Looks like a family tree. How to draw my family's pedigree

The family tree is great way visualize the history of your family. In the process of creating the tree, you will be able to learn more about the life path of your ancestors. Communicate with close and distant relatives, hear from them a lot of interesting things about the fate of your loved ones. You can arrange the tree you create in the form of a real work of art and hang it like a picture on the wall. How to create such a tree for a schoolboy and arrange it in a way that is pleasing to the eye? There are special templates for this, and below we will analyze how to choose a family tree template for a student, and what we need for this.

What is a family tree?

As you know, the term "family tree" is understood as a genealogical (genealogical) tree, which schematically presents family ties between members of the same genus. A family tree is the most common form of visual representation of a person's lineage. It usually includes a field for each person, and his relationship to other relatives, expressed in the form of connecting lines. In addition to the person's name, such a field can also contain associated dates, place of birth, and other useful information.

As a rule, one generation in the family tree represents one level. Thanks to this, it is clearly visible which ancestors preceded each of the generations.

A horizontal line between the two boxes indicates marriage. The downward arrow from the couple indicates the children from that marriage. While most family trees grow vertically, they can also grow sideways. Later in the article, I will present several family tree templates for schoolchildren.

In the form of a tree root, the founder of the genus (ancestor) is quite often represented. The trunk - representatives of the main line of the genus (usually in the male line). The branches of the family tree are the lines of genealogy, and the leaves of such branches are their descendants.

Many people often mistakenly refer to a "family tree" as a family "tree", which is fundamentally not true. Genealogy recognizes the term "family tree", and the name "family tree" is a distortion of the professional thesaurus.

How to create a family tree diagram

How to create a family tree of a student at school? Let's take a look at the steps to create a chart family tree:

For example, write down your name below. On your behalf draw a line a little higher to your mother. Then draw another line on your behalf, to your father. Draw a horizontal line connecting your father and mother.

If you are a student and have brothers and sisters, draw lines from your father and mother to them.

In case your brothers and sisters have a couple, then write it down. Pair this pair horizontal line.

If your siblings have children, write them down and connect them with lines to their parents.

  • Enter the generation of your parents and grandparents. It can be a sister (brother) of one of your parents who has a husband (wife) and so on. Connect such a couple with a horizontal line, and draw lines to their children.

For example, above your mother's name, enter the name of her mother (your grandmother) and father (grandfather). Connect them with a line between you and your mother. Do the same for your father.

If your mom (dad) had brothers and sisters, then add a line from your grandparents to them. Add to such brothers and sisters the names of their couples (husband or wife). Connect such a pair with a horizontal line.

  • Decide how far you can go. As it grows, such a tree can become huge. Perhaps, at first, you should limit yourself to your close relatives (you, brothers and sisters, dad and mom, grandparents).
  • Beautifully decorate your tree, making it unique. Once the text part of the tree is complete, get a little creative and draw your tree nicely. Take a huge sheet of drawing size, use a beautiful felt-tip pen or paint to decorate your tree. Get a little creative, make your tree colorful.

Best Family Tree Templates for Students

If your student child was given the task of creating his own family tree, he will be helped by hint templates that clearly display how this or that tree might look. We offer you a family tree - templates for filling, which can be used in a graphic editor, or immediately printed on a printer.

Such a template to fill family tree you can download for free. To do this, just hover over the template you like, right-click, and select "Save Image As".

You can also use the English-language template for a student that displays a family tree.

In the case of using a graphic editor, you can insert photos of your relatives into the empty fields of the template. The result will be printed on the printer.


Above, we discussed what a family tree is, how to create it, and also provided a template for a student that clearly demonstrates how a family tree should look like. Use the templates we have provided to create your family tree, which will be a visual representation of your family's genealogy. If you don’t want to draw a family tree yourself, use Ancestry , Myheritage , Findmypast level services to create a family tree online.

How to start building a pedigree? My experience.

A pedigree, or as they used to say, a pedigree, is a series of parents and children, where basic information is given about each.

If you start the record with yourself, then they consider themselves the first generation, their mother and father - second, the parents of each of them (grandparents) - the third and so on. Such a pedigree is called mixed.

It is best to start your pedigree with a mixed ascending pedigree.

First, this kind of pedigree usually begins to be compiled from the memory of its living members of the genus.

Second, a mixed ascendant pedigree is the original kind of pedigree. Without it, one cannot begin to draw up a descending pedigree.

A descending pedigree includes a much larger number of generations than is usually stored in memory.

If you compile only your mixed ascendant lineage, then you will already be doing a great deal for yourself, for your family, even for the history of the time in which you live. After all, you will collect information and documents that, perhaps, cannot be found in any archives.

What does it take to make your mixed ascending pedigree? First of all, you need to prepare for this work.

How I prepared.

1. From the very beginning, I got myself a good folder, 33x23 cm in size with detachable rings.

2. Prepared 2 dozen envelopes a little larger than a sheet of writing paper. There is at the post office (Art.3319r, size 32.5x22.5) They must be redone so that they open from the side, which is 22.5 in size. And on the larger side, make holes for filing in a folder with a hole punch.

3. I put my notes, letters, family documents, photographs into these envelopes. The inscriptions on the envelopes about what is in them are best done in pencil. And it is better if the envelope is transparent, you can immediately see what is lying. Such plastic envelopes with a button are on sale. It's even better, nothing will fly out.

Now that everything is ready, you can start compiling a pedigree.

Stage 1

I learned from my relatives (mothers, fathers, grandfathers and grandmothers) the names and patronymics of their parents. I also learned the maiden names of the women of the family. I wrote all this down on a separate sheet under the heading List No. 1.

Then she compiled List No. 2. Records are kept here about all brothers, sisters of older family members, their wives and husbands, as well as their parents.

Then start collecting information about each family member. On a separate sheet, I wrote:

1. Surname, name, patronymic of a relative

2. Day, month and year of his birth, place of birth

3. For those who are no longer alive, the date, month and year of death, where he is buried.

4. Surname, name, patronymic of the father of this relative.

5. Surname, name, patronymic of the mother.

6. Surnames, first names, patronymics of the recipients, i.e. godfather and godmother

7. Estate, for those who were born before 1917, indicate: from the peasants, from the townspeople, from the merchants, the clergy, the nobles.

8. Place or places of residence and in what years.

9. What religion was assigned at birth and later (Orthodox, Catholic, Megametian, Jewish, etc.) or does not belong to any.

10. Where was he brought up, what kind of education did he receive.

11. Places of work or service, titles and positions.

12. Whether participated in wars, battles. When and where.

13. What awards does he have or had (badges, medals, orders)

14. Surname, name, patronymic of the wife (husband).

15 Names and dates of birth of children (day, month, year).

This information is stored in an envelope pinned up in a folder.

Do not forget to make a note after each information you write down, from whom it was received and the date of recording.

Naturally, you can write down information about yourself on points 1,2,4,5,8,9, perhaps 6 and partly 10 .. Do not be upset if you cannot find information on all points Complete information about each person can be collected very rarely.

Stage 2

I am sure that after reading the above information, you imagined a table littered with a pile of papers, and for sure your optimism diminished. And absolutely in vain. Compiling your family tree on paper is now a thing of bygone days. IN this moment there is a great variety of software products that allow you to make a family tree almost at a professional level. Moreover, there are programs that allow you to automatically create family sites.

All that I "dug up" entered in the table. I used the FamilyFreeBuilder program. It allows you to create, edit a family tree, store family photos, documents, videos. You can learn about it here. Download it for yourself, you won't regret it. Take your lists and put them in a table. Don't be embarrassed if you can't complete everything at once.

One of the most exciting activities for the whole family is the creation of a family tree. This activity will not only introduce some family members to relatives, but also unite in the process of searching for information. The resulting option can be an unforgettable gift to relatives or loved ones, but also simply decorate your interior.

How to make a family tree with your own hands and which option is better to choose to create?

Preparatory stage

This step involves collecting necessary information about your relatives. In this case, you can use several of the most suitable options at once:

  • survey - collecting information from relatives or close people so that you can understand what kind of information you are missing;
  • in the process of discussion, it is important to know not only the personal data of a person, but also the place of education, features of appearance or character;
  • it is important to study family archives, if any, this is very important, since they can get information that your relatives could forget about;
  • draw up a preliminary version of your family tree in the form of a diagram or table so that you know which family member you are missing information about.

After receiving all the necessary information, you can safely proceed to create a family tree, having previously decided on the most suitable or favorite option presented in the photo of the family tree.

Varieties of the family tree

At first glance, it may seem that compiling a family tree is quite simple, and even creating a family tree is nothing to say. However, this judgment is fundamentally wrong.

There are a considerable number of options for family trees, here are a few options for the original family trees:

Ascending. It is created from a person directly to the ancestors. The creator himself will be the trunk, and the branches will be his ancestors. This view helps to establish family reunification, in which the person himself was subsequently born.

Downward. It is built on the principle from ancestors to descendants (tree branches).

Table in the form of a circle. The center can be a descendant, and the circles can represent ancestors. Such a table may be reversed.

Very often the family tree is made in the form of a butterfly. In the center is a couple, and from it all the existing relatives on one side and on the other. No less beautiful and attractive option in the form of an hourglass. This option is more suitable for recording information about the relatives of a couple who are in old age.

The simplest option is considered to be in the form of a fan. It saves execution time and saves a lot of space. Tree variants can be performed in any material, depending on what you would like to teach in the end result.

If you do not have time to create a family tree manually, you can use special programs that provide templates and blanks for a family tree.

If you have drawing skills, you can create a tree on your own and without improvised means and ideas. However, in this case, you need a little more imagination. How to make a family tree with your own hands?

Step-by-step family tree instructions for beginners

Take a material such as felt as a basis. On it it is necessary to draw the contours of the future tree with all its elements. After that, you need to cut the workpiece.

The next stage involves the creation of a blank in the same way, only from wallpaper and thick cardboard, after which the parts should be connected to each other.

On the branches of your tree, you can make small frames for each family member. You will only have to fill in the frames with photos and the necessary information.

Often people wonder how exactly to fill in the information of the family tree. The answer is simple enough. It is desirable to take three generations as a minimum.

Creating such a model of your family does not require much effort, but a considerable amount of time can be spent on collecting it. However, it's worth it. Only in this way you can find out everything about your family, relatives.

Or maybe your last name belongs to some noble family? If you wish, you can refer to the video, which presents a master class for the family tree.

Family tree photo

Elena Kiseleva

Practicing genealogist.

Everyone at least once thought about their roots. Of course, we know where our parents were born. If we are lucky, we are familiar with the history of grandparents. So what is next? Dispossession, wars and repressions erased a lot of information from family archives. Yes, and the system of passports in Russia was introduced relatively recently - at the beginning of the twentieth century. Until that time, documentary information about a person was stored in public institutions or in churches.

Because of this, the families have only vague memories and legends about the ancestors. But the older and wiser you become, the more clearly you understand how important it is to know your roots. We will show you how to get information about your ancestors.

Step one. Organization of information storage system

A pedigree is a family archive, which implies an information storage system. A variant of such a system is sites for compiling pedigrees.

Their advantages:

  • Ability to access from different devices and anywhere in the world.
  • Ability to upload photos, documents and other information.
  • The ability to invite relatives to the site, who will be able to enter information and share their documents and photos.

After choosing a suitable site, fill out personal cards for each relative with the information that is currently available.

Step two. Parsing family documents and photographs

Surely, somewhere on the mezzanine, everyone will find a box, or even a suitcase with such a heritage. Forgotten documents, photographs, postcards, letters and other traces of history can be useful. Carefully study and analyze their contents.

Pay attention to:

  • Dates in documents. Enter the dates and related events in the card index for each person. In building a pedigree, dates are key starting points for subsequent work in the archive.
  • Signatures on the reverse side of the photographs. Sometimes, along with the year when the photo was taken, you can meet the age, which allows you to calculate the year of birth. Open frames with old photos. On the back you can find cherished dates and other messages of ancestors.
  • Photos of relatives in uniform. From the uniform, you can understand the type of troops and the rank of the military, as well as approximately determine the year of the photograph, if it is not indicated on the back. It doesn't matter if you are not an expert in this field. Now in many forums on genealogy (for example, the Genealogy Forum of IOP) you can find enthusiasts who understand the topic and will be happy to help with expertise.

Gaps in family history are often identified at this stage. For example, you can find a photo with a person you do not know, or, conversely, you will not meet a single card of your beloved grandfather. Perhaps the documents will reveal previously unknown facts about which you want to know more.

Step three. Communication with relatives

Surely you have a lot of questions after parsing photos and documents. In order not to miss anything and to get a more complete picture of the ancestor, use these questions in a conversation with:

  • Surname, name and patronymic (for a woman - maiden name).
  • Date and place of birth.
  • Date and place of burial, if the person is no longer alive.
  • Surname, name and patronymic of the father and mother.
  • Nationality.
  • Brothers and sisters, their dates of life.
  • Children, their dates of life.
  • Surname, name and patronymic of the wife (husband).
  • Where and when did you study, what kind of education did you receive, who did your specialty.
  • Occupation and place of employment: where, by whom and when he worked.
  • What events of wide social significance did he participate in (war, development of the north or virgin lands).
  • Religion.
  • Awards, titles.
  • What class did he belong to (until 1917).
  • Character traits, interests, inclinations.
  • Sources of information about a person: publications in the press, networks, letters, memories.

Record answers during the conversation in a convenient format. Make a note about the source of information: indicate the surname, name and patronymic of the relative, who he is related to the ancestor under study, the current date.

Ask if your relative has photographs of an ancestor or documents from which you can learn additional facts of life. But don't limit yourself to just them. At this step, facts and dry dates are filled with emotions and memories. Write down all interesting events, even if they did not have a significant impact on the course of family history.

Step four. Search on the Internet

Our ancestors did not catch the boom social networks. Information about them is stored on paper in public institutions. However, some information can still be found on the Web. Yes, in last years a lot of data from the military archives of the times of the First and Second World Wars was declassified, digitized and published.

Information can be found on these resources:

  • World War I 1914-1918. Alphabetical lists of casualties of the lower ranks.
  • The Feat of the People in the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945.
  • VIPTS "Fatherland".

All databases have a search bar where you can enter the name you are looking for and find the person you need in the drop-down list. In some databases, it is possible to view and download the original document where your ancestor is mentioned.

All databases were created manually by transferring data from paper sources. Therefore, when searching, it is worth considering the human factor and looking for a surname in different variations.

Step five. Working with archival documents

In archival documents, you can find information that relates to personal data: full name, date of birth, date of death, date of marriage. Depending on the statute of limitations and the type of document, information may be stored in the registry offices or the archives of the city. The websites of these institutions indicate the conditions for the provision of such services, the terms and the address where you should contact.

Mandatory searches are the full name, year and place of birth of the person whose information you are requesting.

Electronic requests can be sent to both institutions, but the registry office will ask you to come in person with an identity document to receive information, and will ask with the person for whom information is requested.

The archive responds within a month. In response to the request, a receipt for payment for services is sent.

After receiving payment, workers begin the search, which can last another month.

You may be told that there is no information on this person in the archive. This could happen if one of the three criteria was invalid. In this case, it is recommended to expand the search circle by years or neighboring settlements.

If the search is successful, you will receive a certificate from the archive about your ancestor. It will contain all the information that is in the original source, but the archive does not send a copy of the historical document itself. If you are interested in a copy, check the website for the opening hours and the procedure for accessing documents and visit the archive in person.

If you live or often visit Europe or the USA, there is another option. The Church of Jesus Christ of Saints has a database on residents of the former CIS countries last days(Mormons). In the 90s, they toured the archives and digitized most of the documents: parish registers, population censuses, revision tales. For a relatively small amount, you can access this information. The data is stored at the Mormon headquarters in Salt Lake City in the form of microfilm, which can only be viewed on equipment located on the territory of churches in cities in Europe and the United States.

Microfilm is ordered from the FamilySearch website. There you can choose a convenient city and make a payment. Shipping takes about a month. The site states that copying materials is prohibited, but not everything is so hopeless. The argument “I flew from distant Russia specifically for this purpose” is considered weighty, and it is quite possible to obtain permission.

Drawing up a family tree is a fascinating process, similar to archaeological excavations and the work of a detective. When you find information about ancestors, you get the feeling that you have found a treasure. And this is not far from the truth, because this grain of family history is really priceless.

Every child is interested in learning about their ancestors and who they were. To do this, create a family tree in kindergarten with your own hands. Such a children's craft will not only expand the child's knowledge of their roots, but also allow them to be creative.

A family tree can be made for interior decoration and painted at home on the wall. If you want to make a small family tree, you can draw it, make it as an appliqué, or simply print it out on your computer. Today we will make a family tree for kindergarten with our own hands in the form of an application. It is better to make a family tree with the child, he will definitely like it. In appearance, our family tree will turn out to be voluminous and bright. Wood production time - approximately 1 hour. But you can do it faster.

Materials and tools for a family tree:

  • Whatman
  • Color double-sided paper
  • felt-tip pens
  • Scissors
  • simple pencil
  • PVA glue
  • stickers

How to make a family tree in a kindergarten with your own hands:

1) To make a family tree, we need the following tools: drawing paper, colored double-sided paper, double-sided tape, glue, felt-tip pens, stickers, scissors, a simple pencil.

2) I used colored double-sided paper because it is brighter and easier to work with. We take a black A4 sheet and draw a tree on it with a simple pencil. I drew the tree by hand. You can either print the tree from the internet or redraw it. Cut out the tree.

3) We take a pink sheet, fold it in half, then in half again and so on 3 times. We draw a flower on a folded sheet and cut it out. We will get 8 large flowers. Then we make small flowers in the same way, only fold the sheet in half 4 times.

4) We take our flowers and bend the petals inward. Glue a small flower into big flower using glue or double-sided tape. I used double-sided tape, it does not wrinkle the paper at all, unlike the way glue does.

5) Add up green leaf paper in half 4 times and draw leaves on it different sizes. We cut them out.

6) Now let's start decorating the tree. We take whatman paper, attach a tree and cut off the desired part of the paper, focusing on the size of the tree. We take a green sheet of paper, measure how high you want the lawn to be, and cut it out. First, I glued a dark green lawn with double-sided tape, and then a light green one on top of it.

7) Then glue the tree. I glued small branches with glue.

8) We will stick our flowers on the branches.
