Conspiracies for beauty and attractiveness. Conspiracy for beauty - rules for execution and result White magic for beauty and attractiveness

I think every woman wants to become beautiful and attractive, and this conspiracy for magical beauty can be used without fear of consequences - this is harmless white magic without any consequences other than magical beauty and attractiveness. A conspiracy for beauty must be read in the forest, and before the ceremony, you need not to eat lethal food for three days (meat, poultry, fish, eggs, caviar -

  • Conspiracy on big breasts you need to read if you want to enlarge your breasts with the help of magic, after a conspiracy for breast growth, the volume will not exceed 2 sizes, and the breasts will tighten up and become beautiful and elastic. If you have small breasts and there is a need to increase the size of your breasts without surgery by a couple of sizes, conspiracies will not tell the old magic

  • To accelerate hair growth will help a special and very vintage conspiracy designed for hair growth. In Rus', girls have always used the magic of beauty and performed various ceremonies, rituals and spells with the reading of conspiracies suggesting magical beauty and attractiveness. A conspiracy for hair growth was especially popular, because strong and long braid has always been in

  • Women and girls continue to read conspiracies to enhance their attractiveness to men and bring beauty and youth to themselves. And what kind of conspiracy will help bring beauty and youth to oneself, the conspiracies will now tell. Buy an inexpensive ring and wear it on the ring finger of your left hand without taking it off for three days, and on the 4th day, when you go outside to a deserted place, remove the ring and

  • From spots and pimples, it is customary for people to read a conspiracy on a clean face, which in a week will cleanse the face of blackheads, blackheads and red pimples, making the skin on the face clean, tender and beautiful without any traces of the former problematic skin. Most strong conspiracy on the beauty of the face, you should read on a specially prepared decoction that needs 7 days, 2 times a day, to wipe the skin on the face,

  • The strongest conspiracy on the beauty of the face and attractiveness that any woman can read on her own is read at home in a glass of water. The consequences of a conspiracy on beauty come instantly! As soon as you have performed a ritual for beauty and, having read the plot on a clean face, wash yourself with charmed water, irreversible processes will begin to occur in the skin of the face that affect the condition

  • A conspiracy on a cream against age spots is the best magical remedy that can quickly get rid of age spots on the skin of the face and body with the help of magic. This magical method of removing pigment spots from the skin has existed for many centuries and is truly a magical remedy for women whose skin has pigment spots. Previously, to get a conspiracy cream you need

  • This conspiracy helps in the treatment of blackheads and acne on the skin of the face, it is called a conspiracy on clean skin. Immediately after reading this conspiracy, the next morning, the skin on the face and body becomes clean and healthy. You need to read the plot on clean skin strictly at midnight on Thursday 3 times in a row, pouring yourself from the bucket from head to toe with clean water. Straightaway

  • Rituals and conspiracies for the beauty of the face and body that can enhance the effect of beauty and youth is very effective remedy. Preservation of beauty, youth and attractiveness with the help of lunar magic was known to witches and sorceresses, now beauty rituals are independently used by women all over the world. After reading a special conspiracy, you can instantly become inimitable and cute in

  • White magic can make a person beautiful and attractive to others; for this, you just need to conduct the ceremony yourself and read the plot suggestive beauty and attraction. Those who have ever done a magical ritual on themselves and brought beauty constantly return to this rite again and again, reading the words of the conspiracy by heart. It helps to bring beauty to the girl quickly

  • A conspiracy to beauty and attractiveness has always been held in high esteem by the beautiful half of humanity. And for everyone - from small to large.

    At all times, girls and women of all ages try to be beautiful and attractive. Smaller girls have always wanted to grow up faster, rounder, become attractive and feminine.

    Teenage girls yearned to get rid of juvenile acne. Wanted to buy beautiful colour skin, become cute and desirable for all the guys.

    And when getting married, giving birth to children and raising them, women sought to preserve their youth and beauty. And also get rid of postpartum effects (for example, from excessive fullness), and later from unnecessary wrinkles, irregular skin pigmentation, gray hair and the like.

    How to talk your body to beauty, youth and health

    Beauty arsenal used modern woman, very large. There are cosmetics, perfumes, nail care products, as well as various creams, ointments, shampoos and powders. But it's all on a physical level.

    But if you dig deeper and take care of yourself qualitatively and seriously (in particular at the mental level), then here you need special magical rituals, effective and strong slander. And also summarizing all this comprehensive programs that set the tone for the development of the whole organism as a whole.

    Conspiracy for beauty on water and salt

    In order to program your body for health, beauty and youth, various conspiracies for beauty and attractiveness are used. An example is a simple but very effective slander. It requires a glass of very clean, clear water and a pinch of coarse salt. The ritual should be performed strictly at midnight, on the full moon.

    When it strikes right hour, you need to stand right in the middle of the room (not including the light), turn around to the window (do not forget to close the curtains first). IN left hand take a glass of water, in the right - salt. The slander is read in a whisper:

    After that, the salt should be poured into the water and put a glass of water on the windowsill. In the morning, just getting out of bed, drink some water from that glass, saying:

    “Water is in me, beauty is in me! Amen amenu pereaminoe!”.

    Since there will be a lot of water in the glass after the ceremony, you need to drink it a little bit all week until you drink it all. To enhance the effect, we recommend using conspiracies for weight loss.

    Conspiracy for beauty in front of a mirror

    It is quite simple to make a conspiracy for beauty and attractiveness, which is most often used not only to become the most beautiful of all. It is done in order to attract the attention of the opposite sex. It is carried out in front of a mirror (it is desirable that it be in full height). It is necessary to wash your hair, loosen it, stand in front of a mirror and comb your hair, say:

    This is a slander that draws attention to the appearance of the one who read it. It is convenient because you don’t have to worry about the appearance itself, because all the attention will be directed to you anyway.

    Varieties of conspiracies for beauty

    Conspiracies for beauty and attractiveness can be very different depending on what effect you want to get. At the same time, conspiracies differ somewhat among themselves depending on the person (that is, the person who makes this conspiracy or whisper), on the subject (what exactly they say) and on the purpose of the slander.

    If we talk about such classifications, then slander within the first of them can be:

    Carried out by the young married girls(for example, to preserve beauty or get rid of acne)
    Carried out by young married girls (to preserve beauty in marriage or to always be sexually attractive to a beloved husband)
    Carried out by both married and unmarried women of age (slander to restore skin elasticity, to get rid of wrinkles, etc.).

    Conspiracies for beauty are different and they are classified depending on the subject of the slander. For example, there are such conspiracies for beauty and attractiveness:

    • A conspiracy for a beautiful face
    • A conspiracy for a beautiful figure
    • Conspiracy for beautiful hair
    • Conspiracy for beautiful teeth
    • Conspiracy on beautiful hands, fingers and nails, etc.

    If we make a classification of varieties of whispers and conspiracies, depending on their main goal, then it may look like this:

    1. Conspiracy to restore beauty
    2. Conspiracy to preserve beauty
    3. Conspiracy to get rid of shortcomings(for example, from fullness, from laxity of the skin, from the effects of pregnancy and post-natal effects), etc.

    Popular conspiracies for beauty and attractiveness

    The most popular varieties of conspiracies for beauty and attractiveness include conspiracies for the beauty of the face, for the figure, for hair, for preserving youth, as well as for beauty and health. Consider each of these types of conspiracies separately.

    A conspiracy for the beauty of the face is a magical verbal formula that is designed to influence the structure of facial skin cells and its color. The conspiracy will also help eliminate flaws that are undesirable for its owner and put the person in order.

    Most simple conspiracies of this kind are performed without unnecessary entourage and objects. All that is needed is a substance or thing that will be spoken (the text of the slander will be pronounced over it), and then applied to the face.

    Most often, such slander is done over water or special masks for face. But the option with masks is a modern interpretation, while a typical old conspiracy for the beauty of the face is done approximately as follows.

    You need to collect cold water in a large bowl, put it on a stool in front of you, and then read the following text:

    The conspiracy must be pronounced in a whisper, three times, clearly imagining how the water receives the information spoken to it. Imagine how water rearranges its structure in accordance with the wishes of the speaker. In addition, you can use a plot to love a guy.

    After that, you need to rinse your face seven times and go to bed without wiping the water. Since all the water has become slandered as a result of such a procedure, it can be used several more times.
    Special conspiracies for beautiful face are made when it is necessary to eliminate any shortcomings. The simplest of these conspiracies is also carried out on the water and sounds like this:

    “Water-vodichka, take all the wrinkles / scars / pimples / blemishes / spots (choose what you need) from my face. Amen!".

    This procedure should be repeated daily, washing with water after pronouncing the slander until the imperfections begin to disappear from the face.

    A separate line in the list of conspiracies for beauty and attractiveness are slander or whispers carried out on cosmetics. In fact, this is the same interpretation of slander on water, only carried out on cosmetics. Most often they are made on creams and ointments. Here is one such conspiracy for beauty. It is read initially on a sealed jar of cream:

    “There were 12 sisters, 12 young women, 12 beauties, 12 queens. From each beauty - in a barrel!

    After reading these words, you need to clean your face, or better, wash yourself completely. Then open the jar and start applying the cream on the face, while reading the following:

    Then the cream is closed and already above the closed jar it is read:

    “12 sisters, all in the tent! I open - I gain beauty!

    Since this cream was originally spellbound, now every time you use it, you will need to read both texts. You need to read when spreading and when closing, otherwise the cream will not work.

    Conspiracies for the beauty of hair are especially popular among girls and women with long braids and lush mop of hair. It often happens that the hair begins to fall out, grow dull, look bad, lose its natural shine. In this case, hair products do not help.

    Therefore, it is necessary to independently try different conspiracies. Due to the specifics of their action, they can make the hair carry out a separate program, for example, for good growth or strengthening. A conspiracy for the beauty of hair may look, for example, like this:

    “Field to grain, light to sun, crown to comb, and hair to hair. Amen!".

    This conspiracy is read on the first day of the week on the growing moon. To do this, sit in the middle of the room with a comb in your hands and look at the moon. Another version of the conspiracy for hair is read to strengthen them:

    Conspiracies for youth

    Separately, it should be said about conspiracies for beauty and youth, which can be carried out at home. They are more in demand by middle-aged and older women.

    After all, they want to either preserve the youth of their face and body longer, or regain their lost youth. You may also be interested in the ritual for marriage. Of course, magic is not omnipotent and it cannot jump over physical laws.

    But to visually make the face and body more beautiful, more attractive and seductive - completely!

    We present here a somewhat complex, but very effective conspiracy for youth and beauty. It is necessary to buy a lime bath broom. Then, at dawn on a full moon, draw a can of water from a spring and bring it home.

    After reading this text, you should go to the bath. Pour the charmed water into a bath container with hot water for the guy. And then bathe with a linden broom, while saying the following words:

    "Sickness from the yard, beauty and youth at the gate"

    After that, you need to douse yourself with water from the basin, leave the bathhouse, and take the broom to the cemetery and leave it there.

    Healing conspiracy for beauty and attractiveness - video

    The power of magic has attracted women since ancient times. Bit by bit, knowledge was passed down from generation to generation, so that today every girl has the opportunity to apply it in Everyday life. The most in demand are beauty rituals that affect external problems and help restore charm. These include a conspiracy on the cream.

    To increase the effectiveness of the cream, you can speak it


    Beauty is the main weapon of women in communicating with the opposite sex, therefore, in addition to various cosmetic procedures and means, girls also use magical techniques. The list of such influences, in the field of influence on the appearance to give beauty and attractiveness, is very wide. To achieve maximum effect, these methods are successfully combined. Focusing on desired result, conspiracies are selected, which are later pronounced at the time of using cosmetics, such as cream, face mask, etc. Such manipulations improve the degree of effectiveness of even the most ordinary drug.

    Action spectrum magic conspiracies on a cream is wide enough:

    • getting rid of visible imperfections on the skin;
    • giving freshness and beauty;
    • prolongation or return of youth;
    • creating a graceful figure;
    • getting rid of cellulite;
    • maintaining attractiveness in the eyes of men.

    Impact principle

    Since ancient times, self-care has been perceived as a sacred ritual, during which the girl manages to speak all the means of care, which increases her level of attractiveness many times over.

    A charmed cream can transform your appearance, but you should understand how this happens. At the time of reading the plot, subject to all the rules and conditions, a certain amount of energy is transferred to the structure of the cream. This increases the level of its usefulness and gives the ability to influence both the physical and energy levels.

    If it was not possible to carry out such a ritual on their own, they turned to healers, despite the fact that such services have always been expensive.

    Stages of preparation for the ritual

    Such conspiracies are classified as ritual magic, so you should thoroughly study the materiel and follow all the necessary rules.

    • Rites to gain attractiveness are performed by women in women's days, and by men - in men's, during the period of the growing moon, because this time fills with vitality.
    • Conspiracies used to eliminate shortcomings in appearance are carried out during the waning moon, so that, decreasing, she takes them with her.
    • Do not read the conspiracy of beauty on a cream a day church holidays and Sunday.
    • The tube must be new. Cosmetics are bought in advance, before noon. The day must match your birth number. You need to give change to those in need, and purchase the remedy alone and not talk to anyone until you cross the threshold of your house.
    • Before starting the ritual, all jewelry must be removed and in complete silence decide what goal you are pursuing, clear your thoughts of negativity and conduct a little meditation to calm your mind.
    • It is important to remember that white magic does not work when the ritual is performed to improve appearance for use to harm someone or something.

    For women, the conspiracy is read on the waning moon, for men - on the growing


    The cream conspiracy should be pronounced with absolute faith in its power and pure intentions.

    Rejuvenating spell on beauty

    This text will help in the fight against the first wrinkles and restore smoothness to the skin. The ritual is performed for two weeks, early in the morning, before sunrise. You need to open the prepared new tube and, sitting in front of the mirror, cast a spell, rubbing the cream into the skin.

    “Mother Nature, return my youthful appearance, bestow youth and beauty. Wrinkles leave my body, and fatigue leaves my soul. I am graceful and beautiful like a swan, young and playful like a dove. Like spring is charming, like a shining star is attractive. Amen".

    In the process of reading the plot, carefully peer into your reflection.

    Two conspiracies for beauty

    Whispering on cream

    An effective universal conspiracy, which consists of three parts:

    • the first must be pronounced on a closed jar: “Oh, how 12 sisters, 12 beauties, 12 queens lived, and from each beauty passed into the jar”;
    • take a shower;
    • open the charmed tube and apply the cream on your face, saying the second part: “How elder sister She gave me beauty, and the second saved my health, the third sister is enchanting eyes, the fourth gives a toned stomach, the fifth gives eyelashes and eyebrows, the sixth sister gave a straight nose, and the seventh with them will make hair thick, the eighth will help and make skin smooth, the ninth too it will help with charm, the eleventh turn will make the mouth beautiful, and the twelfth turn will help the body to lose weight ”;
    • close the tube of cream and say the third part: “12 sisters in a jar, I open the cream and gain beauty”;
    • you need to use this cream daily until it runs out, each time saying the second part of the conspiracy during application and the third when closing the lid.

    Sun and youth spell

    A powerful magical tool used to charge cosmetic products with solar energy.

    At noon, hold a jar of your favorite skin care product, holding it in your palms, under the sun's rays and say:

    “My power merges with the sun and intertwines into one stream, fills my skin with youth, makes it beautiful and elastic. Saturates with light and radiance, hot sunny charm.

    In the process of reading, direct positive energy to the jar so that all the power of the desire to be beautiful goes into cream. Memorizing the text by heart will help increase efficiency. Then you do not have to be distracted and peep. The main thing is that the ceremony should be kept secret.

    From imperfections on the skin

    This conspiracy is suitable for both young girls and boys who suffer from skin rashes or freckles, and adults in the fight against age spots. Read it on cosmetic product, contributing to the solution of the problem, that is, if the goal is to get rid of freckles, then they start talking about a new whitening cream bought for this purpose.

    “A girl with her misfortune went out into the street at night, and went to a cold stream. He looks into his waters and asks the Moon to help and remove her fierce ailment from her skin. The waters of the pure and cold stream shone from the moonlight, they washed themselves and all ailments disappeared from the face. So in this cream, the water shines with moonlight. From sores and troubles forever relieves.

    The period of the growing moon is considered favorable for the ritual.

    Conspiracy on a cream to attract men

    Place 3 church candles around the cream, sprinkle everything with holy water. Say the prayer 3 times:

    “To the Creator and Creator of the human race, the Giver of spiritual grace, the Giver of eternal salvation, Himself, Lord, send Your Holy Spirit with the highest blessing on this thing, as if armed with the power of heavenly intercession to those who want to use it, it will be helpful to bodily salvation and intercession and help, about Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen".

    After reading the prayer, blow out the candles and go to bed. In the morning, using the cream, read the plot:

    “I, the maiden (name), washed my face with fragrant soap, wiped myself with a white towel, liked everyone around, how I liked the clear month, how warm the red sun was. And (the name of the man) I shine brighter than the dawn, I sparkle more beautifully than white snow, I attract more beautiful stars in the sky. From now on and forever. Amen".

    Vanga's spells for attractiveness

    The most effective, among this kind of ritual, is the spell on the attractiveness of the seer Vanga. To apply it, you need to buy 2 church candles. At midnight, naked, you should stand in front of a mirror and light candles on both sides of you. Say the spell silently three times:

    “The servant of God (your name) will go to an open field, where there is a golden throne. An angel sits on the throne and cuts the wind. I approach the throne, baptized and praying. I ask you to make me more beautiful than the sun, whiter than snow. Amen!"

    After you need to go to bed, leaving the candles to burn out. To consolidate the result, the ceremony should be repeated after a week.

    Candles after the ritual should burn out on their own


    From the admiring glances of those around you, you will soon notice the effect of a conspiracy. But there is a chance that you will have to pay for beauty. At a certain moment, a serious illness suddenly arises, weight increases or decreases. To avoid this, the rules for conspiracies should be taken into account.


    Before you start, weigh the pros and cons. When conducting, you must follow these rules.

    • Follow all the requirements that are described in the ritual. If a component can be replaced, this will be indicated.
    • Rituals and conspiracies are carried out in solitude.
    • Before reading the text, you should read the prayer "Our Father", "The Symbol of Faith".
    • Read in the morning at dawn, unless otherwise indicated.
    • Perform the ritual only in a sober state, read the text in a whisper, by heart.
    • Three hours before the conspiracy, you can’t eat, because all magical actions are performed on an empty stomach.
    • In the text, it is allowed to replace the words “servant of God” with “servant of God”.
    • The body must be cleansed of cosmetics, clothes - plain, white, hair loose, jewelry removed.
    • It is forbidden to read on Sunday, because this is the day of prayers, as well as during menstruation and during pregnancy.

    Before the ritual, the skin should be cleansed of cosmetics.


    A conspiracy to cream will help restore youth and beauty. Thanks to an extensive arsenal of tools both in cosmetology and in magic, you can maintain attractiveness without much effort. The main thing is to take a responsible approach to the process, to study all the subtleties so that the magical effect is beneficial and pleases with the result.

    Surely there is not a single woman in the world who does not dream of preserving the wondrous beauty of youth until old age. Yes, and offending men is somehow not good. Many take care of themselves, beloved, that coquettes before the assembly. But not every person understands this very serious matter. They think more and more about creams and other “magic remedies”, but they don’t even suspect about magical methods. Nevertheless, a conspiracy to beauty can help preserve an extraordinary youth. Don't believe? Let's understand how it works.

    Magic or energy?

    Often people dismiss magical methods of influencing appearance, considering them frivolous. They believe that a conspiracy to beauty will not bring any sense. This is not some kind of tool made using the latest technology, but just a few words. Only they are extraordinary. This should be understood. The vibrations of the voice, born at a certain time or in special conditions, create an energy flow that attracts what is desired into life. This is how almost all folk magic is built. A person pronounces a conspiracy, for example. It affects his aura in a certain way. Then the "magician" himself changes his behavior, worldview, which leads to the achievement of the goal. This is how the beauty conspiracy is made. The one who pronounces it does not act on the skin, but directs the energy inside. His thoughts gradually change to more optimistic ones. And from this, the appearance becomes attractive, not to mention health.

    How to read a plot

    In order for everything to work out, it is necessary to know not only the text, but also some features of the use of "cosmetic" magic. They are simple. A conspiracy for beauty and attractiveness is read with complete confidence in its effectiveness. The slightest doubt will lead, at best, to the absence of any effect. Inner confidence is important here, and magic begins with it.

    The effectiveness of the conspiracy also depends on the strength of the "wizard". It can be corrected. It is recommended to fast before the start of the “procedures”, both physical (in food) and spiritual. You should ensure that your emotional plan becomes generally positive. Throw away evil and envious thoughts, forget them. Unpleasant emotions to exclude, and so on. From this, the forces of the "magician" are growing by leaps and bounds. In this case, it will be faster to bring beauty. The plot must be pronounced quietly, but clearly. Words must be filled. Remember how you read poetry as a child, when every sound was important, even exciting. So it is necessary to read the conspiracy, perceiving it with the soul.

    goal setting

    You will say that it is already clear that cosmetic magic is used to improve appearance? But the goal is not just smooth skin and burning eyes. She is in another. Some people want to impress their gentlemen at first sight, others dream of a spouse, others need to get an interesting job, and so on. This is exactly what purpose is. For cosmetic magic, it is important that a person strives for good. For example, the desire to recapture a boyfriend from a friend will not always bring beauty. It might even ruin your face.

    Before reading the conspiracy to beauty, "inspect" your personal goal. This is not for reporting, but for self-defense purposes. Ideally, magical advice helps someone who wants to increase the total amount of love in the world. In our case, we need to strive to please ourselves and those around us with our appearance. Such goal-setting will surely resonate with the Higher Forces.

    Full moon conspiracies for beauty

    Many beginner "magicians" inattentively read wise recommendations. From this come the disappointments caused by the lack of effect from the rituals. It is important to understand that the recommendations most often indicate at what time to read the conspiracy for beauty and youth. The full moon is the time when magic is most accessible to ordinary people. It is believed that during this period the "wall" between the worlds is the most current, fragile. Therefore, the forces better hear the requests addressed to them, more willingly come to the rescue. The full moon is the time when all living things are energized. Many people feel this, react with insomnia or increased emotionality. It's just that the energy is seething in the veins, demanding an outlet. It is worth taking advantage of this "natural phenomenon".

    How to read a plot on a full moon

    Be sure to look at the Queen of the Night when you begin to "tell". It is necessary to feel a connection with her, to be filled with her strength. And the words are: “Light of the moon, pour on your face and hands, on a slender body, on your hair and in your eyes, like holy dew! So that the soul is filled with unearthly beauty, so that the skin turns white, the heart becomes kinder, so that the eyes shine, as if from a passionate caress! To be slim and flexible, to enchant my smile! Amen!". You need to speak three times. To increase efficiency, it is recommended to put a glass of water in the moonlight. Read the words above it. And then leave it for the whole night under the influence of the Queen of the Night. In the morning, when you get up, drink this magical moisture.

    Conspiracy for the beauty of the face

    The attractiveness of appearance can be "created" almost daily. Grandmothers recommend talking water for washing. They say that such moisture is literally

    works wonders! Type in a container (basin or jug) of clean water. Say three times: “I got up, crossed myself, bowed three times, and went to the forest that stands obliquely. There, a magical spring beats, a terrible toad lives in it. She preserves beauty, distributes it to those who wish. I'll call her a friend, a wonderful frog. He will become kinder, he will grow bolder, he will measure beauty to me at once! I will wash myself with that water, wipe myself with the clear sun, clothe myself with the blue sky, and pray to the Lord. So that young beauty and health are bestowed with love! Amen!". Rinse your face with this water seven times, but do not wipe it. Let the skin "get drunk" to the full. Repeat every day.

    How to get rid of skin imperfections

    Water is spoken not only for a radiant face. If there are minor flaws, then

    you can use a special ritual. It is held daily in the evenings. Only water is needed not from a tap, but from a spring. In extreme cases, thawed, from the freezer. It is poured into a glass, two candles are lit on the sides and such a conspiracy is read: “Voditsa, sister of the earth, daughter of heaven, do not sit me down by night. Wash your face, take away pimples (wrinkles, spots, and so on, whatever you need). Run into the ground and take indecent! Bury her deep so that she does not return before the deadline. The sun fell down, so as not to break out of the ground! Amen!". Wash your face with water and collect the leftovers in a bowl. Go and splash "over the porch" (into the ground). Do not wipe your face, wait for it to dry itself. This ritual can be done "on the whole body." They speak a bucket of water, then pour it over, standing in a basin. Then they are thrown onto the ground.

    Prayer for beauty

    This ritual is performed on a birthday. You need to get up before dawn, meet the sun. As it begins to appear, turn to face him and say: “Lord, light up the waters so that I can wash myself, touch the sun’s rays that will warm, bless the sky that will wear! Lord, bless Thy Servant (name) for a young, long, prosperous life, for bright beauty, for all people. So that the flowers smile, people rejoice and admire! Amen!". This prayer should be read once. Then go to the morning service, put a candle in front of the icon of the guardian angel.

    Ritual for attraction

    Many are interested in the strongest beauty conspiracy. Next rite that is exactly what it is.

    You will need an ordinary cactus or other plant with thorns. It should be placed in the east corner of the room. Every day, early in the morning, visit your magical assistant and say these words: “Greetings to you, prickly old man, mighty malice! Please, bowing down, do not be angry with me! Direct the thorns on the face so that it begins to glow, use your strength so that my beauty is born! Bless youth and health, so that life is filled with love! Amen!". You need to start communicating with a cactus on Friday. The ritual is carried out for a week. Then you can stop for a while and repeat again. Watch your magic cactus, don't forget to take care of it. His strength will pass to you, your face will become younger. As long as it feels good, your beauty will shine for everyone to enjoy. And if it blooms, expect a pleasant turn in life.

    Every girl or woman dreams of being beautiful and catching the admiring glances of the opposite sex. Many, feeling the lack male attention, turn to magic for help - perform various rituals that. Great help in this matter is brought by conspiracies. In this material, we will consider a conspiracy to beauty, you will learn how to add charm and charm to yourself in the eyes of men.

    There is a division of conspiracies for female beauty, based on the expected result. At the same time, conspiracies are slightly different from each other, their difference depends on the person who resorts to a conspiracy (or whisper), as well as on the thing that is being spoken.

    We can distinguish the following division of conspiracies:

    • conspiracies performed by young unmarried young ladies (for example, to maintain freshness and visual appeal, eliminate acne, blackheads and other imperfections of the skin, hair or body);
    • conspiracies performed by married young girls (which allow, while married, to maintain their sexuality and always attract their beloved spouse);
    • conspiracies that are performed by married or unmarried ladies of the age (mostly in this case they are asked to get rid of wrinkles, stretch marks, excess weight restore the elasticity of the skin and so on).

    Also, rituals for beauty also differ in their purpose, they can be intended for:

    • improving the condition of the skin of the face;
    • ideal figure;
    • beautiful hair;
    • snow-white teeth;
    • for the beauty of hands, feet and other parts of the body.

    There is another division of slander on beauty, based on the desired result:

    • slander that restores lost beauty and attractiveness;
    • slanders that contribute to the preservation of beauty;
    • conspiracies that eliminate shortcomings (for example, to combat excess weight, flabbiness of the skin, negative consequences pregnancy, etc.).

    Reading Rules

    In order for the beauty conspiracy to bring the desired effect, it is important to adhere to certain rules, namely:

    1. Conspiracies whose main goal is to eliminate any shortcomings should.
    2. The same rituals that help preserve or attract beauty should only be performed on a new and waxing moon.
    3. An important rule is that when you perform a magical ritual, remove all jewelry (including hairpins) from yourself. The fact is that these objects play the role of a kind of locks and close energy flows.

    Subject to all these rules and impeccable following of the instructions, you can be guaranteed to achieve the desired result.

    Examples of conspiracies for female attractiveness

    On the talisman (read no more than three times, otherwise you will get tired of the attention)

    Psychics claim that the fair sex, who regularly resort to this ritual, add to themselves sexuality, femininity, as well as charm and charm for the opposite sex. In addition, under the influence of the rite, the karmic background improves and the aura brightens.

    Before you carry out this conspiracy for beauty, you must choose a little thing on which magic words will be read, it will become your talisman. For this purpose, you can use a comb, handkerchief or any decoration. You will need to keep the thing with you at all times, but it is forbidden to tell someone about its magical properties or, even worse, to allow it to be touched.

    Before performing the ritual, tune in to it, think about your goal (in this case, it is beauty and attractiveness for men). Then pick up a pre-selected object and recite the following magic words on it:

    The conspiracy should be spoken three times, then it is necessary to wash in running water and thank the Higher Powers for help.

    Important point! Do not share with anyone (even the closest people) that you are resorting to any magical rites. Otherwise, you will nullify the power of slander.

    To be beautiful and young

    For this ritual, fill the bottle with water from a pond (you must use a container made of glass, not plastic). The ceremony is performed when the moon is in the full moon phase. In the evening of the same day, after sunset, a bottle of water is placed on the window, while the text is pronounced:

    “The pigeon sisters were walking, the birds were flying across the sky. The birds said: "We will have queens." And every girl put her beauty into the water.”

    Repeat the magic words 6 times. Leave the water to stand on the window for a day. And the next evening, before going to bed, take a bath in which they put 12 small spoons of charmed water and at the same time say:

    Then you sit in the bath and say:

    “Twelve sisters, all in the tent! I, the servant of God (name), climb into the water - I gain beauty!

    When you swim, add the charmed water each time and repeat the words.

    Giving a special charm

    If you are planning some important event where you want to amaze everyone with your beauty, perform the following ceremony in the morning of the same day.

    Fill a bowl with cool water. In the left hand, you need to take three pinches of salt, dissolve them in water. Then speak the water with such magical words:

    Then they wash their face with magic water and wipe it with the hem of their robe.

    Whichever of the beauty conspiracies you stop at, you must definitely adhere to all the rules for its implementation, sincerely want to become more attractive and unconditionally believe in the power of the conspiracy. Only in this case you will be able to achieve the desired result.

    Fortune telling today with the help of the Tarot "Card of the Day" layout!

    For correct divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

    When you're ready, draw a card:
