Blue sapphire. Description of the stone and the magical properties of sapphire: meaning for humans

Sapphire is a stone to which royal persons have long been indifferent. People have always been attracted by its beauty and extraordinary cosmic energy.

In the old days, sapphires were called. This was usually the name of the red sapphire, which in fact is. Until now, in jewelry, the name corundum is applicable to the precious varieties of this gem.

The word sapphire itself has several versions of origin. According to one of them, it has Greek roots and means stone in translation. blue tone. According to another version, the word "sapphire" comes from the Babylonian word "sipru", which means "scratching". The gem received this name due to its hardness, which is comparable to hardness.

Sapphire has magical properties, which increases the demand for this amazing stone.

The gem has a varied palette of tones. The most popular of these stones is blue corundum. Some people still believe that sapphire has only this tone. It has long been proven that this judgment is erroneous. Sapphire has different chemical composition. It depends on him what color the sapphire will turn out. Depending on the tone, the following types of gem are distinguished:

Varieties of stones are distinguished not only by tone, but also by the place of their extraction. The most valuable is the Kashmir sapphire. The extraction of such gems is carried out in India. Blue sapphires are mined here.

How to recognize a fake

In any store you can run into a fake. Therefore, before buying a gem, you need to familiarize yourself with the information on how to distinguish a sapphire from a fake.

First of all, you can evaluate its hardness. If you run a sharp object over it, then there will be no marks left on the real stone.

This stone has a heterogeneous structure. If a bright beam of light is directed at it, then it can be seen even with the naked eye. These are the basic rules to follow when buying a sapphire.

Healing and magical properties of sapphire

Medicinal properties sapphire is not in doubt among lithotherapists. A gem of any tone helps to cure diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The stone also strengthens the muscles. Sapphire treats diseases of the cardiovascular system. The gem strengthens the immune system and improves the work of all internal organs. Sapphire helps to overcome even such a disease as female infertility.

Ladies need to pay special attention to the stone, because it eliminates almost any gynecological diseases. Any sapphire can be adjusted with water. Lithotherapists advise using it for compresses, applying them to sore spots or for washing to make the skin soft and toned.

Esotericists paid close attention to the characteristics of the gem, and they found out that no matter what the color of the stone, there are common magical properties for sapphires.

The gem symbolizes openness, kindness, purity of thoughts and intentions. This is the meaning of the stone. It improves a person, makes him kinder and enhances all the positive aspects of character.

The magical properties of stone have long been known to people. With sapphire, black magic is fearless and devilry. Useful stone and people who are associated with magic. He develops them psychic abilities and helps to establish a connection with the other world.

The gem develops intuition, helps to identify deceit and lies. The stone calms and helps to curb raging emotions.

Who suits sapphire according to the zodiac sign

The properties of sapphire have been studied by astrologers, and they have established which signs of the zodiac can wear it for their own benefit. They figured out a long time ago who the gem suits, and this information is not a secret.

Compatibility of sapphire with the sign of the zodiac. Table 1.

According to the horoscope, the gem is ideal for Sagittarius. Thanks to sapphire, men of this sign will become bolder and more determined, and ladies will increase their charm and become the center of attention for men.

According to the sign of the zodiac, the gem is suitable for Aquarius. Sapphire will endow people of this sign with an oratorical gift and help reveal their inner potential.

Aries and Leo, thanks to the stone, will become calmer and more balanced. These zodiac signs have a lot in common. Leo, like Aries, is quick-tempered and unrestrained. Sapphire will help them keep their emotions under control. He will also help them realize their purpose in life and bring them success.

Gemini gem helps to find true friends. Sapphire will also allow them to make the right connections. For Gemini women, the stone will be a good antidepressant.

Wearing a gem is contraindicated for Capricorns. Sapphire will enhance the negative aspects of the character of the people of this sign.

For the rest of the signs of the zodiac, the influence of the gem will be neutral.

Sapphire is one of the most beautiful gems. This stone is very hard, so it is difficult to damage it. If a defect has formed on the gem, then it is no longer possible to wear it, because it can attract troubles and misfortunes.

Turquoise - colors that always remind of the sea, clear skies, something pleasant. Also blue color attributed to mystery and mystery. Therefore, the representatives of the weaker sex are not indifferent to jewelry of this shade. A great accessory to any look is a piece of jewelry that contains blue gem. What is the name of the pebble of this enchanting color?

What colors are gemstones?

IN Everyday life you can find a bunch of gems of various colors. In fact, the stones do not have a pure color, they are transparent in texture, but contain a slight tint. And there can be a huge number of shades. The color depends entirely on the breed of the stone itself and the impurities that it contains.

Gentle white color have stones such as diamond and rock crystal. They practically do not contain a shade, and the color of the product is created due to overflows. As for the opposite, black color, no such stones were found. In this case, you can choose semi-precious jewelry - agate or melanite. Pink stones - morganite and topaz. The red tint is quite common. Ruby, jasper or morganite - scarlet jewelry contains these stones. Jade will be hard to find Brown, it is not very common in jewelry circles. But the same topaz is very often found in brown colors. Amethyst is most commonly found in a purple hue. The stones of heaven blue color are aquamarine and indicolite. The most popular blue gemstone is sapphire, but if you try hard enough, you can find it with a green tint. And heliodor and citrine will add yellow to the image.

Based on this, we can safely conclude that the choice of a gem directly depends on what colors are present in the image.

Dark blue stone. precious sapphire

Sapphire is a stone that, according to legend, symbolizes loyalty and modesty. Titanium and iron in its composition create blue tint. From time immemorial, sapphire has been revered and actively used to decorate the clothes of the clergy. Even the crown of Cleopatra was decorated with this blue gem. The name of the symbol of the firmament was, according to one version, from the ancient Indian "canipriya", which translates as "beloved by Saturn."

It is worth noting that the stone acquires its dark blue color only after professional processing. Sapphire is first heated before being sold to smooth out the hue and give brightness. The range of application of this precious stone is very wide: it is used both in jewelry and in special amulets.

Sapphire and its healing properties

In addition to jewelry, sapphire is also used for medical purposes. IN traditional medicine healing properties are attributed to this stone. It heals many different ailments.

It is popularly believed that sapphire jewelry will help cure kidney diseases and Bladder. You can hear from grandmothers that this stone heals the heart, helps to cope with female diseases and heals wounds. And in some countries, sapphire products are used to treat skin diseases. It is also believed that sapphire increases the effectiveness of reception. medical preparations. And for prevention, it is recommended to regularly wear a ring or a ring into which a blue sapphire gemstone is inserted.

The magical properties of the stone

In addition to medicinal properties, sapphire is popularly endowed with magical powers. This blue gem represents qualities such as purity and constancy. And in eastern countries, sapphire is considered a stone of friendship. Some legends contain stories about how heroes with the help of sapphire jewelry were able to distinguish lies from truth. In everyday life, this stone is actively used by psychics and magicians to understand the world. Such products strengthen love relationships.

There is even a certain zodiac sign that sapphire has a special influence on. The most favorable will be wearing jewelry with this stone for Sagittarius. To enhance their attractiveness, Sagittarius women are advised to have a sapphire pendant or brooch in their arsenal. And men can wear a ring with this stone to achieve their goals.

Blue gemstone sapphire. Amulets and amulets

To develop mental clarity, psychics recommend carrying a sapphire amulet with you. It is often used as a talisman by scientists, poets and philosophers. Such products will also help lazy people fight this negative quality.

A bit about semi-precious stones

If for some reason sapphire is not suitable for jewelry, then you can turn to semi-precious stones. Among them, there is bound to be an equivalent replacement with similar properties.

Iolite is also called water sapphire. A great option that is quite suitable to replace the blue gem. What is the name of the pebble, it is difficult to answer unambiguously. It is known in narrow circles as the Violet Stone. Iolite can be either dark blue or purple. Jewelry from it will definitely not be superfluous in the arsenal of any girl.

There is another option to replace the dark blue stone precious. The name of the mineral is aquamarine. It has a nice pale blue color. But if you really try, you can find a light blue shade. Its color will constantly change depending on the lighting. It can be both greenish and dark blue. The variety of aquamarine overflows is simply amazing. Looking at it, it is hard to believe that this is a semi-precious stone.

Sapphire is a truly royal, noble stone. By beauty and value, it is equated to diamonds. In terms of price, it is one of the top four - the most expensive stones on the planet. It is a variety of corundum and although blue and blue minerals are the most common, there are also sapphires of other colors. They are no less valuable than blue ones, they are just much rarer, and therefore most often acquired by private collectors.

History and meaning of sapphire

It is assumed that the first sapphire stone was found in southeast Asia, but, of course, there is no scientific confirmation of this, since many years have passed since its discovery.

The first thing that the people who found it paid attention to was the hardness of the stone, the second was its beauty. Of course, using it just like that, in everyday life, was blasphemy. Therefore, from the moment the find appeared, it was used in jewelry or used as a monetary currency.

Sapphire was originally called corundum. Over time, all types and colors of corundum began to be called sapphires. Only red corundums are not included in this group, they were renamed rubies. The name "sapphire" comes from the Greek word "sappheiros" and translates as "blue stone". Some scholars believe that the name comes from the ancient Babylonian dialect, where the word "sipru" meant "scratching". In ancient Rus', it was popularly called "baus" or "azure yahont".

Mineral deposits

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There are deposits of sapphire in many countries, but not everywhere really valuable specimens of unique beauty are mined.

  • Sapphires are mined in Russia, but not for jewelry work, as they are of very low quality. They are used in technology, for the manufacture of eye lenses and similar purposes.
  • Tanzania, USA, Kenya, Vietnam, Burma have good deposits. Sometimes when mining in these countries, quite valuable specimens come across.
  • Greenish, so-called "Siamese" sapphires are mined mainly in Thailand and Cambodia.
  • Light blue stones or "Ceylon" stones, as they are popularly called, are purposefully mined in deposits in Sri Lanka.
  • Up to 25% of all sapphires are of Australian origin. It is in this country that they are mined and then sold to other countries for processing.
  • Pink stones are mined in Sri Lanka and Madagascar. They are very rare and valuable.
  • The most expensive sapphires, apart from rare collectible ones, are mined in India (Jammu, Kashmir). They have been mined by hand at a height of 4 kg above sea level since the 19th century! The color is cornflower blue, the value is the highest, since they are very rare to be found on the world market.

Varieties of sapphire

Sapphires vary in color of the stone. There are several varieties of the mineral, each has its own value and special qualities.

Physical properties

Sapphire stone - aluminum oxide, crystalline alumina. It is mined as barrel-shaped, double-pyramid or tabular crystals. Sometimes there are unique groups of intergrown crystals.

The color of sapphire is varied. The color saturation in sapphire depends on the amount of inclusions of titanium and iron. Currently, there is a common practice of refining the mineral. The mined stones are subject to heat treatment - they are heated up to 1400 degrees. This greatly enhances the color, making it more vibrant.

What physical properties does it have?

The magical properties of sapphire

Sapphire has been a stone of devotion and friendship since ancient times. He was given to young girls who wore it as a sign of chastity, virginity, purity.

The magical properties of sapphire are very strong and unique if its wearer has good intentions. It allows you to reveal lies, gives joy and good mood. It strengthens love, marriage, if both people truly love. He makes women attractive, men decisive.

Sapphire stone helps travelers on the road, and gives endless inspiration to creative people. Amulets from it can be an excellent protective symbol of the family. He will protect from injustice, fear, evil and envy.

The healing properties of sapphire

Sapphire is rarely used in folk medicine and lithotherapy. But not because it has no healing qualities. The healing properties of sapphire have been known since ancient Mesopotamia and Ancient China However, due to the high cost of these stones, this treatment is not available to everyone.

Who is suitable for a sapphire stone according to the zodiac sign?

There are only two signs of the zodiac, which are always and in any situation patronized by the sapphire stone - Sagittarius, Taurus. Representatives of these zodiac signs not only can, but even need to wear it. It enhances all their good thoughts, helps them find themselves in life, find harmony, true love.

Sapphire can help other signs, but only at certain life moments. It should be worn only with good intentions and no more than once a week. It is worth noting that the mineral is not compatible with the constellation Capricorn, unless a person was born under the auspices of Jupiter, the planet of this stone.

How to distinguish a fake from the original?

The sapphire stone is considered incredibly valuable. It was forged even in antiquity, and today, with advanced technology, this happens very often. Now there are artificial glass, stones, synthesized in a special way, ennobled and, of course, natural. How to distinguish a real sapphire?

  • A real sapphire is very durable, it is not easy to scratch it, so if it withstands the impact of some hard material, then it is definitely the original.
  • The mineral has a heterogeneous structure, which can be seen when viewed in bright light or under a magnifying glass.
  • It is also worth noting that sapphires are rare stones, you will not see them in any store, and, as a rule, their presence in the store and sale are supported by relevant documents. So before buying, you should check if the store has such papers.

How to care for a sapphire?

Sapphire is a very hard stone, but requires careful handling, like any other precious mineral.

  • Always clean with a soft cloth. This is done not so much to save the stone from scratches (this will not happen with real sapphire), but in order to remove all the dirt as much as possible - soft fabric has more grip on the surface. After cleaning the stone, it is washed under running water and put to dry.
  • To refresh the stone and restore its shine after a long storage, you can use a solution of ammonia (5 ml / 200 g of water). An alternative would be a saline or soda solution.
  • It is not recommended to heat the sapphire strongly. It will not lose color, but it can change it, and sometimes this significantly reduces the cost.

VIDEO - Gemstones Ruby and Sapphire

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For most people who do not understand the intricacies jewelry art and gemology, stones are divided into categories: likes, dislikes and diamonds. But the latter are not always the most expensive. There are many factors that can affect the value of a particular stone, making it much more expensive than some crystalline carbons, such as a stone such as sapphire. Many are interested in whether sapphire is a precious stone or not?

Gold ring with sapphire

In order to figure out whether sapphire can be classified as precious stones, you must first highlight the characteristics that should be inherent in this type of minerals. There are many classifications that define this property, but the basic ones need to be distinguished from all of them. Gemstones are minerals, mostly crystals, that have a beautiful color or are colorless. At the same time, they have some degree of transparency, bright luster and hardness from 5 to 10 on the Mohs scale.

Also, the requirements for resistance to wear, light scattering, purity and uniformity of color are set for precious stones. Most of them are used for cutting. The value of precious stones should be determined by individual qualities, uniformity, purity and beauty of color, the size of the mineral, the complexity of the cut, and so on.

Characteristics of sapphire

Most of the properties that a gemstone should have are based on its physical characteristics. Sapphire belongs to corundum, which is a crystalline alumina. IN pure form they are transparent and colorless.

The most famous and common is blue, the color of corundum gives it titanium. In sapphires of a different color, iron is also present or predominate. The hardness of this material is very high, second only to diamond. Corundum is used as the standard for 9 on the Mohs scale.

Sapphire belongs to the same family as ruby ​​and is one of the densest minerals. Just like diamond, it has a symmetrical crystal lattice. Stone is formed in areas of rock where magma is introduced into limestones. Sapphire often has an uneven coloration, which reduces its price. Usually sapphires are called not only blue stones, but also all corundums, except ruby.

There are deposits of sapphires on almost all continents. The leaders in the extraction of this precious mineral are Sri Lanka and Thailand. In addition, active mining is carried out in Australia, Brazil, Madagascar, and some African countries. In Russia, corundum is mined on the Kola Peninsula and in the Urals. In Europe, the leaders in the extraction of the mineral are France, Switzerland, Poland and the Czech Republic. In each deposit, sapphires have their own colors, so any specialist can determine the origin of the stone with the naked eye.

For example, Australian deposits give us black sapphires, which tend to become even darker under artificial lighting. Greenish sapphires are mined in Montana. One of the most ancient deposits is the island of Ceylon. The inhabitants of this island are considered its national stone. And in Sri Lanka, there are rare orange sapphires and even cat's eye sapphires. One of the largest stones was also mined here, it weighed about 19 kilograms.

Until the 19th century, all blue stones were called sapphires. Currently, these are only varieties of corundum, except for red. The most prized are Kashmir sapphires with a cornflower blue hue, as well as similar Burmese and Ceylon sapphires. Especially popular are blue sapphires with a star pattern on the surface.

The popularity of the stone

Another property that distinguishes gemstones is the demand among wealthy people, as well as representatives of the families of monarchs. Sapphire is considered one of the stones of kings. It has traditionally been on many crowns. The most famous of these is the St. Edward's Sapphire, which adorns the pinnacle of the British Crown in the very center.

In the Russian Empire there is a stone weighing 200 carats, and twice as large was decorated with an Indian Maharaja. The Queen of the Netherlands owns a collection of sapphire jewelry, which includes: brooch, diadem, necklace, earrings, bracelet, pendant.

But now the most famous sapphire is in wedding ring. This ring was once an engagement gift from Prince Charles to Princess Diana. Now it adorns the finger of one of the most famous people modernity, a member of the royal family - Catherine Middleton, Duchess of Cambridge. It was also given to her as an engagement gift by her husband, Princess Diana's son, Prince William. The sapphire in the ring measures 10 x 8 mm and weighs 18 carats, it is set in gold and surrounded by 14 diamonds. Copies of this ring are in demand, they can be purchased in many stores around the world.

Jewelry with sapphires has always had a special value. For a long period of time, it was one of the most expensive stones, second only to a diamond in price. In ancient Rome, rings with cornflower blue sapphires were worn only by the priests of the temple of Jupiter; in India, the vestments of clergymen were decorated. Even in the crown of Cleopatra herself there were sapphires.


The price is one of the fundamental criteria by which a stone can be classified as precious. What is the price of a sapphire?

The most expensive sapphire has a cornflower blue color. Its color is so pure that sometimes it is difficult to distinguish the shade. The cost varies from 300 to 1 thousand dollars per carat, depending on the processing method. Minerals that have not undergone thermal heating are much more valued - their price starts from 1 thousand dollars per carat.

Pendant with sapphire

Another valuable subspecies of the mineral is padparadscha. It is an orange crystal with a combination of purple and pink undertones. Its price is approximately $130 per carat. However, if its size exceeds 5 carats, then the stone is recognized as a collector's item and the cost increases, it can even reach tens of thousands of dollars per carat.

Yellow sapphire, depending on the processing, can have different shades, ranging from deep yellow to golden-light hue. The price varies from 100 to 120 dollars.

A little cheaper green sapphire. In fact, its color is not quite green, it combines streaks of yellow and blue, so this shade is only an illusion. The price of such an unusual sapphire starts from $75.

But not only the color will affect the cost of the stone. If the materials are of poor quality, then they are used to form dome-shaped stones. Such options are budgetary, and their price ranges from several tens of dollars apiece.

The most expensive sapphire is the Millennium, which costs $185 million and weighs 61.5 thousand carats. Portraits of historical figures flaunt on the surface of this stone. He appeared in public twice: at the Oscars in 2002 and on a pleasure liner in 2004.

Another mineral that has a high cost is called the "Giant of the East". It weighs 486 carats and has been valued at $1.5 million. The stone is blue, and its homeland is Sri Lanka.

Stone colors

The unique properties of sapphire are, among other things, in huge number shades. The different color of the stones appears due to the presence or absence of titanium and iron, as well as their ratio. All sapphires other than blue are called fancy sapphires. Some of them are dichroic, such as stones mined in Australia or Africa. They combine two colors: if you look along the crystals, they are dark blue, across - green.

As already mentioned, the presence of titanium inclusions gives color to blue sapphire, which was found out experimentally when creating a synthetic stone. Yellow obtained in the presence of iron oxide. When heated, sapphire brightens, and its purple and yellow varieties lose color. Also, when heated, some varieties of sapphire can change their color, for example, from purple to pink. X-rays will make the coloring deeper and more intense, in this case even a colorless stone, which is most often found in nature, can get a color.

If chromium is present in the stone, then it has a red tint from pale pink to rich wine. They are called rubies. Iron and chromium create golden sapphires and orange ones.

The next feature of sapphire is asterism. This is such an optical property that gives the following effect - a star outline appears in the center of the crystal. Such stones are called "star-shaped". The largest "star" sapphire was discovered in 1966 and weighed 12 kilograms.

Sapphire is a stone that has adorned the symbols of royal power since ancient times and was endowed with many mystical properties. It belongs to the group of precious stones mined from hard rocks, and for many centuries it has captivated people with its unique beauty. Many people ask if this stone is precious or semi-precious. Along with natural emerald and ruby, the generally accepted classification, of course, classifies it among the precious gems, the cost of which is often considerable.


The origin of the name of these stones is still disputed. According to some historians, the word "sapphire" comes from the language of ancient Babylon from "spiru", which means "scratching". It is the hardness of sapphire, most likely, that became the reason for such a name. Another, more poetic version, traces the origin of the word to the ancient Indian language, to the word "caniprya" (beloved by Saturn). In Hellas "sappheiros" was the name for all precious stones. dark blue. There are other names of sapphires in history. So, until the 19th century in Russia they were called azure yahonts, lapis lazuli.

The most famous sapphire jewels, adorned with large and pure stones, belong to the ruling dynasties of Europe and Asia. The brooch, which belonged to an Indian maharajah, was made from a 4,000 carat gem. The orb of the Russian emperors is adorned with a half-sized stone. Since ancient times, the sapphire gemstone means the direct relationship of its owner to power and control. big amount of people.

A large blue stone of 167 carats, cut into the shape of a rose, adorns the crown of the British Empire. The cut of sapphires can be different. For example, another world-famous jewel belonging to the English royal family is the engagement ring of Princess Diana, which is now worn by the Duchess of Cambridge, nee Kate Middleton. The ring is set with an oval Ceylon corundum surrounded by diamonds. By the way, sapphires were generally one of the favorite stones of Lady Dee, who adored all shades of dark blue.

The collection of the Orange dynasty, ruling in the Netherlands, included parure, which included massive jewelry trimmed with sapphires and diamonds. Now many of the decorations from this set have been redesigned into more modern ones.

The tradition of decorating the jewels of rulers with corundum comes from ancient times. According to legend, these beautiful stones were inserted into the crown of Cleopatra herself.


Now all corundums are called sapphires, with the exception of those that have a red color (rubies). From the point of view of chemistry, the description of the stone is as follows: sapphire is a mineral almost entirely composed of aluminum oxide. It has a glassy luster and one of the highest strength ratings on the Mohs scale (the table indicates a number of 9 points). Only is considered a harder mineral. Clarity and clarity of sapphire may vary. There are both transparent stones, different in purity, and absolutely opaque gems.

Some corundums are characterized by such a phenomenon as asterism - the appearance of a star with six or twelve rays on the surface of the stone. This feature occurs in minerals that have rutile inclusions, using the cutting method, which is called "cabochon". costs more than others.


Sapphire is a stone whose deposits are found on all continents except Antarctica. The most valuable and beautiful of them are minerals from India and Tanzania. Ceylon is also a popular place where sapphire is mined. In India, the Kashmir deposit was discovered after an earthquake that exposed the richest deposits of sapphires of amazingly pure, cornflower blue color. This shade is considered the reference for blue corundum. Ceylon stone and gems from Burma are approaching him. Now the development of the Kashmir deposit has been stopped.

In Tanzania, two types of stones are mined, which have received a separate name. Songea and Tunduru are the names of the deposits, which have also become the names of the sapphires mined there. Songea - more often green or reddish stones, among which there are many minerals with the effect of asterism. It is believed that these corundums have the richest color palette. Interesting feature songea - striking purity, combined with small size. A 2-carat songea is already a rarity. Tunduru is the only deposit in Tanzania where blue-colored minerals are mined.

Stones from the island of Ceylon (Sri Lanka) are known not only for their quality, but also for their rare properties. Minerals are often mined there that can show asterism after a suitable cut or change color under certain conditions. They often become collection items in their own right, without being included in the jewelry.


Sapphire is a stone to which magical properties have been attributed for centuries, largely related to its colors. So, minerals, whose main shade is blue, were associated in different civilizations with divine power and authority.

This precious gem has always served as a worthy decoration for the vestments of the clergy in India and Judea. In the Roman Empire, only priests of the supreme deity of the pantheon, Jupiter, could wear jewelry with them. In these religions, sapphire, whose properties were especially valued by the high priests of the Roman pantheons, personified calmness and a penchant for contemplation. In the countries of the Ancient East, this stone has always been spoken of as a carrier of wisdom, and in Europe - modesty and virtue.

Astrologers believe that sapphire is associated with Jupiter and Saturn, and recommend it to the signs of the air and fire elements. For Leos and Sagittarius, wearing these stones will bring stability, help curb irrepressible energy and negative character traits. Unstable Aquarius and Libra sapphires give peace, self-knowledge and confidence. Useful sapphire for Pisces.

Previously believed in. It was believed that a lady who wanted to attract the attention of her lover needed to drink him from dishes inlaid with corundum. And the properties of the stone associated with the manifestation of asterism were considered the embodiment of Faith, Hope and Love.


The cost of a stone is determined by four indicators, which in English-speaking countries are called the rule of four Cs (Colour, Clarity, Cut, Carat weight):

  • sapphire color;
  • the purity of the stone;
  • cut;
  • carat weight.

These characteristics of sapphire together determine its value. The most important of these is considered color as a decisive indicator of the quality and the possibility of using a stone in jewelry.

Now these stones, so beloved by the august persons, occupy a worthy place in the catalogs of the largest jewelry houses. Regardless of whether it will jewelry Used in classic or innovative combinations of metals and stones, sapphires will emphasize the refined taste and style of their owner.

How to choose?

When choosing a stone, it is important not to stumble upon a fake made of glass or other material that unscrupulous dealers can pass off as an expensive natural gem. How to choose the right sapphire? It can be difficult to do this, especially if the buyer is new to the jewelry business and understands little about the essence of the issue. However, some tips are still worth following.

The main physical characteristic of a mineral is its hardness. You can try to scratch it a little, without fear that the indignation of the sellers will have consequences because of this simple check, which can be decisive. This is often done, and if, when a stone is scratched with a pointed object, traces appear on it, then it is a fake. Of course, it is not a fact that the seller will be satisfied, but you can try.

What does a sapphire look like if it is real? Usually the structure of a natural mineral is heterogeneous, which is clearly shown by bright light. If the stone inside is suspiciously uniform in color and has no roughness, most likely it is a fake. It is also important to keep in mind that the colors of sapphire and even its structure can be imitated using some other, cheaper natural stone. This means that you need to increase your vigilance. Moreover, there are many cases when specially colored tourmalines are often given out for expensive types of sapphires.

In specialized gemological laboratories, there are special chemical solutions, thanks to which it is possible to determine a fake with much greater accuracy. It is best to consult with familiar jewelers before buying, if they exist, and you should buy jewelry in trusted places.
