Is it bad for a pregnant woman to sleep a lot? Possible causes of hypersomnia in pregnant women

Every person needs proper sleep, pregnancy greatly increases the need for rest, so it is especially important for expectant mothers. But the physiological changes that occur after conception, accompanied by soreness of the chest, growth of the abdomen, pain in the back and limbs, do not always allow you to get enough sleep.

In a new position, a woman often encounters insomnia, and the choice of a suitable sleeping position turns into a real problem. Consider the features of a pregnant woman's rest in each of the trimesters, as well as the problems associated with it and ways to solve them.

Pregnancy and sleep are inextricably linked, because without proper rest, the normal intrauterine development of the baby and the well-being of the mother are impossible. French scientists came to the conclusion that women who suffered from insomnia during the period of bearing a child are more likely to experience complications during childbirth (protracted straining period, slow opening of the cervix). In addition, the lack of normal sleep increases the risk of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

A healthy long sleep allows the expectant mother to get rid of the accumulated experiences associated with the expectation of a child and the upcoming birth. Therefore, in order not to experience constant stress and nervousness, you need to rest whenever such a desire appears.

Sleep during pregnancy is especially important, because the female body begins to expend more energy than in the normal state. Also, a decline in strength is explained by a natural decrease in immunity and blood pressure in future mother. This causes apathy and weakness. The best and only way to get rid of them is to give the body time to rest.

How much sleep do you need?

To meet the new needs of the body, sleep should become longer. In a normal period, the optimal duration of a night's rest is 8-9 hours. But a woman "in position" needs more time to recover - an average of 9 to 11 hours.

In the first trimester, the expectant mother experiences severe drowsiness associated with increased production of progesterone, the onset of toxicosis, and other physiological changes. In this regard, sleep during pregnancy on early dates includes additional time for daytime rest. If you wish, it is recommended to devote at least 1.5 hours to it.

In the second trimester, the woman's condition stabilizes and weakness recedes. The need for daytime sleep may disappear, but nighttime rest should remain sufficiently long - 9 hours or more. It is also important to observe the daily routine - go to bed and get up at about the same time. best moment 11 pm is considered to go to bed, and 8-9 am is considered to rise.

What are the best positions to sleep in?

In thinking about how to combine sleep and pregnancy, the stomach, which is increasing day by day, makes its own adjustments. Due to the rapid growth of the child and, accordingly, the uterus, the problem is the choice of a comfortable position for the woman and a safe position for the baby to rest.

Many expectant mothers have a question: is sleeping on the stomach during pregnancy allowed or not? Let's try to figure out how long this is acceptable and what sleeping positions are more suitable for pregnant women.

In the early stages

Properly chosen position guarantees sound sleep and good health. In the first trimester, the choice of positions is practically unlimited. The uterus has not yet had time to increase greatly and is reliably protected by the pubic bones, so sleeping on the stomach during pregnancy is allowed during this period.

But often women have to choose a different position for sleeping in the very early stages. The reason for this is the increase and soreness of the mammary glands. In such a situation, you can sleep on your back or on your side, the main thing is that the position is comfortable.

At a later date

Starting from the second trimester, the choice of acceptable positions is reduced. In order not to cause discomfort to the baby and save the pregnancy, sleeping on the stomach will have to be canceled. It is better to rest during this period lying on your side, as if curled up around the baby.

Since the weight of the baby and the size of the uterus are still small, sleeping on your back during pregnancy is allowed at this time. But after the 27th week, this pose should also be abandoned. If the pregnancy is multiple, the fetus is large, or oligohydramnios is diagnosed, then this will have to be done earlier.

In the third trimester, the most suitable sleeping position is lying on your left side. If the baby is inside the uterus in transverse presentation, then it is better to lie down on the side on which its head is located. This encourages the child to take the correct position.

To make sleep more comfortable, lying on your left side, you need to bend your right leg at the knee and put a pillow under it. You can use a regular pillow of a suitable size or specially designed for pregnant women.

In this position, blood circulation in the placenta improves, optimal conditions are created for the work of the mother's cardiovascular system. In addition, the excessive load on the spine, kidneys and other internal organs.

Sleeping on one side all night is difficult, so if discomfort appears, doctors recommend changing your position by lying on the opposite side. It is advisable to do this 3-5 times a night.

Sleeping on your back during pregnancy in the third trimester is undesirable. At this time, this creates an excessive load on the spine, intestines, and, most importantly, leads to clamping of the vena cava.

As a result, the health of the expectant mother worsens, the following symptoms may appear:

  • labored breathing;
  • tachycardia;
  • drop in blood pressure;
  • dizziness, sometimes fainting.

At the same time, the child experiences intrauterine oxygen starvation, which negatively affects its development. Often, if a woman rolls over on her back in a dream, the baby begins to push hard, giving signals that he is uncomfortable. But as soon as the expectant mother turns on her side, the situation returns to normal.

Sleeping on your stomach in the later stages is also strictly prohibited. Although the child is protected amniotic fluid, but the risk of injury still exists.

What to do with a sleep disorder?

Drowsiness is a natural state for a pregnant woman, but there are exceptions to any rule. Some women experience insomnia during pregnancy. There are many reasons for this - difficulties in choosing a comfortable position for relaxation, back pain, spasms and cramps in the legs, anxiety for the unborn baby or fear of the upcoming birth.

Poor sleep during pregnancy is not normal. Lack of proper rest depletes the body of the expectant mother, leading to a breakdown, headaches and exacerbation of chronic diseases. You can cope with sleep disorders by following a few simple rules.

First of all, you need to pay attention to the state of your body and daily routine. Falling asleep will be easier if:

  1. Go to bed at the same time every day. It is advisable to do this no later than 23:00. The rise should also not be too late; 9-10 hours are enough for a pregnant woman to have a good rest.
  2. When practicing daytime sleep, do not make it too long. If you rest during the day for more than 2 hours, the regime will be disturbed and it will be problematic to fall asleep at night.
  3. Do not drink a lot of liquid at night, otherwise the urge to urinate, already more frequent due to the pressure of the uterus on bladder won't let you rest properly.
  4. During the day, provide yourself with a reasonable physical activity. If there are no contraindications, it is necessary to walk in the fresh air for at least 2 hours daily, attend yoga or water aerobics for pregnant women. Better if physical exercise will fall in the first half of the day.
  5. Do not overeat at night. If the dinner is too dense, everything eaten will cause an unpleasant heaviness in the stomach and make it difficult to breathe, which does not contribute to a healthy and sound sleep.
  6. Ventilate the room before going to bed. The air in the bedroom should be fresh, but not too cold and dry.
  7. Wear comfortable underwear made from natural fabrics. Sleepwear should not be tight or hot. If the house is cool, it is better to cover yourself with a warm blanket, but be lightly dressed.
  8. Take a warm shower before bed. This will relax your muscles and make you fall asleep faster.
  9. Use aromatherapy. Essential oils (ylang-ylang, sandalwood, lavender, neroli) help to calm down, relieve nervous tension and tune in to sleep. They can be applied to fabric, placed in a special pendant or evaporated using an aroma lamp. But you need to remember that oils can provoke allergies.
  10. Convert a place to sleep by purchasing body-friendly bed linen, a comfortable pillow for pregnant women, and, if necessary, an orthopedic mattress.

If these tips do not help get rid of insomnia, you should consult your doctor. For persistent sleep disorders, pregnant women may be recommended herbal teas or light sedatives from natural ingredients - valerian, motherwort, etc. Any sleeping pills for expectant mothers are contraindicated, since they adversely affect the development of the baby, cause malfunctions in the woman's liver and kidneys.

Electrosleep during pregnancy

Electrosleep during pregnancy is one of the few allowed medical methods fight insomnia. This procedure is carried out in a physiotherapy room and consists in applying low-frequency pulsed currents to the brain using a special apparatus.

Such an effect restores cerebral circulation, normalizes nervous activity, and facilitates falling asleep. In addition, electrosleep improves metabolism and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, reduces pressure, relieves spasms and reduces pain. The procedure is indicated for pregnant women not only with nervousness and sleep disorders, but also with severe toxicosis in the second trimester.

The treatment has contraindications (epilepsy, dermatitis of the skin of the face, eye diseases, oncological processes) and is carried out only as directed by a doctor.

A good rest while waiting for a child is possible. A stable daily routine and the creation of favorable conditions for falling asleep will allow you to forget about bad sleep during pregnancy forever. But, if, despite this, you continue to experience difficulties and discomfort, do not hesitate. Timely application for medical care will help get rid of insomnia and begin to receive only pleasure from your position.

Useful video about sleep during pregnancy

The long-awaited two strips bring the first joy and excitement that accompanies the expectant mother, so you need to pay great attention to every alarm bell that the body gives. If the decree is still so far away that colleagues do not even know about your interesting position, but strange drowsiness began to appear frequently. Many mothers will remember how much they wanted to sleep at the very beginning of pregnancy: it is impossible to collect their thoughts at work, there is no strength for household chores on the weekend. The first thought, of course, is about the disease, but this common phenomenon is not at all dangerous. Drowsiness occurs in 80% of women, and most often ends with the first trimester.

natural reaction

For some, future motherhood is a great joy, for others a cause for anxiety and worry, but in any case, the body is under stress. Therefore, sleepiness during early pregnancy is his attempt to avoid such disorders and experiences. There is a direct pattern here, so the less you worry and get nervous, the less sleepy you get. In such cases, you need to urgently do meditation, breathing exercises and sign up for a pool.

Main reasons

Sleepiness during early pregnancy has a number of causes, each of which can play a role.

  • First of all, these are hormonal changes. The body is so passionate about future motherhood that it simply is not going to be distracted by everything else. After all, in nine months he will have to create a real miracle: grow a viable human body from several cells. This will require restructuring all biochemical processes, and then adapting to change.
  • Sleepiness during early pregnancy can be caused by an increased load, to which the expectant mother is not yet accustomed. At this time, it is better to try to change the busy and busy work schedule to a more relaxed one.
  • The psychological side also plays a significant role: new impressions, emotions, the flow of information, from which the pregnant woman gets very tired.
  • The stress and depression associated with this condition can easily trigger drowsiness in early pregnancy. Before the delay, a woman may already suspect about her position, which is not always perceived from a lot of reasons for excitement - this is the upcoming marriage or the lack of such an offer, financial situation, the reaction of relatives and friends, a constant change in figure.
  • Finally, malnutrition, diets, and heavy workloads in the gym can also provoke drowsiness. This is your body telling you to slow down.

Doctors' opinion

If you contact a gynecologist, he will tell you the official version of why women are haunted by drowsiness during early pregnancy. The reasons, according to physicians, lie in endocrine shifts. It is good if a woman sits at home and can afford to rest when necessary, but it is much more difficult for those who go to work. Frequent time off can cause dismissal, especially since up to 12 weeks this is quite possible. But efforts to spur your body with various stimulants are highly undesirable, as this may affect the development of the child.

Try to take breaks from work. At this time, it is necessary to move and do light breathing exercises. Physiological drowsiness during this period does not need drug treatment because it will go away on its own very soon.

Hormonal restructuring: what does it mean?

First of all, all the changes are associated with a change in the level of progesterone. It is produced by the ovaries and performs many useful functions, in particular:

  • Progesterone creates the conditions necessary for the egg to implant in the uterus and the pregnancy to take place.
  • It is he who stops menstruation and allows the fetus to develop normally.
  • This hormone maintains pregnancy, as it prevents muscle contraction.
  • Participates in the growth of the uterus, but stimulates an increase in blood pressure.

Normally, high levels of progesterone are observed at the very beginning of pregnancy and remain so until about 12 weeks. That is, on the one hand, it is necessary for the formation of conditions suitable for the development of the embryo, and on the other, a side effect is a feeling of fatigue and an insistent desire to sleep.

Ways to deal with sleep

First of all, you need to remember that drowsiness during early pregnancy is not a pathology, you just need to wait a bit. In the meantime, you need to slightly adjust your diet and lifestyle.

Be sure to change the composition of the usual menu. It should have a lot natural products, especially fresh vegetables. It will be very useful to treat yourself to bananas, as they affect the production of endorphins, or hormones of happiness. A piece of chocolate or ice cream won't hurt either.

It is very important to regularly ventilate the room, because in order to fight sleep, you need to increased amount oxygen. Especially often women experience such symptoms if it falls in early spring. The body feels a deficiency of vitamins and minerals, and therefore consult a doctor about taking vitamin complexes.

What should be of concern?

Indeed, increased drowsiness during early pregnancy is a variant of the norm, so the symptom does not pose any threat. However, if you, even getting out of bed, feel severe weakness and malaise, this may indicate the development of anemia. This is facilitated by an increasing lack of iron.

In what case can we talk about anemia?

Usually, the doctor can determine the risk of developing anemia even with an external examination of the patient. Weakness and drowsiness in early pregnancy may be accompanied by severe dizziness, shortness of breath, the skin turns pale and numbness of the extremities is observed. In this case, the nails become very brittle and acquire a bluish tint.

Dealing with these symptoms is not difficult at all. To do this, you just need to eat right. Include red meat and liver, as well as fish in your diet. Tea, on the contrary, is better to be completely excluded from the list of products. The doctor may prescribe special vitamin complexes or an additional source of iron at his discretion.

Therefore, if you often just review your daily routine and try to find free minutes in it for a good rest. Very soon, your condition will stabilize, and you will be able to calmly prepare for a meeting with your baby.

It's no secret that with the onset of pregnancy, a lot in a woman's life changes, this also applies to such a natural physiological process as sleep. Sleep during pregnancy is an important part of the normal functioning of the body. Often, expectant mothers have an increased need for sleep, and often they sleep 10 hours a day or more. This shows the body's natural defenses. With a greater load, more hours of rest are required. And during pregnancy, the load is increased and energy is spent not only on ordinary daily activities, but also on carrying a baby. At the same time, fatigue develops faster, there is a need for longer sleep, which is useful for mother and fetus. If a woman overcomes drowsiness and does not allow herself to sleep as much as she wants, then signs of a nervous system disorder often appear, mental and physical performance decreases, body adaptation, immunity, coordination of movements are disturbed, and emotional status suffers. A pregnant woman must be protected from night work, but future mothers themselves are sometimes inattentive to their health and violate the daily routine, for example, preparing for exams at night or doing overtime work.

It is important to understand that lack of sleep during pregnancy affects not only the health and well-being of a pregnant woman, but also the growing body of the fetus. So, for example, even ordinary daytime fatigue is enough to cause an increase in fetal movements and a change in the frequency of its heartbeat. This means that the conditions of breathing and nutrition of the baby are deteriorating. Therefore, when the expectant mother is overtired, conditions can be created that disrupt the vital activity of the fetus, and if they are often repeated, they can harm its development.

For a pregnant woman, the fact that during sleep increases the secretion of prolactin, a hormone that stimulates lactation, also matters. This is an important process, since by the end of pregnancy, the formation of colostrum - primary milk - begins.

What prevents a pregnant woman from sleeping?

Sleep is a complex neurochemical process that is influenced by many factors, both internal and external. The change in sleep while waiting for the baby is affected by the restructuring of the hormonal status of the woman's body. So, progesterone, the level of which increases during pregnancy, significantly increases lung ventilation, which speeds up breathing and prevents the development of hypoxia (oxygen starvation) in the unborn baby. However, this can disturb the mother-to-be's nighttime sleep, causing a feeling of lack of air and a desire to take a deep breath. It also causes drowsiness and a constant feeling of tiredness during the day. More often this condition occurs in the first half of pregnancy, when the action of this hormone predominates.

In the second half of pregnancy, the level of estrogen gradually increases and their ratio with progesterone levels off, so sleep becomes somewhat calmer. There is no longer such constant drowsiness, but a new hindrance appears: a growing belly can cause discomfort, and if a woman, for example, used to prefer sleeping on her stomach, then she will have to look for new positions for rest. Nasal congestion and runny nose, which are often observed during this period, can interfere with normal sleep during pregnancy, since an increasing amount of estrogens causes swelling of the respiratory mucosa and increases mucus secretion.

In the third trimester, it is most difficult for the expectant mother to find a comfortable position due to the significantly enlarged belly. In addition, the uterus props up the diaphragm, which often makes it difficult to breathe, there is a feeling of lack of air or incomplete inspiration. This problem is especially exacerbated in summer period when the weather is hot and sometimes even the night does not bring relief. The uterus also presses on the bladder and stomach, causing frequent urge to urinate and heartburn. Cramps in the calf muscles, back pain, itching in the abdomen due to stretching of the skin may also disturb. Yes, and the movements of the baby become more active and tangible and often cause significant discomfort, disturbing sleep. And in the summer, in addition to the heat, the expectant mother can be disturbed by annoying insects - mosquitoes, midges and flies.

Tips for good sleep during pregnancy

Daily regime

The duration and quality of a pregnant woman's sleep is largely determined by the correct regimen and behavior during the day. Therefore, it is necessary to start the struggle for a good night's rest in the morning. If the expectant mother is used to sleeping for some time during the day, you can try to give up daytime sleep for several days or at least reduce its time - perhaps this measure will be enough and night sleep will be restored.

How to cope with insomnia during pregnancy: eliminate stress and overwork

The next point: you need to try to avoid overvoltage. The fatigue accumulated during the day does not always lead to sound sleep, often after a hard day a woman simply cannot relax. You should not think in advance about insomnia during pregnancy as an inevitable condition, the fear of nighttime torment can aggravate the situation and prevent falling asleep. It is not recommended to do things in the evening that require physical and intellectual effort. And, of course, you should not watch action movies, horror films, thrillers or negative TV shows at night.

Physical activity for the normalization of sleep during pregnancy

During the day, it is desirable that the expectant mother perform a set of simple physical exercises that your obstetrician-gynecologist can recommend. Hiking, especially before going to bed, and swimming in the pool are very useful, if there are no contraindications from the side of health.


For a better night's sleep for pregnant women and easier sleep, you can try relaxing treatments, such as taking a warm bath with a few drops added. essential oil lavender, rose, lemon balm, jasmine, chamomile. They are used both independently and in a mixture. To flavor the air, you can use a special aroma lamp, or drop it on the corners of the pillow, or put a napkin soaked in essential oil at the head of the head.

Also, the expectant mother can ask her husband or someone close to do a relaxing massage before going to bed. This procedure will relieve pain in the back and lower back, massage of the feet and ankles will help to avoid cramps.

For faster falling asleep, the expectant mother is advised to focus on her breathing and take slow and deep breaths and exhalations. Relaxing music or the sounds of nature - the sound of the forest, the surf, the sea or rain - also helps a lot.

Before going to bed, you can smear the skin of the abdomen with lotion, this will prevent itching.


Particular attention should be paid to nutrition. You should not eat heavy high-calorie meals shortly before bedtime (no later than 2 hours before bedtime) or overeat, this will make it difficult to fall asleep and can provoke heartburn. It is also not recommended to drink a lot at night, which will help to get up less often at night to go to the toilet. Strong black and green teas should not be consumed, as they have a tonic property.

Getting comfortable

To combat insomnia, the correct organization of the bed plays an important role. It is advisable to turn off the phone, including the mobile phone, it is not recommended to put it next to you, as electromagnetic waves can affect the quality of sleep and, in general, the body as a whole. Let the bedroom be cool (however, it is necessary to avoid hypothermia of the legs - you can sleep in socks), this will make it easier to fall asleep. In the cold season, be sure to air the room before going to bed, and in the hot season, leave the window open, taking care of applying insect repellants in advance or installing mosquito nets on the windows to avoid a painful night associated with bites. If it is not possible for a pregnant woman to sleep with an open window or window, turn on the air conditioner for night mode, without setting the temperature too low so as not to overcool.

Choose your sleepwear from natural materials, it should not restrict movement and breathing.

The mattress and bed should also be comfortable. An orthopedic mattress helps a pregnant woman to sleep well, which contributes to the correct position of the spine and muscle relaxation. You can purchase a special pillow for pregnant women, which has the shape of a crescent. It is recommended to lay between the legs, under the stomach and under the head. You can also use several small pillows.

If the baby begins to push hard or shows increased activity, try changing the position of the body. This may be due to the fact that, due to an uncomfortable posture, the blood supply to the crumbs has worsened, but it also happens that he is just awake, then you have to wait until he calms down.

Many habitual sleeping positions during pregnancy have to be abandoned. So, for example, sleeping on your stomach is allowed up to 12 weeks, that is, until the second trimester, when the stomach has not yet grown too much, the uterus is still small and reliably protected by the bones of the pubis, so this position is not capable of causing any harm. developing baby. In the first and second trimesters, it is also possible to sleep on your back: due to its size, the uterus is not yet able to strongly compress the surrounding organs, blood vessels and nerves of the expectant mother. However, starting from 12 weeks, it is still advisable to lie on your side, especially if the woman, lying on her back, feels dizzy, short of breath, nausea, and any discomfort in the abdomen. This means that the pregnant uterus disrupts the blood flow in the inferior vena cava. It is undesirable after 20 weeks to sleep on the right side: in this position, the uteroplacental blood supply may deteriorate and the baby will suffer from a lack of oxygen. He begins to "worry", actively pushing, and this is a signal for mom that she needs to change her position. It is best to sleep on your left side during pregnancy. In this position, blood flow to the child improves and swelling decreases.

By indication only!

As regards the application medicines to combat insomnia during pregnancy, they are mostly contraindicated, as they can have a negative effect on the fetus, accumulate in the body and cause liver and kidney disorders. Only a doctor can prescribe any drugs, and only according to strict indications.

By the hour?

There is such a thing as biorhythms, they are also able to influence the quality of night sleep. Biorhythms are periodically repeating changes in the nature and intensity of biological processes and phenomena in a living organism. The biological clock mechanism is located in the hypothalamus (diencephalon) and has a complex structure, where hormonal factors play a leading role. Note that a child before birth, in the womb, already has its own biorhythms. During the day, the course of the “clock” is uneven: it can slow down or speed up, which affects the metabolism of both mother and child. It is noticed that in 24 hours there are 5 ups and 5 downs of activity. Rise most often occur from 5 to 6 in the morning, from 11 to 12 o'clock, from 16 to 17 o'clock, from 20 to 21 o'clock, from 24 to 1 o'clock in the morning. Falls: 2 am to 3 pm, 9 am to 10 am, 2 pm to 3 pm, 6 pm to 7 pm and 10 pm to 11 pm. If a pregnant woman suddenly really wants to get some sleep, there is no need to try to overcome herself, nature itself tells you how to do it right. The expectant mother can observe her feelings, the movements of the fetus and draw conclusions about the periods of activity characteristic of her and her baby and its recessions. Thus, it will be easier for her to properly organize her daily routine, get rid of poor health, including insomnia.

natural sleeping pill

Before going to bed, it is advisable to drink a glass of warm milk (you can add cinnamon, a little honey or sugar to it) or tea from herbs (chamomile, lemon balm, thyme, mint), which have a relaxing effect.

Milk contains tryptophan, which can be called a mild natural sleeping pill. This substance has a calming, sedative effect, and honey contributes to its rapid penetration into the blood. You can eat a small sandwich with boiled turkey before going to bed (the meat of this bird is also rich in tryptophan), in addition, it is useful to include more foods rich in this amino acid in your daily diet. These are all varieties of red meat, cheeses, nuts, fish, eggs, dairy products, bananas.

Pregnancy causes a large number of changes in the state and work of the female body, so she will have to come to terms with them. In addition to hormonal changes and appearance figures, also many expectant mothers notice frequent drowsiness even after a full night's sleep. What makes you want to sleep during pregnancy?

The answer to this question is of interest to many women in position, since the desire to sleep overtakes them literally at every step. Sometimes expectant mothers even have to go to the doctor once again to find out whether the desire to want to sleep is really considered normal and safe for her health.

The first trimester is considered the most important, because it is in the first weeks after conception that the formation of important organs and systems of the child takes place. Therefore, at this time, the woman's body should work like a clock, and also contain a sufficient amount of useful substances.

Why does a woman constantly want to sleep during pregnancy at the initial stage of fetal formation? Drowsiness in the first weeks after conception is considered the main and characteristic sign of pregnancy, by which many women can understand their interesting situation.

In this case, the expectant mother will constantly feel drowsy, and she will almost always be attacked by thoughts of sleep. Why is this happening? The fact is that at the initial stage of the development of the baby, the woman's body spends a lot of effort to ensure that the fetus grows and develops.

And since the body of the future mother is not yet accustomed to such a constant load, it often needs to gain energy and strength - this can be achieved with the help of sleep. That is why the first trimester is considered the most "sleepy".

As soon as the baby's organs and systems are formed, the expectant mother's need to sleep will not be so strong. This usually happens by the end of the first trimester, but this phenomenon is purely individual for each woman.

Attention! A woman often wants to sleep in the first weeks of pregnancy, not because of fatigue or frequent physical exertion - the desire to go to bed is constantly present in a woman even after a full night's sleep.

This phenomenon is associated with the following reasons:

  • development of hormonal imbalance;
  • negative reaction of the body to the stress caused by the onset of pregnancy;
  • changing the functioning of the systems and organs of the expectant mother, which requires considerable effort from her body.

Although the bearing of a child is rightfully considered an unforgettable and enjoyable time for a woman, the development of the fetus is a serious stress for the body, since the birth of a new life causes a rather complex immune conflict between the baby and the mother, while having a negative effect on all systems of her body.

That is why the expectant mother often wants to sleep every day at the beginning of pregnancy.

During the development of the fetus, the female body completely changes its own work - especially with regard to the hormonal background, on which the growth and development of the fetus directly depends. Immediately after conception, the expectant mother increases the production of progesterone and estrogen.

Progesterone causes a relaxing effect on the muscles and the general condition of the body - which is why already in the first weeks of pregnancy, women feel strong and constant drowsiness.

Also important is the increased load on the organs, because now they have to work "for two". During pregnancy, the amount of circulating blood increases by 2 times. The ever-growing uterus puts a lot of pressure on the spine in the lumbar region, which causes the ligaments to relax.

The daily weight gain is also not in the best way affects the female body - it needs to adapt to the increasing body weight, which requires additional strength and energy.

All this can cause severe daytime sleepiness, due to which the expectant mother will be literally. After all, the body is not used to working with an increased load, which means that it needs more time to rest.

Causes of increased sleepiness in the second trimester

The second trimester is considered the most favorable and "asymptomatic" for a woman. After all, all the organs and systems of the fetus have already been formed, the toxicosis has passed, and the uterus has ceased to put pressure on the internal organs, as it began to grow upwards.

As a rule, in this trimester, daytime sleepiness completely recedes. Although some expectant mothers still notice an excessive desire to sleep. Doctors attribute this to the individual characteristics of a woman, because of which they want to sleep not only at night, but also during the day.

However, sometimes you really want to sleep at this stage of pregnancy due to the development of certain diseases.

If in the second trimester the desire to sleep does not stop for a long time, and the expectant mother constantly feels tired, lethargic and lack of strength, this must be reported to the doctor so that he can identify the cause of this condition.

Why does a woman usually want to sleep during the day? Often, daytime sleepiness develops due to the following diseases and conditions:

  • insufficient amount of vitamins in the body;
  • development of anemia;
  • hypothyroidism.

Such conditions are quite simple to identify and cure, so you should not be afraid for the health of the baby. After all, because of them, he can suffer more than because of medicines that the expectant mother will have to drink while carrying the baby.

Insufficient amount of vitamins and nutrients

Doctors call this condition hypovitaminosis, which in modern women observed quite often. The lack of natural fruits and vegetables in the diet, improper or unbalanced nutrition - all this negatively affects the condition of the expectant mother.

Indeed, during pregnancy, she should take twice as many vitamins that are required for the normal growth and development of the baby.

If the nutrition of the expectant mother is unbalanced, she should definitely take vitamin or mineral complexes that will avoid frequent daytime sleepiness.

Hypovitaminosis, in addition to drowsiness, is also expressed by the following symptoms:

  • itching on the body;
  • pain in the head;
  • cracks and dryness on the skin;
  • bleeding gums;
  • burning in limbs;
  • tendency to develop colds.

In order for a woman to feel normal, she needs to visit a doctor and undergo a complete examination of the body.


A dangerous condition for the expectant mother, during which the cells suffer from insufficient oxygen. If such a condition is constantly present in a woman, this will negatively affect the condition of the baby, since a lack of oxygen will cause inhibition in the development of the child.

During the development of anemia, a pregnant woman feels:

  • drowsiness;
  • dizziness;
  • increased heart rate;
  • frequent fatigue;
  • fainting state;
  • skin blanching;
  • desire to eat unusual substances, for example, chalk.

Often, anemia develops in a woman due to insufficient intake of iron in the body along with food.

Sometimes anemia develops as a result of problems with the functioning of the digestive system, when iron is not able to be fully absorbed by the body. This is mainly due to problems with the intestines, which in the second and third trimesters have a large load.

Less commonly, anemia can be caused by a lack of folic acid and vitamin B12. Their insufficient amount in the body causes serious problems with the digestive and nervous systems. In this case, anemia itself will not go away - this requires treatment, thanks to which it will be possible to completely restore the insufficient amount of trace elements.


A decrease in thyroid function causes the development of hypothyroidism. Often this disease develops due to the fact that the body of the expectant mother does not have enough iodine.

The consequences of this disease for the child and mother are terrible, so treatment is required immediately after its development.

Symptoms of hypothyroidism include:

  • frequent drowsiness;
  • memory impairment;
  • severe dry skin;
  • tendency to constipation;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • rapid weight gain, which provokes obesity;
  • apathy;
  • lack of emotions in a pregnant woman.

Incorrect functioning of the thyroid gland especially adversely affects the baby. If a woman does not have time to cure the disease in a timely manner, it is likely to pass to the child. As a result, he may suffer from impaired physical and mental development.

If a woman wants to sleep heavily in the morning, afternoon and evening due to hypothyroidism, the doctor will definitely prescribe hormonal therapy to the expectant mother, which lasts not a single month.

Causes of sleepiness in the third trimester

At the final stage of pregnancy, women also want to sleep a lot. First of all, this is due big size stomach, because of which the expectant mother cannot sleep at night.

In other cases, drowsiness late term says about the course of certain diseases, which, as a rule, the doctor reveals in the second trimester.

Also, drowsiness may be due to the usual fatigue of the body, which is preparing for childbirth and supplies the baby with everything necessary. Doctors say that it’s not worth fighting sleep in the third trimester, because by the end of pregnancy, the female body has the biggest load, which requires a long recovery of energy and strength.

The loss of stamina in many pregnant women is due to the fact that before childbirth, the body weight of the expectant mother increases greatly - on average, the increase is 10-20 kg. Every minute a woman's body experiences a load, which then needs to be restored.

There is also a psychological component to sleepiness. After all, it is known that after the birth of the baby, the mother will not be able to rest. That is why, regardless of the gender of the child - a girl or a boy, the body will store energy and strength in advance for the future.

When drowsiness is considered a sign of pathology

There is a disease that usually manifests itself in the 2nd half of pregnancy - this is preeclampsia. This disease is expressed by the following symptoms:

  • protein in the urine;
  • the appearance of edema;
  • increase in pressure.

Early detection of preeclampsia promises a positive outcome of the treatment of the disease. The main symptom at the initial stage of the development of the disease is drowsiness, which requires special attention.

A sharp increase in pressure also leads to drowsiness. Additional signs of arterial hypertension are:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • pain in the head.

Often, daytime sleepiness is considered a symptom of eclampsia - these are frequent seizures, which are accompanied by such signs:

  • flies before the eyes;
  • deterioration in the quality of vision;
  • nausea that can turn into vomiting;
  • pain in the head.

Even if a woman does not notice changes in her health, the relatives of a pregnant woman will certainly notice a deterioration in her health.

What to do if there is drowsiness during the day, and at night a woman cannot fall asleep? In this case, it is necessary to carry out treatment, otherwise the change in biological rhythms will negatively affect the condition of the pregnant woman. The doctor will prescribe the patient a number of homeopathic and herbal remedies that will help normalize the quality of night sleep.

Should I be concerned about daytime sleepiness?

According to doctors, drowsiness, which is not caused by the development of pathologies, does not at all harm the health of the mother and baby. If a woman constantly wants to sleep, you should not deny yourself this, because thanks to such a rest, the strength of the expectant mother is restored.

However, if drowsiness is constant, she needs to carefully review her daily routine, namely:

  • engage in moderate physical activity;
  • observe proper nutrition;
  • create favorable conditions for sleep.

The waiting time for a baby is considered the most exciting moment for every woman, even if he is overshadowed by frequent drowsiness. The main thing is to listen to your body, and in case of any problems, immediately consult a doctor.

During pregnancy, every woman is faced with new emotions and sensations. The body of the expectant mother undergoes many changes, trying to get used to a new, unusual state up to this point. One of these changes is sleepiness during pregnancy.

If you complain to a gynecologist about weakness and drowsiness and ask why you feel sleepy during pregnancy, the doctor will most likely tell the official version explaining why this problem occurs. Experts are sure that endocrine changes are to blame.

It's great if the expectant mother can afford to rest during pregnancy - it will be easier for her to put up with increased drowsiness and fatigue. It is more difficult for those women who have to go to work or school. The desire to boost the body with various stimulants, for example, in the form of caffeine, cannot be yielded, since this can affect the development of the unborn baby.

Causes in the early stages

Slight nausea, weakness and drowsiness - the onset of pregnancy. They appear even before the moment when menstruation is supposed to begin or show a positive result. Increased drowsiness is due to an increase in the content in the blood. This hormone is synthesized in in large numbers as a result of the onset of conception. It affects not only the reproductive functions of the female body, but also affects it systemically, including affecting the state of the nervous system.

This leads to nervous system women begin to remain in a state of rest, often reminiscent of apathy. That is, the constant desire to sleep and relax for the expectant mother, who is in the early stages of pregnancy, is quite normal. By the end of the third month, the symptoms of fatigue and drowsiness during pregnancy gradually disappear. A woman's mood improves, there is a feeling of a surge of strength and energy.

Reasons for late

The second peak of increased drowsiness appears closer to childbirth - at 36 weeks of gestation. This is due to the active preparation of the body for the approaching birth.

In the last month of pregnancy, the expectant mother feels more pronounced discomfort, complains about it, it is difficult for her to find a comfortable one. These difficulties add to the emotional experiences associated with early delivery. All this affects the fact that a woman does not get enough sleep at night and complains of increased drowsiness during the day. After the baby is born, this problem will go away on its own.

Pathological sleepiness

Periodically appearing fatigue and drowsiness during pregnancy are quite natural for the body of the expectant mother. But if the symptoms of fatigue, apathy and lack of strength haunt a woman who is in position constantly for a long time, it is important to find the cause of this condition.

Pathological drowsiness that occurs in the early stages of pregnancy may be due to the fact that a woman illiterately organizes the regime of work and rest, allowing for lack of sleep and lack of proper rest, facing stress factors. Also, the appearance of pathological drowsiness may be due to health problems of the pregnant woman.

It can be:

  • pronounced and late;
  • iron deficiency;
  • or blood pressure.

Also, the reasons for the development of this type of drowsiness can be banal and manifestations. In this case, consultation with the attending physician is necessary.

How to work with drowsiness?

Most expectant mothers work until. Many of them complain about the constant desire to sleep right at the workplace, especially if work activity is associated with sedentary monotonous work. If before conception energy drinks could help to cope with fatigue, and strong, then during pregnancy it is strictly forbidden to use them to raise the tone.

How to work in case of haunting drowsiness?

  1. It is necessary to ensure that the air temperature in the working room is 19-21 ° C. If it is warmer or, conversely, a little colder, most likely, the body will be more sleepy.
  2. It is necessary to ventilate the room at work more often, avoid stuffy and smoky places. Oxygen deficiency negatively affects the well-being of the expectant mother, causing a feeling of fatigue and drowsiness.
  3. Small walks in the fresh air during the day or in the evening not only invigorate, improve mood, but also help get rid of drowsiness without the use of tonics.
  4. When strong desire sleep is recommended to drink a glass of chilled water in one gulp.
  5. Avoid overwork. With a constant feeling of fatigue and haunting drowsiness, you can ask the management to enter the position and partially alleviate labor activity. A similar possibility is provided for by the legislation of our country when it comes to pregnancy.

If you constantly want to sleep at the workplace, the body is deprived of energy, serious fatigue has accumulated - this problem should be discussed with your doctor. Perhaps the cause of drowsiness in this case is not physiological, but pathological, that is, associated with a certain disease. This condition provides for the appointment of treatment that is not dangerous for the development of the baby.

If drowsiness is severe

If drowsiness in early pregnancy is understandable, then its prolonged course may be a sign of pathology. In cases where the problem does not go away for a long time, and the woman complains of sleep disorders, accompanied by constant awakenings, nightmares, periods of nocturnal wakefulness, the help of a specialist is needed.

Severe weakness and drowsiness during pregnancy, accompanied by pallor of the skin and a violation of general well-being, may be signs of hypotension and anemia. If these symptoms are accompanied by fainting, we are talking about the development of such a pathology as acute preeclampsia.

These conditions require treatment. For example, in case of anemia, a specialist prescribes iron preparations to a woman (Ferlatum, Ferrum Lek and others) and a diet enriched with iron-containing foods.

What to do?

Drowsiness during pregnancy caused by physiological factors cannot be a sign of a disease. Thus, the woman's body simply adapts to its new position, so this condition does not need to be treated. It is enough to reconsider your usual daily routine, highlighting an additional couple of hours in it for sleep and rest.

A woman during pregnancy should sleep at least 10 hours every day, ideally if 2 hours of them are spent on daytime sleep. It is recommended to go to bed in the evening no later than 22:00 in order to preserve natural biorhythms as much as possible and achieve a more complete rest.

If before pregnancy a woman used to start her morning with a cup of coffee and pastries, now you need to give up this habit. The future mother's breakfast should consist of yogurt, dried fruits, muesli or cereals - this will fill the body with a sufficient portion of energy and drive away fatigue.

Light, regular walks in the fresh air are very useful for the expectant mother, as they help keep the body in good shape. Sufficient physical activity can suppress stress factors, improve mood and overall well-being.

If increased drowsiness is a sign of a certain pathological process, for example, hypotension, treatment is carried out for the underlying disease that provokes the development of the problem. These situations require monitoring by a specialist who will help you choose the best treatment and prevent possible pregnancy problems.

Useful video about the features of sleep during pregnancy

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