Three ways to melt wax at home. How to use depilatory wax at home

12 359 0 Smooth velvet skin is the dream of every woman! Excess hair on the body causes discomfort both for its owner and for the people around her. Hairs sticking out in different directions in the shape of a hedgehog do not add to our attractiveness and make us feel awkward in the company of friends on vacation, on a trip, let alone a romantic evening with our chosen one. One of the most effective ways The solution to this problem is waxing, for which it is not at all necessary to go to a beauty salon. Today we will tell you exactly how to use wax for depilation without leaving home.

Let's start with the fact that depilatory wax comes in different varieties. And in order to choose the option that suits you, you need to understand the differences in types of wax. One of the main classifications of wax is its division into hot, warm and cold - that is, according to the temperature of the substance used for the procedure. What features does each type have? We'll also talk about this later.

How to use wax at home?

As we noted above, wax depilation can be:

  • Hot;
  • Warm;
  • Cold.

What is each method?

Hot wax

The sequence of the waxing procedure with this wax looks like this:

  • Heat the wax in a wax melter ( special device to heat the wax) to the temperature specified in the instructions;
  • We carefully apply the heated wax to the skin of the area being treated - bikini area, armpits, legs, arms, area above the upper lip;
  • We wait for the wax to harden;
  • We remove the frozen wax by picking it up with our fingers and tearing it off against the hair growth;
  • We disinfect and soothe the skin - treat the surface with an antiseptic (Chlorhexidine is suitable), take a cool shower (you can wipe the skin with ice cubes) and apply a soothing cream.

Pros of hot wax:

  • Hair is easier to remove as the skin warms up well;
  • Lower pain threshold, so can be used even in the bikini area;
  • The risk of irritation in the treated areas is reduced;
  • The result lasts a long time;
  • This wax can be used many times.

The main disadvantage of hot wax is the risk of getting burned due to improper procedure. Therefore, it is very important to read the instructions for using wax and follow all its requirements.

Important! It is best to heat hot wax in a wax melter - this way you can track the desired temperature. You should not use improvised means, for example, a microwave or a water bath - you can overheat the wax and get a serious burn instead of beautiful smooth skin.

Warm wax

How to use warm wax for depilation:

  • Heat the wax in a thermostat to the temperature specified in the instructions;
  • Apply it with a special spatula to the skin - legs, armpits;
  • Press the applied wax layer with a cloth strip;
  • After the wax has cooled, tear off the strip along with the hairs parallel to the skin;
  • Remove excess wax from the skin using oil;
  • We disinfect the skin, soothe it with a contrast shower and apply cream.

Pros of warm wax:

  • Safe to use at home - the risk of getting burned is very low;
  • Has a long-lasting effect – about one and a half months;
  • Often sold in cartridge form, this wax is very convenient to apply.

Cold wax

How to use wax for depilation at home? Probably everyone knows about cold wax, because at least once in their life they have used “good old” wax strips:

  • Warm up the strip in your hands;
  • Apply it to the surface to be treated;
  • With a sharp movement we tear it off against the hair growth;
  • We provide calming procedures.

Pros of cold wax:

  • Sold immediately ready-made in strip format;
  • Very easy to use, does not require special tools for heating and application;
  • Suitable for cases when you need to get rid of hair “right now”.

Among the disadvantages of cold wax, we note its low efficiency compared to hot and warm waxing. In addition, this method is applicable mainly for removing hair from the legs; clearing other areas of unnecessary vegetation using wax strips will be problematic and quite painful.

Important! Before waxing with any wax, you need to test for tolerance to the product! Apply a little wax to your forearm and wait about half an hour to an hour: if an allergic reaction begins to appear, then you should discard such wax and choose another remedy. If there is no reaction, depilation can be performed.

Which form of wax for home hair removal should I choose?

Well, have you already chosen the right option for yourself? In fact, there is another classification of depilatory wax - according to the form of release. If you come to the store and contact a consultant, he will offer you several options for wax: in a jar, in granules, in cartridges or in cassettes. The cosmetics industry does not stand still, and wax will probably appear in some form soon. What to choose in the store? To do this, you need to know the features of the products presented in cosmetics stores.

Film wax granules

Film wax is a type of hot wax that has the benefits of warm waxing. How to use film wax for depilation? This wax is applied in a layer with a special spatula to the treated area of ​​the body, and after hardening it is torn off along with excess hairs - the sequence of actions is almost the same as when working with hot wax.

Advantages of film wax:

  • Tender smooth skin as a result;
  • Low risk of burns due to lower melting point;
  • Low consumption, as it is applied in a fairly thin layer;
  • It does not break when removed, as it contains rubber;
  • It is evenly distributed and manages to warm up the hair follicles before they cool down;
  • Suitable for hard to reach and sensitive areas.

Film wax is often available in granule form. You take several granules from the package according to the instructions and the surface area to be treated, melt them in a wax melter to the consistency of sour cream and apply to the skin. After hardening, quickly remove the wax. A cooling and antiseptic agent should then be used.

Film wax is also available in cartridges : In this case, the wax in the wax melter is placed directly into them. The only inconvenience of such wax is that it will not be very convenient for them to work on large areas of the body.

There are usually several brands of depilatory wax on store shelves. Among film waxes, the brands “Depilica”, “White Line”, “Beauty Image” have earned a good reputation. The latter brand produces wax both in cans and in the form of disks, and in the form of granules. Film wax granules of the “Beauty Image” brand have a very attractive name “White Chocolate”. Good feedback There are also film waxes from the brands “Cristaline”, “Depileve”, “Rica” and “Tessiltaglio”. In fact, there are no significant differences between film wax in a jar, in granules or in a cartridge - it’s just the release form. Here everyone chooses what is convenient for them.

How to use depilatory wax in granules is quite clear. This type of film wax has many advantages. But there are also disadvantages. In using such wax you need experience: you need to correctly calculate the number of granules, melt them to the required temperature, so as not to melt the substance into a liquid state, and not to cause the wax to crumble when applied. Film wax still refers to professional means depilation and requires skillful hands.

Wax in cartridges

Next, we will answer the question How to use depilation cartridges? The sequence of actions is similar to the previous algorithms. The only difference is that the wax is applied not with a spatula or spatula, but with the help of the cartridge itself, on which the nozzle is placed.

First, the cartridge with wax is placed in a wax melter, heated to the desired temperature, then the nozzle is put on it. Next, through the nozzle, you apply a thin layer of wax to the surface to be treated, and after a few seconds, remove it along with the hairs.

Advantages of wax cartridges:

  • Very convenient and safe - you don’t have a jar of hot wax standing next to you, which you can accidentally tip over yourself;
  • Very economical - the consumption of funds is very small;
  • Available for all skin types and hair of any thickness - you can choose a product taking into account your characteristics;
  • It varies in structure of the substance:
    • gel wax is hypoallergenic;
    • cream wax Suitable for those with sensitive and dry skin;
    • classic wax with a thin consistency recommended for sensitive areas.

In addition, wax in cartridges is also available for narrow roller applicators. How to use roller wax for depilation? Everything here is the same as with a regular cartridge, just instead of a nozzle there is a small roller. This procedure is suitable for removing excess hair in delicate areas.

Wax in cassettes

Wax in cassettes is also, in fact, roller wax for depilation. Wax cassettes – relatively new form release of this product for removing excess hair, so problems may arise with its purchase, since cassette wax in ordinary cosmetics stores may not be among the assortment.

How to use depilatory wax in cassettes? First, you insert the cassette into the warmer and heat the wax for a while - according to the instructions. After the wax heats up, you roll the cassette roller over the skin prepared for depilation. Then you apply the paper, iron it and tear it off against the hair growth.

Here we should immediately note several disadvantages of this procedure:

  • You can process the same area a maximum of two times in a row, so if any hairs remain, they will have to be removed with tweezers;
  • Such depilation is unlikely to be suitable for the armpits, bikini area and certain areas of the face - these areas are very sensitive and you simply cannot endure the pain;
  • A lot of side effects If performed incorrectly, minor bruises and severe redness may result.

If, after all, this type of depilation wax suits you, then do not neglect caring for your skin. Carefully remove wax residues with oil, apply moisturizers, and do not visit the bathhouse, sauna, beach or solarium for two to three days after hair removal - let your skin rest and recover. Don't forget to lightly exfoliate after a while to prevent ingrown hairs.

One of the main recommendations when using cassette wax is to care for the cassette roller itself. After the procedure, it must be thoroughly cleaned - before the next procedure, it must be absolutely clean! Otherwise, you may become infected.

Well, we told you all about wax, its types and forms. But many will ask, what else is needed for waxing? If you have finally decided on this depilation method, then you simply need to purchase a wax melter.

How to choose a wax melter for home hair removal?

Today in the article we mentioned several times about wax melters - special devices for heating wax during depilation at home. Should I buy such a device or not, and how to choose it?

For your convenience, a wax melter is still worth purchasing. Yes, you can heat the wax in the microwave or in a water bath, but, as practice shows, nothing good will come of it. It's inconvenient and dangerous.

Benefits of wax melt:

  • Heats the wax to the desired temperature;
  • Has temperature indicators that allow you to control the process;
  • Maintains temperature for some time, allowing you to remove all excess hair in one session;
  • It works from the mains, some models can work on a base similar to an electric kettle - you can sit comfortably in the bathroom, and not run to the kitchen for heated wax.

Wax melters are divided into cassette, can and combined. When choosing, pay attention to the manufacturer. Many companies that produce depilatory wax offer their clients several types of wax melters. Choose the one that is convenient for you, but be sure to check the compatibility of your favorite wax release form and its brand with the specific wax melter model.

Useful video lesson.

  1. The length of hair in epilation areas should be at least 0.5 cm.
  2. If you plan to remove facial hair with wax, 2-3 days before the procedure, refuse cosmetics containing retinol. Under the influence of retinol, the top layer of skin becomes very sensitive, and during hair removal there is a risk of tearing off the epidermis along with the hair.
  3. The day before epilation, rub your skin with a hard washcloth or. This is necessary in order to remove dead skin particles and ensure better adhesion of the hairs to the wax.
  4. Minimize pain by taking ibuprofen or applying an ice pack to the waxing site half an hour before the procedure. Remember that pain may increase during menstruation, so try to remove hair at other times.
  5. Do hair removal in a warm room, for example in the bathroom after a shower: in the warmth, the hair canals will expand and you will not feel as much pain.
  6. Before epilation, take a shower and dry yourself. Wax adheres best to clean, dry skin.
  7. Sprinkle talcum powder on the depilation area to completely remove excess moisture from the skin.

If you have never done waxing before, it makes sense to trust the master.

Firstly, you will be able to understand whether this type of hair removal is right for you, and secondly, you will have the opportunity to observe the actions of a professional.

How to do hair removal with ready-made wax strips

The obvious advantage of ready-made wax strips is that you don’t have to heat the wax and clean the bathroom from its drops. However, the strips are a little more painful to use than hot wax.

Choose strips designed specifically for the area of ​​the body you are going to treat.

Warm the wax strip between your palms for a few seconds, then carefully remove the protective layer.

Apply the wax strip down to the epilation site and quickly smooth it in the direction of hair growth. Press the strip firmly against your body and leave it on the skin for a few seconds.

Lightly stretch and press the skin under the strip with your palm, and then with a quick sharp movement, remove the wax against the hair growth.

At the same time, try to keep the strip as close to the skin as possible, that is, do not pull it up, but quickly pull it along the body.

How to do epilation with hot wax

Warm up the wax, following the instructions on the package exactly. The fastest way to do this is in, but you need to make sure that there is no foil on the jar. As a rule, 15–20 seconds is enough for a full jar. The consistency of ready-to-use wax should resemble liquid honey.

Be sure to test the temperature of the wax by dripping it on your wrist. Wax that is too hot can burn you, and wax that is not warm enough will be difficult to spread.

Once the wax has reached the desired temperature, dip the applicator into it and apply a thin layer in the direction of hair growth.

The thicker the hair grows, the thicker the layer of wax should be and, alas, the more painful the procedure will be.

Quickly place a strip of fabric over the wax and smooth it in the direction of hair growth, leaving a free bottom edge for you to pull.

After a few seconds, when the wax has set, lightly stretch and press the skin under the strip with your hand, and then sharply pull the fabric against the hair growth. Resist the temptation to remove it slowly and carefully - pull quickly, trying to pull it along the body.

If hair removal with hot wax has met your expectations and you plan to carry out this procedure regularly, it makes sense to buy a wax heater (wax melter).

With it, you don't have to constantly run from the bathroom to the microwave to heat up the cooled wax.

How to make your own wax for hair removal

The simplest wax recipe for home hair removal includes only three ingredients in a ratio of 1: 2: 4, namely:

  • 50 g paraffin;
  • 100 g beeswax;
  • 200 g rosin.

Place all ingredients in a heat-resistant bowl, melt in a water bath and stir. As soon as the mixture becomes liquid and homogeneous, remove it from the heat, let the wax cool to an acceptable temperature and begin epilation.

However, it is still recommended to use ready-made wax, in which the proportions of the ingredients are precisely observed and which has probably passed quality control in production. A self-made mixture may turn out to be no worse, but it can also fail if you come across poorly purified or, worse, adulterated wax with impurities of paraffin or stearin.

What to do after hair removal

After epilation, remove any remaining wax using baby skin oil or. Then take a shower and apply body lotion to soothe your skin.

If there is a lot of hair left at the epilation site, the reasons may be the following:

  1. Hairs are too short.
  2. The wax is too hot.
  3. The wax was applied against the direction of hair growth.
  4. Wax layer too thin.

Perhaps . is more suitable for you.

Depilatory wax in cartridges

Warm wax Sold in two packages - in cartridges in cans. Waxing at home it will be much more effective if you choose warm wax for hair removal in cartridges. The wax in the cartridge is applied to the skin using a roller, so the distribution over the skin is even and wax consumption is reduced. The wax in a jar is applied with a special metallic or plastic spatula, which is not always convenient (if you are new to wax hair removal).

Most Popular waxes in cartridges issued by companies Depilflax, Depileve, Beauty Image, Skin System.

Wax in cartridges: how to use?

On previously cleansed skin apply warm wax one layer along the hairline. Next, apply a wax strip to the wax (leave a small loose tail on the strip to make it easier to remove the strip from the skin). Smooth the strip with your palm to catch all the hairs on the skin. With a sudden movement remove the wax strip in the direction against hair growth.

How to heat wax in a cartridge?

You can heat the wax in the cartridge in several ways: V microwave, water bath and in heater for wax cartridges .

Beginners usually warm up cartridges in the microwave, and this is a good way. To do this, place the cartridge in the oven for 20 seconds, then add 10 seconds each until the wax reaches the desired temperature. But this heating method also has disadvantages: the cartridge cannot be placed on a plate, because the wax may leak and stain the oven. If you place the cartridge vertically, then when rotating it may fall and leak again. In addition, the wax hardens quickly, so you will have to reheat the wax every 2-3 minutes.

The second home method to heat wax in a cartridge is a water bath. The wax must be placed in a metal container, and the container itself in boiling water.

The easiest way is to purchase a wax heater in cartridges.

Cartridge inserted into the heater, the heater itself into the base (there are heaters without a base), the plug into the socket, and in 10-15 minutes the wax heats up to the desired state, and does not flow, since the wax melter stands vertically and heats the cartridge evenly.

An indicator that the warm wax has heated to the desired temperature is a slight rotation of the cartridge roller. You can check this by spreading the wax over an epilation strip. Once heated, the cartridge does not need to be removed from the heater, so you won't get burned on the cartridge and the wax will stay warm longer.

Wax in cartridges is best suited for hair removal of legs, arms, and back. Bikini wax cartridges not quite suitable, better choose hot wax.

Waxing is a popular hair removal method among women. It is carried out in different ways, using special means and accessories. To perform the procedure at home, women often buy film wax. Let's look at what this product is and learn the rules for its independent use.

Innovative film wax is part of the group of hot depilatory waxes. However, it liquefies at lower thermal indices than its “brothers”. The product melted at a temperature of 37 – 40°C reduces the risk of burns, guarantees painlessness and increases the level of comfort from the procedure. For comparison: the optimal temperature for melting hot wax is 45 – 47°C, and this can cause burns for hypersensitive individuals.

The absence of increased pain is explained by the rapid hardening of the film wax. This happens in 7–10 seconds, but even such a small amount of time is enough to create the thermal effect necessary to warm up the hair follicles. The liquefied product follows the relief of the skin being treated and captures hairs of any length (the shortest ones are also involved in the process).

If you compare film wax for depilation with the usual warm version, it is easy to notice the better effect of using the former. With its help the body gets rid of more hair without breaking, no matter how hard to reach the area. Moreover, the cost of funds for one procedure is quite small. Thus, thin-layer application of film wax increases its service life by about a third. Warm wax released in granular form runs out faster.

Film wax is good because it can be used on different parts of the body and perform intimate depilation, which cannot be said about other warm waxes. They soothe and soften the tissue, but are not suitable for hair removal in the bikini area, which is highly sensitive. The intimate area contains a lot of vegetation, but you need to work with it carefully, carefully removing every hair.

Tools Overview

Hair removal wax is available in different formats. It is made into briquettes and sealed in metal containers; the granules are packaged in bags. Some stores sell the product individually. Sales points are located in cities and the virtual network. Hot wax also differs in the type of removal. Some varieties can be removed by hand, others can be removed with paper and fabric strips. When depilating the bikini area, it is better to use film wax with a manual removal technique.

A popular manufacturer of depilatory waxes is the Spanish company Beauty Image. It offers its product in disk format. The composition is based on muscat rose oil and resinous pine extract. Disc hot wax does an excellent job of removing short, coarse hairs that make the groin area and armpits woolly.

One box of branded wax contains 15 discs. For one session, during which the skin warms up, cleanses and opens the pores, 1 - 2 discs are enough. The amount depends on the extent of the area being epilated.

Beauty Image product range:

  • Wax with cotton extract.
  • Perfumed products.
  • A line of products with argan oil and gold (recognizable by the name “Glamour”).

The second version of the products of the company in question is sold in a metal can. Its peculiarity is the content of Aloe Vera - a plant that is gentle on dry and thin skin. It is noteworthy that aloe wax removes any type of hair. It can be removed without using strips.

The review of popular hair removal products continues with wax granules “White Chocolate” (same manufacturer). The product acts at a temperature of 42°C, in close contact with the dermis and without causing side effects such as irritation, itching, and redness.

Compared to the traditional form of products, granular wax provides greater comfort in work. Solidifying into a thin film, it painlessly pulls out all the hairs and follicles. Many specialists prefer to work with granules for clients who need waxing intimate area. Product consumption is economical.

When purchasing hair removal products, we recommend paying attention to products from White Line Natura. The products here are mainly gel-like. It needs to be heated to 37°C. The advantage of gel wax is its ease of application and ease of treatment of solid surfaces (hairy limbs, back). All types of wax are suitable for professional and DIY hair removal.

Which to choose

When choosing a film wax, look at what form the product comes in. The seller can offer you two options:

There are no significant differences between depilatory waxes in cans, granules and cartridges. This is only a form of release, the choice of which remains with the consumer.

How to use

Let's take a closer look at how to use film wax to obtain high-quality results. First, prepare your skin by washing and scrubbing. Hygiene will help eliminate dirt and dead particles of the epidermal structure, which impair the adhesion of the skin to the wax. Detergent must not contain aggressive substances. The recommended composition for it is natural ingredients.

The next step is skin disinfection. Wipe it with either a special lotion intended for hair removal or a pharmaceutical antiseptic. Next, sprinkle the skin with talc to degrease. The powder will absorb sweat and create conditions for reliable fixation of the wax mass on the scalp.

Application of granular wax

Let's learn how to use film wax at home as follows:

  1. Place the required amount of granules in a plastic bowl or a special heater called a wax melter.
  2. Warm up the preparation to 38 – 40°C, achieving the formation of a mass of sour cream-like consistency. Without a wax melter we can use a steam bath or microwave oven.
  3. Armed with a spatula, place the wax on the desired area, evenly distributing the substance and capturing all the hairs. Pull the edge of the uncured appliqué slightly. We will need the protruding area to painlessly remove the layer.
  4. After waiting for the mass to completely harden, we grab the tip of the application. With the other hand we pull back the nearby skin.
  5. Quickly tear off the wax in the direction of hair growth. If you do this in the reverse order, you can injure the follicles and develop the problem of ingrown hairs.
  6. Let's complete the procedure by treating the epilated surface with a cooling agent.

How to perform wax depilation in cartridges

When using film wax in cartridges, we only need a spatula and a heater.

How to remove body hair with wax cartridges:

  1. Place the cassette in the wax melter and wait 20 - 25 minutes until the product becomes liquid.
  2. Using a spatula, distribute the composition evenly over the skin and lift the layer on one side.
  3. We wait for it to harden and grab the end of the application. With the second hand we pull back the skin near the surface sealed with wax.
  4. Remove the layer with a sharp movement in the direction of hair growth.
  5. Soothe the area with cooling cosmetics.

In reviews of the film wax depilation procedure, women often write that after hair removal, the products in cartridges leave marks on the skin that cannot be washed off with water. For this case, special oil wipes and products sealed in bottles are provided. They quickly cleanse the body of product residues and do not leave greasy stains. But since such funds do not emit very nice smell, some consumers refuse their constant use.

Granulated wax leaves no traces after epilation. It hardens as a complete film, and at the time of removal it is removed in a single layer.

Suitable for removing wax mass from available means: olive oil. Soak a table napkin in it and wipe the skin. As a last resort, you can try to wipe off the wax with a rich body cream or soap solution. But these methods are ineffective. It is better to use special equipment.

Results of use

Using film wax for depilation purposes frees you from unwanted hair for 1 to 4 weeks. The average result of maintaining a smooth effect was recorded at 2 weeks.

To prolong the achieved effect, you can additionally use a product that can inhibit hair growth. When using it, you will add smoothness to your skin for a few more days.

Concerning negative consequences from hair removal with film wax, there is practically no hair even for those with hypersensitive skin. The composition of the product is delicate in relation to the most the most delicate skin. If redness or slight swelling occurs, it quickly disappears and does not require any intervention.

Waxing is one of the most common ways to remove unwanted hair. Warm wax(low temperature) when applied to the skin, it immediately cools down to body temperature, without exerting a pronounced thermal effect. Warm wax is sold in cartridges and jars.

Warm wax in jars Perfect for depilation on arms, legs and back. Warm wax is sold in a frozen form, but to remove hair you need melted wax.

Before use, warm wax in a jar must be heated; this can be done in three ways.

Heater for wax in jars (wax melters for depilation)

The easiest way to heat wax is in a wax melter.. Exists cassette wax melter (cartridge wax melter) And can wax melter. There are also universal wax melters; they heat wax in any package. At home wax melt very convenient to use: you just need to open the jar, get rid of the protective foil and put the container in the wax melter.

Wax melter great for those who regularly do hair removal at home. Modern wax melters are equipped with thermostats, so you don’t have to constantly monitor the temperature - it will be maintained automatically.

Heating wax in the microwave

How to heat up wax without a wax melter? Can heat the wax in the microwave. If you are using a microwave oven, make sure there is no foil left on the jar before placing the container on heat. The more powerful your microwave oven, the shorter the heating time should be. Also note that thicker (opaque) containers take longer to heat up, and different brands of wax heat up differently, so read the instructions carefully. Start with 20 seconds, then add 10 seconds, checking the temperature of the wax each time.

Melting wax in a water bath

The wax can also be heated using hot vapors. You need to fill a pan with water and place an iron can with wax in it. Please note that the liquid level should not be higher than the level of the can. Next, put the pan on high heat and make sure that moisture does not get into the wax, otherwise you may get burned when removing hair, and the quality of depilation will decrease.

Don't forget to leave the dishes open. After the water boils, reduce the heat and continue heating the wax. Keep it on the stove for 5 to 10 minutes, depending on the amount of hair removal wax in the jar. Never let the wax boil.

Check the wax temperature before you start cosmetic procedures. It should not exceed 60 degrees, otherwise you will get burns. Mix the mixture thoroughly, moving the spatula from the center of the container to the edges. Apply a small amount of the substance to the inside of your wrist - the finished wax should be hot, but at the same time comfortable.
When the wax is warm, apply it to the skin with a special spatula.
