Why do Russia have the most beautiful girls in the world and ugly women? Why Russian women are considered the most beautiful in the world Why Russian girls are considered the most beautiful.

Every woman is beautiful in her own way. It is a fact. And each country has its own defining external features that make girls fantastically beautiful and attractive.

But why is it said that there is such an opinion among the people that the Russian is the most beautiful and most beautiful woman in the world? Did the Russian people come up with this fairy tale, or is such an opinion generally accepted?

The answer to the questions listed above will be given by Mrs. Statistics herself. See indicators of international official statistics:

1 place. Russian and graceful beauties (54% voted).

3rd place. Germans and strict French women (14% shared their vote).

Also, when asked about Russian attractiveness and that Russian girls are the most beautiful and charming in the whole world, 66% of the men surveyed agreed, 15% expressed their disagreement, 17% of the respondents remained unsure of the answer and did not want to answer - 11%.

How can we explain this fact?

It has long been believed that girls of "Slavic blood" are the most beautiful, attractive, feminine and charming. Why was this opinion formed and what influenced it?

Naturally, this process is not any magic or deceit. And everything was laid down by nature many, many years ago. There are several conditions that influenced the beauty of Russian ladies. Among them are climatic conditions, mixed blood, as well as the use of natural cosmetics.


Russia is located in a climatic zone, which in warm weather warms the sun, thereby giving beautiful ladies a beautiful and even tan. And in winter, it provides the organisms of beauties with tasty and healthy food.

Blood of different nations

Throughout the history of Russia, there have been many wars and resettlements in our territories, which led to the substantiation of foreigners on our land. Over time, the races began to mix, children began to be born with "special" signs. Now among us there are many swarthy people. Moreover, it is worth noting that beautiful swarthy people. As they say, not too much and not too little. And if you think about it carefully, then no other race has such a swarthy shade.

Love for natural cosmetics

Nature endowed our ladies with extraordinary and simply fantastic beauty, for which they tried to repay her and to this day continue to use her most unique gifts.

We, Russian beauties, love to paint, but we do it only with the help of natural cosmetics. Thanks to them, we have learned to preserve the youthfulness of the skin and beauty, which only intensifies over the years.

Psychology and self-confidence

The last and most important factor is the psychology of Russian women. Russian girls never forget to love themselves and love their beauty. And if a girl is confident in her attractiveness, that she looks amazing at 150%, she will be able to correctly present everything. And the opinion that Russians have too high self-esteem is nonsense! A beautiful well-groomed woman can win the heart of a man only thanks to her confidence!

In situations where some factors begin to spoil the feminine charms, these girls will pull themselves together and do everything to prevent any Negative consequences. And even in the process, they will look confident and great! Suppose the situation is that the girl gained a couple of extra kilos. A Russian girl will always choose such an ideal diet that will be good for her health, she will go to the gym, to the pool, she will start jogging in the morning. In other words, such a young lady will always achieve what she wants!

Features of Russian women that men pay attention to

  1. Elegance.
  2. Tripping.
  3. Thin ankles.
  4. Elegance.
  5. Femininity.
  6. Long fingers.
  7. Thin hands.
  8. Flawless manicure.
  9. Blooming smile.
  10. Kind heart.

So, flying from country to country, looking at Europeans, Asians, Americans, we can undoubtedly conclude that every girl has something of her own, something unusual that makes men turn around. But when you return home, you realize that you are still the most beautiful woman on the whole planet - Russian!


I am always in foreign serials, more often American ones, one detail scratches. The couple is getting married, everything is wonderful, and the main lucky man in her is the groom. It is then that they will mercilessly frighten each other with lawyers and spoil life in every possible way, but at the beginning of the relationship, that distinctive feature appears that does not fit into our concepts.

Abroad they say: “Do you have a girlfriend? Yes, you are lucky! ”,“ Oh, you got married? Great luck! It is considered there: there is no girlfriend or wife - you are a loser, go look!

And what do we say to a Russian man? I hope there is no need to repeat, you are all aware of expressions like “lassoed”, “took over”, “wounded”.

Why is a woman like an annoying duty for an average Russian man, but for Europeans or Americans - a prize that must be earned?

Everyone claims that the reason for such a bias is in wars, revolutions and other cataclysms that have changed the ratio of men and women in favor of the latter, but ... Are you sure that there is no such bias in Western countries?

It seems to me that this is not the case at all. The point is in our own attitudes, when girls are traditionally told by the whole society:

Getting married is a must.

Every woman needs to give birth to children - this is the meaning of her life.

And actually, that's why our women, figuratively speaking, walk on the ceiling, "would be nice next."

What do they say to our man?

Take a walk, you'll get married.

There are a lot of women, there will always be one for you.

Do not rush to hang the yoke.

Remember Irina Shayk's scandalous dress at the 2016 Oscars? They swore at her terribly then by the whole world. She showed the whole nature of our women with her dress. Dressed to the nines, as naked as possible on the verge of decency, they show everything they are capable of.

Do you think why our Russian women are considered the most beautiful? Not at all because we, Russian women, Russians (call it whatever you like), are actually so charming or somehow outwardly differ from women living in other countries. We are just set to constantly fight for a man. Moreover, it is precisely the fight where the main weapon will not be a Kalashnikov assault rifle, but a lowered shoulder strap, bright makeup and super sexy clothes. While it would never occur to an American or some European woman to wear stockings - they are harmful to health! - and mind-blowing hairpins in 24/7 mode to be always fully armed.

It's just that our women are set to capture and hold, and foreign women are set to attract men, and then only when they consider it necessary. Therefore, they have comfortable cotton shorts, and we have thongs that mercilessly rub everything they touch.

Just a different degree of freedom, different gender roles. Whether it's good or bad is up to everyone to decide for themselves, but we live in Russia, where men are completely spoiled by the female beauty that surrounds them.

By the way, it will be fair to note that a man is:

Not a crutch to prop up your own ego.

Not a way or a means to solve all sorts of problems and personal crises.

Not an idol and not an object of worship.

Not a gold medal to show off to others.

Now, after all, we don’t need to plow the ground and carry heavy things, we live in a civilized world where there is a plumber and another repairman on call, so the presence or absence of a man in your life does not change anything at all. You just need to relax and wear those hated thongs only when you want to, and not always, because we have to be beautiful. Otherwise, you will not re-educate our men.

And our men should also change their attitude towards women, as it seems to me, and take care of themselves more. After all, there is something fair in the fact that Russian men are considered the most unattractive among Europeans. After all, it cannot be that our women are the most beautiful, but their sons are not? Have you ever thought about it?

Recently I surprised a French lady with a sincere answer to a rather typical question in Europe "Why are Russian Women Always So Smart, with Makeup, in Heels, in Short Skirts?". From self-doubt,” I said. A few years ago, when I was still living in Russia, this answer would have outraged me. I think that my friends would have shouted in unison: “We are smart and take care of ourselves, because we value and love ourselves! ". Only here you can take care of yourself and love yourself in different ways.

From a conversation with a French aristocrat: “Modern Russian girls do not have a culture of beauty, they disfigure themselves. After the collapse of the Soviet system, a Russian woman very quickly adopted the latest achievements from the West: epilation, silicone, a solarium, artificial nails, hair, etc., in order to transform into It seems to me that this has even become a kind of indicator of social wealth, a kind of “Dear Woman” template. Here, attention, only in Europe this is the “Cheap Woman” template. Russians, looking to the West, quickly adopted the standards of the middle class as standards "Lux" But the real "Lux" was not appreciated in Europe, because it is invisible. Dear "woman by Western standards is natural, looks modest and elegant. Modest does not mean cheap. Modest means discreet, without vulgarity and vulgarity, without labels that catch the eye. Take, for example, Natalia Vodianova, who is so popular in Europe. Mouse hair color, thick eyebrows, baby mouth. Catwoman. And now adjust it to Russian standards - pluck and draw threads - eyebrows, pump silicone into the lips and chest, repaint it blonde and so on. Who will she look like? What level of a man will attract? There is nothing wrong with the fact that a woman has wrinkles on her face or sagging breasts after childbirth - this is her story. A woman who does not appreciate her nature and her uniqueness, who does not love herself and does not strive to develop natural beauty, not able to seriously hook worthy man. There are no Russian beauties left, wherever you look - only nesting dolls.

Yes, of course, in Russia it's hard to be natural when the competition among the "Pretty Women" rolls over. But is it really so? Women tend to confuse the street/club attention to "Heifer" with the true interest of a man, as well as overestimate the role of external beauty, forgetting about manners, character, education, even charm.

Advice from friends from the series "You have Thin Lips", "why don't you grow your own eyelashes?", "Do you want to dye your hair?" create a certain pattern of beauty that must be matched. But is it necessary and to whom? Is a woman not capable of being beautiful by nature!

I remember my favorite fairy tale "Morozko". Remember, Marfuchenko - a darling with a face bleached in sour cream, with eyebrows painted with charcoal, and a false scythe? Today's Marfushki look more glamorous, but essentially the same.

Achievements in cosmetology are great, but you should not go to extremes. There is nothing more beautiful than the feminine uniqueness bestowed by nature. After all, the true values ​​of female beauty are eternal: a healthy face, hair and nails, a flexible elastic camp, a smooth gait, loving eyes, a sweet smile, gentle caring hands, nursing breasts and a good disposition.

It has long been known that Russian girls are considered the most beautiful in the world. Most foreigners who have visited Russia will confirm this: many of them say that they have never seen such attractive women as in our country. But in order to please others, you must first of all like yourself. As it turned out in the course of international research conducted by Philips, our compatriots have no problems with self-confidence. 75% of Russian women consider themselves beautiful - and this figure is the highest in the world after India (94%) and Turkey (89%).

The Philips brand conducted an international study "Beauty Index", in which women from 11 countries of the world, including Russia, took part. The experts set out to find out how the fair sex from different parts of the world relate to their own appearance and the beauty industry as a whole.

75% of Russian women consider themselves beautiful - and Russia, according to this indicator, closes the top three, which also includes India (94%) and Turkey (89%). The smallest percentage of confident in their appearance among the fair sex was noted in the UK (26%) and France (40%).

According to the data obtained, the vast majority (76%) of women worldwide and 86% in Russia believe that health and beauty are inextricably linked. According to them, the key to self-confidence is to be healthy (73%), happy (57%) and in good physical shape (46%). Moreover, the most significant characteristics that define the concept of "beauty", the Russians called an attractive body, beautiful eyes and good skin.

Half of the women surveyed in Russia in Lately began to pay more attention daily care behind you. 72% of them noted that the high-tech products offered, such as hair dryers, hair straighteners, epilators, facial cleansing devices, make their life easier.

At the same time, as it turned out, 43% of Russian women strive to be beautiful "for themselves", and 27% of the women surveyed try to look good for their partners. Being attractive in the eyes of colleagues is important for 65% of Russian women.

Moreover, respondents believe that appearance influences career advancement. At the same time, only 9% of respondents feel pressure from society, the environment or the media in the field of beauty standards, and more than 80% believe that there are no universal standards in this matter.

The perception of beauty is closely related to the development of social media. According to the data received, 52% of Russian women take selfies, and for 65% of them it is important to get a positive response to the publication, as it gives them confidence. At the same time, 18% of respondents admitted that they immediately delete a photo if they fail to apply a filter or edit it in such a way as to be satisfied with the result. Only 24% of Russian women use social media for more information on personal care products. The main sources of information about beauty novelties and procedures continue to be the reviews of girlfriends (the significance of such recommendations was noted by 27% of respondents) and magazines (they are read by 67% of Russian women).
