Happy birthday camp event scenarios. Favorite camp birthday


at the school camp

The purpose of this holiday is not only congratulations on the birthday of birthday people, but also the development of intellectual, creative, organizational abilities of schoolchildren, the development of ingenuity, creative imagination ability to quickly navigate in an environment, to engage in teamwork and the joy of others.

The hall is festively decorated. Music sounds. The host (Summer) enters the stage, he has a large book in his hands, where the names of the children born at this time of the year are recorded.


Blushed cherry and plum,

Golden rye poured

And as the sea worries the field,

And you won't walk in the grass in the meadows.

The sun is high above the vault

Heavens incandescent from the heat,

Linden smells of fragrant honey,

And the forest full of twilight rustles ...


Hello dear guys. You recognized me? Yes, Summer. I came to you to wish happy birthday to those guys who were born at this time of the year. Now I will open my magic book, and you and I will find out who our summer birthday is.

A short poem dedicated to one of the birthday people is read out, and the guys guess who they are talking about. After that, the birthday party goes on stage to the music and applause.


There is a girl like that

Cheerful and groovy,

She is friendly with the guys and does not get angry,

3rd detachment ... Shcherbakova Rita.

The sky above is blue

golden sun,

Like a simple boy

This is where the trick is:

Secretly a genius lives in it

4th detachment ... Evgeny Karagodin.

He is brunette, he is good-looking,

You won't take it on the chaff,

We will ask you about the rest

2 squad. This is Tolik... Savosin.

This is not a girl, just a treasure,

Everyone is happy to be friends with her,

Clever, beautiful, our charm,

1 squad ... Dubova Sasha.

He is modest and quite quiet,

And a girl's heart will be broken

3rd detachment ... Kochurov Nikita.

Loves all his friends

Likes to sing and have fun

But he does not like to be angry.

Guess without a hitch

4th detachment ... Shulga Andrey.

We have a serious guy

well he is studying

And all that I guessed

Of course it will.

He is irreplaceable in business.

4th detachment ... Morozov Maxim.

He has an older brother

He is very happy about this.

The girls smile at him at school.

3rd detachment ... This is Donov Kolya.


So, the birthday people are ready and the guests are all assembled, it's time to start the holiday. Here is your first task.

Competition 1. Gift

Imagine that you are going to a friend's birthday party. The gift should look beautiful, festive. From the available materials, it is necessary to decorate the box with the “gift”. The winning team will be the one that is more interesting, will decorate its “gift” in a more original way.

(For this contest you need to prepare small boxes, scissors, colored paper, glue, felt-tip pens,)

2-3 minutes are allotted for the competition. While the teams complete the task, cheerful music sounds.


Well done! They did a good job with this task. Your gifts look amazing. The jury will appreciate your efforts. And we invite birthday people to the next competition. After it, you will easily distinguish them from other participants in our holiday.

Competition 2. Surprise for birthdays.

Children sit in a circle. To the music, they begin to transfer a fairly large box. As soon as the host stops the music, the guest, who happened to have the box, opens it slightly and, without looking, takes out the first item that comes across. According to the rules of the game, he must put on this item and wear it until the end of the holiday. As soon as the music resumes, the guests begin to pass the box around to the next stop. You can put a variety of items of clothing in the box: from children's caps to huge hats, aprons, bows, etc.

Look how smart the birthday people have become. Now we will give them the gifts that you have decorated with my own hands in the first competition.

Children loudly shout “Congratulations!” to the birthday people three times.

And we continue our holiday.

Competition 3. Dance

The holiday should be fun, guests love to sing and dance. The next competition is "dance". You all know the "Dance of the Little Ducklings", in which the movements of the dancers resemble those of a duck opening its beak, flapping its wings and tail. And you try to come up with a dance with the movements of other animals to the same melody and perform it. “First team” - dance of little pigs, “second” - dance of little frogs, “third” - dance of little elephants, “third” - dance of little monkeys. You can allocate 30 seconds to prepare this competition, after which the whole team will perform an invented dance.

Well, now the contest of "savvy". Coming to your friends birthday, you need to choose the right words, congratulations. Let's see how smart and resourceful you are.

I will ask the teams 10 intricate questions, and they will answer simultaneously, in writing. The team with the most correct answers wins. You need to answer quickly. So…

Competition 4. Comic

1. What can you not enclose around the hut? (water in a sieve)

2. How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach? (only one thing: after the first it will no longer be on an empty stomach)

3. Why does the dog run? (on the ground)

4. What is the tongue in the mouth for? (behind teeth)

5. When a horse is bought, what does it look like? (wet)

6. How to pick a branch so as not to frighten away a bird? (you have to wait until she leaves)

7. A grandmother was carrying a hundred eggs to the market, and the bottom fell. How many eggs are left in the basket? (none, because the bottom fell)

8. How to write "dry grass" in four letters? (hay)

9. When is the easiest time for a black cat to get into the house? (when the door is open)

10. Under what tree does the hare sit during the rain? (under wet)

After the last question is asked, the presenter collects the sheets, hands over to the jury and announces the correct answers.

And now we will be divided into two teams: girls and boys. Let's all play together, see if you are a friendly team.

Competition 5. Hey mamba mamba hey

The plot of the game begins with the fact that two leading (counselors) on the stage start an argument - whose half of the hall is better. To resolve the dispute, one of the presenters invites his half of the audience to shout: "Hey, mamba-mamba, hey."

The second presenter invites his half of the hall to shout this phrase much louder and still clap their hands in unison.

Then the facilitators take turns adding different actions to the existing ones. After the agreed action, one of them offers to make peace, after which the last phrase is shouted all together. Before doing the actions, the facilitators need to say their sequence.

In the next competition, we will find out which of you is a real artist, so the most daring will participate ...

Competition 6 . Artistic

  1. mooring motor
  2. Gutter tank
  3. Starting motor
  4. boiling kettle
  5. Siren howl
  6. Storm on the sea
  7. braking car
  8. horse trampling
  9. The noise of an airplane taking off.

And now let's invite the birthday people to the theater and show them a fairy tale.

Competition7. Fairy


The number of participants depending on the number of people who wish (10 people with the addition of the roles of trees and a curtain).

Night. The WIND howls. TREES sway. A GYPSY THIEF sneaks between them. He is looking for the stable where the HORSE sleeps... Here is the stable. The horse is sleeping, he is dreaming of something, he is slightly moving his hooves and neighing thinly. Not far from him, a SPARROW perched on a perch. He dozes, sometimes opens one eye, then the other. On the street, on a leash, the DOG sleeps. The trees are noisy, because of the noise you can not hear how the Gypsy thief makes his way into the stable. Here he grabs the horse by the bridle ... Sparrow chirped anxiously ... The dog barked desperately ... The gypsy leads the horse away. The dog is barking. The MISTRESS ran out of the house, groaned, screamed. She calls her husband. Jumped out with a gun in the hands of the OWNER. The gypsy runs away.

The owner leads the horse to the cost. The dog jumps for joy. Sparrow flies around. The trees rustle and the wind continues to howl. The owner strokes the horse and throws hay to him. The owner calls the hostess into the house. Everything calms down. The dog sleeps, the sparrow slumbers in its former place, the horse falls asleep while standing, it shudders from time to time and neighs softly... CURTAIN.

Applause to our artists.

Now let's imagine that you are late for a birthday, the only means of transportation is a balloon. Who will be able to stay on it the longest.

Competition 8. Ball jumps.

Jump on balloons, who will not burst longer. Prize winner.

And now the music competition. This game is suitable for birthday parties because it is fun and musical.

Contest 9. FUNNY PIG

This fun game. It will require a small cushion, pink or white pillowcase, on which you need to draw eyes and a piglet with a felt-tip pen. Now, to the music, the pig is passed around in a circle, and each of the participants passes it to the other. When the music ends, the one in whose hands the pig is left grunts loudly and leaves the circle.

And from the birthday people we are waiting for a photo with an autograph. For this…

Competition 10 for birthdays. self-portrait

On a sheet of drawing paper or cardboard, two cuts are made for hands. Participants take each of their sheets, putting their hands through the slots, draw a portrait with a brush, without looking. Portraits are hung on the wall.

Well, dear friends, our competition is over, but the holiday continues. Now the jury will sum up the results, and we will watch a fun dance prepared by the girls. And after that, a surprise awaits you.

After their performance, the jury announces the results of the competition.

And now for all the disco!

Appendix to the competition №4.

1. ____________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________

3. ______________________ ____________________________________

4. __________________________ _________________________________

5. _____________________________________________________________

6. _____________________________________________________________

7. ____________________________________________________________

8. ___________________________________________________________

9. ___________________________________________________________

10. ____________________________________________________________

All children love to relax in country health camps. However, many of them get upset when their birthday falls on their shift. The way out in this situation can be in the camp, when fun party organized for all the guys whose birthday fell on the summer shift.

Preparation for the holiday

The main thing that no celebration can do without is delicious treats. To treat the whole squad, you will have to offer parents to deliver sweets or cakes in advance. Further, in order for the Birthday Day in the camp to become a special holiday, you should think about decorating the detachment. To do this, you can draw beautiful posters congratulations from all the guys. You can also inflate several multi-colored balloons and decorate with them the room where the celebration will be organized. Birthdays will be very pleased to see that it is in their honor that the children have prepared these decorations and posters.

Birthday in the camp: script

The holiday should begin with congratulations for each birthday. You can learn a song with the children in advance or come up with an original dance. If the availability of technology allows, then you can shoot a funny congratulation film in which each child can say something pleasant for the birthday man. Next, you should offer the children the treats that the parents brought. After the guys have a snack, it is worth organizing fun games or contests. They can be held outdoors or directly indoors, if space permits.

Contest "Chamomile"

Remember that children love to move, scream and make noise. So to make your birthday camp fun, be sure to get involved in the games and let the kids make more noise than usual. For this competition, you will need to make a chamomile in advance, on each petal of which funny tasks for children are written (jump on one leg, repeat a tongue twister, meow under the table, eat candy, and so on). Children take turns pulling out the petal and doing the tasks.

Contest "Mysterious Planet"

The children are invited to create their own planet. To do this, each participant is given balloon and a marker. On a signal, the children must quickly inflate the balloon and "populate" their planet with little men. The one who draws the most people on his balloon wins.

Game "Find and name"

Children are invited to find objects in the room that begin with the same letter as the name of the heroes of the occasion. For example, for Sasha they are looking for words starting with the letter “c” (glass, salad bowl, wall, chair), for Katya - words starting with the letter “k” (stone, book, armchair, baby). The winner on Birthday Day in the camp is the participant who named the most number of words per letter.

Fun Zoo game

This game can also be organized on Birthday Day in Children stand in a circle, holding hands. The host whispers "eagle" or "elephant" in everyone's ear. At the signal of the leader to the words "eagle", all eagles should crouch, at the word "behemoth" - all hippos. You can end the holiday by watching an interesting movie together.

Presenter 1:

Hello, hello, hello!

We are happy to greet you!

How many bright smiles

We see on the faces now!

Host 2:

Our holiday is about to begin

And we're on our way.

With wonderful friends

Don't forget to take it on the road!

Presenter 3:

Today is the opening day

Camp shift, friends.

A lot of enthusiasm, fun awaits us, cheers!

Our rumble is ringing louder and louder.

What a trill is spreading over the world!

Everyone thinks: the nightingale sang.

But no - our camp is open!

Presenter 1:

- Do you guys know the name of our school camp? "Around the world".

Each group has its own name and motto. Let's listen!

Attention! Solemn line dedicated to the opening of a children's school health camp"Around the World" is declared open. (Raising the flag)

Host 2:

Dear children:
Both girls and boys.
Congratulations on your holidays
We invite you to relax at the school camp.
With you for a long, long time
Let's sing, joke, play
And of course, and of course
We will dance with you!

Presenter 3:

We will have many things to do in the camp: competitions, competitions, travel, games, performances. And let's start having fun right now.
Now we need to get to know each other. In unison, shout your name at the expense three times, TWO THREE!

Well done!

Presenter 1:

So that the ardor of fun does not fade away,
To make time go faster
Friends, we invite you to riddles as soon as possible!
Who excels in education
I ask you to raise your hands.
Who was not lazy to receive 4 or 5?
So, you all have excellent knowledge,
You can solve the most common riddles.
Host 2:

The sun is shining brightly
The air is warm.
And wherever you look
Everything around is light.
They dazzle in the meadow
Bright flowers…
What time of year is this, you guess?(Summer)

Presenter 3:

Why are we warm?

It's baked on top.

Through the cloud-window

Sends rays to the ground ... ( Sun )

Presenter 1:

The hot sun will warm everyone,
He will dress the meadows in a colored outfit,
Play, call to swim,
Mushrooms and berries will bring.
What is the name of the season
Who will call me?(Summer)

Host 2:

So that the head does not heat up,

Protects one thing.

If it's very, very hot

I put on ... ( Panama)

Presenter 3:

Waves crash on the sand

Through them I jump and jump.

Wide and deep

Ours with waves ... ( River)

Presenter 1:

We made a house from the branches near the fence,

The roof was made, the floor was laid.

Let's hide from the rain in this house of ours.

What is this house? Of course, … ( Hut)

Host 2:

The sun is shining brightly,
And light and hot.
And around the grass, flowers,
All day wander, wander.
What time of year is this?(Summer)

Presenter 3:

Hot, sultry, stuffy day,

Even chickens seek shade.

The mowing of bread has begun,

Time for berries and mushrooms.

His days are the peak of summer,

What, say, for a month is this? ( July )

Presenter 1:

Summer is the perfect time for children to relax. Summer - fun days school holidays. Holidays are the brightest time for schoolchildren. Summer break is given to schoolchildren to improve their health and physical training.
- And the guys from the 2nd detachment would like to show the scene "Turnip".

Host 2:

Guys, now let's play a fun game

We will open the holiday now,

We will arrange miracle games here.

Turn to each other

And shake hands with a friend.

Raise your hands all up

And move at the top.

Let's shout cheerfully: "Hurrah!"

It's time to start the games!

Presenter 3:

You help each other

Answer questions

Only "Yes" and only "No"

Kindly give me an answer:

If "no" you say

Then tap your feet

If you say yes

Clap your hands then.

An old grandfather goes to school.

Is it true, children? .. (No - children knock with their feet).

Does he take his grandson there?

Answer together ... (Yes - clap your hands).

Presenter 1:

Ice is frozen water?

We answer together ... (Yes).

After Friday - Wednesday?

Together we will answer ... (No).

Is spruce always green?

We answer, children ... (Yes).

Birthday - a fun day? .. (Yes)

Are you waiting for games and fun? .. (Yes)

Are you okay with humor? .. (Yes)

Are we exercising now? .. (No)

Let's congratulate the birthday girl? .. (Yes)

Or will we send to my grandmother? .. (No)

And for everyone summer birthdays dance performed by Mironova Vari.

Host 2:

The country is calling us for adventure. We're going on a hike! Summer has come, you can go hiking. Traveling in the summer is so great!

Get together quickly, together,
Shame - to pass for a slob.
And everything you need in your backpack
Don't forget to put.
And I invite you to answer the sports quiz questions.

Host 2: In this sport, various acrobatic exercises are performed on sports equipment. (Gymnastics)

Presenter 3: Breaststroke, butterfly, crawl, dolphin. What sport are we talking about? (Swimming)

Presenter1: The oldest sport in which the winner is the one who crosses the finish line first. (Run).

Host 2: Summer version of skates. (Rollers)

Presenter 3: Ski racing with rifle shooting. (Biathlon).

Presenter 1: In this sport, the athlete, being on the waves, stands on the board and controls it. (Surfing)

Host 2: Sports climbing. (Mountaineering)

Presenter 3: A sports team game with a ball and a bat, reminiscent of a Russian lapta. (Baseball)

Presenter 1: Sports hike or guided tour. (Tourism)

Host 2: The ability to throw a disc, a spear, a hammer is ... (throwing)

Presenter 3: A ball game in which it is necessary to throw the ball over the net to the opponent's side so that it touches the ground. (Volleyball).

Presenter 1: In this game, you need to knock out the bat as much as possible large quantity figures. (Towns)

Host 2: Diving and swimming underwater with scuba gear. (Diving)

And now to your attention the 2nd squad will present some karate techniques:

- Yura Pyashin, Ilya Bocharov, Stas Grechukhin and Danil Kolpashnikov.

Presenter 3:

We will hold a song contest now,
Let's sing songs with the word "summer" and "sun"!

We will start - you continue,
Sing these songs.

  1. I'm lying in the sun,
    I look at the sun
    I lie and lie
    And I look at the sun.

    2. Chunga-changa - blue sky,
    Chunga-changa - summer all year round.

    3. If suddenly thunder strikes
    In the middle of summer
    This trouble
    We will survive.

    4. May there always be sunshine,
    May there always be sky
    May there always be a mother
    May I always be!

    Host 2:

Well done to everyone who sang with us
Such beautiful voices!
Not to get bored here
We invite you to rest!
- And now we invite the teams to show their talents and continue to sing songs.

2 squad - "Smile" performed by Dagis Arina, Afanasyeva Vika, Tikhonova Lika, An Alena, Martusova Nastya and Ermachenko Natasha.

Song "Barbariki" - Maksimova Alena, Belozerova Ulyana

Attention! The solemn line dedicated to the opening of the children's school health camp is declared closed.

Presenter 3: How nice that someone once
Decided to make the kids happy.
For this, you just need
Open a summer camp at the school!

Presenter 1:

Seems like it should!
What a delight, what a success!
Brings kids summer camp
Health, joy, strength, laughter!
-And in conclusion, we will listen to the song "Friendship" performed by Polina Sherstoboeva

Don't let the apparent complexity of the event scare you. You can always find one ready birthday script in the classroom". And the most creative ones can be invited to create a program on their own.

As you know, childhood is a time of discovery and magic. And the birthday is perhaps the most significant and exciting holiday of this wonderful time. All of us, as children, were waiting for gifts and surprises. And the holiday at school should not be an exception.

How is the birthday usually celebrated? A birthday scenario in a large team most often involves congratulating not individual children, but everyone who was born, for example, in a certain period. It can be spring, winter or autumn birthdays. In order to reach everyone, the teacher should organize such a celebration several times a year.

Birthday party at the school camp - script

Consider how you can arrange such an event during the holidays. If you decide to organize a birthday party at a summer camp, the scenario allows for more freedom of action than in academic year. Most likely, we will talk about the celebration for those children who were born in the summer.

It would be better if you "scatter" them by months and, accordingly, by the signs of the zodiac.

Needless to say, how much pleasure such a holiday will bring to any of the heroes of the day, how his authority in the eyes of his peers will rise!

So, what kind of tasks await the one who decided to develop the script "Birthday Day"?

The scenario for children necessarily involves a treat, because what a birthday without sweets! The festive menu should be prepared economically enough so as not to go beyond the budget.

The next important point is how to decorate and how to decorate the room where the event will take place. Then - think over the program and provide for a sufficient number and variety of games and competitions.

Take care of musical accompaniment, small gifts for those present and, if possible, hold a "photo session". After all, memorable photos from the holiday will be one of the most memorable gifts for all participants.

Now more

So, let's look at everything point by point. What should be the treat for the children of the whole class in this case? You should immediately abandon the difficult-to-prepare dishes that require time-consuming, perishable foods, a large number of dishes and inconvenient to prepare. As a rule, such food at children's parties is not a success.

A win-win option is fruit (pre-washed), small chocolates or bars, sweets, dry pastries (cookies, crackers), juices in individual packages (preferably with straws) or other drinks that do not contain dyes and preservatives.

You should focus on the age of the children. The older they are, the more variety in treats you can afford. For kids, the requirements for the table should be more stringent in order to avoid trouble. Especially be aware that someone may be allergic to certain foods.

If you have a birthday at the camp, the scenario necessarily involves the presence of a large cake. Without it, the holiday will lose half of its charm. The more original the cake is decorated, the better. Children's themed holiday cakes in the form of favorite characters or even a whole fairy-tale meadow are especially popular.

It is best to choose disposable, plastic or paper dishes for celebrating a birthday at school or camp. It is practical and inexpensive. Nowadays, it is possible to buy a lot of its festive options, decorated with funny children's drawings. Besides plastic plates and cups are safe and do not require washing.

Preparing the scene

When the birthday is celebrated in the camp, the script must necessarily include a suitable decoration of the room. This is one of highlights, because it is it that creates the atmosphere of the holiday.

Traditionally, the most popular attributes for this are - Balloons different colors and sizes, single and assembled in compositions.

Also popular paper garlands both self-made and purchased. Now on sale you can find options for all occasions. Flowers from corrugated paper, you can make them yourself, showing maximum imagination.

Ideas for decoration

A great idea is to hang streamers or ready-made posters with cheerful congratulations. It would be even better if you make them yourself with the involvement of children in this activity. Such a technique always has a huge success - birthday people bring their own children's photos, which are used in class design. Considering them and guessing who is who is one of the favorite activities of children.

It will be especially great if you spare no effort and make a magical holiday tree that can be decorated with notes with wishes, small toys, souvenirs, tiny postcards and other elegant trifles.

Scenario of the holiday "birthday" in the camp or school

The script of the holiday as such refers to the most important part of the event. Of course, the easiest way is to invite professional animators, dumping all the worries on them.

But there are plenty of other options as well. For example, a pre-prepared initiative group dresses up as their favorite fairy-tale characters and arranges a real performance for the birthday people.

To do this, teachers should pre-select children who are able to perform with original spectacular numbers - songs, dances, skits or expressive recitations.

To involve the maximum number of participants, you can come up with a competition where everyone says their own congratulations and wishes for birthdays.

You can ask the children to remember and prepare in advance short comic stories with funny memories from the life of birthday people. The script may also include a large number of games and various competitions. Below we will look at some of them.

"Chamomile". When preparing such a competition, creativity and a sense of humor are required. Using sheets of white paper, a large chamomile is made, on the petals of which funny tasks are written in advance. Children have to take turns tearing off paper petals and doing what is written, for example, jumping, crowing, portraying various characters, etc.

"Guess". Papers with the names of the guests are folded into one hat, and funny questions are put into the other. The facilitator invites the participants to take turns pulling out and reading out funny questions and the names of those to whom the "answers" refer. Such an activity can cause a real explosion of fun.

Alternatively, as answers, you can indicate the names of literary characters and other nouns. Then the game of questions and answers will look like this. Question: "What do you want for your birthday?" Answer: Scarecrow. Question: "What is your name?" Answer: "Old Woman Shapoklyak". Question: "Who is your best friend?" Answer: "Eeyore the donkey".

Predictions. A bunch of small items (pencils, pens, toys, fridge magnets) are packed and randomly removed from a box or hat. Each item has a prediction. Pull out the pen - you will become an excellent student. Toy car - you will go on a trip. Toy pussy - parents will give a kitten, etc.

If space permits, when the birthday is celebrated in the camp, the scenario may include active competitions in the form of relay races. Such games are especially popular, because children get bored of sitting still for a long time. Most often, these are relay races for passing various small objects to each other - toys, balls (which should not burst), fruits, etc.

Of course, when holding such relay races in a confined space, precautions must be taken so that children do not knock each other down. The task in the form of a game of excess is popular, when participants run around chairs to the music (there are always one more players than chairs). As soon as the music is turned off, everyone tends to take a free chair. Those who fail to do so are out of the game.

Then one chair is removed, the action is repeated again with a smaller number of participants. This continues until the remaining two begin to fight for the only chair. The absolute winner is the one who was able to win it back from the opponent. Well, if it will be one of the birthday people.

Especially a lot of fun and laughter is brought by the relay race with the transfer of balloons to each other, which strive to constantly burst with a deafening sound. Balls, in addition, can be painted bright colors, competing for speed with other participants.

A good and inexpensive attribute for funny contests- plastic disposable tableware. It's fun to fold pyramids out of cups - who is faster. On flat plates, you can write tasks or humorous wishes, then hang them on ropes using clothespins. For example, you can organize a game of forfeits, when blindfolded children cut off tasks written on such plates with scissors. Just follow the safety precautions, because kids and scissors are always a dangerous combination.

Another great accessory children's holiday, which in Lately became almost obligatory bubble. They will not only instantly create a festive atmosphere, but also allow you to come up with a considerable number of additional fun contests.

It's a good idea to take magnetic darts, lots of small rubber balls, or board games with large pieces. In general, everything is suitable: sheets of white paper, postcards (the larger, the better), felt-tip pens, markers, and even rolls of plain paper. toilet paper. With it, you can organize a lot of fun games, such as "swaddling a mummy."

What will we give?

As for gifts, it is very difficult to give specific recommendations. The approach here must be individual. In most cases, it is most reasonable to give all birthday people small gifts of the same type, most often in the form of memorable souvenirs. It would be nice to attach a postcard with personal wishes to each of them.

In other cases, it is possible to select gifts, taking into account the tastes of each. These can be small toys, bright attractive stationery, books (if you know exactly what this child is interested in).

Gifts should be approximately equal in value and not cause envy or rivalry in children.

Photo! Photo! Photo!

The final photo shoot is always very popular with children of any age. Everyone, from toddlers to teenagers, loves to be photographed hugging friends, wearing fancy dress or taking funny poses. To make the process even more interesting, you can stock up on some funny noses, wigs, mustaches on sticks and fake glasses without glasses in advance.

If the photographs are subsequently printed and hung in a school corner on a stand, the memory of the fun event will be "canned" and will encourage children to continue the tradition of such wonderful holidays.

Despite certain organizational difficulties in carrying out such an action, children, having felt attention and interest in themselves, literally flourish. Their creative abilities and ability to communicate are given an impetus to new development. Therefore, one should not spare the effort and means for holding such events.

Hello boys!
Hello girls!
Today we have a big holiday. Today is our birthday day.
We congratulate summer and autumn birthdays today.
Summer and autumn come in their turn
In it, every month, without a doubt,
Gives us what we've been waiting for all year -
A wonderful holiday - a birthday.
Parents and friends gathered
To congratulate the birthday
But where are they? I don't see
Who do we celebrate today?
Show up, come out
Birthdays soon.
Birthdays come out
Teacher: The sun is shining brightly
It's warm in the air
And wherever you look
Everything around is light.
Under these warm rays of the sun were born _____ years ago:
— Lankin Slava June 12
— Kostya Kucherenko July 7
- Krasnoyaruzhskaya Yulia July 28
— Masha Leontyeva July 31
— Pichugin Vlad August 7
— Kulieva Vlada August 25
Autumn. Colored leaves are falling from the trees, rain is falling. On one of those days, September 8, ____ years ago, was born
- Yavorsky Maxim. He inherited from autumn the playfulness of the autumn rain.
Student: Dear children!
Putting in your efforts,
We hasten to tell you
Our wishes!
We wish you for years:
Fun - ONCE!
Health - TWO!
Student: Do not leave your friends,
Be responsible for them.
Don't offend them
Nobody in the world.
Teacher: Never get angry
Never grumble.
Be cheerful everywhere and always!
After all, a man without a smile -
These are the strings without the violin!
The teacher invites the birthday people to sit down at the table.
From our girls
Accept a gift.
You will appreciate the dance.
Dance (Russian folk)
Teacher: Now let's have some fun. I ask you to leave first birthday people.
First, we will divide into 4 teams: 2 birthdays, the rest are not birthdays. And choose the jury:
So that we do not doubt your competence, dear jury, I will ask you to take an oath. Repeat after me:
“We, the distinguished jury, in front of all those present in the hall, swear:
Judge honestly and fairly
Take jokes and don't scold.
If I break my oath, then let the stern hand of the fan punish me.
I swear! I swear! I swear!
1. Come up with a team name.
2. Come up with a team motto.
3. Choose a captain (out of 2 birthdays - cards are pulled out)
1. Competition of captains "Blitztournament"
1. What elephant does not have a trunk? (at chess)
2. What happened on February 31st? (there is no such day)
3. The table cover has 4 corners. One corner was cut off. How many corners does the table have? (five)
4. She is motley, eats green, gives white (cow)
5. Name a children's humorous film magazine. (Yeralash)
6. What beetle bears the name of the month in which it was born? (May)
7The Vegetable In Which Babies Are Found (Cabbage)
8. Snowman nose (carrot)
9. Preparation for Cinderella's carriage (pumpkin)
10. What vegetable was called to dig in Antoshka's song? (potato)
11. What are the names of hares that were born in the fall? (fall leaves)
12. A product that is obtained from beets and cane (sugar)
13. Underground railway (metro)
14. Red-cheeked senior (tomato)

2. Competition with not birthday people, but for birthday people.
Before you go to your birthday, you need to prepare a gift and compose a beautiful and unusual congratulations for a postcard. Usually in gifts we write the same thing: dear, dear, etc. And how nice it is to hear original, not boring words on this day. Let's celebrate our unique birthdays.
3. Competition "Cooks"
For a certain time, it is necessary to draw up a festive menu, the names of dishes in which begin with the first letter of the name of your birthday: for example, Masha - dishes with "M". Then take turns reading your list. Whoever says the last word wins.
4. Competition "Gift"
Let's think about what we still lack ..? Well, gifts, of course. Each team will think about what gift (2 birthdays - 2 gifts) they would like to receive or give and let us know about it. Depict your gift with facial expressions and gestures.
5. Competition "Changeling":
Well, now it's time to think about how we will have fun. I propose the following competition "Changeling":
1) A monkey was hanging from a tree, not at all like a pineapple, orange in color.
2) It’s sad to stand in one place alone, and it’s even worse to read poetry alone.
3) They are sailing, sailing from the nearest village, bad strangers, sad enemies.
4) The ocean ends with a black swamp, and separation begins with tears.
6. Competition of birthdays "Artists"
Draw a cat blindfolded.
Draw a big circle
Above is a small one.
At the crown - two ears -
This will be the head.
Draw for beauty
Bigger his mustache.
Here is a fluffy tail ready -
You are more beautiful than all cats!
7. Contest "Captain's Dress"
8 clothes bags
The song "Birthday in the class" is performed by Zhenya Saprunov, Tim Mantrov

We celebrate birthdays countless times.
There is a wonderful holiday in our class.

Was you born in autumn or in spring,
Doesn't matter - summer or winter,
Have fun and rejoice, this holiday is yours!
All your friends are having fun together.

They love to receive all the gifts on the holiday,
We are no exception, we want to tell you
And we love to give them, if you want to know.
We will sing songs, dance, play.

There is a wonderful holiday in our class,
We celebrate birthdays, how many times, do not count.
Birthday party is good news!
It's great that we're here again!
Teacher: Birthdays, attention!
I'm happy to tell you:
Now they want to congratulate you
Your best friends!
It's time for the gifts...
Student: We congratulate you together,
Our joy is visible.
Sorry, birthday
Only once a year
The song “Let them run awkwardly” is performed by All in unison.
Teacher: And at the end of the holiday, I want to address the birthday people.
Happy birthday, I congratulate you.
On this day, I wish you
To grow up as good people
They were kind and nice.
Be healthy and happy
Cheerful on weekdays and holidays,
Like trees in a field, grow freely.
Parents to the joy, power to the rescue.
And now is the time to sit down at the sweet table.
We want to congratulate you on your birthday and wish you!!! Leave all your problems Gather friends, go for a walk. Here are congratulations from your loving friends A good mood let it come soon.
Congratulations, happy birthday to you!!! On this holiday, your best friends May there be happiness, beauty, love, success! Masha, you are the best! Let the boys admire you! Be successful and be proud of yourself Around the fun, only joy, loud laughter. Masha you are the best!

A grandmother appears on the screen - she runs, fusses.
Grandmother: What to do, how to be,
What to give your granddaughter?
After all, my Mashenka
Today's birthday.
I will give Mashenka
A jar of jam.
Oh, and maybe fungi?
Or pickled cucumbers?

Story: No, grandma. I know what to give your granddaughter.
Grandmother: What, what? Speak quickly!
Story: Kolobok
Grandmother: Where can I get it?
Story: Bake
Grandmother: From what?
Story: From flour
Grandmother: Yes, no flour!
Story: And you scrape the bottom of the barrel, mark the barn, maybe two handfuls, and there will be enough!
Grandmother: Oh, really, I’ll run, I’ll look for flour.
Story: And we, guys, will help an old grandmother now, pour milk, pour flour, and knead the dough (in a wooden bowl, with a wooden spoon. Kneads the dough (fake). Puts the dough on the screen. Well, grandmother will come, and the dough is already ready!
Grandmother runs out, pours flour on the dough, is surprised:
Grandmother: I carry, I carry flour,
I'll start kneading the dough
I'll bake a bun
and the gift is ready!
(the dough is put on a shovel and carried into the oven)
I'll put it on a shovel
I'll put it in the oven
Let the sides blush
Well, I'll sleep for now! (leaves)

Masha: There is no more wonderful holiday, Tra-la-la-la,
My friends are coming for my birthday!
And I'm waiting for an old grandmother to visit
I love birthdays the most!
I still have a lot of work to do: wash the floor, lay the tablecloth, set the table (leaves)

Story: Something tasty spirit pulled out of the oven. I'll take a look there guys. And then our Kolobok will burn (takes it out, fans it with a handkerchief). The old grandmother fell asleep, and Kolobok almost burned down, they got him in time (shows the bun to the children).
From behind the screen a voice is heard - Oh, Oh. Oh…

Story: What is it?
Gingerbread Man: Oh, oh...
Story: Guys, the Gingerbread Man is alive. The narrator is talking to the kolobok:
Kolobok: Let me go soon, I need to visit me.
Story: So that you don't get cold, Gingerbread Man, I'll knit you a scarf: Grandma will wake up, slowly get there.

Gingerbread Man: "I, Gingerbread Man, Gingerbread Man,
on the bottom of the barrel,
scraped across the barn,
mixed with sour cream "

Story: He rolled along the path, he was in a hurry to visit.
Suddenly, at the old Christmas tree, he met a wolf.
Wolf: Hello, glorious bun!
Where are you going, friend?

Wolf: I haven't eaten at all since morning,
Now I'll eat you!

Come with me quickly.
Wolf: I don't have a gift
Gingerbread man: Narvi Mashenka bouquet!
Story: Here Kolobok and Wolf are running along the road. And towards them Mishka from the lair.
Bear: Hello, glorious bun!
Where are you going, friend?
Kolobok: I'm rolling along the path, I'm in a hurry for my birthday.
Bear: I haven't eaten at all since morning,
Now I'll eat you!
Kolobok: Today Masha is waiting for guests,
Come with me quickly.
Bear: I don't have a present
Gingerbread man: And you give her honey.

Hare: Hello, glorious bun!
Where are you going, friend?

Kolobok: I'm rolling along the path, I'm in a hurry for my birthday.
Today Masha is waiting for guests,
Come with me quickly.
Bunny: I'll definitely go
I'll take a sweet carrot!

Kolobok: We run along the path
We are in a hurry for a birthday

Fox: A fox - red tail
Will you take with you to visit?
How long have I lived in the forest
And she wasn't visiting.
I will give for Masha
My red coat

Masha: Oh, how many guests! I'm glad, come on, come on!
Kolobok: Aren't you going to eat me?
After all, it's your birthday
I must be a gift!

Mashenka: You came to visit today
You will be a welcome guest!
A best gift for me
You are my friends!

Kolobok: Let's sing a birthday song and give it to Mashenka!

Masha: There is a wonderful holiday in the world,
And all the children love him very much,
On this day, we invite guests,
We decorate the table with pies.
This is such a birth
It's all without exception
It's waffles and cookies
Chocolates and jam.
If there are birthday people here
We sing this song in their honor!

Music "Grandma - old women"

We sit on potty
All day usually
We look at each other
and groan habitually
We sit and do business
Yes, we are still timid
We all go to the nursery
And we don't regret it.

Babysitters, cooks, teacher and laundress
Head kindergarten, a nurse, a methodologist to boot.
Aunts, aunts - we respect you,
And that's why we're here now!
We wish you well, happiness and health,
And the salary so that it was with a cow's tongue,
We wish you long years and a clear road,
And also to appearance was always wonderful.
May the boss always respect you too,
And a parent should never offend.
All live well and do not lose heart,
If they give a reprimand, sneeze at him!


Time slipped by imperceptibly
And the time has come for congratulations
We have a big celebration here
And in honor of the hero of the day, our singing
Our anniversaries, we are for you
This song was written together
Here's a talent found in yourself,
And, frankly, they were surprised.

Chorus: You worked together for more than a year,
And you've had a lot of trouble
And today we have a request:
So that you forget grief!

We wish you many years
Cheerfulness, health and success,
You are now fifty
And it's kind of new for us to hear that.
But we consider you young
You are very well preserved
Let the years run in documents
But in life so that they are not reflected!
