Corporate themes. New Ideas for a corporate party from the agency "Sea of ​​Joy" Thematic corporate ideas

banquet with show program

Party in Vegas

In this theme, all participants of the holiday are transferred to the gambling intoxicating atmosphere of the famous Las Vegas sin city. It will not be easy to resist all its temptations.

Poker, roulette, chips, money, millions of lights, shiny convertibles, gorgeous girls and the full realization that you are the masters of this world. Let's check which of your colleagues loves fortune. The obligatory guests of the party will be the most popular characters of Vegas Elvis Presley and Marilyn Monroe, who will add charm and spice to the atmosphere of the evening.

tropical holiday

theme party

tropical holiday

How great it is in the midst of a harsh and endless St. Petersburg winter to suddenly find yourself in a real summer. And not anywhere else, but in Hawaii. Give your colleagues a day in paradise. And for this it is not at all necessary to buy all plane tickets and book hotel rooms. The hot sunny atmosphere of Hawaii can be created in our city.

To do this, we need colorful wreaths, exotic cocktails, hot music and all kinds of tropical entertainment, which we will gladly provide you with. A dance gift from the natives, a dance under the ribbon, the appearance of the leader of an indigenous tribe... These and many other surprises will make your corporate party bright, hot and unforgettable!

Journey to Wonderland

for creative companies

Journey to Wonderland

Having taken a sip from the bottles standing on the festive table, we all suddenly found ourselves in Wonderland. Here everything happens the other way around, here everything is strange and unusual. Here we will get acquainted with the wise blue caterpillar, find the smile of the Cheshire cat, paint the roses in the garden of the red queen, have tea with the March hare, listen to the funny compositions of Humpty Dumpty and much, much more.

Interesting, unusual scenario, filled with puns and thematic competitions, including both mobile and intellectual competitions, is perfect for the demanding public, workers in a creative, bohemian environment, those who, it would seem, are already difficult to surprise and please with something.

With colleagues around the world

banquet with show program

With colleagues around the world

Most best gift, which the leader can do to his employees, is, of course, a round-the-world trip. And it was in your organization that this joyful event took place, so we immediately set off on a journey in order to see what interesting things are happening around the world.

We will see passionate Spanish dances, try Mexican cactus vodka, put on Greek heads laurel wreaths and get acquainted with the customs and traditions of other countries. The scenario is ideal for filling the show program with numbers, it carries not only an entertaining, but also an educational mission.

theme party

Gangster party in Chicago

Are you tired of celebrating the holidays in your usual way? We already know how engineers, programmers, managers, doctors and many other specialists relax. And why not walk off this corporate meeting in the form of Chicago gangsters? Let's find out how the underground world lives. Each guest is given a new name, with which he will exist in the mafia environment.

Ladies in revealing dresses and men in suspenders, the smell of real cigars and expensive whiskey, incendiary cancans and strict tap dance. And, of course, not a single gangster event is complete without a raid of cops and a shootout. Let's hope that you are lucky, and, having passed all the tests, you will become a worthy member of the mafia family!

Favorite and dashing 90s

theme party

Favorite and dashing 90s

We will spend this evening in the atmosphere of dashing 90s. For everyone, they were completely different: someone learned the basics of entrepreneurship and fought racketeers, someone was a fan of "Combination", "Na-na" and "Hands Up", someone played Mario, and someone bought MMM shares. These and many other charms of the time await you at a party in the style of the 90s. Everyone will find here a piece of something of their own.

Your colleagues will turn into famous personalities of the 90s, remember the best programs of that time, everyone will receive their profit from the acquired shares of Mavrodi. And the main feature of the whole holiday will be the stall, which will open right in the banquet hall, and throughout the holiday will work to the delight of the guests. Here, everyone can buy the legendary Love is chewing gum, Tetris, cockerels on a stick, sprats in tomato, instant Jupi powder and many other rare goods from the 90s.

Corporate on TV

banquet with show program

Corporate on TV

Give yourself and your colleagues a great chance to become real TV stars! For all those who, sitting at home on the couch in front of the TV, are actively indignant at the topic “well, how could you not have guessed it ?!”, “how could you not have scored ?!” etc., we came up with a great opportunity to test ourselves! This evening we will open a new TV channel named after your company.

Naturally, in all programs, from news to reality shows, employees of the company will take part. They will have to taste different varieties of champagne in the Test Buy program, demonstrate their sense of humor in the Comedy club, take part in a dance battle in Dancing with the Stars, change their image in Fashion Sentence, and guess the leader’s favorite song in Guess the Melody ". This is just an approximate announcement of programs for your corporate evening. The scriptwriters will certainly take into account the wishes of the chief producer and include your favorite programs in the script.

Stylish corporate party

theme party

Stylish corporate party

Bright dresses and lipsticks, checkered trousers and colored ties, liquor from under the floor and a rare gramophone record. Here are just some of the attributes of this crazy holiday called "Style Party". And, of course, the same dances, which, even after 50 years, remain relevant and charge with positive.

Boogie-woogie, jive, rock and roll and other dances that you will learn to dance at this holiday. Well, those who prove themselves will certainly receive bright colors as a gift. stylish accessories to show people not only their fashionable outfits, but also their perfect unique style at the end of the evening! And let the "rednecks" from "Sovbaton" twist their heads in bewilderment, and the "Red Loaves" look enviously after us! We do not care about the deficit and the iron curtain! This party will be the most driving in the history of your organization.

  • Special dress code: bright puffy cocktail dresses, crimson blazers and suspenders, bright makeup and updos
  • The unexpected appearance of a huckster with prohibited goods from under the floor
  • Bright incendiary stylish music
  • Styling slang lessons for all participants of the holiday
  • Dance battle for the most desperate dudes


banquet with show program


The whole evening is devoted to cinema. We will celebrate this holiday the way it is celebrated by the most titled stars of the screen - of course, on the set!

Everyone will be able to try on the difficult role of a movie star, demonstrate their knowledge of Russian and foreign cinema, experience the whole palette of feelings that the director experiences on the set, show off his musical talents and perform the soundtrack to his favorite film, and, of course, for all these works, our newborn stars will certainly receive their Oscar.

Institute of Witchcraft and Wizardry

program with quest elements

Institute of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Attention all employees! We hasten to announce that your company is merging with NIIChaVo and forms a magical holding. Now you have a unique opportunity to see the place where miracles are born and put into action.

You will have a fascinating tour of the departments of linear happiness, eternal youth, absolute knowledge and many others, acquaintance with the institute's employees - magicians, sorcerers, gnomes and ghouls, and, of course, seeing magic with your own eyes!

Back to USSR

theme party

Back to USSR

We invite you to remember the distant Soviet times and summer pioneer camps. This script is based on the famous Soviet film "Welcome or No Trespassing". For the whole evening, all employees of your organization, regardless of age and position, become completely equal.

At the entrance to the hall, all the “guys” will receive pioneer ties and will be enrolled in one of two groups. The host of the event - a strict director of the camp will closely monitor the behavior of the "kids", how they eat, how they behave, whether they visit circles and clubs of the camp, whether they are engaged in cultural and mass work. The commercial director Pyotr Nikolaevich will turn into Petenka, and the chief accountant Tamara Ivanovna into Tomochka, since they will all again become children - pupils of our pioneer camp who have come for the summer shift.

super company party

theme party

super company party

If you have long suspected your employees of hidden extraordinary abilities, it's time to unleash their powerful potential! We offer to arrange a superhero party, where everyone can prove themselves and receive the title of a real superhero for this.

Spiderman, Catwoman, Zorro, Superman, Batman and many other outstanding personalities will appear on your holiday. And if at the end of the evening all the heroes, dressed in costumes, get together and take a group photo as a keepsake, then at the same second an incredible flash of superpower will fall upon them, which will charge everyone with unprecedented vigor and efficiency right up to the next corporate party!

Corporate in Russian

banquet with show program

Corporate in Russian

We live in a great country! And all other countries envy us! To better understand and feel this simple truth, we invite your company to enjoy all the delights of Russian national life and go on a virtual journey through the expanses of Mother Russia.

On the way, we will remember the famous Russian roads and the fools who drive along them more than once, we will meet the national symbol of our country - the bear, we will raise glasses filled with Russian vodka, we will learn the most popular stereotypes about our country and its inhabitants, we will relax in a Russian bathhouse. On the way we will see everything that foreigners are so afraid of and everything that Russians are so proud of. This scenario is perfect not only for Russian companies, but also for joint corporate events with foreign partners - there is an opportunity to combine the holiday with the presentation of our country!

    In a programme:
  • Guess the funniest facts about our country
  • We recall all the funniest stereotypes about our Motherland
  • We embody the most interesting table traditions of Mother Rus'
  • We arrange a fun disco in the Russian-folk style
  • During the holiday, we will look into the most distant outbacks and complete the tasks of their inhabitants


banquet with show program


Is every employee in your company important to you? Is everyone worthy of praise? Everyone works daily for the benefit of the organization, increasing results? If so, then it's time to reward the deserving! We are announcing the official Oscar ceremony.

This evening we will present awards in such categories as "Brain of the Firm", "Best Accountant of the Year", "Most quick legs company", "Man-telephone", etc. Dress code: men in smogs, ladies in evening dresses. Posters of world cinema masterpieces with the faces of your employees are hung on the walls. And, of course, the red carpet and the coveted Oscar as the main symbol of the whole evening.

Eastern fairy tale

banquet with show program

Eastern fairy tale

A wonderful journey into the enchanting world of the fabulous East. At the very beginning of the holiday, the leadership is presented with a gift - Aladdin's magic lamp, from which, at the first touch, a cheerful Genie appears!

This character promises to fulfill any wish of the owner of the lamp, if everyone present manages to collect the elixir of eternal luck and fill the lamp with it. And the desire of the leadership is an order for subordinates, so we immediately set off in search of ingredients for the magic elixir. The script is imbued with oriental elements: music, costumes, accessories and is well suited for those who appreciate female modesty, beauty and male fearlessness.

Circus, circus, circus!

banquet with show program

Circus, circus, circus!

If you were looking for a bright program for a corporate event, you have found it! We all find ourselves in a favorite place for children and adults, and become not only enthusiastic spectators in the stands, but also real stars of the circus arena.

This evening, guests will try on the role of brave stuntmen, strict trainers, funny clowns, and someone will even feel like a bear on a scooter! In order to make this scenario even richer, you can include performances by a professional magician, trained animals, fakirs and other artists of the original genre in its program.

Treasure Island

indoor team building

Treasure Island

A cheerful dynamic scenario will suit active, mischievous and inquisitive teams.

The participants of the holiday get on a pirate ship and become part of an experienced team of sea wolves who cannot share a piece of an old pirate map among themselves. The map shows the way to Treasure Island, where the treasures of old Barbossa are hidden. All hands on deck! We set off on a journey full of dangers and adventures, to the cries of seagulls and the sound of waves overboard!

Good jokes

banquet with show program

Good jokes

A corporate holiday based on the well-known and beloved TV show. The evening turns into a humorous parade, a creative meeting, fireworks of improvisations and jokes. You will be able to get to know your friends and colleagues even better in situations that are unusual for them, created by our restless hosts.

We will divide your employees into teams of blue and red sofas. Each of the guests will take part in impromptu performances, try their hand at explaining words using the crocodile method, and, of course, in the most fun competition of all times and peoples of the APOS. The fate of the winners will be decided by your colleagues through an honest vote. Glory and honor await the winning team, and everyone together will have a great mood!

theme party

Features of national fishing

A colorful atmospheric theme, as if created specifically for holidays dedicated to the strong half of humanity. Indeed, according to statistics, every second man in our country loves fishing! We will talk about it on Defender of the Fatherland Day. In order to set the right atmosphere from the very doorstep and elevate colleagues in each other's eyes, we will arrange a photo exhibition of the best catches, where photos of satisfied employees with the fish caught will be placed. In the first part of the program, you will have table tests and interactive activities related to general knowledge of the ichthyosphere. And closer to the middle of the holiday, we will go into active mode

and we will deal directly with fishing in all its genres and manifestations. The program is filled with interesting author props. Ideal for fish restaurants or companies operating in the fish trade.

    Chips and entertainment:
  • piranha hunting is the most dynamic type of fishing when you need to catch a fish already caught by your rival;
  • a woman is a friend of a fisherman - let's check if they say that fishing is not a woman's business and find out how our ladies understand the intricacies of this craft;
  • The moonshine station will delight all experienced and novice fishermen with an assortment of drinks with a strength of 20 to 70 degrees;
  • in your favorite game "guess the melody" you will find out how many songs about fish and their environment actually exist;
  • at the end of the holiday, we will award fish oscars and give participants funny nominations from the series “Catch of the Year” (the most useful employee who came to the team this year) or “My Dream Fish” (the most charming and attractive lady in the company), etc.

In the program of the evening:

  • Tasting of the best French wines from a professional sommelier;
  • A talented cartoonist from Montmartre, who in a matter of minutes will create a funny portrait for each guest for a long memory;
  • Atmospheric musical accompaniment, expressed in the sweet sounds of a hurdy-gurdy or accordion;
    • An art master class where you have to paint a picture ... with wine!
    • Cheese bar - a stylish welcome area and the best addition to French wines;
    • A bright performance with a French accent from the snow-white theater of mimes;
    • Sweet completion of the table program with the removal of a traditional French cake from delicate profiteroles

    rock party

    theme party

    rock party

    This format only at first glance seems very harsh and purely masculine. In fact, it is perfect for combined options that combine the celebration of February 23 and March 8. If your organization has a lot of fans of Russian and foreign rock, then this is exactly what you need. The party is a mini-rock festival where everyone can find something to their liking without leaving their image. The center of everyone's attention here, as at any rock festival, will be the main stage - musicians will perform on it, competitions from the hosts will be held, and congratulatory speeches will be delivered.

    In addition to the main stage, many other zones will operate on the territory of our New Year's rock festival, including the "heavy artillery" bar, the "rock and rolls" snack bar, the "fan sector", the "chill-out", the "dressing room" and many others. For all guests, a dress code is announced in advance: black and red are a priority, T-shirts and sweatshirts with the image of domestic and foreign rock stars, leather, ripped jeans, all kinds of spikes, rivets, chains and bracelets.

    Program features:

  • and you are weak - we will demonstrate our main advantages and capabilities in the creative battle of the sexes;
  • seduction lessons - we will choose the most unshakable man in the company;
    • master class in sensual Argentine tango or passionate bachata;
    • celebrity parade - your colleagues will be able to try on the images of couples famous in history and literature, and the task of the rest will be to guess who they are talking about as soon as possible;
    • betting on winning - everyone will have the opportunity to make a personal bet - on red or on black. At the end of the event, we will find out who won!

    To corporate New Year was not a boring template "obligation", you need to show imagination when compiling holiday program. You won’t surprise anyone with a standard party in an office or restaurant. IN last years thematic corporate parties are gaining more and more popularity. Why don't you organize corporate style Oscars or beach party?

    Holding a thematic corporate party can be entrusted to a special agency specializing in organizing such events, but in order to save money and unite the team, it is useful to plan the corporate party on your own. First you need to choose a corporate theme that the majority of employees will support.(it is unlikely that you will be able to come up with a topic that will satisfy absolutely everyone).

    After that, you need to make a list of what you need for a themed corporate party, and allocate responsibilities: someone will be responsible for writing the script, someone for decorating the room, someone for the festive table. Naturally, you need to remember to choose a leader. And let everyone make a suit corresponding to the theme of the corporate New Year for himself.

    Thematic corporate parties can be divided into several large groups:

    • corporate party in the style of a movie or a book (“Pirates of the Caribbean”, “Alice in Wonderland”, “Wizards”);
    • corporate party in the style of a certain country and / or era (“Dandies”, “Chicago of the 30s”, “Pioneers”);
    • corporate event in the style of an event (“Oscar Award”);
    • gaming corporate parties (quests, detectives).

    Of course, no one requires you to accurately match the era, country or work of art: the main thing is to create an atmosphere, you are not engaged in historical reconstruction.

    We have already suggested ideas for and, let's add a few more ideas to the piggy bank. If you want chic and glitter, but the idea of ​​​​a casino seems boring, you can replace the casino with a cabaret. Revisit Moulin Rouge for inspiration (sad ending, so be it, you can skip ahead) and get to planning.

    Corporate party in the style of "Moulin Rouge"- these are dresses made of shiny fabric, stylish tuxedos and bow ties, sparkling jewelry and long gloves, elegant mouthpieces and cigars, stockings and garters, fans and feather boas, French chanson and frivolous cancan. Invite colleagues to demonstrate their talents at the New Year's corporate party in the best cabaret traditions; You don't have to dance the can-can - juggling tangerines is fine too.

    If your team is too conservative for a cabaret, arrange pioneer party. The costume is very simple - white top, dark bottom, red tie and cap. The office is decorated with Soviet posters with slogans and Soviet New Year's cards, on the table - a variety of potato dishes ("Ah, potatoes, overeating, ideal pioneers"), herring under a fur coat and Olivier salad.

    Instead of toasting, you can simply say “Be ready!”, so that colleagues respond in chorus “Always ready!”. Competitions are also from the pioneer repertoire: peeling potatoes for speed, tug of war, folding caps from a newspaper in a race.

    If you and your colleagues love adventures and adventures, but you don’t like a “pirate” or “gangster” corporate party, you can arrange corporate party in the style of the Wild West. Decorate the room in the style of a cowboy saloon or an Indian wigwam (or you can divide it into two halves, one of which will be a saloon and the other a wigwam so that no one is offended).

    Divide into two teams - cowboys and Indians. Each participant will have to come up with not only a costume, but also a cowboy or Native American nickname that suits his character. Let each team choose its captain - the sheriff and the leader, respectively. After that, hold competitions for accuracy, strength, dexterity. Of course, there will be winners and losers in the contests, but it is better to end the evening with a truce between the Indians and the cowboys.

    In general, no matter what topic New Year's corporate party you choose the main thing is to have a good time and have fun from the heart!

    The most fun and long-awaited holiday is the New Year! Both adults and children are waiting for a miracle, a winter fairy tale and wonderful gifts. The kids will definitely visit the school, but the parents are waiting for the corporate party! It must be held in an original way so that all those present will remember this day for a long time. You need to prepare carefully, think through everything to the smallest detail. Do not forget that they should look solemn and wind up. The idea for a New Year's corporate party should be interesting and original. Focus on what is closer in spirit to your team.


    Celebrating holidays at work is a must! If the team is friendly, employees will spend time together with pleasure. If, on the contrary, colleagues do not like each other, there is an excellent reason to rally and make friends the team!

    Male question

    There is a very interesting idea for a New Year's corporate party. For example, a funny test for men. It will take five children's pots and the same number of oversized family underpants. last item Be sure to sheathe it with shiny tinsel! The presenter takes six men out the door and invites them to try on a new thing over their clothes. Brave guys in smart shorts enter the hall. The spectacle is sure to cause an explosion of laughter and jokes, but this is only the beginning.

    While the participants are changing their clothes, the host arranges the pots in a circle. The music turns on and the men dance around them. As soon as the chords subside, they should take their place on the throne. The fact is that there are one less pots than participants. The loser, who has nowhere to sit, retires to the table and takes one pot with him. Spectators and participants of the competition will remember this New Year's corporate party for a long time. Ideas to complement this presentation are welcome. You can add bonnets and nipples to your underpants or give the winner a roll of toilet paper.

    beauty and fashion

    Lisa and Hoka continue to torment the guests. The next contest is mobile and no less funny. The villains discuss the Snow Maiden, they say that she is not a beauty. There are beautiful ladies in the hall who can give odds to a modest woman in a kokoshnik. To prove it, they arrange a demonstration relay race.

    Armed with a kokoshnik, we continue the incendiary New Year's corporate party. Best Ideas come to the head of the leader, he asks to go to the middle of all the ladies and breaks them into two teams. But if men also take part, it will be even more fun. The contestants stand one after another, at the end of the relay - a chair. The first participant puts on a kokoshnik and runs to a chair, sits down on it and shouts loudly: “I am a hundred times more beautiful than the Snow Maiden!” Returning to the start, passes the headgear to the next participant. The first team to complete the task wins.

    Fairy tale - end

    Any idea for a New Year's corporate party can be easily implemented. No special props are required, and everyone will enjoy amazing. You can include comic quizzes and several games in the program. In the end, the villains, laughing enough, decide to let the guests go home. Through a magical portal, they let all those present pass and kindly say goodbye. But they promise to return the next holiday. As a portal, you can use a huge hoop or cardboard box from the refrigerator.

    Fresh air

    If you're holding a party indoors every year, it's time to change the format. Invite your colleagues to play paintball in the fresh air, ride a sled or ski to your heart's content. Such ideas for a New Year's corporate party are not very welcome at first. People are accustomed to ordinary feasts and heart-to-heart conversations. But having tried once to spend time differently, they no longer want to hustle in a cafe or restaurant. This method has its advantages. Active rest gives a charge of vivacity and positive. No morning headaches or severe hangovers. In nature, it is better to drink hot tea, coffee or herbal decoction. But if the holiday cannot be imagined without alcohol, you can prepare amazing mulled wine. This winter drink will give new impressions!

    These are the best New Year corporate party ideas for a small company. Arrange in advance at the recreation center about entertainment and rent a few rooms so that you can warm up. Grab delicious snacks: sandwiches, cookies, sweets and fruits. Warn colleagues to dress warmly and comfortably. This party will be remembered for a lifetime, and bright photos will remind you of this wonderful day!

    Songs and dances

    Feel like an idol of millions of people - here great idea for New Year's corporate party! You can have a party in the style of the stars. This will require costumes, soundtrack, makeup. Let everyone present plunge into the world of show business. Choose the brightest singers of our stage and prepare the props. You will need everything: dresses, microphones, wigs, capes, boas, hats and glasses. Get the participants as close as possible to the image of their idols. In turn, they will go on stage and parody popular singers.

    In between performances, insert a few contests. The presenters must also be on top, distinguished by their diction and stunning costumes. Ideas for numbers for the New Year's corporate party can be peeped in the concert programs of the stars. Give each talent a golden figurine. Its name can be made consonant with your organization! Only the director should give such serious awards!

    But if he performs on stage on an equal footing with everyone, it will be funny. Such a holiday will give a stunning impression. Take care of the decor of the room, music and lighting effects.

    Guest from the forest

    The main guest at any New Year's holiday is a fluffy Christmas tree! They usually dress her up in advance and as solemnly as possible! Ideas for a New Year's corporate party in the office can be associated with this particular tree. You can put on a small interactive performance, you don’t need to conduct rehearsals, distribute the roles right on the spot. A simple story that the Christmas tree needs to be lit, but no one knows how! Participants must complete tasks, skits, sing songs and dance. At the end of the evening, the Christmas tree will shine with colorful lights!

    A good option is to perform the song “A Christmas Tree Was Born in the Forest” with different emotions, in different versions:

    • frightened;
    • with a Chinese accent;
    • theatrically;
    • like Zhirinovsky;
    • offended;
    • as a sports commentator or announcer.

    It will turn out very funny, employees will see each other with different eyes. Such gatherings bring together and unite the team!

    steam and heat

    In a small and friendly community of employees, camaraderie and trust usually dominate. If the company of colleagues does not have special complexes, you can have a party in the sauna or bath. Such private institutions are clean and tidy, you should not be afraid of infections and bacteria. There you will spend time with health benefits. Be sure to prepare contests, games, so that the party does not turn into a banal feast!

    Mysterious stranger

    If you love mystery and intrigue, invite your employees to attend a masquerade ball. But on condition that the costumes will change the invitees beyond recognition. Until the end of the evening you can not reveal yourself. Let the audience have fun, dance, but do not get personal!

    If you have enough patience, keep the intrigue to the very end, let it remain a mystery - who was who! After all, it is much more interesting to waltz with a stranger than with your own accountant or cleaner!

    Spend most of your time decorating the hall and choosing music. A light buffet and delicious drinks will make this evening special. Check the availability of costumes for all participants, without them - entry is prohibited!

    Give a Miracle

    The organizer of the corporate party must take the task seriously and responsibly! It is difficult to make a choice, because you want everyone to be delighted with this New Year's corporate party. Write down the best ideas on a piece of paper and consult with a loved one.

    The winter holiday is conducive to fun, good mood, rest. It is not surprising that the team will like any option for active pastime. Wherever you decide to spend a holiday, it is better to book places three months in advance. Recreation centers, hotels, restaurants and cafes, water parks will be overcrowded, because people spare neither money nor time for this holiday.

    Here are some interesting ideas for a New Year's corporate party that you can offer to your colleagues! The choice is theirs!

    A themed corporate party is the best way to celebrate any holiday with your team. Of course, you can order a corporate party with a standard scenario or just set tables in the office. But if you want to truly unite the company, or like-minded people who like to relax together already work in the office, then the thematic corporate party will become the best way take a little break from the work day.
    There are several advantages that an unusual corporate party has. Cheerful and unusual atmosphere, the opportunity to unobtrusively work out team building programs, a lot of impressions. At the same time, a non-standard scenario is not always expensive. Sometimes the organization of corporate events in Moscow according to the standard scheme (speech, buffet, dance floor) costs much more. A thoughtful themed corporate party can save you money with a creative approach! At the same time, there will be much more pleasant impressions!

    A thematic corporate party is a godsend for a company whose management and employees are tired of traditional feasts with the usual set of events in the form of a couple of competitions, an awards ceremony, a disco and fireworks. For each company great amount such events that are boring and do not give a lot of emotions!

    Thematic corporate party will bring a little innovation and wonderful emotions to traditional holiday, turning it into a real masquerade ball or an event dedicated to a particular event. This holiday will remain in the memory of all participants for a long time with a mass of impressions and photographs, many of which will be able to take their rightful place in the section of the site dedicated to corporate holidays, in personal photo albums, on pages in in social networks, forming a positive image of the company in the eyes of current and potential partners, current and future specialists.


    All the above advantages are achievable if a thematic corporate party is organized by professionals, because it is long and tiring to organize on your own. The solution to order a corporate party in our company will help to resolve issues quickly and simply. We specialize in holding all kinds of holidays and such holidays are one of the main directions. Deciding to organize a thematic corporate party with us, you get:
    . a lot of scenarios, among which everyone will choose something to their liking;
    . a wide selection of costumes for participants;
    . a huge number of competitions for the holiday;
    . the possibility of inviting third-party stars and artists;
    . reasonable conditions for the celebration.

    And a few more tips. Choose a theme that will captivate your employees. Create a positive atmosphere. Take as many photos as you can! This will allow you to hold an interesting and bright themed corporate party.
