Making a parent's corner for Easter. Sliding folders for decorating the parent corner

Folder - mover

for the design of the parent corner, dedicated to the holiday"Easter"


Light Christ Sunday.

The word "Easter" means the transition from death to life, from the Earth

To the sky. Rane was the name given to the holiday commemorating the deliverance of the Jews from Egyptian slavery. In the New Testament Church, this is a sign that the Son of God Himself, through the resurrection from the dead, passed from this world to the Heavenly Father, from Earth to Heaven.

Easter is the main, central of all Christian holidays. It is said about him that he "exceeds all the celebrations, even those of Christ and in honor of Christ, as much as the Sun surpasses the stars."

The Resurrection of the Savior from the Dead is a Triumph of Faith

and virtue, and therefore this holiday for every believer is the brightest, the triumph of triumphs. It is no coincidence that on this day everyone strives to forgive each other. Divine services on this day are especially solemn, the rites are especially beautiful, for the Church of Christ rejoices in the Resurrection, in the trampling of death, in eternal life. Every Christian is happy and tender on this day.

At this time, the sequence of services in the church changes, the Gospel and the Psalter are not read. Earthly bows are canceled - from Easter to Pentecost. Pray standing in memory of the Risen One from the dead. Throughout the entire Paschal week, the service goes on with the Royal Doors open - as a sign that the doors of paradise are open to us. On the day of Easter, all candles are lit, and the priests put on the most solemn clothes. During Matins, Christening begins - mutual kissing with the words: "Christ is Risen!" - "Truly risen!" First, the priestly ministers are christened, then the clergy and the laity, then the laity with each other.

The custom on this day to give each other red eggs symbolizes the rebirth of life from under a dead shell. The red color reminds us of the pure blood of the Savior. Easter is celebrated throughout the week, which is called bright and is like one holiday.

IN Great holiday Sunday

Indeed, salvation has come

To reign on earth again

Hope, Faith and Love!

Do you know that?

Earlier, in the old days, there was a belief among the peasants that “the sun plays” on Easter. And many tried to watch for this moment. Early in the morning, on the first day of Easter, people went out

look at the "play of the sun" in order to base their predictions of the future harvest on this.

At Easter, the sky is clear and the sun “plays” - for a good harvest

And red summer.

On Holy rain - good rye.

To the Holy Thunder - to the harvest.

If the weather is clear on the second day of Easter, the summer will be rainy, if it is cloudy, the summer will be dry.

Children turned to the sun

With song:

sun, bucket,

Look out the window!

Sunshine, take a ride

Red dress up!

Easter old people

combed their hair,

that they have so many

grandchildren how much hair on


The old women washed

with gold, silver and

red egg in hope

grow rich. Young

climbed on rooftops


Meet the sun.

You roll, egg,

yes to the thought of the Lord!

The Bright Sunday of Christ was always expected and prepared for.

For the Easter holiday, “artos” is always prepared - a large painted and gilded bread, in the middle of which either a cross or a scene of the resurrection of Christ was depicted.

Especially for the holiday, they prepare "Easter" from cottage cheese and Easter cake.

Not one Easter is complete without colored eggs.

You roll, egg,

Yes to the thought of the Lord!

Give people


And good for Easter!

The egg symbolizes rebirth, and the one painted red marks rebirth through the blood of Jesus Christ.

It was believed that with the help of an Easter egg, one could even recover from an illness. Be sure to lay an egg on the grave

During Easter week. They say it brings

Relief for the dead. And if such an egg is put in grain, then there will be a good harvest. They also say that if the egg is left until the next Easter, then it can fulfill a wish.

On Easter eggs can be exchanged.

And why should this be done? And then, so that only goodness and light stick to our souls.

So that everything bad, to match the shell,

On this day lagged behind, but outside

All the best could hatch

What is in a person. exchange

Testicle with each other.

Wish each other good health

Spiritual purity.

Red hill or Joyful Sunday.

The first Sunday after Easter is called Krasnaya Gorka. Spring was celebrated on this day. Didali straw scarecrow, strengthened it on a long pole, put it on a dais. For the celebration, they chose the highest, dry place - Krasnaya Gorka. They made circle dances around the scarecrow, sang songs, treated themselves colored eggs, scrambled eggs. In the evening, the effigy was burned with songs and dances.

At the end of the Bright Easter week, the newlyweds were called to Krasnaya Gorka. This day was considered happy for those entering into marriage, so matchmaking was going on, weddings were arranged. Not a single Easter was complete without a swing. People believed: the more and higher they swing on a holiday, the higher flax and wheat will grow. Funny festivities were held around the swings. From Easter, the famous Russian

Round dances. Were they not

Simple - magical. When

They were played - as if all

They did the work: they sowed,

weeded, cleaned, winnowed,

Soaked and knocked out.

People believed: such work

magical mighty power

words will help to grow,

future harvest. And if

choose a good bride

in a round dance - the earth will give birth

good bread.

Red maiden in

round dance,

What is the color of poppies in the garden.

You are my window light

The month is clear, the sun is red!

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter!

Hope, Faith and Love!

Beautiful joyful miracles!

And let it sound warm now:

Indeed, Christ is Risen!

Christ is risen! Nature again

Meet the new spring. And Orthodox

The people will give the sky blue!

Intertwined into one inseparable

Resurrected Love, Christ,

Easter Day is just amazing

He brought joy to everyone.

Believe, believe in miracles!

After all, without this it is impossible

The world does not stand on whales -

On love and miracles!

Easter is a holiday


renewal, revival,


love and


Take care of this!

Christ loves everyone


For him there is no


Let me help you in everything

Happy holiday!

Happy day!

Christ is Risen!

Truly Risen!

Materials for a stand in kindergarten on the theme: Easter

Author: Eremina Anastasia Nikolaevna, teacher preschool education, educator GBDOU d / s No. 14, St. Petersburg.
The material is intended for children preschool age, educators and parents.

Our children should know the history of their country, the history and traditions of holidays (state and religious). Children are interested in learning about the holiday through stories and poems.
We bring to your attention poster material for parents and teachers.
For the design of the stand, I used the following frames:

Easter - Bright Resurrection of Christ. This main event in the spiritual life of Christians was called the Feast of Feasts, the king of days. Prepared for it 7 weeks - 49 days. And the week before Easter was called Great, or Passionate. Maundy Thursday is the day of spiritual cleansing, the acceptance of the sacrament of communion. Good Friday is a reminder of the suffering of Jesus Christ, a day of sorrow. Great Saturday is the day of expectation, the Gospel of the Resurrection is already being read in the church. Easter is the Sunday when we celebrate the Resurrection of the Savior.
Preparing for Easter, people are filled with joy and faith. From Maundy Thursday, a favorite action begins - coloring and painting eggs. IN simple patterns put a lot of meaning into it. Wavy lines are sea-oceans. The circle is a bright sun. According to tradition, ready-made krashanki and pysanky were put on fresh sprouted greens of oats, wheat, and sometimes on soft green lettuce leaves, which were specially grown for the holiday.

And when mom bakes Easter cakes, the whole house is filled with the sweet aroma of vanilla, raisins - a real holiday!
On the night of the Resurrection of Christ, a festive divine service (Paschal Service of God) takes place. In beautiful baskets, various dishes are brought to the church - Easter cakes, cheese, butter, which symbolize well-being, Easter eggs and krashanka. Salt is placed in the basket - a symbol of wisdom. A solemn procession with a chorister and a priest blesses the people.
After returning home, people break their fast - they eat delicious food after Lent. The rich Easter table is a symbol of heavenly joy and the Lord's Supper. The closest relatives gather for Easter breakfast. The owner approaches the guests with wishes and the words “Christ is risen!”, And then kisses everyone. The answer should be like this: “Truly risen!” The sacred egg is cut into as many pieces as there are people present. A candle burns on the table as a reminder of the lordship of this day. Easter breakfast must start with Easter cake. Even the crumbs of this bread that fell on the floor should never be thrown away.

Sample booth design:

Additional material for teachers, riddles about Easter:

The message flies in all directions:
Messenger angels trumpet,
Christ is sung in heaven:
He has risen from decay!
It's not fiction, not a fairy tale,
The main holiday is ours...!

The best holiday of holidays has come to us,
The most important, beloved, melodious,
Celebrate, people! Together
Take this message:
Christ is risen today! That's not a fairy tale!
Here she is, the long-awaited...!

Why is joy and joy for all people? -
Because we are celebrating Christ today...

The hostesses baked for the holiday in the oven
Lush, ruddy miracle - ...
Easter cakes

The sun is playing and the birds are chirping
Table decoration - red...

Additional material for teachers, poems about Easter:

"Easter Blessing"
S. Yesenina

The dormant bell woke the fields,
The sleepy earth smiled at the sun.
Blows rushed to the blue skies,
A voice echoes through the woods.
The white moon hid behind the river,
A roaring wave ran loudly. T
Silent valley drives away sleep
Somewhere behind the road, the ringing stops.

"The Resurrection of Christ"
Prince N. Gorchakov

I woke up and I hear -
Spring is knocking on the window!
Drops rush from the roof
Everywhere is light!
And it seems - not birds,
And the angels are flying.
That Easter is coming soon
They tell us.
Tikhonin Sergey
I got up early this morning
I went to church with my grandmother.
Because the holiday is in the church,
And I feel good too.
The pastor is in a hurry to congratulate everyone,
The brothers want to sing songs.
Everyone rejoices and shines
And I feel good too.
To make it clear to everyone
Why are we gathered here
So let's say in rhyme:


"BRIGHT HOLIDAY, EASTER" Easter is a very joyful and bright holiday that glorifies Life and Love. Easter proclaims that there is no death, that it is only a stage on the path of a person, and not at all the end of life.

The Easter holiday used to be called differently: Christ's Sunday, Bright day, Great day, Green Christmas time. It was the most joyful and long-awaited holiday for both adults and children. Children were given gifts and all sorts of sweets, they held general games, rode on a swing, led round dances, danced, sang and even caroled. Swings were an obligatory attribute of Easter. They were installed in almost every yard for their children, and on the common village square they erected a swing for everyone by Easter. Absolutely everyone was swinging on a swing, bursting into joyful laughter. Smartly dressed villagers crowded around: the peasants played the accordion, the kids ran around, the women sang songs, the girls danced round dances.

The main and most important event of the Easter holiday is a visit to the solemn church night service and the consecration of Easter food: pasok, krashenok, Easter cakes.

How to celebrate Easter with the whole family?

Think in advance whether you will celebrate Easter with the whole family at home or go to visit, invite guests or be left alone. Think over the menu, decorate the house and the table for Easter. At the same time, remember that it is forbidden to work on Christ's Sunday, as well as on all other Sundays. To work six days and rest on the seventh is one of the ten commandments of God. On a holiday, you can only do what brings pleasure and, of course, relax. You can stay at home, or you can organize a picnic in nature with barbecue and baked potatoes. Easter must be celebrated not only with the body, but also with the soul.

Easter is a common family holiday, when many friends and relatives gather at the same table, kids run around. On Easter, it is customary to give each other, and especially children, small gifts: painted boiled or artificial decorative eggs, small, beautifully decorated Easter cakes, Easter cakes, Easter souvenirs - bunnies, birds, candles, wreaths and baskets. Be sure to decorate your house and table for Easter. A beautiful plate with germinated green grass and multi-colored eggs laid out on it will surely be appreciated by loved ones.

How to tell a child about Easter?

Easter can get very bright and interesting holiday for children. After all, kids are always happy to help their mother decorate Easter cakes with white icing and colored sugar, paint eggs in different colors or sculpt elegant stickers on them. With children, you can prepare postcards for relatives for Easter, hand-paint eggs and decorate a house for the holiday. But the child must be told about Easter, about its traditions and history, about Great Lent in words understandable to the baby. While you are painting eggs or coloring a homemade card, tell your child why this is all done. A short story about the life and death of Jesus Christ will bring meaning and understanding to the Easter holiday.

How to tell children about Easter?

This holiday is interesting for children, but, perhaps, they do not understand its meaning. It can be explained like this:

The very unusual word " easter"Has a Greek origin and is translated as" passing", "deliverance". The fact is that the ancient Jews celebrated Easter as a holiday of deliverance from Egyptian slavery, therefore the name of the holiday corresponded its meaning. Then, with the time of this holiday, another event coincided with the resurrection of God Jesus Christ from the dead.

The Son of God Jesus was crucified on the cross for the sins of men. But on the third day after his death, he resurrected. And it happened during the celebration of Easter. Since then, every year, people who believe in God Jesus Christ, and many non-believers, celebrate Bright Sunday, or Easter. By the way, the seventh day of the week was called "Sunday", which is why. Easter is preceded by a strict 40-day fast, during which adults who believe in Christ eat only lean food (you can not eat animal products), pray, repent, thus spiritual cleansing occurs. Even all family holidays that fell during Lent were postponed to Easter.

On Easter Sunday people go to church where the priest blesses Easter cakes and eggs. After the church, the family gathers at the festive table, everyone is treated to Easter cakes, Easter cakes, colored eggs. Everyone congratulates each other, kisses, says: "Christ is Risen" and hear in response: "Truly Risen!".

The tradition of painting eggs originates from a story related to Jesus Christ: on Easter, Mary Magdalene came to the Roman emperor Tiberius with the good news: “Christ is risen!” - she said and presented the emperor with a chicken egg, which was considered a symbol of life, fertility and spring revival of nature. The emperor laughed and said that the egg would sooner turn red than he would believe it. And in front of everyone's eyes, the white egg in the hands of Mary Magdalene turned red. When Tiberius saw this, he was amazed and replied: "Truly risen!".

There is also a more prosaic explanation of where the custom of painting eggs with onion skins came from at Easter. During fasting, it was impossible to eat eggs - this is not a fasting dish. But the chickens did not know about this and continued to rush. There were no refrigerators then, and our wise ancestors noticed that if you boil eggs in onion skins, they can be stored for several weeks.

Later, eggs for Easter began to be painted in different colors, such "crayons" are called.

Eggs, on which various drawings are "pisanki".

And it happens that eggs are covered with wax, painted, then various patterns are scratched out with a needle. Such eggs are called "drapanki".

Easter cakes are also baked for Easter. Easter cakes are also associated with the biblical story of Christ, who, after the resurrection, came to the disciples during their meals (this word means a meal, a feast in a monastery). The disciples of Christ deliberately left a free space in the middle and placed bread - artos in front of it . Later, each family began to bake their own artos. According to tradition, bread for Christ is baked in the form of an Easter cake made of rich dough, adding nuts and raisins to it.

Another traditional Easter dish is pascha. In essence, this is a sweet cottage cheese dessert with various additives, but Easter is laid out on a dish in the form of a truncated pyramid and symbolizes the coffin, inside which the miracle of the resurrection took place. Therefore, at the very top of Easter there should be the letters “XV” (“Christ is Risen!”), On the sides - images of the cross, spears, canes, sprouts and flowers, symbolizing suffering and resurrection of Christ.

How Easter was celebrated in Rus'

Easter in Rus' has always been celebrated widely and very solemnly. Getting ready for Easter. In cities, shop windows were decorated with carousels with painted eggs. The hostesses tried to clean the house as best they could, buying treats in advance. Especially for the holiday, grains of oats or wheat were germinated on a large wooden dish, in order to later serve painted eggs on a green meadow. On a clean Thursday, they always washed in a bathhouse, dyed eggs and baked Easter cakes.

On Saturday people dressed in all their best and the whole family went to church for the Easter night service. Then they exchanged painted eggs with the words: “Christ is risen! - Truly risen! ”, And in the morning they sat down at the festive table. On Easter, it was customary to lay rich tables, bake a whole piglet or lamb, and there could be 48 dishes in total (according to the number of days of fasting). Easter cakes were treated not only to relatives and friends, but also to beggars. Easter was celebrated for 40 days, that is, as long as Christ appeared to his disciples after the resurrection. But at the same time, they not only walked and ate their fill, but they always visited the sick, went to shelters and almshouses, and brought treats to prisoners.

This is how the famous Russian artist Alexander Makovsky depicted the Easter table in 1916 in his painting.

On May 9, the most terrible war of the 20th century, the Great Patriotic War, ended. The road to victory was hard. Our people lost 20 million of their sons and daughters in this war. These are warriors who fell on the battlefield. These are civilians and prisoners of war, killed and tortured by the Nazis in the occupied territory.

2. Folder - a shift for decorating a parent's corner dedicated to the holiday "Teacher's Day"

The first kindergarten in Russia was opened in St. Petersburg on September 27, 1863. Together with her husband, it was founded by Adelaida Semyonovna Simonovich, a great enthusiast and dreamer. Her institution accepted children 3-8 years old. The program of the “garden” included outdoor games, construction and even a course on Motherland Studies. But this was not enough for Simonovich, and she began to publish a special magazine, Kindergarten.
That's where the date of the celebration came from - September 27 - - on this day in
In 1863, the first kindergarten in Russia was opened in St. Petersburg on Vasilyevsky Island.

3. Folder - a shift for decorating a parent corner dedicated to the autumn theme.

The world around the child is diverse and diverse. For a child, this is both a family and a kindergarten, and hometown. This is the world of adults with whom he communicates, the world of objects that surround him in Everyday life. In kindergarten, in the classroom, during walks, we try to make this knowledge about the world around us more accessible and understandable for the child.

4. Folder - a shift for decorating a parental corner dedicated to the holiday "Easter"

The word "Easter" means the transition from death to life, from Earth to Heaven. Rane was the name given to the holiday commemorating the deliverance of the Jews from Egyptian slavery. In the New Testament Church, this is a sign that the Son of God Himself, through the resurrection from the dead, passed from this world to the Heavenly Father, from Earth to Heaven.

5. Folder - a shift for decorating a parent's corner dedicated to the holiday "Wide Shrovetide"

Shrovetide - favorite folk holiday. Every year he visits different days. They fall from the second half of February to the first days of March. This is because the beginning of Shrove Tuesday depends on Easter. And the timing of Easter also changes from year to year.
Maslenitsa is a week of cheese, meat and meat. This is because they don't eat meat. But plenty - cheese, sour cream, butter and, of course, pancakes.

6. Folder - a shift for decorating a parent corner in a nursery group.

While walking with the baby, explain to him that winter is over, spring has come. Pay attention to the baby that the snow has melted, streams are running, the sun is shining brightly. Together with your baby, look at the green grass and blooming flowers, draw your child's attention to how beautiful it is on the site kindergarten, near the house with the appearance of grass and the first spring flowers, teach him to rejoice at their appearance. The first salute in Moscow was given in honor of the successful offensive of the Red Army in the Oryol and Belgorod directions on August 5, 1943. I must say that at that time in the USSR there were neither special salute units, nor salute ammunition with equipment. Salute "improvised means" was carried out by artillery crews of the air defense forces and the garrison of the Moscow Kremlin. After that, a tradition was established to arrange salutes in honor of the successes of the Soviet army in battles with the Nazis.
