Make a family tree for kindergarten. How to draw a family tree of a family with a pencil with your own hands? How to make a family tree of your family: sample

Evgenia Smirnova

To send light into the depths of the human heart - this is the purpose of the artist


Looking through childhood photos or listening to the stories of parents, you may involuntarily become interested in your pedigree. Even in ancient times, it was compiled in the form of a family tree: this is a convenient way to present information. Drawing up a pedigree is even asked at school for a lesson The world or kindergarten, so you need to know how to create family tree with your own hands.

What is a family tree

The very concept of "family tree" is a list of people who are related by kinship. The enumeration occurs according to a hierarchy based on the years of life of people and how they relate to each other. On the trunk of a tree, a married couple is indicated, standing at the head of the clan. Then their children, grandchildren and cousins, sisters. The generations are on the same level. This option is classic when the construction goes from ancestors to descendants.

In addition to the main option, how to draw a family tree, there are several more:

  1. Personally from myself. Parents, grandparents, and other relatives act as branches. This is convenient in that the whole family is indicated along the line of only one person. It will be difficult to supplement such a tree.
  2. family tree. In this case, relatives on the paternal or maternal side may be indicated separately, because the surnames of the spouses before marriage were different.

How to draw a tree from a template

On the Internet there are many sites in Russian and English where you can find special family tree templates. After downloading and printing them, you just need to fill in the empty spaces with photos of relatives according to the specified location. It will look more neat if you use Photoshop. To do this, open the template in this program and insert photos there. The recommended layout format is png. This is an extension for pictures, which is very convenient to work with in Photoshop.

How to make a genealogical family tree

How to draw a family tree? To do this, it is better to divide the work into several stages. The first step is to find out about all the genetic relatives. This is the most crucial stage, because the amount of information depends on how complete the finished database will be. If you suddenly miss someone, then the meaning of the tree will be partially lost. If the collection of information was successful, then it remains to choose the option of constructing a scheme - personally from oneself, from the founder of the clan, or several surnames at once.

How to make a family tree

Before compiling your family tree, it is worth making a preliminary diagram of all relatives, distributing them according to the degree of relationship. The main thing is to decide on how many generations you plan to go back. For owners big family it is better to limit yourself to the closest relatives and not to enter cousins ​​and grandparents, otherwise you can expand the family tree and make side branches in it. They will serve to record more distant relatives - cousins, sisters, grandparents.

There are a lot of concepts of kinship: in addition to blood, they reflect marriage or spiritual connection. In the first case, people have a common ancestor, in the second they are married, and the third includes such forms of kinship as nepotism and twinning. The main one is consanguineous - several degrees of kinship are distinguished in it. One of them is a generation, the chain of which already makes up the line.

Such a chain includes as many degrees as there were births in the family, i.e. son or daughter - the first degree, grandson or granddaughter - the second, etc. Each of them must follow each other in order. It turns out that the construction goes on by generations - from the oldest to the youngest, or vice versa, in the case of the implementation of the scheme personally from oneself. On the main branch, all siblings, grandparents should be indicated, and already on the side branches - cousins ​​​​or second cousins. So the distance between relatives will reflect the distance of their relationship.

How to build a family tree

If an approximate diagram with a list of relatives is ready, you need to decide how best to draw a family tree. There are several options here:

  1. Classical when the main bearer of the surname is indicated at the bottom of the trunk. In most cases, this is a married couple, such as grandparents or great-grandparents (you can go even further). Further, all their children, grandchildren and other relatives are indicated in order. It is better to place your line on the main branch, i.e. the one by which you will come to your parents and specifically yourself. In the lateral branches will be located cousins ​​and second cousins.
  2. personal tree. In this option, you yourself are the basis, i.e. family tree maker. Next come the parents, grandparents on both lines, and so on. This will be the main thread. On the side, it is worth reflecting the sisters or brothers of the parents, their children, grandchildren, etc.
  3. family tree. This option is the most voluminous of all. Here you can reflect several names at once. It is interesting for the compiler himself to trace the line of father and mother. Before marriage, they had different surnames, but in relation to their children they have the same degree of relationship. For this reason, it is interesting to arrange the tree so that one half of the branches reflects the relatives of the father, and the other - the mother.

How to make a family tree on a computer

There are special programs for compiling a family tree. Some of them are online services where you can order or independently issue an unfilled sample with places for photos for free. It remains only to add pictures, download and, if necessary, print. Another option is to download a graphics editor to your computer and work in it. Among such programs, SimTree, RootsMagic, GenoPro, Family Tree Builder, GRAMPS stand out. The Russian analogue is the "Tree of Life".

Each of the programs has a set of specific functions that help draw and then print a tree. Most of them already have sample templates to fill out. They are a table with cells or a picture. Some applications even offer to attach not only photos, but also audio or video recordings. For each family member, it is proposed to fill out a questionnaire, which indicates the basic data about him up to a description of his appearance or interesting facts biographies.

How to draw a family tree

You need to start with how many and what generations you plan to draw. This is necessary in order to know in advance the number of branches on the tree. After this step, use the instructions on how to draw a family tree:

  1. Draw a thick trunk, using a soft simple pencil so that you can erase the excess.
  2. Depending on the type of tree, make an inscription at the base of the trunk, where indicate the full name of one or more people. It can be parents, grandparents, or your child or yourself.
  3. Next, draw branches a little higher for the rest of the relatives. Arrange them correctly - so that each next generation is slightly higher than the previous one.

To create such a family tree on the wall, we need:

  • interior paint
  • bird pattern and tree pattern
  • pencil and carbon paper

You can also draw a tree on the wall by hand, but if you can’t do it, then print all the pages of the tree template, glue them in the right order (there are 2 numbers at the top of each page - the first is the column number, the second is the line number).

The assembled tree must be fixed on the wall by placing a carbon paper under it. Now we draw a pencil around our family tree in pictures, as shown in the photo. Then in the same way we draw birds, how many birds there will be, so many family members we will get.

The next step is coloring. Take brushes and paint desired color and begin to decorate only the tree. This simple drawing will be loved by children!!

After the tree is painted, you can decorate the birds and write the name of a relative on each (I would also small photo pasted).

Option 2 - you can create a tree in the form of inflorescences

In such a tree, each member of the family will have its own flower.

People who honor family traditions, you will definitely love the family tree made by yourself. In addition, such a tree of life can be made from quite affordable things that are probably in every home.

1. Apply the contours of the future tree to the finished piece of felt. First the roots, then the trunk, and finally the branches or crown. Cut it out.

2. Prepare the base on which we will then place our family tree. For this purpose, a piece of old light-colored wallpaper, 50 x 6 cm in size, is perfect. The cut-out base must be glued onto cardboard to give strength, using double-sided tape.

3. Over base with glue gun glue the tree cut out of felt. Cut off the protruding parts of the pattern.

4. Prepare small ready-made photo frames. If desired, they can be painted with spray paint.

5. Frame the collage. On top of the branches and crown of the tree, use a glue gun to glue green yarn that imitates foliage.

6. You need to insert photos of relatives into small frames, while paying attention that photos of parents are inserted into the frames bigger size, they must be placed on top of the created composition. As a rule, photographs of children and grandchildren are placed in the upper part, and photographs of grandfathers and grandmothers are placed in the lower part. We glue all the details of the collage, including the frames themselves, with a glue gun.

tree pattern

The next idea that I want to present looks like this.

We are accustomed to accepting such information from the lips of older generations and accumulating it. Such information helps to find out the history of the genus, organize intra-family ties and find out the predisposition to certain diseases.

The process of collecting data and designing such a scheme is not easy, it requires special skills and following instructions.

Today we will talk about how to correctly compose and draw a family tree, present a template and diagram, and also give helpful tips and instructions.


Before us is a relational structure that describes family ties within the same genus. She received this name due to the fact that the connection between family members is depicted in the form of tree branches. At the base is the founder of the clan or the ancestor, and on the lines emanating from the base are different families formed from his children and grandchildren.

The need to study one's surname came to us from antiquity. Even in the Neolithic era, people followed the connections within the community, because they knew that mixing the same blood could lead to the birth of children with serious disabilities. That is why husbands looked for wives in neighboring tribes. When it was necessary to preserve certain features, such as hair or eye color, the bride was chosen from a certain circle. Knowing one's roots was necessary to maintain family ties.

Why is it so important to know how to make a genealogical or family tree of a family? The answer is simple: since ancient times, close blood ties meant not only belonging to the same dynasty, but also served as a symbol of strong relationships, as well as indivisible traits inherent in each member of the community, the representative of the family.

Many traits of character and behavior are formed from childhood and depend on the environment - the precepts of our grandmothers, grandfathers, mothers and fathers. These include:

  • Habits.
  • structure of thought.
  • behavior model.
  • Features of speech.

In each of our ancestors - often unrealized opportunities. They can manifest themselves in us - to a greater or lesser extent. Therefore, it is important to know the history of your surname, to carefully preserve the memory of your roots. In some cases, compiling a family tree of one's family tree helps to reveal hidden characteristics that require development throughout a person's life.

The inheritance of such traits cannot and should not be direct. Sometimes it manifests itself through one knee, and sometimes even less often. Knowing the family tree will help you learn more not only about your surroundings, but also about yourself. And the process of collecting material will not only unite the family, but also give a chance to establish contact with loved ones.

What are the types of visual schemes

In total, it is customary to distinguish two ways to display blood ties. Let's consider each of them.

ascending structure

This option includes registration in a routine manner: from younger generations to older ones. In the role of the starting point, it is customary to designate the drafter of the project, that is, you. This method of compiling a family tree is the simplest. It is suitable for those who have just started looking for information about their roots. To get started, you will need information about your father and mother, grandparents, and so on. The convenience lies in the fact that you can add the missing component at any time by displaying a new branch. We recommend using this method in the initial stages of studying your family.

With descending structure

This variety is characterized by the reverse order of record keeping. The starting point is the most distant ancestor - the ancestor. From it, rays are drawn, diverging to the sides. These are his children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, etc. come from them. To organize such a structure, you will need extensive knowledge about your last name. This method can be applied in the final stages of studying your family.

The best option for beginners would be to use the first scheme. Gradually collecting and accumulating the necessary information, you will be able to organize a large structure. After the accumulated data can be transferred to the descending scheme.

The next thing you should pay attention to when compiling a family tree is the line of inheritance. They can be represented by two types of tables:

  • Direct - includes you, your mom and dad, grandparents and so on.
  • Reverse - to create such a project, you will need information about brothers and sisters, nephews, including cousins, second cousins, etc.

Structures of this type can be drawn up both in a general form, that is, for male and female representatives, and for tracking blood ties only on the paternal or maternal side. In this case, the emerging relationship is called unilinear.

Genealogical tree as a gift

In addition to self-development, obtaining the missing information about one's own roots and uniting the family, such a project can be a wonderful surprise for any person who is interested in the history of his family name, wants to learn more about his ancestors.

If you want to do unusual gift, You will need a diagram, supplemented by an appropriate figure. For this, a structure of any complexity is suitable. Beginners should take advantage of the most in a simple way. You can draw up a project both with your own hands, by drawing an image on a thick sheet of paper, or using special software. The first option will be much more expensive - your diligence, participation is especially noticeable in it, it is much more pleasant to receive it. But this does not negate the value of the printed version created on the computer. In both cases, you will have to do a lot of work, looking for information about the representatives of the genus.

How to make a family tree with a diagram as a gift? To do this, you can purchase a special book in an elegant binding.

This project will be especially useful for:

  • Your children - he will tell the younger generation about their ancestors.
  • Distant relatives - for them, you can prepare a reverse descending table, which will show brothers, sisters, cousins, etc.
  • Progenitors - a non-standard design option in the form of an hourglass is possible. To draw up such an option, you can combine two methods and draw a diagram from the recipient of the present to you, using your grandmother or grandfather as a key figure.

You can also take such a common pattern as a "butterfly". In it, the basis is a married couple from which ascending and descending branches are conducted to ancestors and descendants.

Less popular, but more verbose way descriptions of blood ties - pie chart. This scheme is in demand abroad. At the same time, you will not often meet her on the territory of the Russian Federation. The bottom line is to combine the ascending and descending components. Consider the main design steps to learn how to properly compile a family tree and make it original.

  • As a base, use a fan - one fourth of the circle.
  • You can also draw several centralized circles that will include both ancestors and descendants.
  • Another way is to divide the circle and create a unique pedigree project by combining both ways of describing a surname.

Any of the proposed options can be decorated with pictures, notes. You can add fun facts from the overall history to the project by linking them to the details of the decor.

What you need to create a diagram yourself

First you need to study the family archive. Try to find all the surviving photographs and papers that testify to blood ties. The most important will be:

  • Labor books.
  • Certificates.
  • Documentation.
  • Marriage certificates.
  • Certificates.

Such documents will serve as a starting point for further searches, collecting information for the family tree. All found papers and photographs should be scanned and stored not only on a computer, but also on external media, such as a flash drive. This will help protect content from accidental deletion, even if your PC crashes and all the information on it is lost.

The next step is the most important part of the process. This is an appeal to your family and friends. There are no specific rules for compiling a family tree, but this stage remains one of the most important, since it allows you to learn information first hand. Before the visit, we advise you to decide on a list of questions and write them down so as not to miss anything. The following data may be useful for you to create a family chart project:

Date of birth of an ancestor.

  • Place and time of their work.
  • Did they study. If yes, where and at what time.
  • Who were they married to or whom did they marry.
  • The number of children, their full names and dates of birth, at least approximate.
  • If the descendant is no longer alive, it is necessary to find out in what year he/she passed away, where he/she is buried.

From this it follows that the most useful information is the date and place of an incident. It is these data that will help you to contact the archive for details in the future.

In addition, due attention should be paid to the stories of relatives themselves. This will allow you to know useful information about their ancestors, their achievements, legends passed down from generation to generation.

To save all the details when compiling a family tree, we recommend using a recording device when talking. To do this, you can use both a voice recorder and a smartphone equipped with a similar function.

After the conversation, you should listen to the recording several times so as not to lose sight of any important points and milestones in the development of your kind. Further, the information received must be structured and recorded in a specially designated notebook or on electronic media. In the second case, we advise you to create a separate folder into which you will transfer all data and photos. It is also worth duplicating it to an external drive or a cloud service such as Yandex.Disk or Google.Docs. This will allow you to have access to information anywhere in the world.

Searching in depth and in detail for information that will help you recreate the full picture can take months, and sometimes several years of painstaking work. How to chart a family tree when time is short and you need help? To speed up the process, you can connect the rest of your relatives: brothers, sisters or parents.

In this case, each participant must choose a specific branch and work on it. After each of you has finished collecting information, the received material should be put together and organize a complete system. This approach will not only speed up the process, but also gain deeper knowledge. In addition, you will have a chance to build relationships with relatives who are involved in the search.

Tree of life: how to make a family tree using computer programs

Collecting data on ancestors is a labor-intensive and time-consuming task. If you use the ascending type of project, then by the seventh generation you will count more than a hundred representatives of the same surname.

Using notepads or notebooks to store information is impractical. At any moment you can lose the carrier, and with it the information collected during the hard work. To simplify the work, you can use machine databases such as Microsoft Office Excel or Access. You can also start developing a project in specialized software that is designed to create family trees. So you can easily create a beautiful and well-structured diagram.

Such services are divided into online and offline utilities. The first allow you to store all the information on the Internet and access it from any device. Among the shortcomings can be identified a short shelf life. Typically, such sites allow you to accumulate information for no more than five years, after which all materials will be deleted. The second type of software stores all data on the computer on which the application is installed.

Also, programs can be divided into paid and free. The first ones have richer functionality, the second ones are more profitable to use if you are not ready to spend money on the design of the scheme.

Today we told you how to make a family tree for a nice family gift, what you need for this, and also gave useful tips and parting words. Do not delay and start collecting information right now. So you will have the opportunity to get more information and get to know your ancestors better.

Hello, friends! Parents whose kids attend kindergarten quite often face homework - draw a picture, make an application, make crafts from natural materials. All this, as a rule, is not difficult. But what if the little one was asked to make a family tree for kindergarten? Master classes from experts, as well as our tips and tricks, will help you cope with this problem.

Introducing your child to family history

Agree, every child periodically hears statements: “How you look like grandmother Olya”, “And your nose is like Aunt Tanya’s”, “You will grow up and become a captain, like your great-grandfather.” And, of course, the baby has a question: “And who are these uncles, aunts, grandfathers and great-grandmothers?”.

This means that the time has come to tell the little one about the history of the family. What is the best way to do this?

  • With the advent of digital photography, family albums have sunk into oblivion. Now photos are stored in bowels of computers. And yet, the conversation about the family pedigree will not do without old black and white photographs. Look at them together with the baby, tell us who is depicted on them. Organize family gatherings with viewing old albums and interesting memories of grandparents. Trust me, your child will listen with bated breath.
  • Take your child on a guided tour of places that are memorable for your family. Show the place where mom and dad met, where grandparents worked, even the maternity hospital in which the little one was born.
  • Visit relatives with your baby more often, even distant ones. Let the child feel like a part of a large and friendly family.

After the baby, and with it you, plunge into the history of your family, you can start making a family tree.

Do-it-yourself family tree

By the way, dear parents, you should not load the baby with such a complicated word. Let's call this tree family or tribal. This fully corresponds to its essence and will be easy to remember and pronounce by a child.

We offer you several family tree options. Which one to choose for a demonstration in kindergarten is up to you.

Volumetric family tree

This tree is quite simple in execution, but extremely beautiful tree will be a wonderful decoration for your home.

  • Ceramic or plastic flower pot.
  • Quite thick, but easily bendable wire.
  • Building plaster or alabaster.
  • Corrugated paper.
  • Plain braid or thin cord.
  • Decorative twine.
  • White cardboard.
  • Various beads, beads, pebbles, etc.
  • Decorative leaves and flowers.
  • Sesal fiber green.
  • Pliers and cutters.
  • Scissors.
  • Glue gun.
  • Pencil.
  1. Cut the wire with wire cutters into lengths of approximately 25-30 cm. You should get 10-15 pieces, and their length may vary slightly, so it will be even more interesting.
  2. Carefully wrap each piece of wire with braid or a thin cord, from time to time applying a drop of glue for strength. Choose the color of the ribbon of your choice.
  3. At one end of each piece of wire, make a small bend in the form of the letter "G", so they will better hold in the alabaster base.
  4. Fold all the wires together, with the bent ends down, and twist them slightly together, imitating a tree trunk.
  5. Install a bundle of wire in the center of the flower pot.
  6. Dilute building gypsum or alabaster with water to the consistency of thick sour cream and pour into a flower pot. Make sure the wire bundle is right in the center.
  7. Leave the solution to dry, but for now, start making the base for the photos.
  8. You can make photo frames round, oval or in the form of hearts, as in our case.
  9. Draw a heart template on cardboard, about 5 by 5 cm. Cut out 20-30 cardboard hearts (the number depends on how many photos you want to hang on a tree).
  10. Cut to size hearts corrugated paper, not forgetting to leave allowances for tucking.
  11. Cover the hearts with paper. Glue a loop of thin cord on the back of half of them.
  12. Connect the hearts in pairs, right side out, and glue them together. You should have 10-15 double-sided hearts with a loop.
  13. The place of gluing along the edge can be decorated with decorative twine.
  14. Cut out heart-sized circles from colored cardboard and stick them on. This will be the place for the photo. Decorate hearts around the circles with beads, rhinestones, beads or lace - it all depends on your imagination.
  15. Print out the photos, cut them to the same size and stick them on the circles.
  16. We return to the tree: the alabaster has frozen, and work can be continued. Spread the tops of the wire in different directions so that they resemble tree branches.
  17. Using pliers, make curls at the ends of each wire.
  18. Hang a heart with a photo on each curl.
  19. Attach decorative leaves and flowers to the branches.
  20. Decorate the alabaster in a pot with sesal fiber, imitating grass.
  21. Decorate the pot however you like. The family tree is ready.

For kindergarten, you can make a small copy of the family tree. At the same time, instead of photographs on hearts, you can simply write the names of the baby's closest relatives: Olya's mother, Igor's father, Ira's grandmother, etc.

Family tree: wall version

There are many variants of family trees on the Internet. You only need to print the picture you like and paste the photos of relatives.

But making a family tree with your own hands is much more interesting, especially since the little helper can't wait for the creative process to begin.

  • Large sheet of cardboard.
  • The rest of the wallpaper.
  • Colored paper.
  • A piece of felt or felt.
  • artificial leaves.
  • Baby stickers.
  • Scissors.
  • Felt pens or markers.
  • Glue.
  1. Stick wallpaper on a sheet of cardboard, choosing a pattern in accordance with the theme.
  2. You can make a background using watercolor or gouache paints.
  3. Lay felt or felt on the table and apply the contours of the trunk and branches on it.
  4. Cut out the tree and glue it onto the cardboard base.
  5. Decorate the branches with artificial leaves.
  6. Cut out flowers from colored paper so that a large circle remains in the center for a photo or inscription.
  7. Stick photos or write the names of all family members. Bend the petals slightly, giving the flowers volume.
  8. Place the flowers on the family tree by gluing them with glue.
  9. Around the tree, you can draw or stick butterflies, birds, the sun, clouds - in a word, whatever the little one wants.

The tree is ready to take its rightful place at the exhibition of works in kindergarten.

Some more creative ideas

When crafting a family tree for a home or kindergarten, you can use the following ideas:

  • A wall tree can also be voluminous. fashion from salt dough frames in the form of flowers, apples or just geometric shapes, paint them with paints and insert family photos into these homemade frames.
  • If the task to make the tree arrived shortly before new year holidays, then the tree can be the basis for your pedigree. It can be cut out of colored paper or made from a New Year's "rain", and the photos can be placed in frames made of cardboard Christmas tree decorations.
  • You can make a family tree in the form of an album or book. On the cover, place a drawing of a tree with the names of all relatives. Then dedicate each page to one of the family members by sticking photos and writing all the information you know.
  • For family use, the tree can be painted directly on the wall of the room (or pasted on it) and hung full-size photographs in beautiful wooden frames.

Do not forget, dear parents, to involve the child in the creative process, because, while making a family tree with you, the little one:

  • He learns a lot about the history of his family and his relatives.
  • He will gain skills in cutting, gluing, drawing - which means he will develop hand motor skills.
  • Spend time in close communication with parents, will receive a charge of positive emotions.

We wish you creative inspiration and family happiness! See you soon!

A schematic representation of family ties in the form of a conditional symbolic tree is the genealogical tree of the family. Pedigree can be built in the form of a table or a tree.

Reasons for compiling a family tree

One of the most important steps is motivation. There are many reasons that encourage people to make a family tree. Let's consider some of them:

Compilation methods

First of all, you need to choose a compilation method. Buildings with finding various papers and folders with a group of relatives are a thing of the past. Now on the Internet there are many other methods, specialized programs that help compose data about relatives and present it in a pleasant way. With the help of various online services, you can collect data about relatives. Then creating a family tree becomes easy. Such services have one disadvantage: the sites exist for about 5 years and there is a possibility of its disappearance from the Internet with your data. The reasons may be different.

For more detailed work on the tree, it is more convenient to use programs from which information and data can be archived, saved, copied, processed on any device and be independent of the Internet. There are paid and free programs.

One of these programs, which received good feedback, is the "Tree of Life", which reveals the technology of compiling a family tree.

Although this program has small limitations in the free version, it allows you to familiarize yourself with its actions: create a tree, calculate the degree of relationship, save information, videos, photos and other information about the lives of relatives. Install this program on your computer and start compiling.

Program "Family Chronicle" will also help in compiling a family tree in the form of a tree in a colorful way. Here you can also save photos and documents.

Want to create a pedigree in a tabular, graphical form? Then the Geno Pro program will help you.

Step by step compilation

You need to create a family tree from yourself. Enter information about yourself into the downloaded program, and then about the next of kin. Photographs will help to supplement the information entered.

Start arranging personal meetings with relatives, taking a voice recorder with you. A lot of information can be obtained by talking. It is advisable to talk with each relative in private so that there is no confusion. Visiting the oldest relatives should be the first step, as their verbal recollections are invaluable.

It will be very convenient if you make a questionnaire before starting the conversation. What questions will be included there?

  1. Last name, first name.
  2. birth metric.
  3. Events from life (weddings, birthdays, death).
  4. Photos (scanned or re-photographed vintage photographs from albums).
  5. Place of Birth.
  6. Professions.

With those who live in other places, you can communicate via Skype. This a good option because it saves time. When there is a shortage of data, you can always turn to the Internet. Respondents themselves can also be of great help.

In the event that certain relatives are not alive, archive employees will help. The information received must be well checked, since there are many namesakes.

Construction schemes

Thus, the material is collected, it is possible to build a genealogical tree of the family. When using a specialized program, do as it prompts. If you want to do it yourself, think carefully about the work plan, since there are several types of construction.

So, for self-construction, take a drawing paper, place in the center of the one for whom the tree is being compiled. Divide the sheet into two parts: left (for paternal relatives) and right (for relatives on the maternal side). Glue an envelope under the names and insert notes and additional photos about this person there.

When choosing a scheme in the form of a tree in an ascending line, the trunk will symbolize the main person, from which branches will depart in different directions. Important is the concept that the person represented in the diagram represents a separate family branch. Place parents on large branches, grandparents on smaller ones. It is possible to put a certain person on each leaf. There are no limits to the imagination for creating and decorating a tree. The main thing is to maintain the accuracy of the information.

Family tree: image options

There are several types of family tree diagrams. This:

  1. Butterfly is a convenient method for placing on the wall. The key figures are the spouses, whose parents are on the sides, and the children are below.
  2. Branches (ancestors). Your child is the key figure, and from him all the ancestors that you have found diverge. For the premises, it is the most popular scheme.
  3. Roots (descendants). Such a scheme is a good gift relative. The common ancestor is the key figure. In this diagram, all the brothers and sisters of the ancestor are clearly visible.
  4. An hourglass would be a chic gift for a grandfather or grandmother. Key person- grandma or grandpa. Put their ancestors on top, and their descendants on the bottom.
  5. Fan - is a convenient compressed form that does not take much time. Here are perfectly visible important parental connections.
