What can happen if a child cries for a long time. How to understand the reasons for the crying of a newborn baby

Baby crying in the first weeks of his life is one of the most common problems that new moms and dads often face. Newborn children are still too young, so crying and crying are the only possible way to convey your message to your parents. discontent and desire. But sometimes it can be quite difficult for parents to understand why a newborn is crying and how to help him in this case.

The most common causes of crying can be malaise, hunger, colic. There are actually many negative factors of crying. But it is necessary to find out the true cause and find its solution.

It is with the identification of the causes that problems begin to arise, since inexperienced parents only learn to understand their child. To understand why crying infant, you need to carefully monitor his reactions.

Main reasons

The crying of a newborn baby is the first sound signal after birth. Children use this method to resist separation from their mother, protesting against changes in their environment, and also declaring to the whole world about their birth.

Quite interesting is the fact that a similar reaction can be found in many mammals, especially in baby monkeys. Previously, based on the first cries of a newborn, people judged his viability. If a newborn baby screamed loudly, it meant that he was healthy. If the cry was weak and sluggish, then this spoke of some kind of disturbance in the body.

Newborns cry quite often, and if parents cannot understand the reason for these cries at first, then gradually they begin to distinguish between different cries by duration, intensity, purity, loudness. But at the same time, parents should not react to such a reaction of the baby as some kind of catastrophic phenomenon. On the contrary, dad and mom should listen carefully to their baby all the time in order to identify the source of anxiety, and then eliminate it. Reasons for crying newborn baby may include the following:

  • Unpleasant sensations and colic in the tummy;
  • Hunger;
  • High or low room temperature;
  • Wet diapers;
  • Boredom;
  • desire to sleep;
  • Discomfort in bed
  • Health problems;
  • Fear.

And these are just some of the possible reasons that can provoke such children's discontent. When parents learn to understand why their baby screams throughout the day, they will be able to quickly solve problems that arise, and, if necessary, contact doctors.


If you seek advice from an experienced pediatrician with the question of why the baby is crying, then most often the reason for this is that the child is hungry. The stomach of a newborn baby is very small, so babies need to be fed often, but in small amounts. portions of formula or milk. Since lactation in children is only getting better, at some meal the child may receive a small portion, which in the future he will signal with crying.

If the baby starts to cry a lot, the mother should check if he wants to eat. To do this, bend the little finger and touch it to the corner of the child's mouth. If the baby turns his head to the side and opens his mouth during this action, then this indicates that hunger was the cause of crying.

Mom in this case should attach her baby to her breast to feed him, or offer him a bottle of formula. As a rule, immediately after receiving food, the screams subside, and loud crying can be replaced only by quiet sobs, which eventually disappear.

The hungry cry of children, as a rule, is distinguished by its length, loudness, intensity, the baby seems to choke. If the baby is hungry recently, then crying will only be invocative.

If the newborn cries constantly, it is necessary to track the dynamics of the set of kilograms and the volume of milk from the mother. It is possible that the baby simply cannot get enough, and this situation needs to increase the amount of milk or introduction of complementary foods. In this case, it is recommended to consult with a specialist.

By the way, it is also worth paying attention to the fact that a child who eats artificial mixtures may cry not from a lack of food, but from a desire to drink. That is why mothers, especially in the heat, should always keep a bottle of clean drinking water near them for the child.

Feeding problems

If during the meal the baby begins to act up and cry, then we can conclude that there are certain problems that prevent normal feeding. Such problems may include the following:

If you notice that your newborn baby cries constantly when feeding, you need to seek the help of a doctor to rule out serious problems with the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

Notorious colic

Quite common reasons crying in newborns are colic, which are localized in the tummy. Colic occurs due to the imperfection of the children's digestive system.

During colic, children cry loudly, piercingly, crying can continue for a very long time, but with short pauses. Colic can be identified by the following signs:

  • Hardened abdomen;
  • Flushed face;
  • Raising the legs to the tummy with their further sharp stretching;
  • Clenching fists.

As a rule, this problem disappears by the fourth month, when the digestive tract is fully restored and begins to work correctly. But, of course, you should not just sit and wait for this blessed time. You can soothe your baby in the following ways:

  • Make a gentle massage of the umbilical region;
  • Iron the film with an iron and lay it warm on the baby's stomach;
  • Put the baby on your stomach;
  • Give the child dill water or other medicine prescribed by the doctor;
  • Perform the exercise "Bicycle".

If the child stopped crying after these manipulations, then this indicates that you did everything right. After a while, the symptoms of colic should disappear, and the baby's anxiety will be replaced by joyful activity.

physical discomfort

If colic and hunger are excluded from possible causes, then it can be assumed that the baby is crying due to discomfort caused by uncomfortable housing, incorrectly selected room temperature, and a dirty or wet diaper. But how to calm the baby if he constantly cries because of this?

Main causes of physical discomfort, as well as methods for their elimination:

Well, how exactly to identify what kind of physical discomfort the baby is experiencing? To do this, you need to show only elementary care, monitoring your child's reactions.

Painful conditions

If the mother still cannot determine why the child has disturbing cries, then a specialist will help answer the question. But for medical care must be contacted in the following cases:

  • The newborn is inactive and too pale;
  • Crying is monotonous and monotonous;
  • The body temperature rises.

If the newborn is constantly crying, and the parents cannot determine the source of the screams, then it is recommended not to hesitate and call a specialist. Speaking of pain in a baby, most often they can be as follows:

  • Headache;
  • diaper dermatitis;
  • Cutting teeth.

Psychological discomfort

Sometimes children may cry because of psychological discomfort. A child may miss his mother, overwork, be afraid of some loud extraneous sound. Babies in this case cry if they need to attract parental attention. In such situations, as a rule, they scream invitingly for several seconds, and then wait for their mother to come. If the parents do not respond, then after a short interval the cry of a newborn is repeated.

Newborns may also cry in protest. For example, if they didn’t like something, then they begin to scream loudly and sharply at the top of their lungs. Often children are bothered by changing clothes, cleaning their ears, or cutting their nails.

Discontent, tears can be provoked by increased activity during the day, communication with strangers, excessively rich in emotions and events during the day. If a newborn is often naughty in the evening, then most likely he is overtired.

Each mother tries to find an approach to her child, while carefully observing his behavior. At first, of course, to inexperienced parents, the baby's cry always seems the same. But after a while, literally every squeak is already filled with some special meaning.

Fell - crying. Not allowed to sit in front of the TV - crying. They forced him to clean up his toys - he cries again. He generally always cries, for any reason and even without it. Yes, this is your child. A whiner, a crybaby, a capricious - you can call him whatever you like, only this will not change his behavior. At first it scared you, then it annoyed you, and now you are just in a panic, because you understand that if the problem is not solved, then either you yourself will go crazy, or you will bring others to this state. Do not panic. You are not alone. In the sense that almost every second family has similar problems. So a child crying for any reason is not your personal punishment, this is the harsh reality of many Russian dads and moms.

Misconceptions and myths about baby crying

Most adults have already forgotten how difficult it is to be a child. They look down on their babies and absolutely do not understand them. Misunderstanding leads at best to indifference, at worst to aggression. At the same time, adults are confident that they already know what to say to a crying little person and how to behave properly with him. Alas, they don't know. So it's time to debunk some of the myths about baby crying.

Myth #1: Babies always cry over nothing.

In the world of adults, there is a clear gradation: grief - a problem - a nuisance - a trifle. The child is not aware of such a classification. For him, everything is grief. Lost a toy - a disaster. Can't find the second sock - an absolutely hopeless situation. Mom, leaving for work, was in such a hurry that she didn’t have time to kiss - but how can you live after that? Such is the childish feature - a heightened perception of anything. So the kids don't cry for nothing. They don't have empty spaces.

Myth No. 2. The phrase "men don't cry" is the key to raising boys properly.

Who and when was the first to utter these words, for which more than one generation of men pay with their health, is no longer important. It is important to understand that they are categorically wrong and extremely harmful. After all, everything is quite the opposite: men cry, and the category of masculinity is not determined by the number of unshed tears. It is no coincidence that all psychologists unanimously recognize this technique in the upbringing of boys as monstrously erroneous.

Myth number 3. It will go away on its own.

Many parents are convinced that if you do not pay attention to a crying and naughty child, then sooner or later he will calm down. Like, the less you react to tears, the less often they will shed. May be so. Maybe the child will really calm down for a while. The only problem is that children's tears always have a reason, and if they are suppressed, then the reason will remain unidentified, which means that the problem will remain unresolved.

Why are children crying?

To begin with, we will exclude medical factors - we reduce the child to a neurologist and an endocrinologist. If doctors find health problems, then we are treated. If the child is in order from the point of view of medicine, we are looking for the causes of children's tearfulness further.

The following options are possible:

  • Your child is a great manipulator. Once realizing that his tears do not leave you, parents, indifferent, he began to shed them at every opportunity to get what he wanted from you. And you are glad to be deceived, if only the native blood is not upset or, in the worst case, if only she would shut up.
  • The child is in real pain. Mentally or physically, it doesn't matter. It is important that you feel it and understand that tears are not a whim, but a medicine. This is exactly the case when "it will not pass by itself."
  • The child lacks your attention. He knows that as soon as he cries, everyone will fuss around him. The first time it happened by accident, and then, driven by loneliness or some other negative state of his, the child, through tears, again and again called you to him. Maybe he just wants to be with you, and you don't even know it.
  • Your child has hypersensitivity, so his tears are always somewhere nearby. His hyper-emotionality simply does not allow him to react to the world more restrained. Therefore, the child will learn it through crying - both when it is good for him and when it is bad. And it is unlikely that it will change with age, which should not be a cause for concern for you. After all, sensitive people are kind. Kindness is in short supply.
  • Your child has low self-esteem. He cries because he feels sorry for himself, and feels sorry for you too, because he is sure that you are not lucky with him: he is a bad child.
  • There is an unhealthy atmosphere in your family. Adults at home are constantly arguing, shouting at each other and at children. What else is left for children in such a situation, how not to cry with or without reason? Their nervous system day by day it becomes more and more unstable, and tears are almost the only means of protection from the aggression of the outside world, crying as an emotional release.
  • The child does not have social communication skills. He does not know how to establish contacts with other children, and other children feel this, begin to tease and bully the loser, he - into tears, which causes another wave of bullying, and so on in a circle.

Do you still think that children cry over nothing? No? Then let's decide what to do next.

How to help a child who is crying

It is forbidden

  • Suppress, shout, threaten, resort to physical violence. “If you don’t shut up now, then I don’t know what I’ll do with you!”, “Stop crying, I said!”, “Don’t stop crying - that strange uncle will take you away” - familiar phrases, right? But by saying them, you yourself become a manipulator. And very aggressive. Meanwhile, the child will close in on himself and hold a grudge. And it won't stop crying.
  • Ignore tears. It's like an ostrich hiding its head in the sand, and in case of danger, a child folds his hands over his head and says: "I'm in the house." The illusion of innocence in the problem will only exacerbate it.
  • Forbid the child to show their feelings. Suppression of emotions can lead to a nervous breakdown.
  • To succumb to obvious tearful provocations and follow the lead of a small manipulator.

Possible and necessary

  • Talk to your child as often as possible - he must learn to express his desires with words, not with tears. He can cry later, after he tells what worries him. True, then he, most likely, will no longer want to cry.
  • Calmly, without crying, respond to the crying of the child. If an adult hysteria joins the children's crying, then the result will be a collective hassle. The rule of silence and calmness will be especially useful if the child tries to pressure you with his tears. As soon as he realizes that nothing works out for him, he will calm down himself.
  • Switch the attention of the child. Something upset the kid, offended, hurt? Distract him from this childhood tragedy, find a reason for children's joy. Children have a short memory. A few minutes - and he will forget about the causes of tears.
  • Accept a sensitive child for who they are. Do not reproach him for weakness, but, on the contrary, praise him for his kindness and sensitivity.
  • To be there when the child is ill, and rejoice with him when he is well. So he will have before his eyes personal example appropriate emotional response.
  • Strictly, clearly, but without malice, every time in case of whims, explain to the child that crying is allowed only for a reason, and crying for no reason is already not good.
  • Design a reward system for good behavior child. Celebrate every day without whining and whims.
  • Reconsider your own parenting behavior. After all, children's crying is a reaction to our adult world, which children cannot yet change.

In general, in order to teach your child an adequate perception of the world around him, without tantrums and crying, first you yourself need to pass a parental aptitude test. And then the children's crying will no longer be a punishment for you, but it will become a signal that the little person really needs help.

Why is the child constantly naughty and crying? This question is relevant for parents of infants and children. preschool age. Therefore, we want to consider this problem in more detail.

Why is the child naughty

Most mothers and fathers every day face the reluctance of the child to eat, sleep, dress, go to kindergarten or for a walk. The baby cries, refuses to comply with the proposed requirements, and sometimes just screams or whines. There are several main reasons for this behavior:

  • Physical - this group includes various diseases, fatigue, hunger, desire to drink or sleep. The child feels bad, but cannot understand why this happened. Therefore, it is so important for parents to follow the daily routine, feed, water and put the baby to bed on time.
  • The child requires attention - most children's tantrums can be prevented by increasing the time of communication. Mom's love is important for a little person, like air. If he does not get the right amount of attention, he will "pull" him with everyone accessible ways. Therefore, you do not need to wait for the baby to start hysterical. Just leave your affairs, turn off the phone, the Internet and hug the child. Play with him, take an interest in the news and spend time together.
  • The child wants to get what he wants - the little man perfectly understands where the pain points of the parents are, and knows how to put pressure on them. Therefore, if mom or dad buys off the whims financially, then the child will quickly learn how to use new scheme. It is very important to teach the child to negotiate, to look for new solutions to his problems.

Nature has arranged so that children's crying causes a strong emotional reaction in adults. This is very good, because sometimes reflection saves the life and health of a small person. If the child cries all the time, then you need to understand why he does it.


Many parents recall the age from birth to three or four months with horror. Why during this period the child is constantly naughty and crying? The following reasons can be distinguished:

  • The baby is hungry - sometimes the mother does not have enough milk or artificial formula is not suitable for him. If the child is not gaining weight well, then doctors recommend starting complementary foods.
  • Colic - It is believed that they are caused by gases in the intestines. Therefore, a nursing mother should monitor her diet and exclude a number of foods containing fiber. In addition, the pediatrician usually prescribes drops that help to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • A cold or inflammation of the ear - a doctor will help eliminate this problem. And the mother should report in time about the problems that have arisen and the change in the behavior of the baby.
  • Wet diapers - many children react sharply to untimely change of linen. Therefore, you should use diapers or change your baby's clothes on time.
  • Feeling of loneliness - children miss adults and calm down immediately after being picked up.

Unfortunately, it is very difficult for inexperienced parents to determine why the child is constantly naughty and crying. Therefore, they should listen carefully to the baby and immediately respond to his needs.

Whims in one year

When the baby grows up, he is faced with the first prohibitions. Often children react very violently: they scream, throw things, stomp their feet. If parents are aware of age features, then, as far as possible, they will be able to prevent What to do when a child screams and cries (1 year old)? The baby is naughty for various reasons. So first you need to define them:

  • The child is naughty from an illness or internal conflict - he does not understand why he feels bad, and protests in a way that is accessible to him.
  • Protests against excessive guardianship - wants more freedom, refuses offered clothes or returning home from a walk.
  • Seeks to copy parents - let him participate in his affairs. Thanks to this, you can constantly be nearby, and at the same time teach your baby how to use new objects.
  • Reacts to emotional stress - excessive severity and control cause the child to cry. Therefore, try to treat him as a person, and not an object that must unquestioningly fulfill your will.

Do not forget that there are also invisible reasons for children's tears. Sometimes a child is constantly naughty and cries only because his temperament is of a weak type. This means that the baby is quickly overexcited, reacts sharply to stimuli and instantly gets tired. With age, he will learn to control his behavior, but for now it is important to monitor the daily routine and timely rest.

Two years

At this difficult age, even the most complaisant children turn into little tyrants. Parents complain that they cannot cope with the whims and demands of the baby. Many children have problems with sleep, there is increased excitability, and sometimes the first tantrums. So, what causes of whims can be identified when the child is 2 years old:

  • Socialization - at this age, the child must learn new rules for him to communicate and interact with other people. Therefore, he reacts sharply to restrictions that relate to his independence and freedom of action.
  • Speech development - until the child can formulate in words what he feels or wants to do. Therefore, he relieves nervous tension by screaming and crying.
  • Unspent energy - it is very important that during the day the baby can actively move and play. Stiffness leads to the fact that in the evening he cannot calm down and fall asleep.
  • Emotional stress - the baby feels the emotions of adults, it is hard for family conflicts and quarrels of adults.

When a child is 2 years old, he enters a phase of crisis. That is why it is so important to treat it with understanding. personal problems and respond appropriately to them.

Crisis of three years

A new stage in the development of the baby is accompanied by a violent reaction on his part. At this age, he realizes himself as a person, the pronoun "I" appears in his speech. The child tries to do everything himself, but does not always succeed in this. Therefore, he "revenges" his parents with tears and cries. What should be done? Psychologists advise to come to terms with the situation and just survive it.

What to do if the child is constantly naughty and crying

Each parent finds their own solution to the problem. Not always the chosen path will lead to a positive result, and sometimes even more aggravates the situation. What to do if the baby is crying:

When to See a Doctor

Experts consider it normal if the baby shows his displeasure two or three times a week. If the child is constantly capricious and crying, and even more so arranges real tantrums, then this is a reason to seek help from a qualified specialist. Perhaps just a few visits to child psychologist help restore peace and tranquility in the family.


Every parent should understand that whims in early age- this is absolutely normal. Therefore, it is so important to learn to recognize the causes and eliminate them in time.

In the first months of life, it is through crying that the baby tries to communicate with his parents. Thus, he signals that he is hungry, that he is hot or cold, hurt or lonely.

No need to be afraid of baby crying, the main thing is to identify and eliminate its cause. Over time, many moms and dads begin to understand what their baby is “talking about”. The most common causes of infant crying are:

  • hunger;
  • pain, most often it is colic in the abdomen;
  • discomfort;
  • fatigue, desire to sleep;
  • fear and loneliness.

Newborn nutrition

The most common reason for baby crying is hunger. As soon as the baby is hungry, he signals to his parents with his cry that it's time for feeding.

Babies have very small ventricles, so they need to be fed little and often. There is an easy way to check if the baby is hungry. Bend your little finger and gently touch the corner of the baby's mouth. If the baby turns his head in the direction of touch and opens his mouth, then he is hungry. Listen for crying, the "hungry cry" is louder, longer and more intense.

Usually, after receiving food, the baby calms down, can fall asleep. But if "hungry crying" is repeated too often, you should contact your pediatrician. Perhaps the baby is not getting enough nutrition and needs to be fed more often, or the mother's milk is “empty” and the baby simply does not get enough. The main problem of children who are on artificial nutrition is the selection of a suitable mixture for them.

Even with an established diet, a newborn may experience pain in the abdomen (colic). Their main reason is the still not well-functioning work of the baby's digestive system and the accumulation of gases. With colic, the baby blushes when crying, squeezes the legs, and then pulls them sharply, he has a tense hard tummy.

Give the child a massage and give medicine, since now there are many medications on sale that will help relieve the newborn from colic.

Additional problems of poor appetite and crying in the infant: bad taste of mother's milk, inappropriate formula (for artificial babies), inflammation of the ear or stuffy nose in the newborn.


The baby may cry due to physical discomfort. Unpleasant sensations include: wet diapers, rough seams on clothes, too tight swaddling, uncomfortable posture or incorrect room temperature.

If the baby fidgets while crying and tries to change position to the best of its infant capabilities, most likely it needs to be swaddled, or laid more comfortably.

If the baby cries immediately after changing clothes, it is worth examining his clothes for rough seams.

Another significant cause of discomfort can be the wrong temperature in the room. Try to maintain the optimum temperature of +20-23°C. Buy a hygrometer and monitor the level of humidity in the house, this is an important indicator on which the well-being and health of all family members depends.

In addition to the physical, there are psychological discomforts. A baby may cry to get their parents' attention if they are scared or lonely. “The calling cry is short, the baby starts crying and immediately calms down as soon as an adult approaches him. Some experts do not advise taking the baby in your arms at the first sounds of crying, just gently talk to him or stroke him.

There is also protest crying, if the baby does not like something, he angrily notifies about it. He may be unhappy when his nails are cut, his nose is cleaned, or other care procedures are performed.

Sometimes the baby cries from overexcitation if he is in an unusual environment, or there are a lot of strangers around him. Try to observe the regime of the day, stick to the "plan" and the given order of actions. "Regular" children are more calm and balanced, they feel protected.

"Painful" crying

Infant crying can signal health problems. Carefully examine the baby: monotonous crying, lethargy, pallor or excessive redness, fever - a reason to consult a doctor.

Also, the baby may be naughty and feel bad after vaccination or with skin lesions (chafing, redness, diaper rash).

Postpartum injuries should not be discounted; if they are present, the baby needs regular medical supervision.

"Toilet Affairs"

Sometimes babies cry during bowel movements and urination. It happens that kids are just scared of the process, but more often such behavior signals health problems:

  • infections of the genitourinary system;
  • problems with the location of the foreskin, resulting in stagnant and painful phenomena;
  • gas and constipation;
  • malnutrition;
  • inflammatory bowel disease.

Watch baby closely if crying repeats with each bowel movement Bladder or intestines, and there is mucous or bloody discharge in the feces, contact your pediatrician and take the necessary tests.

baby crying while bathing

Not all newborns like water procedures, there are crumbs that make real tantrums in the bathroom. There are several reasons that affect the behavior of the baby when bathing:

  • fear of water;
  • bathtub too big
  • uncomfortable water temperature;
  • skin lesions or rashes;
  • uncomfortable position.

Before bathing, ensure comfortable conditions in the bathroom. The optimal water temperature for bathing a newborn is 34-37°C. Buy a special thermometer and be sure to measure the temperature of the water before swimming.

If the parents decide to harden the baby, the temperature of the water should be lowered gradually. The main condition is not to overheat the baby and not to frighten him by immersing him in too cool water.

The baby can cry from fright if he is basically afraid of water, and the bath is too big and seems like a real sea to the baby. Another reason for the dissatisfaction of the child may be an uncomfortable position. Inexperienced parents are often nervous and hold the baby too tightly in the water, which can cause him discomfort.

In addition, even small skin lesions can cause discomfort during bathing.

A child's cry in the night

If the baby often cries at night, but he has no health problems, you should first examine his "bed". Maybe the baby's mattress is too hard or the blanket is too warm.

Also, the causes of night crying can be: horrible dream, hunger, absence of parents nearby, anxiety or nervous overwork, the child is too hot or cold.

Dress the baby "according to the weather", do not wrap it up much. Monitor the temperature and humidity level in the children's room, regularly ventilate the room and do wet cleaning.

There is no need to wait until the child is exhausted and falls asleep, go up to him, pick him up or sit down next to him, stroke and rock him. Observe the daily routine, this will reduce the likelihood that the baby will confuse day with night.

If all else fails and the baby cries for hours on end, do not delay and contact your pediatrician. It may be necessary to undergo an examination to determine the cause of the newborn's anxiety.

All children cry. And if it is not difficult to find out and understand the reasons for crying in large children, then it is not so easy to understand why a newborn baby is crying. After all, the usual ways of communication for us are still inaccessible to the baby, and he is also unable to cope with his own, even minor troubles on his own.

The main reasons for the crying of a newborn baby are associated with the most important needs and problems for him:

  • hunger;
  • pain;
  • fear;
  • thirst;
  • discomfort;
  • hypothermia or overheating;
  • overwork;
  • desire to communicate.

At first, it is not easy for parents to understand why they are crying. Small child. But, communicating with him daily, the mother begins to distinguish between the types of children's crying by intonation, volume and duration.

baby crying in sleep

Depending on age, the causes of night crying in children may vary. So, newborn babies are most often worried about pain in the tummy, already at an older age, one of the reasons for a child’s restless sleep can be a nightmare.

Causes in children under six months

  • Intestinal colic and bloating are common causes of crying in newborn babies. During the first three months the child's intestines are rebuilt, which can cause pain in the tummy. If your child cries loudly in his sleep (sometimes crying turns into a scream), tosses and turns and draws his legs, then most likely he is worried about colic.
  • Hunger can be one of the causes of night crying in a baby.
  • Unstable mode - newborn babies do not distinguish between day and night. They can perfectly sleep during the day and wake up at night. The wakeful period at first is about 90 minutes, already at 2-8 weeks of age it increases to several hours, and by 3 months some children can sleep peacefully all night. Remember that each child is individual, for some, a stable regime becomes by the age of 2.
  • Mother's absence. The presence of a mother nearby is necessary for a child, just like timely nutrition and hygiene procedures. If the baby woke up alone in the crib, he will immediately notify you with a loud cry.
  • Discomfort. He may cry in his sleep if he has peed or is just about to do so. Also, in the room where the baby sleeps, it may be too hot or cold.
  • Disease. A sick child has superficial, restless sleep. Nasopharyngeal congestion and temperature prevent children from sleeping at any age.

Children from 5 months to a year

  • Teething is the most probable cause night crying in babies from 5 months to a year. The child's gums begin to itch and hurt, the temperature may rise;
  • Experiences. Every day your child learns the world: going to visit, walking or something else can cause stress in the child.

Night crying in children 2–3 years of age and older

  • Psychological aspects. Children at this age are very sensitive to experiences, whether they are positive or negative. Around this age, children are taught to go to kindergartens, which causes a storm of emotions in kids. Their appetite may also worsen, and especially sensitive ones may even have a fever. If your child is already used to kindergarten and still cries in his sleep, take a closer look at the microclimate in the family - perhaps his nightly crying is somehow connected with the fact that relatives are loudly sorting things out.
  • Fear. Fear can also provoke crying in children at this age. If your baby is afraid of the dark - leave him a nightlight turned on at night, perhaps he is afraid of some kind of picture or toy - remove it from the child's eyes. Nightmares can also be caused by banal overeating.
    If the baby is afraid, then try not to leave him alone for a while - he needs your support and a sense of security

unusual situations

What to do if the child abruptly starts to cry, cries and arches or cries constantly? The reasons for this behavior of the baby can be different, it is obvious that he is in pain. This may be colic, high intracranial pressure, etc. Be sure to consult a doctor, he will prescribe the necessary treatment. You may need to undergo a series of examinations to clarify the reasons for this behavior of the child in a dream.

What measures to take?

Knowing the reason for your baby's night crying, you can try to solve this problem. If the cause of colic, then a light massage of the tummy (clockwise), a warm diaper on the tummy, dill water and special drops will help you cope with this problem and ensure a healthy sleep for the child. If the crumbs are teething, you need to consult a doctor and pick up a special gel that will anesthetize the gums. If some disease has become the cause of the crying of the child, you need to consult a doctor and urgently treat the baby. If the reason lies in the fear of the dark, leave a nightlight on at night.

The baby may cry because of some emotional upheaval, in which case try to calm him down: tell him how much you love him, how wonderful he is with you. It is very important to adjust the daily routine: if the child goes to bed at the same time, then it will be easier for him to fall asleep. It is not recommended to give the child a hearty dinner, the baby should eat no later than 2 hours before bedtime. You should not play gambling, outdoor games before going to bed - reading a book or an evening walk is best.

Cry while feeding

Thinking that the baby cries only when hungry, mothers often switch to mixed or completely artificial feeding. Lactation experts point out many reasons why a newborn is restless when he eats. The crying of a baby at the mother's breast may indicate his physical or psychological discomfort. The child screams when eating if:

  • his tummy hurts: the baby twists its legs, pressing them to the body. This is due to an immature digestive system that has difficulty digesting food;
  • he swallowed air along with milk, because of which gases collect in the stomach and intestines, which cause very unpleasant sensations;
  • he does not like the taste of milk because, for example, that mother ate garlic or other spicy foods. In this case, the baby will take the breast, throw it, cry, take it again, etc .;
  • the jet hits too hard due to the excessive amount of milk from the mother, so the newborn does not have time to swallow and chokes;
  • not enough milk: this can be easily checked by the wet diaper method and weekly weight gain analysis.

Other causes of child anxiety while eating

A baby can cry not only near his mother's breast, but also when he eats formula from a bottle. In addition to colic, which occur both with natural and with artificial feeding, cause anxiety and the cry of a child can:

  • ear pain is a fairly common problem among babies in the first year of life. If the crying of the baby during feeding is strong and sharp, it intensifies with slight squeezing of the tragus of the auricle - this gives reason to suspect otitis media. It should be noted that such a disease often occurs without fever and other characteristic symptoms;
  • inflammation in the mouth, which can be triggered by thrush or pharyngitis;
  • headache, which is the result of some neurological disorder, it often intensifies with swallowing movements, which causes severe crying;
  • the appearance of teeth, which leads to itching and irritation of the gums, and pain intensifies when the baby eats;
  • nasal congestion, which occurs as a result of SARS or allergies.

Mom's mistakes in organizing feeding

Incorrect behavior of the mother often leads to the crying of the newborn during feeding and even to further complete rejection of the breast. Many parents adhere to a strict regimen, and if the baby asks for food “out of time”, they give him a dummy. However, this can lead to the fact that the baby will make the final choice in favor of a more comfortable nipple.

If the mother does not have enough milk in the breast, pediatricians advise supplementary feeding. But it is a mistake to do it from a bottle. The baby is happy to eat from a teaspoon, mom just needs to show a little more patience when feeding. Also, water (if necessary) and medicines should be given from a spoon.

Some, especially inexperienced mothers, do not know how to put the baby to the breast. If the nipple is not properly grasped, the baby experiences discomfort, which is signaled by strong crying. According to pediatricians, almost 100% of babies accustomed to a pacifier and a bottle do not know how to take the breast correctly.

The behavior of a newborn at the breast is also affected by how he is cared for during the day. Bathing, swaddling, gymnastics and massage, walking, other procedures should not cause discomfort to the child.

How to help a newborn?

Feed only on demand, even if the baby needs to breastfeed more than 20 hours a day
If you figured out why a baby is crying while eating, you need to understand how to help him. In the first place - the desire of the mother and her willingness to change the usual mode of relationship with the baby. Right Action to establish psychological balance:

  1. Carry the baby in your arms, in special devices (kangaroo, sling) as often as possible. Lie down for a day's rest next to him.
  2. Feed only on demand, even if the baby needs to breastfeed more than 20 hours a day.
  3. Ensure skin-to-skin contact: at the time when the baby eats, there should be a minimum of clothing on both the baby and the mother.
  4. Organize a night's sleep with your newborn.
  5. Temporarily limit the child's tactile communication with other relatives.
  6. Avoid visiting guests.
  7. Talk to the baby more often, sing songs to him, read books.

To cope with the physical ailments of the baby, do the following:

  1. After each feeding, lift the baby upright and wear it in this position for several minutes. This will allow excess air to escape, and will not allow gas to accumulate in the tummy.
  2. To get rid of colic, offer your child (from a spoon) dill water or preparations recommended by a pediatrician for newborns.
  3. Establish your own diet, exclude foods prohibited during feeding.
  4. In all difficult and strange situations, visit a pediatrician or a breastfeeding specialist.

How to recognize breast rejection?

It is important to know which behavior of the infant is not breastfeeding refusal. If a newborn has difficulty taking a nipple, often loses it, turns his head for a long time, grunts and groans when he eats, he is learning to suckle at the breast. In this case, the mother needs to help the baby, taking a comfortable position and correctly inserting the nipple into the baby's mouth.

Restless behavior during the feeding period is also typical for children 5-8 months old. At this time, the baby may be distracted when eating, resist feeding. Any sound or the presence of an outsider can distract a child. You need to wait a bit, and the usual feeding process will definitely return.

baby crying before bed

Many parents often face such a problem as the crying of a child at bedtime. It happens that every evening the baby begins to cry at about the same time. How to calm him down and how to find out why the child is crying before going to bed?

Young mothers, seeing how the child chokes in crying, usually begin to suspect that something hurts him. But, as pediatricians explain, babies do not always signal health problems in this way. So, let's try to figure out why the child cries a lot before going to bed.

The child is overtired

Sometimes babies cry because they receive too much information and emotions in a whole day. They just need to throw out everything accumulated during the day, otherwise they will not be able to fall asleep. Small children with the help of a cry get rid of overexcitation. Their nervous system is not yet completely perfect, so the abundance of impressions often leads to overwork, which is why babies cannot relax on their own.

To prevent this from happening, experts recommend eliminating too active games by the end of the day. Let the child do something calm, monotonous, listen to a fairy tale, a lullaby. This will help him relax, tune in to sleep. Regular evening walks in the fresh air are recommended. After them, children usually fall asleep quickly and soundly. And in general, it is very important not to violate the established sleep and rest regimen.

Baby is uncomfortable

In some cases, crying at bedtime is associated with an uncomfortable position for the child. He wants to sleep, but too bright light, loud noises, wet diapers interfere with him. Perhaps the room is hot or vice versa cool. Control the temperature and humidity in the room so that the baby is comfortable falling asleep.

Small children sleep quite lightly, so try not to make too much noise. Of course, it’s also not worth teaching to sleep in perfect silence, otherwise mommy will not be able to do household chores while the baby is sleeping.

Poor health of the child

Children often use their crying to tell adults that they are not feeling well. Teeth are being cut, something hurts somewhere, the nose is not breathing well - there can be many reasons. If a baby is crying, you should think that he may have colic in the tummy. Usually, at the same time, the baby blushes, sweats, frantically moves his legs, presses them to his stomach.

In this case, you should use special drops, soothing teas, massage the tummy.

If the concern is caused by cutting teeth, you can smear the gums with a special ointment, which can be purchased at the pharmacy in advance. Teething is often accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms:

  • rise in temperature,
  • headache,
  • general malaise.

In this case, you need to consult a pediatrician.

Psychological reason

But sometimes the reason why a child cries lies in the psychology of the child. Waking up at night, the baby does not see his mother next to him. He has some anxiety, and he begins to cry in order to call his mother to him.

This problem can be solved in different ways. Someone adapts to calm the child, taking him in his arms, shaking him, singing songs. Baby feels presence loved one stops crying and falls asleep. Others try not to accustom the child to hands. As psychologists say, in order for the baby to learn to fall asleep on its own, you need to endure three nights. When the baby starts crying, the mother doesn't need to come to him. Over time, the baby will understand that even if he cries, no one will come to him. As a result, he will learn to fall asleep without his mother's presence. But this method is not very simple from a psychological point of view. After all, it will be very difficult for a mother to resist and not come to the crib when the child bursts into tears.

Dreaming bad dreams

Children from 2-3 years old may wake up crying after watching some TV shows and cartoons. Even familiar cartoon characters can seem scary to them. Since children are very impressionable, daytime fears can turn into nightmares. The child may cry in his sleep, toss and turn restlessly, scream or talk. Sometimes, to avoid stress in a dream, children move to sleep with their parents. In this case, fear disappears, children feel comfort and security.

In severe cases, the child will cry at bedtime, afraid to fall asleep and see the nightmare again.

To cope with this, you need to talk with the baby, find out the cause of his fear, try to calm him down. You should stop watching cartoons and programs that put such stress on the child. Let the child watch only what he likes, does not cause him negative emotions. And in general, it is better to reduce his stay in front of the TV and computer, as prolonged viewing strains the nervous system, which is already weak in children.

So sleep is the most The best way recover. If the baby cannot fall asleep for a long time, bursts into tears, you need to be seriously interested in the question of why the child is crying before going to bed, and try to eliminate the causes of this phenomenon. After all, there is nothing better than developing the right sleep schedule at an early age, which will subsequently provide the child with a full-fledged rhythm of life.

cry after swimming

Preparing for the birth of a baby, mommy reads a lot of different literature, stocks up on various things necessary for her and the crumbs. Including, he buys items for bathing a baby: a cute baby bath, a thermometer in the form of a funny animal, fragrant baby shampoos and special creams, multi-colored towel with a hood... She is sure that with such accessories the process of bathing will definitely please the baby. And then, when everyone is already at home, it turns out that not everything in life happens according to books: she hears the crying of a child after bathing - once, then the next day, then again and again. And - begins to wonder what is happening? Such a situation may arise even a few months after the opening of the "swimming season" ...

Feed me!

There are many reasons why a baby cries after bathing. Starting from those that have nothing to do with this pleasant water procedure. After all, a small child can only cry to tell you that something is bothering him.

It can be "intestinal colic", and headaches, and a feeling of hunger, and a desire to sleep, and overexcitation, and teething ...

If the baby started crying as soon as you tried to lower him into the bath, it is possible that the water in it is too hot or cold. Well, this question is easy to deal with in advance, carefully following the temperature of the water. But how to understand what does the repeated crying of a child after bathing mean?

Proponents of feeding according to the regimen usually advise bathing before the "evening nine o'clock feeding" in order to then feed a clean baby and put him to bed. Well, what if an adult who dreams of a delicious dinner is offered to take a bath first? I think he will immediately start swearing. And after bathing, appetite usually increases ...

But even immediately after eating, baths are also not recommended. So - you need to find a "golden mean" and bathe the child a short time after feeding. But when you feed on demand, it is not always possible to calculate this. So, pulling the crumbs out of the bathroom, you need to act quickly. I didn’t understand this right away, and at first I carefully wiped my heart-rendingly screaming son, smeared it with cream, dressed him, and only then fed him. But then it dawned on me: where am I in a hurry? It's warm at home, and why can't you breastfeed a baby wrapped in a towel, and only then get dressed? Will he sleep at his chest? But even if he falls asleep, already dressed, he will still have to change clothes: as you know, little kids do their “big things” in diapers during meals or immediately after.

By the way, many children do not like to dress up: they just felt so good in some water, and now for some reason they put on these vests and bodysuits that no one needs, in their opinion. So if I felt: the child is not hungry, but still expresses dissatisfaction, I tried to cope with this dressing procedure as quickly as possible, as they say, I trained manual dexterity.

Just tired

And also, if a child cries after bathing, perhaps he is just tired: every day brings him as many new impressions as we adults would experience, discovering new galaxies every day. And by the evening he can be overexcited. In this case, my son was soothed by the same mother's milk, warmth mother's hands, a sense of security. After all, breastfeeding is not just food for a child, but a way of communicating with mom, giving him a feeling of closeness with her and the confidence that she will always help.

The baby is very aware of the state of the mother. If she is excited about something, nervous, there is a high chance that mother's emotions will be transmitted to the child. So mom needs to try not to lose a positive outlook on the world and not let negative emotions (such as irritation, for example) dominate her. When the baby cries a couple of times after bathing, the mother begins to fear a repetition of this. And he is nervous, as if waiting for the former scenario. Feeling such a mood of mommy, the baby may not deceive her expectations. Although, if she calmed down and did not think about crying, perhaps he would not have been there this time.

The crying of the baby after bathing, as well as the crying of children in general, is a kind of way to inform loved ones that he is experiencing some kind of discomfort. Gradually, the mother will learn sensitivity and will be able to understand what the baby “tells” her by the nature of crying ...

In fact, if the baby cries regularly after bathing, it’s probably worth canceling baths for a while and limiting yourself to just rubbing. This timeout will most likely help mom figure out why her baby is crying after a bath. If this is due to some kind of ailment, crying is possible not only after bathing, and here the doctor should give advice on how to act.

Not only newborns

The most interesting thing is that not only newborns are capable of screaming heart-rendingly after bathing. My daughter, up to three years old, for example, splashed merrily in the bathroom until the moment she needed to be rinsed in the shower. For some reason, the shower made her feel terrified and she could not calm down for a long time, so, in the end, we watered our girl from the ladle.

The son in his two years is generally a contradictory nature. Either he fundamentally does not want to go to wash and no persuasion works on him, then he categorically refuses to get out of the bathroom, even if the water has already been drained in it. Any attempts to get him out of there, he immediately meets with a heart-rending scream. Although ... As a rule, such behavior can still be explained by all the same reasons as for very, very small ones: fatigue, overexcitation, hunger, desire to sleep ...

And when all this is superimposed on the “crisis of two years”, on the child’s “I” starting to wake up, his desire to do everything himself and only when he sees it necessary ... If the son is especially capricious and does not want to go to the bath, I can sometimes leave him at peace: it’s not scary if he falls asleep in the form in which he returned from a walk.

But if he starts to sob after bathing, you can’t get anywhere: you have to persuade him. Sometimes I leave him in the bathroom to play with some water, pat his hands on the glass of the shower. Sometimes it gets boring and he still gets out. If not, you have to use "brute physical force": wrap it in a towel and forcefully pull it out of the bathroom. And then try to do something to distract.

Surely every mother has her own "secrets" of how to calm the baby when he cries after bathing, it would be very interesting to learn about them ...

Baby crying after sleep

A child cries after sleep - this is a fairly common phenomenon today. Many doctors consider this phenomenon normal for children whose age does not exceed 3 years. This usually happens after a nap during the day. Sometimes this behavior of a child may indicate some autonomic, neurological disorders. And what to do in the case when the neurologist and cardiologist did not reveal any violations?

However, it’s still not worth worrying too much - this is how various imperfections of the baby’s nervous system can manifest themselves. Crying is a kind of reaction of the baby to the transition from the state of sleep to the state of wakefulness, namely, when it is difficult for the baby to drastically adapt to such changes. The baby may just whimper or cry uncontrollably, and may also wake up with joy and a smile. It has been observed that babies often cry when they wake up alone, but quickly calm down if they see their mother at the moment of awakening.

The baby may have a very unpleasant dream. That is why, if the baby wakes up alone, then he can be scared and upset. It is in this way that the strongest attachment of the child to the mother is manifested. The baby may dream that his mother left him. Therefore, some children, waking up alone, may perceive the appearance of their mother with tears and resentment.

When answering the question “why does a child cry after sleeping?”, it is worth noting that crying can be a sign of hunger or a desire to pee. By the way, the baby could sleep uncomfortable, so his pen was numb or his neck hurts. After all, this happens even with adults. And what to do in such a situation? Try to calm the baby, talk to him, you can try to make the baby laugh. If he wants to eat, then feed him. An excellent remedy is a warm pleasant shower. So, as soon as the baby's eyes open, carry the baby to the bathroom.

It is not uncommon for a child to cry after a nap after three years of age. Experts attribute this to the still immature nervous system or to the character of the child. In addition, it was noted that you should not wake up the baby in the active phase of sleep, i.e. when he breathes evenly, and the pulse is a little slow. If you need to pick up the child, then you should wait until he starts tossing and turning, and then start making a little noise. And as soon as the baby opens his eyes, he should immediately smile at him, and in general it is worth smiling more often, because the mother’s good mood is always transmitted to the baby. If the baby is still whimpering, even despite all your persuasion, then you should let him cry, it is quite possible that he needs a nervous discharge that the baby could not get during sleep.

It is also important to adapt to the baby, and you also need to learn to understand the needs of the baby, such knowledge will help to avoid most tantrums. A sharp emotional outburst can also help, for example, you can do something that will make the baby laugh or surprise. For example, you can tell that birds are flying outside the window and show them to the baby, or imitate some kind of animal. Usually, people have a multifaceted fantasy, and especially among young mothers, so coming up with something entertaining will not be difficult.

If the baby cries a little

All babies cry from the moment they are born. And absolutely all parents are trying to understand why this is happening. Crying is the only way for a newborn baby to show others that something is bothering him, that is, crying is absolutely normal for a newborn. In order for the baby to develop normally and experience as little stress as possible, any request for help should not go unanswered by the parents. At first, it is difficult for young parents to understand what is bothering their child, but over time they will easily begin to not only understand, but also feel what their child needs.

Too calm behavior of a baby at a newborn age should alert parents and in this case the child should be shown to a neurologist. Such children, as a rule, sleep a lot, move little, suck poorly at the breast and hardly gain weight. They develop muscles slowly, which can lead to lagging behind their peers. In this case, the main recommendations will be massage, gymnastics for babies, swimming. Since such babies can suckle poorly, a young mother needs to put her baby to her breast more often, express milk more often and give her baby a drink from a bottle, since no mixtures can fully replace breast milk, saturated with all the vitamins and microelements that are necessary for normal development of the newborn.

Many believe that the character of a child is shaped by parents, relatives and the society in which he is most of the time. In fact, this is not entirely true. Every newly born baby already has its own character. Therefore, some children can be quite calm and cry a little, not because they are physically weak, but because of the peculiarities of their character. This is especially evident as the children grow up.

For example, phlegmatic babies. They are slow, hard to enter a new team, but at the same time, such children are very purposeful, stubborn and assiduous. Psychologists advise to play mobile, active games with them, to develop curiosity.

Another type of calm children are melancholic. They are very obedient, emotionally balanced, but very sensitive and touchy, because of this it is quite difficult for them to adapt among strangers. Parents of such children need to be especially careful about his inner world, as they are very receptive. In such kids it is necessary to bring up confidence, courage, activity.

Sanguine children are very cheerful and active, but, despite this, they always show a very calm character, calmly relate to punishments, non-conflict and obedient.

It is very difficult to say with complete certainty whether it is good or bad when the child is calm. It is necessary to observe the behavior in each specific situation. For example, a child cries a little in those situations when he simply has no reason to do so. If the baby grows in a calm, favorable environment, he is not bothered by colic in the tummy, he eats well and gains weight normally, the temperature in the room is optimal, and a caring mother changes wet diapers on time, then he simply does not need to cry.

The main task is to educate the child by example. If you are calm, reasonable, purposeful, then your child, consciously or not, will adopt these qualities from you. To raise a calm and balanced child who adequately perceives the events that occur in life, each parent must begin with educating himself.

The baby turns blue when it cries

Very often, mothers do not understand why the baby rolls up when he cries for a long time and begins to turn blue. The thing is that it is during crying and sobbing that the child exhales all the air from the lungs, as a result, he freezes with his mouth ajar, cannot utter a single sound. Such attacks provoke violent emotions, this may be due to joy or a sharp upset of the child.

How to correctly define an attack?

The explanation for why the child may roll up and turn blue may be two features of the affective-respiratory attack.

The first, "pale attack" is explained by the consequence of the pain syndrome, if the child fell, hit or even pricked. Its striking features and signs can be pale skin, it is difficult to feel the pulse, a short delay in the heartbeat and loss of consciousness.

However, it is “blue attacks” that are much more common, which can occur due to a hysterical demonstration of children's discontent and whim. The main goal of the baby in such situations is to get, to achieve what he wants at all costs. Seizures of this type are dangerous because they can later develop into more serious ones - epileptic ones.

Cries when he wants to write

Does a newborn cry before peeing? Do not rush to run to the doctor and convene a council on this issue. Take a closer look at your baby and answer a few questions for yourself.

  • How does the baby feel?
  • Does he have a fever?
  • Is the child eating well?
  • Does he sleep well?
  • Did you get diaper rash under the diaper?
  • Has the color of urine changed?

If the baby is alert and cheerful the rest of the time, sleeps well and does not refuse the breast, there is no need to worry. Probably, by crying, the child is letting you know that he just wants to write. When urine fills the bladder, the wall of the organ stretches, and the baby experiences understandable anxiety. The kid does not yet know what to do with this feeling - and calls for help from his mother in ways available to him. It is noticed that little boys worry before urination more often than girls. The fair sex empty the bladder quite calmly.

Advice: Plant your baby over the bathtub or basin every time he wants to pee - so you will quickly accustom the child to the potty.

Unfortunately, crying before urinating is not always a good sign. In some cases, this symptom may be the first sign of a serious problem.

There are several situations in which a child should be seen by a doctor:

  • rash and skin irritation under the diaper;
  • fusion of the labia (in girls);
  • the appearance of discharge from the vagina (in girls);
  • swelling and redness of the foreskin (in boys);
  • dark urine;
  • the appearance of pus or blood in the urine;
  • increase in body temperature.

The crying of a child before urination, in combination with one of these symptoms, may indicate a serious pathology. In this case, you need to show the baby to a specialist as soon as possible.

Why does my baby cry before urinating?

There are several diseases that can provoke anxiety in the baby before emptying the bladder.

contact dermatitis

If the baby cries before peeing, unroll his diaper. Take a closer look at your baby's skin for rashes, red spots, or peeling. The appearance of any of these symptoms should alert parents. The cause of red spots may be a banal allergy to the selected diaper, skin care cream or others. cosmetical tools. The rash and irritation can also hide a skin infection or a more serious condition.

Why does my baby cry when he tries to pee? It's simple: urine gets on irritated skin and causes very unpleasant sensations. The child is in pain, and he tries to tell his mother about it. Changing the diaper, avoiding allergenic skin care products and gentle washing helps to correct the situation. If these measures do not help, it is necessary to show the child to the doctor.

Inflammation of the vagina

In young girls, a vaginal infection can be a cause for concern before urinating. If the baby cries before peeing, you should carefully examine the perineum, labia and the space between them. The appearance of yellowish or green discharge should alert parents. Such a symptom clearly indicates infection of the vagina with pathogens. In this situation, you should show the child to a pediatric gynecologist as soon as possible.

Why does an infection develop in little girls? Most often, pathogenic microorganisms enter the girl's vagina during the passage of the mother's birth canal. Bacteria attach to the mucous membrane of the vagina and multiply actively. After a while, abundant discharge from the genital tract appears. The baby cries when trying to pee, because urine gets on the inflamed mucosa and causes severe pain. If help is not provided to the child on time, the infection can go to the uterus, appendages and organs of the urinary system.

Advice: Wash girls from the vagina to the anus to avoid infection.

The inflammatory process in the vagina can lead to the formation of synechia. The girl's labia stick together and urination becomes problematic. When passing urine, the child experiences very unpleasant sensations. If the baby cries at the moment when she wants to write or is already emptying her bladder, you should carefully part the labia and examine the vagina for the presence of synechia. If adhesions appear in the vagina, you should contact a pediatric gynecologist.


Little boys are waiting for an equally serious problem - balanitis and balanoposthitis. If the baby cries when trying to pee, carefully inspect the penis and foreskin area. Swelling and redness of the skin of the foreskin indicates the development of balanoposthitis. Against the background of inflammation, an increase in body temperature is possible. For any changes in the foreskin, you should contact a urologist or pediatrician.

urinary tract infection

Urethritis or cystitis can cause pain when urinating. If a newborn cries when he wants to pee, pay attention to his urine. Darkening of urine, the appearance of suspensions, pus or blood impurities in it indicates the possible development of an infection. An increase in body temperature and refusal to eat is another symptom in which you should definitely show the child to the doctor.

It is not always possible to recognize a urinary tract infection by external signs alone.

Diagnosis of diseases of the kidneys, bladder and urethra includes the following methods:

  • general urine analysis;
  • special urine samples;
  • bacteriological culture of urine;

Thus, if a newborn wants to write and cries at the same time, you should be examined by a urologist. It is not worth delaying contacting a doctor, especially if no other visible reasons for the child's concern were found. After the examination, the doctor will give his recommendations for the treatment and further care of the baby.

Crying when pooping

Constipation is the most common cause of newborn crying during bowel movements. This is a fairly common problem in infants. Constipation can be identified by the frequency of stools and their consistency. In babies in the first months of life, defecation should occur almost after each feeding, and feces should be soft, resembling gruel.

If bowel movements occur every three days, and the contents of the diaper have a solid consistency, then this should be treated as constipation.

Second and no less a rare cause crying baby, when he poops, are colic. These are specific cramps in the tummy, accompanied by an accumulation of gas in the intestines. It must be understood that colic is a physiological phenomenon caused by the immaturity of the gastrointestinal tract. Treats them as a pathology is not worth it. The child's digestive system develops gradually, it takes time. Therefore, the baby can, before pooping, push hard, release gas and cry. This is a kind of test that almost every newborn goes through.

It is also worth paying attention to what the child ate in last days. If, for example, complementary foods were introduced, then such a reaction during defecation is quite natural. As soon as the baby's stomach gets used to the new food, everything will gradually pass.

There are many reasons that can affect the formation of congestion in the intestines of a baby.

Non-compliance with the diet of a nursing mother.

Any woman breastfeeding her child must follow a certain diet. Because every product she uses instantly turns out to be in the composition breast milk. Constipation is most often caused by protein foods (milk, cottage cheese, excessive consumption of meat), confectionery (buns, cakes, etc.), as well as tea or coffee. When the first symptoms of constipation appear in an infant, these foods should be limited, or completely eliminated from the diet.

Wrong mix selection.

What kind of formula a newborn eats can also affect the pain during bowel movements. Pay attention to the composition of the product, the content of iron and gluten in it. If constipation occurs, the mixture should be changed. Most often, after this, the chair in the child returns to normal.


It is believed that the baby, located on breastfeeding, you should not drink water. Mother's milk contains all the necessary trace elements. But with artificial nutrition, the situation is different. The baby needs some water, and it must be boiled.

Psychological causes of constipation in newborns

  1. The child may experience fear just before having a bowel movement. This is due to the fact that, for example, the last time during a bowel movement, he experienced severe pain, and the baby is afraid that they will return again. In this case, children are helped with the help of microclysters or candles. Everything must be done to return the previous mushy consistency of the stool and help the baby cope with fears.
  2. It also happens that any symptoms of constipation in infants cause great panic among his parents. They begin to pity him excessively, console him, etc. The baby certainly likes it, and he can deliberately delay the process of emptying the intestines, thereby manipulating the parents. Therefore, any problem should be treated calmly and reasonably.

How to deal with constipation

There are several techniques that will help the baby get rid of constipation and stop crying before he poops.

  • mother must follow a diet, in this case the child will not receive products that impede bowel movements;
  • mom can add fiber-rich foods to the diet (they are usually found in all fruits and vegetables);
  • give the child a decoction of raisins or dried fruit compote to drink, thereby helping the intestines to work properly;
  • massage of the tummy of the baby helps very well, the most common technique is circular motions clockwise;
  • choose a different mixture for the baby, after consulting with the attending doctor.

Pathologies causing constipation

Unfortunately, sometimes a newborn cries before pooping, for very serious reasons. Most often, this is caused by congenital diseases that require immediate examination by specialists and further treatment. Therefore, when it is not possible to get rid of the symptoms of constipation on your own, you need to urgently consult a doctor.

Diseases leading to constipation are rare. But still sometimes they cause children's tears. These include:

  • Dolichosigma is an unnatural lengthening of the sigmoid part of the intestine. Defecation is difficult as a result of many kinks and great pressure of the intestine on itself, as well as on the rectum.
  • Hirschsprung's disease is characterized by dysfunction of the nerve endings of the intestine. This leads to the fact that some areas of the intestine cease to function properly and are constantly in a state of spasms and pain.
  • Lactose deficiency is a disease that is caused by a deficiency of enzymes, or their absence. In this case, the newborn is prone to changing constipation to diarrhea and vice versa.

Treatment of constipation in babies

Self-treatment of constipation in babies is not recommended. It is best to consult with your doctor, undergo the necessary treatment and strictly follow the instructions of the specialist. After all, the child's body is not yet strong and from ignorance it can be greatly harmed.

In the case when the mother’s diet, changing the mixture and tummy massage do not help, various medical preparations. The most common of these are candles. Usually prescribed glycerin. This method of treatment is the safest. They are carefully inserted into the rectum and after a while the newborn empties the intestines on its own.

There is another safe method. When the crumbs have problems with defecation, a gas outlet tube is inserted into the rectum, thereby irritating it and provoking bowel movements.

Sometimes lactulose preparations are used. They have a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. But the child should use them only in the dosage prescribed by the doctor.

A method such as an enema is used quite rarely and only in cases where nothing else helps. Currently, infants are most often prescribed microlax. But such a procedure must be agreed with the doctor. It is necessary to take into account all the nuances of how to properly make an enema for a baby, so as not to damage the intestines in any way.

There is one more folk way. It is perfect for breastfed babies. If the child is prone to constipation, then mom can eat a few pieces of melon a day. It helps a lot with difficult bowel movements.

A newborn baby in this world is waiting for a lot of difficulties. And the task of parents is to help him cope with them. Therefore, if a child begins to cry during a bowel movement, then there are definitely good reasons for this, which must be found and which will definitely have to be dealt with.

child crying in the garden

If a child cries in the garden, parents must be patient and know the peculiarities of the nervous system of their baby. No matter how much you want to accustom your child to kindergarten as soon as possible, you need to understand that full adaptation will not come earlier than two to three months after the child enters kindergarten. So what else do parents need to know?

Features of the baby's nervous system

Children are different. One immediately starts crying in kindergarten, as soon as mom disappeared behind the door, and then calms down. Another baby cries all day long. The third immediately falls ill - and this is also a form of protest against an unfamiliar environment. For a child, parting with mom and dad is a whole tragedy. He can survive it quickly if he likes the situation in kindergarten. But if not, the child may never adapt to other people's conditions. The result can be hysteria, constant weeping in the garden, and frequent illnesses.

Which children fit best in kindergarten?

According to educators and child psychologists, children from large families who were born and raised in communal apartments, where the process of education from the very beginning was based on equal partnerships with parents (when parents consider the child equal and treat him as an adult).

When crying can be harmful to a child's health

American studies show that crying can cause irreparable harm to a child's nervous system. The crying of a child needs to be dosed, says Penelope Leach, a doctor of psychology. She studied about 250 children and found that crying for more than 20 minutes in a row takes a heavy toll on a child's health. This applies not only to crying in kindergarten, but also to raising a child at home. Those children who cry for more than 20 minutes then experience more problems throughout their lives, because they get used to the idea that no one will come and help them when they cry for help. In addition, says Dr. Leach, prolonged crying of children destroys their brain, which further leads to problems with learning.

When a baby cries, the body releases the stress hormone cortisol, which is produced by the adrenal glands. This cortisol is the hormone that can damage the baby's nervous system. The longer you cry, the more cortisol is produced and the more likely it is to damage nerve cells.

“This does not mean that a child should never cry or that parents should be concerned as soon as a child has cried. All babies cry, some more than others. It is not crying itself that is bad for children, but the fact that the child does not receive an answer to his cry for help, ”Dr. Leach writes in his book.

When should you not send your child to kindergarten?

Parents should be aware that boys between the ages of 3 and 5 adapt to a new environment much worse than girls of the same age. The period of three years is the most difficult for a child. At this age, a fracture of the psyche occurs, the formation of the "I" of the child, this is for him critical age. If, during the period of greatest vulnerability, a child is sent to a kindergarten, his psyche may be irreparably damaged, and the adaptation period will drag on for a long time - up to six months.

Children from three to five years old are very hard going through separation from their mother, since their connection with her at this age is the strongest. Breaking it is very risky, you need to be able to do it.

You can’t send a child to kindergarten if he is often sick - this will completely upset the child’s weakened immune system. You can’t send a child to a kindergarten if he is still very small and is experiencing separation from his mother too hard.

How to adapt the child to kindergarten?

First, the child must go to kindergarten with his mother and see what other children are doing there. Just leaving a child in a kindergarten and leaving for the whole day is inhumane. The nervous system of the baby will receive a powerful blow, from which it will take a long time to recover.

Mom or dad should definitely go with the baby to kindergarten and stay in the children's environment. The child will be calmer if the mother is nearby. When the children are on a walk, the mother can bring the baby to the kindergarten so that he walks with them without separation from the mother. It is necessary to bring the child to the kindergarten also in the evening, so that he can see that the parents are picking up the children after the shift. It is very important for a child to know that they will definitely come for him.

So that the child does not see how other children cry when they part with their mother, for the first week they need to be brought to kindergarten an hour later - not by 8.00, but by 9.00. And you need to pre-feed the baby with breakfast in the usual home environment, because in the kindergarten he may refuse to eat.

Throughout the first week, mom can stay with the child in the group so that he feels secure and understands that no one will do anything bad to him here. But not to stay for the whole day, but first for a couple of hours, until the morning walk, then go home with the child. Then the time in the kindergarten can be increased.

And finally, in the second week, you can try to leave the child alone in the kindergarten, but not for the whole day, but until lunch. Then take the baby home.

In the third week, the baby can be left in the kindergarten for the whole day. During this time, he will have time to understand that nothing threatens him in the kindergarten, but on the contrary, it is interesting to play with new children, listen to interesting tales and share new toys.

The degree of adaptation of kids to kindergarten

Each child has his own characteristics of the nervous system, so they adapt differently to the unfamiliar environment of the kindergarten. Some get used to and adapt quickly, others very difficult. According to how quickly the child begins to navigate in unfamiliar conditions, they can be divided into three large groups.

The most difficult degree of adaptation

Because of the unfamiliar environment, the child may experience a nervous breakdown, he cries for a long time and inconsolably, left without a mother, begins to get sick often and for a long time. The child does not want to contact anyone other than the parents, does not want to play in the kindergarten with other children, is withdrawn and poorly focused. It is not possible to cheer him up with toys, the baby goes through them one by one, not stopping at one. He has no desire to play, as well as the desire to establish contact with other children.

As soon as the teacher says something to the child, he may get scared and start calling for his mother, cry, or not respond at all to the words of the teacher.

Actions of parents:
It is necessary to be as flexible as possible with such a child, for the first week or two, the mother should be with him in the kindergarten, and it is advisable to go for a consultation with a psychologist.

Average degree of adaptation

Such a child can play with other children, cry not for very long, but he manifests a hidden protest against an unfamiliar environment. And it manifests itself with frequent diseases - colds, tonsillitis, runny nose, allergies. When the mother leaves the child alone and leaves, he does not worry for a relatively short time, and then begins to play with other children. During the day, he may have seemingly unreasonable outbursts of moodiness, anger, aggression, or tearfulness. By these symptoms, you can understand that the child has not yet adapted properly.

Usually such children can adapt to the new children's team and educators at least one and a half months.

Actions of parents
The delicacy of parents and caregivers, conversations and explanations that relate to the child's stay in the kindergarten. Parents should talk with the child every day, find out what events took place in the kindergarten, and take them apart piece by piece. Parents should also keep in constant contact with caregivers in order to respond in time to any problems of the child.

High degree of adaptation

When a child adapts very well to an unfamiliar environment, it is easy for parents and caregivers. Good adaptation means that the child goes to kindergarten willingly, quickly establishes contact with children, adequately responds to the comments of educators. The adaptation period for such children is the shortest - less than three weeks. The child almost does not get sick, which means that he safely tolerates the conditions of the kindergarten.

A child with a good degree of adaptation does not get bored, does not act up, does not cry. He knows how to find his own occupation and involve other children in it. He calmly shares toys and his own in the company of other children. Such a child calmly falls asleep and wakes up on time, is not nervous on a walk.

When parents come, the child willingly tells them about the events that took place in the kindergarten.

Actions of parents
The fact that a child is relatively easy to endure the situation in kindergarten does not mean that you need to leave him to himself. In the first week, you still need to adapt the child, prepare him for kindergarten, talk about new children and someone else's aunt-educator. The child needs to be told why he goes to kindergarten and what awaits him there. And the most important thing is to make it clear to the baby that mom or dad will definitely take him home after the shift.

Tips for parents to better adapt children in the garden

If a child cries in the garden, this is an indicator that he needs help. After all, the little man is still so defenseless, and his nervous system is so fragile. Be sure to ask the teacher how much your child cries and when. Maybe he gets upset the most in the morning when you leave? Maybe in the evening, when he thinks they won't take him? Or maybe the child cries after sleep, because the new environment is uncomfortable for him? Depending on the cause of the crying, you can eliminate it and thereby calm the upset baby.

Pay attention to whether the child cries after his mother takes him to the kindergarten, or maybe the crying intensifies when his father takes him to the kindergarten? If the child cries less when another family member (not mom) takes him to the kindergarten, let this family member (dad, grandfather, elder sister) and takes it away for now. This should be done until the baby adapts.

Find out from the teacher which games or toys your child enjoys the most. Maybe he calms down, going to bed with his favorite horse? Or after a conversation with the girl Irochka? Or does he like it when the teacher reads him a fairy tale about the Golden Cockerel? These methods should be applied when the child is crying in the garden.

Do not be silent, talk to the child even if he is still small and cannot talk to you. When mom and dad talk to the child, explain something, share their impressions, the baby calms down and cries much less often. It is very good when, on the way to kindergarten, the mother tells the child about the interesting things that await the baby in the group. And on the way home, he also tells something to the child, asks how he spent the day.

You can give your child his favorite doll or teddy bear in the garden - a toy with which he feels more secure. Such a toy is sure to be found in every child. This is especially good way if the child has a severe or moderate degree of adaptation to an unfamiliar environment. You can also give the child his favorite thing with him - a dress, a towel, a handkerchief, his favorite slippers. With these items, the child will feel a little more comfortable - with him, it seems, a piece of the usual home environment.

There is another great way to soften the child's adaptation in kindergarten. You can give the child a key and say that this is the key to the apartment. You can inform the child that now only he will have the key to the apartment (house), and without this key, mom or dad will not be able to get home until they take their baby from the kindergarten. This is a very good move that will help the child feel important and needed. This will also help to give the child additional confidence in himself and in the fact that his parents will definitely pick him up from kindergarten as soon as possible. This key should be kept by the child in such a place that the baby can get it and associate it with the arrival of the parents. This will give him self-confidence in those moments when the baby cries in the kindergarten.

When parents pick up a child from kindergarten, they should not rush, get nervous and scream. Even if the parents are nervous in silence, the child instantly reads these emotions and repeats them. After all, the connection between the baby and parents at this age is very strong. So that your child does not get upset and does not cry, try to be in good mood and good health.
Do not react to the very first tears and whims of the child. He will quickly realize that in this way he can manipulate mom and dad. Be firm in your intentions and don't back down from them. If you have already decided to send your child to kindergarten, go through the first month of adaptation with him (or maybe longer) and be sensitive to his needs and problems.

Your firmness and goodwill will help the child find peace in an unusual environment. Come up with a cute tradition when you say goodbye to your child by leaving them in the garden. Teach him to blow a kiss or kiss the child on the cheek, pat him on the back, give another conventional sign that speaks of love for the child. This exchange of signs “I love you” calms the baby, gives him a sense of security, despite the fact that his beloved mother (dad) is now leaving.

If a child cries in kindergarten, parents can save him from any problems with patience, love, and attentiveness. After all, they also had a period of adaptation.
