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My heart was beating so fast as if it wanted to jump out of my chest.

Igor ran his hand from the neck along the chest, and when his hot palm was on my stomach, I arched involuntarily and bit my lip. Apparently it was for him a kind of signal to action. He took off his dressing gown with one movement and lay down on top of me, squeezing between my legs, which I spread in front of him without resisting. The body literally howled from a wave of excitement, and when his hot lips touched my neck, I could not help but moan and honestly did not want to say.

Caresses at first cautious became more intense. He was already impatiently biting my earlobe and going down the path of kisses along the neck and collarbone, biting my nipples. short hair pressing his head against my body. Suddenly he broke away from me and raised himself on his elbows higher, so that our eyes briefly met. He kissed me eagerly on my lips. His hot, wet tongue caressed my tongue, and my whole body responded. It was so beautiful and new and I wanted more and more. With one hand, grabbing my lower back, he entered me quickly and sharply, I arched and gasped from a mixture of pain and some kind of pleasant feeling of filling. His breath caught, and Igor said something for the first time, before that he was silent. What I didn’t hear, but he froze and looked at me, breathing heavily. He must have asked something, but I didn't understand. Licking her dry lips, she asked him.

What's happened? Why did you stop?

I asked you hurt? - in the dim light, I could not see his face, but his voice was alarmed.

No problem baby. Mine! - at this word, he continued to move in me.

From these words it became so pleasant and from the fact that Igor interrupted his pause and was already slowly moving inside me. It hurt, but the excitement that took over me demanded speed, spitting on the pain. But I was not experienced and believed then that everything in the pace of movements depends only on the man. And Igor decided for me that for the first time you should not rush. Soon he let out a long groan and, leaning against me to the very stop, finished. I didn’t have enough speed, and I didn’t manage to relax completely, but still I experienced a sense of satisfaction. The husband slowly and carefully released me and lay down next to me, putting his hot and heavy hand on my stomach, aching from minor pain. We were both silent, breathing heavily.

New sensations and thoughts about the fact that I am now not a girl, but a girl and a wife and maybe soon I will become a mother swallowed me completely.

After a while, Igor silently got out of bed and put on a dressing gown, went to the bath. There were sounds of rushing water.

I didn't regret anything at that moment. The thought flashed through my head that I could love him and was immediately replaced by the thought that I, too, would not be bad to wash. I looked at myself, in this light, little was visible, but on the snow-white bed there was one huge dark spot and the same dark but insignificant spots in the vicinity. Somehow I felt ashamed of the damage to the living room property and my ears caught fire again.

The door to the bathroom opened and naked Igor came out of it, he came up to me.

So baby, you need to go to the bath. With these words, he picked me up in his arms and carried me into the bathroom.

The large tub was already filled with water with a huge cap of foam. Igor got into the bath with me and then sat down in the water gently seating me in front between his legs, so that I lay my head on his chest. He kissed me on the top of my head and we silently lay like that in the bathroom for probably an hour, maybe more. I almost dozed off when Igor pushed me aside and got out of the bath and put on a large bathrobe and handed me the same one. Wearing a cozy, thick bathrobe, I realized how much I want to sleep.

We got out of the bath and I climbed onto the high bed and lay down on the soft pillow.

Sleep baby. My! We have a couple of hours before departure.

Igor lay down next to me and pressed me to him, burying his nose in the top of my head. And sleep took over. A strong and healthy sleep, which was eager to take possession of me since morning.


Martha was fast asleep, but I couldn't. I kept replaying everything that had happened in my head. The way Martha was afraid to be mine in the light. She was embarrassed and scared and ran away, causing a wave of foolish joy.

I had to be silent all the time. Not because there was nothing to say or did not want to say. On the contrary, I wanted to scream about how much I love her and how much I want her. Feelings simply tore my chest, wanting to jump out and fall in a huge stream on my Martha. But I was silent, tightly clenching my jaws, only this helped to control myself so as not to make trouble.

Here it is my Hell and Paradise in one bottle. When my wife is nearby and what I dreamed of every minute, all this year, and especially the last half of the year, belongs to me by right, but you can’t take it in full. It's like quenching a tormenting thirst not with a glass of water, but only with a drop.

But despite the attempt to escape, Martha answered me in return. She wanted to, but she was just scared. My sweet fool. My! Only mine! Sweet, responsive. Tak wriggled under me in response to my caresses and leaned forward, fully opening up in front of me. The memories got me excited again and something had to be done about it. I was on the edge. Martha was hurt and I'll be the last bastard if I touch her before the islands.

Reluctantly, he released her soundly asleep from his arms and went to the bath. After Martha returned my feelings and we became a couple, I quickly stopped all my affairs. But even after not getting what she wanted from Martha in a month, there was not even a thought about betraying her, and the only thing left for me was to remember my youth, when the girls had not yet rushed at me, wanting to give themselves to me at the very first meeting. It helped, but not for long. The dreams in which Marta gave herself to me with all animal passion, and I took her and took and took, still aggravated!

I turned on the water and squeezed a little shower gel into my palm with the movement already familiar for half a year. Squeezing my penis tighter, I closed my eyes and Martha appeared before me. So I enter it sharply at one time and it bends from an attack of pain. Somehow, taking it in my hands, I stop, although I want to speed up on the contrary. But she does not understand why I stopped, she wants me to continue, and if it hurts her, then the desire clearly covers this pain. ..

Under the memory of how Martha became mine, my hand tightly squeezing my cock quickly moved back and forth. I squeezed my cock with it harder, just as the narrow, virgin bosom of my sweet girl squeezed it just an hour ago. From strong arousal And bright pictures in my head I finished quickly and powerfully, barely holding back a groan.

And having encouraged myself with a weak hope that this would be enough to fly to the skeletons, I put myself in order and left the bath. Martha was also fast asleep. In the closet there were already previously delivered suitcases with things for the holidays. My usual black, Martha's is bright with images of colored stamps different countries.

Trying to be as quiet as possible, he opened his suitcase and dressed in more comfortable clothes for traveling. Light-colored jeans and a sweater over a T-shirt are great. On the way, I won’t freeze and I won’t boil from the heat, throwing off my sweater on occasion. He put on sneakers and, just as quietly making sure that Martha was still sleeping, went down to the restaurant. I ordered light snacks, everything that Marta likes and of course dessert with huge cups of coffee. It would be possible to order delivery to the room, but I had to at least do something so as not to think about sex and about the desire to possess Martha again.

I glanced at my watch while my order was being prepared. Time passed painfully slowly. There will be people at the airport and the plane, and that will hold me back a little. But to be alone with Martha and restrain his desires at her expense, it was unbearably difficult.

The order was ready and I, with a tray of yaki, the waiter went to wake up and feed the mistress of my heart. How I dreamed about this for a long time and now I caught and grabbed every moment associated with Martha.

I returned to the room and turned on the lighting and woke up Martha.

Sonya! Wake up! Look what I have! - I put the tray in the middle of a huge bed and sat next to me, not taking my eyes off the waking Martha. Catching every moment and hiding somewhere close to my heart.

Marta straightened up, stretching while lying on the bed and looking around the tray, quickly sat down, grabbing a mug of aromatic coffee, of course.

Mmmm. She smiled blissfully, inhaling the aroma of her favorite drink.

Her hair was a little disheveled and her cuteness just rolled over. I wanted to hug her and hug her. Long long time. Only Marta knew how to give birth in me the whole palette from tender feelings, the desire to take care, to irrepressible passion at the same time.

How are you feeling?” I asked cautiously while handing her a cube of cheese. I naively thought that she would take it with her hand, but it was no longer the same Martha, distant and alien, only theoretically mine. It was my Martha already in practice and my Martha easily took a piece of cheese with her mouth, as if she should. At the same time, touching my fingers with soft, plump lips. My weak hope that I calmed down, born recently in the bathroom, immediately died. The jeans were instantly tight.

I'm fine! - as if nothing had happened, smiling Marta said, winking at me with a sly eye, sending a slice of ham into her mouth after the cheese.

In a faint hope of distraction, I also began to eat. We quickly dealt with simple appetizers and dessert and began to pack up.

I was already dressed, and while Martha was dressing, and I was waiting for her, I was worried about one nuance that I was going to solve. I picked up the phone and called the front desk.

After a short conversation, an excited administrator climbed into the room, he clearly did not understand what I wanted on the phone.

Excuse me sir. I did not understand much, what is wrong with bed linen?

No, everything is great. I just want to buy a sheet from you.

More confusion appeared on the face of the middle-aged man, and Marta came out of the bathroom at the noise and also stared at me inquiringly.

I just want to buy this sheet from you for everything. - With these words, I pulled off the white, silk sheet from the bed, showing it to the incomprehensible administrator.

Marta blushed and disappeared back into the bathroom, while the receptionist broke into a knowing smile.

Oh yes! Certainly! I think we can afford it! Allow me? He held out his hands to the sheet and took it away.

Later, at the reception, he also handed it to us in a beautiful package, scattering in congratulations, as a gift.

Chapter 5. Hope.


When we arrived in the Maldives, I was truly happy. Probably the delight of freedom turned my head and I still did not understand what I got involved in. But the dull euphoria quietly began to recede and the realization of reality came.

It was simply titanicly difficult to carry Igor near him all the time. He climbed out of his skin taking care of me and trying to please me and kept repeating how he loves me and that stupid you are mine! From this phrase, I was already shaking, and in the next outburst of his tenderness for me, I just went berserk and threw a tantrum no worse than my mother. Then for half a day I roared in the bathroom from the realization of what a creature I am.

We're back home. Tanned but miserable. And our joint flowed family life.

At times I put Igor in his place and I felt sorry for him and I began to try. Showed attention to him and tried, I honestly tried to love him. But as soon as I took a small step towards the meeting, he immediately began to attack me and choke me with his indefatigable attention.

Sex has become generally a kind of flour. The desire that was born in me for the first time no longer visited me at all, and Igor soon ceased to be so quivering and tender. He tormented me for hours like some kind of doll. Suppressing only his needs to possess me and completely ignored my feelings. We did not use protection and he was angry that I was not pregnant. He really wanted children and I must admit I would also be glad to get pregnant.

Firstly, my friend Nastya during pregnancy lay all the time on preservation, and for her loving her husband, it was of course a burden, but for me this pregnancy would be a salvation from Igor. And secondly, his mother perfectly saw my attitude towards him and tirelessly repeated that it was necessary to give birth to a baby. That she also did not love father Igor, but having given birth to a son so similar to his father, love for her husband was born.

I was hoping for at least that. I just imagined how a small copy of Igor was reaching out to me and my heart sank in hope. But month after month went by and nothing. The doctors shrugged and said wait, and that even a year had not passed and there was nothing to panic about.

So days and weeks went by, and one of them I was sitting in the kitchen and drinking tea with lemon.

I saw through the window that my husband had returned and wanted to go to meet him, but he did not put the car in the garage and was already standing on the threshold of the kitchen, putting a large, plush Newfoundland puppy on the floor. I was delighted. I immediately plopped down on the floor in front of him.

Oh what a charm he is. Thank you! I sat on the floor and squeezed the black fat belly and beamed with happiness.

What shall we call it? asked Igor, who sat down next to him on the floor.

Don't know. It's yours and you choose a name!

OK then. -Igor cheered up and began to offer different variants.

Bandit? Ball? Tuzik? Pancake? Donut? - so for a long time he listed the most stupid names in the world at which I laughed loudly.

As a result, they settled on the name Boniface, abbreviated Bonya.


I walked around the bird market and could not get rid of the thought of how everything started well and rolled into some kind of pitch darkness. When and what did I do wrong. I tried and Marta added fuel to the fire, gave hope and immediately took it away.

Doesn't love and won't love. Today I left the office early, unable to work at all. I made the hard decision to make one last attempt. For a long time I thought about how to please Martha, as the decision came all of a sudden and just today. We need a dog. Caring for a common pet will bring us closer. Maybe this is our last chance.

I looked around the rows with cute little animals. Rabbits, kittens, turtles are all wrong. Not at all. Need a puppy. This I already understood but which one I did not decide. Maybe just take a mongrel? No, this is some kind of pity. Like, take pity on the poor fellow and me for one thing.

Having already passed decently, I went to a row where there were cars with open trunks. Near one of them sat a gorgeous dog-bogatyr. Despite the size of his appearance was cozy and homely, kindness and loyalty. All the things I was missing. Coming closer, I saw one puppy in the box.

Alimony. Here's papa! Our pride! The man held out a leaflet describing his parents. The breed is such and such and other blah blah blah that did not interest me. I needed a family member, not his title and thoroughbredness.

Price? - I pulled a sleepy puppy out of the box and he yawned with a long yawn, finally winning my heart forever.

Fifty! But it's already discounted.

Having counted the required amount to the merchant, I hurried home with the little one. On the way, I imagined how delighted Marta would be and perhaps throw herself on my neck ...

Arriving at the house, I didn’t even put the car in the garage, I was so eager to see Martha and her reaction.

And here I am in the kitchen and the puppy in front of Martha. She did not throw herself on my neck, but the puppy was clearly happy. I sank wearily to the floor next to them.

Oh what a charm he is. Thank you! - I guessed with a gift. Marta was beaming and looking into my eyes smiling asked.

What shall we call it?

Don't know. He is yours and you choose a name! - not hoping for anything, he answered dryly.

Well, what does mine mean? He is ours! And the name must be chosen together.

OK then. -in my head echoed "he's ours!" She did not share it, and therefore did not share us. I began enthusiastically suggesting options.

Bandit? Ball? Acey? Pancake? Donut? - I kept listing the most stupid names because she laughed loudly. I rejoiced.

Her look warmed up and then when we chose the name of the puppy, calling him Bonya, Marta fed me deliciously and we chatted about all sorts of nonsense. And they laughed. Many laughed at the clumsy black kolobok.

When dinner was over and Martha was clearing the table, we moved to the fireplace in the living room. I sat with a large mug of coffee in my hands, and Martha drank tea with lemon. So strange but Lately she stopped drinking coffee altogether. An avid coffee lover suddenly suddenly switched to tea one day and invariably with lemon. Unpredictable Martha!

The warmth from the fireplace warmed no more than the hope that was born again in the soul. Here she is, Marta, sweet and tender, and seems happy.

Already closer to the night when we went to the bedroom, I could not control myself and rushed at Marta right in the corridor, pressed her against the wall and began to kiss my beloved face and whisper how much I love her and how much I want her. But Martha did not reciprocate her face contorted and she screamed pushing me away and running away.

Enough! Do you hear! Why are you choking me!? Leave me alone with your damn love! - and loudly slamming the door disappeared into the bedroom.

That night I got very drunk and for the first time did not come to sleep in our bedroom. Having lost all hope, I retreated but did not let go.

Chapter 6. Spring.


I sat on the veranda in a garden wicker chair, wrapped in a thick soft blanket and watched my husband sipping hot tea with lemon from a huge cup. He skewered chunks of meat, rolling up the sleeves of a thick milky sweater. Tanned powerful hands easily coped with this task. A grown-up Bonka was circling next to him, begging for tidbits.

Recently, our family life has completely disappeared. Igor moved away, stopping all attempts to achieve reciprocity from me. I spent all my time at work coming home when I was already asleep. Over the past half year, this was our first family holiday, and then arranged by my husband just for show, for our parents. We didn't mark New Year and other holidays, but the wedding anniversary had to be celebrated. Don't give up on your parents.

It became disgusting from itself. A man dries out of love, but I, like a dog in the manger, and I myself will not give it to you or others. Something needs to be changed. For the whole year of our marriage, I only took and practically did not give anything in return. Igor got tired of it and left me alone. Out of sight, out of mind. No, we still lived in the same house, slept in the same bed and even occasionally had sex, but all this was through force and it seemed like it should be.

I don’t know what has changed, but lately I wanted to fix everything. To be a gentle and caring wife and that Igor wanted to go home, and not stick around at work around the clock. Maybe I just got bored and lonely, or is it still that same cherished feeling with the letter L...

I wonder if it is possible to fall in love with a husband after a year of marriage? That's because a click in the head and you already love him. Or is it the hormones acting up, all the same, spring, no matter how, and from the memories of how it all started last year, it was in the spring that a desire arose in the stomach and grew more and more every minute.


Yes, even a year ago, this is not how I imagined our anniversary. Everything was wrong. In one dog, I was not deceived. Faithful good-natured and cozy dupe spun underfoot.

I looked sadly at Martha. I thought about something while looking at a lemon in a cup of tea. She has always loved sweets and coffee, and now she only drinks tea with lemon. And I have remained faithful to coffee. Its aroma brought me back to those happy days when I did not know that everything would turn out like this. That Martha doesn't like it, and that my marriage is not a happy one, but a castle in the air.

It was necessary to let her go, but I could not, but she herself did not leave. She seemed to be satisfied with rare meetings on rare nights and the fact that I disappeared at work.

The doors of the house opened and our parents appeared on the terrace.

Hello doves. Lena chirped. Martha's mom. She kissed her daughter on the cheek and flew in my direction.

Igor, something you have lost weight completely. Didn't get sick?

No, Lena is fine. Earned. A lot of work.

I hate to lie, but I have to. Lena is hysterically terrible and admitting to her that the marriage with her daughter is going to hell was tantamount to suicide, and if I still decide to cut off this tail, I would prefer to do it not in her presence.

Hello my friend! Let me take a look at you! And then how I got my daughter so you can’t be heard and can’t be seen. Volodya shook my hand.

I just burrowed in the office with this work. I even sleep at home.

Yeah. He chuckled and patted his shoulder.

Make yourself comfortable. The meat is ready. Taking skewers with barbecue, he went with everyone to the set table.

Marta was chatting sweetly with my mother about something, and when we sat down at the table I had to call them again.

Martha! Mom! We are just waiting for you!

Mother, what are you doing there ?! - Father looked impatiently at his mother.

Let's go, we're going! You guys are impatient! From this and all the problems you have! Mom looked at me as if she was hinting at something.

Martha set aside her mug and, grabbing a blanket, went to the table. Putting the wicker chair sideways, as it seemed to me at first to sit away from me, but when she sat down, I understood her maneuver with the chair, first a blanket fell on my feet, and then she put her legs on top of me, covering them with a blanket on top.

God, what is she doing ... it was difficult to hide her delight at such a trifle from Martha and pretend to her parents that this was all in the order of things.

All the time that we then sat at the table and talked nicely, like a fool, I clutched at her legs so that she didn’t run away apparently. Hope again lit up in my soul .. I missed it .. I realized that I love ... No, no! He trampled on the fucking nascent hope with thoughts of how to part with it and so that he himself would not die later.

Before, I always waited for everything to end, I couldn’t relax and have fun, and apparently Igor felt it, and each time our sex was shorter and shorter until it turned into a rare five-minute quickie in one position without any caresses, and then only for Igor's wishes.

Until today, I've been fine with it. But today... Like crazy, I scrolled in my head how everything would be. I wanted to caress my husband for a long time and greedily and give myself to him again and again. From these thoughts, I got wet through and if not for the blanket, everyone would have known about it.

While Igor was seeing off his parents and agreeing on something with his father, I managed to run into the bedroom and change into a delicate T-shirt that barely covered intimate parts and at first she reached for her panties, but then she changed her mind.

Why do I have so much uncharacteristic vulgarity in me? I surprised myself.

It was not possible to think on this subject at the door of the bedroom, Igor appeared, and as soon as I crossed the threshold of the room, I immediately threw myself on his neck and dug into my husband’s lips frozen in amazement.

The kiss turned out to be passionate and greedy at first, gradually degenerating into a gentle and caressing one. Our tongues intertwined again and again, wanting to study every cell of each other, not wanting to come off Igor grabbed me by the hips and carried me to the bed. Near her, he took off his clothes and hovered over me, slowly pulling off my T-shirt, studying my body with a hungry look. That's how he always looked at me, but until today it didn't bother me at all. I spread my legs and pulled him to me to continue the kiss. This time it started gently and escalated into an unrestrained and passionate, and sometimes rough kiss. Igor was already ready to enter me as I lured him to lie on his back, and she herself was on top.

I wanted the audacity that I had not shown at all in a year of marriage before.

She started biting her earlobe slowly. For Igor, this was an erogenous zone, and it was worth even lightly touching it with the tip of the tongue, as a hoarse moan escaped his lips, his hands burned my thighs. He closed his eyes and the tips of his eyelashes only twitched slightly. I caressed my neck and slowly went down, getting incredible excitement from these actions. When I went down to the groin and touched the tip of the tongue to the member, clasping his hand, Igor groaned again.

It was the first blowjob that I did and did with thirst, I caressed the dick with my tongue for a long time, studying it and watching my husband's reaction. He groaned, threw back his head and clutched the blanket with his hands. Licking my lips, I slowly inserted the head of the penis into my mouth and, trying not to hurt my teeth, tried to take it as deep as possible, but it turned out no more than half the length. But Igor made it clear that I was on the right track, and even from such not deep caresses he went crazy. I accelerated the rhythm of my caresses. Igor let out a long groan, the cock swelled and throbbed, pouring sperm into my mouth. I used to think it was a vile perversion, but now I enjoyed the taste of my husband with pleasure.

It was tart and sweet in taste, and only having collected everything without a trace with my tongue, I was able to tear myself away from his penis, pleased with myself. Igor immediately pulled me to him and kissed me leaning on me. His tongue was cool from his rapid breathing and the kiss was tender.

Despite the fact that he had just finished, he was already ready again and immediately pulling my hips towards him, he entered me with ease.

Oh baby. Mmm.

I have never had such excitement as for the first time in the whole year and we always had problems with penetration, but not this time. I was all wet with excitement.

The body was immediately pierced by a wave, it passed from the bottom where we connected and swept across the stomach, reverberating in the excited nipples painfully but pleasantly. I succumbed to meeting Igor. He was greedy and passionate. It drove into me to the very limit with each push, giving rise to energy in me that was already rushing about and looking for a way out. Igor slowed down, got up and pulled me to him, so he was even deeper in me. He grabbed my hips helping me move up and down. I clung to him and grabbed his head and we kissed again in time with the movements, wanting to touch each other as much as possible. We became one in those moments. The apogee of this integrity was a powerful simultaneous discharge. We fell on the bed and Igor pressed me to him so tightly that it became difficult to breathe. And I liked it. It echoed somewhere inside and pulsated with a pleasant wave.

“And barbarism has a place in our lives. Joshua is right. Only by removing the source of danger, you can hope that you will reach the safe harbor.

Let the police do it. She sank into a chair. “Actually, I don’t understand why I ended up here. We had to wait for their arrival.

- Because you also have a fairly well-developed flair. Although you are constantly trying to suppress it. Noah closed the door and walked over to her. “Seth told me that you were on the brink of death today.

“It was like some kind of nightmare,” Kate said weakly. “Ishmaru came to before I left. He called me Emilia. But I got the impression that he understood very well who was in front of him. In any case, it didn't seem like nonsense.

- What did he say?

- About blessed luck.

Noah froze like a statue:

- Do you understand what we are talking about?

- Certainly. Joshua had been into cowboys and Indians for a long time before taking up baseball. And we tried to find out about all kinds of rituals of the American natives, about what was connected with their culture. The son, as you understand, was primarily interested in what concerned the soldiers. Blessed luck is a very ancient concept. This means that you manage to directly get close to the enemy so close that you can kill him with your bare hands, without the use of weapons. In mystical terms, such a warrior is marked by special merits. And endowed with special power. Kate squeezed the arms of her chair to keep from shivering. “He has a desire to destroy Phyllis, Joshua, and me. Everyone.

Noah knelt down beside her.

“He didn’t succeed,” he said softly. - And it will never come out. Taking her hand, he squeezed it lightly. “Especially now. You will be safe next to me.

For some reason, Kate almost believed him. His hands were strong and warm. And in his eyes one could feel the will and firmness. She wanted to cling to his chest, to have him hug her the way she used to hug Joshua when he woke up from some nightmare.

“Now let me tell you about what I have in mind?” Noah asked. Kate nodded silently.

“Four months ago I rented a cottage in the mountains in West Virginia. It stands completely apart, away from the roads, fifteen miles from the nearest supermarket. There I set up a laboratory - fully equipped with everything necessary for work, including computers, not to mention food supplies for six months. The papers are drawn up in such a way that no one can find out the name of the true owner.

– Four months ago? repeated the hedgehog slowly.

“I knew we had to have a safe and secure place to work if you agreed to cooperate with me.

- Four months ago, I don’t understand anything, but you relatively recently offered me to cooperate with you.

He kept silent.

Kate felt something that could almost be called fear. Looking into his eyes, she realized that she had never met a more adamant and merciless person.

“Looks like I should be glad you didn’t kidnap me against your will and drag me to your lair,” she remarked dryly.

“It would never occur to me to force you to work with me against your will,” Noah shook his head.

- It turns out that I, however, will still go there and will be engaged in your fantastic development? Kate shrugged. - Unthinkable.

- None of this matters. The main thing is that both you and your family will be in a completely safe place. You will be guarded day and night. You go?

“Don’t push me and rush me. I haven't decided anything yet. Kate pulled the telephone on the table towards her. “We must first call the police and explain to them why I left.

"And they'll come down here and grab you." Joshua will stay with your mother-in-law. She can protect him from all misfortunes?

Fear shot through Kate. Seth Drakin said the same thing. The only argument Noah knew would shock her.

I don't like running and hiding. It's like it's really my fault. I'll call our good friend.

Noah shrugged.

- As you wish. You are my guest. And I have no right to impose my opinion on you.

Kate quickly dialed Alan's phone number. He picked up the phone almost immediately.

“Where the hell are you, Kate? Alan blurted out. “I just got back from there. What happened?

“I shot him, Alan. He tried to kill me.

The same person who came yesterday. I shot him with a pistol. I don't know where that cop named Brunwick got to, but...

Brunwick is dead. We found him in the back seat of the car. He was strangled with a linen cord.

- Strangled? – Kate involuntarily raised her hand and touched those places that continued to whine, as if iron fingers were still squeezing her throat. - He's in the hospital?

“I'm telling you, Brunwick is dead.

- No. I'm talking about this person. About Ishmaru.

“The only one we found is Brunwick. And they also found blood on the grass and in the living room, where the glass was cut. And your neighbors said a lot of interesting things.

Kate's fingers gripped the phone with such force that it seemed that it was about to crack.

Is Ishmaru gone? But how? How? He had been wounded. I got into it. This cannot be...

“Listen, Kate. I have no idea what went wrong there. But you yourself know what happens when our man is killed. All the other police officers, including our chief, want to hear answers to their questions. Come, we need to talk.

"Blessed luck.

I can wait".

Ishmaru couldn't have gone far. Find him, Alan.

- Tell me where you are. And I'll send a car for you.

Horror gripped Kate.

“I'll call you back,” she whispered through numb lips and hung up.

“As you might expect, the situation is getting more and more difficult,” she heard Noah's voice behind her.

But he couldn't get up and leave.

"Blessed Fortune"

The explanation may be extremely simple. Somewhere nearby was his partner, who picked him up and took him away. Did you notice anything suspicious?

- No. “Even if someone was there, she still didn’t see or hear anything except Ishmaru. From the moment she looked out the window, all her attention was occupied only by Ishmaru. “Cop Brunwick is dead. He was suffocated. He would never see his grandchildren again, Kate thought. - Which… good man. He was going to go to Wyoming again.

“Nothing is his fault. But he couldn't protect you. And let Ishmar deal with him. Now this could happen again. Noah was silent. - Your friend Alan wants you to come to them?

“You will have to spend quite some time apart from—”

Noah sank into a chair by the window.

- Think as much as you want.

As many as he sees fit, Kate thought bitterly to herself.

"Blessed luck.

All this time Joshua will remain without you.

You cannot trust the police when it comes to such large sums of money and such powerful companies.

She turned her head towards him.

Who knows about this place in the mountains?

Not a single living soul.

He nodded.

“I prepared everything myself.

“And there will be no one there but us?”

“Just your family and me.

- Then let's go. I'll do what you need, - nodded Kate. “But first I want you to make me a promise: not a single hair will fall from the head of my son and Phyllis. Whatever happens to you or me, they must stay alive and well.

“I agree,” Noah nodded vigorously.

- Do you understand me? – with force repeated Kate. - Take your time. It's not some trade deal. You are fully responsible for their lives.

“Then I’ll ask the same question in turn.” What happens if I don't keep my promises? What if I am unable to complete it?

- Then you will fully understand and realize the meaning of the expression "barbaric act."

He smiled.

“I told you that you have an unerring instinct.

Kate walked towards the door.

“I'll go to Phyllis and Joshua and try to explain to them why we have to disappear. After that, I think we need to leave here immediately. Alan mentioned that the police were looking for me. Are we going to West Virginia?

- That will be the safest. We will not leave records, and my jeep will climb any pass.

We need to take both cars. I would like to be able to leave at any time, as soon as things do not go as we agreed. How many days to go there?

“Two and a half days,” Noah stood up. It won't take me long to get ready and pay the bill. Can you be on the road in twenty minutes?

Twenty minutes to explain to Phyllis and Joshua why they're running from their own home like criminals? Kate herself did not really believe that she had chosen the right path.

Yes, we'll be ready.

Noah waited until the door closed behind her, then immediately dialed Seth's phone number.

“Ishmaru has disappeared,” he said as his friend picked up the receiver. He wasn't there when the police arrived.

- Here's the geek. I knew I shouldn't listen to her.

- Yes of course. You should have finished him off right in front of her and Joshua.

- Are you being ironic? I could very well persuade Joshua to go somewhere. She's driving?

- Yes. We're leaving right now. We'll be there in three days.

"What about Ishmaru?"

- Get him out of your head.

But he won't throw her out. Seth was silent. “Kate Denby is a courageous woman. She didn't deserve to be slaughtered by that son of a bitch.

- She's leaving with me. She is no longer in danger. Go there.

- Fine.

- I promised. And I will come.

His words almost completely calmed Noah. Seth never broke that word. Noah then hung up. He didn't like that he lied to Kate. But he was afraid that any little thing could affect her decision. Seth scared her. Therefore, Noah did not want to tell everything as it is.

His hands spontaneously started throwing the shirts into the travel bag. The blood flowed faster in my veins. The week of waiting exhausted him completely, because he was not used to this style. And now, finally, his hands are untied. He has the ability to act.

Finally, everything fell into place.

How wrong is Noah! How cruelly he is mistaken! Get Ishmaru out of your head? This would be an unforgivable mistake. From what Kendo told about him, we can conclude that Ishmaru never forgives those whom he lost. Noah is so blinded by his RU-2 that he doesn't want to consider anything that goes beyond the plan he came up with four months ago. She doesn't realize that Kate Denby is in greater danger now than she was a few months ago.

Or they just don't want to admit it.

But Seth sees what it can turn into. And he had a bad taste in his mouth. There was no need to contact her and offer her cooperation. Noah had to foresee how it would end. For her and for her son. Damn it, Seth didn't like it when kids were involved.

Ishmaru certainly knows how to use such weaknesses of the enemy.

But where can you find it?

The wounded animal is trying to hide in its hole.

Where is your lair, Ishmaru?

Maybe Kendo knows? Or he knows those who guess about it.

Seth took out his card and dialed Kendo's phone number.

- Cretin! Ogden swore coldly. “Couldn’t handle a helpless woman?”

He shouldn't think Kate is a helpless woman, Ishmaru thought. “She deserves more respect.”

- I'll manage. Be patient a little.

- I'm an impatient person. Find her now. She shouldn't be alive. Do you have her notes?

Ishmaru wanted to lie, but he held himself back. A warrior shouldn't lie to a scumbag. It's humiliating.

- No. Just the two pages I faxed. The rest are not in the Center. She probably took everything with her. Ishmaru was silent. But there is another complication. Noah Smith is alive. He didn't die after the explosion.

There was silence on the phone.

– How did you know this? How?

- I heard their conversation. Women and men who came to her. She drove to Smith's motel.

Ogden cursed:

- They are together?

- Which is to be expected. Do not worry. This makes things much easier for me.

- To such a cretin who could not ...

“Enough,” Ishmaru interrupted softly. “I don't want to hear any more. Spot them and let me know. And I need to rest and gain strength. Ishmaru hung up before Ogden could say anything in response.

Ogden must be killed too, Ishmaru thought calmly and decisively. But not now. Now he needs this bastard like a bowstring, without which he cannot shoot an arrow. Like a horse that takes him to the place where he is blessed with good fortune.

Now Ishmaru is a scout who is looking for a path leading to victory. To glory.

But first you need to deal with your trifling wound. This hole in the skin. Then get to the treasured cave, which returns him power and strength. But he won't be there for long. Kate is looking forward to meeting him.

Ishmaru picked up a needle and thread and stuck it into the skin next to the wound.

A moan was about to leave his lips.

But Ishmaru didn't make a sound.

The needle came out from one side of the laceration, then from the other - he made stitch after stitch.

"Do you see the pain I'm in, Kate?

Do you now understand that I am worthy of you?"

– Round idiot! Raymond Ogden hung up the receiver and turned to William Bluth, who was sitting in an armchair. "Why did you recommend this bastard to me?"

Blunt shrugged.

- You asked to find someone who knows how to keep his mouth shut. And with the explosion at the factory, he coped well.

Children's fun

Do you always have enough energy to communicate with your own children? Always? Right? With these little monsters that can torture every living thing within a radius of a couple of kilometers with their "why"? With these tireless energizers, at the mere sight of which you want to attach a power plant turbine to them and with this alone ensure the smooth operation of all industrial enterprises city ​​and surrounding areas? Grandmothers who voluntarily give themselves into the clutches of their grandchildren can definitely erect a monument during their lifetime, right?

But what about those mothers who, in addition to a couple of restless kids, still have work, shops, laundry, cleaning, a kitchen and everything else, well, you understand me ... Consider yourself lucky if there are children in the courtyard of the house or in a nearby park playgrounds with swings, carousels, playgrounds and sports grounds from the company Moy Dvorik, where kids of any age are delighted and happy can use their indefatigable energy to good use. Although, even if you live in a private house or in a country house, if you wish, it is quite possible to decorate your own lawn with some kind of ball pool or inflatable trampoline and gain a couple of free hours to the joyful cries of a naughty baby ... yes ...

But I still have a proposal, very suitable for all the kids who are actively exploring the world. And it can provide you with a few hours of blissful quiet rest. idea from website

Well, a very wonderful idea that awakens research interest, imagination, creativity and, in addition, is absolutely safe! Are you just shopping for groceries? Great! Buy a bottle of vegetable oil, we'll need it.

Let's show the kids how to make water fireworks!

So, we need to prepare:

Tall clear glass or vase
- Vegetable oil
- Food coloring
- Water
- Small cup and fork

You can even practice first so as not to lose face, quietly saying to yourself under your breath: "Annushka has already bought sunflower oil, and not only bought it, but even spilled it ..."

Fill almost to the brim a tall glass, decanter or suitable vase with water at room temperature. Pour some oil into another glass. Add a few drops of food coloring to the butter. It is better to use one drop of each color (red, yellow, blue and green), but you can use any color according to own will. Resist the temptation to add immediately a large number of food coloring, otherwise our water fireworks will turn into dark dirty water very quickly.

Mix the oil and food coloring mixture well with a fork. We must try to break up the drops of food coloring into smaller parts.

Carefully pour the oil mixture into a vase or glass filled with water.

And now we look! The food coloring will slowly sink into the oil, gradually turning into water, and each drop will look like an explosion of a small firework.

Well, do we still have oil? Now let's move on to more interesting option Let's make a lava lamp. Well, remember the one in which colorful bubbles move slowly?

We will need almost the same thing: a tall vase, water, oil, food coloring and dad's secret ingredient - Alka Seltzer tablets

In a cup of water, add food coloring, any. Well, let's say pink .... And you can not feel sorry for him, make the water as bright as possible

Homework is not so scary!💁⠀ ⠀ For some children, homework is the real test. Sometimes parents simply do not have the strength to check the work, because the main activity goes to trying to focus the child on the lessons.😞 What to do?⠀ ⠀ 📋1. Make a schedule Your children need to understand that homework is extremely important. One way is to set an exact time for tasks to complete. It is important for children to mentally prepare for school in advance. First, you and your children must determine the scope of work and decide how long it will take. Between lessons it is better to take a “fruit”🍎 or “nut” break.⠀ ⠀ The time allocated for homework should always remain the same (for example, from 18 to 20 hours).🕑 If the student completed the task faster, let him read the book in the remaining hour.⠀ ⠀ 📚2. Check your homework Look at the quality of your homework. In no case do you need to find fault with every little thing, but making sure that all tasks are completed is simply necessary.⠀ ⠀ 👵3. Get to know the teacher Find out what the teacher pays the most attention to. Talk to him about the child's behavior in the classroom and about his progress. Maybe the student needs to be pulled up in something?⠀ ⠀ 🙅4. Homework should be done in silence ⠀ While doing homework the room should be quiet: no TV and gadgets! Of course, if the lessons do not need the Internet. Teach children to focus on work and not be distracted by anything.⠀ ⠀ 👾5. Set aside a special place for lessons⠀ The apartment should have a special place for doing homework. Put flowers, greens on the table and do not forget about snacks for brain activity!⠀ ⠀ 🎯6. Set an example ⠀ While the student is doing homework, set an example for him: sit next to the child, read a book, do the work, but do not be distracted by the TV! The baby's ability to concentrate will increase markedly.

19.09.2018 08:12:03

An end to the bad behavior of the child!🔇⠀ ⠀ Raising kids aged 2 to 3 years is a real test for mom!🙄 It's important to be calm and make decisions consistently.⠀ ⠀ Mom should have authority, but not be a commander.✅⠀ ⠀ How ⠀ 🖐Explain to the child what is unacceptable in his behavior. If you scold the kid every time he does something wrong, tune in to the fact that your family will fight all day. ⠀ ⠀ 🖐 Develop a common set of rules for less serious and dangerous "violations", for example, whims and curse words. Do not raise your voice at the child after every mistake. Explain to the baby that you can’t take other people’s things, deceive, and also beat the weak.⠀ ⠀ 🖐Precautions. Tell your child about what absolutely cannot be done at home or on the street, give worthy examples.⠀ ⠀ 🖐 If your daughter likes to cook, and she tries to take a kitchen knife from the shelf and whimpers, forbid her to do this and buy a special children's knife for the girl, oh which she will definitely never be able to cut herself. ⠀ ⠀ 🖐 Plan your day. Plan all your day trips in advance. Feed the child before visiting doctors or walking.⠀ ⠀ 🖐Keep calm. If the baby cannot calm down and does not stop behaving badly, first calm down and do not be nervous. Try to talk to him in a quiet and calm tone. Keep in mind that commands act on a child much worse than requests. ⠀ ⠀ 🖐 Listen carefully. Children feel more confident when they see that they are being listened to. ⠀ ⠀ 🖐 Dictate your own rules. Usually 2-3 year old kids don't stop doing things that cause them crazy interest (bite, take away toys).⠀ ⠀ 🖐Give a choice. When a child refuses to do something, give him a choice. Instead of telling him to clean his room, ask him what he wants to clean first - Lego or Stuffed Toys?⠀ ⠀ 🖐Take a time out. To get to the root of the problem, take your child to a room and have a calm, private conversation. This will give you a chance to cool off and get your little one's attention.

17.09.2018 08:26:03

Diet of a nursing mother 😌⠀ ⠀ A child who is completely on breastfeeding, in fact, eats the same foods as his mother. All nutrients are transferred to the baby through mother's milk. 🍼⠀ ⠀ In the first 2 weeks of the baby's life, the mother must follow the most strict diet. Mom's main diet should include: ⠀ ⠀ 🍴 boiled meat; ⠀ 🍴 dairy products; ⠀ 🍴 a little non-fat cheese and cottage cheese; ⠀ 🍴 dietary soups without adding legumes; ⠀ 🍴 dried bread; ⠀ 🍴 a little boiled beets; ⠀ 🍴 kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, but only natural and without fruit additives; ⠀ 🍴 baked apples; ⠀ 🍴 dried fruit compote. ⠀ ⠀ The diet after childbirth for a nursing mother may include a stew of stewed vegetables. One egg per day is allowed, sea fish can be introduced white color, but not more than once a week.👆 Therefore, each of the products should be administered at intervals to make sure that the previous one did not negative impact on the baby's digestive system.⠀ ⠀ The categorical ban⛔ which nutrition after childbirth for nursing mothers should correspond to only applies to one thing: alcohol.🍾❌ Do not think that the minimum dose of alcohol that comes with breast milk, harmless. If you really want to drink, you can take care of the supply of milk or feed the baby with a mixture. It will be possible to breastfeed after the complete breakdown of alcohol in the blood.⠀ ⠀ The list of non-recommended products depends on the individual intolerances of the child. Caution should be taken with legumes, white cabbage, bread and sparkling water, as all of them can cause bloating. 💭⠀ ⠀ Allergies are caused by caviar, seafood, red fruits and berries, citrus fruits. It is not even worth talking about products such as chips and crackers. These dishes are not recommended for adults and healthy people.

14.09.2018 08:31:33

We teach the baby to roll over and crawl ☺️⠀ ⠀ The first 365 days is the period of the most active growth and development of the baby, it is at this time that the foundation of his healthy future is laid. The child makes the first attempts to roll over on its side as early as 3 months. In this regard, pediatricians recommend that mothers do not leave the child unattended after three months. and look at toys with interest. At 3 months, the baby tries to roll over on his own, but the muscles of the back and neck are not yet strong enough, so his rolls are more like trying to roll over. Then the baby can already roll over.⠀ ⠀ 💚At 5 months, most babies master flips from the stomach to the back and back.⠀ ⠀ What exercises will help the baby learn to roll over?⠀ ⠀ 🅾️ The first exercise. Kids at this age are very fond of musical toys. Lay the child on the back and lay out bright toys. To get them, the child will need to roll over. Children are very curious, so the baby will do everything possible to get the toy. ⠀ ⠀ 🅾️ The second exercise. The chest lies on the back. Bend his left leg at the knee and carefully move it to the right side. Give your free hand to the child as a support. The baby, holding on to your hand, will roll over.

12.09.2018 08:27:04

How to teach a child to tell time by the clock? 🕓⠀ ⠀ Soon after birth, the baby feels the passage of time: he gets used to the feeding regimen, feels and sees the change of day and night. 🌠 Getting a little older, he is already more clearly aware of the change of seasons. later baby learns about the seasons, months, days of the week. It's time to get acquainted with the clock soon.⠀ ⠀ Where to start?🐶⠀ ⠀ To get acquainted with time, use a watch with large clear numbers and easily rotating hands. It can even be a model of a clock. 👌 Tell your child that this hand shows exactly the clock and is therefore called "hour". Show in which direction it is moving, and say that this direction of movement is called "clockwise." Let the child turn the arrow in the right direction. ⠀ ⠀ Work out the concept of "exactly one hour" with the baby. 🕟 For the very beginning, this will be enough for the baby. When the baby gets comfortable, ask him to set some time.⠀ ⠀ When the baby gets comfortable with the hour hand, you can start getting acquainted with the minute hand.🙂 Add it to the clock layout. Pay attention to the child that the minute hand is long and thin, and the hour hand is short and thick. Make sure that the baby manages to distinguish between these two arrows. ⠀ ⠀ Tell me that in one hour the minute hand goes through a whole circle. ⭕ Then gradually move on to half. When the baby gets comfortable, go to the position of the minute hand when 5, 10, 15 ... 60 minutes pass.⠀ ⠀ Why do kids need to know the time? 🙆⠀ ⠀ It is important for kids to explain the value of time. You can associate time with events that will be of interest to the baby: for example, that at 2 o’clock he goes to play, and at 4 he goes for a walk. Emphasize that knowing the time is important in order not to be late.✅

10.09.2018 08:47:02

Teenage slang😝⠀ ⠀ If you listen carefully to the speech modern teenagers, then you can hear that their speech is filled with distorted words. This is real teenage slang.⠀ ⠀ Teenage slang of modern youth demonstrates the upbringing and culture of speech of teenagers. However, it often happens that parents cannot understand where, in fact, this rather strange jargon comes from. 🤔 There is only one answer to this question - teenagers themselves come up with these words, replenishing and replenishing their vocabulary over time. ⠀ ⠀ Why does slang arise in a teenager? Psychologists say that in this way a teenager is trying to stand out from the crowd and be different from the rest. 🗣⠀ ⠀ Very often, a teenager's slang words can only be understood by himself or his environment. Some teenagers use slang to resist the rules. 🔇 In addition, slang appears in a teenager if he owns a meager vocabulary. computer.⠀ ⠀ What should parents do with teenage slang? 😜⠀ ⠀ 👉 Firstly, carefully monitor your own speech in order to make sure if something similar sometimes slips into your speech. ⠀ ⠀ 👉 Secondly , try to find out if the teenager understands the meaning of the words that he uses. In most cases, teenagers, realizing the meaninglessness of a word, stop using it.⠀ ⠀ 👉Thirdly, try to periodically explain to a teenager that slang harms the culture of speech.⠀ ⠀ Teach children to read!📚

06.09.2018 08:07:03

First aid for burns 💫⠀ ⠀ First of all, it is necessary to stop exposure to the thermal factor: extinguish clothes, remove a hot heating pad, etc. After that, immediately remove clothes from the damaged area of ​​the body (cut with scissors without touching the wound surface). cold water. The affected area of ​​the body is tightly bandaged with a sterile bandage, with extensive lesions - with a sheet ironed with a hot iron and moistened with ethyl alcohol. Such dressings reduce pain. ⠀ ⠀ Ointments, powders, oil solutions are contraindicated. After applying the bandage, the child is placed in bed, covered with a warm blanket, an ice pack is placed on the bandage. The patient should drink a lot.⠀ ⠀ In case of severe burns, immediate hospitalization is required. In case of chemical burns with alkali, burn wounds are washed with a 2% solution of table vinegar.

05.09.2018 08:18:03

First days in kindergarten🌞⠀ ⠀ The period of adaptation of the baby to kindergarten is not easy. How easy and imperceptible the first days of a child in kindergarten will pass very much depends on his parents. ⠀ ⠀ Yes, you are also worried about your baby going to kindergarten. But in no case do not show him your excitement! 🚫 Be confident in your child. Then he, too, will gain self-confidence.⠀ ⠀ Parents need to make every effort to make the first day in kindergarten a real holiday for the baby. 🎁🎊🎈 Tell him that there will be many good teachers and that he will find many friends in the kindergarten .⠀ ⠀ After the first day spent in the garden, ask the child if he liked it there and what he learned new. Thus, a child's kindergarten will be associated only with positive emotions. 😀⠀ ⠀ Sometimes the baby's favorite toy helps to cope with adaptation 🦁, so be sure to put it with your baby. hours, gradually increasing the time spent.⠀ ⠀ Be sure to tune in to a positive result and be sure that everything will be fine!🤗

03.09.2018 08:39:03

Blackberry and blueberry 💙💛⠀ ⠀ Blackberry💛⠀ ⠀ It is considered a very useful berry for immunity and metabolism. It has antipyretic properties, improves memory, cerebral circulation. The berry is rich in vitamins C, B, E, PP, K, as well as provitamin A.✔️⠀ ⠀ Contains citric🍋, malic🍎, tartaric acid, pectin, iron, potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus. The use of blackberries in the diet has a positive effect on the general condition of the body, improves the quality of sleep, and soothes nervous system.⠀ ⠀ Children can be offered blackberries from 12-18 months, whole berries, grated, baked, in the form of fruit drink, jelly.⠀ ⠀ Blueberries💙⠀ ⠀ This berry is a source of vitamins C, A, E, PP, B1, B1, calcium, potassium and iron. Takes first place1️⃣ among all berries and fruits in terms of manganese content, improves bowel function.⠀ ⠀ Blueberries are recommended to be used to improve vision. These berries improve visual acuity. 👁⠀ ⠀ Blueberries can be offered to children from 7 months in the form of puree. After a year, you can eat up to 1 glass of berries per day. And children suffering from constipation should not eat blueberries at all. ❌⠀ ⠀ To fill the daily need for vitamins, it is enough to eat 2-3 tablespoons of blueberries a day, mixing it with honey.

31.08.2018 08:07:09

Where to go with a child in Moscow?💙⠀ ⠀ Where can you go with a child in the capital and enjoy the time spent with your family?⠀ ⠀ MOSCOW PLANETARIUM🌍⠀ The oldest planetarium in Russia and one of the largest in the world, the Moscow Planetarium will please not only children, but and their parents! It is better to visit the planetarium for children from 6 years old. This magical place needs to be laid all day! You should definitely visit the Big Star Hall and the Urania Museum, as well as the Lunarium Interactive Museum (children under 6 years old are free). any age. The unusual atmosphere of childhood, an interesting program that looks in one breath! We recommend watching the program "Magic of the Circus". It will be interesting not only for children, but also for adults.⠀ ⠀ OCEANARIUM🐋⠀ The largest oceanarium in Russia is located in the shopping center "Rio" on Dmitrovsky highway. There is something to see there: bloodthirsty piranhas, sharks, Dory fish, penguins, jellyfish and stingrays, as well as many other inhabitants of the deep sea.⠀ ⠀ KIDZANIA🚍⠀ try yourself in a hundred different professions: cook, dentist, policeman, fireman. The child will have his own passport and even a salary that he can spend on entertainment or in the store.⠀ ⠀ INDOOR SKIN⛸⠀ Yes, you can skate in the summer too! Indoor skating rinks are much better than outdoor skating rinks in terms of ice quality: for this reason, skating with children on them is much more pleasant. There are a lot of indoor skating rinks in Moscow, so you can choose the one closest to your home and go skating!⠀ ⠀ EXPERIMENTARIUM MUSEUM👾⠀ It is interesting for both adults and children: you can touch everything with your own hands, conduct experiments, learn a lot about physics, chemistry, space, solve puzzles, jump and run. In addition to the most interesting permanent exhibition, the museum holds classes, lectures and shows every day: the schedule is on the website!

29.08.2018 09:30:40

How babies see the world from birth to a year 1️⃣⠀ ⠀ 💟Babies see in the first months the world a little blurry, and vision is fully formed only by two years.⠀ ⠀ 💟During the first month, everything for the baby sees the world as a big gray spot.⠀ ⠀ 💟A month later, the baby can already distinguish the silhouette of the mother.⠀ ⠀ 💟At 2 months, the baby can see ⠀ ⠀ 💟 A 3-month-old baby sees faces quite clearly, and distinguishes his hands and fingers perfectly - therefore, he brings them to his eyes and mouth with pleasure.⠀ ⠀ 💟B 4 month, the world acquires colors for the crumbs. Distant objects become more and more clear.⠀ ⠀ 💟For a 5-month-old fidget, the picture is even clearer.⠀ ⠀ 💟At six months, the baby is able to see well both close and distant objects.⠀ ⠀ 💟At 7 months, the colors around the crumbs become even brighter .⠀ ⠀ 💟For an 8-month-old baby, it is now clear - where are your own and where are strangers.⠀ ⠀ 💟9 months - an even clearer picture and bright colors.⠀ ⠀ 💟A 10-month-old baby catches more and more color shades.⠀ ⠀ 💟At 11 months, babies track shape and colors in dynamics - they begin to enjoy watching dynamic pictures on a TV screen, tablet, phone.⠀ ⠀ 💟At 12 months, babies see even more clearly than at 11 months of age. But not perfect!

28.08.2018 09:15:30

Developmental norms for children up to a year 1️⃣⠀ ⠀ It used to be that newborn babies sleep most of the time. 💤 The longest period of active wakefulness lasts about 30 minutes. 🕧 At this age, the child is able to respond to sound, light and pain. The baby has pronounced sucking, yawning, swallowing and other reflexes.⠀ ⠀ Modern children are different, because their periods of sleep and wakefulness have changed. Newborns sleep for one and a half to two hours and look around the world for forty to sixty minutes. They very quickly have a need for social contact with their mother. ☺️⠀ ⠀ 🔸 At the age of one month, the child becomes more active. ❗ The total wakefulness time gradually increases to an hour. He can already fix his eyes and follow the subject. Here the baby is trying to show his parents his emotions. Many mothers notice that the baby, as it were, copies their mood and well-being.⠀ ⠀ 🔸By 2 months, the baby is already able to smile. He can already follow things. Wake time increases.⠀ ⠀ 🔸 A child at 3 months already clearly recognizes his mother. At this age, the baby is interested in playing. ⠀ ⠀ 🔸At 4 months, the child examines a stationary object with interest and for a long time, holds the rattle firmly in his hands, laughs. The baby demonstrates emotions, looks at objects for a long time. The child introduces for himself the concepts of "own" and "alien". The child will not go to the hands of a stranger or someone he rarely sees.⠀ ⠀ 🔸At the age of 9-10 months, the child consciously calls his mother. The kid already knows where the person has legs, arms, eyes and mouth. The child understands the word “no” well.⠀ ⠀ Psychological development the baby takes on an adult shape closer to the year. The child understands what he wants, and can also be capricious.

24.08.2018 08:04:59

Seasickness⛴⠀ ⠀ Some kids can happily ride all the rides, screaming with pleasure, while others even get sick from driving in cars.⠀ ⠀ There are kids who are prone to seasickness more than others.☝ Some parents are even afraid to put the child in the car, because along the way, the poor kids will feel sick all the time.⠀ ⠀ Why do kids get seasick?🤓⠀ ⠀ Seasickness starts because the brain receives conflicting signals from the inner ear, which controls the balance and stability of the body and eyes. Even babies can get seasick, though they can't tell you about it. If your baby is nervous and moving during long car trips, this means that he also has seasickness.⠀ ⠀ What to do if the child feels sick in the car?⠀ ⠀ 🚗 Lower the side window of the car, because fresh air is good medicine from seasickness. ⠀ 🚕 Make frequent stops. Some children do not experience nausea during the first thirty minutes of the trip. into the windshield. ⠀ 🚕 Beware of smells. Cigarette smoke can cause nausea in a child.

22.08.2018 08:17:17

Heartburn in children 😁⠀ ⠀ ⠀ Heartburn is a burning sensation along the esophagus, due to the reflux of acidic gastric contents into it. This feeling can undulate up to the throat, and the child sometimes has a sour taste in the mouth. 🌞⠀ ⠀ There is a muscle at the bottom of the esophagus - the lower esophageal sphincter - that holds acid in the stomach. But if the sphincter relaxes too much, stomach acids can rise up and irritate the thin lining of the esophagus. This causes heartburn and other symptoms.⠀ ⠀ With heartburn, it is necessary to exclude from the diet those foods that can contribute to heartburn, for example, black bread🍞, kissel🍶, jam, spicy🍲, fried foods🍖, spices.⠀ ⠀ In infants, the immaturity of the digestive tract is a factor that causes heartburn. ⠀ ⠀ And in children after 5 years, the causes of heartburn can be: ⠀ ⠀ 🍽 incomplete closure of the esophageal sphincter ⠀ 🍽 wrong diet ⠀ 🍽 certain foods and drinks - chocolate, mint, fatty, fried foods, coffee, sugar , carbonated drinks⠀ 🍽 pressure on the stomach caused by obesity, frequent bending and lifting, tight clothing, excessive physical activity⠀ 🍽diaphragmatic hernia⠀ 🍽stress⠀ ⠀ With heartburn, a child may experience pain in the abdomen and chest, cough, hoarse voice, poor appetite, red throat, vomiting and sleep disturbance.⠀ ⠀ What to give a child at home for heartburn?⠀ ⠀ ⚡1. Water will help the child from heartburn (it will give a neutralizing effect)⠀ ⚡2. Ginger⠀ ⚡3. Let the child eat in small portions at regular intervals⠀ ⚡4. 5 - 10 grams of sugar after a meal is one of the best natural remedies from heartburn in children⠀ ⚡5. Ice cream - good remedy from heartburn!⠀ ⚡6. Almonds⠀ ⚡7. Green tea⠀ ⚡8. Chewing gum

17.08.2018 08:15:04

Choosing a baby pillow✔️⠀ ⠀ The pillow is not recommended for use by children under 2 years old.⠀ ⠀ What is the danger of a pillow for a baby?⠀ ⠀ ♦️The worst thing that can happen to a baby is that he can suffocate, burying his face in the pillow, because babies still can't roll over. Also, you should not cover the baby with pillows, on the contrary, provide space for the baby during sleep, so that if necessary, he can roll over without hindrance.⠀ ♦️ A pillow can also lead to a curvature of the spine. :⠀ ⠀ 〰️ The baby has a curvature of the neck ⠀ 〰️ The baby constantly spits up ⠀ 〰️ If the skull develops incorrectly ⠀ 〰️ With head and neck injuries ⠀ ⠀ When does the child need to buy a pillow? ⠀ ⠀ You can start laying the child on a standard children's pillow from 2 years old. It is not recommended to purchase a soft pillow, because in this case the head will be buried in it. The main function of the pillow is to support the cervical spine.⠀ ⠀ The pillow should be chosen based on the following factors:⠀ ⠀ 💢Material (the pillow should be hypoallergenic: for example, made of sintepon, holofiber, lyocell)⠀ 💢Breathability⠀ 💢The pillow should be designed for washing ⠀ 💢The pillow should be elastic⠀ 💢It is important that the seams are strong⠀ 💢Cannot be used for sleeping decorative pillows⠀ ⠀ An adult pillow can be purchased for children no earlier than 6-7 years old. It is important to choose the right pillow, because healthy sleep is the key to proper cerebral circulation.

15.08.2018 09:20:06

Children's massage💓⠀ ⠀ Massage for children of all ages - effective method treatment of many diseases, and for children infancy- part of them physical development.⠀ ⠀ Massage contributes to the normalization of the function of the gastrointestinal tract, with weakness of the abdominal muscles, helps to release the intestines from gases, favorably affects the psycho-emotional sphere of the child. 💛⠀ ⠀ Massage is especially necessary for children with poor appetite, sedentary, premature, artificial feeding, with weakened muscles.⠀ ⠀ Massage is indicated for children with the following diseases: Rickets, malnutrition, hernia, pneumonia, asthma, bronchitis, obesity, scoliosis, clubfoot, flat feet, fractures and joint disease.✔️⠀ ⠀ When starting a massage, you should consult a doctor , as it is strictly contraindicated for some kids.⠀ ⠀ What is useful to know about baby massage?⠀ ⠀ 🔴Massage promotes the growth and development of muscle tissue and maintains the overall tone of the body⠀ 🔴Only a specialist doctor should massage a child⠀ 🔴You can start massage at the age 1.5-2 months⠀ 🔴It is important to conduct sessions approximately 40 minutes after eating or half an hour before⠀ 🔴Massage facilitates psychomotor development and balances the mental status of the baby⠀ 🔴Usually lotions or powders are not used during baby massage⠀ 🔴Massage will be more effective if before it starts, the specialist manages to establish contact with the child⠀ 🔴During the massage of the tummy, bypass the liver area, and during the massage of the back, spare the area of ​​the kidneys

13.08.2018 09:00:55

Colic in a newborn 🔅⠀ ⠀ Colic is the first thing a mother faces in the first months of a baby's life. Colic is manifested by pain in the abdomen, the child becomes restless and cries for a long time, this is due to increased gas formation in the baby's intestines. colic? 😭⠀ ⠀ ♦️ the baby is characterized by a sharp change in mood ⠀ ♦️ the baby starts to cry abruptly and for a long time (up to 3 hours) ⠀ ♦️ the face turns very red ⠀ ♦️ the baby arches in pain ⠀ ♦️ the baby presses the legs to the tummy ⠀ ♦️ the tummy becomes swollen and tense ⠀ ⠀ How to avoid colic? 🤔⠀ ⠀ 👉 After each feeding, keep the baby upright for about 15 minutes so that he can burp ⠀ 👉 Put the baby on the tummy before feeding ⠀ 👉 If nothing helps, you can use a gas tube ⠀ 👉Make the baby massage the tummy clockwise⠀ 👉Apply correctly to the chest when feeding to avoid getting excess air⠀ 👉Do a little gymnastics by pressing the legs bent at the knees to the tummy
