Genealogical tree drawing for school. How to draw a family tree

Every child is interested in learning about their ancestors and who they were. To do this, create a family tree in kindergarten with your own hands. Such a children's craft will not only expand the child's knowledge of their roots, but also allow them to be creative.

A family tree can be made for interior decoration and painted at home on the wall. If you want to make a small family tree, you can draw it, make it as an appliqué, or simply print it out on your computer. Today we will make a family tree for kindergarten with our own hands in the form of an application. It is better to make a family tree with the child, he will definitely like it. In appearance, our family tree will turn out to be voluminous and bright. Wood production time - approximately 1 hour. But you can do it faster.

Materials and tools for a family tree:

  • Whatman
  • Color double-sided paper
  • felt-tip pens
  • Scissors
  • simple pencil
  • PVA glue
  • stickers

How to make a family tree in a kindergarten with your own hands:

1) To make a family tree, we need the following tools: drawing paper, colored double-sided paper, double-sided tape, glue, felt-tip pens, stickers, scissors, a simple pencil.

2) I used colored double-sided paper because it is brighter and easier to work with. We take a black A4 sheet and draw a tree on it with a simple pencil. I drew the tree by hand. You can either print the tree from the internet or redraw it. Cut out the tree.

3) We take a pink sheet, fold it in half, then in half again and so on 3 times. We draw a flower on a folded sheet and cut it out. We will get 8 large flowers. Then we make small flowers in the same way, only fold the sheet in half 4 times.

4) We take our flowers and bend the petals inward. Glue a small flower into big flower using glue or double-sided tape. I used double-sided tape, it does not wrinkle the paper at all, unlike the way glue does.

5) Add up green leaf paper in half 4 times and draw leaves on it different sizes. We cut them out.

6) Now let's start decorating the tree. We take whatman paper, attach a tree and cut off the desired part of the paper, focusing on the size of the tree. We take a green sheet of paper, measure how high you want the lawn to be, and cut it out. First, I glued a dark green lawn with double-sided tape, and then a light green one on top of it.

7) Then glue the tree. I glued small branches with glue.

8) We will stick our flowers on the branches.

In pre-revolutionary Russia (and in most civilized countries) it was customary to study the history of one's family. Of course, the nobility had their own traditions. Huge genealogical rooms were not uncommon in the halls of family palaces. But even in simple families, as a rule, children were told about who their relatives were (both the closest and the most distant). But in the Soviet Union, they were of the opinion that the son should not answer for his father. Yes, and the famous item number 5 in the questionnaires (nationality) ruined the nerves of many people. And the presence of noble people among the ancestors and with high-profile surnames completely became the reason for refusing to accept a non-prestigious job or to enter an elite university. Therefore, in our country for many years they forgot about what genealogy is. But today everything has changed! Many people are beginning to be interested in the question of how to draw a family tree. It can be done different ways. Further - about them!

How to draw a family tree: the easiest options

If, for example, you want to tell the story of a family to a baby, then you should not delve into the historical jungle. It is clear that the kindergartener or junior schoolchild it will simply be incomprehensible why he should consider his great-grandfather, who lived in ancient times, as his relative.

It is better to start with the simplest scheme, in which those relatives whom the baby knows will be “involved” (usually these are parents, brothers / sisters, grandparents). You can draw a schematic tree with it, color it brightly (with pencils or paints). You can draw both on a landscape sheet and on whatman paper. The details are not so important! You can limit yourself to a trunk, a crown, a minimum of twigs, and then stick a photo with captions (for example, such as: “Grandfather Vanya, Papa’s dad”, “Grandma Galya, Mom’s mom”). The main thing is that you have fun in the process! You can tell some stories from childhood that will be accessible to the understanding of the child. The warm and friendly atmosphere during the preparation of such a “masterpiece of genealogy” will remain in the memory of the baby. Perhaps, as he gets older, he will want to delve into the history of the family.

A child who is about 10 years old can be shown how to draw a family tree with a pencil at a more "professional" level. Here it will already be necessary to first decide what the tree will be like (oak, apple tree or, for example, maple). Then you should decide how many relatives (and how) will "settle" on the tree. Maybe the photos will be pasted inside the apples or cherries? Or will nameplates be neatly drawn on the crown?

How to draw a family tree: more advanced options

If you're serious about understanding your family's history, preparing to visualize your family tree will be more essential. To begin with, you will need to collect as much information as possible. To draw a family tree, you may have to delve into special databases, as well as visit the archives in your city, write requests in writing and send them to other cities or even countries.

It must be understood that this process is very laborious. By the way, requests must be made correctly. If you want to not only learn how to draw a family tree in practice, but also do it with high quality, you should approach the matter responsibly! You should not write something like: “I am Petya Ivanov, somewhere in Russia I have many relatives, but I don’t know them. Do me a favor, find their data!” It is more correct to make separate requests for the facts of interest to you. For example, if you want to know what your great-grandmother's maiden name was, you should send a request to the authority where she registered the marriage with her great-grandfather, indicating the year of this event and the data known to you. For example, like this: “I ask you to draw up an extract on the fact of the marriage of citizen Ivan Petrovich Sidorov (born in 1930) and citizen Anna Ivanovna (born in 1932), maiden name is unknown. The painting took place in 1950 in the village of Makeevo.

Valeria Protasova

Reading time: 8 minutes


Currently compiling family tree counts fashion trend- around the world today, people began to actively find out origin of their ancestors. The genealogical tree of the family should be understood as schematic representation of family ties in the form of a conditional tree. At the "roots" of the tree, the ancestor will be indicated, representatives of the main line of the genus will be located on the "trunk". "Branches" are representatives of various lines of ancestry, and "leaves" are known descendants.

About the most common types of family trees will be discussed in our article.

  • Family tree on the wall

You can draw the tree itself using stencils or ready-made wall tree stickers, and on top of it are attached photographs of relatives. In the design apply contrasting colors. This type of wood will be a worthy decoration of your room!

  • Genealogical tree built using a special program Family Tree Builder

The functionality of this program is quite high, and building a family tree is not difficult. Free Family Tree Builder App provides an opportunity not only to build a family tree, but also looking for your relatives by comparing the family trees of other participants in the global project. When you run the program for the first time, it will give advice on the formation of a new family tree project - this will ensure a quick acquaintance with the program and its development.

The program is very simple and accessible, but with the only disadvantage- required to work Internet connection. The result will bring a lot of pleasure, and you will get an excellent genealogical tree of your family!

  • Family tree on the poster

Before you start creating a family tree, you need to decide on the information that will be included in the pedigree. The content of the entries and the shape of the tree may vary. Minimum set of information should include surname and name of the relative, date of his birth and date of death.

You can choose a suitable tree design option on the Internet - there you can find many beautifully designed variants of family trees. After the shape of the tree is chosen, you need to pick up photographs. They must be of high quality, uniform in size and matching in style. In order not to spoil the original pictures, they can be entered into a computer and printed in the form of squares or circles. After selecting photos, you need to glue on the prepared tree in the respective places. Under the photographs should be stickers with important information about this or that relative.

  • Family tree on a withered branch

It will be enough original decor for the wall made by hand. A simple dry tree branch can be fixed on the wall and hang frames with family photos on it. It will be a stylish and exciting solution for the interior. Selected photographs will help to understand your family history and personal uniqueness.

  • decorative family tree

To make it you will need felt, a piece of wallpaper, photographs, double-sided tape, thick cardboard, glue and a little patience.

on felt paint with soap tree outline and cut out. From the wallpaper you need to cut off a piece of 50 * 60 cm in size. Cut out the wallpaper with the help of 2-sided adhesive tape or glue, we attach it to the cardboard. We put a felt tree on top, and glue all its thin parts with glue. Painting photo frames with spray paint into a single color. On the upper branches of the tree, glue the yarn imitating foliage and insert photos. At the top we have children's photos, and below - photos of grandparents. With glue All frames need to be glued to the genealogical tree. The result is a realistic handmade family tree. It can be an excellent gift for relatives.

All that remains is to select and place photos of close and dear people in the finished genealogical tree. This version of the family tree will become great gift birthday, anniversary or wedding day.

Many people ask question: What is a family tree for?

The answer is simple. It reminds us of our ancestors, preserves the entire history of the family in a concise and accessible form.

If you make the necessary efforts to create a family tree, it can become extraordinary and original decoration interior.

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By tracing them, you can learn a lot about yourself and adjust your own destiny. Even for those who still think little about their own origin, this information will be useful at least at the level of determining genetic predispositions to diseases.

But collecting and correctly arranging information about your relatives is very difficult. In this article, we will talk about how to correctly compile a genealogical (pedigree) family tree with diagrams, examples and templates.

What is a family tree

A family tree is a conditional diagram that describes family ties within the same family. It is quite often depicted as a real tree. Next to the roots is usually the ancestor or the last descendant, for which the scheme is drawn up, and on the branches there are various lines of the genus.

In ancient times, the preservation of knowledge about one's origin was a direct necessity for everyone. Already in Neolithic times, people knew that closely related marriages lead to unviable children. Therefore, men took wives for themselves in neighboring villages, clans and tribes. However, sometimes it was required to preserve some qualities within the line, and then people chose brides and grooms from a limited circle. But in both the first and second cases, the knowledge of one's ancestors was mandatory.

Blood (blood relationship) in the past meant not only the presence of family ties, but also a certain psycho-emotional community, and in relation to representatives of the same family, the range of expectations from people was quite close.

This behavior is justified. Have you noticed that there are families, representatives of different lines and generations of which themselves choose close directions of development. There are families in which everyone is connected with art, and there are those where, for generations, every second person has a penchant for engineering. And the point here is not only in education, but also in the features of the functioning of the body. Genetic predisposition manifests itself not only in diseases, but also in the talents of representatives of the related line.

The system of childbirth was also supported by the social structure. Most societies go through stages first of the caste, then the estate, then the class system. And marriages in them are usually arranged within their social circle.

The family history can shed light on many personal values. A lot is laid in a person in the very early age on the example of the relationship of his parents and their relatives: patterns of behavior, structure of thinking, habits and words. But inheritance is not always direct. The study of the history of the family and the reconstruction of the family tree contributes to the self-identification of the individual, allows you to realize your personal foundations. This is beneficial for both the individual and the family as a whole. The very process of collecting information and processing it will be useful for establishing contact between relatives.

There are several methods for compiling a family tree:

  • Ascending. Here the chain is built in the direction from the descendant to the ancestors. The schema compiler acts as the initial element. The method is convenient for those who have just started studying their family. The compiler has information mainly about his closest relatives: parents, grandfathers, grandmothers, etc. - and gradually delves into the past.
  • Downward. In this case, the chain has the opposite direction. One ancestor (or spouse) acts as the beginning. For such a construction, you need to have sufficiently extensive information about your relatives.

When compiling a family tree, you need to take into account the lines of inheritance. They are of two types:

  • Straight branch. The chain includes you, your parents, their parents, etc.
  • Side branch. It takes into account your brothers and nephews, grandparents' brothers and sisters, great-grandparents, etc.

These schemes - ascending and descending with straight and lateral branches - can be compiled both as a mixed one: for both men and women of a kind, and for tracking inheritance only by the kind of father or mother.

The family tree can be formatted as follows:

The branching interposition we are used to, which is often supplemented with a tree pattern. Suitable for designing genealogical charts of any complexity.

  • You will draw your child's ascending family tree in this style.
  • Do lovely gift for a distant relative, depicting on the diagram as the initial figure of a common ancestor and from him having built a descending system of relations of all cousins ​​and second cousins.
  • Make a drawing in the form of an hourglass. This option is suitable for older relatives: grandfathers or great-grandfathers. Take them as key figures and make a genealogical family tree of these members of your family, combining in the figure the descending and ascending schemes - parents and descendants.

The "butterfly" scheme is inherently quite close to the "clock" option. Her starting point is the spouses, on both sides of them are the ascending family trees of their parents, and at the bottom is the descending one.

There is another option for building a structure. It is not common in Russia, but allows you to create enough Full description family ties. This is the so-called circular table. It is also capable of accommodating an ascending and descending description of the genus.

  • For simple circuits you can take as a basis a quarter of a circle - the "fan" scheme.
  • There is an option for designing an ascending or descending structure in the form of concentrated circles in which ancestors or descendants are entered.
  • Or, the circle can be divided and a genealogical tree of the genus can be compiled, combining both directions of the family in a similar way to the clock pattern.

Any of the described options can be supplemented with photographs and notes.

How to make a genealogical tree of a family on your own

Research is better to start with the family archive. See if you still have old photographs and official documents of your older relatives. Documents will be especially useful: marriage or birth certificates, diplomas, certificates, work books, since it is with their help that it is easiest to start searching in the archive. All papers and photographs should be scanned, saved somewhere in digital format and used in the future. And return the originals to their place so as not to lose these important evidence.

The next important step is to interview relatives. And since relatives are not eternal, it is not worth delaying with him. In order not to overwork the elderly and not get confused yourself, it is important to outline the range of issues in advance. For example, when we are compiling a family tree of a family, we should be interested in information:

  • When and where were born certain relatives.
  • Where and when did they work?
  • Time and place of study.
  • Who and when did you marry.
  • How many children did they have, their names and dates of birth.
  • If relatives died, it is worth knowing when and where it happened.

As you can see, from the point of view of further searches, the most important information from the list is the place and time of certain events. Knowing them, you can contact the archives for documents.

But from the point of view of the family, it is much more important to hear stories about the life of your loved ones. Each family keeps its traditions, in each there was something worthy of the memory of generations. Therefore, do not neglect long conversations about the past.

When collecting oral information, it is worth using a voice recorder so as not to miss a single detail.

It is important to structure all the information received correctly and quickly, otherwise you will simply get confused in the intricacies of your family ties. You can store information on paper in folders related to each family line. Or create a separate folder on your computer where you will place files about each of the relatives.

Some people study their ancestry for years, gradually deepening their knowledge of their relatives in direct and indirect lines.

But you can make the initial stages of the process faster, invite your family to participate with you in this important matter. If several people, each in their own line, make a list of the next of kin with names, photographs and dates, and then combine all this information into a single scheme, you can get a family tree several generations deep in just a few months. In addition, such a decision will help to establish communication between the individual branches of the family.

Services and programs that help build a family tree

Gathering information about relatives is a difficult task. Simply because with each generation, the number of people to collect information about will increase exponentially. Even when using the ascending scheme, taking into account only direct branches, by the seventh generation you will have 126 ancestors.

Registration and storage of all this information using paper media is inconvenient. It is much easier to use electronic databases. You can create the necessary files yourself in Excel or Access. Or use specialized programs that are initially configured in such a way as to make it as easy as possible to compose information in your family, display and display it in a beautiful and understandable form.

There are many Internet services on pedigree topics. They will correctly compile your family tree, help with finding information about relatives, and provide design samples.

  • Some of them provide an opportunity to create a diagram of your kind online. On them, after free registration, you need to enter information about each relative, indicate his family ties, provide photos, and the service itself will graphically build the necessary structure.
  • There are more professional sites with big amount settings. They automatically conduct additional analysis of the surname and even look for information in the archives.

A convenient solution, but, unfortunately, such services exist for a relatively short time, usually about 5 years, after which you will most likely lose access to the entered information.

  • For deeper work, it is better to use special programs that work independently of the Internet. They are paid and free. The latter have more limited functionality.
  • Or contact a special company involved in genealogy, with its help, find information about your family ties, and arrange them beautifully in a family tree, or

A family tree is a kind of tribute to the memory of ancestors. Thus, we are trying to express all the love and gratitude to our relatives: grandparents and forefathers. Do family tree do-it-yourself is quite simple, especially if the pedigree is known in advance.

How to make a family tree correctly?

Pedigree options great amount. You can either draw a family tree with a pencil with your own hands, or use a ready-made template. However, before you get started, think over the main points in advance:

  1. How well do you know your family? And it's not just about grandparents, mom and dad and aunts. Think about deeper family roots. To do this, ask your relatives or look through the family archive with photographs.
  2. Then think about the very essence of building a tree and make a rough sketch. It is desirable to have a photo in two directions: from bottom to top or vice versa. But keep in mind that the tree should show a clear relationship between one family member and another.
  3. In addition to names and surnames, you can specify dates of birth, as well as who exactly this or that person is for you. Of course, if there is no such information about all family members, then you should not do this.
  4. You can decorate your family tree in a variety of ways. For example, come up with or stick on a ready-made family coat of arms, place vignettes on the canvas - small framed photographs, and also write the name of a relative in beautiful monograms.

To create a family tree with your own hands, ready-made templates are also useful. Here are a few main options for your consideration:

And now, when all aspects are considered and templates are chosen, it's time to move on to practice.

Gathering all relatives and ancestors together

This master class is offered as a good example of how to make a family tree of a family with your own hands. You can modify it to your liking. For example, try pasting photos of relatives instead of leaves or painting the tree with multi-colored paints.

Necessary materials:

  • photo frame in the form of a book;
  • thick colored cardboard;
  • pen;
  • hole punch in the form of leaflets;
  • glue gun;
  • dry branches.

Process description:

We figured out how to draw a family tree with our own hands, now it's time to decide on the options for its design in the interior of the apartment. And here, in truth, there can be a huge number of ways.

The pride of an apartment or a large cozy house, of course, will be a family tree painted on the wall. To do this, you need to hang photos of relatives on branches, depending on family ties. The trunk itself can be made in the form of wall painting or cut out the base from multi-colored adhesive tape.

Skillful craftsmen and needlewomen will be able to create a real tree, for example, from gypsum. The main thing is to think over in advance the scheme for placing photographs and prepare a separate place for each of them in different parts of the trunk.

From an aesthetic point of view, the pedigree looks no less beautiful in an ordinary photo frame. Here you can show your imagination and decorate the tree to your taste.

Are you good at knitting or sewing, or maybe you know how to cross-stitch? Why not put these skills into practice, creating unique interior items? It can be an original pillow with embroidery, a tablecloth or beautiful napkins with pedigree.

A tree of such a plan can be printed on a computer; there are many online services for this. The main thing is to choose the right font and beautiful paper. A pedigree on glossy photo paper will look good. The finished family tree can be framed on the wall or stored with family photos.
