Ultrasonic air freshener. What are air fresheners and how to choose the right model? What is an aroma diffuser

Fragrances and humidifiers

Humidifier is an invention of the 21st century. The state of atmospheric air is worsened by industrial production, and indoor air is changed by central heating systems, office equipment, Appliances. The fact that the surrounding air dries up, we notice by our well-being, headaches, deterioration of mood. The optimum air humidity for humans is 40-70%.

Fragrances-humidifiers will help you maintain optimal humidity in your room. They do not require special training, are easy to operate, the noise level is low, and does not interfere with rest.

​Buy an air humidifier flavor in the MedMag24 medical equipment online store.

Purchasing a humidifier, you create a microclimate of the room in which you feel more harmonious, calmer. ​Pango fragrances are small compact devices that use the technology of ultrasonic atomization of water molecules and aromatic oil into the air to improve indoor air quality, humidify it, take care of your health and mood.

Buying a humidifier-aromatizer you become the master of the atmosphere in your home.

Humidifiers Pango very useful for health, especially in dry hot weather and during the heating season, when the air is dry, causing the mucous membranes of our nasopharynx, bronchi and lungs to suffer. Our skin is very vulnerable.

Beauticians recommend having humidifiers at home that prevent premature aging, prevent moisture from the skin from evaporating, and also from drying out the respiratory tract, which makes it easier to breathe in a dry climate or in heated rooms.
Humidifiers will also be useful for office premises, for rooms in sanatoriums, rest homes, hotels. Ultrasonic humidifiers have the advantage of being small, compact and easy to use.

Air freshener - a device that provides additional comfort in the room by protecting against unpleasant odors by saturating the air with natural aromas.

  • Air fresheners are very popular.
  • The device and principle of operation of the air freshener
  • Main characteristics of air fresheners

How to choose an air freshener

Air flavors affect one of the basic human senses - the sense of smell, which means a lot for well-being. It is well known that staying in a room where it smells bad not only gives us discomfort, but can also lead to various disorders and even diseases.

Smells greatly affect the general condition of the body: there are aromas that make us mobilize, and there are those that, on the contrary, relax. good smell- a sign of health, well-being, not without reason, we put smells on ourselves in the form of perfume, cologne, deodorant. Therefore, air fresheners are very popular.

Present on the market today great amount a wide variety of air fresheners in the form of gels, lotions, sprays, etc., with fragrances for every taste. But not all of them are environmentally friendly and able to provide nice smell indoors for a long time.

For example, aerosols and sprays most often use synthetic fragrances and may contain potential allergens. The healthiest option is to use natural scented oils for flavoring.

The device and principle of operation of the air freshener

Most fragrances work like humidifiers, so manufacturers often combine the two names to describe their device: fragrance humidifier. Such devices require the mandatory presence of water in them.

Many flavoring humidifiers are of the ultrasonic type. The principle of their action is as follows. A high-frequency alternating electric current is applied to a piezoelectric element (ultrasonic membrane) immersed in water, which causes mechanical vibration of the element. Due to this vibration, alternating waves of increased and reduced pressure are formed in the water layer. In areas of low pressure, the liquid boils up even at room temperature (cavitation), with the release of fine particles into the air. These particles form the so-called "cold vapor". If you add essential aromatic oils to the water, the steam will not only humidify the air, but also aromatize it.

Learn more about humidifiers.

But there are air fresheners that work without water by vaporizing essential oils into the air directly. These include, for example, Stadler Form Lea.

What are the main technical characteristics that are most important when choosing an air freshener for your home?

« If we talk about technical specifications, then, as for most climate control equipment, the area of ​​​​the serviced premises and power should be called the paramount parameter of the flavor.

It is also very important that the flavoring agent knows how to create and maintain the optimal intensity of the aroma, as there is nothing worse than when it is too harsh. In the Stadler Form models, this problem is solved by the interval mode, and in the Lea fragrance there is also a special mode when the device works only in the light. And, for example, Julia is able to distribute the fragrance evenly throughout the room using the Aroma Swing ™ dynamic spray technology, when the outlet rotates 160 ° from side to side. In some of our models, the spray intensity can also be controlled manually (Jasmine , Julia)».

The level of your comfort depends on the noise level of the operating flavor - it is very unpleasant to inhale a pleasant aroma under an annoying buzz. The best way to check whether the device you like is suitable for you, it is to turn it on in the room where it will be installed, and personally evaluate it for some time. If this is not possible, refer to the documentation, where the manufacturer indicates the limit value of the fragrance noise in dBA. But remember, as a rule, air fresheners have several modes of operation. The lower the fan speed, the less noise there will be.

The noise level depends on the design of the fan and electric motor installed in the device, as well as on the quality of their manufacture, i.e. from the brand. And, of course, from the operating conditions.

The operating time determines how long the fragrance can work offline, without the need to perform any actions with it. If the manufacturer indicates a short operating time, you will have to fill the device with water more often and perform other manipulations. Think about how ready you are for this.

What else should you pay attention to when choosing?

When you have decided on the main characteristics of the device, then your choice depends solely on the additional options that certain manufacturers offer you. For example, on the shape of the fragrance, on the presence of a backlight, on the ability of the device to work autonomously, without being connected to the mains, etc.

Some manufacturers produce models that operate in different modes, for example, having night and day aromatization modes. There are flavors that beep when they run out of water. In general, the possibilities of these devices are great.

Ekaterina Ivanova, product manager at Stadler Form, answers:

« The choice of flavor largely depends on where you plan to use it. It must be understood that it will be part of the interior, and accordingly, it must be suitable in style, color, dimensions. The need for autonomous operation also depends on where the device will be used. After all, not all rooms where aromatization is required have sockets. Most Stadler Form flavors are mains powered, except Lea, which has rechargeable batteries.

You can also advise before buying to figure out how the flavoring works: what technology is used (oil consumption will largely depend on this), whether all oils can be used, how refueling occurs. Most fragrances require a little water to be added, and Lea is an exception here too: its patented technology allows the oil to be sprayed directly from the bottle.

As for aromatization technologies, there is another task for the buyer, more difficult - to pay attention to the quality of the ultrasonic membrane (if the device uses this technology). This parameter determines how long the device will last. By the way, ultrasonic fragrances (in Stadler Form it is Jasmine, Julia, Mia) can be used as personal air humidifiers, because they are, in essence, they».

Hello. This is probably my last review of the year. Over the course of this year, several rather curious gizmos have accumulated that I would like to review. I decided to start with an ultrasonic fragrance / humidifier / ionizer, etc., etc. This is how this gadget is positioned in the form of a UFO, moreover, it is equipped with a built-in 1000mA lithium battery and a solar battery. How does UFO-1 manage all its functions? What is true and what is not? This is what we will try to find out in this review.

This review was difficult to write. The answer to one question led to many other questions. Find answers to all questions - I could not. I hope the collective mind in the comments will help with this.

So let's get started. The flavoring was ordered on October 22. On October 24, information on the track already appeared in the post office of the Netherlands, and on November 21 I was holding a voluminous package in my hands:

Inside was a large cardboard box. And unrumpled, it may well fit for a gift. At first, I even thought that the store was mistaken and sent me, judging by the box, a tablet:

But no, everything turned out to be correct:

Instructions in full Chinese and therefore not interesting. We remove it and see the hero of the review and accessories for him.

Let's take a look at what's included. Well, along the way, I will describe the characteristics of UFO-1.

A bottle for convenient refilling of the fragrance with water with measured divisions in milliliters. Volume: 75 milliliters:

The flavor itself contains 100 milliliters of water. Moreover, it is desirable to use distilled or purified water in order to avoid damage to the ultrasonic atomizer, as well as the appearance of white plaque on objects located in the room where the fragrance is installed. You may have noticed that I write a fragrance, not a moisturizer. The device is very poorly suited for the role of a humidifier. In reality, my measured water consumption in 10/10 mode is 12.5 milliliters per hour. In hourly mode, the water consumption will be 25 milliliters per hour. I will write about the modes below. To humidify the room, in my opinion - it will not be enough. Although for a car - quite enough.

Charging cord:

It's the charger. The ultrasonic fragrance works from the built-in battery. External power, as well as a solar battery - is used only to recharge this battery.

Essential oil for air aromatization:

Smells very nice. For 100 milliliters of water, it is enough to drop 2-3 drops into the flavor. But what it's called, I don't know. The name is only in Chinese. I asked the store a question, but perhaps we misunderstood each other a bit. In response, I received not the name of the oil, but ... But I’ll write about this at the end of the review, maybe it will be useful to someone. Well, the name of the oil is still a mystery to me.

Car charger for using the fragrance in the car:

Sticky mat, for mounting UFO-1 in the car:

Also included are two cotton buds for cleaning the ultrasonic nebulizer.

Well, here is the hero of today's review with a ruler, to understand the size:

This is where the steam comes out:

Hole with plug for filling water:

Side view. Approximately 3 cm thick

Bottom view:

Now I will talk about the operating modes of the device. The UFO-1 is turned on by the largest button on the bottom right. By default, it turns on in the mode of 3 seconds on - 10 seconds off. Switch modes with the middle button on the right. 1 press and the mode is turned on 10 seconds of work - 10 seconds of break. All this is indicated by LEDs on the left. Here, 10/10 mode is enabled:

Another 1 press switches to the continuous operation mode for an hour, after which the ultrasonic aromatizer turns off. Well, in general, 1 hour is the maximum operating time in all modes. If it takes longer, then you need to turn it on again. Basically, it's good. Nothing to leave on. Turns off by itself.

The topmost button on the right Heat - turns on the Heating mode. Moreover, it turns on regardless of the inclusion of the ultrasonic atomizer. The corresponding LED on the left lights up. Works exactly 10 minutes, then turns off. It is logical to assume, judging by the name, that this is heating. However, the steam remains cold. Just a little thicker. But maybe I'm wrong. Maybe one of the readers will tell you what it is?

And now let's start the "dismemberment". Disassembling the device is quite easy. Using a plastic card, carefully divide the case into 2 halves along the silver rim, from the bottom side. It's only held on by clips. Holds tight. Spontaneous disassembly is excluded.

Bottom part. Water tank. The filter is visible, which is inserted into a plastic sleeve with a slot at the bottom. With one end it is immersed in water, with the other end it touches the ultrasonic atomizer. To ensure reliable and constant contact between the atomizer and the filter, a spring is used:

Here is the node in more detail. Water rises through the filter due to the capillary effect. Filter by size - one to one like a cigarette filter:

As we can see, there is no sensor for the presence of water in the tank. Therefore, we must not forget to add water in a timely manner. Running the fragrance without water can cause damage. Let me remind you that the operation of the ultrasonic fragrance in continuous mode will use up a full tank of water (100 ml) in 4 hours. Maybe that's why auto-shutdown is done after 1 hour of work.

Let's move on to the top. In the photo you can see the electronic stuffing, ultrasonic atomizer and battery:

Ultrasonic Nebulizer:

The ceramic disc connected to the main control board is a piezoceramic transformer, which together with the main board constitutes the ultrasonic oscillator. When this transformer is activated, the water passes into the water-air boundary state. By constant compression and decompression of the water column, the transformer achieves cavitation in the immediate vicinity of the water surface. Crossed capillary waves are formed, from which a very thin, light aerosol mist is discharged at the crest of the wave. This aerosol mist exits the instrument and mixes with the surrounding air.

Now let's see if the solar battery really works. The photo was taken on an overcast day. When illuminated by fluorescent lamps located approximately at a height of 3 meters, the multimeter is connected to the terminals of the solar battery:

We turn on the table halogen lamp, at a height of about 70 centimeters from the solar cell:

As you can see, it really works. In the car or by the window on a sunny day, this can be useful.

This device is designed for room volume from 3 to 20 square meters. Although the room bigger size it filled with a pleasant aroma in less than an hour.

The production of anions by the device is also stated. Negative ions make the air fresher. Anion concentration: 3000000 pcs/cm?, Ozone concentration:< 0.002 mg/ч.

I cannot verify this. Only indirectly. In the smoky interior of the car, the air quickly cleared of the smell of tobacco. It was cleansed, and not drowned out by the aroma essential oil.

As for aromatherapy, it really works and helps. The work is based on breaking a mixture of water and essential oil into millions of microscopic particles. The device sprays the resulting ultra-dispersive aerosol, which fills the atmosphere with a pleasant aroma and creates a surprisingly comfortable microclimate that is favorable even for small children. Aromas of essential oils can improve both physical and emotional state. They relax, can give strength and tone, relieve headaches, relieve insomnia, etc.

I recently got sick with bronchitis. It was very difficult to breathe. I bought fir essential oil at the pharmacy, dripped it into UFO-1. Indeed, breathing became much easier. Probably everyone knows how to breathe in a coniferous forest.))) Yes, this fragrance is relevant for the new year.

Here is a short video of the device in action:

Effective air aromatization

solar cell

Built-in battery

Really helpful aromatherapy

Compact dimensions

Complete set of accessories

Well made body

Neutralization of tobacco smoke

Beautiful packaging suitable for a gift

Indoors (not in a car) will not work as a humidifier due to the low water consumption.

No water sensor.

Incomprehensible purpose of the Heat button.

And now back to what I wrote at the very beginning. Instead of translating the instructions and the name of the oil, the GearBest store sent me a discount coupon for this device. It really works. The truth is how much it will work - I do not know. Maybe someone will come in handy. Coupon Code: SolarSQ

Happy New Year, everyone! Do not be ill!

In addition to the main engineering and communal systems that provide a favorable atmosphere in the house, there is a wide range of less popular, but significant for comfort, means of ennobling the living space. The usual set is represented by devices that are responsible for certain characteristics of the microclimate, including temperature, humidity, ionization, etc. Not so long ago, an ultrasonic aroma diffuser became available to a wide audience of consumers, which endows the house with certain aromatic properties.

What is an aroma diffuser?

This is a small household device designed to spray essential oils in the area of ​​effect. During operation, the device also regulates the level of humidity, so its purchase will provide two functions at the same time. Standard models of this type in a constant mode with varying intensity release water vapor saturated with a pre-selected aroma. In essence, humidifiers work on the same principle, but with slight differences. Diffusers are specially designed to combine water and essential oil and then diffuse the finished mixture. At the same time, the pulverization effect itself is not noticeable to the eye. The effect can be compared to fog or a vapor curtain, the density of which is adjusted depending on current needs. As a rule, an ultrasonic electric aroma diffuser is powered by the mains and at the time of water consumption in the tank it turns off automatically. Therefore, it is important to calculate the filling level in a special chamber and choose the appropriate operating mode of the device for balanced spraying over time.

Features of ultrasonic models

On this moment two types of aroma diffusers are popular. The reed type of devices is more affordable, but it is also less efficient and functional. are characterized by the possibility of providing a "breathing" fine spray of water mixed with aromatic oil. Modern versions of such devices are equipped with special sensors that monitor the level of humidity and, based on the finished indicators, the diffuser can independently decide on the transition to a suitable operating mode. But for this, the user must initially make the appropriate settings for the limits of the humidity indicator. Some models also provide the ability to control operating parameters depending on temperature. More importantly, the ultrasonic aroma diffuser is small in size. Its functional part takes up little space, and in general, the dimensions are determined only by the capacity of the tank - an average of 100-120 ml. Now you can go to an overview of the best models on the market.

Reviews about the model Aic Ultransmit KW-009

The classic model of a desktop aroma diffuser that combines several functions. Among them are the direct spraying of aromatic oils, moisturizing, ionization and even lighting. As for the direct function, the ultrasonic aroma diffuser Ultransmit KW-009 generates a mixture in the form of an aerosol, the microparticles of which contain aromatic substances. At the same time, negative ions are sprayed, which has a beneficial effect on the characteristics of the air environment.

Connoisseurs of modern technological solutions should also pay attention to the KW-017 modification. It is distinguished by the presence of touch control and small size. However, the capacity of this device is only 60 ml, so you will not have to count on high performance. On the other hand, the ultrasonic aroma diffuser KW-017 is optimal for a nursery or bedroom. When the aromatic solution runs out, the automation will turn it off without user intervention.

Reviews about the model from URPOWER

The developers of URPOWER present a 100 ml diffuser, which can also be used in the living room or in the kitchen in continuous operation. Nevertheless, experienced users do not recommend forgetting to fill the tank. As practice shows, the liquid dries up after 6 hours of intensive use. The positive impressions of many owners are rather the decorative qualities of this device. Designers have provided 7 color lighting modes in it, which will allow you to set the atmosphere in a certain way - relaxing, creative, romantic, etc. Or you can choose a kaleidoscope mode in which the ultrasonic aroma diffuser will change the color style at certain intervals without stopping the function spraying aromatic oils. As for other functions, the device in this respect is called conservative. The main emphasis is placed on the generation of aromatic mixtures without the possibility of ionization and stable humidification, which is carried out in the background relative to the main task.

Reviews about the model from InnoGear

The company offers the 200 ml Aromatherapy Essential multifunctional diffuser. The device is provided with a special timer, according to which you can set the operating modes - for 1, 3 or 6 hours. Also, after the depletion of the supply of water and oil, the device itself turns off until the next session. In addition, the user is offered two mist settings, which allows more precise control of the spraying process itself. In terms of decorative qualities, the model is no less attractive. Many note original design housing, which contains an electric ultrasonic aroma diffuser. Reviews emphasize the texture of the model, which will organically fit into the eco-interior. By the way, the manufacturer notes that the entire structure is made of harmless materials, which do not contain toxic and harmful substances. The owners also praise the quietness of the diffuser, comparing its acoustic effect with a human whisper.

Reviews about the model from VicTsing

The Cool Mist Humidifier model from VicTsing has a capacity of 300 ml, at least this characteristic attracts the attention of a considerable part of the target audience. Users testify that this volume is enough for 10 hours of work. Otherwise, standard modes of operation with different time intervals are provided. The special features include only the structural qualities that distinguish this ultrasonic aroma diffuser from the general background. Reviews, in particular, note the optimized shape of the body and the presence of three legs that do not allow the diffuser to roll over. Moreover, a capacious reservoir does not violate the stability of the structure at all, and when filled, it even contributes to stability.

Which option would be the best?

The correct choice of aroma diffuser can be made provided that the nature and conditions of its operation are determined. For permanent use, it is advisable to purchase models with a capacity of at least 100 ml. It is also worth thinking about an additional option that will allow you to fine-tune the parameters of the device. Special attention is paid to decorative qualities. Both in terms of choosing color solutions and in assessing the characteristics of the backlight, one should rely on appearance the interior of the target room where it is planned to use the ultrasonic aroma diffuser in continuous mode. It will not be superfluous to provide for wellness functions. The same ionization, although it increases the price tag, but the operational effect, according to many users, is worth the cost.

A question of price

The most affordable devices for aromatization are available for 1-1.5 thousand rubles. These are small-sized devices without additional functions and with a small tank volume. In the middle segment, models with a capacity of 100 ml or more are presented. These include the ultrasonic aroma diffuser Ultransmit, which, depending on the modification, costs 2-3 thousand. Models of this type are provided with an average set of options and adjustment capabilities. There is also a whole segment of semi- or professional aromatherapy stations. Such devices are distinguished by high spraying power, large volumes of water tanks and automated operation. There are over $10,000 on the market for these machines.


In a modern house full of various equipment and equipment, it may seem redundant to use, at first glance, not the most obligatory device. Indeed, the function of flavors may well be replaced by a small garden in the form of a “living” corner. But not all indoor plants are equally effective in terms of healing and relaxing effects. In turn, the ultrasonic aroma diffuser will require a minimum of space in the room, while eliminating the hassle of additional maintenance. The user will only need to fill the tank with water and aromatic oil in a timely manner 1-2 times a day. And this is only under the condition of continuous operation of the device, because most often 2-3 hours are enough for the diffuser to fully fulfill its task. Added to this is the decorative function of such devices. Both appearance and lighting - all this, coupled with the effect of aromatization, has a positive effect on the creation of a favorable psychological atmosphere in a house or apartment.
