How to make ripped jeans out of normal jeans. How to tear jeans beautifully at home? How to make ripped jeans with your own hands? Decor with lace and fabric

Jeans that have undergone artificial aging have not gone out of fashion for many seasons. Scuffs or holes allow you to make the image brighter, to give the usual thing an unusual look. But if finding denim trousers that fit your figure can be difficult, then picking up torn jeans is an even more difficult task. But if you know how to ripped jeans, you can create a unique thing with your own hands without much difficulty.

Before you make holes on the fabric yourself, you should choose the right model. First of all, decide whether you want to process the male or female version. There is no significant difference, they are made of the same fabric, and holes or frayed places can be made in the same way. But the design of clothes for men and women may be different.

Do not take models from the fabric "stretch". Beautifully break elastane skinny jeans on the knees or hips will not work. Better choose wide pants or medium-width models made of denim. The holes look perfect on them.

A few tips for choosing:

  • Any color is suitable, but products of a blue or blue tint look most advantageous. On them, the white color of the warp threads will contrast favorably with the shade of the main fabric;
  • the choice of material for work should be taken carefully. It is better to take not too rare (arrows can go) and not too dense (you will not get a spectacular fringe). The composition is also important: do not take a fabric with a high content of synthetics;
  • for the manufacture of ripped jeans, models with straight legs, flares, skinny are suitable;
  • you should not choose things with a print, appliqué, color inserts. Cuts can overload the composition, which looks ridiculous;
  • if you take old jeans, you can make holes where there are already scuffs. So the product will have a natural look, and aging will give the clothes a “second life”.

If you have not processed the fabric in the proposed way before, you should not take new trousers or expensive thing. There remains (albeit a small) risk of spoiling it, and it is better if it is not too sorry for it.

Where is the best place to make holes?

The location of cuts on the fabric should be carefully considered, depending on the intended effect. Properly aged jeans can emphasize the shape of the legs, mask defects, divert attention from the problem areas of the figure. Before work, it is worth finding photos of pants with artificial holes in order to understand how to properly position the cuts.

  • owners of long slender legs are recommended to make cuts in the knee area and in the upper thigh;
  • short girls fit small cuts scattered over the entire surface of skinny trousers;
  • girls with large hips should opt for classic models, make gaps rare and place them vertically. The main thing here is not to do them too often, so as not to achieve the opposite effect.

The main mistake in the location of the slots is placing them close to each other. This visually shortens the legs and makes it difficult to achieve the desired effect. And, of course, cuts should take up no more than half of the leg, so as not to look vulgar. For the first experiment, it is better to make one or two holes, and then add a model of torn jeans if you like the result.

What tools will be required

To make jeans torn without ruining the thing, it’s worth getting to work after everything you need is prepared. You should first prepare a suitable workplace, where there is enough light and free space to spread out your trousers.

Required for work:

  • cutting knife. The ideal option is a fabric knife, but usually those who do not sew professionally do not have it. You can take a clerical knife or any other tool with a narrow sharp blade. Scissors can be used, but in some cases it is not convenient;
  • marking tools. It is required that the mark is clearly visible on the fabric, but then it is well removed from it by washing or cleaning. The pencil erases well enough, but its trace is hard to see. The marker doesn't wash well. Therefore, it is worth using the tools from the arsenal of tailors - small or a bar of soap;
  • cutting board - it is inserted into the leg so as not to damage the back of the fabric when making a cut. If there is no special board, you can take a piece of plywood or a cutting board from the kitchen. The main thing is that it fits in the leg and is not too thick (no more than 10 mm);
  • if it is easy to make torn jeans out of old jeans (cuts are made in place of scuffs), then new trousers will have to be artificially aged. To do this, prepare a piece of sandpaper or a file. A grindstone will work too.

You will also need tweezers and a darning needle. The weaving threads will be pulled out with tweezers, and the base will be untwisted with a needle in order to make a beautiful fringe. You can also prepare a bleach solution or laundry bleach to whiten the edges of the holes. So they will look much more impressive.

Stages of work

Having prepared everything you need, you can get to work. Here step-by-step instruction making torn from ordinary jeans. The instruction is designed for female models from material blue color, but with men's pants, work is done in the same way.

It is better to mark a thing on yourself, then the location of the cuts will most accurately correspond to the places where you want to see them. Draw the outlines with chalk or a bar of soap and look at yourself in the mirror again. Do not worry if you have to redo the work several times - remember that after the first cut it will be much more difficult to change the thing.

There are two main markup options:

  • in the first case, the places of future gaps are marked with rectangles. Then the holes will look more neat, and the warp threads will tighten the hole pretty well;
  • in the second case, the contour is made more arbitrarily shaped. Then the tear will look more rough and more like a natural gap.

After completing the markup, proceed to the next stage.

Hole processing

Straighten the leg and insert a cutting board inside where the cut will be. If you do not plan to make a large fringe, you can simply cut through the material with scissors. If you need to make a large fringe or tighten the hole with warp threads, it is better to take a clerical knife. The main thing is to act step by step, take your time and follow all the steps as carefully as possible.

Make several horizontal cuts inside the outlined outline. Then, using tweezers, pull out the blue threads with which the fabric is woven, and leave the white warp threads intact. You can pluck the threads in bunches, or you can pluck one thread at a time. This is a more time-consuming option, but the result will look neater.

The warp threads can be separated with a darning needle into individual fibers. Some of them can be trimmed to get a fringe. But we must remember that the final form of the product will take only after washing. Last step- strengthening the edges of the gap with overcasting so that the material does not spread further.

Decor and aging

After the holes have taken the planned form, it is necessary to carry out the final processing of the product. First you need to process the edges of the holes with sandpaper to give them a worn look. Then you can bleach the fabric by applying bleach to the warp threads and around the cuts. Then you need to withstand the allotted time and wash off the remnants of bleach big amount water. The whitewashed edges accentuate the slit.

If necessary, you can decorate the gaps by sewing pieces of colored fabric or lace under them. You can also use beads, sequins, embroidery with colored threads to decorate jeans.

Ripped jeans look great on almost any figure. But you need to remember the sense of proportion so that the processed thing does not look vulgar. Then they will be able to profitably complement the image. Do not be afraid to experiment, and a good result will be achieved.


How to make ripped jeans, which again took off on the fashionable Olympus, every person wants to know, at least a little following fashion. For a sophisticated style full of designer scuffs and holes, you don’t have to go to a boutique. To create a fashionable handmade holey thing from boring, old jeans, improvised materials will be used. Today we are learning to understand the science of artificial aging of jeans.

The correct shape of the workpiece

Before proceeding directly to the process, let's go over the wardrobe in search of exactly that thing that is ideal for experiments.

  • Cross out classic-cut jeans from the list. Such elements of the wardrobe will look old-fashioned, and holes in the fabric will seem like a consequence of an unsuccessful fall.
  • Stretch pants will also be unsuccessful. On the stretching material, beautiful cuts will not physically come out, and the holes will remind the arrows on nylon tights.
  • A very dense fabric will make the process of turning pants into fashion item quite labor intensive.

  • Prints, embroideries and drawings, as well as bright models look interesting, but additional elements overload the overall composition.
  • Ideal candidates for transformation are tight or wide pants, like boyfriends. These pants for young people perfectly endure all the "bullying" of themselves, while not turning into the clothes of a homeless tramp.

Most people try to make incisions at the knees, but you can tear the fabric anywhere.

  • If you make an incision just above the knee, the hole won't get wider and bigger each time the knee is bent.
  • Cuts that are too high expose the underwear. Men should be especially careful about this.

  • If you wash the trousers immediately after decorating, then loosen the threads even more, so the trousers will look even more frayed.
  • Incisions that are close to the seams can cause the latter to disperse.
  • You can pull out single fibers with particular accuracy with a sewing needle.
  • If instead of cardboard you put a piece of brick in the trouser leg, you will significantly speed up the process of erasing the fabric.

Warnings before you start

  • Try not to cut the leg too much. Each new wash increases the wear and tear size.
  • Be very careful with sharp objects.
  • Never carry out the procedure with pants on.

Creating fraying on the fabric of trousers

To make fashionable scuffs on jeans yourself, you need to have the following tools at hand:

  • pants directly;
  • sandpaper and whetstone;
  • a piece of pumice;
  • grater;
  • small hard board.

Step by step, fashionable decor is performed according to the following scheme:

  1. Mark the selected area to create decor, and mark it with chalk or remnants.
  2. Take a plank, put it inside the trouser leg under the place where the wear will be in the future.
  3. We proceed to the main stage - the intended place is rubbed with the help of the selected device. Do not rub with effort, because in the place of the alleged fashionable dilapidation, an unnecessary hole may turn out.
  4. A pumice stone and a grater will help in getting a worn finish with fluffy fringe around the edges. This softens the image and at the same time gives some audacity. With an emery bar or paper, you will create designer wear.
  5. At the decorating stage, decorate the worn with rhinestones, rivets or paper clips.

Hole jeans with noodle effect

As for holes, their creation is more time-consuming. The following tools will help you create ripped jeans with your own hands:

  • a piece of plywood;
  • stationery knife or blade;
  • eyebrow tweezers or any other;
  • scissors;
  • interlining.

You can make a masterpiece out of jeans for yourself according to the following scheme:

  1. Any denim pants are woven using colored longitudinal and white transverse fibers. Before the procedure, fix a piece of plywood inside the leg.
  2. Using a blade or penknife, make two cuts along the transverse fibers at a distance of 3-4 cm.
  3. Take scissors or tweezers, use them to carefully pick up and pull out the white threads along the edges. Exercise caution and patience.
  4. After that, with the same tweezers between the cuts, pull out all the blue threads that are perpendicular to the bottom ones. Initially, pull one thread at a time, at the end of the manipulation you can pull out the bundle.
  5. Fix the edges of the resulting hole from the inside with interlining to avoid losing the shape of the product.
  6. It is interesting to make a model with numerous long cuts that are free from blue threads.

Pants can be decorated by fixing lace or bright patches of fabric from the wrong side, this will add audacity and draw attention to their mistress.

Decor torn jeans in the "Grunge" way

Ripped jeans at home in this style will decorate both men's and women's trousers.

To decorate the pants ourselves, we need:

  • small board or plywood;
  • scissors;
  • stationery knife;
  • a piece of pumice.

A step-by-step diagram of how to make jeans torn is as follows:

  1. Fasten plywood or board under the desired area inside the leg.
  2. Make 6-9 holes along the transverse fibers about half the length of the leg.
  3. It is better to wield a clerical knife, because only with its help you will achieve the effect of maximum negligence. You can make cuts of different lengths.
  4. After that, rub the holes with your hands, pull out some blue fibers from them.
  5. Finish the bottom of the legs. Trim the edge, and rub the resulting edge with a piece of pumice stone to a careless, disheveled look.
  6. In the same way, process the cuts on the pockets and belt to completely beat the thing, create wholeness and completeness of the image.

Creating the Distressed Jeans Look

Photos of torn jeans of this type are similar to Grunge, but in this version, the cross-sections are performed randomly, and along with the blue threads, several white ones are pulled out for a greater shabby effect. This look is suitable for young girls, but for respectable ladies it is better not to choose it.

"Slit knees" on black jeggings

For many jeans fans, in 2017, among the noodles and other shabby pants, a new little thing appeared in the wardrobe - black jeggings with slits at the knees. It is expensive to buy a trendy item in a store, but to create such fashion pants do-it-yourself can be as easy as shelling pears with maximum costs.

The scheme of actions is as follows:

  1. Put on trousers and mark the place of the future incision with a remnant.
  2. Remove the thing, put cardboard or a board in the leg.
  3. With sharp movements along the marked line, cut the fabric with a clerical knife.
  4. Trim the cut, pull out the extra threads with your fingers.

The secrets of creating the right holes on the knees

Torn knees have not gone out of fashion for a decade now. There is a certain specificity in creating an image, because it is no secret to anyone that in such popular places the fabric spreads instantly. We advise you to use the trick and act according to a certain algorithm.

  1. Put on your pants. In the middle of the knee, put a small dot with chalk or soap.
  2. Mark the future hole in the shape of an eye, the center of which will be that very point. Carefully cut along the outline.
  3. Process the edges according to a special technique. Treat them with a nail file or sandpaper. Wet the edges and roll them up and down a little, fixing with pins. Let them dry.
  4. On the rest of the knee with a grater, create scuffs.
  5. This shape will allow you to keep the shape of the incision longer.

As you have seen, create a beautiful designer item easy and simple with your own hands. Handmade, made according to an individual project, will make your look fashionable and unique.

Video: How to properly and beautifully age jeans

Ripped jeans have been at the peak of popularity for many years. They are worn by both girls and boys. They look interesting and stylish. One drawback - they are expensive. However, they can be made by hand. And these jeans will look no worse than those sold in stores.

If you are planning to do needlework for the first time, then take note of a few useful advice. They will help you get the best results.

  1. Denim has some special features. If you make cuts in wide places, they will become narrow, and if you make cuts in wide places, they will become wide. Be sure to consider this point before you outline the slits on the jeans.
  2. Mark the places where the cuts will be with a piece of soap. At the end of the work, it can be easily removed with a damp cloth.
  3. Do not make too many cuts and holes, otherwise the clothes will look sloppy and sloppy.
  4. Use lace, rivets, chains, beads, pins, etc. to design ripped jeans.
  5. It is better to create holes and scuffs on light-colored jeans made of dense fabric.

Making clothes with your own hands is always a creative process, so don't be afraid to experiment. At the same time, do not forget about important rules.

How to make DIY ripped jeans

If you don't know where to start or what design to choose, check out a few ripped jeans tutorials.

Stylish jeans with rips and slits

Necessary materials:

  • jeans;
  • blade or sharp knife;
  • tweezers;
  • a piece of pumice stone or a sharp razor;
  • wooden block;
  • a piece of soap;
  1. Mark the edges of the cuts on the legs and pockets.
  2. Insert a wooden block inside.
  3. Inside the marked area, make several cuts with a blade or a sharp knife. The cuts must be parallel.
  4. With careful movements, pull out the colored threads. Leave white threads.
  5. In the area of ​​​​the holes made, make scuffs with a pumice stone.

It remains only to try on jeans and evaluate the result. If jeans seem boring, you can use additional decor.

Hole jeans

To create this "denim masterpiece" you will need the same materials as for the previous master class.

  1. Mark the corner of the slot, over which there will be white threads. Fluff the free edge, select individual threads.
  2. On the fabric, mark the places of future holes.
  3. Use a sharp knife or blade to make cuts. To make them even, put a wooden block under the bottom.
  4. Remove part of the threads, loosen the transverse threads. For the best decor remove some strings. Remove everything else with a vacuum cleaner.

How to make scuffs on women's and men's jeans?

You can create scuffs on jeans with sandpaper, a toothbrush, a grater, bleach, a pumice stone, or a crochet hook. Choose the option that you like best and go ahead to create the clothes of your dreams!

  1. Sandpaper. It helps to create deep, solid abrasions on the legs. For creative work it is better to choose fine-grained sandpaper. Wet jeans, wring out with your hands. They must be hydrated. Place a board under the trouser leg and start the process of creating scuffs. During operation, you can not touch the seams, otherwise you will ruin the thing. Wash your clothes and let them dry.
  2. Pumice. It allows you to create small, somewhat "delicate" abrasions. The procedure for creating decor is the same as with sandpaper.
  3. Hook. With a piece of soap, mark the places of future scuffs on the jeans, remove the transverse fibers with a crochet hook. The longitudinal threads cannot be damaged, so be careful and careful.
  4. Bleach. It can be used in the final stage of creating scuffs. First, the slots are processed with pumice, a hook or sandpaper, and then bleach is used. Only white areas are treated with this tool. Bleach will loosen the fabric well, creating careless stains around the slits.
  5. Toothbrush. It is in any home, so it can be safely used to create additional decor. Soak a toothbrush in bleach and casually spray it around the slits.

Scuffs give jeans a bohemian, casual, but at the same time interesting and stylish look. If you want to achieve just such an effect, feel free to use bleach paired with sandpaper or pumice.

DIY ripped knee jeans

Knee slits are one of the fashion trends this year. Creating this decor option is not difficult. Don't believe? And you check!

  1. Put on your jeans.
  2. Put a small dot in the center of the knee with chalk.
  3. Draw a slit in the shape of an eye.
  4. Carefully cut the fabric along the contour.
  5. Finish the edges with a nail file, pumice stone, etc. You can also use this decor option: wet the edges, roll them up and secure with pins, leave to dry.
  6. To keep the slits as long as possible, glue the fabric from the inside with fleselin.

How to make trendy ripped jeans with lace

Lace will give ripped jeans a certain “girlishness” and romance. They can be worn with rustic and classic style blouses.

  1. Make cuts using any of the above methods.
  2. Treat the unprotected edge sewing machine or manually.
  3. Pick up a piece of beautiful lace. It is desirable that it be made of cotton fabric. Moisten and iron before sewing.
  4. Baste the piece of lace carefully. When laying the seam, gather it up slightly.
  5. Sew on the lace on the sewing machine.

Lace can also be used to decorate a belt or pockets.

How to care for ripped jeans?

Ripped jeans are delicate and easy to ruin. Wash and take care of them very carefully.

  1. Wash. It is advisable to wash torn jeans by hand, so as not to damage the disheveled threads and not make the cuts careless and ugly. If you still dare to wash them in washing machine, use the hand wash mode. In addition, they must first be folded into a container or bag. Before washing, turn the jeans inside out, fasten the zipper. Wash the item with the addition of a special conditioner. Dry it on a horizontal surface to prevent stretching.
  2. Cleaning and care. Pants should be put on only after they are completely dry. If they are even a little wet, you will stretch them. If ripped jeans are dirty, use a special brush to clean them. At the end, treat the contaminated area with a damp cloth or sponge, let dry.

What to wear with ripped jeans?

There are a lot of interesting options for images. You might like one of the following bows:

  1. Blue distressed jeans, red classic blazer, white knitted t-shirt, black patent leather loafers and a clutch. A great bow for work, where there is no strict dress code. You can go on a date in this outfit, to the movies, to meet with friends. It looks quite restrained, but very stylish.
  2. Light blue jeans, a white T-shirt, a white classic jacket, dark blue ballerinas, a blue bag with a long chain. Comfortable and practical bow for every day. It is suitable for both young girls and young women.
  3. Skinny distressed jeans, brown heeled shoes, beige cardigan with ¾ arms, vest, chocolate-colored tote bag. A feminine and very sexy look that girls with a sophisticated figure can try on.
  4. Cropped ripped jeans, red suede sneakers, red knitted sweater, short coat light blue color, red small handbag. The image looks bold, sexy and attractive. It will suit only the most courageous and determined girls.
  5. Cropped jeans with holes, an elongated knitted vest, light pink shoes, a crimson jacket, an ivory bag. Bright, stylish, unusual! Do you want to look exactly like this? Then try on this image.
  6. Light blue ripped jeans, dark gray t-shirt with slogans, Leather Jacket- black jacket, white moccasins, tote bag. This youth image is very convenient and practical. It is suitable for walking with friends, going to a cafe or cinema.
  7. Ripped light blue jeans, a white jersey T-shirt with black trim, a black and white hat, high-heeled shoes, a small backpack.
  8. Light blue distressed jeans, white sneakers, light gray knitted sweater, blue shoulder bag. The image looks quite simple, but at the same time stylish and youthful.
  9. Light blue jeans, a small flowered blouse, a black leather clutch and sandals with small straps. A beautiful feminine look that will certainly appeal to fans of the romantic style.
  10. Navy blue jeans, gray sweatshirt with red slogans, red suede sneakers, red knit cap, long black leather jacket. Sports bow, which will be appreciated by young and practical girls.

Ripped jeans are a stylish and versatile piece of clothing that you can easily make yourself. The creative process will surely captivate you, and you will create real masterpiece which will cause delight and admiration in those around you!

The following video shows in detail how to make ripped jeans with your own hands.

Ripped jeans are once again at the peak of popularity, they make the image extravagant, stylish and erotic. Young people buy them at exorbitant prices, not suspecting that a masterpiece can be created on their own without spending a tidy sum. However, as in any other business, it is necessary to have certain skills and follow the instructions clearly. Let's consider the important aspects in order.

Selection of the original product

  1. Material. Choose pants from classic jeans medium density, this will greatly facilitate the process of creating a fashion item. You should not choose stretch trousers for processing, they are difficult to process due to the fact that there will be no fringe around the holes. Very often, when creating ripped stretch jeans, arrows subsequently appear, which nullifies all efforts and spoils the design idea.
  2. Cut. An important aspect of creating ripped jeans is right choice original cut of the product. Choose a product based on the type of figure: trousers should be moderately tight-fitting or one size larger. On jeans that are too tight, the holes will stretch and look messy. If you choose wide trousers, the holes will hide behind the folds and will not be visible.
  3. Style. It doesn't matter if you choose skinny or boyfriend style pants as the starting option, the design will look equally good on all types of product. As for fit and colors, they also do not play a special role. To make it easier for yourself, it is advisable to choose a product without artificial fibers with a high content of cotton.
  4. Cut options. Holes must be made based on the size of the legs. If you have large hips, you should choose classic pants where the cuts are vertical. In order not to visually reduce the lower part of the body, do not make holes too close to each other. It is their chaotic and rare arrangement that stretches the legs and makes them slender.

If you are relatively thin and long legs, you can afford to make incisions in the knees and upper thighs. Short ladies should prefer skinny trousers with holes located randomly over the entire surface. Everyone, without exception, can choose bright acid jeans that will make you stand out from the crowd.

The technology involves the presence of slots, parallel friend to each other and arranged horizontally. You choose the number of cuts yourself, but the holes should not occupy more than half the width of the leg. To give an image of negligence, make holes of different lengths.

Required tools:

  • a dense board about 0.5 * 1 m in size;
  • stationery knife;
  • a piece of plywood;
  • scissors;
  • needle middle length and thickness;
  • sandpaper;
  • pencil/chalk/soap.

Try on jeans to get an idea of ​​where the slits will be and what size they should be. Draw lines with chalk for holes that suit you. Throughout the creation of a masterpiece, it is necessary to measure trousers in order to notice possible deviations from the set course in time. If the figure allows you to create cuts in the knee area, they need to be made above or below the cup. Otherwise, when you sit down, the slots will diverge along the cut line.


  1. Lay your jeans flat on the floor so they don't wrinkle. Tuck a small piece of plywood into one leg that will be processed. This move will avoid cuts on the back of the product.
  2. Now take a wide board that will fit the whole leg. Spread the jeans over it and tuck it in so that the free edges of the product are sandwiched between two boards.
  3. Trace the previously drawn lines with chalk to pinpoint the beginning and end of future holes. The number of slots for processing jeans should be in the range of 5-8. In this case, you should not create holes too close to each other, keep an interval of 4-6 cm. It is not necessary to make cuts at the same distance.
  4. Once you have decided on the length and location of the lines, you can safely proceed to cutting. If you need to make even edges, cut the jeans with scissors, after making a small hole with a blade.
  5. In cases where the goal is to create disheveled cuts, make them with a clerical knife, it does not cut so accurately. After that, pull out a few threads with a needle dark color for more naturalness. You don't need to pull out a lot, after washing they will come out on their own and take the desired shape.
  6. Now select places on the surface of the trousers where you can make small cuts 3-4 cm long. Draw them with chalk, then cut them with a clerical knife. Since denim is made up of interwoven threads different colors(light and dark), you need to draw out only the dark threads, located vertically. First, bring them out with a needle, and then finally pull them out with forceps. Small holes of this kind can be made on the back pockets.
  7. After you have created the slots, take the pumice stone. Rub the pockets, waistband and hemmed hem at the bottom of the trousers. If desired, you can decorate the hole area with rhinestones or sequins. To give jeans a worn look, dampen a cloth with warm water and rub the intended areas with sandpaper.

  1. Ripped jeans require careful foot care, it is necessary to carry out the depilation / epilation procedure in time and moisturize the skin with cream.
  2. If the choice fell on wide trousers, slits located at a great distance from each other look beautiful on them. At the same time, it is recommended to pumice not only the bottom edge and pockets, but also individual places on the surface of the trousers.
  3. Bold and eccentric young ladies who have legs from their ears should take a closer look at the option with a large number of cuts. Make slits from the top of the thigh to the beginning of the knee at a distance of 4 cm from each other.
  4. If you want to make jeans more stylish, use bleach. Spray them with bleach to make a few large and many small drops, leave for 10 minutes and machine wash.
  5. It is worth remembering that if the slots are made in a narrow place, after a certain period they will stretch. In cases where the holes are located in wide places, they will narrow over time.
  6. If you make holes at a small distance from each other, try not to overdo it. Otherwise, there is a risk of formation of a single hole.
  7. For girls who do not want to put their legs on public display, you can hem an openwork or mesh fabric under the slots. It is only important to carefully attach it from the wrong side. If you do not have such skills, place the fabric on adhesive tape from the inside.
  8. You can decorate ripped jeans with beads, sequins, rhinestones, lace. It is preferable to decorate pockets, a belt and an area around the holes. As for the slots themselves, try sheathing them with floss threads, making a thin line along the border.
  9. Start cutting jeans from the bottom. Such a move will allow you to turn trousers into capris or shorts if something goes wrong.

What to wear with ripped jeans

  1. To emphasize the figure and give the image sophistication, put on a blouse made of red or silk silk. Green colour. Pick up patent leather shoes With pointed nose on a hairpin and a handbag in color.
  2. IN Everyday life you can wear ballet flats in pastel shades and a top of the same shade. It is important that the T-shirt does not expose the stomach too much, otherwise the image will turn out to be vulgar.
  3. Ripped jeans look great with sneakers. white color from famous brands(Adidas, Nike). In this case, it is enough to complement them with a white T-shirt and a cardigan of any color without fasteners.
  4. In hot weather, get any colored T-shirt, make several horizontal cuts on the back. Slip sandals on your feet through your toe and voila, your summer look is ready.

Making ripped jeans is not difficult, given all the possible nuances. Do not neglect intermediate fittings to exclude the possibility of damage to the product. Choose a dense fabric consisting of two layers of different shades. Decorate the trousers with rhinestones or beads, choose the appropriate look for yourself.

Video: how to make trendy ripped shorts

Ripped jeans are one of the most controversial items in a fashionable wardrobe. For some, holey pants delight, while for others they cause only bewilderment and irritation. However, both supporters and opponents of ripped jeans will agree that today it is one of the main trends in clothing.

Ripped jeans have not gone out of fashion for several seasons in a row, so everyone more girls and young people are thinking about acquiring such a thing. But the prices for such panties are not at all lower, and sometimes even higher, than for whole clothes, and not everyone is ready to overpay for an impractical, albeit fashionable thing.

The solution to this problem is obvious - to make fashionable holey jeans with your own hands. Detailed instructions See below for how to make it at home.

Is it possible to make ripped ones from ordinary jeans?

It’s best to make fashionable ripped pants from old but favorite jeans that have already frayed, but it’s a pity to throw them away. These jeans usually have scuffs and holes in the right places - we just have to enhance the effect a little.

You should not give a second life to pants that are already worn out and are in a state of "ejection", because our task is to look stylish, but neat. Therefore, jeans with indelible stains, holes between the legs and other defects that cannot be corrected should be thrown out immediately.

If you don't have the right old jeans at your disposal, you can try to modify the new pants. Buying good, expensive jeans for these purposes is not recommended, because the result may disappoint you.

Where are the holes made?

To do for real stylish thing and look flawless in it, it is important to know the right places to make holes.

Usually holes are made on the following parts of jeans:

  • pockets - back and front;
  • belt - in this place it is better to make neat terry and scuffs, and not through holes;
  • pants - the most comfortable and most popular place; holes can be made everywhere except the knee area: in this area the fabric is very stretched and the holes quickly increase in size, so the holes should be located a few centimeters above or below the knees.

What materials are needed?

You can get beautiful holes with a fringe only by using a special set of tools and materials.

If you just cut jeans with scissors or a razor, the effect will not be at all what you expect.

Therefore, for work you need to stock up:

  • a small piece of plywood or thick cardboard;
  • a sharp knife, for example, a clerical one;
  • wax crayon or remnant;
  • sewing ripper;
  • fine grater, file or a piece of sandpaper;
  • may also need a set safety pins, tweezers and vacuum cleaner.

How to make holes correctly: step by step instructions

  1. First, decide on the future appearance jeans. For convenience, you can even draw a sketch, which will mark the location of all decor elements: holes, scuffs, patches, etc.
  2. After that, transfer the sketch directly to the jeans. Mark directly on the front of your pants with a bar of soap or crayon. If you have a washable marker, it will be more convenient to use it.
  3. Now to explore denim. Take a good look at the weave and determine the location of the white and colored threads. It is important for you to understand which of them go vertically and which go horizontally. If it is difficult to determine this by eye, make an incision in an inconspicuous place and disassemble the edge by thread.
  4. Before you begin, place something hard, such as a piece of plywood, under the place of the future cut, so as not to damage the other side of the jeans. Plywood needs to be slipped into the leg, and not just put pants on it!
  5. Start cutting according to the drawn markings. Don't make the slits too long, as they will still unravel. To make the holes “like in a store”, try to make the cut in one motion.
  6. Now you need to give the fresh holes a stylish shabby look. To do this, we need a sewing ripper. With it, gently pull out the white threads, and remove the colored threads. If you don't like holes closed with threads, you can just go around the edges with a grater or nail file.
  7. You can quickly remove thread trimmings and dust left after sawing with a special sticky roller for clothes or a hand-held vacuum cleaner.

Adding a worn effect

Even more interesting model can be done by adding a worn effect to jeans.

To do this, you can use any improvised means with an abrasive effect:

  • kitchen graters;
  • nail files;
  • sandpaper;
  • blades for sharpening knives.

Just take one of these tools and begin to carefully work the denim in the right place. Be careful not to damage the white threads, otherwise the scuffs will quickly turn into holes.
