We do facial massage from wrinkles at home - a collection of video lessons. Facial massage against wrinkles: we do it at home according to video lessons Acupressure Thai facial massage

Many women begin to wonder about wrinkles after the age of 25. By this age, the first signs of future or the appearance of existing wrinkles appear in the nasolabial folds, forehead and eyes. To erase the first signs of age, women are increasingly using massage.

The effect of the procedure on the skin of the face

It is difficult to overestimate the impact of massage therapy on the skin of the face. During the massage, complex skin changes occur:

    acceleration of blood circulation, which leads to an increase in cellular metabolic processes;

    smoothing wrinkles by increasing the natural production of collagen and other necessary nutrients for the skin;

    tightening sagging skin due to the effect on muscle tissue;

    the work of capillaries is improving, affecting the structure of the skin and formations on it (acne, acne);

    carrying out manipulations to tone the skin and reduce its swelling;

    drawing the contour of the face with the prevention of mimic wrinkles.

Basic anti-wrinkle facial massage techniques

The main advantage of facial massage is its availability for self-study. You can read detailed trainings on how to massage. You can use video tutorials for this. But, for a more accurate performance of massage techniques, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the basics of massage, namely, to know in which directions to stroke and characterize these manipulations.

The massage lines are positioned in such a way as to have a positive smoothing effect on the skin of the face. Ignorance can only exacerbate the situation with wrinkles. The main movements should take place:

    from the center of the chin to the earlobe;

    from the middle of the lower lip to the earlobe;

    from the center point upper lip to the temple;

    from the center of the ear to the corners of the mouth;

    from the central point of the forehead to the temples;

  • from the outer corner of the eyes to the inner (both upper and lower eyelids).

For a deeper effect of the massage, it is necessary to steam the face before it by applying a hot compress. This is done so that the skin and muscles are more pliable to manipulation. You also need to collect the hair so that during the massage they do not interfere. Massage is performed on a cream or oil base with clean hands.

classic look

This type of massage involves light gentle movements depending on the problem areas of the face. The most common places where wrinkles appear are the forehead, nasolabial folds, and the area around the eyes. Each area has its own techniques of influence.

Vertical wrinkles on the forehead are smoothed out in this way:

you need to put your fingers in the middle of the forehead, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe nose. Press the fingertips on the skin leading them along the massage lines to the temples. From the temporal region we return back to the forehead, but now without pressure. Repeat the action 10 times.

To eliminate nasolabial folds:

with the help of the index and middle fingers, we press several times on the points in the depression near the nostrils.

Against crow's feet:

soft tapping of the upper and lower eyelids is made. Then gently press the wrists on the eye socket.

Wrinkle massage is done not only for the face, but also for the neck. To do this, you need to perform the impact with your fingers and the back of your hand. We start stroking from the bottom of the collarbone, gradually moving along the neck, and stop under the chin.

Chinese anti-wrinkle facial massage

Key Thai massage also called point, because during it the impact on certain points of the face is used.

At the beginning of the massage, attention is paid to the eyes. It is necessary to fold the palms together and attach to the face, the eyes at this moment perform rotational movements with rapid blinking. After such gymnastics, lightly press on the eyeball.

Cheeks should be lightly patted with fingers, alternately increasing and decreasing manipulation.

We align the forehead with the movement of straightened fingers in the form of a comb from the middle to the back of the head.

Whether such a massage helps, you will notice after the first two sessions. In addition to smoothing wrinkles, the overall condition of the skin will improve, acquiring a healthy, youthful appearance.


Thai massage is rightfully considered the oldest type of getting rid of wrinkles and rejuvenation in general. The massage technique is based on the stimulation of active points and energy lines on the human body. These points are directly related to nervous system and human organs, so the impact on them has a tremendous effect.

Watch the video training of Thai and other massages in our video selection.

Instructional video

In the fight against wrinkles, women tend to use everything available funds. Thai anti-wrinkle facial massage is a pleasant rejuvenating procedure. The session is aimed not only at rejuvenation, but also at relaxation and relaxation. After the procedure, you feel extraordinary lightness and peace of mind.

The Thai culture of massage is one of the most ancient, it has absorbed the experience of ancestors and modern achievements in physiotherapy and cosmetology.

Thai facial massage can be done by women and men of all ages. You can start literally from the age of 20, massage will help to avoid early signs of aging. But you should not refuse this procedure for older ladies, but in this case, the session will not be aimed at prevention, but at getting rid of existing wrinkles.

Ideally, massage should be carried out by a specialist who knows the technique perfectly, in this case, you can expect the best results. If there is no opportunity to contact a specialist, then you will have to act on your own.

It is important! Unlike other types of facial massage, Thai cannot be done by yourself. Be sure to need an assistant who will conduct the session.

Basic Rules

When planning to take a course of Thai rejuvenating facial massage, you should first familiarize yourself with important rules carrying out these procedures.

  • You can only entrust the session to a specialist. Wrong technique can hurt.
  • Before the session, you need to prepare your face well. Namely, remove makeup, thoroughly cleanse the skin. If the epidermis is oily, then it is recommended to use a scrub before the massage.
  • Then it is applied to the skin, you can use it or any other. The oil only slightly rubs the skin, it is not worth applying it in a thick layer.
  • During the session, the patient should be as relaxed as possible. You should try to think of something pleasant and beautiful.
  • The Thai massage technique excludes sharp movements and rough influences, the masseur's movements should be smooth and unhurried.
  • After the session is over, it is recommended to apply nourishing mask. The skin warmed up by massage “absorbs” nutrients more actively. It is especially recommended to use masks made from natural ingredients.

Precautionary measures

There are few contraindications to Thai massage. You should not go to a massage therapist if:

  • exacerbated skin diseases (herpes, acne, psoriasis, eczema, etc.);
  • there are wounds, bruises on the face, as well as unhealed sutures from cosmetic surgeries;
  • massage is not recommended during pregnancy.

Execution Method

Thai facial massage is performed as follows:

  • the patient lies on his back, the massage therapist sits behind. All movements are repeated 3-4 times;
  • The session begins with a relaxing massage of the shoulders and back of the neck. This allows you to relieve muscle spasm;
  • the massage therapist puts his hands with his palms up under the back of the lying patient (at the level of the shoulder blades on both sides of the spine) and asks him to take a deep breath. On exhalation, the masseur slightly bends his fingers and begins to move his hands up, passing along the neck and the back of the head;

  • then slightly warm up shoulder muscles, you need to achieve their complete relaxation;
  • then the neck muscles are massaged on both sides of the spine, the movements should be very soft, smooth, relaxing;
  • then masseur switches to the impact on the point located just below ear under the lower jaw, circular rubbing movements are performed here;
  • at the next stage go to impact on a point atlanta (first vertebra) located at the junction of the head and neck at the back;
  • the next movement of the relaxation stage - soft massage occipital and lateral areas of the head, it is held with all ten fingers;
  • having achieved complete relaxation of the muscles of the neck and head, starting a facial massage. First stage: stroking movements from the bridge of the nose to the hairline, the massage therapist performs them thumbs hands;
  • then they begin to perform horizontal movements, drawing from the bridge of the nose to the temples along the line of eyebrow growth. Subsequent movements are carried out along the line, parallel line eyebrow growth, but the massage therapist's fingers with each movement are getting closer to the hairline. In the center of the forehead, the pressure should be strong enough, and when moving towards the temples, the pressure gradually weakens, and in the area of ​​the temples it becomes quite light;
  • the next movement is very light, performed with index fingers, the masseur sets his fingers at the level of the inner edge of the eyebrow and draws over the eye along the edge of the orbit. This technique is performed without pressure, with a very gentle movement;

  • then there is an impact on line under the eyes. The movement is performed with the thumbs. From the bridge of the nose down, the fingers move along the back of the nose, then spread apart and the massage therapist easily draws along the line of the lower border of the orbit towards the temple. As with the impact on the upper eyelid, the movement is made as easy and soft as possible;
  • then very gently and gently massage the movable eyelid, no pressure can be exerted on the skin in this area of ​​the face;
  • start massage lower face, in this area all movements are performed from the center to the periphery. That is, from the back of the nose or from the center of the lips, the fingers move towards the auricles. At this stage of the procedure, the experience of the massage therapist plays an important role, he must feel with his hands which muscles of the face remain tense, and work on this area additionally to relieve spasm;
  • achieving complete relaxation of the muscles of the face, goes to massage auricles. It is necessary to rub the skin very carefully, working through each point. According to the Thais, there are projections of all internal organs on the auricles, so auricle massage benefits the whole body. It is necessary to exert a sufficiently strong impact, kneading the auricle. After performing the massage, the ears will be beet red, this indicates that the procedure was carried out correctly;
  • following the exercise is called "Flight". The massage therapist covers the patient's ears with the lower parts of the palm, puts his fingers under the back of the head, rests his elbows on his knees. Raises the patient's head and begins to perform chaotic movements left-right, up-down. It is very important to ensure that the patient's muscles are relaxed, if this cannot be achieved, it is necessary to tilt the patient's head back a little so that it is more difficult for him to control the movements. This is a very difficult exercise, so if the massage is performed by a non-specialist, it is better to skip it;
  • at the final stage repeat the movements that were made at the beginning of the session, relaxing massage of the shoulders, neck and back of the head.

Opinion of cosmetologists

Relaxing and rejuvenating Thai massage useful procedure provided that it is carried out by specialists. Of course, this method is not magical, it will not smooth out deep folds and will not make the face mature woman young.

But thanks to improved blood circulation the skin will become fresher, acquire an even healthy color. With regular use, fine wrinkles may disappear, and even deep folds may become less noticeable.

Women's opinion

Many women who have undergone Thai massage sessions leave rave reviews about the procedure.

Lydia, 55 years old:

For the first time I got acquainted with Thai massage on vacation in Thailand. I liked the result so much that, when I returned home, I began to wonder if such a service was provided in our salons. It turned out that such specialists exist. Now I repeat the course of Thai massage three times a year, and I am very pleased with the result. At 55, I look great, no one gives me my age.

Elena, 42 years old

I heard about the benefits of massage for a long time, but still did not find time to take a course. But this year, she made up her mind. In the salon, which I applied to, I was offered several options, I chose Thai. And she didn't regret it. The procedure is very pleasant, it improves not only the appearance, but also the mood. I completed a course of 10 procedures, I am very pleased with the results. Now I dream of going to Thailand and getting a massage from local specialists.

Smooth, velvety skin and a delicate oval face have long been considered a symbol of youth and beauty, an ideal that every woman aspires to. But time plays against the human body. And we are increasingly upset, noticing the first signs of aging: treacherous rays in the corners of the eyes, sagging skin, a blurred contour. Unfortunately, wilting is a natural and irreversible process. You can't avoid it, but you can stop it. Fortunately, there is a facial massage for wrinkles - simple, but very effective method prolong health and attractiveness for many years.

Even Avicenna said that the mechanical effect on the muscles and skin of the face has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole. The great healer characterized massage as a natural regenerating and rejuvenating force. Many years have passed since then, but the healing procedure has not been lost for centuries, on the contrary, new types and techniques of their execution have appeared, which are extremely popular today.

Classical technique

based on light stroking and rubbing movements with fingertips or palms, made strictly along the massage lines.

Strong pressure, friction or pulling of the skin is not allowed, so the procedure is comfortable and completely painless. It is used at the first signs of aging and as an effective means of preventing age-related skin changes. Under the influence of touch, facial muscles relax, blood flow to the epidermis increases, its nutrition and oxygen supply improves. Cells begin to actively divide, exfoliating the top dead layer. As a result, the skin looks young and toned.

Contraindications are inflammatory processes, rashes of various etiologies, hypertension and blood diseases.

Plastic or sculptural massage

The procedure has a pronounced drainage and modeling effect. As a result, the muscles of the face are perfectly worked out, and the epidermis is regenerated. At the end of the session, the patient's skin is cleansed with lotion, and then a tightening mask is applied. The procedure lasts only 20 minutes, and in 15-20 such sessions the contour will return to its former clarity, and the skin will be smooth.

Japanese anti-aging massage Zogan ("creating a face")

It is aimed at working out the deep layers of the epidermis, muscles and even the bones of the skull, therefore, it implies an intense external effect, which causes some pain in the patient. But you should be patient, because the end result exceeds all expectations: swelling disappears in an instant, the skin gets rid of toxins and smoothes, muscles are tightened.

Interestingly, such a massage is carried out standing or sitting in a chair with a perfectly straight back. The movements have a strict focus, while the zones of the lymph nodes are processed gently and smoothly, without strong pressure. The final chord is the stimulation of the so-called beauty points to fully achieve a lifting effect.

Lymphatic drainage massage

The lymph that circulates in the vessels has the ability to collect and remove harmful substances from the body. If for some reason its stagnation is formed, toxins and toxins accumulate, which negatively affects the skin: swelling, unhealthy color, flabbiness and sagging appear due to excessive accumulation of fats. By making circular movements and pressing along the massage lines, stroking and tapping the skin, we thereby remove the intercellular fluid, activate the movement of the lymph, tone the walls of the vessels.

As a result, the body's metabolic processes are stimulated, water balance is restored, the skin is cleansed and begins to breathe freely, and unevenness is smoothed out. The only problem - a large number of contraindications, including diseases of the skin, heart, blood vessels, lymph nodes and oncology.

Plucked (Jacquet method)

It is considered not only an anti-aging, but also a therapeutic facial massage, as it normalizes metabolic processes and blood flow, thereby eliminating various skin problems. This is a rather aggressive procedure, during which painful tweaks are used: the massage therapist grabs, squeezes and kneads the deep layers of the epidermis with his thumb and forefinger.

This technology has many subtleties, without knowing which you can harm the patient, so the procedure is not recommended to be carried out on your own. It is important to remember that such a massage is contraindicated in a number of viral diseases, chronic dermatosis, rosacea and inflammation of the facial nerve.


The first mention of it dates back to the III millennium BC. e. Even then the ancient Chinese healers claimed that there are special points on the skin that are directly related to internal organs person. By stimulating them, you can improve overall well-being and stop the aging process. And this is not a myth, but a scientifically proven fact. With fingertips or palms, we act on points located in the corners of the eyes, wings of the nose, on the cheeks and auricles. It is believed that such a massage restores the normal circulation of vital energy in the human body.

Similar techniques exist in other eastern countries: especially known and the famous Japanese shiatsu. Their essence also lies in pressing fingers or palms on active points, of which there are 692 on the human body. Experts say that energy channels are cleared in this way, due to which instant rejuvenation occurs, and peace and tranquility sets in. In addition, this type of exposure is useful for frontal sinusitis, sinusitis and headaches.

Gym Italian Massage (Jim)

Otherwise called fitness for the face. It trains and tightens muscles in the same way that sports improve the human body. The procedure is somewhat painful, as the deep layers of the epidermis are worked out using kneading, pinching, intense pressure and active circular movements. Such gymnastics is recommended for women over 30 years of age in order to prevent and correct unwanted changes in the skin and facial contour, as it has a pronounced lifting effect.

In the struggle for youth and beauty, as you know, all methods are good. It is better if you choose them together with a specialist who will take into account your addictions and individual characteristics of the body.

It is worth remembering that the addictive effect significantly reduces the effectiveness of anti-aging massage, so you need to resort to it only after 30 years, when there is a real need for the procedure.

Author's methods

What women do not do to look younger than their age: they drink dubious pills, go under the knife of a plastic surgeon, buy expensive creams and serums. Unfortunately, in pursuit of beauty, they sometimes forget about massage - safe and effective means from wrinkles, proven for centuries. And it’s completely in vain: today a lot of interesting author’s techniques have appeared that allow you to restore freshness to your face, and smartness to your neck. Let's get acquainted with some of them.

Alena Sobol

The basis of her developments was the Japanese technique Zogan. The purpose of the massage is to restore the skin of the face at the cellular level, by removing excess fluid, relieving muscle tension and stimulating lymphatic circulation. The main technique is a fairly strong pressure when performing manipulations, but without noticeable displacement or stretching of the skin. We finish each exercise by stroking along the lymph flow.

Elena Zemskova

An experienced massage therapist offers a unique rejuvenation technique that is easy to perform on your own at home. The technique is based on 4 movements. These are stroking, stimulating tissue regeneration, kneading, strengthening the skin, tapping (finger shower), improving muscle tone and small quick tingling, increasing blood flow to the epidermis. We finish the procedure with complete relaxation.

Yukuko Tanaka

A stylist from Japan who revived ancient traditions, popularized it in Europe and adapted it for women different ages. After her lessons, the technique received another name - Asahi, which means "morning sun". It consists of 12 steps, which are performed in a certain sequence, while working on the forehead, eye area, nasolabial triangle, cheeks, chin and cheekbones. The technique is called two-finger, since the movements are mainly performed with the index and middle fingers.

Margarita Levchenko

Offers a whole anti-aging complex, calling it a non-surgical facelift. It includes special gymnastics, which makes all 57 muscles on the face of a person work correctly, and lifting - drainage massage. The main movements - stroking, pressing of different intensity, rubbing - are carried out along special lines and along the lymph flow.

Mimic massage and its results

Man is an emotional being. We smile, laugh, cry, mourn and wonder, each time changing facial expressions. During the day, the muscles of our face contract about 15,000 times, forming folds and creases in the skin. In youth, they quickly straighten and disappear without a trace, and in adulthood each time they become deeper and more distinct. Especially often wrinkles appear across the forehead, between the eyebrows, around the mouth, in the nasolabial folds and the outer corners of the eyes. But a sad situation can be prevented or corrected by regularly using mimic facial massage:

  1. We apply a greasy or moisturizing cream to the skin - it will provide better gliding and prevent injury to the epidermis.
  2. We place the fingers of both hands flat on the forehead, ensuring the immobility of the skin. We raise our eyebrows in surprise, tensing our muscles strongly. We maintain the position for 10 seconds, then completely relax. Thus, we get rid of deep transverse wrinkles.
  3. We are trying to move the eyebrows, while holding the skin at their base. This simple exercise helps to smooth out the "angry" crease.
  4. The area around the eyes is devoid of fat, so it needs special care: tapping with fingertips, pressing the outer corner seven times, light sliding movements along the upper and lower eyelids will help get rid of the hated "rays".
  5. Round and tighten your lips with all your might, while making the sound "O". Relax.
  6. Without opening your mouth, make 30 circular movements with your tongue in each direction. The Chinese call this technique "mixing the sea."
  7. Pull out your lips, as for a kiss. Count to 5, then return to normal position.
  8. Find a crease in the bridge of your nose. Smooth from its center down along the wings of the nose.

Such a massage can be performed anywhere, even at the desktop: after all, it does not require special devices and tools. Repeat each exercise 5-10 times. After a month of regular practice, you will notice how:

  • puffiness disappears;
  • folds lose their depth;
  • sagging is reduced, and the contour of the face becomes clearer;
  • the skin acquires elasticity and radiance;
  • muscles relax nicely.

But it is worth remembering that facial massage has a number of contraindications. Therefore, if you have open wounds, neoplasms, herpes rashes or skin inflammations, it is better to refrain from the procedure and choose another, no less effective way of facial rejuvenation.

How to do wrinkle massage at home

Today every self-respecting beauty salon always offers its clients one or another type of anti-aging massage. The procedure is not cheap: prices for one session range from 500 to 2000 rubles, depending on the type, so not everyone can afford it. But do not be upset: there are methods of rejuvenating self-massage, which are not difficult to master.

Before the session, you need to do some preparatory work:

  • cut nails short;
  • wash and disinfect hands thoroughly;
  • hide hair under a special hat;
  • clean the skin of the face from sweat, dirt, grease and cosmetics, and then steam it well;
  • pick up and apply suitable remedy for the procedure: cream, oil or talc.

Now let's get acquainted with the main massage movements:

It is important to remember that the correct movements should be smooth, accurate and sliding, you should not stretch or squeeze the skin excessively. Perform manipulations strictly along the massage lines.

After that, we move on to the procedure itself:

  1. We start with the forehead area. We massage him in a circular motion, moving from the bridge of the nose to the border of hair growth, according to the scheme. Wrinkles are carefully squeezed and kneaded.
  2. The area around the eyes is very delicate, so it is developed with light strokes. Moreover, on the upper eyelid we move from the inner corner to the outer, and on the lower - in the reverse order.
  3. We rub the nose, following the massage lines, from the bridge of the nose to the wings.
  4. With smoothing movements, we process the cheek area, moving from the edge of the upper lip to the temples.
  5. Pat the chin with the fingertips from the center line to the cheekbones.
  6. We push the nasolabial folds.
  7. Particular attention should be paid to the neck, as it immediately gives out the woman's age. We work out the front part with light stroking movements from the bottom up, the side part - in the opposite direction.
  8. We massage deep wrinkles, pinching the skin.

Rules for self-massage of the face

The final stage is patting, and then stroking the entire face, aimed at relaxing and relieving muscle clamps. Remains cosmetics remove with a tissue.

For anti-aging procedures at home, you can use special devices: massagers, jars, scrapers and rollers. They must be used strictly in accordance with the instructions, after prior consultation with the doctor.

How to master massage techniques

To master this or that massage technique, it is not necessary to study at expensive courses or master classes. Today there is great amount special literature and various video tutorials dedicated to this healing and rejuvenating art. Thanks to them, you can easily master even the most complex and unusual types of massage without leaving your home.

Shiatsu technique

Translated from Japanese, “SHI” means “fingers”, “ATSU” means “pressure”. It has long been noticed that a person necessarily rubs a bruised place. The Japanese doctor Takuhiro Nakimoshi suggested that in this way the reserve forces of the body are activated to help eliminate pain, and he developed a whole range of exercises aimed at healing and rejuvenating the body.

To perform anti-aging self-massage, you need to clearly know the location of active points. We act on them with the pads of the thumb, index or middle fingers strictly perpendicularly, without rubbing the skin. Alternate light and strong pressing for 4-5 seconds. Hands should be warm. The first step, as in any technique, is the preparation of the skin of the face. We clean it, apply special means and try to achieve complete relaxation. After that, we proceed to the main part, working through each point indicated in the diagram:

  1. We make light pressure on the inner corners of the eye. We perform the exercise 3 times with a short break.
  2. With three fingers for 6 seconds, press on the edges and center of the eyebrows, first simultaneously, then alternately.
  3. At 1 cm from the outer corners of the eyes we find active points. Pressing on them, gently shifting the skin to the temples. This manipulation helps to remove annoying "rays".
  4. We press point 2, located above the bridge of the nose, gradually increasing the pressure. This manipulation will get rid of deep wrinkles on the problem surface.
  5. Acupuncture zones on the temples are slightly painful. Massage them in a circular motion.
  6. We rub and press point 1, located in the middle of the forehead. "Third eye" - the Japanese call it.
  7. Impact on the edge of the cheekbones (18 and 16) will strengthen and tighten the cheeks.
  8. We press painful point 13 above the upper lip - this is how we get rid of purse-string wrinkles- small vertical folds around the mouth.

To achieve desired result each exercise is repeated 3 times. The procedure is carried out daily for 10-15 minutes, in the morning or in the evening.

The author of this unique technology is the German cosmetologist Rene Koch, who proved the effectiveness of his brainchild by his own example. After the course of massage, the skin of his face smoothed out, brightened and rejuvenated. Thanks to such an amazing result, simplicity and accessibility, the procedure immediately gained immense popularity among the ladies, as evidenced by the many positive reviews. To perform the manipulations, you will need only a few spoons and a simple instruction on the rules for conducting a massage:

Any metal is an excellent conductor of heat and cold; under its influence, creams or oils penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis, destroying fat, activating metabolism and toning muscles. Young skin needs such a procedure 2-3 times a week, and mature skin needs it every other day. The movements are made with the back of the spoons.

No cosmetics in the world can replace the effect of massage. Not only that, this procedure seems to rewind years ago, making the face younger and fresher. It also gives a person valuable tactile sensations that bring calmness, complete relaxation, an emotional charge and a flow of vital energy.

Feature articles

Closer to thirty, a woman comes face to face with the first signs of aging. But not every representative of the weaker sex is ready to put up with the fact that her youth is leaving forever.

There are many anti-wrinkle products in the women's arsenal, and one of the most effective and simple methods is massage at home.

Facial massage will be most effective only if the skin is properly prepared for the procedure. General rule which should be observed is cleansing and moisturizing the skin before the session. Preparatory stage consists of several steps:

  1. Wash your hands and wrists. You can wear special gloves for cosmetic procedures.
  2. Gather your hair in a bun, remove the bangs under the bandage.
  3. Remove make-up from your face, then apply a cleanser.
  4. Warm up the muscle fibers and open the pores with a hot compress.
  5. Apply a fat cream or a little oil on your face. The skin of the face must be pre-tested for the presence or absence of an allergy to the agent used.

Another important rule- Learn the technique you are going to use. To remember the location of the massage lines, schematically draw a face on a piece of paper.

The ability to draw beautifully in this case is of secondary importance, the main thing is to make the markup correctly according to the location of the massage points and lines.

If the massage is carried out thoughtlessly, then there will be a risk of stretching and damaging the delicate skin of the face.

More about massage lines:

  • from the middle of the chin to both earlobes;
  • from the depression in the middle of the chin to both earlobes;
  • from the center of the upper lip to both temples;
  • from the corners of the mouth to the tragus on both ears;
  • from the space between the eyebrows to the temples along the line above the eyebrows;
  • from the outer corner of the eye to the inner along the lower eyelid,
  • back - along the upper eyelid.

Indications and contraindications

Is popular cosmetic procedure. It is made by women who have noticed the first signs of aging on their faces.

Signs of aging include:

  • wrinkles between the eyebrows;
  • crow's feet;
  • nasolabial folds;
  • loss of firmness and elasticity of the skin;
  • dull and unnatural skin tone.

All these signs are more characteristic of aging skin. For women who are already 40, 50 or even 60 years old, anti-wrinkle massage is a healing procedure. Regular visits to the beautician at this age becomes essential.

However, sessions can also be held at home. This will save time and money.

Sessions of this procedure become an excellent prophylactic against aging.

Women who started massaging their faces at the age of 22-24 note an excellent skin condition at the time of overcoming the thirty-year milestone

The procedure has contraindications that should not be ignored.. You can not do anti-aging massage for those who:

  • has large birthmarks, warts and moles on the face;
  • suffering from herpes on the lips;
  • has open scratches and wounds on the skin of the face and neck;
  • complains of inflammation and rash;
  • received a diagnosis of "acute infection";
  • has severe facial burns.

We carry out the procedure at home

Thanks to the Internet, almost any have become available to a woman. Consider the most popular of them.

Rejuvenating massage techniques

Actively gaining popularity among girls. Its essence is the intensive study of muscle tissue, subcutaneous tissue and ligaments. In this case, the appearance of painful sensations is possible.

Online at this moment there are many video tutorials, one of which we present for study.

considered the most effective method get rid of wrinkles. It is successfully done both in expensive beauty salons and at home.

During the session, stroking and rubbing with three fingertips are used.

Jacquet's technique based on sharp and clear movements: pressure, pinches, vibrations, grips.

The work is done with the index and thumb fingers of both hands.

The procedure can both create a miracle with the skin of the face, and harm it. It's all about getting the technique right.

Another name for massage is “point” or “sculptural”.

During the session, a powerful effect on the biologically active zones of the body is carried out. They are responsible for the work of all organs and systems as a whole.

can be done at home only after long training and considerable experience.

The movements of the massage therapist are smooth, but at the same time active and purposeful. The pressure force is significant, the duration of the session is ten minutes, the amplitude is maximum.

Various techniques for performing the procedure

Movement during the procedure should be active, but careful. Chaotic movement of the brushes should not be allowed
    • Start the forehead massage by moving two fingers from the middle of the forehead to the temples. Next, press the skin on the temple with your fingers for a few seconds. At this time, draw a line back from the temple to the forehead.

    • Massage for wrinkles around the eyes and on the eyelids. It comes down to drawing a line from the inner corner of the eye to the outer one along the upper eyelid, and from the outer corner to the inner one - along the lower one.

    • Massage of cheeks and cheekbones. translational movements do along the massage lines. Outline the letter "U" from the middle of the nose to the temple.

    • Massage of the chin and corners of the mouth. Start by kneading the chin from the lips towards the neck. Then go to the study of wrinkles near the mouth, running the pads of your fingers from the chin to the outer corners of the lips.

  • Neck massage will tighten the skin and get rid of the hated second chin. It is necessary to knead the neck with the palm of your hand, tilting your head in the opposite direction. Then proceed to work out the neck from the ears down to the collarbones. From the collarbone you need to move up to the chin.

Classic facial massage for wrinkles at home

Introducing detailed video a lesson on how to do a classic wrinkle massage at home.

Result and benefits of the procedure

Facial massage has a positive effect on the appearance of the girl, as well as on the state and operation of internal systems:

  • improves complexion, adds blush;
  • reduces wrinkles;
  • accelerates the production of elastin and collagen;
  • enhances blood flow;
  • eliminates puffiness, controls water balance;
  • the skin receives more oxygen and useful elements;
  • pores are cleansed of acne and rashes.

As a result, the face looks younger, more attractive, more aesthetic.

Literally in a few sessions of massage from wrinkles, the skin acquires a well-groomed appearance.

Anti-aging massage is available to every woman. For a good result, it is enough to study the execution technique and not stop there.

The main thing is not to be lazy and treat your skin with love.

The life-giving miraculous power of the East, whose history dates back many centuries, is represented not only by wonderful music, aphorisms and sights. To feel the beauty of Thai culture, it is not necessary to go on a trip. Strikingly pleasant and effective Thai facial massage will give a real pleasure.

The unique benefits of Thai facial massage

What is the benefit of this procedure? Why do hundreds of beauties strive to perform not one session for the sake of entertainment, but to complete a whole course? The secret of the miraculous power of this event lies in the fact that it can lead to the maximum effectiveness of a general massage according to the Thai ancient method.

Surprisingly pleasant procedure allows you to immediately feel the positive changes. Effective Thai head and face massage:

  • fights with a network of wrinkles;
  • normalizes blood circulation;
  • strengthens facial muscles;
  • cleanses the skin;
  • helps to increase its firmness and elasticity;
  • rejuvenates.

How does the procedure work?

Surprisingly, this technique even improves the functions of digestion. What does Thai facial massage give? Proper digestion evens out the tone of the face, making it healthier and fresher, smoothes wrinkles, and prevents acne and blackheads from appearing.

Despite the fact that the skillful hands of the master affect only the head and face, the effect is felt in general for the whole organism. Since Thai facial massage also captures the earlobes, we can talk about a total impact on every human organ. The thing is that it is on the auricle that a huge number of active biological points, that is, nerve endings, are concentrated. Influencing them, you can normalize the functioning of all systems and organs. As a result, the mechanism of rejuvenation is launched, a person feels a surge of strength, an amazing feeling of harmony and pleasure arises. Thai back massage great way relax after a hard day at work, gain new strength and energy.

5 steps Thai head and face massage

Miraculous Thai facial massage is a technique that is amazing in its performance. It is carried out in several stages. It's 5 steps. The first step is to cleanse the skin. To do this, the masters carry out make-up removal and remove the remnants of cosmetics. It uses exclusively natural remedies based on natural ingredients.

The next step is preparation. It involves the use of a scrub created from the totality of:

  • tamarind extract;
  • natural honey;
  • particles of jasmine rice.

Thanks to this stage, the skin pores are not only cleansed, but also open. This allows you to increase blood flow. That is why the regenerating properties of the skin are greatly enhanced.

An effective Thai facial massage against wrinkles is a unique effect on the nerve endings. Thanks to this, biologically active points, which are under the influence of natural creams and nourishing ointments, make the body wake up. Moreover, the effect is not only on the upper skin, but also on deeper tissues.

After a facial massage with Thai bags, a mask with a nourishing effect is applied. It is the previous steps that allow the useful components of the composition not only to be absorbed, but also to activate all the body's own resources.

The final stage of the procedure involves moisturizing the face. The cream, saturated with vitamin E and ascorbic acid, heals the skin and rejuvenates it.

The use of special bags during the procedure is wisdom and strength that have passed through the centuries, preserving ancient secrets. For their filling, special herbal preparations are used. The master touches them with special points and energy meridians. Such effective massage face with Thai pouches is a comprehensive system focused on total relaxation. It fills the body with health, youth, gives true pleasure, harmony and universal peace.
