Which month has the longest days? The longest and shortest day of the year - dates, values

The summer solstice is the day when the Sun reaches its peak position above the horizon, and accordingly, daylight hours are the longest for the whole year. This day has a powerful energy and can bring considerable luck if you live it correctly.

The summer solstice is very important for mankind. This is the time for the realization of desires, spiritual uplift and the charge of "internal batteries". Especially if the day is sunny and warm.

When will the day summer solstice in 2018

The earth moves around the sun along a once and for all given trajectory. Therefore, important milestones, such as the day of the summer solstice, are unchanged and always fall at the same time, the same moment. Strictly speaking, the summer solstice is not a day, but one of the main points in the Earth's orbit. After its passage, daylight hours begin to shorten. Therefore, this milestone is considered the beginning of astronomical autumn, lasting until the autumnal equinox. The summer solstice in 2018 will take place on June 21, as usual. Recall that leap years are an exception: due to the “extra” day, the date is shifted to June 20.

Energy features of the summer solstice

Since daylight hours on June 21 (20) are the longest in the year, the Sun gives the Earth the most heat, and with it its powerful, albeit invisible, energy. This is the peak summer season, so it cannot be found in bad mood. Positive will help attract favorable energy from the Sun.

To absorb its power, it is worth getting out into nature. Bioenergy experts recommend spending the 21st outdoors. And to enhance the positive impression of the day, you can chat with interesting people.

The lunar calendar will also bring a surprise. On this day, the Moon enters the house of Libra and begins to grow, which goes well with the positive energy of this day. Libra belongs to the air element, it is she who will dominate everything on this day. Many people can feel a truly airy lightness, despite the not very positive mood of the Moon. Its energy today is balanced by the energy of the Sun.

The cultures of many peoples, such as the Celts and Slavs, paid close attention to the summer solstice. Until now, this date is celebrated by many people. It doesn't matter what you do on this day: work, relax, meet friends. The main thing is to keep a positive attitude. The summer solstice is great for establishing new social connections: dating, first dates. A wedding on this day promises a successful marriage.

A good way to give yourself a lot of pleasant emotions is to make a large, welcome purchase. But in order not to waste money, try to plan your shopping on June 21 in advance.

Annually January 21(in 2020 - on Tuesday, January 21, 2020) is celebrated in many countries of the world World Hug Day.

The idea of ​​Hug Day belongs to the American psychologist Kevin Zaborney, who began to implement it starting on January 21, 1986. For the first time, the action was held in only one city of Clio, Michigan (USA), and has now spread to most countries of the globe.

As to whether Is Hug Day celebrated on January 21 in Russia?- because in our country there is no different officially approved date for such an event, then the World Hug Day (hugs) is celebrated in the Russian Federation at the same time as all over the world.

Who can be hugged on this day:

Idea world day hugs (hugs) on January 21 is to encourage relatives and close people (relatives, friends) show tenderness and hug each other for a few seconds.

Naturally, on this day, couples in love hug each other. But, you see, this is nothing special, because they do it all the time.

Children on January 21 should definitely hug their parents (mom, dad) and parents - their children (daughters, sons). Grandparents hugging their grandchildren and granddaughters, and vice versa. Will normally react to mutual hugs friends and girlfriends from one company.

And here from unexpected hugs of strangers should refrain . Not all citizens of our country are aware that January 21 is World Hug Day in Russia, and your actions may be misinterpreted. If the desire to hug on the street with passers-by is irresistible, it is better to prepare a sign with the inscription "Free hugs", "Hug me!" or "Today is Hug Day, let's hug)" and do it legally and safely.

Undoubtedly, each of us at least once, but was interested in the question of which Answer has long been known and does not require any proof. Such a phenomenon in science is called a day. winter solstice. This is the time when noon is minimum.

The winter solstice occurs exclusively in the planets

21, and sometimes 22 December. The length of such a day is only five hours and another fifty-three minutes, after which it gradually begins to grow.

The shortest day of the year was noticed a long time ago. It was on this day that they judged the future harvest: frost on the trees - to be a rich harvest. In Rus', a rather interesting ceremony was held on the day of the solstice. A man who was responsible for the battle of the monastery clock came to bow to the king. He informed Vladyka that from that moment on the sun turned to summer and, naturally, the day was getting longer and the night was getting shorter. For such good news, the king gave money.

When the ancient Slavs celebrated the shortest day of the year, they

dressed up New Year according to the pagan rite. The main attribute of the celebration was a ritual bonfire, which depicted the sun and invoked its light.

IN ancient China the inhabitants believed that it was on the shortest day of the year that a new cycle began. Therefore, this time was considered the happiest, it must be celebrated. Emperors for ceremonial and important rituals sacrifices to Heaven went out of town, and simple people sacrificed to their ancestors.

Now some people are also serious about the winter solstice. On the shortest day of the year, it is advisable to limit yourself in dealing with unpleasant people, not to engage in everyday burdensome business. It is best to devote this day to entertainment, spend it with people dear to your heart in order to make relationships stronger.

The solstice in winter is the natural New Year. The days that are before this period are the best for changing your destiny, rebirth. Our ancestors attached special importance to this time. It was believed that three days before and after the day of the solstice is a time charged with strong energy. It is on these days that it is necessary to get rid of everything unnecessary, old, useless in life, character, your home and even in your soul. It is necessary to put things in order, carry out a “cleansing” and make room for new important things, accomplishments that will definitely happen in the New Year.

After reading the article, you will not only learn which day is the shortest, but also what is important to do at this time in order to change your life.

Very important on this day

third the awakening of the sun and congratulate him on his new birth. Can't be found more favorable period in order to make plans for the next year, make a wish and dream of a brighter future. And thanks to the natural rhythms of mother nature, all this will acquire special power.

The main thing on this day is the understanding that a new round is beginning. This is an unusual day, and you cannot live it like everyone else. If you put a little more effort into it, let your creativity manifest, then boundless happiness and joy of life will surely appear in your soul.

It is simply impossible to know everything in the world, but the inquisitive human mind always strives to obtain new knowledge and information about the world around us. And in this case we are not talking about the exact sciences, logarithms, functions or cell division. A person has always been interested in what is happening around him - simple things, but about which you can always learn a little more.

Not everyone can confidently answer the questions "What is the shortest day of the year? What is the shortest a long day in a year? ". Well, sometimes you can still get an answer, but incomplete. This article will focus on just that. The reader will be able to find out when the shortest and longest days come in the year, and also what they mattered in different cultures.

When those days come

To begin with, it is worth designating the dates when you can observe the shortest and longest days. The period when the longest day, is called summer solstice. Usually in the northern hemisphere this day falls on 21st of June. This date can be shifted by a day in leap years. Sometimes the solstice can happen on June 20th.

The shortest day of the year, as you might guess, comes in winter - December 21 or 22. This phenomenon is called winter solstice. At noon on the shortest day, the height of the sun above the horizon reaches its minimum. It should also be noted that the winter solstice occurs only in the northern hemisphere. The length of such a day is the smallest in the year and can reach in some latitudes only a couple of hours, after which the length of the day gradually increases.

Summer and winter solstice are not just dates, they have a certain meaning for scientists. It is after the summer solstice that astronomical spring ends and summer begins accordingly. Also, astronomers believe that astronomical winter does not begin on the first of December according to the calendar, namely after the winter solstice.

The meaning of these days in pagan cultures

Such a day, atypical with respect to other calendar days, was already noticed in antiquity and immediately became some kind of symbols, harbingers of certain phenomena. In principle, in those distant times, almost all events that could not be explained by people with scientific point vision, turned into various signs and omens.

Astronomical events seemed especially strange and inexplicable to people. Celestial bodies, the appearance of comets in the sky, rainbows and even rain sometimes caused people to tremble and fear. It is not surprising that everything inexplicable gave rise to a special meaning in the minds of the population of that time, associated with the manifestation of divine powers, and immediately gave rise to various myths and prejudices.

Equinox Days, and longest and most short days , could not stay away from the inquisitive human mind. Noticing this strangeness over time, our ancestors immediately attached special significance to these events. IN calendar year such dates happen only four times, which immediately gave rise to certain conclusions in the human mind, which led to the endowment of these dates with a sacred meaning.

  • It should be noted that when considering the various cultural characteristics of different peoples and tribes, certain similarities associated with these dates can be distinguished. Indeed, many myths and interpretations may turn out to be similar even among those cultural communities that are not considered related. There is nothing unusual in this, just the human mind immediately identified phenomena and events with certain associations, which, in principle, are logical and can be explained.

For example, day of spring equinox fell at the time when nature awakened after winter captivity, as if revived after death or serious illness. This date was called by our ancestors the moment of resurrection, rebirth. People held holidays and had fun, noting the fact that the cold and harsh season had finally given way to the sun and warmth.

As you might have guessed, the event of the spring equinox was opposed to the day of the autumn equinox. At the same time, it contained two meanings at once, which were opposite to each other. As everyone knows harvest in autumn, and this was not just a good and favorable event, but very significant, something grandiose, especially considering the fact that in ancient times people's livelihood was very dependent on harvested crops.

The positive value of the onset of autumn was combined with the beginning of the period of withering of nature, so the day at the same time was associated with death. Halloween is just an echo of the holiday of our ancestors, associated with the spirits of the dead, with pumpkins symbolizing the harvest, and masks and frightening robes - the dead.

The longest and shortest days also were not deprived of the attention of people in antiquity. These days began the countdown of a new time in the year, so most often people associated them with hopes for the future. On these days, sacrifices were made, prayers were offered to the gods and hoped for the best - for prosperity, a good harvest, positive changes.

Duality of winter and summer solstice

As mentioned just above, the days of the winter and summer solstices were also of particular importance to our ancestors. Given that at that time people did not have the ability to track all astronomical phenomena, it should still be noted that they were able to single out the shortest and longest days in the course of time, as well as give them certain values.

The summer solstice was considered the festival of flowering, joy, riot of life, as well as a holiday of fertility. For people, this date has become a fun and joyful holiday. At the same time, the attitude of our ancestors to the winter solstice turned out to be somewhat contradictory. This was due to the fact that this event had a dark side - it was on the shortest day of the year that, according to people's beliefs, the spirits rioted with maximum force. But at the same time, these terrible circumstances were replaced by hope for a better and brighter one - it was believed that after the incident of this day, bright deities came into force.

  • The traditions of many nations are very similar to each other. The traditional foundations of the Britons, Gauls and ancient Greeks are largely repeated among themselves. Due to such an extensive influence on the general culture of the Old World, some pagan customs served as the foundation for the existence of subsequent Christian holidays. Thus, we can say that there was a mixture of traditions.

Summer and winter solstice in Slavic culture

A logical question may arise: why are Christian holidays around the world celebrated on the longest and shortest days of the year? It is hardly possible to write off this circumstance as a banal coincidence. Even Christmas - one of the most popular holidays in the world - used to be celebrated in the old style, that is, two weeks earlier. Yes, and the expression "Christmas Eve" has always had its own sacred meaning.

In Slavic culture, on the longest day of the year, people celebrated a holiday Ivan Kupala. Everyone probably heard about this pagan holiday - yes, it was on this date that people gathered and jumped over the fire, wondered, and also believed that on this day the evil spirits become stronger. In the calendar of Christian holidays, this day falls on the feast of St. John the Baptist. In principle, this is a kind of hybrid of Christian and pagan holidays. Ivan Kupala and John the Baptist, who performed the rites of baptism in water, are even somewhat consonant.

Feast of Ivan Kupala on the day of the summer solstice in Slavic culture was a significant date for free boys and girls. The Slavs attached great importance to this festival - it was believed that the marriage union, which was concluded on this date, would be strong and durable.

The day of the winter solstice, and then the night before Christmas, according to the old style, meant a high activity of dark forces and evil spirits, which then lost their powers after the long night in a year. Subsequently, the pagan component served as the foundation for the Christian holiday - on this night Jesus was born, personifying the victory over evil spirit and the beginning of daylight.


Learn more about the longest day of the year in our video.

June 21 is the longest day of summer. On this day, the sun reaches its highest position in the sky, so the daylight hours last as long as possible, and the night is the shortest of the year.

For centuries, it was of great importance for our ancestors, who lived in harmony with Mother Nature and celebrated the holiday of the summer solstice on this day.

The longest day of summer: holidays

The longest day of summer is a day that has long been revered by our ancestors. On this day, the oldest European holidays were held - Lita, Kupala, Ivanov's Day and others. In pagan culture, this day was dedicated to the sun god Yarila. It was believed that at this moment there was a full flowering of the forces of nature, embodied in the abundance of the harvest.

They prepared for the holiday from the very morning. The girls dressed up in beautiful dresses and adorned themselves with flowers and herbs to ward off evil spirits. And the guys chose a beautiful tree, which was decorated with flowers and shreds of fabric. At the foot, a doll with the image of Yarila, made of clay and straw, was installed. Festivities were organized around the tree, and the doll was burned, seeing off the Sun.

The Celts celebrated Litu on this day, arranging rituals, divination and entertainment. They also decorated themselves with herbs and wreaths of flowers, sang, danced, and in the evening "coaxed" fairies and elves. delicious food and lit fires. The Scandinavian, German and Baltic peoples celebrated Ivanov's day on the longest day. It was customary to kindle huge fires, jump over the fire, burn old boats and lower flowers into the water.

The longest day of summer

The longest day of summer is the summer solstice lunar calendar. In the northern hemisphere, it usually falls on June 21st. However, due to the leap year shift, the date of the solstice may differ in different years for 1-2 days.

In astronomy, this day is considered to be the date of the beginning of the astronomical summer. Starting on December 21 or 22, the Sun rises higher and higher above the horizon every day, gradually increasing the length of the day. On the day of the summer solstice, it freezes at its maximum point, and then changes its movement and begins to move in the opposite direction. That is, after the longest day of summer, a gradual decrease in the duration of daylight hours begins, which continues until December 21-22. And then all over again.

21st of June. The magic of a special day

According to astrologers, the summer solstice has special properties. It is good to make wishes on this day, especially at dawn.

Given the highest possible rise of the sun above the horizon, typical for June 21, there is an increase in solar energy. How might this affect people?

On the one hand, this can cause an exacerbation of emotional susceptibility to negativity and aggression, but at the same time, some people will feel the departure of fears and doubts, a surge of strength to implement plans and the beginning of something new coming into their lives.

Astrologers also advise on this day to especially pay attention to dreams that can be prophetic and carry some important clue or advice.To make the longest day of summer pass without negativity and aggression, wake up in the morning with a joyful mood, positive thoughts, and a benevolent attitude towards others.

On this day, it is not recommended to swear, be offended, be lazy, throw away leftover food. How to get rid of junk in the house-this is the most auspicious day. Getting rid of unnecessary things will open up new opportunities for the circulation of positive energy in the house.

Summer Solstice-a great time to start new things that will definitely be implemented successfully!
