How to effectively and safely lighten hair with folk remedies? How to lighten hair at home quickly Safe hair lightening with paint.

The question is how to lighten hair without harm. Indeed, in the composition of chemical paints there are harmful components, after interaction with which the hair loses its healthy appearance. Therefore, they require a long recovery. To prevent this, you can use effective methods of safe clarification. For this, simple folk remedies are used. All procedures can be performed at home.

How to lighten hair without harm, so as not to visit the salon? An important step is preparation for the procedure, and then care. Due to lightening, the face looks younger, which is why many women choose this type of curl renewal. The procedure can be used for dark and blonde hair. In order to avoid mistakes, you should familiarize yourself with all the subtleties of the work.

For dark curls

For dark curls cream dye or bleaching powder is required. In this case, it is important to neutralize the red-orange hue. Cream-paint performs a brightening and toning effect. It is used for dark blond curls.

For black strands, it is better to choose powder, thanks to which clarification is performed by 8 tones. But then tinting will be required, so the whole process will be lengthy. Before the procedure, you should make sure that the choice of lightening is chosen, since by nature the hair is combined with the eyes and eyebrows.

For blond curls

The most harmless way of lightening hair is highlighting. It perfectly updates the color, and makes the hairstyle more voluminous. Compared to staining, the procedure is safer.

Shampoos are designed to safely lighten hair. It's even better to choose folk methods, since lightening blond curls is much easier than others. These remedies include honey, rhubarb, chamomile and lemon.

To lighten hair, lemon is used, with which the color changes by 1-2 tones. To do this, water (0.5 liters) is mixed with lemon juice (from 1 fruit). The tool is used to rinse clean strands. But for dry curls, this method is not suitable, since citric acid has a drying effect.

Safe Lightening

To perform clarification without harm, you should follow the recipe. The procedure is carried out on the basis of the following rules:

  • Use chemicals carefully as they can dry out your hair. If used incorrectly, curls can fall out a lot;
  • The skin and face must be protected from exposure to the product;
  • Lightened hair should be protected from chlorinated water;
  • Do not lighten damaged hair.

Degree of clarification

The level of lightening depends on:

  • original hair color. Lightening black curls is quite difficult;
  • duration of the procedure;
  • The amount of funds;
  • Temperatures.
Slight lightening damages curls. Therefore, before the procedure, you should choose more suitable remedy.


Lemon juice is suitable for lightening dark and light hair. They get shine. The tool allows you to eliminate electrification. Staining is performed based on the following methods:

  • Lemon juice (0.5 cups) is mixed with water (125 g);
  • Before clarification, you need to add a little to the composition olive oil;
  • Then the composition must be applied to clean curls, and then they are dried;
  • After an hour, the head should be washed with conditioner.


Chamomile will make your hair golden. To prepare the product, you will need dry flowers (2 tablespoons) and water (2 cups). The composition must be heated over low heat. After 15 minutes, it can be removed and cooled. The solution must be filtered.

Chamomile is used as a conditioner. Chamomile can be combined with nettle (1 tbsp each). Herbs are boiled in 1 liter for 10 minutes. The composition is used to rinse a clean head. After 15 minutes, it can be washed off.


Safe lightening of hair is performed with kefir. It is necessary to take a product of at least 3-4% fat and not very fresh, since it is enriched with acids. You will need kefir (0.5 cups), vodka (2 tablespoons), lemon juice (from half a fruit), yolk, shampoo.

The components are mixed, and then the composition is applied to the hair. The head should be wrapped with cling film, and then with a towel. The mask works for about 8 hours, and then it must be washed off with shampoo.


Cinnamon must first be ground and mixed with balm in an amount of 2: 1. Then the product is applied to the hair. Heat is provided by a plastic bag and a towel. The mask is valid for 8 hours.

Lightening with cinnamon is also suitable for dark hair. They will have a light sheen. To consolidate the effect, the procedure is performed 3 times a week.


Before the session, you need to wash your hair with a composition based on shampoo, salt, soda. The tool allows you to soften the hair. After drying, honey is applied, and then you need to put on a scarf.

Heat is not required for clarification with honey. The mask is used for 10 hours. This will allow you to perform not only clarification, but also a paint wash. Curls become silky.


Henna is a natural cosmetic component that allows not only to color the hair, but also to strengthen it. It strengthens the structure and treats split ends.

It is necessary to prepare the composition with henna based on the instructions. The time of exposure is also indicated there. Then the head should be washed with warm water. The result is a uniform, attractive color.

Hydrogen peroxide

Thanks to hydrogen peroxide, 2 types of clarification are performed:

  • Lung. It is intended for . For clarification by 2 tones, hydrogen peroxide 3-5% is required. First you should wash your hair, dry it, and you can apply a balm. Then peroxide is poured into the spray bottle. Hair must be combed, and you can apply the product. You should wait half an hour, and then you can rinse. At the end, a conditioner is applied;
  • Deep. The procedure is needed for dark hair. You will need peroxide 8-12% (40 g), which is mixed with liquid soap (40 g), water (30 g). The product must be applied to an unwashed head. Wearing a hat is not worth it, so as not to get burned. After 30 minutes, you can rinse your head with vinegar water. The result is a uniform, attractive color.
These safe methods are for home use. With them, the hair structure will not become damaged. Now methods are known on how to lighten hair without harm. Products for natural masks will always be at home. Procedures allow you to strengthen curls, improve their appearance. You just need to follow the instructions for high-quality lighting.

Curly - straighten, straight - curl, light - make a little darker, dark - lighten. You probably already guessed that we are talking about female curls. Oh, and it's not easy for them. The soul of girls constantly requires changes in appearance. There is nothing wrong with this, of course, but under the influence of products containing chemistry, the hair loses its healthy appearance. Therefore, every lady simply needs to know how to produce harmless hair lightening.

Important Points

Before starting the procedure for lightening hair at home, pay attention to the following facts:

  • Painted curls, when lightened, can give an unexpected shade.
  • Lightening hair with chemicals requires a long recovery.
  • Folk ways to lighten hair using natural ingredients will not harm curls.
  • Do not expect a quick result, lightening without harm occurs slowly. As a rule, changes are noticeable only after 10-12 procedures.
  • Red and too dark hair is very slow to lighten.
  • It is unlikely that it will be possible to lighten the strands by more than 2 tones. folk remedies.

If the decision to change the hair color has already been made finally, remember that the degree of lightening depends on:

  • the current color of the curls;
  • exposure time of the selected agent;
  • the amount of the applied agent;
  • and its temperature.
  • use only quality ingredients;
  • follow the recipe exactly;
  • remember that chlorinated water affects the final shade of the strands;
  • for growing hair roots, the same lightening agent should be used, otherwise you may get a different shade;
  • avoid dyeing your hair with dye two weeks before lightening at home.

natural remedies for lightening

You have already seen that lightening hair at home is best done using natural products. Let's once again emphasize the advantages of this method of clarification:

  • Safety. Home hair lightening involves the absence of harmful ammonia in the products, which destroys the hair structure.
  • The ability to carry out the procedure repeatedly, controlling the resulting shade after each session.
  • Availability of ingredients for the preparation of funds. Products for them are inexpensive, which will save money, and any girl can cook them.
  • You can lighten your hair at home not only without harm to your hair, but also with benefits for it. natural ingredients will have a healing effect on your curls.

So, let's move on to the means that will help you lighten the curls.


Lemon juice (250 ml) should be mixed with hair conditioner (60 ml) and mixed. (If the hair is oily, the conditioner can be replaced with plain water). Wait 15 minutes and apply the mixture with a brush. Leave the composition for 2 hours. In the summer, you can enhance the effect by exposing the curls to the sun. Wash your hair with shampoo. The procedure can be carried out daily, but the strands will become noticeably lighter only after 2 weeks, and on dark brown hair the lightening effect will be noticeable only after a month.

pharmaceutical camomile

Pharmacy chamomile is a popular and proven remedy for lightening 1-2 tones. How does it work?

  • Mix chamomile flowers (30 g) with the juice of half a lemon and a glass of boiling water. Cool and strain. You can use this infusion as a rinse after washing your hair. It does not require rinsing.
  • For dry hair, an infusion of chamomile with the addition of glycerin is suitable. Preparing it is simple: insist two teaspoons of flowers in a glass of boiling water and add 60 g of glycerin. Apply to the head, wrap the head with a film and leave for 45 minutes. Then you need to rinse the strands with water without shampoo.
  • Another option for lightening hair with chamomile is an infusion with saffron and lavender ether. Mix two tablespoons of chamomile with a pinch of saffron, pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain and add 3 drops essential oil. The exposure time of the composition is 20 minutes. It is washed off with plain water.
  • You can lighten your hair with chamomile and turmeric. To do this, mix herbs (a teaspoon of turmeric and 3 tablespoons of chamomile), add finely chopped peel of one lemon, pour boiling water (1 liter) and leave for 2 hours, strain the infusion and apply daily, applying to clean curls. You can store the infusion in the refrigerator.


Fragrant hair lightening product - cinnamon. With prolonged use, it can lighten even curls of dark shades without harm.

  • Mask of cinnamon and olive oil. Mix 3 tablespoons of cinnamon powder, 2 tablespoons of honey and one of pure water. Add 3 tablespoons of conditioner and the same amount of olive oil. Apply the mask for 3 hours. Wash off using shampoo.
  • According to the classic recipe, this mask is easier to prepare: honey, cinnamon and water are mixed in equal parts, the mass is heated to 37º and applied for 2 hours.


Rhubarb has become known as a hair lightening product relatively recently. Rhubarb infusion (1 tablespoon per 50 ml of boiling water) should be applied to the hair and wait for it to dry completely. Wash off with shampoo.


To lighten hair without dye will allow colorless henna, which is prepared from the stems of the plant. Today you can buy such henna in almost all stores. Carefully read the instructions for the preparation of the composition and the time of its exposure. As a rule, these data are always printed on the packaging.


Our great-grandmothers also knew how to make hair lighter with kefir. This fermented milk product is good both in single use and in combination with other ingredients. It is not easy to wash off the mask from it, but the effect of it is very good!

  • Mask with kefir, olive oil and yolk. Mix a tablespoon of olive oil with kefir in a ratio of 1: 5, add the yolk. Apply to dry, unwashed curls. Keep the mask for an hour, rinse with warm water and shampoo. It is enough to use it once every 7 days.
  • Fruit-kefir mask with vitamin E and wheat. Grind a banana and half an avocado with a blender, add kefir (2 tablespoons), sprouted wheat grains (1.5 tablespoons) and 1 ml of vitamin E. Mix everything and apply to dry curls for 20 minutes.


At home, you can lighten the strands with baking soda. The effect will take about two months. Significant lightening of dark hair with soda is unlikely to succeed, but the preparation and use of the product will not bring trouble. To prepare 8 tablespoons of soda, dilute in a glass of water and add 100 g of shampoo. Use the resulting product to wash your hair like a regular shampoo.

Apple vinegar

Rinsing apple cider vinegar will lighten the hair and give it shine and a healthy look. For a liter of cool water, add 2 tbsp. l. vinegar. The water should be exactly cool, not cold, otherwise the skin, as a defensive reaction, will begin to increase the production of sebum, and the hair on the head will look dirty and untidy.

We remove yellowness

Since it is very problematic to lighten hair without the effect of yellowness, many beauties are looking for a tool with which they can bleach without damaging either the root or the tip of the hair.

  • Linden honey will help to cope with yellowness without paint. It should be applied and kept on the strands for 10 hours, after which you can wash your hair with shampoo.
  • A decoction of onion peels can give curls a golden hue if you regularly use it as a rinse. It is especially advantageous to stand out in the crowd after using such a tool will be the owners of blond hair, in the sun their curls will play in a new way.

Lightening colored hair

A composition of olive oil, soda and lemon juice will help to slightly discolor the colored curls. You can do without oil, then the effect will be achieved faster, but this will not benefit the hair, since you can simply dry it out. To prepare the product, all ingredients should be mixed (in the same amount) and applied to wet hair for 30 minutes. The procedure must be repeated several times.

Of course, today there are the most different ways clarification. You can turn to professionals when you want to radically change your image. And if suddenly you want to play a little with shades, for example, turn a dark blond color into a bright blond color with a golden tint, then natural remedies will come to the rescue. Be unique and remember that natural beauty is valued at all times.

Human hair is covered with scales of the stratum corneum - cuticles. This layer keeps its density thanks to special substances, lipids, and thus keeps the melanin pigment inside the structure, which determines the color of the hair.

The essence of hair bleaching is to blur this pigment, but this cannot be done without violating the integrity of the top layer.

Any lighting involves lipid breakdown and hair structure damage, and the more significant the change in color, the more thorough the subsequent care should be.

If you still decide on an independent experiment, be sure to consider a few important points:

  • dark and coarse hair to lighten without the use of aggressive agents practically impossible;
  • red hair hardly loses pigment and, when lightened, acquires unexpected shades, up to greenish;
  • V gray hair the pigment is no longer there, so you can only change their color artificial filler;
  • do not lighten your hair immediately after perm or other aggressive influence;
  • be careful if the hair is initially damaged, split, too dry and brittle;
  • don't forget toning after staining, to get rid of lifeless color and yellowness; also remember that bleached hair can be dyed without your desire, for example, when exposed to reagents in the pool or as a result of the use of vegetable masks;
  • choose the most minimum doses of drugs: it is better to repeat the procedure after a while than to treat the consequences of an unsuccessful session.

homemade recipes for lightening hair can be chemical and natural - depending on the active substances used. Let's take a look at the pros and cons of each option.

Hair bleaching chemicals

Consider the most popular and effective chemical products for lightening hair at home.

Hydrogen peroxide

Impact: in the process of oxidation, the structure of the surface of the hair is destroyed, and the oxygen released as a result of a chemical reaction destroys the pigment.

The advantages of using the drug:

  • it is the fastest and most effective method hair lightening: the result is noticeable immediately, does not require a course of procedures and long-term exposure;
  • The drug is inexpensive and commercially available.


  • incorrect dosage can lead to incurable consequences, hair burns, with frequent use, the destruction of the hair follicle and baldness is possible;
  • there is a risk of uneven lightening for dark hair, the appearance of a red or yellow tint;
  • general deterioration of the hair.

Application methods. For light lightening, apply 2% peroxide with a sprayer over hair balm, soak for 30 minutes, rinse thoroughly and treat with balm again.

For a deeper impact take 40 ml of concentrated peroxide (from 8% to 12% depending on the stiffness and thickness of the hair), mix in equal proportions with neutral liquid soap, apply to the hair like a regular coloring composition.

To avoid burn leave the hair open and do not keep the product for more than 15 minutes.

Use to lighten hair as little as possible, once every 3-5 weeks. Do not wash your hair immediately before use, avoid hair dryers and hair straighteners for a week before coloring. After the procedure actively use nourishing and moisturizing products care.


Impact: glycerin is an excellent solvent, so it can blur the artificial pigment (if fresh). To lighten the natural color, it is used as an effect enhancer, moisturizes the hair, smoothes the cuticle and thereby retains the clarifying agent inside.

Pros of using:

  • has a moisturizing effect, treats damaged hair.


  • it is impossible to predict the final shade of the hair;
  • if the dosage is violated, it can have the opposite effect, dry the scalp and thin the hair.

Application methods. Mix 1 teaspoon of glycerin with 1 teaspoon of vinegar, add the yolk of 1 egg, gently grind with a fork until smooth, leave on hair for 30 minutes. Conduct sessions 1 time per week until the desired effect is achieved;

Brew 100 g of pharmacy chamomile with 300 ml of water, insist for an hour, pour in 50 ml of glycerin, mix thoroughly. Keep the composition on the hair for 30 minutes under the film, rinse with a neutral shampoo. Use no more than once a week.

Important: with frequent intensive use, the effectiveness of glycerin decreases.

Natural ways to lighten hair

Important: natural products can only blur natural pigment, it is pointless to use such recipes to wash off artificial color.

Dry chamomile flowers

Result: hair takes on a light golden hue

Application advantages:

  • does not cause any harm to the hair;
  • suitable for frequent use.


  • on dark hair, the effect is practically not noticeable;
  • clarification occurs during a long course of procedures, changes are not obvious.

Application methods. 2 tbsp. spoons of dried chamomile flowers pour 2 cups cold water, heat, not bringing to a boil, and hold on low heat for 10-15 minutes.

Filter the broth and cool, use as a hair conditioner after each wash. Do not rinse.

1 st. combine a spoonful of pharmaceutical chamomile with 1 teaspoon of loose green tea, brew 250 ml of boiling water, let it brew. Mix the decoction with 250 g of chopped fresh rhubarb, wait 30 minutes, filter and apply to the hair. After an hour, wash off with a neutral shampoo.

Roots and stems of various plants: mullein, nettle, rhubarb, ginger

Application advantages:

  • herbal ingredients are safe for hair;
  • have an additional nutritional effect.


  • unpredictable final shade;
  • risk of uneven staining.

Application methods. Brew 30 g of dried mullein flowers with half a glass of hot water, filter, use as an air conditioner.

100 g of chopped fresh rhubarb boil for 20 minutes, let it brew for 4-5 hours. Apply to clean, damp hair, cover with a film, hold for 5 minutes, constantly checking the resulting shade.

Pour 200 g of dried rhubarb with 2 cups of white wine, evaporate the alcohol over high heat, cool. Apply to clean hair, keep for about 40 minutes, rinse thoroughly with water. Carry out procedures every 3-4 days in two weeks.

200 g fresh ginger, peeled, ground in a coffee grinder, boiled over low heat 15-20 minutes. The resulting decoction is applied after each shampooing until the desired result is obtained.


Impact e: lemon enhances the effect of ultraviolet radiation, hair burns out in the sun.

Application advantages:

  • quick result;
  • natural look of hair, even with uneven coloring;
  • natural color and healthy shine.


  • under the harmful influence of UV rays, the aging of the hair is accelerated;
  • hair dries out, becomes brittle;
  • no effect on dark hair;
  • there is a risk of dandruff;
  • discomfort during the procedure (direct sunlight).

Mode of application. Combine the juice of 1 fresh lemon with warm water in a ratio of 1:2, spray your hair with a spray bottle.

Step out into the sun and let the drug act for 1-2 hours.

Conduct a course during periods of solar activity, 5-7 procedures within one and a half weeks.

Lemon is a very strong allergen, it is necessary to check skin reactions in advance. If your hair is initially brittle and dry, then add hair conditioner or vegetable oil to the composition.


Impact: acidic environment destroys the pigment, and milk fats smooth the scales and retain the effect.

Application advantages:

  • it is a very strong agent, capable of washing out even artificial pigment to a small extent;
  • removes yellowness;
  • safe for hair;
  • improves the general condition of the hair, makes them soft and light.


  • the procedure takes a long time;
  • the composition has a strong odor difficult to wash off.

Mode of application.
Gently mix 1/2 cup of kefir with 1 egg yolk, add the juice of 1 lemon, 2 tbsp. spoons of vodka and a large number of neutral liquid soap to a viscous consistency.

Apply the mixture to your hair, cover it with a film, wrap it in a towel and leave it for several hours or all night.

flush away without using shampoo. To achieve a noticeable result, it is necessary to conduct a course of 3-4 procedures twice a week. For these purposes, choose high-fat kefir and not the freshest, so the lightening process will be faster, and hair nutrition will be more active.

All these recipes, on the one hand, are a quick and cheap way to lighten hair at home. However, none of them cannot be called unambiguously effective and safe.

Therefore, if your goal is not just a light shade and golden sheen, but a radical change in your appearance, then take the time and money and contact a specialist to the hairdressing salon.

Women and girls have a desire to constantly change their image. Hair coloring is considered one of the most simple ways change yourself outwardly. If you decide to become a blonde, then you should know that blond curls require special treatment and care. Is it possible to safely lighten hair and how to do it?

You will need

  1. - unstable hair dye;
  2. - egg;
  3. - lemons;
  4. - cognac;
  5. - kefir;
  6. - shampoo;
  7. - rhubarb;
  8. - vinegar;
  9. - chamomile;
  10. - calendula;
  11. - alcohol;
  12. - glycerin.


  1. If you have a natural Brown hair, and you want to lighten them by a couple of tones, try using unstable paint. Similar staining called toning, while this procedure does not spoil the structure of the hair and does not affect skin pigments. Unstable paint gets under the scales of the hair and is washed off completely after a month.
  2. You can lighten your hair safely with the help of products that are sure to be available in every home. For thick hair middle length you will need: one chicken egg, juice of half a lemon, three tablespoons of cognac, fifty grams of kefir and a teaspoon of shampoo. Combine all ingredients in a glass bowl and beat thoroughly with a fork. Apply the prepared mixture to dry hair, spread over the entire length and massage lightly. Put on a plastic cap and a warm terry towel, leave your hair in this state for several hours or even overnight. The longer this mask is on your hair, the lighter it will eventually become. On average - two tones.
  3. Brightening honey and lemon mask. To prepare it, take thirty grams of rhubarb and pour half a liter of table vinegar, cover with a lid and cook for ten minutes. Add twenty grams of chamomile flowers and the same amount of dry calendula, as well as the juice of two lemons, boil for another five minutes. To the cooled broth, add fifty grams of honey and alcohol, as well as the juice of two lemons. To safely lighten your hair, mix a tablespoon of the prepared composition with a liter of warm water and rinse your head after washing. For a stronger effect, apply the decoction to the hair and leave for thirty minutes, the main thing is not to overdo it, as alcohol and lemon dry the hair and make it brittle.
  4. Regular glycerin will help lighten hair by one tone. To prepare the mask, take fifty grams of chamomile and pour a glass of boiling water, insist in a thermos for two hours. Strain the resulting infusion and add sixty grams of glycerin. Apply the mask to your hair, wrap your head with polyethylene and a terry towel, hold for forty minutes, rinse with warm water and shampoo.

From brunette to blonde or lightening dark hair: 2 methods

Do you want to radically change your image? Start with hair! new color hair can transform not only the appearance, but also the worldview.

Were you a burning brunette? Become a romantic blonde, or at least blond.

Let stupid jokes be told about blond beauties, but they rive men's views its tenderness and fragility. And in this article, you will just learn about lightening dark hair at home.

What you need to know before bleaching

Of course, discoloration of black or brown hair is a rather complicated process, but still possible. But the primary question here is nothing to clarify dark hair, and whether it is suitable for you to be a blondie or not?

Often, brunettes begin to experiment with their hair without thinking about the consequences, and then look for a way to restore its previous color and healthy appearance. Therefore, before cardinal changes, we strongly recommend that you seek the help of a hairdresser who will determine how your appearance will change after bleaching.

The fact is that bleached hair should be combined with the shape of the face and skin color. And in order not to make a mistake, ask the master to try on a blondie wig for you, or it is best to create a future image on a computer in a special program.

Attention! If with white curls your face becomes a dull earthy shade, then you will have to forget about the dream of becoming a blonde. Maybe then consider dark blond or just blond hair color?

And one more important point- the bleaching procedure with the help of chemicals is not the most harmless, as it might seem at first. Therefore, it is carried out in 2-3 stages, with a weekly interval between them. And it is advisable to entrust this matter to a professional hairdresser.

And if you want to do everything yourself, then be careful and follow the rules (you will find them below). Or, best of all, try the harmless brightening recipes, which we will also talk about a little later.

Two methods for bleaching dark hair

Next, chemical, gentle-chemical and absolutely harmless methods of lightening hair will be considered. Which one you choose is not for us to decide. However, we warn you again that at home, safe recipes with minimal negative consequences or without them at all.

Discoloration with special paint - method 1

First of all, I must say, do not try to become a blonde on your own with the help of chemicals if:

  • You are an "artificial" brunette! Sometimes when lightening previously dyed hair, even specialists cannot achieve a good result. Especially in cases where staining was carried out with henna. Otherwise, the final color of the strands will disappoint you - it may not turn out to be blondie, but, for example, dirty yellow, faded orange or even green.
  • Not so long ago you did a chemical or biowave.
  • Your hair is severely damaged due to regular blow-drying, curling, straightening with tongs, etc. In this case, it is better to refuse coloring altogether and start treating your hair.

Now, as for the choice of paint.

To date, all chemical clarifying agents are available in three types:

  1. Powder paint - most often used for highlighting strands and is considered the most aggressive in its effect on the hair structure.
  2. Cream - the most convenient in the application process, as it does not spread.
  3. Oil paint for lightening dark hair - it is already clear that it is the most gentle in comparison with the above.

But the girls on the forums share their experience in using ready-made bleaching paints:


Cream paint Garnier It has a very soft creamy texture that is easy and convenient to apply to the strands. It contains a double dose of olive oil, wheat oil and jojoba oil, which, along with a brightening effect, provides nutrition to the hair. Complete with paint, you can immediately purchase a fixing balm of the same brand. Of the minuses, the girls note the insufficient durability of the paint.

By the way! Garnier offers the following palette: natural blonde, sandy blonde, platinum blonde.

Color Shine This ammonia-free paint, which contains the most beneficial argan oil, cranberry extracts, wheat protein and collagen, is also flattered. It is thanks to the last two ingredients that the paint works well on dark curls.
Palette This chemical agent is able to discolor a brunette by 4-6 tones at a time. It contains orange oil, designed to provide hair care during dyeing. It is impossible not to note an interesting palette paint palette: pearl, ash, gold and silver blond.

This brief instruction will tell you briefly how the procedure for bleaching chemical dyes at home should take place:

  1. For 2-3 days before the procedure, do not wash your hair with soap or shampoo in order to preserve the natural protection of the skin and hair.
  2. Stock up on everything you need in advance - old clothes, a towel, a comb with rare teeth, a hat, a non-metal bowl, a brush, etc.
  3. Prepare the mixture strictly according to the recipe on the paint package.
  4. dress up old clothes, cover your shoulders with a towel.
  5. Comb the strands thoroughly and apply a lightener for dark hair along the entire length.

Important! Leave the roots uncolored for now, otherwise, under the influence of the heat of the head, the chemical reaction will intensify, and the hair at the very roots will turn out to be lighter.

  1. Apply paint to the roots last.
  2. Wait for the time indicated on the package.
  3. Rinse the strands well and rinse them with balm. In the future, you will need to use shampoo, balm and conditioner specifically for bleached hair.

Why do I need a clarifying shampoo for dark hair and other similar products? The fact is that in some cases, when the native hair is too deep in color, chemicals do a poor job of removing “black” pigments.

And if these pigments are not completely removed, then yellowness on the hair cannot be avoided. In salons, in order to exclude its appearance, color stabilizers are used.

But you won't find it in regular stores. Therefore, to give the clarified curls the desired tone, you need to use after staining tinted shampoos, hair balms, etc.

By the way! Somewhere in a month, the hair will have to be bleached again, as the regrown natural roots will look very ugly. And do not forget that this procedure is not the most in the best way affects the scalp and hair structure. Therefore, even if all the rules are observed, it is often not necessary to resort to chemical clarification.

Lightening with natural means - method 2

In the following, mainly folk recipes, including natural, effective and proven over the years products. They not only provide lightening by 2-3 (and sometimes 4!) tones, but also saturate the hair with useful components, making them lively, shiny, thick!


Recipe Result
Chamomile decoction

Put 2 tablespoons of dried chamomile flowers in an enamel bowl, pour 1 cup boiling water and boil in a steam bath for 10-15 minutes. Cool the resulting broth and strain.

Good to know! Chamomile dried flowers can be bought at the nearest pharmacy. The approximate price is not more than 60 rubles.

The decoction should be applied immediately after shampooing. To do this, moisten all strands with plenty of them and do not rinse. Fresh decoction can be stored for 24 hours, then it begins to lose its properties.

Beautiful light golden hue. Just don't expect immediate results. Noticeable changes in color (by 2-3 tones) will be after 5-6 procedures.
Lemon sunbathing Mix the juice of 1 lemon with the same amount of warm water. Apply the resulting mixture evenly to clean, damp curls and do not rinse. For greater effect, it is desirable to sit in the sun.

Before going out into the open sun, we advise you to lubricate unprotected skin with a special cream.

The hair is lightened strongly and acquires a flowing sheen, but at the same time it dries out under the action of citric acid. Therefore, immediately after a lemon-sunny bath, you need to use a moisturizer or a nourishing mask.
Kefir mask Thoroughly mix 50 grams of natural kefir (and preferably kefir sourdough), 2 tablespoons of cognac, 1 egg yolk, 1 teaspoon of hair balm and the juice of half a lemon. Kefir masks nourish and restore the hair structure, accelerate their growth, make them soft and manageable. Already after the first procedure, the hair will become noticeably lighter.
Cinnamon honey mask Mix until smooth 3 tablespoons of cinnamon, 2 tbsp. l. liquid honey and 6 tbsp. l. hair conditioner.

Distribute the resulting mass into slightly damp strands and evenly saturate them with it. On top also - a cellophane cap and a towel. Wait 40 minutes, after which you can remove the towel and walk for another 3 hours. And only now wash your hair in the usual way.

According to reviews, such masks give a wonderful brightening effect and smell awesome! Already after the first mask, the curls will discolor by 2 tones. Repeated procedures guarantee a more expressive result.


So, we looked at two methods of bleaching hair.

  1. The first method is good because it quickly gives the desired effect, but, alas, deprives the hair of them. natural beauty and health.
  2. The second is safe and also useful, but the result will have to wait.

What is the best way to lighten dark hair? Here the decision is up to you. We recommend only natural products. And the video in this article will tell and show you a lot of interesting things on this topic!

Safe lightening is not nonsense. Step-by-step photo instructions for going blonde with bright red dyed horror.

Good day!

For a long time I wanted to write a devastating review about stereotypes about blondes and describe in detail how I lighten up and not kill my hair.

hit the memories and go through the stereotypes.

About 11 years ago, there was no good professional care available. At what in hairdressing salons too! And in general, they didn’t bother with hair like that. And there were more blondes than now. It was about 6 years ago that the fashion for everything oriental came and many of our girls began to look like oriental women. They began to make eyebrows, like Brezhnev's, and dye their hair black. This is mind-boggling! Dye blonde hair black! In reality, it goes to ten percent of the total. I won't say anything about eyebrows. They are famously made by a few, the rest do not even understand how they disfigure themselves.

But this is my opinion, I do not impose it on anyone.

Stereotype one: a healthy blonde is not real!

Yes it's true. Same as the one for any Colored hair needs to be taken care of. Hair dyed any color with chemical dye is no longer healthy hair!

In general, I am touched by girls who have grown uncolored hair thanks to a bunch of masks, the hardest daily care. I'm embarrassed to ask, but what if they, alive, not painted, would not have grown without all this? What nonsense! There are only 2 options here. The first thing that you just like is to take care of your hair (then why give out pleasant procedures, for hard labor?); and the second, that there is simply no health and you have to make so much effort. Almost all good reviews

hair describe care for them as something prohibitively difficult. After reading it, you think that you definitely will not master it. Moreover, even brighten them! Imagination paints nightmarish pictures.

Good parting words are especially pleasing, such as: "Here, here, I also brightened once, I almost went bald, good luck to you, dear!"

So, with proper coloring and subsequent care, having normal, almost healthy hair is real! Of course, it is necessary to collect information, but listen not to those who could not, but to those who still could.

Stereotype two: blond is wildly expensive.

These thoughts make me smile. Well, complete nonsense! I can bring concrete examples. Now professional care is very popular. In my opinion, many do not need it at all. Especially not killed by paint hair. But the owners of normal hair, anyway, stubbornly try new products. And they are ready to spend much more than such "expensive" blondes.

How much do professional hair oils cost? The price ranges from 600 - 2000 rubles.

Are oils only for blondes?

Professional shampoos, balms and masks for dead hair, fluids, wax for tips, etc. Well, what problems can uncolored tips have? What about ampoules? Yes, they were generally invented for mortally killed hair. As well as similar procedures for extreme recovery. Not all blondes need them, not to mention the rest!

In fact, in professional cosmetics stores, blondes are the least.

I myself alternate professional care and homemade masks. So, I did not notice the difference in money, not with white, not with any other hair. I notice the difference if I don't do anything. Then even unbleached hair becomes a broom.

Having good blonde hair, not tow, is as expensive as having good hair any other color. But not like, not more expensive than everyone else!

Today I want to talk about my method of lightening the entire length. The fact is that half a year ago I wanted

get cold light brown. For him, I left the blonde.

And I achieved it, but very quickly it turned into

in rusty and it turned out that I started

dye my hair even more than in blond (The condition left much to be desired, the color too, it aged me terribly and made me kind of sickly. It looked ugly.

I'm going to do my home blonding.

1st stage - powder bleaching.

I used to think that supra is the worst thing that can be for hair. It’s better to take a paint, a more powerful oxide and .... in general, I was very mistaken. and made the following conclusion: so that there are no unpleasant surprises, so that there are

normal color and hair

Only supra and oxide

no more than 3%. Especially if the hair is Slavic from the 7th level, and

not in the best condition. Feel free to send the forest those who sell you 9% or more! It's just the end of the hair! And the scalp as well. Regarding 6%, everything is individual here, but for me personally it is also high. You can try 4.5%, for example.



lighten at low percentages several times than burn everything at once!

I had at home

Kapous Blondtouch Illuminating Powder Review

Estelle oxide 3% and Lond oxide 1.9%

First lighting.

I dilute the mixture 1:2

1 part supra and 2 parts oxide 3%

I keep it on my hair for 10 to 15 minutes. For me personally, enough for the eyes. As practice has shown, better than in the first

I don't have 15 minutes

In terms of painting myself, I'm a hand-ass! the back of the head, as always, is not dyed.

I dilute the mixture a second time in a ratio of 1: 2 ( supra: oxide 1.9%)

And I smear what didn’t take well the first time, I keep it for 35 minutes.

I washed my hair with professional shampoo

Shampoo-neutralizer for hair after coloring CONCEPT Profy touch - review

Made a mask for 35 minutes

Londa Visible Repair Treatment Hair Mask - review

I left my hair alone for a day. During this time, I managed to make vitamin-oil homemade masks several times. Some recipes here Hair care at home (masks, peels, etc.) - review

It's been 6-7 hours

The second part of the Marlison ballet.

Coloring or toning? What's better.

What is toning? This is the use of light tint agents. The tint paint is applied to freshly washed, slightly damp strands.

In theory, tinting envelops only the surface of the hair, without penetrating into its structure. It must be permanent dye with keratin and wax.

But in our country, for some reason, full-fledged coloring with paint after clarification is commonly called tinting. Hair empty and withered,

its a must

it is necessary to score with keratin until it starts to break.

What is staining?

This is exactly what we call tinting) Finishing half-dead hair with an aggressive dye.

Girls, I urge you not to rush into finding a blonde! It doesn't matter if you're in the salon or at home! What matters is how things happen.

No need to strive at any cost to score yellowness and achieve perfect color. Before moving on to the second part, you need to restore the hair. Even if they are not killed by the first lightening, it is still necessary.

This is where oils and ampoules come to the rescue.

I'm not talking about those that are sold in professional stores, in beautiful bottles and for big money. From them, mainly cosmetic effect. I'm talking about those that are sold in pharmacies. They really work. Here is another myth that only silicones can help blondes. It is necessary to alternate all types of care, both professional and natural.

And so the second day passed. I continue to make homemade masks with oils. What hair looks like after a bunch of homemade masks without any silicones.

About the choice of paint. Which one harms less ammonia or ammonia-free.?

I looked through my inventory and this is what I found there.


concept ammonia-free

The cap falls off immediately. I have too dirty warm base for this paint.

The ammonia-free concept will come in handy later, to update the color, and even now, but I want lasting color. Let it lie for now)

Remains Matrix and shade 10 AV

Thank you for reading to the end! Good luck everyone!

How I dyed my hair Hair dye MATRIX SOCOLOR beauty

What is the best and safest way to bleach hair?

Nata melek

In the Italian professional line, Farmen is the most gentle and contains the largest amount of natural components blond, you can also lighten it with Dikson paint, there are 13 rows and drops of color to neutralize unwanted shades, since these products are professional, then of course you will have to go to the salon. There are no household compositions and blondors for lightening that are gentle in nature.


Better go to the hairdresser and make sure that it is a 9% solution, otherwise your hair will be burned. Comes with a yellow tint. But not so much harm will be to the hair. And then paint over with paint. I use NATURAL&Easy.


The best and high-quality clarification is clarification in a hairdressing salon, it is atm that there are tools created for this. Do not buy into bottles of bleach sold in regular stores. you can buy professional tools only in salon stores where purchases are made for hairdressing salons. I can here present folk remedies that promise absolutely safe clarification:

To lighten hair, a decoction of chamomile inflorescences and nettle rhizomes is used. For its preparation, take 1 tablespoon of dried raw materials of each component per 1 liter of water. Rinse the head with a decoction, tie it with a scarf or towel for 15-20 minutes. After drying the hair, moisten it with chamomile essence mixed with water in a ratio of 1: 1. After 1 hour, rinse again with chamomile infusion (1-2 tablespoons of chamomile are poured into 200 ml of boiling water, insisted for 15-20 minutes, then filtered).
You can lighten your hair with the following composition: long leaf tea - 10 g, pharmacy chamomile - 50 g, henna - 40 g, vodka - 400 ml, water - 200 ml. The water is heated to a boil, pour in tea, chamomile, henna, boil for 5 minutes, cool, add vodka and infuse for 2-3 days. The liquid is drained and the residue is squeezed out. Moisten the hair with the composition and leave, without wiping, for 30-40 minutes. Then wash them with soap.
You can lighten your hair with the following composition: 150 g of chamomile is infused for 2 weeks in 500 ml of 40% vodka, then filtered and 50 ml of hydrogen peroxide are added.

Hair bleaching at home is a painstaking and difficult procedure. But if you strictly adhere to its rules and subtleties, your strands will become desired shade and quickly restore a healthy appearance.

Bleaching injures hair, especially if performed without special knowledge, at home. In place of the washed pigment, voids remain, due to which the strands become porous. They become thinner, break, lose moisture and shine.

It is possible to discolor the hair and not get unwanted “bonuses” if you understand the technology of the procedure, carry it out correctly and provide the strands with proper subsequent care.

How to effectively bleach your hair at home

Bleaching, unlike lightening, destroys the natural pigment and new shade does not attach. Therefore, it is additionally recommended to use a tint balm.

At all, bleaching result depends on many factors. This is the condition and structure of your hair, the quality and intensity of the drug, its exposure time and ambient temperature.

So, when performing the procedure, you need to take into account the nuances:

  • Natural pigment dissolves under the influence of hydrogen peroxide. If the strands are very thin or porous, the level of peroxide in the clarifying composition should be minimal, if the strands are dense and hard, it can reach 12%.
  • The more intense the preparation (from 3% to 12%) and the longer its exposure time (from 30 to 50 minutes), the more pronounced the bleaching effect, but the stronger the keratin bonds are destroyed.
    It is strictly not recommended to rely only on the percentage of the oxidizing agent. Without taking into account other factors, you can simply burn the strands.
  • The bleaching process occurs sequentially, so you can trace at what stage it is in this moment. The color gradually changes from red to light yellow.
  • The hair is exposed to an oxidizing agent until the application of a neutralizing composition. And with deep discoloration - and within a few days after the procedure (the composition continues its effect at deeper levels).
  • Curls after perm discolor not earlier than a week later, as they may not withstand intense stress.
  • Do not wash your hair for 2-3 days before bleaching. So the aggressiveness of the drug is reduced. Do not use styling products at this time either.

Procedure technique

Skin and clothing protection

Before starting work, lubricate the skin at the border with the hair with a Vaseline-based cream. Protect your hands with gloves. Throw a towel over your shoulders, which is not a pity.

Allocation of work areas

Divide the hair into four parts with two perpendicular partings.

Application of the composition

Stepping back from the roots 1-2 cm, apply two-thirds of the blond mixture, starting from the parietal zone. When the desired degree of lightening is almost reached, paint over the roots, apply the composition along the hairline and loosen the hair with your hands.

This is necessary so that the heat is distributed evenly and, accordingly, the discoloration is also uniform. Work carefully, but quickly, so as not to miscalculate the time limit.

Color Control

After a 20-30 minute reaction at short intervals, check the result. If it suits you, wash off the mixture.

Washing off the dye

With the help of a small amount of warm water, lather the hair with massaging movements of the hands. To remove the composition from the skin, pay special attention to the roots. Now rinse the strands well with shampoo and use a neutralizing balm.

Applying a mask

The mask after bleaching can be purchased or homemade. The simplest and most effective is kefir: slightly warm up kefir, apply it on the strands and soak the mask under a warming cap for 15 minutes.

Purchased bleach products

Among professional hair bleaching agents, paint (only for natural strands) and powder (affects both natural pigment and already dyed strands) are widely used.


Lightens by 2-3 tones, but only natural color. On natural strands, it performs two functions at once - bleaching and toning.

It is also convenient because the package contains everything you need for the procedure: developer, brightening cream, gloves, caring balm and detailed instructions to application. You don't need to measure or calculate anything.

The disadvantage of dye for bleaching hair is that it cannot cope with artificial pigment (special blocking preparations are used for previously dyed strands).

In addition, the percentage of oxidizing agent is rarely indicated on the packaging, and often it is a maximum of 12%. Therefore, you can often hear that the paint burns through the strands.


Allows you to lighten up to 4 tones and more. This is a purple or blue powder that needs to be diluted with an oxidizing agent.

The oxidizing agent is bought separately and its amount must be calculated very accurately. Usually the proportions are indicated in the instructions. If not, then combine the powder with oxygen in a ratio of 1:2.

The mixture is applied immediately after stirring. The exposure time is up to 45 minutes. Wash it off as soon as you reach desired result. After that, use a special balm, preferably the same line as the powder. Tone your hair.

Discoloration with powder-powder at home can be carried out no more than once a month.

Recipes of folk remedies

Among home remedies for bleaching strands, hydrogen peroxide, lemon juice and hydroperite are popular.

Hydrogen peroxide

Use a 3% solution. Especially if you are doing the procedure for the first time and do not know how your hair may react.

How to carry out the procedure:

  • Wash your hair and let it dry naturally (it should remain slightly damp).
  • Protect your hands, scalp and clothing.
  • Select the strand you plan to bleach.
  • Moisten a cotton swab (painting brush, toothbrush) in the solution and go through the strand.
  • Wrap the strand in foil and secure with a clip.
  • Repeat for the rest of the hair.
  • Wrap your hair with a towel.
  • After 30-40 minutes, evaluate the result.
  • Rinse the strands with warm water and apply a conditioner or mask.

Lemon juice

Another method of bleaching hair with folk remedies is the use of natural lemon juice. Lemon acid brightens the pigment and adds extra shine. And exposure to UV rays accelerates the clarification process.

How to bleach your hair with lemon juice:

  • Prepare a solution or mixture (for normal hair, 1 cup of juice to 0.25 cups of warm water, for dry hair, use the same amount of conditioner instead of water). Let the clarifier brew for a quarter of an hour. You can also add 1-2 tbsp. olive oil.
  • Apply the solution to the strands with a sprayer, a thicker mixture with conditioner - with a brush for coloring.
  • Go sunbathing in the sun for an hour and a half.
  • After this time, re-treat the hair and soak for another 30 minutes under the sun.
  • Wash your hair in the usual way. Be sure to use conditioner for this and all subsequent washes.
  • The strands will continue to lighten for 2-4 weeks.
  • Immediately after clarification, do not go to the bathhouse or pool (chlorinated water can give unexpected results).


With its help, not only the hair is discolored, but also unwanted hair on the body. Hydroperite acts very aggressively on the hair structure, it can completely destroy them.

You have to be very careful with it so you don't get burned. Hydroperit is not recommended for use on the face. The drug is sold in pharmacies in the form of tablets. The ingredients are urea and hydrogen peroxide.

To bleach hair with hydroperite:

  • comb them;
  • protect the skin around with a greasy cream, put on gloves;
  • mash 2 tablets of 15% hydroperite, pour in 2 ml of ammonia and 1 tsp. your shampoo;
  • mix thoroughly and apply the composition;
  • wait for it to dry (usually 5 minutes is enough) and rinse;
  • treat the skin around with a nourishing cream.

If the strands are hard and dense, the procedure can be repeated several times, but be careful not to spoil the hair.

The disadvantage of the remedy is that sometimes it gives yellowness. You can remove it with the help of tinting in ashy color. In order not to harm the hair, using hydroperite at home, it is recommended to lighten only some strands or tips.

Partial discoloration

If you need to bleach regrown hair roots:

  • Apply the brightening composition only to this part, starting from the parietal zone.
  • Keep it until the desired level of clarification is obtained (keep in mind that if the strands are porous, the bleaching process will continue even when the composition is washed off).
  • Wash your hair with warm water and shampoo.
  • If the difference in color persists, re-applying lightening paint on dark areas is allowed.

We eliminate the unwanted effect after discoloration

Unwanted yellowness appears for a number of reasons: cheap clarifying drug, improper procedure or use of tap water for washing, which contains heavy impurities.

If yellowness on the hair nevertheless manifested itself, there are several ways to overcome it:

  • Tinted shampoos
    They temporarily mute the cheap, unnatural color. Some shampoos can be used every day, others once a week. But they do not cover the redhead.
  • Ammonia-free paints
    The shade number must be chosen one tone lighter than your color and always with the presence of a neutralizing ash mixton.

Care for bleached hair

Even if bleaching is done in a gentle way, it involves subsequent nourishing care.

To restore hair at home, use special professional products, which, unlike mass-market cosmetics, are aimed at treating, and not temporarily eliminating symptoms:

  • Choose a mild shampoo that gently cleanses your hair and scalp and keeps your color intact.
  • Twice a week, apply store-bought repair masks containing almond oil, silk proteins, liquid keratins, or homemade masks containing natural honey, kefir or cinnamon to the strands along the entire length.
  • Do not use oils for care pure form as they wash out the color.
  • Protect your hair from UV rays.
  • Comb the strands carefully, if possible, refrain from using a hair dryer, at least at the level of hot air supply.

Hair, discolored at home, suffer minimally, and recover quickly in those girls who approach the procedure with all responsibility, and after it provide the hair with the necessary restorative care.

If you are not afraid of difficulties and painstaking work, choose the appropriate bleaching method and experiment.

And to save yourself from possible troubles, just start these experiments with a small strand, which is easy to hide under the bulk of the hair.

Video on bleaching hair at home

If you decide to lighten your hair at home, we recommend watching our videos with useful tips. The first video offers masks for easy lightening, which will also help improve the condition of the hair. In the second video, recommendations on how to lighten correctly, how to choose a shade, how to avoid yellowness and many other useful tips.
