manicure technology. We do manicure at home - step by step instructions

Not every woman can afford a manicure in expensive beauty salons, but everyone wants to have beautiful and well-groomed nails. Therefore, you just need to know how to do beautiful manicure on their own, without the help of a specialist. On this moment There are two main types of manicure: edged and unedged. The first is quite complicated and requires certain skills, the second is available to almost everyone.

We do trimmed manicure at home

You will need:

  • set of tools;
  • bath bowl;
  • essential oil;
  • liquid soap.

Girls often ask themselves the question: how to make a beautiful manicure without visiting beauty salons and without resorting to the help of a professional? After all, learning how to do a cut manicure at home is not such an easy task, but if you know some secrets and practice a little, then your nails will always look stunning. Every woman who wants to have beautiful and well-groomed hands should know the basics of manicure. The first step is to get quality tools. It is advisable to purchase a ready-made set, but if this is not possible, then buy only barb and nail scissors or tweezers, as well as a cuticle spatula (replaced). For beginners, these tools will be enough.

The technology for performing a manicure includes several stages. First of all, you need to steam the cuticle well: take a bath bowl, pour warm water into it, add a little liquid soap and a few drops of essential oil (fir, juniper, lavender or tangerine). In order to make the procedure more effective, use the following method: take gauze, pour a little sea salt into it, drip essential oil, tie it in a knot, dip it in a bath of water - then all the components will be distributed evenly, and oil drops will not float on the surface.

Instead of water, it is advisable to use an infusion of chamomile or calendula. As you know, these herbs have an excellent antiseptic effect, which in this case is simply necessary. Dip your hands in the bath for 10 minutes (this time is enough to thoroughly steam the cuticle). Take your hands out of the bath, push back the cuticles with a special spatula. Then take barbed scissors or tweezers, cut off the retracted cuticle. It is important to cut smoothly, avoiding jerky movements, otherwise you will end up with a ragged edge. Don't cut the cuticle too close to the skin or you could hurt yourself. After you have trimmed your cuticles, rub essential oil into them. Using this technique will help you make a cool manicure without resorting to the help of a master. With a little practice, you can easily trim the cuticle on your own, thereby saving a lot of money and time.

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Read also: Glitter manicure

We do unedged manicure at home

You will need:

  • cuticle removal gel;
  • orange stick or curette;
  • nail file;
  • nail scissors.

Many women are interested in: how to make a beautiful manicure without cutting the cuticles, is it possible to learn this on your own at home? Manicure technologies are constantly being improved, at present there is no need to think about how you can make your nails beautiful and well-groomed. After all, there is a wonderful tool that will help get rid of the cuticle without resorting to painful and difficult pruning.

Execution Technology unedged manicure quite simple, but there are nuances that you need to know. The first step is to cut the nails with special scissors. Never use nippers for this purpose, this can damage the nail plate. Shape your nails with a nail file.

It is important to file your nails in only one direction - then they will not exfoliate. The glass nail file must be moistened with water.

After you have shaped your nails, apply a special gel to the cuticle, hold for the time indicated in the attached instructions. If your skin around the nail plate is too rough, then one softener will not be enough. In this case, it is advisable to first make a bath, then use the gel to remove the cuticle. Apply the product only on one hand, otherwise the gel will simply dry out and not give the desired result.

Next, take an orange stick or a special curette for unedged manicure,. When using a wooden tool, it is not always possible to completely get rid of the cuticle, you may form a “fringe”, which is removed with barb scissors. Using a curette will help avoid such problems.

Manicure always looks beautiful on well-groomed nails. Therefore, it is important to know a few secrets that will help reduce the growth of the cuticle and make it softer. Rub in essential or olive oil into the skin around the nail at least once a day, take baths with herbs, use a special brush when washing your hands. These simple secrets will help you prevent the appearance of burrs, make the cuticle more accurate.

This season, the most contrasting trends coexist peacefully in manicure fashion. Choose what suits you best. Suggests Moscow Manicurist and Pedicure Master beauty salon"Sphere" Ada CHUGAEV.

Hands are always visible. In order for them to be in a well-groomed condition, they should be given attention. Once a week is enough.
For self-manicure you will need:
1. Small scissors if the nails are soft, or nippers if the nails are strong.
2. Miniature nail clippers.
3. Wooden stick: flat on one side and sharp on the other.
4. Nail files.
5. Nail brushes.

First stage. Using scissors or nippers, give your nails the desired length and shape. Then file your nails with a nail file. Do not forget that nails are always filed in one direction - from the sides to the middle. The file is at a right angle to the nail. Corners should not be cut deep.

When shaping your nails, remember a little optical tricks: rectangular nails should not be too long, and their tips should be slightly rounded; triangular nails with a wide base are filed ovally; long nail plates are preferably filed shorter.

Second phase. To soften the cuticle at the base of the nail, soak your fingertips in warm, soapy water for about three minutes. Before the "water procedure" you can lubricate the base of the nails with a mild liquid soap or a special liquid " cuticle remover".

Third stage. Wet the softened nail skin dry and gently slide it down with a wooden stick. Remove excess skin with sharp tweezers or cut off with nail scissors with curved edges.

Fourth stage. Rinse nails with a brush under running water. This procedure will clean the nails, remove the remnants of the nail skin. In addition, it is an excellent massage that strengthens the nails and provides them with good blood circulation.

Fifth stage. Often nails, permanently varnished, change their natural color. To "whiten" press your nails into the flesh of half a lemon. Rinse your hands with water after 3-5 minutes.

Sixth stage. Soak your nails in cream or oil. Rub with a pad thumb small in a circular motion starting from the root of the nail to its tip. Now your nails are ready to decorate them with varnish. Check if there is a greasy film left on the nail plates. To verify this, "walk" on the nails with a cotton swab dipped in nail polish remover.

What color to choose? When choosing a varnish, you should take into account not only the taste and your color preferences, but also the skin color of your hands. For dark skin, all warm colors are suitable: orange, copper, burgundy. The tenderness of pinkish skin will be shaded by pink colors of all shades and coral-reddish varnish. For pale "olive" skin, matte shades of white, pink and red are preferable.

The most resistant varnish - at least three layers. Moreover, the very first - the base - must initially dry completely. The varnish-base protects the nails from yellowing, so it is essential when using dark and bright varnishes. In addition, the base "smoothes" the roughness of the nail plates, facilitating the uniform distribution of colored varnish.

Colored varnish, applied in one or two layers, is covered with a top protective varnish. It is transparent and protects the colored varnish from fading and flaking. Close all vials carefully immediately after use. While the varnish is exposed, the solvent evaporates and the varnish thickens.

The edges of wide rectangular nails should be left colorless, covering only the middle with colored varnish. The wide base of the nail is also not completely painted over. Nails with a small surface should be grown longer and completely painted over. Dark and bright varnishes are contraindicated for such nails.

"Fun, catchy, unusual" is the motto of the current fashion. The aesthetics of nail jewelry is gradually returning to smooth plain nails a wide variety of colors and shades, with the exception, perhaps, only matte white.

Multi-colored nails noticeably lost their positions. They remained only a sign of youth fashion. Multi-colored nails are no longer relevant for "adult women" who have crossed the line of twenty-five years.

As long as they remain fashionable jewelry nails: feathers, pebbles, pictures. Drawings on the nails are applied with colored varnishes or special paints using the thinnest brushes or pointed wooden sticks such as toothpicks. At home, it is more convenient to use nail stickers that stick to the nails according to the instructions. Painted nails at work, or even more so in business negotiations, are considered a sign of bad taste. But for festive evenings or for trips to visit - they are great.

For a night out, coat your nails with two coats of silver or midnight blue nail polish; draw abstract pictures with black or silver varnish - stars, Christmas trees, crescents; Cover your painted nails with clear or glitter polish. For a daytime feast in sunny weather, use flower motifs: tulips, forget-me-nots, leaves, sunflowers. These drawings are best applied on a background of varnish yellow shades.

If you are going to a gala reception, then a blue and white landscape will do. Cover the base of the nail with white varnish, the middle with blue, and the tip with blue. Put a toothpick to the borders of the color bands and in a circular motion "mix" the still-dry varnish in the form of waves-curls. Stick pebbles on two or three nail plates or apply dots of silver glitter. You can add black stars or boats. Cover the entire composition with clear varnish.

For fun youth parties, a theater or a nightclub, sprinkle your nails with sparkling glitter and stick a feather on one nail of each hand. They are glued as follows: a feather is carefully applied to the wet second layer of varnish and held until dry. Then gloss and colorless varnish is applied to the nail. Do not forget - nails with feathers should not be wetted, otherwise the hands will take on a "shabby" look. In conclusion, I note that the shape of the nails is still considered an eternal classic, when they slightly protrude beyond the fingertips, soft oval or square. This elegant form of nails and their average length comfortable, beautiful and elegant.

Do not get carried away polishing the nail plates with buffs - polishing files that smooth the surface of the nails and give them shine. Frequent and excessive use of them thins the nail plate.

"Women Health"

Today, salons offer a wide range of manicure techniques - hardware, European, SPA, etc. But the most popular and popular is the classic - cutting technology, which can be performed both in a beauty salon and at home.

Classic manicure what is it?

Any type of manicure is designed to give the hands and nails a well-groomed look. In order not to get confused in the terminology of such broad methods, it is worthwhile to understand that classic manicure is synonymous with trimmed manicure. The word "cut" refers to the removal of the cuticle with a special tool - circumcision.

Among the advantages of a trimmed manicure are speed and ease of implementation, a minimum set of devices and tools, and, accordingly, lower financial costs. Edged manicure will guarantee a positive result even in the most neglected cases.

But, despite all this, there are also disadvantages, namely, to perform this type of nail treatment, you need some skill, otherwise you can get injured. To create a high-quality edged manicure at home, at least you need to watch the video tutorials of professionals, or carefully study this issue.

Classic manicure: a set of tools with a photo

Classic manicure at home implies the presence of special tools.

The shoulder blade is a pusher. Some girls completely forget about such a useful tool as a spatula. Or in professional jargon - a pusher. Depending on its purpose, it has various forms of ends. According to their purpose, pushers are divided into manicure.

The pusher has 2 working surfaces. Most often, 1 side is made in the form of a shoulder blade, and is intended directly for pushing back the cuticle. An orange stick can also perform the same function.

The 2nd part performs the function of a “scraper” and removes the thin skin that grows on the nail plate (pterygium). In addition, this tool can be used to clean the edges of the nail when heavily soiled.

When choosing, it is best to give preference to products made of medical steel. Of course, there are plastic and wooden specimens, but they are quite brittle, but they are not used at all in salons due to sterilization problems.

Equally important when choosing a tool is its convenience, namely the handle. In this regard, plastic and wood are most preferred, but metal ones often have serrations on the handle that allow you to hold the pusher in your hand.

It is worth paying attention to the shape of the spatula, the universal model is oval. Square when used can cause inconvenience, and even pain.

Nail files. In any case, a manicure cannot do without a nail file, even if the nails are not natural. With modern abundance various options It is difficult not to get confused and find the right model.

When choosing this tool, you need to pay attention to the following characteristics: abrasiveness, base and the material itself. The higher the abrasiveness, the finer the roughness of the spraying, respectively, the nail file is softer. This indicator is measured in Grits, and for natural nails, for a standard manicure, nail files with an abrasiveness of 200 - 300 Grit are quite suitable. Nail files with high abrasiveness - 900 - 1200 Grit are designed for polishing nails in order to give them shine.

It is best to give preference to options on a rubber and cardboard basis. Iron files are relics of the past. For owners of strong nails, it is quite possible to use sand or sapphire. If the nails are brittle and fragile, then it is best to give preference to fine-grained nail files with a buffer zone.

Nippers for cutting nails. What exactly to choose for cuticle removal is the choice of every woman. But as practice shows, most prefer the wire cutters. The modern market for manicure tools offers a wide selection.

As with pushers, it is best to give preference to nippers that are made of medical steel with hand sharpening. Such tools are the sharpest, which ensures high-quality manicure and prevention of burrs.

Among lovers home manicure the following brands of wire cutters are most popular: Zinger, Staleks, Yoko. Usually, the purchase begins with the Zinger company, but disappointment comes almost immediately. The forceps of such a company do not have enough weight, they are practically not felt in the hand, which makes it rather difficult to process nails. Moreover, they lack manual and even diamond sharpening, which significantly affects the quality of manicure and cutting ability. As a result, the nippers do not bite off the cuticle, but simply tear it off, therefore, after a couple of days, instead of beautiful, well-groomed fingers, great amount quite painful burrs.

Firms such as Staleks and Yoko have the most positive reviews. Moreover, they are recommended for home use even by professionals. The nippers of these firms are hand-sharpened, made of medical steel and have a wide range of models. By choosing the right model, which will be most convenient, you can forget about sharpening for a long time and enjoy a quality manicure for a long time. Staleks and Yoko trim the cuticle instead of pinching it off, so you can achieve a smooth cuticle edge and forget about burrs.

Curettes for manicure. This tool is designed to remove dead skin cells that can accumulate between the cuticle and nail. In general, the range of indications for curettes is quite large. This tool should be mandatory for people who are familiar with the problem of ingrown nails.

Outwardly, this tool is very similar to a dental excavator, by the way, if possible, it is best to use them. The working surface of the curettes can be different - in the form of a spoon or a spatula. They can be unilateral and bilateral. With the help of a curette, it is easy and convenient to remove the dry cuticle, which is located along the nail.

Classic manicure technology: sequence with photo

The most important condition neat manicure- nails should be the same length. To achieve this goal, nail clippers or scissors will help. And it is shaping that is the first thing you need to start a manicure with.

After cutting the nails, if necessary, and shaping them, you need to complete what you started with a nail file. An important condition is that only dry nails can be filed, otherwise there is a high probability that they will begin to exfoliate. When filing, the nail file should be located at an angle of 90 degrees, only in this case all layers of the nail will be filed evenly.

Only after processing the nails, you can proceed to the 2nd step - baths. This condition is necessary for the preparation of the cuticle. Thanks to the baths, it gains moisture and softens. If time is limited, you can use a special liquid to remove the cuticle, which will literally soften the skin in a matter of minutes and there will be no need to steam the nails.

Baths for nails can be made with sea salt, ordinary soap, essential oils and many others. ingredients you like. As a container for the procedure, you can use special manicure devices or the dishes that you can find at home. Water for baths should be warm, pleasant, it is best if it is at a body temperature of 36 - 37 degrees. The next step is to push back the cuticles. To do this, you can use a pusher, orange sticks. It is necessary to perform this manipulation as carefully as possible, try not to press in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe root of the nail. We must not forget about the cuticle at the side ridges. During its retraction, it is necessary that the spatula lies on the nail plate.

Then you can proceed directly to cutting the cuticle. At this stage, you must be especially careful, because this stage is quite traumatic. It is better to start trimming the manicure on the left hand on the left, on the right, respectively, on the right. And gradually move along the perimeter, not forgetting about the processing of the side rollers.

What kind of movements to do the work is a matter of skill. Professionals can cut the cuticle in one stroke, but at home, you can remove it in small pieces. The most important thing is to cut the cuticle, and not pinch it off, let alone tear it off.

Classic manicure: video

Despite the fact that the edged manicure is the most complex technique, it is the most common and effective, suitable for use on nails in any condition. It requires not only certain skills, but also a mandatory set of tools. After the classic treatment of nails, you can proceed directly to coating them with varnish.

Women who once discovered gel polish rarely go back to a regular manicure. Beautiful appearance and durability of the coating make it indispensable for busy ladies. Subject to the technique on the nails will not be within three or even four weeks.

Beautiful manicure

Today, manicure equipment and products are available to everyone. The point is small - study the sequence of coating nails with gel polish and you can start applying.

What you need for a manicure

At home, you need the same tools that are used in salons.

For a manicure you will need:

  • dehydrator;
  • base, color and top coat.

Base coat application

Today you can buy gel polish of different price categories. When choosing a base and top, do not save money, because the durability of the manicure depends on them.

Choosing a lamp

There are two types of lamps on the market - LED and UF. The sequence of applying gel polish does not depend on them, but the drying time of the nail plate depends. For manicure at home, most often they buy UF lamps, since they are much cheaper. Among the minuses are a long curing time and the need to change light bulbs. However, this does not affect the quality of the coating.

UV lamp

An LED lamp will cost several times more. It does not require replacement parts. In addition, the hardening time is much less - about 10 seconds. In addition to the high cost, the disadvantages of LED lamps include the fact that they are not suitable for some types of varnishes.

For home use, it is better to opt for a UV lamp. The main condition is the high power of the device.

Preparation for application

Any manicure should begin with the treatment of the nail plate and the removal of the cuticle. To do this, we lower our fingers into warm water, after which we carefully cut off the cuticle or push it away with a spatula.

Then we give the nails the desired shape and process them with a grinding file. It is better to choose an abrasive buff to remove the gloss. This will provide a better connection to the base.

The sequence of gel polish coating includes the treatment of nails with a dehydrator. It is applied with lint-free wipes. Thus, we remove excess fat and moisture. In extreme cases, you can use, but they are very dry and can even affect the final color.

At home, it is not necessary to apply a primer. If you want to follow the rules as much as possible, then apply it after treatment with a degreaser.

Application process step by step

Remembering what sequence of manicure with gel polish is quite simple. It uses the base, colored varnish and finish.

  1. First you need to apply a base coat on your nails. Use a quality base and you won't have to worry about how long the gel polish will last. The base also provides additional protection against coloring pigment. It must be applied in a thin layer so that voids do not form. It is better to leave quite a bit of the product on the brush and gently distribute it, starting from the tip of the nail. We seal the end. If gel polish gets on the skin, remove it with a wooden stick. Then dry in a lamp for 2 - 3 minutes (10 seconds if it is an LED lamp).
  2. Apply the color layer in the same way. Make sure that the product does not spread around the edges, otherwise bumps will form. Dry the gel polish in the lamp. Typically, 2-3 coats are required for good coverage. Each of them is dried separately. Can't shoot sticky layer with colored lacquer.
  3. The manicure sequence includes the application of a finishing agent. The top, like the base, seals the edge of the nail. The finish can be applied in a slightly thicker layer, but it also takes a little longer to dry. Remove the sticky layer with a degreaser. Once done, use cuticle oil.

Popular nail design techniques

If you are doing a manicure at home, do not immediately use a complex design. Learn to work with basic colors, after which you can start learning additional techniques.

Today, at the peak of popularity, there are two main methods:

  • gradient;
  • broken glass effect.

Use the instruction, which explains step by step how to make an unusual nail design.


In order to create on nails, you will need a sponge, brush or sponge. Before starting the application, we repeat the same steps as for a standard manicure. We remove the cuticle, grind the nails, use a degreaser and apply a base coat.

  • Visually separate the nail into upper and lower parts. Gently spread one color of lacquer on the bottom, the other on top. Quickly press the sponge several times, mixing the shades. You can also use a brush. Dry the layer in the lamp.
  • With another method, varnish of two colors is distributed on a sponge or sponge, after which it is pressed against the surface of the nail. Excess funds are removed.

Types of coating technique gradient

If you don't succeed right away, don't despair. For starters, you can practice on paper.


This design uses holographic particles, which have a fairly dense structure and create the effect of broken glass. The beginning of a manicure is exactly the same as in other techniques. After you have spread the base and color varnish, fix the decorative elements on the sticky layer. Distribute them one at a time, best with tweezers or a rhinestone pencil.

Important! Try not to use too many large particles on the side of the nail. The top coat may not completely cover them.

Top coat is the final step. After that, remove the sticky layer and you can enjoy the finished manicure.

Technique fragments (broken glass)

What determines the service life of the coating

If , this indicates that you have sanded the insert too hard. Chips can occur due to poor-quality base. With poorly sealed ends, already on the second day you may encounter the fact that the varnish moves away from the nail.

Follow the sequence of techniques, and the coating will last you 3-4 weeks. The advantage of gel polish is that, if desired, you can change the design if you carefully remove the top layer and apply a different color.

Hands are the calling card of a woman. Well-groomed fingers with soft skin, clean neat nails will never go out of fashion. Unfortunately, the pace of life, the sea of ​​household chores, weather conditions can lead to skin damage, brittle nails, burrs and other unpleasant manifestations. Hand care takes a lot of time and effort. Therefore, in recent years, the fashion and health industry has been developing many means to simplify the life of a woman.

The nail industry is developing so rapidly that some women do not have time to follow the changes and continue to use old methods that are ineffective and inconvenient. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the trends in nail art and nail care.

Types of manicure

Manicure is the basis of hand care and we consider it from several angles. This is both decorating nails and caring for nail plate.

First, let's look at what are the types of manicure care, which is also preparatory stage for covering and decorating nails.

In our article, we give examples of types of manicure and their description with detailed photos that will help you understand the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

manicure techniques

There are 5 main techniques:

  • - this is when the master cuts the cuticle with scissors or manicure tweezers. This type of care is simple in technology and can be easily done on your own at home by buying inexpensive equipment. The disadvantage of this process is a high risk of injury, especially for people whose capillaries are very close. Therefore, proceed very carefully and do not allow other people to use your inventory.

  • - a more gentle technique that requires special equipment and work skills. With the help of rotating nozzles, the cuticle and keratinized skin around the nail plate are removed, after which polishing is carried out with a soft nozzle. This procedure is more gentle and suitable for people with thin and brittle nails. There is also no risk of damaging the capillaries and causing infection. But to use it, you need to either purchase a special device or visit a salon.

  • European is the safest technique. It does not use metal tools for cutting keratinized skin and cuticles, but only an orange stick and a special pumice stone. It is absolutely painless and safe. First, an emollient is applied to the cuticle and the area around the nail, after a few minutes it is wiped off, and the cuticle is pushed back with an orange stick, after which it is brushed off with a pumice stone for a European manicure. Suitable for everyone, except for people with very rough skin around the nail area.

  • SPA manicure- a complex of relaxing and caring procedures. Aromatherapy, massage and water procedures with the use of oils, makes this nail care the most enjoyable of all. The master carries out a series of actions by which he softens the cuticle and rough skin, and then removes it with tongs or pumice. This is followed by massage and moisturizing treatments for your hands. The only disadvantage of this technique is the duration of the procedure.

  • - the most popular type, since the effect of it lasts the longest. The wizard uses the classic and hardware types, adding some elements of SPA procedures to it. It is better to do it with a specialist, which is not always convenient in time for some women.

Types of nail art

After we have prepared our pens for decorating nails, you can choose from several types of nail art that you like best. We offer to consider and adopt types of manicure using gel polish:

  • Classic style. French manicure and pastel colors always remain relevant and in demand. They are characterized by elegance and sophistication, which is suitable for any event and activity. Pairs with any outfit making it versatile.

  • . It can be used as a base for any tone from pastel to acid, and decorate nails on top. geometric shapes(diamonds, lines, circles) that fit your length and shape of the nail. You can decorate not everything, but one or two nails with a geometric pattern.

  • Gradient. Gorgeous finish using a special light to dark lacquer technique with blurry transition lines that looks great on long and long hair. short nails any form. The color scheme is not limited, which makes it in demand and popular this season.

  • Manicure with rhinestones. By using different stones, rhinestone, bouillon your nails will become more elegant and brighter. It is used as an additional decor for the main manicure. You can decorate both all nails, and focus on a few fingers.

  • - a real hit of the season. It is created using a special technique that imitates stains on a top background. Malachite marble broke all records in terms of demand. This is the epitome of elegance.

  • – remains in demand for several seasons in a row. Women love him for his simplicity and neatness. The most popular is the hole near the cuticle in a nude color, but more and more often, representatives of the younger generation choose bright and contrasting tones for coloring the hole.

  • - a kind of light manicure using translucent tones that give the hands clean and fresh. It is very relevant for business women, as well as modest and elegant girls who do not want to attract attention with bright colors.

Video: how to make a classic manicure

As we can see, there are many modern types of manicure. Some of the species, having existed for a couple of seasons, simply disappear, and are replaced by fashion trends. But there is a classic that is timeless, simple and elegant. Therefore, we suggest that you learn how to make a classic design that you can perform even at home quickly and efficiently.

And if you have an emergency when you have to look simply stunning, use the recommendations given in the video, and you will always be sure of the beauty of your nails.

The fashion world does not stand still. We understand that soon the types of manicure designs we have presented may disappear, leaving us with only memories or even nostalgia.

And others, on the contrary, will improve and flourish, giving us rainbow emotions. But this is life, and most of us quickly get bored with even the most beautiful designs and, in order to avoid routine and routine, designers and stylists come up with new types of manicure for us.

But only you, dear readers, decide whether they deserve your attention or not. We are very interested in your experience of using this or that method of hand care. Share with us in the comments what manicure technique you prefer and what attracted you to it.

I love to experiment. Therefore, inspired by the article, I will try all the techniques. Thank you!
