Scenario for the day of the defender of the fatherland for youth. Scenario of the holiday for the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland "Young Defenders of the Fatherland

MBOU Novotroitskaya secondary school Tatarsky district

Novosibirsk region

Teacher primary school

Biryukova Valentina Alekseevna

Scenario for Defender of the Fatherland Day

TARGET: - to form students' cognitive interest;

To educate students' communication skills, positive emotions;

Raise respect, love and pride for the country.

Organization of children's leisure.

EQUIPMENT: Children's drawings , congratulations poster , pictures of dads military uniform, sound recordings of military songs, balls, newspapers, boxes, a tray with toys, 2 sets of numbers 1-30, emblems with team names, stars, balls and rackets, rings, hoops, baskets, sheets of paper, diplomas, postcards, prizes, flowers, presentation.

The hall is festively decorated, there is a poster with congratulations on the board, children's drawings about Russian Army.


Music plays and a presentation is shown. to this tune, the boys enter the classroom to the applause of the girls.

Host: February 23 - Defenders of the Fatherland Day. Our whole country solemnly celebrates this holiday. A lot of time will pass, and our boys will come to replace the current soldiers of our army. To be a defender of your loved ones, your Motherland is a sacred honor for any person! So it was and so it will be! The defenders of our Motherland are the Russian Army and Naval fleet, these are our pilots, soldiers, sailors and border guards.

All the girls say in unison:

Student 1.

Our own army

And brave and strong.

Not threatening anyone

She protects us.

Student 2.

On a winter day, frosty and transparent,

On outposts, ships, in regiments

We celebrate the holiday of formidable power,

Shield and sword clutching in hands.

Student 3.

And today they cherish the dawns

From someone else's evil fire

Rocket hitting without a miss

And hearts are reliable armor.

Student 4.

We celebrate this date

With a dream of happiness for all.

The firmer the tread of a soldier,

The louder the childish laughter.

(Children sing the song “My Army” (music by E. Hanok, lyrics by I. Reznik).

staging of the poem.)

Student 1.

We are still guys

And we walk like soldiers!

Let's serve in the army

Let's keep the Motherland!

So that we always have

It's good to live in the world.

Student 2.

I'll be a bold tanker

I'll take my tank everywhere.

Student 3.

I am my formidable rocket

I'll get the target in the starry sky!

Student 4.

I'm sure guys

I will be a military pilot!

Student 5.

I'm a fearless captain

I'll sail the oceans!

Student 6.

I want to be an officer

To go on the attack first!

Student 7.

We all have one motto:

"Don't step back."

No wonder people say:

"A soldier is always a soldier!"

Student 8.

Strength, knowledge, courage, skills

We will give to the Fatherland in full.

Army Beloved Birthday

Celebrating a great country.

(Children sing the song “The crew is one family” (music by V. Pleshak, lyrics by Yu. Pogorelsky).

staging of the poem.)

Student 1.

We play, we play

We are tankers, sailors,

We launch rockets

We love ringing blades.

Student 2.

We dream, we dream

That when we grow up

Then we will become tankers

And let's go to serve in the Navy.

Student 3.

To the border

And in sappers

in pilots,

In the submarine fleet.

Students (together).

We will grow up very soon

Until then the game is on!

The children sing the song "Good Soldiers" (music by A. Filippenko, lyrics by T. Volgina) and leave to prepare for the competition.

The dance "Apple" is performed for the guests.

1st girl- The people's memory keeps the exploits of Alexander Nevsky and Dmitry Donskoy, the names of Minin and Pozharsky, the brilliant victories of Alexander Suvorov and Mikhail Kutuzov.2nd girl-Two dates will never be erased from the memory of our people: June 22, 1941 - the day of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War and May 9, 1945 - Victory Day.1st girl -On the Victory Day, we remember the heroes who courageously defended every inch of their native land. Victory Day for us - and the Day of Remembrance for all who
not destined to return...
2nd girl-The main characters of the Defender of the Fatherland Day are military people. But according to tradition, this day is also considered the Day of real men - brave and strong, smart and honest, dexterous and courageous, brave and noble.Leading-In order for peace and tranquility to always reign in our Fatherland, we must be ready to defend it!-Can schoolchildren present in this hall become defenders of the Fatherland? The answer to this question will be given by the war game "Defenders of the Fatherland". We present you two commands: Artillerymen and Scouts! I explain the task: you have to complete difficult tasks!

Jury presentation

The teacher builds teams and conducts competitions.)

Game "Captains". The teacher quickly calls the commands "sit down", "stand up", "right", etc. They should be performed only if the word "captains" is said. The game "Remember!". You need to remember in one minute what toys were on the tray (three trays, three sets of toys). Game "Star Bouquet". The captain of the team is blindfolded, in front of him are five stars of various colors. He needs to collect only red stars. Other team members say: “Take it!”, “Don't take it!”, helping him in this. The game "Do not drop!". Players need to carry the ball on the racket without dropping it. Game "Ring toss". Players throw rings on a specially prepared column. The one who throws the most rings wins. Artillery game. -Very often the outcome of the battle depends on the accuracy of the gunners. You can’t do without them at our holiday! The first stage- The cannon suddenly ran out of shells. You need to make them yourself: you need to crumple a sheet of newspaper with one hand (do not help with the other!) into a ball - this will be a shell. The second stage- And now - artillery preparation! Our gunners must hit the target with their own shells. We're throwing paper balls to the wastebasket. Teams receive a point for each hit. Game Scouts. - So that the cannons hit accurately, So that the flag of victory is raised, Let intelligence report to us: “What else is the enemy up to?” Find the secret letter On the stands scattered stickers with numbers from one to thirty. Stickers should peel off easily.- The secret letter is hidden in four stickers hidden under certain numbers. On my command, you need to find the numbers on the stand and rip off the stickers. The first person to do this is considered the recipient of the secret letter! Attention! Three! Eleven! Twenty two! Eight! Who is the first? "The main thing is patience" - There are no easy things in war! It is difficult to dig trenches, it is not easy to go on the attack, but the most difficult thing is to wait when you so want to act! We are holding a competition “The main thing is patience”: on my command, count to yourself, and when you decide that two minutes have passed, say “Ready! » And I will watch the time. Game "Launching Aircraft". Children make and fly paper airplanes by aiming at the hoop.

(Summing up, awarding the winning team.)Performing a staged song "Cap white "(Music. V. Model, lyrics by Z. Alexandrov), (children in the form of sailors).We congratulate the boysAnd we wish them good health.
To grow big
And they were excellent.
A group of girls comes out and reads poetry: Our pugnacious halfWe send our congratulationsThere are reasons for congratulationsHooray! the defenders of the country.When to your brawls
We look at the changes
We believe: with your preparation
We will always protect the country.
Let it bloom under the eyeThe bruise is purple-blue.Teaching is hardThe fight will be much easier.Enemies will not be laughing there:
So the good fellows will treat them!
That, throwing down your armor,
They rip in all directions.
And we are under your protectionWe can live quite calmly.As long as your backs are strongWe will have nothing to worry about.So let's go friends
With all my heart, without further ado,
Protect us from all adversity
But only, chur, without bruises!

Student 1. Glory to the beloved army - the best on earth! Student 2. For everything that we have now, For each of our happy hours, For the fact that the sun shines on us, Thanks to the valiant soldiers, Who once defended the world. Student 3. Thank you, soldiers, for life, for childhood, for spring, for silence, for a peaceful home... Students(together). For the world we live in. (The song “My grandfather,hero! ”(Music N. Weiner, lyrics by A. Weiner). Children give greeting cards to veterans, grandfathers, dads, boys

MBOU Novotroitskaya secondary school Tatarsky district

Novosibirsk region

Primary school teacher

Biryukova Valentina Alekseevna

Scenario for Defender of the Fatherland Day

TARGET: - to form students' cognitive interest;

- to cultivate the communication skills of students, positive emotions;

Raise respect, love and pride for the country.

- organization of children's leisure.

EQUIPMENT: Children's drawings , congratulations poster , photos of dads in military uniforms, sound recordings of war songs, balls, newspapers, boxes, a tray with toys, 2 sets of numbers 1-30, emblems with team names, stars, balls and rackets, rings, hoops, baskets, sheets of paper, diplomas, postcards, prizes, flowers, presentation.

The hall is festively decorated, there is a poster with congratulations on the board, children's drawings about the Russian Army.


Music plays and a presentation is shown. to this tune, the boys enter the classroom to the applause of the girls.

Host: February 23 - Defenders of the Fatherland Day. Our whole country solemnly celebrates this holiday. A lot of time will pass, and our boys will come to replace the current soldiers of our army.

To be the defender of your loved ones, your homeland is the sacred honor of any person! So it was and so it will be! The defenders of our Motherland are the Russian Army and Military Navy, these are our pilots, soldiers, sailors and border guards.

All the girls say in unison:

Student 1.

Our own army

And brave and strong.

Not threatening anyone

She protects us.

Student 2.

On a winter day, frosty and transparent,

On outposts, ships, in regiments

We celebrate the holiday of formidable power,

Shield and sword clutching in hands.

Student 3.

And today they cherish the dawns

From someone else's evil fire

Rocket hitting without a miss

And hearts are reliable armor.

Student 4.

We celebrate this date

With a dream of happiness for all.

The firmer the tread of a soldier,

The louder the childish laughter.

(Children sing the song “My Army” (music by E. Hanok, lyrics by I. Reznik).

staging of the poem.)

Student 1.

We are still guys

And we walk like soldiers!

Let's serve in the army

Let's keep the Motherland!

So that we always have

It's good to live in the world.

Student 2.

I'll be a bold tanker

I'll take my tank everywhere.

Student 3.

I am my formidable rocket

I'll get the target in the starry sky!

Student 4.

I'm sure guys

I will be a military pilot!

Student 5.

I'm a fearless captain

I'll sail the oceans!

Student 6.

I want to be an officer

To go on the attack first!

Student 7.

We all have one motto:

"Don't step back."

No wonder people say:

"A soldier is always a soldier!"

Student 8.

Strength, knowledge, courage, skills

We will give to the Fatherland in full.

Army Beloved Birthday

Celebrating a great country.

(Children sing the song “The crew is one family” (music by V. Pleshak, lyrics by Yu. Pogorelsky).

staging of the poem.)

Student 1.

We play, we play

We are tankers, sailors,

We launch rockets

We love ringing blades.

Student 2.

We dream, we dream

That when we grow up

Then we will become tankers

And let's go to serve in the Navy.

Student 3.

To the border

And in sappers

in pilots,

In the submarine fleet.

Students (together).

We will grow up very soon

Until then the game is on!

The children sing the song "Good Soldiers" (music by A. Filippenko, lyrics by T. Volgina) and leave to prepare for the competition.

The dance "Apple" is performed for the guests.

1st girl

- The people's memory keeps the exploits of Alexander Nevsky and Dmitry Donskoy, the names of Minin and Pozharsky, the brilliant victories of Alexander Suvorov and Mikhail Kutuzov.

2nd girl

-Two dates will never be erased from the memory of our people: June 22, 1941 - the day of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War and May 9, 1945 - Victory Day.

1st girl

-On the Victory Day, we remember the heroes who courageously defended every inch of their native land. Victory Day for us - and the Day of Remembrance for all who
not destined to return...

2nd girl

-The main characters of the Defender of the Fatherland Day are military people. But according to tradition, this day is also considered the Day of real men - brave and strong, smart and honest, dexterous and courageous, brave and noble.


-In order for peace and tranquility to always reign in our Fatherland, we must be ready to defend it!

-Can schoolchildren present in this hall become defenders of the Fatherland? The answer to this question will be given by the war game "Defenders of the Fatherland". We present you two commands: Artillerymen and Scouts! I explain the task: you have to complete difficult tasks!

Jury presentation

The teacher builds teams and conducts competitions.)

Game "Captains". The teacher quickly calls the commands "sit down", "stand up", "right", etc. They should be performed only if the word "captains" is said.

The game "Remember!". You need to remember in one minute what toys were on the tray (three trays, three sets of toys).

Game "Star Bouquet". The captain of the team is blindfolded, in front of him are five stars of various colors. He needs to collect only red stars. Other team members say: “Take it!”, “Don't take it!”, helping him in this.

The game "Do not drop!". Players need to carry the ball on the racket without dropping it.

Game "Ring toss". Players throw rings on a specially prepared column. The one who throws the most rings wins.

Artillery game.

Very often the outcome of the battle depends on the accuracy of the gunners. Our party is not complete without them!

First stage

The cannon suddenly ran out of shells. You need to make them yourself: you need to crumple a sheet of newspaper with one hand (in no case help with the other!) into a ball - this will be the shell.

Second phase

- And now - artillery preparation! Our gunners must hit the target with their own shells. Throw paper balls into the wastebasket. Teams receive a point for each hit.

Game Scouts.

For the guns to hit accurately,

To raise the flag of victory

Let intelligence report to us:

"What else is the enemy up to?"

Find the secret letter

On the stands scattered stickers with numbers from one to thirty. Stickers should peel off easily.

The secret letter is hidden in four stickers hidden under certain numbers. On my command, you need to find the numbers on the stand and rip off the stickers. Whoever does this first is considered the recipient of the secret letter!

Attention! Three! Eleven! Twenty two! Eight! Who is first?

"The main thing is patience"

There are no easy things in war! It is difficult to dig trenches, it is not easy to go on the attack, but the most difficult thing is to wait when you so want to act! We are holding a competition “The main thing is patience”: on my command, count to yourself, and when you decide that two minutes have passed, say “Ready! » And I will watch the time.

Game "Launching Aircraft". Children make and fly paper airplanes by aiming at the hoop.

(Summing up, awarding the winning team.)

Performing a staged song "Cap white "(Music. V. Model, lyrics by Z. Alexandrov), (children in the form of sailors).

We congratulate the boys

And we wish them good health.
To grow big
And they were excellent.

A group of girls comes out and reads poetry:

Our pugnacious half

We send our congratulations

There are reasons for congratulations

Hooray! the defenders of the country.

When to your brawls
We look at the changes
We believe: with your preparation
We will always protect the country.

Let it bloom under the eye

The bruise is purple-blue.

Teaching is hard

The fight will be much easier.

Enemies will not be laughing there:
So the good fellows will treat them!
That, throwing down your armor,
They rip in all directions.

And we are under your protection

We can live quite calmly.

As long as your backs are strong

We will have nothing to worry about.

So let's go friends
With all my heart, without further ado,
Protect us from all adversity
But only, chur, without bruises!

Student 1.

Glory to the beloved army -

The best on earth!

Student 2.

For everything we have now

For our every happy hour

Because the sun shines on us

Thank you brave soldiers

That defended the world once.

Student 3.

Thank you soldiers

For life, for childhood, for spring,

For silence, for a peaceful home ...


For the world we live in.

(The song “My grandfather,hero! ”(Music N. Weiner, lyrics by A. Weiner). Children give greeting cards to veterans, grandfathers, dads, boyspostcards , gifts made at labor lessons, and flowers.)

Holiday script (for elementary grades) dedicated to the day Defender of the Fatherland "Forward boys"

To the music, the host enters the hall.
Let the sun shine in the peaceful sky
And the trumpet does not call for a hike.
So that only in the exercises of soldiers
He went on the attack.
Let spring thunder instead of explosions
Nature awakens from sleep
And our children sleep peacefully
Today, tomorrow and always
Good health and happiness
To all those who defended our world.
And who is guarding him today,
And who fully gave the debt to the motherland!

Children march into the hall to the music of the Sailor

1 child.
Today is a special day
For boys and men
Defender of the Fatherland Day
Every citizen knows!

2 child.
To defend the motherland
In rain and snow
Every day comes out
Valiant Soldier

3 Child:
The winds blow in February
Howling in the pipes loudly.
Snake rushes along the ground
Light ground.

4 Child:
Rising, rushing into the distance
Aircraft links.
It celebrates February
Army is born!

Hello dear children and dear guests! You all know that the country will soon celebrate a wonderful holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day. Here we are gathered to congratulate our boys on this wonderful holiday. And today we will not only rest, have fun, but also see how smart, brave, strong our boys are. We have not just competitions, but competitions and they are called “Forward boys!”. And so the teams greet each other. And the first team

We wish everyone good luck
And it cannot be otherwise.

Our successes and your successes
This is not military armor at all!
Who will win - dexterity will decide

Presenter: The teams greeted each other, and it's time for us to start our Competitions, and for starters, we need to miss each other. And I invite you to participate in the first competition. In this competition. The blue half of the team will play. The task is you need to take the ball, hold it between your knees and jump to the landmark, and pass the ball back to the next participant by running.

Presenter: Well done guys, here we are with you and missed each other
Now I want to know how smart and mature our boys are. And in this competition, I propose to participate in the yellow half of the team. You must bring the ball to the landmark in a spoon and back without dropping it. Pass the spoon with the ball to the next. The main task of the team is not to drop the ball on the floor.

Host: and after such a difficult competition, I suggest that you all take a break. And our girls will give you their song

Song "Three Wishes"

Presenter: thanks to our girls, now we know their desires.
And we continue, and the next competition. Captains Look, in these envelopes are congratulations for each team. Attention task! Whoever collects the cut postcard faster is the commander and will add one point to his team.
(Attributes: 2 cut postcards)

Presenter: What smart and fast commanders we have

Both in the infantry and in the navy,
And on a warship
Hands strong in respect
There is not what is on earth!
If you're very lucky
You will also be in the Navy!

To be distinguished by enviable health,
Need to practice more!
Now let's do a visual lesson:
Which of you is the most accurate shooter.
The blue half of the team participates in this competition. Presenter: And so we listen to the tasks, you need to throw the ball into the basket, whose team will score more balls and get a point.

Leading: You guys are worthy of all praise! For such well-aimed and brave shooters, our girls want to give you their fabulous dance. "Bonna - Mom"

Girls dance

The task is not easy
Everyone is waiting for you ahead

Presenter: We already know how clever and skillful our boys are, but we will see how fast they are now.
The yellow half of the team participates in the next competition. The task is You need to jump to the landmark and back, then pass the baton to the next player.

Presenter: The soldier also needs rest,
To read a book.
Well, future soldiers
I suggest you play!
And for the next competition, I propose to play the Blue half of the team Leading: Rules of the game, you need to climb into the bag, jump to the landmark and back and pass the baton to the next player.

Presenter: And in this competition I want to know how friendly and strong our boys are
Presenter: these are our friendly strong boys. It is immediately clear that they are all fond of sports. And I want to tell you a secret that they are also very good dancers and I am announcing the last "Dance Competition"

We are glad in the sea
to take a watch,
Scour the floor like a deck
"Apple" to dance.

Capless and vest,
And on the anchor ribbons,
Large buckle on the belt
The sailor is not given in vain.

Presenter: well done guys, now let's sum up the results of our competition Which team won: in the meantime, the jury is conferring a surprise for you Dance is not parting friends

Host: The floor is given to the jury.
For solemn congratulations, the crew of the Mayak ship and the crew of the Aurora ship are invited


Happy Russian Soldier's Day,
Young beardless student! ..
You will grow older - for the country once.
Rise to death, formidable and great.
Only to any enemy in the sea,
Break in the air and on the ground,
Gotta do well in school
Love the great motherland!
Girls to live without fear,
Boys should serve in the army!!!

Presentation of memorable gifts
To the music, all the children leave the hall.


Lead 1.

On February 23, our country celebrates Defender of the Fatherland Day! We are well aware that the peaceful sky overhead, the peace of the citizens of the country, its honor and dignity are protected by the soldiers of the Russian Army: soldiers, pilots and tank crews, border guards and sailors.

Lead 2.

In all ages, the heroism and courage of the soldiers of Russia, the power and glory of Russian weapons have been an integral part of the greatness of the Russian state.

Lead 2.

Today, most Russian citizens consider Defender of the Fatherland Day not so much as the anniversary of the Great Victory or the Birthday of the Red Army, but as the day of real men.

Lead 1.

Congratulations to those who different years defended our homeland, and those who now protect our peaceful sleep.

Lead 2.

A person is inconceivable without the Motherland, the region, the place where he is born. Well, if there is a Motherland, Fatherland, where we live, where our ancestors lived, then we need people who can protect it.

And for our boys we will arrange competitions.

There will be tasks

for dexterity,

On the mind, ingenuity and knowledge,

For speed, for skill

Seriously, be patient

Well then, let's get started quickly.

We announce the start of our event. And what should be our defenders? They must be brave, strong, savvy, noble.

Today we will find out which of you will be able to defend our homeland.

Before our competitions begin, students of grades 2-4 will sing a song for boys “Our Army”

So we have 2 teams. 1 boys team, 2 boys team.

Competition "Young Defender of the Fatherland"

Guess items related to the army.

1. What is the name of the wooden part of the rifle? (butt)

2. Who obtains information about the enemy, about his location, number, armament? (scout)

3. What do officers wear their weapons in? (in holster)

4. What is the name of a sailor's summer headdress? (capless)

5. Winter outerwear soldier. (Overcoat)

6. How does a tank move on the ground? (using caterpillars)

7. What is the name of the festive passage of all groups and branches of the armed forces along Red Square? (parade)

And now Lisa Sidorenko and Yulia Bragina will read a poem to us.

Competition “Collect the word”.2 presenter

The teams are given a set of letters (on cards) scattered, (“PROTECTOR”, fatherland) and are invited to make a word from them that is suitable for our holiday. That team wins

which will form the correct word faster.

1 girl.
There are bumps on the forehead.
Under the eye - lanterns.
Well, if you are boys,
Then you are rich.
2 girl.
Scratches. Splinters.
Only iodine is terrible for you!
(Here, without hesitation, tears
The commander himself is pouring).
3 girl.
Let the head be green
And in plasters leg,
But there are still strengths
To defeat the enemy.
4 girl.
Stubborn, in the morning you
Back to battle, on patrol!
Scars from those battles
Remained so far.

The poem will be read by Anokhina Alina.

Competition "Military ranks".


The boys, as future soldiers, know the military ranks, and now we will check it. Each team takes turns calling military ranks; whoever is last - that team wins.

The composition of the military

Military ranks:



Soldiers and sailors

Private (cadet)

Sailor (cadet)
Senior sailor

Sergeants and foremen

Lance Sergeant
Staff Sergeant

Petty officer 2 articles
Petty officer 1st article
chief sergeant major
Chief ship sergeant major

Ensigns and midshipmen

Senior Warrant Officer

Senior midshipman

junior officers

Senior Lieutenant

Senior Lieutenant
Lieutenant Commander

senior officers

Lieutenant colonel

Captain 3rd rank
Captain 2nd rank
Captain 1st rank

senior officers

Major General
Lieutenant General
Colonel General
Army General
Marshal Russian Federation

rear admiral
Vice Admiral

Fleet Admiral

For boys, as future dads, girls of 8-9 grades prepared the song "Daddy's Girl".

Competition “Sharpshooter”(relay race).

All teams are built in two lines. Before the teams at some distance is placed plastic basket(bucket) and the teams are given balls (tennis or similar). The purpose of the competition: each member of the team throws the ball into the basket. Whichever team hits the most number of times wins. Each participant throws one time. They throw in pairs - the participant and his opponent.

And now students of grades 1-3 will sing us a song "The army is coming."

Competition "Patrol".

Our observation post is located on the "swamp". Found a bump, but very small (sheet of paper A4). It can only stand on one leg. Whoever stumbles first and "falls" into the "swamp" is eliminated from the competition.

Poem for boys from Ilona Matveeva.

Competition "Are you ready to work in the kitchen?"

Who will peel the potato faster and better.

Girls of the 9th grade also want to congratulate our boys with the song "Blue Handkerchief".

Competition “Compliment”

All participants participate. Girls must either be chosen by the teacher or invited by the participant himself, then at the end of the competition the quality of the invitation is also evaluated. A prerequisite: the team captain compliments a girl from another class. The participants speak in turn and the one who compliments last wins, and the opponent will not be able to add anything more. The lead teacher should ensure that the words are not repeated, and that the participants compliment while looking at the girls, and not to the side. Time for the competition - 2-3 minutes.

For you, congratulations from the girls of the 8th grade sound.

Competition "The most enduring"

Team captains participate in the competition. Their task is to sit as long as possible in a chair with arms and legs stretched forward.

The distinguished jury summed up the results. Certificates with valuable prizes are handed out.

There is only one such day in a year!

Congratulations to all the defenders of the country.

And we must congratulate our boys!

There is only one such day in a year!

Congratulations to all the defenders of the country.

And we must congratulate our boys!

There is only one such day in a year!

Congratulations to all the defenders of the country.

And we must congratulate our boys!

There is only one such day in a year!

Congratulations to all the defenders of the country.

And we must congratulate our boys!

There is only one such day in a year!

Congratulations to all the defenders of the country.

And we must congratulate our boys!

There is only one such day in a year!

Congratulations to all the defenders of the country.

And we must congratulate our boys!

There is only one such day in a year!

Congratulations to all the defenders of the country.

And we must congratulate our boys!

There is only one such day in a year!

Congratulations to all the defenders of the country.

And we must congratulate our boys!

There is only one such day in a year!

Congratulations to all the defenders of the country.

And we must congratulate our boys!

There is only one such day in a year!

Congratulations to all the defenders of the country.

And we must congratulate our boys!

There is only one such day in a year!

Congratulations to all the defenders of the country.

And we must congratulate our boys!

(fanfare sounds)

Ved.1. Good afternoon dear friends!
Ved.2. Hello reserve officers!
Ved.1. We are glad to meet you on such a significant day! After all, today we celebrate Defender of the Fatherland Day!
Ved.2. On this day and at this hour
We sincerely congratulate you!
Ved.1. Our dear ones!
Ved.2. Bold!
Ved.1. Sensitive!
Ved.2. Generous!
Ved.1. Wise!
Ved.2. Strong!
Ved.1. In a word -
Together. Real men!
Ved.1. There is a day on the calendar
It is marked with a red date,
Great holiday in February
Day of the warrior, Russian soldier.
On this day we congratulate
The male half of humanity
We dedicate poems and songs
To our defenders of the Fatherland!

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Ved.2. The floor for greetings and congratulations is given to the Chairman of the Council of Veterans of War, Labor and law enforcement Lysikov Alexander Pavlovich

Ved.1. On Defender of the Fatherland Day
Accept congratulations!
May you always be equal
Younger generation!

Ved.2. And our generation remembers this holiday as the Day of the Army and Navy!
Ved.1. We congratulate you warmly
Happy army and navy day,
Let there be joy
That someone remembers, honors and loves.
And let the smile flash
And let spring sing in my soul
Today is your holiday, men!

Ved.2. The word for congratulations is provided by ______________________________________________________________

Ved.1. On this solemn day, we appeal to you - our dear veterans! We bow before your great feat! Your fortitude and love of life never left you for a minute. Defense of the Motherland and honor have remained your ideals to this day. Our gratitude to you, and most best wishes health for many years to come.

Ved.2. The country is honoring today
Defenders of the Fatherland!
You are the children of your country
And the pride of mankind.

Like every year, on the day of the holiday
Let life give a happy chance
And good luck!

Song ___________________________________________________

Ved.2. We gathered together today -
And there are many reasons for this!
Congratulations sound and toasts -
Celebrate here - the holiday of men!

Ved.1. With every man who is in this room, we associate the image of a defender! After all, such words as military oath, duty, honor, fidelity are sacred and understandable to each of you! You are the golden fund of the Russian Army! The country, your relatives and friends are proud of you!

Ved.2. And each of them, for sure, will find for you words of sincere gratitude for the contribution that you made with your selfless work and the highest professionalism during your service.

Ved.1. Let me warm you today, on this February cold day. warm words spoken to you:

An officer! Congratulations!
You are the great defender of Russia!
Selflessly and tenderly loving,
You give her life, hope and strength!

Vedas. 2. May this day be beautiful, clear,
May happiness never fail.
Let the mood be wonderful
May your wishes always come true.

Song __________________________________________________

Ved.1. Dear men, agree that not only on holidays, but throughout your life, your faithful wives are the most faithful companions, ready to share the joy and everyday life of army life with you, patiently wait, take care of you and children, believe and love.

Ved.2. Officer's wife - hope and faith,
Support and strength in a loved one.
An officer's wife deserves a career
After all, he serves Russia as an officer himself.

Song _________________________________________________

Ved.1. To live means to be always on the road,
Go into a blizzard, through the darkness of a blizzard.
Ved.2. But the way is easier when with you
A good, true friend is coming.
Ved.1. And, as you know, army service is the strongest! And today I would like to wish all my fellow soldiers friends:

Ved.2. Comrade friends!
Let me congratulate you!
Let in your honor
The orchestra will play a brave march.

Ved.1. You would use the army of the country
Could lead us -
It is impossible not to appreciate
Your military talent.

Ved.2. Comrade friends!
I want to wish you
Always in everything - luck!
Success and good luck
In all earthly affairs!
Song __________________________________________________

Ved.1. Serving the Fatherland has always been and remains a real man's job, and today, summing up the service to the people, I would like to say:

Finished military work
And works do not call
And at night, flights are also dreamed of.

Ved.2. Like many of us
You are retired
And the alarm will not rise again.

Ved.1. In conscience you served
Didn't whine or whine
You are accustomed to not be offended by fate.

Ved.2. As before, the eye is true.
The order says: in reserve.
You just have to obey the order.

Ved.1. Let God judge
You did everything you could
It is not easy to leave the service.

Ved.2. Another life is calling
Your flight is not over
The habit is to achieve victory.

Ved.1. Dear men! Let joy become a frequent guest in your home, and good luck and luck will always be faithful companions!

Song ___________________________________________________

Ved.2. On this holiday of military prowess,
What protects us from harm
Ved.1. Let me tell you guys
About how we love you!
You are our support in life,
And behind a strong man's shoulder
Not afraid of any adversity
We don't care about failure!
Ved.2. Your home, defending boldly
You draw your sword on your enemies,
After all, the family is also the Motherland,
Which needs to be protected.
Ved.1. So let's drink for the holiday of courage!
Let the glasses of fireworks ring.
And these full bowls
We give you our love!

Song ___________________________________________________

Ved.1. Our dear men! You are strong and courageous people, ready at any moment to defend your native Fatherland! And we know it! For centuries you have kept faith in the power of Russia. And we are sure that nothing will happen to us and to Russia, as long as there are such men nearby, for whom fate and the Motherland are one.

You are our pride and love!
You are our passion and weakness!
The world would be lonely without you
And there would be no fairy tales in it!

Ved.2. Let the sun shine over the earth
And let there be no warrior.
And strength, our main hero,
It will only be for the good!

Song ___________________________________________________

Ved.2. Dear friends! It is rightly said: without a song there is no holiday. Songs cleanse our souls, set us up for good, make us think and dream, cry and rejoice. It's easier to live with them.

Ved.1. So be happy
And peaceful sky to you,
To make laughter sound
For a holiday every time
You, the viewer, know that
Wherever you are.
culture toil
Always for you.

Song ___________________________________________________

Ved.1. Our dear, respected men! We once again congratulate you on the Defender of the Fatherland Day! We sincerely wish you good health!

Ved.2. Happiness! Prosperity in all matters and undertakings! Inexhaustible strength and energy!

Ved.1. We love you and are proud of you! We wish you all the very best! We do not say goodbye, but we say goodbye to you! See you soon!

Song __________________________________________________

Prepared by: Podverbnaya I.A.
