A strong conspiracy to make peace with your loved one. A conspiracy to reconcile with a loved one or another person

When a conflict arises, there are no hopeless situations. Many people prefer to sort things out by talking, which often only aggravates the situation. If you use magic to make peace, you can build a relationship with a person without harm to further communication.

Reconciliation can be achieved through conspiracies

Universal conspiracy to reconcile

This strong ritual spend the day on the growing moon. Go to the old tree and start reading the conspiracy for reconciliation:

“I, the servant of God (name), wish to establish relations with the person with whom we are in a quarrel. white magic should help me, I never tried to harm other people. I want to make peace with someone dear to me and never quarrel again. May all our grievances and misunderstandings perish with the death of this old tree. No one will ever be able to quarrel us, the power of magic will put the strongest protection on our relationship. A quick reconciliation is all I ask. This person is very dear to me, so I cannot live on without his presence in my environment. As the moon grows, so will our affection for each other. Amen".

When you read the words, take care that no one sees you. It is better to do this in an empty field where no one goes. As soon as you finish casting the spell, return home and invite a loved one to visit. You can be sure that there will be no more discomfort during communication.

A slander for reconciliation with a loved one

Conflict situations that arise between husband and wife are not uncommon. So that all misunderstandings do not lead to a divorce, conduct the most powerful ritual prepared by Natalya Stepanova. The principle of the ceremony is as follows:

  • on the night of the waning moon, stand near the bed (it is advisable to do this before going to bed);
  • hold a lit church candle in your hands;
  • start reading a strong conspiracy to reconcile with your husband, and drive a candle all over the bed.

“I, the servant of God (name), dream of improving relations with my husband. I don’t know for what reason, but frequent quarrels and misunderstandings began to arise between us. I really hope that the reason does not lie in his betrayals and the presence of a mistress. For many years we lived in mutual understanding and trust, but at some point everything became different, and I really want to change that. I am reading a strong conspiracy to reconcile with my beloved, so that higher powers help me change our lives in better side. I want to make peace with my husband so that nothing else can come between us. I read the plot from the bottom of my heart, with faith in a positive result. Amen".

Put a few drops of candle wax on the center of the bed and say:

“The wax of the candle will bind us forever. We will always be there and no one can separate us. As long as the power of the ritual is in effect, I will be a true friend to my husband and will always support him in a difficult situation. I hope that our dreams are mutual. Amen".

After that, go to bed. It is better to do this until the tenants of the house return. You are not allowed to talk to anyone until morning. The action of a strong conspiracy to reconcile appears after 3 days. Your relationship will resemble the period when you were young and carefree.

The ceremony is performed with a lit church candle

Ritual for the reconciliation of spouses

The dream of returning to the former relationship with her husband arises in every woman who has been married for more than one year. Conflicts can arise due to different views on raising children or the lack of personal space. To correct this unpleasant situation, a conspiracy to reconcile the spouses will help. It is held during the waning moon, late at night.

  1. Go outside at midnight.
  2. Go to the nearest intersection and stand in its center.
  3. Take a photo of yourself with your husband.
  4. Hold it in your hands and start reading a powerful slander for the reconciliation of spouses:

“There is something wrong with my husband. I learned from a fortune teller that the reason lies in his excessive employment and stressful situations. I, his lawful wife, will do everything to bring him back to his former course of life. I want him to behave the way he used to. I was his faithful wife and always supported him in difficult situations. Let everything return to normal. In our family loving friend a friend of the spouses will never again have disagreements. Amen".

When you cast a strong spell, believe in a positive result. Imagine that tomorrow your husband will come home, hug you, kiss you, and you will never quarrel again. After that, return home, and put the photo under the bed. In just a few days, you will begin to notice the effect of this powerful rite.

To get rid of a fierce quarrel

A strong conspiracy to reconcile those who are in a quarrel is carried out if there is no longer a chance for a traditional settlement of the conflict. The ceremony is as follows:

  • it is best to perform the ritual in the phase of the waning moon;
  • the ideal time for the ceremony is late at night, when all the residents of the house are already sleeping, you should not allow anyone to see what you are doing;
  • put 12 church candles in front of you;
  • after that, take a photo of the person with whom you want to make peace, and start reading an effective slander:

"Recently, between me and close person there was a misunderstanding. We are now in a fierce quarrel, and no one is taking the first step towards reconciliation. I want to make peace with my loved one and never again experience such tension in our relationship. I really need him and I can't live my life without him. Amen".

You need to read the words of the prayer 12 times in a row. The duration of the ritual is 12 days. After finishing reading the magic words, you should extinguish the candles with your fingers. On the 12th day, after the end of the ceremony, collect all the remnants of the candles and put them in the house, behind the icon. Very soon, your relationship with a loved one will improve.

Reconciliation spell from photo

This method is suitable for reconciliation of people who love each other. Read the plot on a joint photo. It is desirable that there are no foreign people or objects on it.

Put a photo in front of you, put your hand on it, start casting an effective spell:

“I, the servant (a) of God (name), want to make peace with my beloved boyfriend (beloved girl). There was a misunderstanding between us, and perhaps the reason lies in my behavior. I will try to correct my behavior so that we are always together. Let it be as I ask. I sincerely hope for the help of higher powers in achieving the goal. Amen".

This method allows you to make peace with each other, without further consequences. After the ritual, put the photo behind the icon of the Mother of God and every morning read the prayer “Our Father” in front of it. In a few days, you will notice a positive result.

Reconciliation spell with a friend

If a quarrel arises between friends, then a powerful conspiracy to reconcile with a friend will help to correct the situation. Read it during the waning moon, at dawn. Go outside, look at the night star and read the words for reconciliation with a friend or girlfriend:

“With the waning of the luminary of the night, all our hardships and problems will disappear. As the sun rises above the horizon, the trust in our friendship will increase. I was a true friend to my close people, but still a black cat ran between us. I want to return everything to its place, so that we can always feel comfortable and have fun with each other. Our joint friendship is important to me, and therefore I turn to magic for help. Amen".

After that, go home and mind your own business. By evening, a friend or girlfriend will call you and offer to meet. The further result depends on your communication.

A slander on the reconciliation of mother and son

Quarrels between relatives often arise, so you should always know the basic rituals that allow you to get rid of tension in the house. They are conspiring for a quick reconciliation in the morning when you are gathering your son to study or work. The words of the spell are:

“Come home today, and we will no longer quarrel. Magic will help me make the relationship between us noticeably improve. I, a mother, want to be reconciled with my son. He is my blood and my flesh. I can no longer worry about our quarrel. Lord help me. I believe in your strength. Amen".

A conspiracy to make peace with a sister or daughter

This rite of reconciliation with relatives is carried out if there is a conflict with a sister or daughter. Every morning, after waking up, they read the words of a strong conspiracy to reconcile:

“There will never be misunderstandings between me and my sister (daughter). Quarrels in the family always lead to stress and anxiety. Let our relations be restored, and we will become the closest relatives for each other. Only in this way can I maintain trust in the family. Amen".

The conspiracy will help to reconcile women from the same family


Reconciliation conspiracies are popular due to their effectiveness. Their action is manifested in a few days, and the result lasts for many years. It all depends on further communication and the desire to establish relationships.

Conspiracy for reconciliation magical rite aimed at bringing peace, mutual understanding and warmth into human relations. Such conspiracies can be aimed both at settling love and family affairs, which are so often poisoned by useless quarrels and petty insults, and at building peaceful and friendly relations with acquaintances, neighbors, colleagues and other people. Often, a conspiracy to reconcile is the only means by which you can quickly and relatively painlessly resolve an escalating conflict, especially if it is caused by someone's evil magic.

Rarely in which family life is absolutely cloudless. But after all, constant quarrels and omissions can destroy the strongest family relationships. Therefore, if it is not possible to solve problems with household methods, it is quite reasonable to turn to magic.

Also, there is absolutely no need to quarrel with close friends or girlfriends. And if that happened, then quick recovery relations, you can also use special conspiracies.

Tablecloth spelling

To reconcile with your spouse, you should use a special tablecloth - self-assembly. For this you need in the happiest moments family life buy a new tablecloth and organize a family feast using it. It is important to set the table very beautifully, that is, you need to use the most beautiful dishes that you have in your house. Dinner itself should be arranged in a romantic setting. At the end of the evening, the dishes should be washed and put away.

And on the used tablecloth, say the following words:

“Self-assembly tablecloth! I order you, the Servant of God (proper name), to remember our love and family happiness! Keep the memories of this evening of complete understanding for all future times. So be it!"

The charmed tablecloth should be folded and used only in moments of despair or in moments of a strong quarrel with her husband. To do this, again you need to set the table and organize a family dinner. Soon after that, the situation will definitely change for the better.

Ritual with honey

When there are constant scandals in the family and relatives cannot reconcile with each other and find a compromise, it is necessary to try to fix everything and restore relations with the help of charmed honey.

To do this, you need to take honey and, secluded in a separate room, speak it with these words:

“Sweet honey, natural strength has been given to you! Soften the anger in the soul of my family members, pacify their grievances against each other and reconcile them. Give us peace in the family and grace again. Amen".

After that, you need to organize a family tea party and quietly add the charmed honey to everyone in a cup, including yourself. After tea drinking, reconciliation in the family will soon come and successful trusting relationships will be restored.

House cleansing

Sometimes discord in the family is associated with the presence of negativity in the house. Therefore, in order to restore harmony between loved ones, it is necessary to initially cleanse the house of negative energy. A conspiracy for reconciliation in the family is often combined with the cleansing of the house with church incense. To do this, you need to bring incense from the church, light it and go around every corner of your house with it, expelling evil and evil spirits from it.

"Demons-separators get out,
Yes, don't come here again.
The incense of the Lord will cast you out,
Again the world in this house will bury.
Again we will live in peace and love,
We will reap happiness and joy.
All quarrels and resentments will go away forever.
They will not return to our house again.”

Building a relationship with a friend

If you want to re-establish good relations with an offended friend or girlfriend, colleague or business partner, you can use the following conspiracy to reconcile. Take three pieces of paper. On the first write your name, on the second - the name of the person with whom you want to reconcile. On the third, write a few words: "hostility", "resentment", "anger" and other words that can describe your conflict and the unkind feelings associated with it. Put this last piece of paper between the sheets with your names.

And say this spell:

"The evil witch passed between us, the black cat ran,
Evil turned us against each other, friendship turned into enmity,
Yes, it prevents us from understanding each other, does not allow us to hug each other.
Now I break that evil, I destroy that enmity, I forget that insult forever.
Peace and friendship will return to us again, our eyes will turn to each other.

After that, tear the piece of paper with the "conflict" words to shreds and scatter them in the wind, and put the pieces of paper with the names one on top of the other and hide in a secluded place.

Reconciliation with the beloved

Rituals aimed at reconciliation with a loved one are very popular. As a rule, they are very effective and allow you to quickly restore relationships, the main thing is to want it very much.

If suddenly you feel cool with your loved one, and this happened against the background of minor disagreements, then you can resolve this with the help of ice magic. Such a ceremony is carried out at a time when there are icicles on the roofs of houses. One of them needs to be brought home to a warm room, and put on a plate. While the icicle will melt, you need to sit nearby and focus on the desire to reconcile with your loved one.

You need to strive to imagine how your grievances against each other are melting like ice. At this time, you can say any words that will come from the depths of your soul. If there is no spiritual need for this, then during the melting of the ice you should just be silent. After the ice has melted, it must be added to the water used to make tea or coffee. After that, for any reason, you need to organize a tea party or invite your loved one for a cup of coffee.

"Freeze" resentment

If you feel that you cannot return to your previous relationship with your loved one because of your own grievances, then you just need to freeze them with the help of a magical conspiracy. To do this, you need to retire in a separate room, sit down and try in complete silence to analyze the existing relationship with your loved one. If you understand that it is impossible to restore relations because you have a lot of grievances inside, then try to imagine them as a ball of black threads. By the effort of thought, it must be separated from itself and placed in an imaginary snow cover.

“My spiritual grievances will hide under the snow and calm down forever. And the time will come they are forever eternal ice covered and never come back to me."

After that, your thoughts will come in order and you will quickly be able to make peace, getting rid of unnecessary grievances that interfere with a successful relationship with your loved one. The resentment frozen by magic will never be able to interfere with your love.

For peace and harmony with her husband

For a quick reconciliation with your husband, you can use the scrambled eggs spoken for peace and harmony. To do this, you need to take a couple of eggs in your hand and say the well-known prayer “Our Father” three times. After that, you need to cook fried eggs and have dinner with her husband. At the same time, you need to add salt to the egg intended for the husband directly in the pan, pronouncing the magic words.

They sound like this:

“Like salt in this egg, so am I the Servant of God (proper name) in the soul of my husband, the Servant of God (husband's name). Amen".

Human attitudes are very valuable, as they fill the world around with positive emotions. Therefore, conspiracies to reconcile people, those who are in a quarrel, belong to white magic and you can use them without any fear of harming yourself or other people.

If a quarrel, like a black cloud, hangs over the gentle sea of ​​​​friendship or love, then you should not be inactive. There are several ways out of the situation. Someone is trying to figure it out, touching sensitive strings and deepening hostility. Someone forgives everything and is the first to reconcile.

However, there is a way that you can remove the emotional basis, and the rest will all clear up and dissipate when people calm down and remember that they love and are loved. This wonderful way is magical conspiracies for reconciliation. Just a few words, and negative emotions disappear by themselves. Let's look at examples.

Conspiracy to reconcile with her husband

It is especially unpleasant when a relationship with a beloved husband is more like a collapsing tower, and not a cozy nest. To reconcile, read a slander that can remove those aggressive emotions that throw lightning between you. You need to read it in secret, in private. It is best to do this before bed. It is not advisable to communicate with anyone after the magical procedure, and in no case give anything to anyone. Just go to bed in the hope of a quick reconciliation. Conspiracy text:

“The sun and the moon do not go to war with each other! Stone and water always live in friendship! The spirit of heaven and earth must be in harmony! So the Servant of God (husband's name) with the Servant of God (name yourself) in affection and love to reconcile, do not sulk, do not swear, but joke and laugh! Amen!" Read three times.

Tip: a conspiracy to reconcile with a loved one works much more effectively if you create the right mood. It should not be used when you are angry or very upset. Get rid of negative emotions first. Contemplation of the flame of a candle will help to calm down. Therefore, it is recommended to read it by candlelight. Pre-admire the flame for about fifteen minutes, imagine that the negative is burning in its flame.

Conspiracy to reconcile with a girlfriend or friend

When a black cat ran between friends, it’s not funny either. Each of them suffers and worries. There is no such force that could make you dislike a person with whom a pound of salt is eaten. But you can quarrel and disperse in different directions. But no one will benefit from this. Even if this is a quarrel for life, there is a regret that sometimes gnaws at the soul for many years.

Focus on the feelings you had for your girlfriend or friend before the conflict. After all, you had a very close relationship! Imagine that this person is happy and content with everything. Remove claims from your thoughts, after all, why are they needed? After you tune in correctly, read the conspiracy for reconciliation:

God bless these words! Be witnesses, Mother - the earth, the Sun and the Moon! All God's creatures, the foundations of the universe, angels and archangels, all of God's army! I pray and grow! Seeking strength and protection! No army is more powerful, no force is stronger! Come, help, stop the war between (names of the conflicting)! Let the enmity go away from now forever!

Let hatred drag the blackness into the void! Let scandalous troubles turn into love of victory! Lord Jesus, Mother of God! Bring enmity to the court of Svorog! Destroy the scandals and quarrels between (the names of the conflicting parties), let the fires go out forever between them! From now on forever! There is no power for enmity in man! In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Read three times. Then try to imagine the person you want to reconcile with. Send him your sincere love, affection and gratitude for having him in your life.

Conspiracy for a quick reconciliation with your beloved boyfriend or girlfriend

When a conflict with your beloved guy is planned, do not expect protracted hostilities. All clouds can be removed in the bud. If you feel that discord looms on the horizon, anger begins to take over both of you, then step aside and read the plot. It must be pronounced alone so as not to interfere with other people's energy in your relationship. Although it is not necessary to close the room. You just need to mentally detach yourself from outsiders and focus on reconciliation.

Read three times, imagining a huge, beautiful rainbow in the sky. You can close your eyes for greater concentration. The same words apply to girls.

“The sun is a ray of friends with dew! Together they make a big bridge! Rainbow! Spill with happiness! Pour harmony into the soul (name)! May evil and scandal turn into mist! Between us (names) they are a hoax! The fog will blow away! Love will bloom again!

A conspiracy to make peace with a spouse, wife or girlfriend

So that your sweet wife stops pouting, do not be shy and do not be lazy. Prepare for her any delicacy for which there are enough talents, and at the same time slander him with a conspiracy to reconcile. You can just brew coffee or tea, and for a cup (or for any dish, say):

Quarrels and enmity will go away forever! Let the wisdom be warm, and the clear mind of the spouses illuminate the goodness of love, forbid evil to blaze! Let insults be forgotten, tears will dry! We go through life together, despite the ice!

Treat your wife with such tea, and she herself will forget what could happen between you, that you had to be angry. After such a charmed treat, peace in the family will be established for a long time!

If you do not know how to improve relations with a person after a quarrel, then use a conspiracy to reconcile. It will help eliminate negativity, restore harmony and understanding not only between family members, but also friends or partners.

Universal conspiracy to reconcile

Using a variety of conspiracies, you can not only take revenge on the people with whom you quarreled and who offended you, but also make peace with them. Such rituals will help even if you understand that the reason for your quarrel was either another magical intervention.

For the most simple ceremony, you need to prepare some kind of sweet fruit. It can be an apple or another fruit. In addition, you will need a wax candle.

It is worth noting that it is allowed to use this method both for building relationships with parents, and with a spouse, friends or colleagues. At dawn, light a candle, take the chosen fruit in your hands and whisper the words over it three times:

The hour of reconciliation has come, let all grievances and quarrels be forgotten. As you wish, so be it. Key, lock, tongue.

Divide the fruit in half. You should eat one part, and treat the other to the individual with whom you want to renew the relationship. In just a few days, you will see that your relationship will begin to improve.

What is the most important weapon a woman can use if she needs to restore harmony in a relationship with a man? - Of course it is. tasty food. You will need to prepare a dinner in which the main dish should be meat or fish.

You can use this method even if your quarrel was made by a rival. Instead, you can use this particular rite.

Take a pack of salt, split it in a frying pan, sprinkle it with consecrated water and whisper:

I collect all the squabbles around the house,
All bad thoughts, all blasphemy,
All courts, gossip,
All bad conversations, disputes and quarrels,
I'll collect all the bad, put it under lock and key,
I will lock with seventy locks,
I'll wrap it in seventy chains,
Seventy-seven turns.
There is someone smarter than me
Who wants to destroy this conspiracy,
Return quarrels and scandals to my house,
Then it will do
When he can drink all the water from the seas-oceans.
My words are key.
My words are under lock and key.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen!

As you say these words, imagine as carefully as possible that your home is being abandoned. negative energy, all quarrels, disagreements. Think that from now on peace and tranquility will reign in your family.

When the text has been spoken exactly five times, take some prepared salt and add it to the prepared dish. Do not throw away the remaining product, but use it for cooking until it runs out.

This method will also work regardless of who you quarreled with. You will need a sheet of paper, which should be cut into three sections. On one write your name, but on the other - the name of the person with whom you wish to restore relations. On the third, describe the reason for your misunderstanding.

If it’s hard for you to constantly keep the image of a person in your head, then you can put his photo in front of your eyes. Place notes with your names on different sides of the reason for the disagreement. Then whisper these words three times:

A black cat ran between us, evil turned us away from each other. Friendship now waited for rivalry, prevents each other from understanding, does not allow each other to embrace. From now on, I burn adversity, destroy the hatred between us, forget all insults forever. Now harmony and friendship will return to us. As she said, so be it.

Now this piece of paper, on which the reason for the quarrel is written, must be burned. Hide the sheets on which your names were written.

If you each ceased to understand each other with best friend, your relationship suddenly deteriorated, then this method is most suitable for you. You will need a photo of you and your friend.

In addition, arm yourself with a candle and two threads. Black and red. Light a candle, put a photo in front of it. Start winding a black thread around your hand saying:

I take away the pain of my soul, I take away sorrows, hardships, strife, misunderstanding, disagreements on this thread. They will be there, and (friend's name) and (your name) will now live in peace. As she said, so be it.

Now harmony will penetrate into the heart, even if (name of a friend) and (your name) do not know grief, tears and misfortune. Forgive me with all my heart, with all my heart. Let the soul sing with happiness, radiate love, live in peace.

The red thread must be tied on your hand. From now on, as long as you wear it, you will never quarrel with your girlfriend.

There is another ritual that will enable you to improve relations with your lover. You will need to set the table for 2 persons. It is advisable to take a white, brand new tablecloth and appliances that you have not used yet for table setting. You should also purchase two new glasses.

Arrange the cutlery opposite each other, sit on one chair and fill one of the glasses (both champagne and juice are allowed, there is no specific rule regarding this). A red wax candle is lit in the middle of the table. Now say:

I am with you, my dear (name), I will share the meal, I have one half, and you - the second. We have one fate for two. Think of me and don't forget for a moment. Let it be so.

In life, conflicts and quarrels often occur with close people. Quarrels happen at work, in the family, with relatives. Exists a strong conspiracy to reconcile with loved ones and loved ones, which will help fix the problem. An unprepared person can do it on his own. Reading a prayer magical rituals are able to return consent to the family, reconcile warring people, get rid of anger and hatred. Rites are used if attempts at reconciliation in the usual ways do not give the expected result. In order for them to bring a positive effect, preliminary cleansing of negative thoughts, a positive attitude and faith in the result are necessary.

Strong conspiracy to reconcile:

"Bless, Lord, my words. Mother of cheese earth, water. the sun and the moon, all God's creatures, witnesses, holy associates, the righteous and warlocks, the Church of God, saints, baptists, archangels and angels, the army of all God's army. I beg you and ask you, God's army, there is no opposite to you, the strong are stronger, the powerful are more powerful, you will win the war (names). Pacify the warring, reconcile the haters, bless the world of reign. At the head of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, with them the Queen Mother of God, followed by the Holy Fathers and John the Baptist, John the Conception of Christ, John Chrysostom, John the Faster. With Them all the power of heaven is invincible and indestructible. I beg you, holy army, beat you, destroy enmity, war between (names). So that a century of enmity does not happen, does not arise and does not arrive. From now on and until the century, in the century of centuries. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Universal conspiracy to reconcile

“I, the servant of God (name), wish to establish relations with the person with whom we are in a quarrel. White magic should help me, I never tried to harm other people. I want to make peace with someone dear to me and never quarrel again. May all our grievances and misunderstandings perish with the death of this old tree. No one will ever be able to quarrel us, the power of magic will put the strongest protection on our relationship. A quick reconciliation is all I ask. This person is very dear to me, so I cannot live on without his presence in my environment. As the moon grows, so will our affection for each other. Amen".

When you read the words, take care that no one sees you. It is better to do this in an empty field where no one goes. As soon as you finish casting the spell, return home and invite a loved one to visit. You can be sure that there will be no more discomfort during communication.

Conspiracy to get rid of a fierce quarrel

A strong conspiracy to reconcile those who are in a quarrel is carried out if there is no longer a chance for a traditional settlement of the conflict. The ceremony is as follows: it is best to perform the ritual in the phase of the waning moon; the ideal time for the ceremony is late at night, when all the residents of the house are already sleeping, you should not allow anyone to see what you are doing; put 12 church candles in front of you; after that, take a photo of the person with whom you want to make peace, and start reading an effective slander:

“Recently, a misunderstanding has arisen between me and a loved one. We are now in a fierce quarrel, and no one is taking the first step towards reconciliation. I want to make peace with my loved one and never again experience such tension in our relationship. I really need him and I can't live my life without him. Amen".

You need to read the words of the prayer 12 times in a row. The duration of the ritual is 12 days. After finishing reading the magic words, you should extinguish the candles with your fingers. On the 12th day, after the end of the ceremony, collect all the remnants of the candles and put them in the house, behind the icon. Very soon, your relationship with a loved one will improve.
