Divorce if you have children. Divorce process for spouses with children

The annulment of a marriage union in the presence of minor offspring is difficult, both from a moral point of view and from a legal point of view. Litigation has many nuances, depending on the age of the child.

Where to go

Documents for divorce in the presence of minor children should be sent to the city / district court. The law provides for exceptional cases of annulment of a family union through the registry office:

  • the husband/wife has been declared incompetent;
  • one of the spouses is listed as missing;
  • one of the couple was sentenced to a term of 3 years.

In these situations, even the presence of underage offspring will not affect the divorce process, and the marriage is annulled through the registry office.

When applying to a judicial authority, it is necessary to draw up statement of claim, which states:

  • name and address of the court;
  • personal data of spouses;
  • information about the place and date of marriage;
  • information about children;
  • reasons for divorce;
  • court requirements;
  • list of applications;
  • date and signature of the applicant.

Documents required for divorce in the presence of children are attached to the application:

  • passport;
  • marriage and birth certificate;
  • information about the composition of the family;
  • receipt for payment of the fee.

Attention: The state duty for divorce is 650 rubles for each party.

The statement of claim is prepared in triplicate. If an agreement has not been drawn up between the spouses on the payment of maintenance obligations, then the list required documents for divorce, if there is a child, it will be supplemented with certificates of financial situation and living space of each party.

divorce proceedings

A month after the filing of the claim, the first meeting will be scheduled. In a divorce proceeding, the judge will decide the following issues:

  • with whom the minors will stay;
  • what is the order of meetings with the second parent;
  • the amount of maintenance obligations.

If an agreement has been reached between the spouses on the issue of residence and maintenance of offspring, then a written agreement must be submitted to the court for consideration. The agreement states:

  • personal data of parents and children;
  • address of residence of the minor;
  • procedure and term for payment of alimony;
  • the frequency and duration of meetings with the second parent.

The agreement can prescribe the order of communication of the offspring with other relatives of the party with which he does not live. At the same time, the obligation of the parent not to interfere with such meetings is prescribed. Such an agreement will significantly speed up the divorce process.

If both parents want the minor child to live with him, the judicial authority will take into account:

  • financial situation;
  • availability of housing;
  • recommendations from the workplace;
  • certificates from the guardianship authorities on the presence good conditions for life;
  • evidence from each spouse that it would be better for the offspring to stay with him.

Useful: According to statistics, 8 out of 10 court decisions on determining the place of residence of minors are in favor of mothers.


The divorce process, if there is a minor child, consists of several nuances:

  • baby's age;
  • the number of offspring;
  • having joint property.

Each of these conditions must be taken into consideration by the court.

Up to 10 years

If the spouses have a joint child under 3 years old, and the judge has determined the place of residence with the mother, then the father will pay alimony not only for the maintenance of the offspring, but also for the ex-wife, until the moment he leaves maternity leave.

Interesting: A husband cannot get a divorce if there are minor children under the age of 1 year. In this case, the wife has the right to initiate the dissolution of the marriage.

Over 10 years old

If the offspring is over 10 years old, then at the court session, his opinion is taken into account with which of the parents he would like to live permanently.

Disabled person

If the baby is disabled from birth, then the divorce process goes exactly the same, except that the other party must pay maintenance obligations after the age of 18, provided that the child will need financial assistance.

Two or more offspring

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It is forbidden by law to separate babies older than 10 years between spouses. Moreover, if the offspring themselves express a desire to live with different parents, and the court determines that separation does not violate their rights and interests, then a decision can be made on separation.

Alimony obligations in this case will be assigned to both spouses. Children will be able to communicate and see each other and with the second parent.

For example, a married couple has three children, 2 of which, after the dissolution of the marriage, remain with their mother, and 1 with their father. In this case, dad will pay 33% in favor of two kids living with ex-wife, and mother 25% for a child who decides to live with her ex-husband.

Property division

According to the Family Code, all movable and immovable property acquired during marriage is considered joint property of both parties. The presence of children does not affect the partition procedure.

But in some cases, the court may take into account the interests of minors and increase the share in the capital of the spouse with whom the offspring remain.

For example, a computer was bought for a son with common money, which should be divided after the annulment of the marriage. But the son stayed with his mother, and her share in the common property will be increased by the cost of the PC.


After the annulment of the marriage, the child's surname remains the same. The personal data of the offspring can only be changed with the consent of both spouses.

Reference: If the father / mother is deprived of parental rights, then the second parent can change the surname, name or patronymic of the baby without agreement.

Termination of a family union

The minimum period for consideration of a divorce case by a court is 2 months, provided:

  • consent of both parties;
  • the absence of disputes to determine the place of residence of the offspring;
  • no division of property.

If at least one party does not wish to annul the marriage, the couple is given three months to reconcile. When a family cannot agree on the maintenance and residence of minors, the process can be very delayed. The court shall involve witnesses, guardianship authorities or other persons to make a decision.

After the trial

One month after the decision is made by the court, it is considered to have entered into force. Execution of a judgment can be done in two ways:

  • voluntarily - parents do not prevent the child from living with the party determined by the judge;
  • forcibly - with the involvement of guardianship authorities and bailiffs.

If one of the parties fails to comply with the court decision, it may be fined in accordance with the Code of Administrative Offenses in the amount of 2.5 thousand rubles.

After the annulment of the marriage union, legal consequences come:

  • any legal relationship between people, with the exception of parental ones, is terminated;
  • you do not need to obtain the consent of the second party to issue loans or real estate transactions;
  • the acquired property is no longer common.

The decision to dissolve the marriage union in the presence of children can be taken in judicial order. If the spouses were able to mutually agree on accommodation and payments for the maintenance of offspring, then the judge will take into account their decision. Otherwise, all decisions will be taken by the judiciary.

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Divorces in our time - a phenomenon, alas, quite common. According to statistics, their number is increasing every year by several tens of thousands, and this despite the fact that the number of marriages is practically not growing.

The procedure is quite painful, mainly from a psychological point of view. In addition, the process of divorce becomes more complicated in the presence of minor children (common) and property acquired jointly.

About the divorce process

The presence of a married couple of minor children greatly complicates the divorce procedure. However, if the parties have mutually agreed general view on the division of joint property, as well as the process of further education of your child, then everything can be resolved in a peaceful and civilized way.

When the contradictions, as they say, are obvious, and the disagreements are so deep that the spouses are not ready to enter into a constructive dialogue, it is probably impossible to avoid a costly and exhausting process in court. It makes sense in this case to think about finding a qualified lawyer.

Perhaps everyone knows that spouses can divorce in two ways. So, you can issue a divorce through the court or the registry office. In the article, we will talk in detail about how to do this if a couple has a minor child (one or more) under the age of 3 or 18, what documents will be needed, how to draw up a statement of claim and some other subtleties of the divorce process.

Divorce through the registry office

This option is the simplest and most economical both in terms of money and time. Only those couples who do not have joint children, or they have already reached the age of 18, can divorce in this way. There is also an exception. Divorce through the registry office in the presence of minor children is allowed if one of the spouses is serving a sentence (arrest, imprisonment) or he is recognized by the court as incompetent or missing.

Marriage through the registry office will be terminated 30 days after the registration of the application. The spouses are given a month to consider their decision. After the divorce, the relevant certificates are issued.

If the former spouses suddenly have disagreements over the division of property or on any other issues, they can be resolved in court by filing a suitably executed statement of claim.

What documents are required in the registry office?

An application for divorce is submitted to the registry office in one of three forms: 8, 9, 10. Let's dwell on each in more detail.

Divorce in the presence of minor children or disagreements over the division of joint property through the registry office without the involvement of the judiciary is impossible. The claim is filed by one of the spouses. After the court considers it, having a decision in hand, you can contact the registry office and fill out an application in form No. 10.

If both spouses agree to the dissolution of the marriage and at the same time they do not have any disputes, they do not have a child under the age of 18, then both of them fill out form No. 8. At least one of the divorcees must be present when submitting documents.

An application in form No. 9 is filled out in case of incapacity of the spouse or if he is recognized as missing or is serving a sentence in places of deprivation of liberty. Only the person who submits the application draws up and signs the application. Additionally, a copy of the verdict or a court order declaring the person incompetent or missing should be attached.

Divorce through court

Through the court, mainly those marriages are dissolved in which the spouses have children in common who have not reached the age of majority (18 years). In addition, a statement of claim can be filed in the event that one of the spouses is categorically against the divorce or does not officially object, but at the same time interferes in every possible way: does not sign the application to the registry office, does not appear there at the appointed time, etc.

The judge will not find out the reasons for the divorce, nor will he try to reconcile the spouses, but in any case, he will schedule a meeting no earlier than 30 days after the filing of the application. This requirement is provided for by the Family Code. Its main goal is to provide time for reconciliation, because the spouses could decide to divorce in the heat of the moment.

If a married couple does not have a dispute about children as such and the parents have already decided with whom they will stay, how alimony will be paid, divided property, agreed on the order of meetings, then an agreement can be drawn up. The court will consider the document and, if no one's rights are infringed in it, will decide on a divorce in accordance with it.

In cases where divorce in the presence of minor children is not possible in a civilized way, get ready for a full-fledged trial, during which all disputes will be resolved on the basis of legislation, including the Family Code.

What documents are required?

Before filing your divorce suit with the court, you must first prepare a certain package of documents, including those that will substantiate the requirement for the place of residence of children, the division of joint property, the amount of alimony, etc. There is no single regulated list. However, as a rule, the plaintiff, that is, the person who submits the application, needs a copy of his own passport (pages with registration and information about marriage and children), a marriage document, a birth certificate of a child, an act of examining the living conditions of the parent who claims to upbringing of the child, compiled by the guardianship authorities, as well as a receipt confirming the fact of payment of the state duty.

The established procedure for divorce in the presence of minor children, in accordance with Article 333.19 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, provides for the payment of 600 rubles to the state treasury. If the statement of claim is drawn up for the purpose of collecting alimony, then the state duty is less - only 150 rubles. In cases where the issue of division of property is added to the dispute about children, the amount depends on its value and is determined on an individual basis. The amount of the state duty may change, so you need to monitor the amendments to the legislation, its relevance.

Application for divorce: what to write?

Generally, sample divorce petitions can be easily found in your magistrate or district court. They are presented for public viewing at the stand or are present on the official website of the institution. We will tell you about what should be indicated in it and in what order.

So, in this case, the claim, in fact, is a document that confirms the desire to divorce that one of the spouses has. If you decide to draw it up on your own, without resorting to the help of lawyers, then you need to get reliable information about the divorce procedure, get acquainted with examples of such claims, as well as the practice of the courts and the decisions made. In conclusion, you should pay the state fee and collect the necessary documents.

It is enough to look at various examples of claims for divorce, and you will find a certain pattern in them. First of all, you indicate the name of the court to which you are applying (if necessary, the full name of the justice of the peace), the data of the plaintiff and the defendant (with a residence permit and phone number), information about the registration of marriage (date, place, record number) , as well as the time from which the joint residence of the spouses was terminated, the clause on the consent of the husband (wife) to divorce (if any), the number of children and the age of each of them, their place of residence (if already agreed), directly the request to terminate your marriage, and also, if necessary, on the division of property and the appointment of alimony.

Everything is quite simple at first glance, however, in difficult situations, it is recommended to involve professional lawyers who will quickly help to carry out a divorce in the presence of minor children. The statement is only the beginning, it is important to think over the policy of your behavior in court, prepare arguments, documentary evidence of your arguments. Sometimes, being in the power of emotions and anger, it can be extremely difficult to do it on your own.

An indicative list of documents that should be attached to the application for divorce is listed above.

Divorce in the presence of minor children: terms

All those who are planning a divorce and at the same time have a minor child should keep in mind that the process takes at least 2 months, but in reality it is much longer. The starting point in this case consists of a 30-day period from the moment of filing an application to the first court session and 30 days for the decision to enter into force (in the event that it is adopted at it, which is unlikely). It should be remembered that the divorce process can be accelerated in several ways:

  • Prepare in advance and conclude an agreement between the parents of the child on his residence. The court will only have to check it for infringement of the rights of one party or another, and then approve it.
  • Cases when one of the spouses formally does not object to the dissolution of the marriage, but for some reason refuses or cannot apply to the registry office. This option will be regarded in court as a divorce by mutual agreement.

Remember that the divorce procedure in the presence of a minor child will be significantly delayed if it is associated with a property dispute, as well as the refusal of one of the parents to dissolve the marriage. In the first case, time will be spent on the analysis of everyday and domestic issues, in the second - for a period that the court will provide for reconciliation of the parties and for reflection.

If the child is under three years old

Unfortunately, the process of divorce in the presence of minor children under the age of three years and even up to one year is not so rare. The Family Code in this case protects mainly the rights of a young child, so the procedure has its own characteristics. The prerogative of choosing whether to preserve the family or divorce remains with the mother. And this is quite logical.

The first to file for divorce in the presence of minor children under the age of one year (that is, to be the initiator of the process) can only be the wife, regardless of the wishes of the spouse. The man is deprived of this right. The same rule applies if the woman is pregnant. A husband can write a statement only when his wife does not object. Thus, the marriage is dissolved by mutual consent of the parties.

If the child is older than one year, but he is less than three years old, the divorce procedure also has certain features. Thus, legislation and judicial practice allow for the dissolution of a marriage at the initiative of a man. Often, such processes are not complete without the participation of guardianship authorities. According to article 66 of the Family Code, this structure has the right to intervene if the parental qualities of the spouses are in question. It often happens that one of them is trying to achieve the abolition of the rights of the second as a parent.

Note that the rules for divorce in the presence of minor children under the age of 3 years imply the collection of alimony not only for the maintenance of the child, but also for the needs of his mother. The ex-spouse has every right to demand these payments, since the baby needs care and constant care, and therefore she herself is not able to work. If the ex-husband refuses alimony, then the procedure for their recovery is discussed in the trial. If there is mutual agreement and agreement, it is sufficient to conclude an agreement of appropriate content. It should be remembered that it will have legal force only if certified by a notary in the prescribed manner.

The procedure for divorce in the presence of underage children with disabilities of the first group from childhood implies the payment of alimony for both the child and his mother, who cares for him, until the age of 18.

Determination of the place of residence of the child

This issue is covered by the Family Law of the Russian Federation. According to it, the place of residence of children (minors) during a divorce is determined by mutual agreement of the spouses, taking into account the interests of the child and his opinion.

If it is impossible between parents to formalize a divorce in the presence of minor children through peaceful negotiations and there is a dispute about where the child will live, then it must be resolved in court. The decision is made in the interests of the baby, taking into account his opinion. In doing so, the court takes into account certain circumstances, including those listed below:

  • The opinion of the child himself and his attachment to his father and mother, sisters, brothers, relatives on both sides.
  • Children's age.
  • Moral and other qualities of the spouses, their relationship with each other and with the child.
  • The possibility of creating the most favorable conditions for the development and upbringing of the child (mode of work, type of activity, the position of parents in terms of finances, whether they have new family, addiction to alcohol, gambling, etc.).
  • The desire of the parents themselves to keep the child.
  • Climatic conditions when parents live in different regions.
  • The social circle of the child who is close to him.

What you need to have in order for the child to stay with you

First of all, I would like to note that the divorce procedure in the presence of a minor child in each individual case has its own characteristics regarding subjective factors. However, in general, the following “set” of factors can be distinguished, in the presence of which the court is more likely to determine the place of residence of the child in your favor:

  • Availability of housing. Moreover, it does not have to be owned, hiring (commercial, social, office premises), gratuitous use is allowed. However, it should be fairly well-maintained in relation to the conditions of the area. It is logical if in a large metropolis it is necessary to require the availability of all amenities. An exhaustive list of requirements for housing is set out in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation.
  • The presence of conditions for the life of the child. These include a sleeping place (separate), toys, a working desk with a chair, food and clothing, etc. The conditions are checked by the guardianship authorities and give a conclusion based on the survey data. Without it, divorce in the presence of minor children and a dispute about them is not allowed.
  • Having sufficient financial income. This concept is rather relative, as a starting point, as a rule, they take the value living wage established for the given area. Income is taken into account not only from labor or entrepreneurial activity. The fact of having savings, money from renting out property, etc. is taken into account.

Divorce with two or more children

Divorce in the presence of 2 minor children (or more) follows the same pattern as described above, and differs from those cases where there is one child in the family, only in one point - the procedure for determining the amount of alimony:

  • one child - ¼ part of the earnings or other type of income of the parent;
  • two children - 1/3 of earnings or other type of income;
  • three or more children - ½ of the parent's total income.

In cases where a parent earns very little, he can apply for a reduction in the amount of support, and when his earnings are irregular (unstable), then payments can be set in a fixed amount.

Appealing a divorce decision

According to statistics, one of the spouses submits a divorce application, the other side, as a rule, is opposed. However, even legislation cannot force one person to live with another in marriage. Russian Federation. Therefore, when the decision is made, one of the former spouses may have a completely logical question about how to challenge it, and the reasons may be very different.

You can appeal against a court decision according to the standard rules of civil proceedings, that is, before it enters into force, namely within 30 days from the date of its issuance. The complaint is filed at the place of consideration of the case, as a rule, to the justice of the peace, and only then it goes to the district court for consideration.

Making a complaint

The requirements for filing a complaint against a court decision on divorce (in the presence of minor children or their absence) are the same as for others in civil proceedings. The first and most important thing to say is that you should not indicate in it the fact that you did not agree to a divorce as the main argument. Such a complaint will simply not be considered. A document of this nature should contain an extremely clear argumentation, on the merits.

The complaint is set out on paper in printed or handwritten form. It must indicate the name of the court, the data of the plaintiff and the defendant (full name, address by registration, contact phone number) so that they can be notified of the place and time of consideration of the document.


In the article, we talked only about the main principles of how to file a divorce in the presence of minor children. In general, it is worth noting that the process of dissolution of marriage has many nuances and pitfalls. Therefore, it is worth approaching it responsibly, having studied legal side question.

Any divorce process is an extremely unpleasant event, accompanied by stress and negative emotions, as well as a lot of time and effort taken. And in a divorce with minor children, even more difficulties arise.

This procedure is considered one of the most difficult options for terminating a marriage. After all, the situation here is accompanied by the possibility of violating the legal rights and interests of a minor citizen.

To avoid such precedents, divorce in the presence of common children in a couple is often carried out in court.

Where can you get a divorce if you have children?

Contrary to popular belief, divorce by two spouses is possible through the registry office, and not through the courts, even if they have a common minor child. According to Article 19 Family Code RF, divorce of spouses with common minor children is possible through the registry office in the following situations:

  1. if one of the partners is officially recognized as incompetent;
  2. if one of the partners is considered missing;
  3. or if one of the spouses is sentenced to imprisonment for a term of 3 years or more.

In addition, there are two more options where you can apply for divorce if you have a baby:

  • apply for a divorce to the registry office if the child you have with your partner is not your common one;
  • file a lawsuit in the world or district court at the place of residence.

In other situations, divorce in the presence of minor offspring is carried out only in court.

In what situations to apply to the World Court?

The termination of the marriage union through the specified body is carried out with the mutual consent of the parents of a minor child, that is, they managed to independently agree on issues related to the division of property, and its cost does not exceed the amount of 50,000 rubles. However, it is possible to submit an application, and it will be accepted even if one of the spouses does not agree.

In such situations, the court determines which of the partners the child will live with, who and how will pay alimony, that is, the interests of a minor citizen are taken into account first of all.

When to Apply to the District Court for Divorce?

If the parents of minor common or jointly adopted children failed to come to a decision that satisfies both parties in matters of property division, in the amount of more than 50 thousand rubles, and also decide with whom their baby will live, then the District Court will issue a verdict.

It is worth noting that if one of the partners opposes divorce or there is no clear firmness of intention of the spouses to dissolve the marriage, then the judicial authority has the right to use the period for the possibility of reconciliation. Often this opportunity is used in a lawsuit from one of the spouses with minor children, without the consent of the other parent.

Who gets the kids after the divorce?

The next question that worries all couples who want to get a divorce: with whom will minor children remain? As mentioned above, such disputes are resolved through the district judicial authority. And since he will need to take into account the interests of both parties, and most importantly, protect the rights of a minor child, for starters, after considering the case, they use the possibility of conciliation time (usually it lasts no more than a month). But if both parents are not against the divorce, then the court immediately makes a decision.

Often, children under the age of 10 are left to live with their mother. But the court may decide to leave the baby with the father if it is proved that she is not able to provide the minor offspring with all the necessary conditions for life.

Also, when considering complex cases, the court has the right to invite representatives of the guardianship authority to the hearing to provide advice.

There are the following criteria for determining with whom minor children will remain after the divorce of the spouses:

  • The opinion of the child is taken into account. The facts are also taken into account: whom he loves more, with whom his brothers and sisters want to stay, whether any of his parents offended him, whose relatives (father or mother) he loves more and others. However, the opinion of minor children who have reached the age of 10 is taken into account.
  • The opinion of each of the partners and the desire to stay with minor children. Is the parent really ready psychologically and physically to live permanently with the baby, including whether the age and state of health allow, whether the offspring applying for upbringing has any addictions.
  • The financial condition of each of the parents of a minor child is assessed. It is taken into account who has more opportunities to provide a high standard of living, to give a good education, to satisfy all the needs of the child, including those of a social nature.
  • Other important circumstances, as applicable.

If, during a divorce, the spouses failed to independently resolve the issues of the division of assets and real estate and, of course, the amount of alimony, then the court itself will issue a verdict in this direction.

When can a marriage not be dissolved?

It is impossible to file a claim for divorce with minor children under the age of 1 year without the consent of the other parent or if the wife is pregnant.

If the wife also wants a divorce, then you can save time by drawing up an agreement where you determine with whom the baby will live, how you will divide the property and agree on the amount and method of paying alimony after the divorce. And immediately after the birth of the baby, you can get a divorce.

If it is not possible to reach a consensus on these issues, then the spouse has the right to refuse to dissolve the marriage, and then it will be necessary to wait for the baby to reach the age of 1. After that, the consent of the missus is no longer needed to file for divorce.

How to file for divorce with children under 3?

There is a widespread belief that it is impossible to file for divorce during this period without having the consent of your partner. However, this opinion is erroneous. In this situation, the following decisions can be made by the judicial organization:

  • conciliation period, but not more than 1 month;
  • rejection of the claim if the documents were incorrectly executed or other requirements of the law were violated;
  • refusal to dissolve the marriage if the minor children do not reach the age of 1, or the wife is pregnant and does not agree to a divorce.

In addition to the situations listed above, you will not receive a divorce refusal. However, it is worth considering that, according to Article 89 of the UK, if you divorce your wife and have minor offspring aged 1 to 3, you will have to pay child support not only for the baby, but also for the spouse.

What documents are needed to file a divorce suit?

When applying to the judicial authority and the presence of minor children, it is necessary to prepare a package of the following documents:

  1. receipt of payment of state duty;
  2. divorce petition;
  3. a document confirming the identity of the plaintiff;
  4. original marriage certificate;
  5. documents on the birth of joint minor children;
  6. the consent of the second parent to the dissolution of the marriage union, certified by a notary.

How long does a divorce last if there are minor children?

There are no clear deadlines set by law. However, if the divorce process takes place with the consent of both parties and a unanimous decision in all matters, then the procedure usually does not take more than a month.

But in other situations, the divorce may be delayed, for example, if some other claims are filed regarding issues related to the division of property, the payment of alimony, or other problems. Then the process can last from several months to several years. But the standard divorce takes 1, maximum 2 months.

How does the divorce process work?

After consideration of the case by the judicial authority, a decision is made, and if the claim is satisfied, it enters into force within 10 calendar days. This time is given so that the partners can, if they change their mind, file a claim for cancellation. If this does not happen, then the court decision is sent to the registry office, where, on the basis of the documents received, a certificate of divorce will be prepared. You can pick up the document at the registry office at your place of residence.

If the spouses have minor child, then whether they file for divorce by mutual consent or not, the divorce proceedings will proceed judicially. Divorce through the registry office in the presence of children is not possible, since family law primarily protects the rights of children, so the court during the proceedings will have to make sure that the husband and wife have come to an agreement about the conditions of their detention. Otherwise, the court will independently resolve this issue and determine the order of residence of the parents and the child.

Exceptional cases when you can get a divorce through the registry office if you have children, are situations where a divorce occurs unilaterally due to the recognition of a spouse as incapacitated, missing, sentenced to imprisonment for more than 3 years, and also if the child has reached the age of majority.

When applying to the court, an agreement can be drawn up between the parties on all additional divorce-related requirements, for example, on the procedure for maintenance payments or on determining the place of residence of the child. In this case, the court can immediately decide on the dissolution of the marriage, without examining the circumstances of the case.

Jurisdiction will also depend on the existence of an agreement, since if there is no dispute about children, then the case can be considered world court. However, if the claim contains other claims that are within the jurisdiction of the district court, then the whole process will take place in the district court.

How does a divorce work if there are minor children or the wife is pregnant

In the general case, spouses can dissolve a marriage both at the appeal and through the courts. However, divorce is legally allowed in the registry office only if the spouses no common minor children. It does not matter if there is a dispute about the order of residence, communication, child support, or the parties have settled these issues by agreement, a divorce can be issued only by court order.

If a divorce occurs, then in some cases the law completely limits the possibility of divorce. So, according to Art. 17 of the RF IC, the spouse does not have the right to file for divorce without the consent of the spouse, if she or has a child who is less than one year old. If the application was submitted, then the spouse must provide a certificate from the doctor that she is pregnant. In this case, the proceedings will be terminated.

At the same time, in practice there are situations when a husband, knowing about his wife's pregnancy, still goes to court, referring to the fact that the child is not from him. In this case, a genetic examination can be carried out to determine paternity, but before giving birth, the woman has the right to refuse it.

In which court to file for divorce if there are minor children

Magistrate's Court is the court of first instance in cases of divorce, if there is no dispute about children. If you have children, you can file a divorce claimif the application is accompanied by a written by the spouses, which will determine the following conditions for raising children:

  • with which of the spouses the child will live;
  • whether the spouse will be charged with maintenance obligations and in what amount;
  • what will be the procedure for the participation of the second parent in the life and upbringing of the child.

If the parties voluntarily could not agree on the possibility of maintaining children or are present in the amount of more than 50,000 rubles, then the divorce must be carried out. When combining several claims, if one of them is within the jurisdiction of the district court, then the claim for all other claims will also be considered in the district court.

Regarding territorial jurisdiction- filed with the court at the place of residence of the defendant (including actual), and if the place of residence is unknown, then at the location of his property or at his last known place of residence.

However, based on the rules of Part 4 of Art. 29 Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, the plaintiff may apply to the court at the place of his residence, if the claim is sent by the spouse, with which minors live children, or if, for health reasons, it would be difficult for the applicant to apply to the court at the place of residence of the defendant. To justify the change in jurisdiction, along with the claim, it will be necessary to provide supporting documents - for example, a birth certificate of a child or a certificate of serious health.

If the claim contains a requirement for recognition of paternity or for the recovery of alimony, the plaintiff can also apply to the court at his place of residence. However, there is a rule contractual jurisdiction- in this case, before the court accepts the case for proceedings, the parties must draw up an agreement and indicate the name of the court in which the case will be considered.

The procedure for dissolution of marriage through the court with children

An application for divorce through the court must be drawn up in accordance with the general requirements of Art. 131 Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation on the form and content of the statement of claim. Appeal to the court takes place in accordance with the above rules for the jurisdiction of divorce cases.

If the parents cannot voluntarily, by agreement, resolve the issue of who the child will live with, then, according to the rules of Art. 78 of the RF IC, the court invites to participate in the case guardianship authorities who will have to examine such living conditions of parents as:

  • financial situation;
  • living conditions;
  • moral personal qualities of each of the parents, as well as their relationship with the child.

After it is rendered divorce decision, the marriage will be considered dissolved from the moment such a decision enters into legal force. Namely, if during 30 days no appeal will be filed and a new hearing on the case has not been scheduled.

After the entry into force of the decision, the court must send an extract on the dissolution of the marriage to the registry office at the place of registration of the marriage. However, in order to obtain and put the appropriate stamp in the passport, the spouses will have to apply with a court decision and an extract to the registry office where the marriage was registered or at their place of residence.

Application for divorce

The lawsuit for the dissolution of a marriage with children has its own characteristics. It must include the following circumstances:

  1. The title of the claim should describe the main subject of the dispute and additional requirements, if any, for example: "A statement of claim for the dissolution of marriage and the determination of the place of residence of the child".
  2. The descriptive part should indicate the date and place of marriage, the presence of common minor children and their age whether there is consent of the spouse to the dissolution of the marriage or an agreement on the procedure for the maintenance of children.
  3. If a voluntary agreement is not reached between the spouses, then the application describes reasons for divorce. It also indicates the circumstances on which the plaintiff's claims are substantiated and supporting evidence is described - as grounds for divorce, the reasons that prompted the parties to divorce (for example, adultery) should be indicated.
  4. If there is a dispute on the place of residence of the child or the procedure for communicating with him, the reasons why the child should live with the plaintiff should be reflected. For example, you should provide evidence of material wealth, living conditions and other circumstances confirming that the most favorable living conditions can be created for the child.
  5. In the requesting part, you should indicate all the requirements presented with a request to satisfy them.

Look sample application you can go to court for divorce with children in 2019 at. There are also examples of lawsuits with additional stated requirements - for the recovery of alimony for the child and for the division of the joint property of the spouses.

Documents for divorce through court with children

When dissolving a marriage, documents must be attached to the statement of claim, which may vary depending on the stated requirements and the circumstances of the case. At the same time, in main list includes the following documents:

  1. Applicant's identity card.
  2. Marriage certificate.
  3. Birth certificate of the child(ren).
  4. Receipt for payment of state duty.

If the parties have voluntarily determined the conditions for the dissolution of the marriage and the procedure for the maintenance of children, then the claim is also provided relevant agreement.

TO additional documents may include any information confirming the position of the plaintiff. For example, if a claim is made for the recovery of alimony or about who they will be with, then information is provided, proof of earnings or other income each of the spouses.

Also, in a dispute about who the child will live with, the parties may provide documents confirming or preventing the child’s ability to live with his mother or father (for example, about the presence of diseases in parents, characteristics from the place of residence and work, whether anyone has problems with the law), as well as other documents that are important for the judge to make a decision.

All documents are submitted to the court in the form of copies, and the originals are provided directly at the court session. With the exception of the receipt of payment of the state duty, all documents must be sent to the court in duplicate- one for the court, and the other for the defendant.

State duty for divorce through the court in the presence of a child

In 2019, in accordance with paragraph 5 of part 1 of Art. 333.19 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the amount of the state fee for dissolution of marriage through the court is 600 rubles. It is paid by the plaintiff before filing a claim. For this you need to get court details in which the dispute will take place. You can do this by contacting the institution itself or finding them yourself on the court's website.

You can pay the state fee in several ways:

  • when contacting a bank branch through a cash desk;
  • through an ATM;
  • through the Internet bank - in this case, after paying the amount, you need to print a copy of the payment document (you should also check with the court whether such a document will be accepted or whether it will be necessary to stamp the receipt at the bank branch).

If the claim contains several claims, then the state duty is paid for each of them. So, if children are involved in the dispute and the issue of the order of communication with the child is being considered or paternity is disputed, you will additionally need to pay 300 rubles.

When collecting alimony and determining the place of residence of the child, in accordance with paragraph 15 of part 1 of Art. 333.36 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, claimant does not pay state duty, since these claims are aimed at protecting the rights and legitimate interests of the child.

After the entry into force of the court decision, the parties need to obtain divorce certificate. For this each of the spouses will also have to pay a state duty in the amount of 650 rubles.

Divorce in court with children with division of property

According to the rules of Part 4 of Art. 60 RF IC, the child has no right to the property of the parents, as well as parents on . Therefore, in the event of a divorce, everything acquired by the spouses during the marriage is divided only between them.

Items purchased to meet the needs of minors (clothes, shoes, accessories necessary for education, etc.), not subject to division and are transferred to the parent with whom the child remains, without the right to claim compensation for their value. Also, a cash deposit opened for a child is not subject to division and is the property of a minor.

To maintain the financial security of children, legislation (part 2 of article 39 of the RF IC) provides for the possibility deviations from equality of shares when dividing the common property of the spouses taking into account the interests of minors. Based on practice, it is obvious that the court may increase the share of one of the spouses, taking into account the following circumstances:

  • After a divorce, several minor children remain with one of the parents.
  • The child is disabled.
  • The parent who stays with the child has a low income.
  • The second spouse is not involved in the upbringing and material support of the child.

Who does the child stay with after a divorce?

If there is a dispute about children, in most cases, especially if the child is a minor, the court decides to leave him to live with his mother, since it is generally accepted that when growing up, children need more maternal care.

In exceptional cases, the child may stay with the father, however, when making such a decision, the court takes into account the following circumstances:

  • The father is able to financially provide for the child, but the mother is not.
  • The mother is not employed and does not make any attempts to earn a living.
  • The mother leads an asocial lifestyle.
  • The mother is incapacitated or seriously ill.

According to Art. 57 of the RF IC, if the child over 10 years, then when resolving the issue of with whom he will live, the court must take into account the opinion of the minor himself.

After it is determined with which of the parents the child will remain, for the second parent in any case preserved with him. If, however, there is reason to believe that the mother or father will prevent contact with the child, then the court process may also consider the requirement for determining the order of communication.

The court in such cases makes a decision, taking into account the interests of the minor, as well as such conditions as the age of the child, the state of health of family members, the relationship of the child with the parent and other relevant circumstances.

Questions from our readers and answers from a consultant

My wife and I are divorcing, we have an 11-year-old child and an apartment in which we are all registered, but it is owned by my parents. After the divorce, the son remains with his wife. Can they claim part of this apartment?

The apartment of your parents is not your joint property with your spouse, therefore the specified living space cannot be subject to division upon dissolution of the marriage. Your wife and child have no ownership rights to this dwelling.

Good afternoon I'm filing for divorce and have a minor daughter. The husband officially does not work, but agrees to pay about 10 thousand rubles for a child. How should I proceed in this case?

It is advisable for you to draw up an agreement on the payment of alimony and certify it with a notary. If the agreement cannot be signed, then the alimony can be collected through the court (during or after the divorce). The application will need to indicate that your husband's earnings are irregular. Then the court can determine the amount of child support in a fixed amount of money.

Quite often, citizens think about how to file for divorce if they have a child. This is not such an easy task as it seems at first glance. Especially if you misbehave. After all routine procedure termination of marital relations under such circumstances will be irrelevant. We'll have to act differently. Below we will review all possible options development of events. And every modern man will be able to easily disperse with his partner, even if there are children.

Termination methods

How to file for divorce if you have children? A similar question arises in most modern couples. After all, husband and wife will also be bound by parental obligations. actively protected by the state. And therefore, running away after replenishment in the family is not as easy as it seems.

On this moment divorce can be

  • unilateral;
  • mutual.

It is carried out:

  • through the court
  • by contacting the registry office.

The algorithm of actions will directly depend on the situation. It can be immediately noted that divorce through registry offices almost never occurs. Except as an exception. We will talk about them later. First, let's get acquainted with more familiar situations.

Where to apply

Where to file for divorce if you have children? There are several options for the development of events. Almost always the family needs to go to court. But in which one?

In the world - if there are no disputes about alimony and determining the place of residence of children, in the district - if there are any disagreements between the spouses.

It is the second option that occurs most often. For example, if a divorce is carried out with the appointment of alimony and a decision regarding the place of residence of minor children.

Important: it is advisable to apply to the judicial authority at the place of residence of the defendant. But if nothing is known about him, the plaintiff can go with a petition to the court at his own place of residence.


How to file for divorce if you have children? Consider a brief algorithm of actions for the implementation of the task. With timely preparation, there should be no problems with the operation.

The divorce guidelines are as follows:

  1. File a divorce suit. We'll talk about how to do this later.
  2. Form a package of documents necessary for the successful consideration of the case. We will also get acquainted with the components not now.
  3. File a petition for divorce.
  4. Participate in a court hearing and obtain a court order.
  5. Pay the state fee for the procedure.
  6. Apply with certain documents to the registry office to register a divorce.

It is done. It remains only to wait for the certificate of the established form to be ready. Usually it is issued as soon as possible.

Resolving disputes about children

We figured out where to file for divorce if you have a child. According to the instructions described earlier, we can say that this is far from the most difficult task. But in real life everything is much more difficult.

For example, spouses often face disputes over alimony and the determination of the place of residence of children. And that's without taking into account property claims.

According to the law, the child after the divorce of the parents will remain in full with their rights. Mom and dad are still required to educate, provide for and care for minors. And the determination of the place of residence occurs either peacefully or by a court decision.

Important: the judiciary evaluates the pros and cons of children living with one parent or another. In Russia, most often minors are left to live with their mothers. Fathers in this case pay child support.

Peaceful agreement

It will be easier to apply for a divorce if there are children, provided that the spouse agrees to amicably resolve issues with alimony and the place of residence of minors. This is where the alimony agreement and the peace treaty come to the rescue.

Papers are drawn up both at the notary (in advance) and during the trial. It is better to choose the first option for the development of events.

Under such circumstances, the conclusion of the contract will provide for:

  1. Drawing up an agreement that specifies the procedure for communicating with the child and his place of residence.
  2. Collection of relevant documentation.
  3. Appeal to the notary and signing the contract of the established form.

Similarly, alimony agreement is concluded. It is also better to arrange it in advance. Then you can go to the magistrate's court and quickly disperse with your spouse.

Documents for agreements

How to get a divorce if you have a child? We have already met with possible situations. Now it remains to consider the features of each scenario.

When drawing up a peace agreement on determining the place of residence of children, as well as on alimony, citizens are required to:

  • passports;
  • information about the composition of the family;
  • extracts from the USRN for housing in which children are planned to live;
  • marriage/divorce certificate.

If paternity is not established, for alimony, you will have to be puzzled by its definition. Usually the process is carried out through the court.

Contracts are drawn up in the presence of a notary or directly during the court. It is better to use the first scenario.

References to the court

Where to file for divorce if you have a child? Usually the operation is carried out through a judicial authority.

Suppose that there are no peace and alimony agreements. Then you need to bring to court:

  • statement of claim;
  • information about the composition of the family;
  • parties' passports;
  • Marriage certificate;
  • birth certificates of all children;
  • information about the defendant's income;
  • extracts from medical institutions on the state of health of each of the parties;
  • certificates of rights to real estate (housing).

In addition, sometimes it may come in handy:

  • certificates of pregnancy;
  • witness's testimonies;
  • any materials (including photos, videos and correspondence) indicating neglect of the RF IC and obligations in the family;
  • characteristics from the place of study or work;
  • Defendant's income statement.

That's all. The listed list of papers will help immediately resolve issues related to divorce, and determine the place of residence of children, and assign alimony.

With peace agreements

Where to file for divorce if you have children? The answer to this question will no longer cause any trouble. Citizens will be able to cope with the task without much difficulty. Especially if they discussed in advance the procedure for paying alimony and decided with whom the children would live.

In the presence of amicable agreements, the applicant will need to terminate the marriage:

  • passport;
  • receipt with paid duty;
  • peace agreements of one kind or another;
  • birth certificates of all children;
  • marriage certificate.

In fact, this is the easiest way. It eliminates the long wait and litigation. If there are, it is also recommended to decide in advance. For example, through a marriage agreement or a peace treaty.

Unilateral order

It's not that hard to file for divorce if you have children. But it can be problematic to get one or another decision from the judiciary.

As we have already said, marriage can be terminated unilaterally. There is no prohibition on divorce without the consent of the spouse. Marriage and its dissolution is voluntary.

Unilaterally divorced in court if:

  • one of the parties cannot personally participate in the process;
  • in case of divorce during the pregnancy of the spouse or earlier than a year after childbirth;
  • the defendant deliberately avoids visits to court (after three failures to appear, citizens are bred).

The registry office can terminate the marriage unilaterally:

  • in the presence of a court decision;
  • if the spouse was "imprisoned" for 3 or more years;
  • at the death of a spouse or after the recognition thereof as dead.

Where to file for divorce if you have children? We have fully understood this issue. At right action the operation will not cause much trouble. In particular, if citizens can resolve disputes peacefully.

adult children

And how to get a divorce if there are children who have reached the age of majority?

Under such circumstances, the husband or wife can apply to the registry office or to the court. In the first case, there are no disputes and joint property. Judicial authorities help to divorce if there are problems with the division of property. Or when one of the spouses does not agree with the situation.

Important: the process of dissolution of marriage in the presence of adult capable children is carried out in the same way as in the case of the absence of a common offspring of the couple.

Terms of service provision

How to file for divorce if you have children, we found out. And how long to wait for the implementation of the task?

An application in court for the dissolution of marriage is considered for 1 month. After that, a meeting is scheduled. For reconciliation, the couple is allocated from 2 to 6 months, sometimes more.

If we consider the procedure for divorce through the registry office, you can focus on the following data:

  • registration of a certificate of divorce in the presence of a court order - 3-7 days;
  • consideration of the application for divorce - 30 days.

In real life, litigation takes a lot of time. But if the spouses have entered into a marriage contract in advance and drawn up peace / alimony agreements, you can reduce the divorce period to 3 months.


It is not always possible to file for divorce if there are minor children. Certain restrictions apply by law.

For example, a husband cannot terminate a marriage while his wife is pregnant. A woman in position is able to divorce at any time. She does not need her husband's consent for this. You just need to apply to the court with the appropriate petition.

After childbirth, the husband also cannot leave the family. He will have to wait at least a year. At this time, the initiator of the divorce may be the wife. This practice is becoming more and more common in Russia.

Have a baby? Most likely, the marriage was dissolved quite quickly, the husband will need to pay child support for the minor. If a woman is on maternity leave, she can demand money for herself up to the age of three children.


How to file for divorce if you have children? We have fully answered this question. How much does the relevant service cost?

To file a divorce in the registry office on a bilateral basis, you need to pay 650 rubles. The fee is charged to each of the spouses.

Divorce unilaterally will take 350 rubles.

You will also have to pay for the work of a notary when drawing up peace agreements. Usually the state duty is from 500 to 1,000 rubles.

We contact the registry office

How to file for divorce if you have children, we found out. What needs to be done after the trial?

A citizen will have to apply to the local registry office with the appropriate application and documents. You need to have with you:

  • passport;
  • birth certificates;
  • judgment;
  • statement;
  • duty paid check.

After presenting the relevant certificates, the applicant will be issued a certificate of divorce in a few days. The process can be considered complete.

wife does not agree

How to file for divorce if you have a child? For example, when does the spouse disagree with the relevant decision?

You will have to act according to the previously proposed instructions. The difference is that the court can:

  • dismiss the claim if the spouse is against the divorce;
  • refuse to consider the request if it is made with errors;
  • satisfy the claim by mutual consent.

All this applies if the spouse is pregnant or gave birth no more than a year ago. Otherwise, the court will consider the claim and make a decision. Usually, the dissolution of the marriage will take place, problems will arise only with determining the place of residence of children and with the division of property.

Last name of kids

Divorce planned? How to apply if there is a child? You just need to follow the instructions above.

What will happen to the child's name? Usually the court is not after the divorce. The parent can do this on their own with the consent ex-husband or wife.

After the child reaches the age of 14, the minor will also take part in resolving the issue of changing the surname.

Without the consent of the mother or father of the child, you can change the surname if:

  • the other parent is missing;
  • ex-spouse deprived of parental rights;
  • the other parent has no legal capacity;
  • a change of surname is required for a more comfortable life of a minor.

That's all. What else to look for in a divorce?

Where to file for divorce if you have children? This is not the most difficult question of all that spouses have to study.

  • Full name of the parties and the child;
  • the name of the court;
  • document's name;
  • description of the situation in the family;
  • the reason for the divorce;
  • a request to determine the place of residence of children and the appointment of alimony (if necessary);
  • list of documents attached to the application.

Want to file for divorce? Baby year? Then the procedure will not cause any special difficulties. After all, we have considered all the nuances of the corresponding process.
