas tree.
Multicolored toys
For us they hung on it,
And we look at the Christmas tree
And we have fun today.
The lights on the Christmas tree are bright
Everywhere are lit
In all houses, all over the country
The guys are smiling.

The winter is merry
With skates and sleighs
With powdered ski tracks,
With a magical old fairy tale.
On a decorated tree
The lanterns swing.
May the winter be cheerful
It doesn't end anymore!

A traditional rhyme for those who are still bad at the letter "r":

Creative Christmas tree

There is no Christmas tree in our house.
Well, we did not have time to buy!
What will mom say to that?
What a new year without spruce!
Dad is very confused
Not calm, it shows
I am silent. But I almost cry
How embarrassing for me!
Dad told me: Idea!
Something got boring somehow
Of course, I'm not your fairy...
But the cactus will come down now
Cactus was very surprised!
Almost fell out of the vase.
But I thought, apparently: “A miracle!
Okay, I'll stay a Christmas tree "
And when mom sees
- there is no point in being offended!
We will write on the cactus:
"Happy New Year!

The main thing is not to forget that New Year's rhymes for children from 2 to 6 years old are taught for the sake of fun and entertainment. After all, this is not an exam, but a simple matinee in kindergarten. Do not spoil the New Year's mood of the baby and your relationship with him. If the child does not want to impress the audience, it is enough to read a small quatrain.

New Year is a special holiday for children of any age. matinees and New Year's performances, poems about the New Year for 5 years, decorating the Christmas tree and the celebration itself with a bunch of gifts - this is how a happy childhood should be. You should prepare for this event in advance, and New Year's poems are the key tool in the children's arsenal for preparing for the holiday. What New Year's verses to choose, how they should be taught with children of 5 years of age - you will find all this with us!

We teach poems to children 5 years old for the New Year 2020

Every child at the age of 5 is simply obliged to learn a couple of poems for the New Year. For him, this is not only a legal pass to New Year's gifts Santa Claus, but also the opportunity to improve your memory, which after 4 years begins to develop by leaps and bounds. The more you pay attention to learning verses during this period, the more memory the child will form.

How to learn with a child of 5 years a verse for the New Year?

  • do not force the child to do what he does not want. He doesn’t like this New Year’s poem - choose another one with him, doesn’t want to do it now - unobtrusively offer to work out later;
  • don't forget to be emotional. Even the most beautiful verse for the New Year will turn into empty gibberish for a 5-year-old child if you read it, sadly mumbling under your breath. The New Year's rhyme speaks of a snowflake - depict it, a cheerful dance is mentioned - dance. So a child of 5 years old will certainly be interested in what is happening, and the process itself will not cause rejection. Also this good way use several types of memory at once;
  • draw a picture with your child based on New Year's motives of the verse. For children of 5 years old, we choose not simple quatrains, but long verses, sometimes multi-plot and rich. Let a child of 5 years old draw how he understood the New Year's poem. This is a good way to consolidate the material, to clarify points that are incomprehensible to him;
  • choose New Year's verses, according to the age and temperament of the child. Poems for the New Year should not be too simple, but poems for the five-year plan should not be offered either. If he is assiduous, calm - stop at a cute verse for children of 5 years old about animals, for mischievous people, choose active stories and unrestrained fun.

For you, we have selected the best New Year's poems for children 5 years old and sorted them so that you can choose something specifically for your child.

Cute poems for the New Year 2020 for calm children 5 years old

When the lights are on the Christmas tree
When winter covered everything with snow,
Then all the children create dreams
And it would be good to fulfill them,

And the glorious Santa Claus performs them,
January morning delivering gifts,
And already the frost seems warm,
And the New Year enchants inspiring!

Congratulate everyone who is on earth,
Happy magical New Year,
Can't do it for you, not for me,
We do not have a magic word.

And there is no staff and beard,
And a red coat, warm, smart,
Only Santa Claus will fulfill our dreams,
Congratulate on the date of the New Year's bright!

Santa Claus puts all the hares under the Christmas tree
On a soft toy - a fluffy wolf.
Let every coward play the one
Who brings terror to him in the forest.

And each chanterelle - a new comb
For trendy, shiny and red hair.
So that there was no time to offend bunnies -
You have to keep your hair in order.

And what did Santa Claus have in store for the teddy bear?
A basket of raspberries? Honey from a barrel?
Left under a huge forest spruce
Alarm clock that wakes up the bear in the spring.

Santa Claus walked through the forest
Past the maples and birches,
Past the clearings, past the stumps,
Walked through the forest for eight days.

He walked through the forest -
Christmas trees dressed up in beads.
This New Year's Eve
He will take them to the guys.

Silence in the meadows
Shining yellow moon.
All trees are in silver
Hares dance on the mountain
Ice sparkles on the pond
The New Year is coming!

(Z. Aleksandrova)

Would be at the Christmas tree
She would run
Along the track.

She would dance
Together with us,
She would knock

would spin
Toys on the Christmas tree -
colorful lanterns,

would spin
Flags on the Christmas tree
From crimson, from silver

Would laugh
On the Christmas tree matryoshka
And they would clap for joy
In the palms

Because at the gate
The new year has arrived!
New, new, young
With a golden beard!

(K. Chukovsky)

New Year
spruce branch
Back to the fairy tale
Beckons us.
Will be counted soon
Your magic hour.

Father Frost
Gifts for everyone
Will surely find
New Year
With new happiness
Soon soon
Will come to us!

Dressed up the Christmas tree in a festive dress:
In colorful garlands, in bright lights,
And stands, sparkling, a Christmas tree in a magnificent hall,
Sadly remembering the old days.
The Christmas tree dreams of an evening, monthly and starry,
Snowy glade, sad cry of wolves
And pine neighbors, in frosty mantles,
All in diamond sequins, in fluff of snow.
And the neighbors stand in gloomy sadness,
They dream and drop white snow from the branches ...
They dream of a Christmas tree in a lighted hall,
Laughter and stories of joyful children.

(Konstantin Fofanov)

We love holidays
We are looking forward to it.
We bring the holidays
Joy in every home.
Starts with a song
holiday day,
Burns in the heart
Warm flare.
It's a pity that they end
But not forgotten
They never.

What from the New Year
Do we wait every time?
We are waiting to be fulfilled
All our dreams.

We are waiting for joyful gifts,
good news
And sunny smiles
From your friends.

We believe it will unravel
white garden in spring
What's more beautiful
It will become a native land.
(V. Stepanov)

The New Year is coming.
What will he bring to people?
Everyone who works
who is honest, kind and brave,
let the wish come true
whatever he wants.

Builder wants to build a house
to the delight of the newcomers,
so that everyone becomes in it
happy and cheerful.

What is the dream of a gardener?
In his dreams the whole world blossoms.
And people looking at the flowers
are getting better.
May these glorious dreams
will be fulfilled sooner.

(E. Serova)

New Year's poems for active children 5 years old

He grew to my eyebrows,
He climbed into my boots.
They say he's Santa Claus
And naughty like a little one.

He ruined the water faucet
In our washbasin.
They say he has a beard
And naughty like a little one.

He paints on glass
Palm trees, stars, skiffs.
They say he's a hundred years old
And naughty like a little one.

(E. Tarakhovskaya)

Come on, Christmas tree, brighter
Shine the lights.
We invited guests
Have fun with us.

On the paths, on the snow,
Through forest lawns
Jumped on a holiday to us
Long-eared bunny.

Behind him - look at everything! —
Red fox.
The fox also wanted
Have fun with us.

Waddling is going
Toed bear.
He carries honey as a gift
And a big bump.

Come on, Christmas tree, brighter
Shine the lights.
So that the paws of the animals
They danced on their own.

(M. Klokova)

The kindest, most glorious,
Dear Santa Claus!
You came to us on the main holiday,
And he brought gifts for everyone!

bearded, grey-haired,
Our magician dear,
Laughter, song and dance,
Let's get you in the mood!

The clock strikes twelve
It's dark outside.
Hear someone quietly
Knocked on the window.
The gate creaked...
It is a New Year!!!
He is with him a fairy tale
Leads by the hand.
New Year on the tree
Lights will light
And you today
It will take you to a fairy tale.

Soon, soon the New Year!
He's in a hurry, he's coming!
Knock on our doors:
Children, hello, I'm with you!

We celebrate the holiday
We decorate the Christmas tree
We hang toys
Balls, crackers…

Santa Claus is coming soon!
Will bring us gifts -
Apples, sweets...
Santa Claus, where are you?

(Z. Orlova)

What is New Year?
This is a friendly dance
This is the laughter of funny guys
Near all the elegant Christmas trees.
What is New Year?
Everyone knows in advance;
These are pipes and violins,
Jokes, songs and smiles.

The one who wants to be cheerful
Would this New Year
Let today be with us
Singing a loud song!

(T. Volgina)

Hairy branches bend
Down to the heads of the children;
Rich beads shine
Overflow of lights;
Ball after ball hides
And star after star
Threads of light are rolling,
Like golden rain...
play, have fun
Children gathered here
And you, spruce-beauty,
They sing their song.
Everything is ringing, growing
Voices of children's choir,
And, sparkling, swaying
Christmas trees are a magnificent dress.

(Raisa Kudasheva)

Well, the tree, just a miracle,
How elegant, how beautiful.
The branches gently rustle
Beads shine bright.
And the toys swing
Flags, stars, crackers.
Here the fires were lit on her,
How many tiny lights!
And, decorating the top,
There it shines, as always,
Very bright, large, five-winged star.


The New Year is rushing by,
In a hurry to the house, knocking;
Lakes of white ice
The eye blinds, sparkles.
Maple, embracing alder, stands -
So warmer together;
Something quietly says
Hey, your fiancee.

The sun will soon fall
Fun over the hill;
Get drunk, sing
The forest is ringing with a blizzard.

The snow will fall. round dance
Whirlwind will spin;
Soon, soon the New Year!
Trotting to visit rushes.

K. Avdeenko

We are sure that among our selection you will find a couple of New Year's poems for your child of 5 years old. Don't forget to ask the artist's opinion and start exploring the chosen options in advance!

A Christmas tree in summer is just a Christmas tree:
You touch a branch - it's prickly to your fingers,
The trunk is entwined with cobwebs,
A fly agaric is below.
That's when winter comes
The tree seems to come to life:
Will fluff up in the cold
Unfold under the winds
Not prickly at all
Like a fragrant flower.
It smells not of dew, not of honey,
The tree smells like New Year!

In December, in December
All trees are in silver.
Our river, as if in a fairy tale,
Frost paved the night
Updated skates, sleds,
I brought a Christmas tree from the forest.
The tree cried at first
From home warmth.
Stop crying in the morning
She breathed, she came alive.
Her needles tremble a little,
The branches are on fire,
like a ladder, a tree
The fires fly up.
Flappers glitter with gold,
I lit a star with silver
Ran to the top
The bravest bastard.
A year has passed like yesterday.
Over Moscow at this hour
The clock of the Kremlin tower strikes
Your salute twelve times. (S. Marshak)

Soon, soon will come to us
Long-awaited New Year!
Let the work be hard.
We are making a snowman.

Snowman is ready! Hooray!
It's time to decorate the tree.
Ah, what decorations!
The Christmas tree is just a feast for the eyes!

Here is the holiday! Father Frost
He brought us so much!
Our good gifts!
Let's dance near the Christmas tree
And let's dance!
The best holiday is New Year!

M. Druzhinina

Happy New Year

(E. Trutneva)

Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!
Hello Dedushka Moroz!
He's out of the woods in passing
He brought a Christmas tree from the forest.
At the top, above the branches,
Fired up like always
The brightest, hottest light
Five-winged star.
The house smells of fresh pine needles.
On the branches, resin-dew.
We've known each other for a long time
Our star is a beauty.
New Year passed around the world,
Looked here for us too.
So burn, above the branches,
Five-winged star!

Patterns of ice on the branches
And the snow sparkles in the moonlight...
May the year be very happy
A big dream come true!
Let's visit soon
Magic good fairy tale
To make your heart warmer
And everything in life was great!

If the frost ends
Snow melts white
What is Santa Claus
The poor will do?
Water will run from it
Brooks on the floor
From his beard then
Will it drip too?
Dear Santa Claus,
Sweetheart, darling!
Hide, Santa Claus,
In our fridge!

We will not meet him in the spring,
He won't come in the summer
But in winter to our children
He comes every year.
He has a bright blush
Beard like white fur
Interesting gifts
He will cook for everyone.
Happy New Year congratulations,
Will light a magnificent Christmas tree,
amusing kids,
Get up with us in a round dance.
We welcome him together
We are great friends...
But drink hot tea
This guest is not allowed!

Our windows with a white brush
Santa Claus painted.
He dressed the field with snow,
Snow covered the garden.
Can't we get used to the snow
Can we hide our nose in a fur coat?
How will we go out and how will we shout:
- Hello Dedushka Moroz!
We ride, have fun!
The sled is light - take off!
Who rushes like a bird
Who will roll right into the snow.
Fluffy snow is softer than cotton wool,
Let's shake it off, let's run.
We are funny guys
We don't shiver from the cold.

She is wearing white boots
And in a blue coat
Bouquet of ripe snowflakes
Brings us with you.
White - white to the waist
Luxurious braid
And warm, warm
Radiant eyes.
Cap in transparent ice floes
And mittens on it.
You give us light and joy,
Children's favorite!

Where does the New Year come from?
New Year flies from the sky?
Or coming from the forest?
Or from a snowdrift
Is the New Year coming to us?
He probably lived as a snowflake
On some star
Or hiding behind a feather
Frost has a beard?
He went to sleep in the fridge
Or to a squirrel in the hollow ...
Or an old alarm clock
Did he get under the glass?
But there is always a miracle
The clock strikes twelve...
And no one knows where
The New Year is coming to us!

Korney Chukovsky


Would be at the Christmas tree
She would run
Along the track.
She would dance
Together with us,
She would knock
Would spin on the Christmas tree
Toys -
colorful lanterns,
Would twirl on the Christmas tree
Of crimson and silver
Would laugh at the Christmas tree
And they would clap for joy
In the palms
Because tonight
At the gate
Cheerful knocked
New Year!
new, new,
With a golden beard!

On New Year's Eve, like in a fairy tale,
Full of wonders.
The tree hurries to the train,
Leaving the winter forest.
And the stars shine bright
And lead a round dance
New Year's Eve New Year's Eve
Under New, New Year!
Laughs like snowflakes
They fly all night, they fly.
And songs everywhere
They sound funny.
The wind whistles
Snowstorm sings
New Year's Eve New Year's Eve
Under New, New Year!

What is New Year?
It's all the other way around:
Trees grow in the room
Squirrels do not gnaw cones,
Hares next to the wolf
On a thorny tree!
The rain is also not easy,
In the New Year it is golden,
Shine that there is urine,
Nobody gets wet
Even Santa Claus
Doesn't pinch anyone's nose.

Santa Claus walked through the forest
Past the maples and birches,
Past the clearings, past the stumps,
Walked through the forest for eight days.
He walked through the forest -
Christmas trees dressed up in beads.
This New Year's Eve
He will take them to the guys.
Silence in the meadows
The yellow moon shines...
All trees are in silver
Hares dance on the mountain
Ice sparkles on the pond
The New Year is coming!

O. Vysotskaya
Christmas tree

What a beautiful Christmas tree!
How she dressed up - look!
Dress on a green tree
Bright beads glitter on the chest.
Our Christmas tree is tall and slender,
In the evening it will all sparkle
Shine of lights, and snowflakes, and stars,
Like a peacock's open tail!
Christmas tree in its golden pockets
Hid a lot of different sweets
And extended thick branches to us,
Like a hostess welcomes guests.
You won't find a better tree anywhere!
With a good Christmas tree and a good holiday!

Here is the wind, catching up the clouds,
He breathed, howled, - and here she is
Winter magic is coming!
Came, crumbled, in tufts
Hanging on the branches of oaks,
She lay down with wavy carpets
Among the fields, around the hills,
A shore with a motionless river
Flattened with a plump veil.
Frost flashed. And we are glad
I'll tell mother winter's leprosy.
A.S. Pushkin

White snow, fluffy
Spinning in the air
And the earth is quiet
Falling, laying down.

And in the morning with snow
The field is white
Like a veil
All dressed him up.

Dark forest with a hat
Covered up wonderful
And fell asleep under her
Strong, unshakable...

God's days are short
The sun shines a little, -
Here come the frosts -
And winter has come.

Pulled out the sled
snowy mountains
The kids are building.

For a long time the peasant
Waiting for winter and cold
And a straw hut
He hid outside.

To the wind in the hut
Didn't get through the cracks
Wouldn't blow snow
Blizzards and blizzards.

He is now calm
All around is covered
And he's not afraid
Evil frost, angry.

I. Surikov


Words by N. Nekrasov

It is not the wind that rages over the forest,
Streams did not run from the mountains -
Frost-voivode patrol
Bypasses his possessions.

Looks - good blizzards
Forest paths brought
And are there any cracks, cracks,
Is there any bare ground anywhere?

Are the tops of the pines fluffy,
Is the pattern on oak trees beautiful?
And are the ice floes tightly bound
In great and small waters?

Walks - walks through the trees,
Cracking on frozen water
And the bright sun plays
In his shaggy beard.

Flying snow in the field at night,
In the dark sky, in the soft cloud
Sleeping moon.
Quiet in the field. Dark, dark
Looks at the forest.
Santa Claus, a huge old man,
From the tree of tears.

He is all white, all in updates,
All in the stars
In a white hat and downy
All in silver icicles
He has an icicle in his mouth
From ice.

Higher, higher
Santa Claus is growing up.
Here he is out
Because of the trees and birches.
Here it flooded
grabbed a pine tree
And patted
Snow mitten moon.

He walked
He shook his head
He whistled
In your whistle icy.
All snowflakes
They settled down in the snowdrifts,
All snowflakes
The flames lit up. (M. Klokova)


Children go to bed early
On the last day of December
And wake up a year older
On the first day of the calendar.

The year begins with silence
Unfamiliar from past winters:
Noise behind the double frame
We can barely catch it.

But the guys are calling out
Winter day through the ice glass
In a refreshing cold
From cozy warmth.

With a kind word we will remember
Years of old care,
Starting early in the morning
New day and new year!
