How to celebrate the new year at work. What to meet, what to cook on the table, how to decorate the house

One of the brightest and most anticipated holidays is the New Year. It not only brings fun, gifts and delicious festive table, but also gives a person hope that his dreams will come true. How do you need to celebrate the New Year 2017 so that it brings happiness?

2017 is the Year of the Fire Rooster

2017 according to the Eastern calendar is the year of the fiery rooster. The rooster is a very colorful animal. He is boastful, but it is well deserved - after all, he is very practical, distinguished by courage, special powers of observation, erudition and ingenuity.

To make it happy and harmonious, here are some tips on how to please his fiery master.

How to celebrate the New Year 2017

The rooster is still a dandy who loves everything fashionable, bright and beautiful. So on New Year's Eve, choose an outfit in which you will be irresistible.

Choose clothes in red and gold colors, outfits of yellow, orange, black, white and green colors will also be appropriate. And leave dresses and accessories with predatory leopard and tiger prints for another occasion.

Complete your look with high-heeled shoes that will make your silhouette more sophisticated and slim.

From jewelry, give preference gold and pearls(maybe even artificial).

How and where to celebrate the New Year

The rooster is an animal that does not like boredom and despondency, so it is worth meeting New Year fun, in the company of friends and relatives.

It is not necessary to celebrate the New Year at home, choose what you like best:

  • In the countryside - what could be better than fresh air, crackling wood in a fireplace or stove and cheerful company people close to you?
  • during a trip. Where to go for the New Year is a matter of taste. You can choose both foreign trips and interesting routes in Ukraine: Lviv, Kamyanets-Podolsky, Odessa, etc.
  • in the cafe- usually, on New Year's Eve they have an interesting entertainment and a very varied menu.
  • organize with friends quest or go to the quest room
  • outdoors in the city. It can be both a romantic walk and a family walk with children. The place can be very different - placefirst date with her husband in favorite square e cities, On Bridge, Where new year fireworks will be visible at a glance.

Also, don't forget to take glass goblets, thermos with hot mulled wine(Champagne is best not to drink in the cold). Also grab some homemade sandwiches if you get hungry on the walk and of course tangerines. which in the frosty air will become even more fragrant.

Even if you don’t want to leave the house on New Year’s Eve, come up with a few New Year's entertainment for guests. Thought out in advance will help to pass the holiday brightly and unforgettable!

What to cook for the New Year 2017

What would you like to cook on the New Year's table, so that the guests would like it and the owner of the year, the fiery Rooster, would like it?

Firstly, avoid dishes from chicken, quail, ducks. The turkey on the New Year's table will also not the best choice. Better cook something from beef, pork or beef or rabbit meat.

Let there be on the table dishes with grains- corn, peas, seeds or sesame seeds - the owner of the year loves them very much. What to cook for the New Year, our selection will help you choose.

In addition, do not forget about the decor of the New Year's table - the Rooster will love it.

What will be the New Year 2017 - the year of the Rooster

The Rooster will be the symbol of 2017, the controlling element of the year is fire, therefore Rooster will be fiery. The main color is red and all shades close to it, including fiery tones, are gold, orange, yellow. As noted in the East, the Rooster is the head of the family, he gets up early, keeps order and keeps everything under control. That is why in the coming year you should try not to fall out of the rhythm, keep your finger on the pulse, be in time everywhere and then luck will definitely be on your side.

If we talk about what the year of the Fire Rooster will be like in 2017, then we can say for sure that this period will be bright, like a cock's tail, stormy and unpredictable as the character of the symbol of the year. One event will rapidly change another, so it is important to keep track of what is happening in order to make time to accept correct solution. Changes will occur both in the social life of people and in the world as a whole. Some astrologers predict an extremely unstable situation in the world, but given the location of the planets, there is no cause for serious concern yet.

The year will be fruitful and successful for those who will try to prove themselves, show off their talents, an extraordinary approach to the situation. If such a chance presents itself, and it will certainly present itself, then it should not be missed in any case. The rooster does not tolerate inaction, appreciates accuracy and order in everything, many will have to put their thoughts in order, draw up a plan of action and systematically go towards their goal without unnecessary fuss. If for its implementation you have to reconsider your principles, attitude to life, worldview, then it is better to work on it. The stars advise in the year of the Fire Rooster to learn to be responsible, taking on certain obligations, you should not neglect them.

How to celebrate the New Year 2017

In order for everything to turn out well in the New Year, it is important to meet it correctly, to appease the fiery master of the year. Thinking about how to celebrate the Year of the Rooster in 2017, several issues will need to be resolved at once. Of course, the chores of preparing for the holiday are quite tedious, but if everything is taken care of in advance, and not left for the last day, then these chores will be pleasant. In addition, all family members can be involved in preparing for the celebration of the New Year, it will not only be fun, but will also help to unite even more. For example, children together with their parents can easily cope with decorating the interior, making toys for the Christmas tree and other simple but exciting things.

The rooster is a neat bird, appreciating cleanliness and order, so the first thing you should pay attention to when preparing the interior for the holiday is cleanliness. It is unlikely that the symbol of the year will be happy with a neglected apartment with a centimeter layer of dust on the windowsills. After the floors and other surfaces have been rubbed to a shine in the room, you can proceed directly to the decor. As for the colors for decoration, they should correspond to the fiery element of the coming year - Fire, that is, the red color should prevail in all its variations, ranging from pale yellow to purple.

You can decorate the room original garlands, figurines of a cockerel or the whole family along with chickens. These can be decorative toys made of ceramics, glass, or you can make soft toys with your own hands, and it is recommended to involve children in this activity, as a rule, they take an active part in the design of both the entire apartment and their rooms.

What is the New Year without a Christmas tree? Of course, none. So, we decorate the forest beauty. To do this, we again use red colors and its shades, bright beautiful balls, colored tinsel, ribbons, garlands in the form of chickens, hens, cockerels, homemade toys, fruits and sweets.

The personification of the fire element will be candles, for which it would be appropriate to use beautifully decorated glass or ceramic candlesticks or original wooden ones, everything here depends only on your imagination. Glass products can be decorated with burlap or matting, tied with bright ribbons, dry spikelets, flowers or a bunch of straw can be used. The same decor elements can be in the design of the apartment itself, because the Cockerel is a bird that lives in the yard, so the paraphernalia must match.

Dried spikelets of cereals, flowers, herbs, natural fabrics, original embroidery, earthenware: any elements of rustic style will be most appropriate and relevant in the decor of the room for the New Year 2017.

How to celebrate the New Year 2017. Menu

After the apartment has acquired a festive look, you should proceed to compiling a festive menu and think about table setting.

The first thing you should be aware of is that you can’t serve chicken as hot dishes and snacks, this may not please the owner of the year. But it is even recommended to serve eggs, if you decorate them beautifully with red caviar, then you can attract prosperity and prosperity to the house. To celebrate the New Year, you need to put peas with grain or a vase of nuts on the table if there are problems with the first option. The rooster will appreciate the treat prepared for him.

Also at the festive feast there should be fresh fragrant pastries, bright fruits in abundance, fresh vegetables, greens. Such a variety on the table will allow it to look as bright and festive as the tail of a rooster.

You need to set the table with the most beautiful dishes that are in the house, no plastic, only natural materials: clay, wood. Ideal if on the table will be linen tablecloth, linen napkins will be served to guests, and plates can be placed on wicker coasters. For serving, it is recommended to use candles, dry bouquets of fragrant herbs and flowers, straw baskets filled with fruits, vegetables, pastries. The decoration of the table should be elegant, but at the same time simple, the food should be tasty, beautifully presented, but without frills.

What to give for the New Year 2017

When choosing gifts for the New Year for your loved ones, special attention should be paid to guests and family who were born in the year of the Rooster. They will be glad to receive as a gift unusual items, somewhere daring. Moreover, this can be not only any specific thing, but emotions, for example, a parachute jump or a test drive of a racing car. If we talk about items as a gift to Roosters, then it is worth choosing an expensive and status present, real representatives of the sign will appreciate such a gesture.

The rest of the guests on New Year's Eve can be pleased with gifts in the form of figurines of a cockerel, kids - soft toys with delicious toppings. It is also appropriate to present elegant dishes made of ceramics, porcelain, wood, furniture and interior items made of natural materials, decorative elements in the form of candlesticks, candles with bright pebbles and glass, wall or table clocks in the form of a rooster or with a rooster.

Gifts for home and family will be especially valuable this year, because Rooster- the head of the family, his main task is to take care of the house, maintain order in it, he is a conservative and a connoisseur of traditions.

New Year 2017 should be met cheerfully with a good mood and only a positive attitude, in a friendly company of nice people. The rooster loves holidays and fireworks, so you should stock up on pyrotechnics. The owner of the year welcomes bright colorful fireworks, he will definitely be happy with such an emotional meeting and will definitely take it under his wing so that the whole year passes joyfully and positively.

Happy New Year!

To find out what to celebrate the year of the Rooster in 2017 according to the signs of the zodiac, women of fashion are starting now. And rightly so, because preparing for the celebration will take a lot of time and effort. It is important to have time to choose the traditional shades of outfits and fashionable styles, buy shoes and accessories to be in trend.

2017 colors of the year

It is accepted that the meeting of the new year could appease his patron, bring good luck to the house. To do this, people dress in appropriate clothes and set the table, according to the recommendations of astrologers. 2017 Year of the Rooster should be met in bright outfits that evoke associations with the fire element. It is desirable to celebrate the new year in the following shades:

  • Ginger;
  • Brown;
  • Golden;
  • Yellow;
  • Orange;
  • Red;
  • Scarlet;
  • Burgundy.

Flame-colored clothing will surely draw the attention of the Rooster to bright people and bring happiness in 2017. The favor of fortune depends on how the meeting of the holiday goes. In addition to traditional colors, the Rooster can be pleased with green, turquoise or blue hues. You should choose a gamma depending on what hopes are placed on the new 2017:

  1. For offspring and financial well-being All zodiac signs are encouraged to wear red.
  2. If dreams are focused on family, marriage and love, the choice should be stopped at blue color. It will also come in handy for careerists, as it promises success in the service of the Rooster in 2017.
  3. True wealth will attract yellow and all shades of gold. And the tandem of blue and yellow will increase the chances of making a profit in 2017 several times.
A win-win option is to celebrate the new 2017 Year of the Rooster in a red dress

It is advisable to celebrate the New Year in brilliant outfits, but not overdo it, because the envy of the Rooster will cause subsequent anger.

Models and fabrics

Boring business dresses are best left for visiting the office, as are regular blouses with straight skirts. New Year 2017 is held under the auspices of the Rooster, who loves light dresses with a lush hem. Free-cut trousers, which are distinguished by comfort, will also come to the court. Tight clothes will hamper movement and quickly cause fatigue, and it is important for all signs of the zodiac to meet the new year 2017 in a fun and unforgettable atmosphere.

The material of the outfit is to choose only natural:

  • Velvet;
  • Atlas;
  • Silk;

Men may have a dilemma, because not everyone wants to complement the belt with rhinestones or decorate the suit for the new year 2017 with multi-colored feathers. The representatives of the stronger sex should not worry, because they are quite suitable traditional costume dark color. Brave people can experiment with golden and burgundy shades. The outfit should be neat, clean and ironed - for the patron of the year 2017 of the Rooster, order is of great importance.

Astrologers do not recommend “fashionably” raising the shirt collar as a sign of independence and self-confidence. The master of the coming year will not tolerate competition, leaving the dominant role to himself. If the patron is favorable to women, then he will not provide concessions to men.

Fabrics "liquid metallic" at the peak of popularity

Shoes and accessories

Jewelry, high-quality jewelry and miniature handbags will help to complete the image. The meeting of the new year does not always take place at home, but in a cafe a clutch will certainly come in handy. The rooster likes small handbags made of natural materials, it is important that they fit the outfit.

Handbags decorated with sequins, stones are appropriate different sizes and rhinestones. In order not to annoy the Rooster, in this case, the clothes should be more than modest and restrained tones. How brighter outfit, the less jewelry you need to wear, otherwise there is a high risk of celebrating the new year in the form of a parrot. Stones must be selected to match the main outfit. Among the stones in jewelry ruby or garnet should predominate. A combination of gold with warm amber, citrine or sapphire will be successful.

As for shoes, shoes with stable heels are ideal for the Year of the Rooster. The stiletto heel is a classic and will never go out of fashion, but in such shoes a comfortable meeting of the holiday is impossible. Suitable ballet shoes, decorated with rhinestones and small stones, platform sandals or shoes with a glass heel.

Moschino 2016-2017

Choosing an outfit according to the signs of the zodiac for the new year of the rooster

Astrologers say that if you choose the right way to meet 2017 according to various signs of the zodiac, fate will be favorable throughout the next 12 months:

  • Aries can safely adhere to absolutely all of the above tips, preferring the yellow color. It is better for female representatives of this fiery zodiac sign to refuse the presence of a deep neckline in an outfit. Otherwise, the new year will bring love tragedy and heartbreak.

    Moschino winter 2017

  • Taurus is not afraid of any experiments, so colors and their combination can be the most daring. However, this zodiac is not characterized by flashy antics and a bright personality, and therefore the earth sign will surely withstand the measure in everything. In jewelry, pay attention to large hoop earrings.
  • If you look at the signs of the zodiac, the Gemini are considered the most eccentric, who have time always and everywhere. A feature of the image should be its careful thoughtfulness and correctly placed accents. Women will have to figure out not only what to wear for 2017 according to the air sign of the zodiac, but also what accessories to use. To attract good luck, you need to decorate your hair with a hairpin or satin ribbon red hues.
  • Cancers will also have complete freedom of choice, but the original costume outfit will especially please the Rooster. For this reason, the meeting of the new year for the sign of Cancer should be held in the style of an unforgettable masquerade. When else will you get a chance to have so much fun? If there are no supporters of the idea, it is enough to complement the outfit with a mysterious mask with rhinestones.
  • It is difficult to please the pedantic and self-confident Lions, who sincerely consider such training according to the signs of the zodiac to be superstition and nonsense. Royal people can relax and choose the outfit that they like. The impeccable royal taste will be appreciated by the patron of the year. The main condition is restraint in jewelry and accessories, so as not to overshadow the beauty of the Rooster.
  • Virgos according to the zodiac should choose bright clothes but stick to soft makeup in soothing colors. Jewelry should be concise to emphasize the natural beauty of the earth sign.
  • Scales, even in life, are two opposite bowls, which outweigh in one direction, then in the other. And you can take a positive moment out of this by playing on natural contrasts. Libra is allowed to shine, meeting the new year, even all night long. It is advisable to remember what outfit you have been dreaming about in recent months - and opt for it.
  • Scorpios are simply obliged to meet the new year according to the zodiac, creating a personal zest in the image. And the fair sex will not hurt and peppercorn to stand out from the crowd of celebrating. There is more than enough room for imagination, the main thing is to attract the attention of others.
  • It is recommended for Sagittarius to celebrate the New Year of the Rooster in a relaxed atmosphere, so women can safely dress up in short skirts and show off an attractive neckline. Owners of a luxurious figure will ideally suit the image of a femme fatale.
  • It is desirable for Capricorns to listen to their own intuition and fully trust the inner voice. Emphasis must be placed on well-groomed hands and beautiful manicure. It is better to choose accessories that are discreet, avoiding excessive pretentiousness that the Rooster will not like.
  • Aquarians can try on floor-length skirts, trouser suits and Long Dresses with bare shoulders. It will be interesting to look fashionable asymmetry in the image, at least a small heel is desirable in shoes. Modest clothing is in harmony with bright decorations something to keep in mind for the new year.
  • Any style is suitable for Pisces, but the outfit must be new. You can look for a suitable option right now, but don’t go shopping before the second half of December. This cunning ploy will attract success and money into the house in the coming year.

In order to win over the patron of the coming year, you should not save on the image and be modest. Whatever you have to celebrate the new year 2017 according to the signs of the zodiac, the basis should be bright colors, large jewelry and elegant accessories. Tikhoni will not like the Rooster, so they may not count on luck.

Every year, the heads of people wisely approaching the organization of an unforgettable New Year's Eve, are full of a huge list of worries and troubles: from choosing clothes and menus to organizing holiday program and decoration of premises. And for those who in the coming year wish to celebrate the year of the Fire Rooster brightly, extraordinary and with a twinkle, an urgent question arises: how to celebrate the New Year 2017?

In order to please relatives and friends with a warm and brilliant celebration, it is necessary to take into account the features of the New Year's Eve, which will appease the owner of the year and stock up on good luck and luck for the whole year.

Symbol of 2017

2017 will be the year of the Fire Rooster, one of the most unusual and amazing creatures of the Eastern calendar. This extraordinary, cheerful and fighting animal loves everything extravagant, bright and unusual. Therefore, for those who wish to spend the year carefree, joyfully and happily, on New Year's Eve it is worthwhile to surround yourself with something colorful and unusual - something that can definitely attract the attention and interest of the Rooster.

The year 2017, which has come under the tutelage of the Fire Rooster, promises to be rich in bright moments in world history and the life of every person, affecting all spheres of life: from cultural to political. A huge number of magnificent festivities, carnivals, various exhibitions and public events will take place in a wave over the coming twelve months.

Symbol of 2017, Fire Rooster, is a call for everything new, a sign of significant changes in everyone's life and the onset of unexpected changes. This brave, selfless, cheerful and desperate bird has a fighting disposition that sets the tone for the coming year. The rooster, awakening with the first rays of the sun, is ready in 2017 to call towards bold achievements of all those who heed his call and will be glad to open up to everything new and unusual.

The coming year promises to be rich in incredible surprises and gifts from fate, as well as loved ones. The sociable Rooster will help you make new acquaintances and strengthen relationships with old friends. The Rooster is ready to give special help to strong couples in love, preparing for them an influx of passionate feelings and a second wind in a relationship.

Colors of 2017

The red color, under the banner of which the celebration of the upcoming Chinese New Year will be held, has long been the main color most often used in greeting cards and decorations. For the Chinese, red is an assistant in getting rid of the terrible monster Nian, who in the past kept the inhabitants of a seaside village in fear. And now, when the value of red is multiplied many times over, on New Year's Eve you should surround yourself with a few little things of the main color in China.

The dominant color of the year of the Fire Rooster personifies the incessant forward movement, renewal, prosperity, strength of body and spirit, courage, courage, power, incredible energy contained in red. And even a small red detail of the New Year's image, combined with the ambitiousness and indomitability of the Rooster, will help fill next year new opportunities, interesting discoveries and bold deeds.

The fire element gave a bright fiery palette for 2017: in decorating rooms, a New Year's table, menus or festive clothes, you should definitely use things of red, yellow, orange colors. Such a palette will turn the New Year's attire into an attention-grabbing light, and it will seem as if the apartment will be illuminated by the flame of a blazing fire.

Other colors ready to conquer fashion catwalks in 2017 and help freshen up the New Year's outfit, include shades of red: lilac, burgundy, pink, raspberry, mother-of-pearl, as well as light green and light green. By including one of these colors in your New Year's image, the girl will certainly look dazzling.

New Year's image

For lovely ladies, a great option in order to attract everyone's attention to fun party or a quiet family dinner, will wear a classic red dress. An excellent option would also be to purchase for new year's eve sophisticated sheath dress or elegant dress to the floor

It is best to give preference along with shiny, sparkling, flowing fabrics. Things made of red, golden or white satin or silk will look luxurious, as well as romantic and light dresses made of satin or brocade of fiery shades.

As a hairstyle for the upcoming New Year's dinner, it is recommended to resort to natural styling able to fully emphasize the natural beauty. An excellent option would be the usual high tail, the hair in which will be gracefully twisted or, on the contrary, straightened. Neatly styled and curled loose hair will look good.

Special attention should be paid to jewelry or unusual accents for a festive dress. In honor of the Fire Rooster are all kinds of jewelry and shiny objects, especially jewelry made of gold, copper and bronze. A good choice would be to have jewelry with ruby ​​or amber, citrine inserts, for example, a ring or a necklace.

Properly placed fashion accents will help to present the girl’s outfit in a completely different light, and in 2017, bows and feathers were chosen as the main assistants for this purpose. Colorful details can be used to decorate a dress, shoes, headdress or hairstyle, as well as sprinkle clothes with sequins and rhinestones. The main thing is not to overdo it, but only diversify and complement the chosen outfit.

New Year traditions

To determine for yourself how to celebrate the New 2017 Year of the Rooster, it is important to turn to the origins of the celebration of this event in China. Traditionally, the Chinese people perform several annual activities before the New Year to ensure the release of negative energy at home before entering the next year. They prepare new clothes and, if possible, get rid of old ones, and also carry out general cleaning in houses and apartments.

On the night before the onset of the New Year, it is customary to reunite with distant relatives and friends, discuss the events and changes that have taken place during the year, and share joyful emotions. Be sure to take a family photo on New Year's Eve, in which all the gathered relatives will be captured around the head of the family.

On the first night, you should definitely release a volley of bright fireworks into the sky in order to scare away evil spirits from your family for a year ahead and give your loved ones pleasant and good impressions.

The menu for a gala dinner should certainly include fruits and vegetables of red and yellow flowers: carrots, peppers, tomatoes, beets, grapes, apples. They can simply be put on a plate or used when cutting salads, cooking hot dishes, canapes or sandwiches. Do not forget about red caviar - an indispensable companion of the celebration of the New Year.

On the New Year's table, several red, orange or yellow candles should be placed, preferably curly or depicting the symbol of the year. As decorations for dishes, you can use small pieces of satin or silk ribbons, tinsel or rain. The tablecloth and napkins should also be chosen to match the symbol of the coming year.

How to celebrate the New Year 2017

The best solution for celebrating the New Year of the Rooster will be a warm family evening, because the Rooster is an avid homebody and family man. Such a pastime will give the location of the owner of the year, bring good luck, and also unite your family. Funny games and funny contests, karaoke will help diversify the feast.

A cheerful noisy group of friends will also be a great option for celebrating. If you add to this active outdoor entertainment - fun game snowball fights, downhill skiing, a holiday in the city square or soulful songs with a guitar in the country - the holiday will be unbanal and leave the most pleasant memories.

If your family or company does not belong to homebodies, and you are constantly called by unknown distances, go on a trip. Christmas story in the Czech Republic, reindeer sleigh rides in magical Lapland, active holidays in the Carpathians or New Year's show in St. Petersburg - choose an adventure to your liking.

And remember that the main attribute of the New Year's Eve 2017 is good mood and belief in miracles.

Without a doubt, every woman wants to create a stylish and bright New Year's image, so you need to think through every little thing in order to shine and feel like a real star on the main night of the year. Hairstyles for the New Year 2017 should emphasize individuality, be a little extravagant in order to attract the attention of the symbol of the coming year - the Red Fire Rooster. Stylish Christmas […]

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The pre-New Year fuss captures everyone already with the onset of the first days of December. Choosing gifts for relatives, friends, loved ones is very troublesome, but joyful and pleasant. It is even more pleasant to present handmade surprises. In such gifts, everyone tries to put a piece of their love, heart. Do-it-yourself gifts for the New Year 2017 must be done, […]

The upcoming 2017 will be held under the auspices of the Red Fire Rooster - this is a rather domestic and at the same time very bright bird. The rooster likes attention from the outside. To earn the favor of the patron of the year is quite simple, you can make the symbol of the New Year 2017 with your own hands, decorating your house with such an accessory, or presenting it […]

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2017 is the year of the Red or Fire Rooster. To please the symbol of the year and bring good luck into your life, you need to think in advance where, with whom to celebrate, what to wear, what to serve. Astrologers advice.

Astrologers advise meeting the year of the Rooster in a cheerful noisy company. Get together with family, friends and loved ones. Home decoration is important. As much as possible bright colors! The rooster is attentive to the little things, so give them due attention. Garlands, tinsel, stickers with the symbol of the year - they should be in every corner of the house.
The choice of attire also has a symbolic meaning. To please the Fire Rooster, choose colorful, bright clothes. The ideal option is red, orange and golden tones. Suitable for light, flowing fabrics. Do not wear clothing that restricts movement. If you have a solid dark outfit, then be sure to decorate it bright accessory. It can be a belt, a brooch, large beads.

When choosing a hairstyle, show your imagination. Be sure to add a spectacular nuance. You can decorate your hair with a hairpin with beautiful feathers or weave it into your hair. bright ribbon.

For makeup, golden shades of shadows are preferable. The main rule when applying is to draw the inner corner of the upper eyelid with a lighter color, gradually turning into a dark one. It gives effect expressive eyes. A thin strip of liquid eyeliner will visually thicken your lashes.

The festive New Year's table should also be set so as not to offend the Fiery Rooster, but to attract his attention and earn favor. For serving, choose a plain tablecloth, matching napkins. Plastic utensils are not welcome, it is better to use glass or ceramics. Put a saucer with any cereal on the table, the symbol of the year will like it. Don't forget the candles.

The Fire Rooster will not tolerate poultry and chicken eggs on the New Year's table. So an American-style holiday with a baked turkey is not the best this year. the best option. Eggs can also be used in baking and in the preparation of mayonnaise. The main thing is not to serve them on the table as a whole. Suitable baked pork, lamb, meat yeast pie, cheese and meat cuts, aspic, pickles, salads with shrimp, vegetables, meat, appetizers with caviar, pates.

Do not forget about fresh vegetables and fruits on the table. You can decorate them beautifully, cut out flowers and other decorations. You can also collect assorted fruits in a beautiful vase.

Following these simple advice you will be able to celebrate the New Year of the Red Rooster in accordance with all the rules, so as not to frighten off happiness and good luck. Let main holiday Year will pass cheerfully and easily, and next year will bring only joy and happy events.
