Rite for the love of a man to read white magic. How to read a white magic conspiracy for a man's love? A simple love spell

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Love magic can help a person connect with his beloved and become happy. However, having decided to conduct a magical ritual, it is necessary to understand that the object of sympathy after the spell will be completely at the mercy of the performer or customer.

Therefore, before pronouncing a conspiracy to love, one must think about whether it is really worth seeking love in this way and is it necessary to bind someone who does not reciprocate?

Even in ancient times, conspiracies were often used at home to protect the home, family, get a good harvest, etc. Currently, spells are no less popular, they are used in lapels, love spells, this is the main part of every ritual to enhance the effect. Love magic spells are especially often used.

The text of the spell on mutual relations must be meaningful; it is forbidden to mention words that carry negative information in it. Magic words for love should be read quickly, clearly, in one breath (almost like a tongue twister), but at the same time, pauses and appropriate separators between phrases should be observed. When reading a conspiracy, one should not turn into a cry, on the contrary, it is better to pronounce it quietly, in a half-whisper. The main condition of any spell is a strong belief that the plan will surely come true.

Conspiracies at home for a relationship with a guy

Conspiracy #1

To conduct this ceremony, you need to get a photo of your loved one, then place it on a hard surface and place 2 candles in front of it. Next, pronounce the conspiracy words:

“4 lightnings, 4 sisters. Go and bring sadness and longing to the servant of God (the name of the beloved): from the authorities, bones, people imprisoned, soldiers and from newborn babies who were taken from their mother. Bring here melancholy and great dryness and great sadness on the slave (the name of the beloved). Let the servants (his name), the servant of God (the name of a loved one) be without me, he can neither walk, nor live, nor sleep, nor rest. Always and everywhere only for me, the servant of God (my name), will suffer bitterly and miss. Amen".

After the conspiracy words, it follows, lighting the prepared candles, to say:

“I don’t light a church candle, but I ignite the heart and soul of God’s servant (the name of the beloved). Let him suffer for me, slave (his name), incense forever. As incense burns and melts, so it melts and burns the soul and heart of God's servant (the name of the beloved) behind me, forever, forever. Amen".

Love magic implies only sincere feelings

Conspiracy #2

The girl takes a red piece of fabric and, stitching its edges, pronounce the conspiracy words:

“I sew, I speak the heart of a hot slave (the name of a loved one). It would have beaten strongly, driven the blood furiously, rushed at me as a slave (her name). He will not be able to breathe without me, he will not be able to exhale, he will not be able to hug, he will not be able to calm down the trembling. As long as he doesn’t touch me, the slave (his name), he will suffer in lust, in thoughts, be jealous of the whole world, among all others he will see me alone. Let it always every hour, half an hour, every minute, half a minute, every second, like a hungry animal wandering across the wide steppe, looking for me everywhere. He does not notice others, he only knows me alone. Will not be able to drink and seize neither in food nor in wine. And as soon as he sees me, he will immediately come running to me. Amen".

Conspiracy #3

The conspiracy must be spoken before sunrise, while you should look into the distance and imagine what you want.

“In a wide, endless field, there is a willow-willow, and on it a bird has made a nest. An egg with a chick accidentally dropped into the deep sea. As a poor bird cries for a cub, as her heart hurts, so may God's servant (the name of the object of love) suffer and languish for me God's servant (his name). Any food, so that I could not seize, I could not drink wine, with other girls I could not forget to death I could not stop loving. I would dream of God's servant (the name of the object of love) at night with the moon, and at sunset - with a star. In dry thirst cold water, and when hungry - delicious food. My arms are wings, my clear eyes are arrows. He will always desire me, love me, but he will not be able to forget and change on the other. I will close the keys with all, I will bury the locks that are heavy in the yellow sands, I will throw the keys into a deep hole. Whoever can get those keys, only he can become an obstacle to me. Amen".

An important condition for the proposed conspiracies is that when reading a spell on a relationship and a guy’s love, you need to concentrate on a dear person and think only about him, and also firmly believe in the fulfillment of your plan.

Conspiracy words at home for a girl's love

Conspiracy #1

This ceremony must be performed 3 times: in the morning, afternoon and evening, stand in front of your beloved and look intently into her eyes and say:

"Nature created the first man on earth thanks to a woman."
At the same time, it is necessary to apply left hand on the shoulder of the girl, and the right - to the heart. As soon as the object of love looks at his interlocutor, one must say: "I attract, I attract."

Conspiracy #2

A guy can cast this spell on a silver knife, spoon or fork:

“Sprouts to sprouts, leaves to leaves, flowers to flowers, hearts to hearts. Bring the blood and juice of the earth to mutual love. Day get away from the night, love me God's servant (name of the beloved) as I love you, while there is strength. The devils will take away, the angels will bring. Amen".

After that, the charmed object should be thrown to the house of the object of love.

Conspiracy #3

It is necessary to perform a magical rite during the waning moon exactly at midnight. Putting a glass filled with water and 2 burning candles in front of you, you should say:

“As these candles burn, as the dew is destroyed at dawn and the earth dries up, so you will begin to dry the servant of God (the name of the object of love) for me God's servant (your name). You will not be able to find peace, neither on a sunny day, nor on a dark night, nor in joy, nor in sorrow, nor on holidays, nor at work. Your thoughts will always be about me. I conjure you the creation of the world and my birthday. During the day, as soon as I finish all the suffering and joys of the world, I speak to you. With the powers of heaven and earth I speak to you. Amen".

To pronounce the proposed spells on the relationship and love of the girl should be clearly without the slightest hesitation.

Strong love spell

After this ritual, you need to put a thanksgiving candle in the temple

A strong spell for mutual love, proposed below, should be cast in the evening after the sun sets over the horizon. Gotta make a new one white color tablecloth, put 3 candles and light them. Then speak the plot 3 times and, after the next reading, put out the candles. As soon as all the candles are extinguished, they must be tied with a thread, lit again and wait until they burn out completely. It is better to release smoke and fumes through an open window.

“Oh, Lord Almighty, I beg you, blind you a very high wall, the deepest pit, a prickly impassable fence, irresistible combustible longing. Depth - 3 fathoms of earth, height - immeasurable height, longing - infinite depth. Block and lock God's servant (name of the beloved). As long as this castle is not opened, until that time God's servant (the name of the beloved) will never stop loving me. Amen".

The spells listed are the most popular and simple, but besides them, magic also involves many other love spells that can be used at home or with the help of an experienced sorcerer.

Every person on the planet dreams of bright and sincere love for life. This is so natural that hardly anyone dares to object. But at the same time, women are more likely to turn to magic to attract love into their own lives.

White magic offers a large number of conspiracies that can be used to attract love life. The main thing is to choose a ceremony in accordance with the current life situation. It is very important to read a conspiracy to love a man in accordance with the rules of a particular rite.

Most of the rituals of this type are held during the waxing moon. Of great importance for the effectiveness of the impact is the place of the ceremony. Read a conspiracy to love a man white magic offers in various conditions. But this is precisely what must be observed without any deviations; the success of the ceremony depends on this factor.

Attracting Fans

Very often in life there are situations when a girl dreams of having a loved one next to her, but fans for some unknown reason bypass her. Moreover, this does not depend on appearance or the ability to present oneself in society. Usually in this case they say that they are unlucky in their personal lives. The rite, which is held every night for a month, will help correct the situation.

A special rite is always read at midnight:

“Around me, Servants of God (their name), all women have bad manners, their faces are ugly, and their figures are awkward. Only I am one beauty and men cannot take their eyes off me. Everyone will love me, and I will choose only those who please me. Words are powerful, so it will happen. Amen".

Each time the plot is spoken three times. Within a month, the situation around you will change and you will only need to choose a worthy person.

During any ritual, it is necessary to stay in a positive mood. Negative emotions will make any conspiracy simply useless. In addition, it is necessary to keep plans for the use of magic secret.

There are also frequent situations related to the fact that, like, there is a loved one nearby and feelings for him are strong, but for some reason he is in no hurry to offer his hand and heart. In order to speed up this fact, you need to conduct a ceremony with food. To do this, you need to invite a loved one and cook on your own all the dishes that he loves.

Before serving dishes, they should be spoken with these words:

“I, the Servant of God (my name), speak food and drink for my beloved, the Servant of God, (name of the man) cooked. He will taste the magic food, prepared by my hands, and will immediately marry me. That's all you'll want, and that's all you'll dream about. You and I will live happily ever after, raise children and grandchildren. You will understand that there will be neither joy nor peace without me. Amen".

This is a very strong rite and you should expect your loved one to propose to you soon.

If you like a man

If you like a man, but you can’t attract his attention to yourself, then you can change the situation in your favor by performing a special magical rite.

The following attributes will need to be used in the ritual:

  • Red wax candle;
  • handkerchief from natural fabric white;
  • Pencil or pen;
  • New needle.

The process of the ceremony involves the following actions in a secluded place:

  • A white handkerchief is spread on the table;
  • A candle is lit;
  • With melted wax in the middle of the scarf, a figure of a person is accumulated, which will symbolize your loved one, while the contour must be completely filled with wax from a candle. ;
  • The name of your beloved is written on the figurine;
  • A needle is stuck into the figurine in the region of the heart;
  • Such an installation is wrapped in a scarf and hidden in a safe place so that no one will ever find it.

In the process of carrying out all the actions, the following conspiracy is repeatedly read:

“I, the Servant of God (proper name), did not kindle the flame of a candle, but the heart of my beloved, the Servant of God (proper name) inflamed with sincere love. I do not pour out his figure with wax, but I question him alive. With a sharp needle I do not pierce his heart, but I fill his heart with love and call him together with her into my life. Amen".

The rite is very strong, but the main condition for its success is that it is necessary, as often as possible after the ritual, to catch the eye of a loved one.

Ritual with photography

In magic, it is believed that a photograph reflects the aura of a living person. That is why rituals using photos have great power. Having a fresh picture of a loved one, you can easily attract his love with the help of magic. Moreover, with the help of such a rite, you can eliminate a rival from your life. After all, after such a magical effect, your chosen one will simply choose you.

Since the rite with a photo is very powerful, before performing it, you need to visit the temple and ask for protection from higher powers from all the unforeseen consequences of using magic. In addition, immediately before the ceremony, the prayer “Our Father” should be read several times.

In the ritual, it is necessary to use a photo, which has special requirements:

  • The eyes must be clearly visible in the picture;
  • The photograph must be taken recently, not earlier than six months before the ceremony;
  • The chosen one must be alone in the picture, otherwise the magical effect may affect another person.

During the growth of the moon, you need to choose a convenient day and read the magical plot three times: in the morning at dawn, during the daytime and in the evening after sunset.

Looking directly into the eyes of the image in the picture, the following magic phrases are pronounced:

“Any person on the planet cannot be without his own shadow, so let, my beloved, the Servant of God (the name of the man) cannot live in this world without me, the Servant of God (his name). He will always yearn and be sad for me. He will walk, stammer, and from unbearable sadness away from me, suffocate for me. The sun walks its way through the sky, so the path will lead my beloved to me, it will not turn anywhere and my house will not go around. My words are filled with sincere love and will come true. Amen".

It is very important when pronouncing a conspiracy to imagine that a loved one is next to you. After the magic words are spoken, you should always keep the charmed photo next to you. At the same time, it is important that none of their outsiders see it.

Love spells are strong and most of them are white magic tools. Carried out at the base sincere feelings they can't hurt. After all, without love, the life of every person on earth loses its meaning.

It is very important to believe in magic and in your love. After all, the combination of such feelings can work wonders. Any spell can be modified. The main thing is that the spoken words sound sincere and come from the depths of the soul.

You can strengthen the effect of any rite, the action of which is aimed at attracting a loved one to life, by reading prayers. This can be done not only in the temple, but also at home. They can be pronounced, both before the start of the ritual, and after it many times. It is important to be in a positive mood, because negative emotions always scare away love.

Even in the past, girls and women tried with the help of magic words to fall in love with the one they liked. young man. In order for love conspiracies to work, it is necessary to carry out exactly according to all the rules, without missing a single detail. Our ancestors have been honing them for decades, choosing the most suitable conditions in order to develop the ideal formula for attracting a man.

A conspiracy to attract love is a special program that allows you to attract the love of a particular person.

Reading before bed

In the state of sleep, a person can materialize own desires. It is for this reason that many effective love plots are read before going to bed.

On every day

A girl who has not yet met her chosen one can speak to love herself before going to bed with the following words:

"Universe! Hear me!

I am open to love

I am full of love

I love and I am loved!!!

Let it be so".

A love spell can be read countless times. This rite should be done at home before going to bed for a full week. Words should be spoken with faith in them. The first line of the plot, like the last, does not need to be repeated. They are only spoken once.

For a specific man

Such strong conspiracy for love is perfect for girls who are interested in attracting a particular guy or man. It has the form of a prayer that can, with the help of magic, awaken strong feelings:

“I call on the power of love, kindle it with the fire of passion. You go, love, in the heart to (name), settle there forever and ever. Kindle feelings (name) with a hot flame for me (your name). Let him reach out to me, strive, with all his heart, with all his soul, desire to unite with me. May it be as I said. Amen! Amen! Amen!".

For this ceremony, you will need a photo of a guy. Words are read three times daily for one week. When conspiracies for love sound, the girl should be overwhelmed with only positive emotions, and she herself is recommended to look at the photo. You should imagine the image of the chosen one in order to speed up the fulfillment of desire. After the ritual, nothing more can be said. You need to immediately go to bed, and cross the photo of the man three times and put it under the pillow.

Talking about love is really much better and more effective before going to bed. Such a ceremony does not require special preparations and can be easily performed at home. A well-chosen prayer, read at night before going to bed, will help the girl to attract the attention of a guy, make him fall in love with herself and arrange a long-awaited marriage.

On a full moon

Magic works well on a full moon. Therefore, it is during this period that girls decide to perform rituals that are aimed at attracting a man. To get a positive result and ensure mutual love, it is not necessary to go somewhere at night. Everything can be done on a full moon at home. But not the most the best option perform the ceremony in bad weather. She can prevent magic from fulfilling a wish.

To speak to the love of your chosen one, it is worth exploring several options for prayer. Below are five effective conspiracies that should be repeated on the days of the full moon. It is enough to comfortably sit in a chair and start reading them one after another:

  • As my love is strong and cordial, so may the feeling (say the name of the man) for me be eternal. Amen.

  • Just as an apple does not fall far from an apple tree, so let my beloved man always make me happy. Amen.

  • How sweet is honey and sugar, so let the peasant love me. Amen.

  • As there are no barriers in love, so let a man be happy with me. Amen.

  • Let the beloved man not reject me, and not disappear along the path to another. Amen.

Many people know that full moon conspiracies have a special magical meaning. Indeed, all lunar power is invested in such a conspiracy.

Such a conspiracy to love will only work during the full moon. At the time of reading, you should imagine in your head the image of the guy you like. Each prayer has its own energy. Therefore, five conspiracies will definitely have a beneficial effect on attracting a man to a girl. They can be read one after another an unlimited number of times. On a full moon, magic is especially strong. So don't miss out on this time.

It should be borne in mind that magic that can speak for love during the full moon at home will not work if the chosen young man resists the will to be with the girl conducting the ceremony. After all, such a prayer only pushes the guy to decisive action, which he will also be pleased with.

On the new moon

There are rituals aimed at arousing interest in the man you like, not only for the full moon, but also for the new moon. They also guarantee the mutual love that a girl wants to receive in the prime of her youth. A prayer for the rite on the new moon can be read before going to bed. The ritual itself is carried out at home.

To awaken the senses

Here is a love conspiracy that will help the chosen one awaken feelings for the girl. It’s worth saying right away that you should not try to perform this ritual on a full moon, as it will not give any effect.

“As water swallowed the ring, so the feeling (your names) will mutually swallow us whole, and love (your names) will grow stronger every day. Amen!".

The rite itself is carried out as follows. The girl needs to buy in advance Golden ring. On one of the nights of the new moon, it is necessary to light a red candle. You will need a clean glass of holy water, where a gold jewelry will be thrown. After that, observe the ring and how the candle flame is played. At this time, you should imagine the image of a man and slowly say a prayer. It is enough to repeat the conspiracy to love on the new moon a couple of times. After the girl puts the ring on the middle finger of her right hand. It is advisable not to remove the decoration so as not to reduce the effectiveness of the plot, which is allowed to be read before going to bed.

To revive a lost love

The magic of the new moon allows you to strengthen or even renew the feelings of a guy for a girl. This will require a small ceremony. You should take a blank sheet of paper and write on it those desires that the chosen man should have. After that, the sheet should be strongly crumpled and set on fire. While it burns, the girl should say these words:

"As the fire remembers, so be it!"

This love spell promises the fulfillment of a wish, which guarantees the attraction of a loved one. And once again it is worth recalling that the ritual is performed at night, preferably before going to bed, on the new moon.

Sunday night

In the period between Saturday and Sunday of the new moon, you can try another way to attract a guy through magic. Only a clear night will do, when weather forecasters will not promise bad weather. The girl should go to the window and, peering at the stars, utter a conspiracy to love:

“As the stars and the moon in the sky are always together, so (your name) wants to return love (name) and become his bride. Amen. Amen. Amen!".

A love plot of this type should be repeated throughout the entire period of the new moon.

Conspiracies for a successful marriage

Rituals are very popular, which help not only to speak to the love of a young man, but also guarantee the girl a quick marriage. Such conspiracies can be read before and after the new moon and full moon, as they are universal, not tied to specific days.

Here is a great example of a home plot that will speed up a girl's marriage:

“Carnation herbal meadow, reaching for the sun, opening with petals. You are ringed with a ring, a purple ring is chained to you. Help me (name) not to be alone, with wedding ring walk, meet a sweetheart, and get married. The red flower blooms for a long time, and my fate comes to me. As a flower grows on the earth from summer to summer, so my dear me, a red, smart and stately girl (name), will find and marry. Amen".

While the love plot is being read, the girl must do a small ritual. Namely, she should get a bouquet of carnations. Tie each flower together with a ribbon. blue color and in this form put them in running water. Even in ancient times, girls doomed themselves to marriage with this ritual.

The bright thoughts with which you read the marriage conspiracy will bring a positive result.

The following words help to attract a guy and give him the idea to propose marriage to a girl:

“The wind sweeps dust, drives clouds, carries words. Take, wind, to the servant of God, my betrothed, mummers, my words. Damn the wind, hell against the wind and my challenge with him. My betrothed, betrothed by fate, wherever you go, wherever you sew your body, and bring your soul to me, the servant of God (name). Amen".

For the words to work, it is necessary to open a window in the room during the growing moon. And only after that start to pronounce them. It is enough to repeat the plot only once. He will quickly attract a guy to a girl and help create a strong family for a couple.

Absolutely any girl can speak for the love of a young man she likes. During the ritual, you should have a pure mind and an open heart. It is not recommended to make marriage conspiracies with men who are already married. With such games, the girl easily invites the curse of celibacy on herself.

In order for the ritual performed for marriage to really work, you should choose the right period. Some conspiracies are for the new moon, others for the full moon. The rest of the time they are of no use.

You need to read the marriage conspiracy clearly and quickly, pronouncing every word. The girl must understand that a miracle will not happen immediately. Even quick marriage spells take time. magical powers receive information and convey it to the chosen one. After that remains the most difficult. The young man must receive this message and respond to it correctly. A girl who really dreams of marriage will definitely wait for her lover, who so far simply did not dare to come to her with a serious marriage proposal.

Conspiracies for guys who already have certain feelings for girls work flawlessly. However, they can backfire on both sides. To avoid problems, you should familiarize yourself with all the nuances of the rituals in advance. It is necessary to follow absolutely all the recommendations for their implementation in order for the magic words to bring an exclusively positive result.

In fact simple white magic spells for love this is not the whole list of easy-to-perform influences. This magic also includes protective rites, that is, with its help, you can. Each of the influences is applied to a separate case. Some of them will help solve problems related to personal life, others with financial situation, and others with luck. Each spell has a different effect and difficulty. This article will describe each of them so that you can choose the best ritual for yourself.

White magic is the purest. It does not cause consequences and kickbacks. If it was applied to get the feelings of a loved one, you will get a relationship that will be natural and last your whole life. White rituals involve seeking help from the Higher Forces, and not forcing the result, as if it was applied.

White magic is the complete opposite. Her conspiracies are effective, but in order for them to bring results, you need to wait a certain period of time. That is why, many people prefer another type of magic, but relegate it to the background. Although this is not entirely correct, because the love sacraments that are associated with it will not cause any consequences. You have to perform simple actions that will cause natural feelings in your loved one. If a ritual is performed to attract money or good luck, albeit not immediately, but you will receive them in full. This happens due to the fact that you are turning to the Higher Forces for help, and not for the result. After the actions taken, you have a long way to go to achieve your goal, but you will definitely come to it.

As you can see, conspiracies can relate to both White and Black magic. Analyze your requirements and choose the optimal segment.

How to get mutual feelings of the chosen one using a white conspiracy

There are a huge number of conspiracies that differ in many factors. Now, I will describe how to perform the strongest love spell that White Magic offers.

To complete it, we need: three church candles, a magnet and an iron coin. It must be performed in the growing phase of the moon, as it should symbolize the growing feelings that a loved one will experience for you.

After the right time comes, set the candles in the shape of a triangle and put a coin in the middle. Light them with wood matches and pronounce the following plot:

« As the moon grows, so your love will increase for me as a servant of God (your name). As the sun loves the sky, as the fish loves the sea, so you will love me (the name of a loved one). We will be with you both in happiness and in grief, the main thing is to always be together. Amen!».

In order to get the strongest effect, the words must be repeated three times in a row. After that, attach a coin to the magnet and fill it with candle wax. Hide the candle ends in a secluded place for two days. Take the magnet and the coin to the place where your chosen one lives and hide it. After two days have passed, take the candle ends to the temple, leave a donation for care.

As I already said, due to the fact that the love plot is related to White magic, it will take time for it to bring results. But, thanks to this, you will be able to receive not imposed love, which will be filled with passion and happiness throughout the long years of your life. Remember that this sacrament must be carried out precisely on the growing moon, but if there is another phase and there is no delay in the influence of time, I would advise you to conduct the second half, which will be no less effective in capable hands.

How to become lucky and rich with the help of the white rite

If in your life there is a constant streak of bad luck or things that are connected with finances are extremely unsuccessful, you should definitely resort to magical mysteries. White magic conspiracies for money and good luck have an amazing effect. They can drastically change the life of every person. The main advantage of this spell is that it can be applied to both a man and a woman. In both cases, it will have the same effect.

To perform, you will not need any paraphernalia, but just a conspiracy memorized by memory, which you need to pronounce before important meetings or affairs in your life.

The spell can be used to get a job, to get the necessary amount of funds, or simply to get rid of problems. Thanks to him, you can not only improve your financial situation, but also become lucky in all your endeavors.

In order to achieve your goal, you will need to memorize the following words:

« The sea is full of water, there are a lot of stars in the sky, there are even more in my wallet. Luck will not turn away from me, I will become happy. The money will come to me, they will take me with them. Amen!».

Conspiracies of White magic for money and good luck can be used in any suitable case. This spell is capable of much and it will help to find happiness.

The simplest spells for love

If for some reason the previous spells did not suit you, you can choose from the simplest conspiracies that every person can memorize.

In order to get the effect of what you have done, you will need to learn the words perfectly. You will need this in order to avoid pauses and hesitation during pronunciation. This will help you achieve maximum results and achieve your goal in a short period of time. are used huge amount people from ancient times, and today we will talk about some of them.

This conspiracy must be pronounced daily for one month. During the pronunciation, constantly visualize your loved one:


If for some reason you cannot memorize these words, write them down on a blank sheet of paper. It must be white in color and not have any inscriptions or drawings on it.

There are also simple conspiracies of White magic for the love of a girl. The actions to be carried out are identical to the previous ritual. The spell must be cast daily for 30 days:


The conspiracy will help get the feelings of your beloved girl. However, you still need to do some things to shorten the wait. Try to have constant contact with your beloved girl. Thus, you can remind her of yourself, and the feelings that she will have for you will become even more natural. ideal for those with a lack of experience and if you are conducting such an influence for the first time.

How to get a boyfriend's love

If the guy you are interested in does not show mutual signs of sympathy, you will be helped white magic conspiracy to love a guy. It does not require specific actions and special knowledge in esotericism. In addition to the learned spell, you will need: a red thread, salt, a frying pan and a red candle.

As in the case if you spend - tie a thread on your right hand, on the wrist. Then put the pan on a slow fire. Light a candle and place it nearby. Take a pinch of salt in your left hand and say the following words:

« As the pan heats up, your feelings will flare up for me. Until I forget about you, you will love me. Until the ocean is empty, your feelings will not cool off for me!».

As soon as you say the last word of the spell, throw salt into a hot pan and wait until it turns black. Then, pour the salt into any bag and throw it away on the street. The White Magic conspiracy to love a guy requires a long period of time in order to take effect, most often no more than 60-90 days. During this time, try to constantly be close to your beloved. This will help you get his feelings much faster. If the result of the work done does not suit you in any way, I would advise you to resort to a stronger influence, such as.

spell for good luck

Exists a conspiracy for good luck, which refers to white magic. It has a completely opposite effect to the previously described rites. As many people know, white rituals take time, but this spell can bring results almost instantly.

« I take luck, I leave failure for change. Good luck with me, all the troubles behind me. As I wish, so be it. My guardian angel, love me and don't leave me. Your word is my word. Prompt, instruct and protect. Amen».

After that, go to sleep. Try to make as many big decisions as you can the next day. Thanks to this spell, they will all be true.

If you still have any questions, ask them through the "contact the magician" form, and I will answer each of them.

Our main topic today: how to read conspiracies for a guy's love at home. I, the magician, will again talk about magical love rituals, about home love spells, because a conspiracy is a conspiracy.

In different situations, you should read different conspiracies on your beloved guy.

If there is love, but the situation is complicated by the fact that there is resentment, you can do magical rites to harmonize relations, to reconcile with your beloved guy. Resentment can be erased with a magic spell. However, the downside is that when the hassle subsides, this same resentment may surface, and then everything will have to start all over again. In other words, home love spells and conspiracies for a guy’s love cannot solve the problem, because the insult will someday still make itself felt, if not a trifle of course. Therefore, harmonization is still, in my opinion, better. And effective boy love spells, which improve relations, removing all unnecessary - resentment, misunderstanding, disagreement, etc., you can read at home, observing, of course, the rules of independent execution magical rituals for love.
