How to dress stylishly for school: general recommendations. How to create a basic wardrobe for a teenage girl? How to dress better for school

According to the new law on education, which came into force on September 1, 2015, a common approach for school uniforms is being established throughout Russia. The appearance of this law is provided in order to remove property, social, religious differences between students, to strengthen the image of educational institutions, to provide students with comfortable and aesthetic clothing.

The type of clothing, style, color, should be determined by the school council, parent committees, school-wide, class parent meetings, councils of trustees. There are no uniform requirements for a set of school clothes, the main condition is that it must comply with generally accepted business style standards.

The school has the right to establish several types of clothing: everyday, formal, sports.

A standard boy's wardrobe may consist of: a shirt (turtleneck), a jacket, trousers, tracksuit, T-shirts and shorts. At the discretion of the school, the jacket can be replaced with a vest, a classic jumper, the image can be supplemented with a tie.

The girl's wardrobe includes: a sundress, trousers, a skirt, a blouse and for physical education the same things as for boys: a tracksuit, T-shirt, shorts. Both one and the other will have to purchase such shoes: shoes, sneakers, replacement shoes.

The document states that children from large families must be provided with uniforms free of charge for the period of study in a general education institution.

Sportswear should consist of a navy blue or black tracksuit, a white T-shirt and shoes with non-slip soles that fit snugly around the leg but do not restrict circulation. Wearing a sports uniform is allowed only during physical education classes and mass sporting events.

Boys and youths:

1-4 grades : trousers classical style and black, plain shirt in soft light colors, knitted vest dark color no pattern, tie, shoes;

5-9 grades : classic style trousers in black, plain shirt, soft light colors, tie, shoes;
10-11 grades : business suit in black, blue or gray colors, a plain shirt in soft light colors, a dark-colored knitted vest without a pattern, a tie, classic-style shoes.

Girls and Girls:

1-4 grades : a black skirt or trousers, a plain blouse in soft light colors, a dark blue knitted vest without a pattern, classic-style shoes;

5-9 grades : a black skirt or trousers, a plain blouse in soft light colors, a knitted vest or jacket in dark blue without a pattern. Skirt no longer than 10 centimeters from the knees. Monochromatic tights in dark and light colors, classic-style shoes, heels no higher than 5 centimeters;

10-11 grades : black, blue, gray business suit; plain blouse in soft light colors. Plain tights in dark and light colors, classic-style shoes, heels no higher than 7 centimeters.

It is forbidden to wear the following items during the school year:

  • jeans of any tones and styles;
  • sportswear and its details;
  • beachwear;
  • evening dresses;
  • clothes that have linen style;
  • maxi and mini skirts;
  • sleeveless blouses, dresses, T-shirts;
  • dresses and blouses with a neckline;
  • clothes for outdoor activities (shorts, T-shirts, sweatshirts with pictures);
  • clothes made of leather, raincoat fabric;
  • tight-fitting skirts and trousers;
  • strongly short blouses, revealing parts of the body;
  • transparent blouses, skirts;
  • sports shoes;
  • beach shoes (slippers, slippers);
  • shoes on a high platform, massive;
  • evening shoes with different accessories;
  • high heeled shoes;
  • clothes and shoes that have overly bright colors, shiny threads, various extravagant details.

Forbidden in the details of clothing, use massive necklaces, brooches, pendants, earrings.

Not recommended wear clothes, shoes, accessories that have traumatic fittings, symbols of various informal, asocial youth associations and those that promote illegal behavior and psychoactive substances.

How to dress for school? This question is not easy to answer. If the school uniform is not provided, and the morals at the school are democratic, then you can come up with a lot of beautiful and stylish ensembles without going out of the scope of the average school norms.

Of course, it would be boring to wear the same thing to school every day, so today we will learn how to make creative, fun and fashionable outfits for every day.

How to dress nicely for school?

Let's start with the fact that we still select clothes for school, so the rapper's pants and leather pants, in which you went to Halloween last year, it is better to postpone it until better times. But we will need a variety of dresses, trousers, skirts, beautiful blouses and turtlenecks.

Before you break the rules, you should know them, so we will start with this question - how to dress properly for school? Since this institution is official, the clothes should be of a strict style, which can be attributed to business. We need pants straight cut, slightly flared and straight skirts, blouses, shirts, turtlenecks, a variety of jackets and cardigans.

But all this in general, but what about those who want to look interesting and stylish? The answer is simple: to be able to combine clothes so that the ensemble can become unusual at the same time and at the same time not go beyond school requirements.

For example, how do vanilla girls dress to school? This is a mixture of three styles: casual, romantic and glamorous. To get the right ensemble for school, we need business trousers with a fitted cut, a stylish White shirt and a pink beige jacket. In another case, you can pick up an A-line beige skirt and blouse and complement this outfit with shoes.

In addition, you can make a lot of interesting kits. Create them by combining different clothes among themselves, and pay attention to the most successful combinations.

How cool to dress for school?

In addition to the classics, there are others interesting options. Let's not wear the same thing all the time: business suits and black skirts with blouses for every day are boring. Besides, what if you like informal styles?

How do emo girls dress in school? To create a suitable ensemble, use an elongated top, for example, you can wear a blouse outside, decorating it with a woven belt, and straight classic pants. For authenticity, combine black with pastel pink, purple in an outfit. A variety of high-waisted sundresses in combination with pastel shirts, elongated black jackets and a flared skirt, various dresses in the appropriate style will look very interesting.

How do goths dress to school? We recommend that Goths and Gothesses pay attention to the peculiarities of the style of clothing and the corresponding structural decorations. Even if the morals in your school are strict, you can still choose an outfit to your liking using some tricks. For example, a black tulip skirt, closed shoes or boots, as well as a blouse with a stand-up collar and a salt and pepper jacket with puffed sleeves on the cuffs and ruffles on the chest will become suitable choice. Such clothes look quite gothic and at the same time suitable for an educational institution.

When choosing certain things, focus on straight angular top lines and a tight-fitting bottom (for example, it can be a pencil skirt) or a voluminous bottom (balloon skirt, a-line). The decor can be as follows: flounces, ruffles, puffy or flared sleeves, high-waisted dresses are welcome, rectangular cutouts of sundresses.

The school year and autumn are in full swing, which means it's time to think about your appearance and its compliance with fresh fashion trends.

After all, no one canceled fashion at school (no matter what the director, head teacher and the entire teaching staff say 🙂), which means it's time to make another unscheduled revision of the wardrobe and create a new - mega-stylish and trendy - school image.

In order, on the one hand, not to violate the dress code established by the administration, and on the other hand, to look bright, stylish and extraordinary?

And is it possible? The site for Girls, as always, comes to the rescue of its readers and offers its own vision of solving this difficult, but only at first glance, puzzle 🙂

So, we meet stylish school images from the site ....

What to wear to school: stylish ideas from the site

Wearing a dull uniform day after day, year after year? What could be more boring? I think every decent schoolgirl thinks so, secretly dreaming of a beautiful school uniform for girls, fashion make-up and stylish accessories.

Our site, like no other, understands the passionate desire of its readers to shine with themselves and their fashionable outfits against the backdrop of gray school days and a crowd of identical classmates.

That is why we decided on this experiment 🙂 Let's try to dilute our dull school uniform with tasty details and bright colors. Within the limits of what is permitted, of course 🙂 We don’t want to get a reprimand from the “bosses”.

Therefore, if there is a strict school skirt, then in no case above the knee 🙂 We will just add a few stylish touches to the usual image 🙂

Will it be a stylish tie fashion scarf or a bright belt - it's up to you. Our job is to tell and show 🙂

Stylish touches

IN pure form strict school uniform has long disappeared from our Everyday life, but many schools have their own set of rules regarding the appearance of schoolgirls.

White top / black bottom, blouse and dark gray or black two-piece suit - a skirt or trousers and a jacket, dresses are less often allowed and just like a pleasant exception - a classic cage or stripe in a suit.

But even in all this dull disgrace, you can make fresh notes. The main thing is to know what and where to contribute 🙂

Stylish tie

Sometimes even such a small element as a tie can work miracles of transformation. It looks especially good against the background of a laconic white shirt and a classic vest.

As an option: colored tie to a plain school dress.

bright belt

A bright belt that emphasizes the waist and matching shoes, what could be simpler? In this case, the entire form will remain within the allowed limits. colors 🙂

fashionable scarf, ribbon or scarf, tied around the neck in some particularly intricate way - voila, fashionable image in casual style is ready.

Hat or elegant beret in the best traditions of the French style.

glamorous leggings, worn under a skirt - this is almost a legalized classic of the fashion genre. nice bolero, as an alternative to a jacket - agree, a trifle, but very pleasant and, most importantly, stylish.

Cute earrings, headband and bracelets will allow you to stand out from the background of other, not so bold classmates.

Cardigan or bright coat worn over a school uniform - fresh, a little daring and incredibly stylish.

Agree, you can even in the usual school uniform. We hope that now you do not torture yourself with the question: ? The issue was resolved by us with a bang.

We have shown only a few tricky tricks, you just have to catch the general mood and continue stylish experiments.

Well, and especially good ideas of mercy, please share here, in the comments 🙂 People should know their heroes by sight!

Julia Maksimenko For Site for girls

Makeup for school Skin care for high school students. How to wear a school uniform to be stylish and fashionable?

Even if you have to wear a school uniform, this does not mean that you have to look the same as everyone else. Follow these tips and you'll make people wonder, "Wow! I never thought you could look like this in a school uniform!”

7 steps to beauty and style for high school girls:

1 ) Use jewelry and different accessories. Pick up cute earrings, maybe even a beautiful necklace and a bracelet or two. If your school doesn't allow you to wear jewelry, try to find nice cufflinks. You can also use multi-colored bracelets woven from wool. These are easy to make and look great. Attach the earring to the ribbon of your school uniform. To do this, take one earring, pierce the edge of the ribbon of your school uniform and insert the jewelry there.
Try to get beautiful wrist watch. It's comfortable and very pretty. In addition, it is very practical for the school, and it is unlikely that any of the teachers will object.
Don't forget about the jewelry in your hair. Use beautiful hair clips, colorful elastic bands, headbands and unusual headbands. Accessories make a big difference appearance.

2 ) Change your hair color or cut style. Since schools generally don't allow you to paint in unthinkable colors, stick to the traditional palette. And if possible, then dye your hair in some unusual color. For example, make a pink strand on one side. Your hairstyle will look unusual and unique.

3 ) Choose stylish school supplies. Well, if you yourself look great. But it's even better if your school supplies look the same! Try using covers for your textbooks. Write your favorite poems on them or draw small original pictures. You can wrap books with paper with a cute pattern. And you can buy plastic covers, they are practical and easy to use.
Make your locker stand out - with pictures, quotes, color.
Attach labels printed in beautiful fonts or attractive stickers with pictures to your belongings. You can make them yourself using Microsoft Excel and sticker paper.

Don't forget your school bag. Decorate your briefcase or school backpack. Attach stickers to the zipper, write your name with markers, use beautiful key rings. It might even be worth letting your friends write their messages for you on your bag. To make the school bag look original, use badges, pins, stickers.

4 ) If possible, add a hat to your wardrobe, beautiful jacket or a scarf. However, keep in mind that wearing these things in class may cause criticism from some teachers or school authorities. Go shopping and choose a pencil case or cosmetic bag for yourself. Put the things you use in class all the time: pens, lip gloss, erasers, etc. This solution is especially suitable for those who like to have everything they need always at hand.

5 ) Replace some item of clothing that is part of the uniform with a non-standard one you have chosen in the store and is more beautiful. For example, if you are allowed to wear your own cardigan in the color of your school uniform, try to buy a cardigan good quality and the right style to make you look good in it.

6 ) Adjust things according to the figure so that they do not bulge, but not too tight. Don't wear overly tight clothing. Add a fitted blouse to your regular school uniform. This will make your costume more interesting and your look more harmonious.

7 ) Try to wear fashion headbands for hair, spring hoops, pin up hair from behind. Change your hairstyle every day.

  1. Use simple cosmetics. It can be a concealer pencil to hide blemishes or circles under the eyes, lip balm or gloss and some mascara. Simple makeup looks more attractive. Lip gloss should be natural and transparent. You can choose a gloss with a slight tint. Going to school, try not to make your lips the brightest part of your face. This can distract people when talking to you. Also, many teachers may not like it and won't take you seriously. Often bright color lipstick on a young face indicates immaturity and naivety.
    If you don't like lip gloss, use hygienic lipstick or tinted lip balm. Try scrubbing your lips with a toothbrush (make sure it's clean!), then apply lip balm. Lips will look soft and beautiful.
  2. Do not apply lipstick or balm in a thick layer. Also, do not choose a lipstick that is too bright. It looks ugly and distracts when talking. By overusing the liner, you risk drowning out the natural beauty of your eyes. This is especially true for dark eyes. Too much mascara can cause your lashes to stick together and make you look rather unsightly. Strive for simplicity. You don't want to be like a clown, do you?
  3. If your school doesn't let you wear makeup but you want to try it, use a tinted moisturizer. Your skin will look flawless. At the same time, it is less noticeable than foundation. Some schools allow some lip gloss.
  4. Go to a cosmetics store and choose products suitable for your age. Don't wear too much make-up because you're going to school, not to a party.
  5. Always carry a mirror, mascara, lip gloss and foundation with you so that you can touch up your makeup if necessary.
  6. Remember that it all depends on how you apply makeup. It may happen that you and your girlfriend use the same cosmetics. At the same time, they make a remark to you at school, but she doesn’t: the whole point is that you apply makeup in different ways. Make your makeup almost invisible. There are very good articles on the Internet on this subject.

Skin care for high school girls:

  1. Waking up in the morning, be sure to take a shower, even if it is very short. Morning shower will instantly refresh you! It works well on damp skin and keeps it hydrated throughout the day. In addition, it gives the skin nice smell freshness, so light that it does not drown out the aroma of the shower gel.

2) Don't use facial exfoliators every day. They can dry out the skin and cause itching.

3) Wash your face morning and evening with a gentle cleanser.

4) If you have oily skin, prone to acne, wash your face twice a day. Try to touch your face less often. Dirt and bacteria on your hands can get into the pores of your face. This will result in unsightly spots or blackheads.

5) For the face, use skin care products suitable for your skin type. Do not use cleansing lotions or foundation creams designed for the skin of adult women!

6) Sometimes girls with problematic skin better not to use big amount cosmetics. If you're wearing makeup, be sure to remove it at night before bed.

7) Never squeeze, pick or comb a pimple, no matter how much you would like to. If you do, its contents will remain on the skin, picking up even more dirt. The view will only get worse. In the end, in place of such a pimple, an ugly scar may remain. If possible, avoid touching your face with your hands.

How to wear a school uniform in style

2) In winter, wear a pair of school sweaters on top. You can take them off at school.

3) Put on the jacket of your choice over the school blouse. To make the blouse and jacket work well, choose a jacket in the color of the school palette, but not the same color as the blouse. If school only allows you to wear uniform jackets, make yours unique! Roll up your sleeves. Change your buttons! Decorate the zipper with key rings. To personalize the item and become yours, use buttons / pins to decorate to your liking.

4) Try changing the look of the uniform by wearing a slightly loose jacket on top. The view can be just amazing. Just don't overdo it by wearing size 17 instead of your size 8. Be wise in your choice of form. Do not buy things "for growth", the style of the form usually does not differ in elegance anyway. Before you buy a blouse, try it on. Make purchases in a store where things meet the requirements for school uniforms. If your school sells ready-made uniforms, don't worry. It can be customized too! If your shirt has to be tucked under your skirt and you're afraid of looking like a redneck, put it on top. nice sweater, - he will hide the bubbling shirt. If the school sells ready-made uniform jackets, see Step 2. If the shirt is too big, you can use a hair band to tie it around the back!

5) Don't be discouraged if you have to wear a plaid pleated skirt. It can also be made unique. Pick up a keychain and decorate a plaid pin with it. Replace the pin with a button or even a brooch.

6) Instead of high heels, wear ballet flats or flats. These shoes will make it much more comfortable (and safer) to run up and down stairs in search of a teacher to give him homework that you did not have time to turn in on time.

7) It is very comfortable to walk in tennis slippers. Just remember to keep them clean at all times. Today it is not fashionable to quarrel with hygiene. On the contrary, cleanliness and tidiness are in fashion. In some schools, uniforms are highly regulated. strict rules, however, shoes can be chosen according to your own taste. It depends only on you what color and style your shoes or boots will be: high, low, knee-length, matte or shiny! They will look great with any outfit.

8) If your school only allows you to wear black shoes, buy yourself Converse or Vans sneakers, only black. Your teachers are unlikely to pay attention to this. And don't forget to buy black laces, because some schools don't allow white laces, and Converse sneakers have white laces.

9) Follow the fashion. Try to include trendy elements in your school uniform. If the uniform consists of a skirt and top, tuck the blouse into the skirt. If you like Japanese fashion, wear white baggy or patterned socks.

10) Personalize your clothes, make them yours, unlike anyone else's. Do you still have the original pin from the concert? Use it as an accessory! Or complete your uniform with a cute lace hairband, use whatever can decorate your uniform!

11) Wear a T-shirt or T-shirt of a different color under the polo shirt and undo the buttons on the shirt. It will look very nice. Some schools do not allow students to wear polo shirts with open buttons. If the uniform shirt does not have to be tucked under the skirt, you can wear it outside, this will add brightness to your outfit. Usually, the colors recommended for the form are dark blue, white and light blue.

The uniform has not been a mandatory attribute of an educational institution for a long time, but despite this, the school is still an official institution and requires a certain dress code. However, not everyone wants to comply with it. And if with children younger age much easier - kids, as a rule, trust the taste of their parents, then teenagers often rebel against established rules and wear whatever they want to school. This article will discuss how to dress for school for boys and girls to look fashionable and stylish, while not violating the regulations of the educational institution.

What not to wear to school

At the age of 13, teenagers are already beginning to think about their attractiveness to the opposite sex and strive to emphasize their individuality with the help of clothes. However, there are outfits that have no place in school. These include:

  1. transparent and translucent blouses and shirts;
  2. T-shirts with the image of your favorite movie characters, musicians or singers;
  3. short shorts and miniskirts;
  4. leggings and leggings;
  5. ripped jeans;
  6. low waist trousers;
  7. tracksuits.

These wardrobe items may look fashionable and beautiful, but it is better to save them for walks or informal parties with friends. And you should study at school and business style is the best way to contribute to this process.

How to dress for school if you have a uniform

A strict school uniform is not a reason to be upset. There are many ways to dress fashionably for school without violating the rules of the school. For example, a shirt can be not only white, but also beige, blue, pale pink and other soft colors.

If the school charter requires a mandatory combination of a white top and a black bottom, you can experiment (in moderation) with the style of a blouse or shirt. In particular, buttons of a contrasting color will revive a boring image, turn-down collar, colored cuffs.

The right accessories will also add zest. For girls it can be various decorations in the hair, boys can pick up a stylish belt or cufflinks.

How to dress for school for a guy

Despite the persistent rejection of school uniforms by teenagers, it has certain advantages: it smooths out social inequality and competition for the “quality” of clothing. In addition, you do not have to think every day about what to wear. And how should a teenager dress for school if there are no certain rules, but you need to look presentable and formal?

  • If a guy prefers a strict style in clothes, then classic dark-colored trousers will be an ideal option. You can choose a shirt of any style and shade. In cool weather, a jacket or a knitted sleeveless jacket to match the trousers will complement the look. Such an ensemble can also be worn for an exam at school to demonstrate your composure and readiness for work;
  • Fans of a more informal style can safely wear jeans to school. The modern model range is represented by denim trousers of various colors and styles. You can easily find jeans that match school dress code. As a top, both a simple plain or plaid shirt, and knitted sweater, half-over or cardigan.

How to dress for school for a girl

There is an opinion that girls mature earlier than boys. Whether this is so, it is difficult to say, but at the age of 12 young ladies already pay attention to their appearance and show a desire to stand out from the crowd. This is probably why it is much more difficult for them to decide on the choice of clothes for school everyday life, especially if educational institution no strict form.

The following wardrobe items will help a girl to be fashionable at school:

  • Dress

A win-win option for a school look will be a knee-length sheath dress or a palm above. At the same time, it is not at all necessary that it be dark in color, it is quite acceptable to wear an outfit in delicate pastel colors, as well as a dress with peas or stripes.

Another stylish solution for going to school, you can consider a sundress. It can be worn on its own or combined with a blouse, sweater or turtleneck.

This is generally a universal thing with which you can create many stylish ensembles. Depending on the figure and taste preferences, you can choose a classic pencil skirt or models like the sun. High-waisted skirts are in fashion. You can wear anything with this wardrobe item: shirts, blouses, sweaters, turtlenecks.

  • Trousers

Particular attention should be paid to the classic models of trousers with arrows. This style looks elegant and at the same time strict.
