Why do teenage girls stop playing sports. Why do teenage girls stop playing sports Why does this happen

. There, girls from 4 to 14 years old will be able to try activities that are traditionally considered unsuitable for them: carpentry, football, chess, boxing.At the same time, if on the way to education girls around the world face multiple barriers that adults create, about whichtestify numerousresearch, then they refuse physical activity themselves.Maria Suchkova, partner of the GirlPower FC women's football club, told Snob about why this is happening.

Photo: Wikipedia

Girls really refuse to play sports

In 2015, a study was conducted in the UK on the physical activity of boys and girls school age. It turned out that starting from the age of eight, girls spend less time on sports than before, and by the age of 13-15, only 8 percent of girls are engaged in physical activity for at least an hour a day.

It is important to understand that these 60 minutes a day are not professional sports, but the simplest physical activity - sports clubs, physical education lessons and even games in the yard - which is included in basic recommendations WHO.

In Russia, such studies have not been conducted. But it is safe to say that Russian girls in adolescence, like the British, do less sports than boys and skip physical education classes at school more often.

Why is this happening

Going from girl to girl is a huge stress. It's not just bodily changes, first menstruation, acne and armpit hair. It is also a new look at your body, attempts to find your place in a peer group, build boundaries in relationships with adults, understand and construct your identity. These are sudden mood swings, self-doubt, fears, shame, anxiety. It's impossible to be prepared for this.

Teenage girls care about how they look and how they are perceived by others. They feel as if they are constantly being watched and judged. Physical education class can be a special challenge: you need to put on a uniform, move in front of everyone. “Am I too fat legs? Too skinny? Ira has already started shaving her legs, but I haven't yet. I don’t want to change in a common locker room, other girls watch and then they will discuss me. When I run, my chest is shaking and everyone is watching. Does this uniform fit me well? I have my period, I'm shy, and suddenly it will leak. If you ask for release, the fizruk will interrogate and write in the journal that I’m on my period, I’d rather skip it. ”

Another reason for anxiety and withdrawal from sports in adolescence is the evaluation of sports performance. For not very athletic girls, however, as well as for boys, this is a reason for self-criticism and low self-esteem: “Everyone passed the standard, but I didn’t; I am clumsy, I am always chosen last in the team; again missed the ball in the volleyball game, and everyone laughs at me. On the other hand, there is a stereotype that a girl shouldn't be "too athletic" because boys like "feminine". And here it becomes difficult for girls who have always loved sports.

It turns out that with the transition from childhood to adolescence, sports activities turn from a game and fun into a complex of painful experiences that a girl often cannot cope with and decides that it is easier not to go to physical education (or quit classes in the sports section).

The British organization Women in Sport found that only 41 percent of teenage girls enjoy sports.

Here is how the girls themselves describe their experiences:

At the same time, schools and physical education teachers are often not ready to help girls build a healthy relationship with sports activities. Many teachers still consider menstruation an absolute reason for exemption from physical education and do not explain to the girl that everything depends on her well-being on a particular day and her readiness to study. Some parents and even doctors continue to tell girls that exercising during their period is bad. Any talk of exemption from the lesson "by physiological reasons” can turn out to be stressful for a girl when she has to prove that she has her period, or answer questions about the regularity of the cycle. In addition, in most schools there is no opportunity to take a shower after sports lessons. Girls may be forced to come in a uniform that makes them uncomfortable. Not to mention the fact that the specifics of adolescence and the complex of emotional and social problems that a girl can experience during sports activities are often not taken into account either by psychological services at school or by physical education teachers themselves when conducting classes.

Why is it important

Many habits that are formed during adolescence stay with us for life. This also applies to the habit of exercising and being mindful of your body. Puberty can be a turning point in a girl's relationship with sports and physical activity. Girls in their teens may stop playing sports, even if they used to love it. Due to embarrassment, discomfort, ridicule from classmates, a rude physical education teacher.

At the same time, in addition to the obvious advantages (health, well-being, reducing the risk of diseases), regular exercise, especially playing sports, is also the development of qualities that are traditionally not brought up in girls: self-confidence, leadership skills, and the ability to overcome difficulties. These qualities will help them not only in adolescence, but also in the future: a study by Ernst & Young showed that more than 90 percent of women in top management positions in international companies went in for sports in childhood and adolescence.

What to do with it

A supportive environment is needed to keep girls interested in sports during adolescence. First of all at school. And a significant role here belongs to physical education teachers. Sports activities should help the girl become more confident, help her in the formation of a new identity. They should relieve anxiety, not increase it. The lesson should become for the girl a space where she feels safe. Where she can play and enjoy the game and her development.

Another important part of the process is education. The school should be able to educate girls about puberty and how attitudes towards physical activity change at this age and why it is important not to give up sports. For the school, this means a willingness to answer complex and uncomfortable questions, resolve problematic situations, and look for new approaches where the old ones do not work. But this is exactly the contribution to the physical and mental well-being of girls that we expect from the school.

Prepared by: Maria Suchkova,

“It is much more difficult to conduct classes with girls than with boys,” this can often be heard from the lips of a physical education teacher or trainer, especially if he is a man.

Yes, this is not surprising: after all, the female body has its own “secrets”, which, unfortunately, not all teachers take into account in their work. Some - out of ignorance, others - out of laziness of the mind and spiritual callousness. Therefore, I would like to talk about the features of the physical education of schoolgirls in more detail.

The female body is distinguished by a number of morphological and functional features. Sexual differences are clearly manifested in childhood. So, in comparison with boys, girls have a lower level of development of strength and speed of motor reaction; at the same time, they have better developed qualities such as flexibility, plasticity, and a sense of rhythm.

With the onset of puberty, the differences between girls and boys become more and more noticeable. At the age of 12-16, girls grow rapidly and put on weight, and according to these indicators they can outperform boys. Especially fast physical development girls observed at 15 - 16 years. Then, until the period of its completion (19-21 years), these indicators change little. Girls are significantly inferior to boys in height, weight, and muscle development.

The lung and heart volumes of girls are smaller than those of boys. 10-15% less in girls and heart mass. These morphological features mainly determine the functional differences. So, in girls, the systolic and minute volume of blood circulation is reduced, the heart rate is on average 10 beats / min more, and the maximum blood pressure is 5-7 mm Hg. Art. lower than boys. Differences also apply to the maximum oxygen consumption: it is 25-30% lower in girls than in boys. Thus, girls and girls have relatively lower functional capabilities of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, which, naturally, also leads to their lower physical performance.

Besides physiological features the evolution of the female body are the cause of the slight vulnerability of the cardiovascular system, in particular in adolescence and even more late age, which usually coincides for girls with studying in the senior class, entering a university, getting a job. An increased load against the background of various changes in the body can cause overwork, exhaustion. nervous system. In such cases, good nutrition, adequate sleep, the correct mode of work and rest, rational physical exercise, an atmosphere of calm and goodwill, a sensitive and tactful attitude of elders, especially parents and teachers, are indispensable conditions for preventing and eliminating neuroses of the cardiovascular system in girls.

All of the above suggests that in physical education and sports classes with schoolgirls, it is necessary to constantly focus on the characteristics of the female body, its physiological, mental and other differences compared to the body of a man. By nature, men and women have different roles. A man must be athletically developed, strong, powerful, which should allow him to work with dignity in all the most labor-intensive sectors of production, overcoming all sorts of difficulties, prepare for the "defense of the Motherland. Nature predetermined softness, kindness, tenderness, mental flexibility, love for children for a woman, mother The development of these qualities and their corresponding physical abilities (plasticity, grace, grace, a high degree of coordination of movements, physical perfection, aimed primarily at childbearing, the continuation of the human race) and should be aimed at physical education and sports classes at school, starting with lessons physical culture.

Unfortunately, so far separate education for girls and boys is officially provided only in the senior classes. In primary and secondary grades, only a few sections of the curriculum contain material specifically designed for girls. However, it is extremely important in any case, in every class, in every lesson, sports training by varying loads, using various exercises, changing their orientation, constantly differentiate the physical impact on the body of girls and boys. In this regard, I think, one can only welcome the attempts of a number of teachers to divide classes by gender in the classroom already in primary school(when combining two parallel classes, one teacher works with the boys of both classes, the other with the girls).

Already from the very younger age we must also strive to educate schoolgirls in femininity, self-respect, and the ability to maintain their dignity. Naturally, along with this, boys from the very first day of their stay at school must be taught to be men, always ready to help their weaker peers.

I foresee objections: of course, all this is correct, the quantitative characteristics of the female and male body (height, weight, lung and heart volumes, muscle mass, etc.) are not in favor of the first. And this, of course, must be taken into account.

In particular, this analysis shows that the real physical capabilities of the female body are higher than those that can be foreseen based on a comparison of its individual components. The efficiency of the female body, which is expressed as the ratio of the work performed to the resources that it has for its implementation, turns out to be higher. This is clearly seen in the example of women's sports results, which are much less inferior to the achievements of men than one would expect. In addition, if we analyze the curves of records in the most various types sports, you can see that women's records are progressing much faster than men's. The greater abilities of the "weaker sex" to loads requiring extreme endurance were also revealed. It turned out, for example, that by the end of a marathon run, women do not suffer from extreme fatigue, fainting exhaustion, as is often the case with representatives of the "stronger sex". And the point here, according to experts, is by no means that men are much more than women give all the best in sports competitions.

There is also an interesting fact. It is known that the results in many sports depend on muscle strength, which, as already noted, is less in women than in men. However, if you determine the strength of the muscles in relation to body weight and size, it turns out that in women these indicators, as a rule, are not inferior to men. And under the influence of systematic training, the strength and endurance of muscles in women increase even more than in men, and without a noticeable increase in muscle mass.

This fact, which experts explain by hormonal differences (in particular, by the fact that a number of sex hormones, especially testosterone, is produced in the female body 20-25 times less intensively than in the male body), testifies in favor of the opinion that sports | including strength) do not form a masculine physique in women.

In general education schools, all girls and girls are covered by physical education, among whom there may not be a single one with outstanding physical abilities. Therefore, first of all, in the work of general education schools, it is necessary to focus on the relative weakness and the characteristics of the female body associated with it, and not on its strength, “equality” with the body of a man revealed by sports specialists.

And we should not forget, as we have already emphasized, that she will become a mother, on whose health the health of her child largely depends. And the sports we have just listed and others associated with lifting the maximum weight, hard, physical martial arts, with excessive overexcitation, with hypothermia of the body, can just disrupt the reproductive function of a woman.

Why do we focus the attention of physical education teachers on this! Yes, because in Lately, in connection with the growth of crime and violence, girls, seeking to find means of self-defense, reached out to many purely male species sports. Girls demand the organization of classes in these sports. And physical education teachers cannot stand aside from their requests. It is they who should push their pupils to right choice sport. It is they who should show prudence in everything, take into account the specifics of the female body and the purpose of a woman in society.

It has been noticed, for example, that with the correct organization of classes, the passion of girls for judo, sambo, barba does not harm the female body. Such activities are not detrimental to female figure, posture, do not cause habits that are not characteristic of girls.

As a rule, girls are not objectionable to athletic gymnastics, unless, of course, these classes are conducted by an experienced specialist under the constant supervision of a medical worker. Musical accompaniment, selected according to the exercises performed, increases the effectiveness of such exercises.

Of course, the parents of girls, and they themselves are concerned about the question of whether sports, especially sports that are not quite usual for women, will affect the specific functions of the female body. It seems that the answer can be unequivocal: with a reasonable choice of these sports, with the correct, comprehensively thought-out training methodology that excludes serious injuries, overstrain of functional systems and overwork of the body, there should be no harmful consequences for the health of young athletes. This is confirmed by the studies of many scientists and the life practice of outstanding athletes who experienced thorough physical exercise since school age.

Decision 2939. There are 26 schoolchildren in a physical education lesson, 12 of them are girls, the rest are boys. At the signal of the physical education teacher, everyone quickly lines up in one line in random order. Find the probability that the right

Task 4. There are 26 schoolchildren at the physical education lesson, 12 of them are girls, the rest are boys. At the signal of the physical education teacher, everyone quickly lines up in one line in random order. Find the probability that the first two in the line on the right are boys.


We need to find the probability that the first two students in the line will be boys. There are 26-12 = 14 boys in total. The probability that the first boy will take the most extreme position in the line is . There are 26-1=25 schoolchildren and 14-1=13 boys left. The probability that the second place will go to the boy is . Since it is necessary to calculate the probability that both the first and second in the line are boys, we obtain the product of these probabilities.

It was after gym class. I lingered helping the coach lay the mats, when I got to the locker room, there was no one there. I dressed calmly, I just had to put on regular trousers over sweatpants and a T-shirt - a shirt and a jacket. I already zipped up. When from behind the wall, where the women's locker room was, there was a chuckle and a girlish voice: "It's buttoning up the fly."
We need to tell you what kind of dressing room we had. One third of the class was fenced off with a slab, and this third of the class was separated by another slab, the slab rested against the window and, although the window sill was sawn, with a strong desire it was possible, pressing against the glass, to look into the adjacent locker room. What Lizka did, at the end of the lesson she went to the toilet and apparently also lingered.
I turned to face the window and asked, "Do you want me to unbutton?" and without waiting for an answer, I slowly unbuttoned my fly and pulled down my trousers. He slowly lowered his sweatpants, leaving only his black trunks. My cock was already a decent size from arousal and looked very good in the black cloth. Having given her a little to admire, I heard her, already heavy, breathing, lowered her panties and ran my hand over the penis several times so that it took on its normal shape. After a couple of minutes, the sound of her breathing disappeared and I started to get dressed, but as soon as I pulled on sweatpants, the door creaked and Lizka entered. She had not yet been transmitted and was in her tracksuit, which consisted of short red tight-fitting sports panties or shorts, through which panties were visible with seams. And in a tight T-shirt that was pinned in front safety pin to the panties so that the T-shirt does not ride up too much during the exercises, it also clearly indicated that there was no bra on it.
With two steps she came up to me and, embracing my neck, kissed me on the lips. I got into her panties with my left hand from behind and squeezed her left buttock, right hand I unfastened the pin, and with a slight movement of her hands she threw it to the floor. She didn’t really have a bra on, small breasts aimed their nipples right at my eyes. While I was examining her breasts, she took off my T-shirt.
I sat down and took off her panties, she, easily stepping over her feet, helped to take them off and, with a movement of her foot, threw them somewhere into a corner. She was wearing absolutely childish panties - white with a flower, I also took them off and kissed what they were hiding. She made me understand with her hands that I needed to get up and sat down herself. She pulled off my pants and underpants and, kissing my penis, took it in her mouth. But blowjob was not enough for me. I grabbed her under the ass, lifted and planted on my penis. Lizka wrapped her arms around me and desperately worked her hips, not forgetting to scratch my back. About five minutes later my legs began to give way, I lowered Lizka to the floor, turned her back, she leaned against the wall, and we continued. After another ten minutes, I pulled a member out of her and, with a slight jerk, let Lizka have a powerful stream of sperm on her back. Lizka did not really like her sticky back, she had to wipe her back with her handkerchief. After that, Lizka quickly got dressed and ran to her dressing room to continue changing clothes.
