Mathematical fairy tales for schoolchildren. Fairy tales for preschoolers about different quantities Math fairy tales for children

"Big small"

The cubs were born in a deep hole under the roots of an old tree. “What LITTLE, tiny you are,” the mother fox often said, admiring the kids.

One day, mother went hunting, and ordered the kids not to leave the mink. But the foxes did not obey and crawled out into the light. They sit and look around. The sun is shining, the wind is rustling the leaves. There are BIG bushes around, and even BIGGER trees, with their tops raising the sky. Quiet, warm, smells of flowers and not at all scary.

A motley butterfly flew into the clearing. The cubs ran, they wanted to catch her, but where is there! Curls, flutters a butterfly in front of the muzzles. SMALL, dexterous, in the paws is not given. So she flew away.

Meanwhile, the fox's mother returned. The foxes got it for not listening.

"High Low"

One day, the mother mouse and the mice went to collect grain for the winter.

They jumped out of the mink and ran quickly, quickly, they dive under the HIGH roots, the LOW ones jump over. A little mouse runs and thinks: “What a big grass, even the sun is not visible! We better run!"

But here is the field. She looked out of the grass and gasped:

What a beauty! The grass is small, you can see everything around, spacious!

Do not rejoice in vain! - Mom warned her daughter.

There is nowhere to hide in the LOW grass. And we have many enemies: foxes on the ground, hawks in the sky, and owls look out for us at night. Only in the HIGH grass are we safe.

A friendly family gathered grain and returned home.

"Long short".

A kitten and a hare met at the edge.

Oh, what big ears you have, sticking out above your head. It's not so beautiful! - snorted the kitten.

My ears are not big, but LONG, there is no LONGER in the whole forest. Mom says I should be proud of them. They help me to hear any rustle. - said the hare.

Fi! - the kitten snorted again - But I have a LONG, fluffy tail, and you have a small, tiny, but just a ball of fluff!

That's right, a tiny, or rather, a SHORT tail, - the hare laughed.

Us hares A long tail to nothing. We need LONG legs. As soon as I hear a suspicious rustle - jump! They only saw me. Us, hares, ears and legs save!

Yes, what are you saying, how do you know how to save yourself? - the kitten was indignant - Are you afraid of everyone, or what?

We have many enemies in the forest. Afraid! - the hare sighed and was like that.

"Narrow - wide."

The frog was merrily jumping along the stream, saw a hedgehog and asked him:

What are you doing here?

Yes, I’m trying to figure out how to get across the stream, - the hedgehog answered.

Ha! Found the problem! For me, it’s like a big river, like a small stream, - the frog boasts. - My legs are longer, I’ll jump over or swim across in an instant!

I have short legs, but I can also swim. True, not for long. I will still overcome the NARROW stream, but I have to bypass the WIDE river, - the hedgehog admitted.

The frog sat in high reeds and thought: “Interesting! Hedgehog big river calls WIDE, a small stream - NARROW. And what else is NARROW and WIDE? Whom to ask?

He looked out of the reeds, he sees - a duck swims. They say ducks are smart. So the frog decided to ask her what is WIDE and what is NARROW.

For a preschooler, a fairy tale is especially dear. A mathematical fairy tale can also be an excellent teaching tool. In such fairy tales, the heroes meet magic numbers and incredible geometric shapes. Thanks to good deeds and sorcery, the child develops an idea of ​​\u200b\u200btime, quantity, shape and other mathematical concepts. Mathematical fairy tales are not a means of memorizing information, but a way to successfully comprehend the basics of science.

What is a mathematical fairy tale

A mathematical fairy tale is a fictional text based on the adventure genre. In the plot, the main characters are associated with certain mathematical concepts that have an unusual, "live" look that attracts the attention of readers. Fictional characters during the exploits carry out logical operations, and the child turns the process in his head, which is the primary task of game learning. It is striking that logic is often absent in fairy tales, but in mathematical fairy tales it imperceptibly settles in the memory of listeners with valuable knowledge.

In kindergarten, the comprehension of mathematical foundations begins with the younger group. The teacher should prepare the children for the gradual mastery of the initial laws of logic and other important learning processes. If we are talking about fairy tales, then in junior group children should read them more often before quiet hours, as at home most parents prefer TV and games on tablets and smartphones. This fact is confirmed by statistics compiled in Russia by Online Market Intelligence (OMI) in 2012.

Percentage of parents who are willing to pass on their gadgets to their children (indicating the age of the child). About 4,000 people took part in the survey.

If parents are ready to deal with the child on their own, fairy tale books for the smallest will come to their aid. For example, "The Adventures of Kubarik and Tomatic, or Merry Mathematics" by G.V. Sapgir and Yu.P. Lugovskoy. This book invites children to go on an adventure with their friends - Tomatic and Kubarik - and find out what it means to be one, many, higher, lower, longer, shorter, etc.

Goals and objectives of texts for preschoolers of younger, middle and older groups

In the younger group, the teacher, with the help of mathematical fairy tales, introduces children to the simplest quantitative concepts, such as "many", "one", "none". In ordinary fairy tales, he points to the forms of objects associated with geometric figures. IN middle group mathematical tales are synthesized with folk tales that children already know well. Take, for example, Kolobok. The teacher, while reading, will highlight the serial number of each “step” of Kolobok, thereby demonstrating how he moves in stages main character. And the fairy tale "Teremok" will help to count the number of heroes in the house. Between stories, the teacher applies finger gymnastics, with which the numbers are studied.

We learn with the help of fairy tales the meanings of geometric shapes and their names

In the middle group, the following tasks were set:

  1. Learn to count to five.
  2. To master knowledge about quantitative and ordinal numbers, fractions and the whole part.
  3. Strengthen the ability to navigate in time.
  4. Strengthen the skill of recognizing geometric shapes.
  5. Train spatial orientation (child's awareness of directions: between, under, behind, in front, etc.).

IN senior group(children 5–6 years old) mathematical concepts become the heroes of fairy tales, whether it is zero or square. When introducing preschoolers to a fairy tale, the teacher should not forget to make sure that the children understand the plot and the meaning of the story. Auxiliary tools are exciting games related to logic, such as:

  • selection of identical pairs;
  • making a rectangle equal to the provided sample;
  • determining which items are more.

Games will help the child to approve the idea of ​​equality and integrity of numbers and things. Operations carried out by children contribute to mental development, the development of skills to synthesize, analyze and compare data.

In the senior group, mathematical fairy tales are used to achieve the following goals:

  1. Learn to count to twenty, recognize the missing number and count backwards.
  2. Match the number of things with the number.
  3. Understand the meaning of the quantities: width, length, height, volume (capacity) and mass (weight).
  4. To be able to distinguish and understand complex geometric shapes: segment, angle, polygon, three-dimensional figures.
  5. Develop the ability to navigate by the clock, quickly determine the hour and pronounce it out loud.
  6. Be able to perform simple arithmetic operations.
  7. Develop the ability to replace the hero of a fairy tale with a certain object (“Rubik's Cube” - pick up a cube).
  8. Remember the names of the days of the week and months and their order.

In kindergarten, the curriculum for the year is approved. It should match the docs:

  • Constitution of the Russian Federation, art. 43, 72;
  • Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989);
  • The concept of preschool education;
  • SanPin–10;
  • Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" (as amended by the Federal Law of January 13, 1996 No. 12 - FZ);
  • Model regulation on a preschool educational institution, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 12, 2008 No. No. 666.

There is no clear indication of the skills that a child should have, but the GEF DOE states:

A child ... ... ... has elementary ideas from the field of wildlife, natural science, mathematics, history, etc.; the child is capable of making his own decisions, relying on his knowledge and skills in various activities.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Order 1155

At the request of parents, they can be provided with a curriculum kindergarten where all the skills that are taught to children are spelled out. Educators will tell you how and in what form the training will take place, provide additional information.

IN preparatory group fairy tales include tasks for simple mathematical operations (in two actions), logical operations and ways to solve them. It is important to introduce children to the standards of length measures: meter and centimeter, to tell in a fabulous way about money, its proper use. Before school, classes will begin that contain the basics of mathematics and a fairy tale will help to understand and master more complex information.

We use texts correctly depending on the age of the child

Fairy tales are classified by genre: fairy tales about animals, social and magical. Each variety has its own rules for building a plot and creating characters.

older children preschool age attracted by fairy tales. Key specific features fairy tales mathematical warehouse are in a significantly developed plot action. This is expressed not only in special techniques and methods of composition, narration and style, but also in the need for the hero to overcome a number of obstacles, performing mathematical actions in order to achieve the goal.

N.I. Kravtsov; S.G. Lazutin

Russian folk art

Types of mathematical fairy tales:

  • digital;
  • time-oriented;
  • geometric;
  • complex;
  • conceptual.

Each fairy tale has a structure consisting of three main parts: an imaginary country, a conflict between the characters, a resolution of the conflict, a happy ending. A mathematical fairy tale certainly has a bias towards one area of ​​mathematics: arithmetic or simple geometry. If figures are presented in the plot, then the child will remember the names of the forms and their appearance, and if the figures are, then they will soon learn to count.

A fairy tale for preschoolers should be with drawings: it is difficult for them to reproduce unusual characters in their heads, especially if the understanding of mathematics is reduced to zero. Only images accompanied by text (in that order!), are able to fully reveal the content of the tale. Theatrical fairy tales are also good, but often in carefree fun, memory passes by the share of meaning that just should remain. The child will need time to work out the logical turns in the actions of the characters, because mathematical fairy tales carry a certain intellectual load. If you make a performance, then childish perseverance will evaporate.

When reading a fairy tale, it is important not to forget to point out the description of the characters and their actions. In the older group, in addition to images, it would be good to take real objects similar to characters in their hands - this way the child will compare figures or numbers with rational actions taking place in adventures. Picking up a book, you begin to slowly read. If the fairy tale is without images, then print and provide them separately, or draw. Encourage your child to ask questions instead of just listening when they have difficulty understanding. The increasing complexity of the presented material was discussed earlier.

Popular mathematical tales

Consider a few examples of popular fairy tales that will help us teach a child to count.

0 and 1

Once upon a time there were numbers and figures in the city of Mathematics. They always argued who is more important and older, they even came up with unusual signs for themselves.<», «>», «+», «=», «-».
Among them lived a one and a zero.
They really wanted to go to school, but they were not accepted because they were small.
Friends thought, thought and came up with the idea that they need to stick together.
And the number 10 came out of them.
They became larger in number, and they were taken to school.
Everyone in the city began to respect them. This is how the numbers 1 and 0, or the number 10, began to live together. And other numbers looked at their friendship and also began to live more friendly.
So there were numbers more than 10.

Fairy tales instill a love of mathematics

G. N. Obivalina


In one fairy-tale kingdom, there lived a girl named Cinderella. She was an orphan, raised by her stepmother, who had two daughters of her own. The daughters were very lazy, and Cinderella had to do all the housework. One fine day the King invited everyone to the ball. But Cinderella's stepmother did not allow her to go to the ball. She ordered Cinderella to solve all the problems that her daughter did not solve for her return:
The room has 4 corners. There was a cat in every corner. In front of each cat - 3 cats. How many cats are in the room?
How to bring water in a sieve?
What dishes can not be eaten?
And also Cinderella had to wash the dishes: 5 spoons, 5 cups and 5 plates. How many dishes were washed? Cinderella quickly completed her stepmother's task and sat down to needlework.

G. N. Obivalina

Blog of Galina Nikolaevna Obivalina

Three princesses

In a distant kingdom there lived a king with three daughters. They loved to solve puzzles and solve riddles in the evenings. For each correct answer, the princesses received a gift. The eldest princess loved to receive gifts of gold, the middle princess of diamonds, and the youngest loved flowers and animals.
One evening the king said: “I brought many various gifts. Which of my daughters solves the puzzles correctly - he will receive gifts.
Task number 1 - For the elder princess: pick 5 yellow apples from one apple tree, and 5 red apples from the other. How many apples did you pick in total?
Task number 2 - For the average princess: in your box are 6 rings with diamonds. I brought you 2 more rings. How many rings will you have in total?
Task number 3 - For the younger princess: you had 9 kittens, and 2 ran away. How many kittens are left?
All the princesses solved their problems correctly, and the tsar gave the elder princess a golden chest, the middle princess 2 rings with diamonds, and the younger princess a cheerful puppy.
Here's a fairy tale for you, and a glass of butter for me.

G. N. Obivalina

Blog of Galina Nikolaevna Obivalina

Video: plasticine mathematical fairy tale about zero

Video: cartoon story based on the animated series "38 Parrots"

Card index of useful literature

  1. "Journey to Tsifrograd: a mathematical fairy tale" Shorygina Tatyana Andreevna (3 books).
  2. "Mathematical Tales. Allowance for children 6–7 years old ”Erofeeva Tamara Ivanovna.
  3. "Mathematical Tales. Allowance for children 5 - 6 years. In 2 issues "Erofeeva Tamara Ivanovna, Stozharova Marina Yurievna.
  4. "The Adventures of Treugoshi: A Mathematical Fairy Tale for Children from 2 to 4 Years" Shevelev Konstantin Valerievich.
  5. “About the King Rabbit and the cunning Fox: A mathematical fairy tale for preschoolers 5–7 years old” Lukyanova Antonina Vladimirovna (artist Dushin M.V.).
  6. "The Adventures of Kubarik and Tomatic, or Merry Mathematics" Sapgir Genrikh Veniaminovich, Lugovskaya Yulia Pavlovna.
  7. "Adventures in the Land of Geometry" Erofeeva Tamara Ivanovna.
  8. “Mathematics for kids in fairy tales, poems and riddles. For children 3-6 years old" Deryagina Lyudmila Borisovna.
  9. “Learning to count. A fun journey, or How to find new friends and learn to count to ten "Gorbushin Oleg Yuryevich.
  10. "Numbers, counting and Kolya's pencil" Rick Tatyana Gennadievna.

Today is the question of development creativity The role of students in the theory and practice of teaching is especially important, since recent studies have revealed that schoolchildren have much more than previously thought the ability to learn material, both in a familiar and in a non-standard situation.
In modern psychology, there is a point of view on creativity: all thinking is creative (there is no uncreative thinking).
Human thinking, creativity is the greatest gift of nature. The upbringing environment either suppresses the genetically determined gift, or helps it to open up. A favorable environment and qualified pedagogical leadership can turn a “gift” into an outstanding talent.
The task of the teacher is not only to teach the child mathematics and other subjects, but to develop the cognitive abilities of children by means of this subject.
Indeed, if you ask schoolchildren which subject they like more than others, it is unlikely that most of them will name mathematics, although they take it seriously. And how often we hear an unflattering comment about our subject - “boring” science. And we, mathematicians, are often called “crackers” and “bores”. It's embarrassing to the core. But this is not the fault of the subject, but, probably, the fault of those who teach it.
And among the teachers of literature, the history of "nerds" is no less. But our educational material much less entertaining than literary, historical. What excites the soul more: “The square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the legs” or “I loved you. Love has, perhaps, not completely died out in my soul”?

A mathematician who is not partly a poet will never achieve perfection in mathematics.”, - said K. Weierstrass.
Some questions of school mathematics seem not interesting enough, sometimes boring, hence one of the reasons for poor mastering of the subject is the lack of interest. I think that by increasing interest in the subject, it would be possible to significantly speed up and improve its study.
Although we do not possess such an arsenal of influence on the soul as literature, history, etc., we also have something.
There are no easy paths to science. And mastering mathematics “happily and easily” is not so easy. It is necessary to use every opportunity to ensure that the children study with interest, so that the majority of adolescents experience and realize the attractive aspects of mathematics, its possibilities in improving mental abilities, in overcoming difficulties.
I pay a lot of attention in my lessons to gaming technologies, as a type of transformative creative activity, in close connection with other types of educational work.

“To make educational work as interesting as possible for a child and not to turn this work into fun is one of the most difficult and most important tasks of didactics,” wrote KD Ushinsky.

The increase in mental load in mathematics lessons makes each teacher think about how to maintain interest in the material being studied, to intensify the activity of students throughout the lesson. The emergence of interest in mathematics in most students depends on how skillfully the teacher builds his work. It is necessary to take care that each child actively and enthusiastically works, strives for continuous knowledge and development of his childish imagination. This is especially important in adolescence, when permanent interests and inclinations towards a particular subject are still being formed and determined. It is during this period that one should strive to reveal the attractive aspects of mathematics.

One way to solve this problem is to use game situations in mathematics lessons. Every teacher needs to remember that students adolescence, and even more so the weakest of them, especially quickly get tired of prolonged monotonous mental work. Fatigue is one of the reasons for the decline in interest and attention to learning. It is possible to reduce the fatigue of students from performing monotonous computational exercises with the help of game situations.
It would seem that a fairy tale and mathematics are incompatible concepts. Bright fabulous image and dry abstract thought! But fairy-tale problems increase interest in mathematics. This is very important for students in grades 5-6.

Fairy tale lesson.

An essential side of this lesson is the game actions that are regulated by the rules of the game, contribute to the cognitive activity of students, give them the opportunity to show their abilities, apply their knowledge and skills to achieve the goals of the game. The teacher, as the leader of the game, directs it in the right didactic direction, maintains interest, and encourages those who are lagging behind.

Fairy tales are needed in 5-6 grades. In the lessons where there is a fairy tale, always reigns good mood, and this is the key to productive work. A fairy tale banishes boredom: Thanks to a fairy tale, humor, fantasy, fiction, and creativity are present in the lesson. Most importantly, students learn math.

Game plots and situations most often arise during game lessons: fairy tale lessons, travel lessons, etc. But also at different stages of the lessons.

1. The more tasks and exercises students complete, the better and deeper they learn the program in mathematics. And in achieving this goal, oral tasks and oral counting help very well. Such activities develop the activity of thinking and ingenuity, increase the speed of calculations.

The benefits of mental arithmetic are enormous. Applying the laws of arithmetic operations to oral calculations, students not only repeat them, consolidate, but, most importantly, learn them not mechanically, but consciously. With oral calculations, such valuable human qualities as attention, concentration, endurance, ingenuity, and independence are developed. Oral counting contributes to the training of memory, opens up wide opportunities for the development of the creative initiative of students.

Mathematics "Interests are not boring"

Also, when studying this topic, I often use puzzles with “semi-joking” content and puzzles with fairy-tale characters.

1. Little Red Riding Hood brought pies to her grandmother. On the way, she ate 20% of the pies, gave 10% of all the pies to the hare, 50% of the remaining pies to the wolf, and brought the last 7 to her grandmother. How many pies did Little Red Riding Hood have at the beginning?

2. Carlson ate at first 50% of the jam in the jar, then ate 80% of the remaining jam, then the last 5 spoons. How much jam was in the jar if the spoon holds 25 g.

3. King Peas decided to marry his daughter, Princess Nesmeyana. Nesmeyana set a condition: “I will marry the prince who will guess all my riddles.” 40% of grooms immediately lost interest in getting married, 20% solved only half of the riddles, 16% only one riddle, 22% did not solve any. How many suitors did Nesmeyana woo if she did get married?

Upon completion of the topic (almost any one), you can give the task: “Come up with a fairy tale, story, task based on the material studied.” Children are great inventors, they happily complete these tasks, and the teacher at the same time accumulates the richest material.
Children often confuse the numerator and denominator, so you can offer them such a fairy tale.
Two brothers lived in a two-story house. The one who lived on the second floor liked to be clean and washed often, so he was called the Numerator. And the one who lived on the ground floor did not like to wash, and even the Numerator poured water out of the window and splashed his brother. Therefore, he was spattered, smeared, and they called him the Denominator. And so it went, clean - on top, numerator, Splattered - below, denominator.
Activation of knowledge on the topic “PERCENTAGE”

The Tale of the Cunning and Greedy King

One cunning and greedy king somehow called his guards and solemnly declared: Guardsmen! You serve me well! I decided to reward you and increase everyone's monthly salary by 20%!” "Hooray!" shouted the guards. “But,” said the king, “only for one month. And then I will reduce it by the same I 20%. Do you agree?” “Why not agree? the guards were surprised. “Let it be for at least one month!” And so it was decided. A month passed, everyone was happy. “Bot is great! said the old guard to his friends over a glass of beer. I used to get $10 a month, but this month I got $12! Let's drink to the king's health!"

Another month has passed. And the old guard received a salary of only 9 dollars 60 cents. "How so? he got excited. “After all, if you first increase the salary by 20%, and then reduce it by the same 20%, then it should remain the same!” “Not at all,” explained the wise stargazer. “The increase in your salary was 20% of $10, or $2, and the decrease was 20% of $12, or $2.4.”

The guardsmen were sad, but there was nothing to be done - after all, they themselves agreed. And so they decided to outwit the king. They went to the king and said: “Your Majesty! Of course, you were right when you said that raising a salary by 20% and then lowering it by the same 20% is the same thing. And if this is the same thing, then let's do it again, but only in reverse. Let's do this: You first lower our salary by 20%, and then increase it by the same 20%.” “Well then,” replied the king, “your request is logical; let it be your way!"
Exercise. Calculate how much the old guard now received at the end of the first month and after the end of the second. Who outsmarted whom?
And here are some more fairy tales that can be used in math lessons.

Tale of Zero

Once upon a time there lived Zero. At first he was small, very small, like a poppy seed. Zero never gave up on semolina and grew big, big. Thin, angular numbers 1, 4, 7 envied Zero. After all, he was round, impressive.
- To be his main, - prophesied all around.
And Zero put on airs and swelled like a turkey.
They put Zero somehow in front of the Two, and even separated it from it with a comma to emphasize its exclusivity. And what? The value of the number suddenly decreased tenfold! We put Zero in front of other numbers - the same thing.
Everyone is surprised. And some even began to say that Zero only has an appearance, but no content.
Zero heard this and became sad ... But sadness is not a helper to trouble, something must be done. Zero stretched, stood on tiptoe, crouched, lay down on his side, and the result is still the same.
Zero was now glancing enviously at the other numbers: though unobtrusive in appearance, each one meant something. Some even managed to grow into a square or a cube, and then they became important numbers. Zero also tried to climb into a square, and then into a cube, but nothing happened - he remained himself. Null wandered around the wide world, unhappy and destitute. Once he saw how the numbers line up in a row, and reached out to them: he was tired of loneliness. Zero approached imperceptibly and stood modestly behind everyone. And oh, miracle! He immediately felt strength in himself, and all the numbers looked at him kindly: after all, he increased their strength tenfold.

Tale of Zero

Far, far away, beyond the seas and mountains, was the country of Tsifiriya. Very honest numbers lived in it. Only Zero was lazy and dishonest. Once everyone learned that far beyond the desert, Queen Arithmetic appeared, calling the inhabitants of Tsifiriya to her service. Everyone wanted to serve the queen. Between Cytheria and the kingdom of Arithmetic lay a desert, which was crossed by four rivers: Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division. How to get to Arithmetic? Numbers decided to unite (after all, it is easier to overcome difficulties with comrades) and try to cross the desert. Early in the morning, as soon as the sun touched the earth with oblique rays, the numbers set off. They walked for a long time under the scorching sun and finally reached the Slozhenie River. Numbers rushed to the river to drink, but the river said: "Pair in pairs and add up, then I will give you a drink." All obeyed the order of the river. Fulfilled the desire and the lazy Zero, but the number with which he developed remained dissatisfied: after all, the river gave as much water as there were units in the sum, and the sum did not differ from the number. The sun bakes even more. We reached the Subtraction River. She also demanded a payment for water: to become couples and subtract a smaller number from a larger one; whoever gets the answer less will get more water. And again, the number paired with Zero turned out to be the loser and was upset. The numbers wandered further through the sultry desert. The Multiplication River required the numbers to multiply. The number paired with Zero did not receive water at all. It barely made it to the Division River. And at the River Division, none of the numbers wanted to become a pair with Zero. Since then, none of the numbers has been divisible by zero. True, Queen Arithmetic reconciled all numbers with this lazy person: she simply began to attribute Zero next to the number, which from this increased tenfold. And the numbers began to live and live and make good.

stupid king

In a certain kingdom of Mathematics lived, there were numbers. They lived together, were very hardworking, counted a lot and increased the wealth of their country. The figures worked hard, added, multiplied, divided everything equally and were very happy at the same time.

But one day the number zero decided to proclaim himself king. This king became very cruel and evil, humiliated all other figures. They endured the numbers, endured and decided to teach King Zero a lesson. When the dark night came, they packed up all their belongings and went to the nearest forest. There they hid then their cruel king.

And King Zero was left to live alone. His kingdom began to decline. No one multiplied, no one added, all hardworking numbers disappeared. The king became sad and realized that nothing could happen without all the numbers. I decided to go into the forest and ask forgiveness from all the figures. And so he did, returned all the numbers to the state. And everyone began to live happily and cheerfully. After all, zero only with the rest of the numbers means something.

majestic shot

Once upon a time there was a Fraction, and she had two servants - the Numerator and the Denominator. Shot pushed them around as best she could. “I am the most important,” she told them. “What would you do without me?” She especially liked to humiliate the Denominator. And the more she insulted him, the smaller the denominator became, the more the Fraction swelled in its own grandeur.
And Fraction, I must admit, was not the only one. For some reason, some people also think that the more they humiliate others, the more magnificent they themselves become. At first, the Fraction became as big as a table, then like a house, then like a globe... And when the Denominator became completely invisible, the Fraction took on the Numerator. And he, too, soon turned into a speck of dust, into a zero ...
Have you guessed what happened to the Shot? Zero in the numerator, zero in the denominator. This is what the hell happened!


Two squared

Yes, they lived, but did not grieve the indicator and the foundation of the degree. Everything went smoothly with them, they didn’t quarrel, didn’t swear, and if they did start, they immediately put up. The base was engaged in household chores, and the indicator built new house for them. And then one day on a cloudy, but at the same time warm day, the Foundation and the Indicator quarreled. And they quarreled hard ...
The Foundation threw the buckets of water on the ground and started yelling at the indicator that they wanted them to disperse. The indicator did the same for the Bottom. They swore, swore, swore, and as a result, their construction site fell into disrepair, the well was overgrown with grass, the old house squinted and began to collapse, the whole earth dried up. But even despite this, the parts of the degree did not reconcile with each other ... During another quarrel, the once-frequent guest number 4 dropped in on them. "What are you doing?! Why are you swearing ?!" she exclaimed.
"I don't want to live with that foundation!" replied the Indicator.
"And I don't want to live with this Indicator!" - answered the Foundation.
After a little thought, the Four came to a brilliant, important decision:
“If you didn’t swear, then your house would be built, the site cleared and green, the well would be in good condition! Your quarrel led to the destruction of your life! And what is even more unpleasant, to the destruction of mine. You are part of me! You- Two in the Square, and I'm Four! We are not just friends, we are very close relatives, and as soon as you started to quarrel, I began to get sick ... Now I still have a runny nose ... "
Foundation and Indicator looked at each other...and embraced. They forgot all past grievances, quarrels and hardships, and soon they built a house and invited the Four to live, which reunited them and reconciled them.
And they began to live and live and make decimal fractions.

In the country of Mathematics, in the city of Even, the number 13 appeared.
But no one talked to him just because he was an odd number.
= And so number 1 decided to meet him. They became best friends.
So they became friends, that they united, and the number 14 turned out. After all, 13 + 1 = 14!
Developing an interest in mathematics by such methods of activity, I am convinced of their effectiveness. There is a positive dynamics of progress and quality of students' knowledge. In addition, the above methods have a health-saving focus: they relieve fatigue, the intensity of mental work, and increase the efficiency of students in the classroom.
It should be considered that all children are talented from birth, and the goal of all adults, these children around: teachers, parents, is not to extinguish the spark of talent. In my work, I feel the support of parents who are constantly interested in the success of their children, stimulate their interest in the subject. Working with strong students also affects the growth of the teacher himself. This encourages me to engage in self-education, and I will be happy to share my creative findings with colleagues, speaking at a methodological association.
What needs to be done so that talented children grow up into talented adults, i.e. could realize themselves, achieve recognition and success?
We cannot change genetics, what is given is given. Attempts to change the social environment also do not lead to success. This means that we only have the opportunity to create an intellectual environment in the classroom, at school, in the city.
Children are naturally curious and eager to learn. In order for them to be able to show their talents, proper guidance is needed for the development of creative abilities in the classroom and outside of school hours.
Incentives of mathematicians of all times: curiosity and the pursuit of beauty”, wrote Diedone J., and we try to use them in our work.
All this will happen if the attitude of the teacher to the children and the subject, and the attitude of the children to the subject and the teacher, have the character of positive creative cooperation.
Thus, teaching mathematics gives the teacher a unique opportunity to develop a child at any stage of the formation of his intellect.
Ahead of me are new searches, new concerns in the education and upbringing of the younger generation.
In conclusion, I want to say: mathematics, of course, is a complex science, and if you do not bring a grain of humor and love into its teaching, then it is very difficult to get children to love this subject. Not a single area of ​​human activity can do without mathematics - both without specific mathematical knowledge and intellectual qualities that develop in the course of mastering this subject.
And I will summarize: mathematics is a fertile ground for the creativity of the teacher and his students.
You just have to love your subject. And, of course, students.

Abstract of a mathematics lesson in grade 5 "Journey to the country of Mathematics"

Project "Mathematical Tales"

Project, memos, collection of mathematical fairy tales of students

SCEI SO "Yekaterinburg boarding school" Everest "

Project "Mathematical Tales", grades 5 - 9

Teacher: Kocheva E.V.


    Project: type, goals, hypotheses, tasks, product, age of students, actions, conclusion

    Reminders "How to compose a mathematical fairy tale"

    Collection of mathematical tales of students of the "Ekaterinburg boarding school" Everest ":

    The world of geometric shapes.

    Important fraction.

    Zero story.

    Who is the favorite?

    How the numbers 1 and 2 quarreled.

    Friendship of numbers.

    Zero story.

    Friendship figures.

    Important zero.

    Land of round numbers.

Project "Mathematical Fairy Tale"


The main task of teaching mathematics at school is to ensure a strong and conscious mastery by students of the system of mathematical knowledge and skills necessary in Everyday life And labor activity sufficient to study related disciplines and continue education” , - says the explanatory note of the program in mathematics.

The school faces the task of raising the general level of development of students, preparing students for further education and self-education. At the heart of the renewal and restructuring of school education is the problem of developing the creative personality of the student, which involves the full provision of opportunities for its self-disclosure and self-improvement. With this approach, the child is considered as a unique, self-developing individual.
For the development of creative abilities in mathematics, academician Kolmogorov believed, it is necessary to go beyond mathematics itself and develop general cultural interests in a child, in particular, an interest in art. The mathematical development of a person is impossible without raising the level of his general culture. It is necessary to strive for a comprehensive, harmonious development of the individual. One-sided development of abilities does not contribute to success in mathematical activity. Various forms of written presentation of thoughts, in particular, the composition of mathematical fairy tales, can be of great benefit for the development of the student's creative personality. At the same time, it is important to evaluate not only the content, but also the form of presentation of the material.

To arouse interest in mathematics, to develop creative thinking, it is necessary for children to create mathematical fairy tales, which are one of the forms for the development of mathematical creativity. Learning mathematics is necessary, but thought must come from within. The success of studying a school course in mathematics depends on the means and methods of teaching. Concepts are not assimilated with due depth if the training is not built on the basis of exciting the creative activity of students.

The proposed work on the creation of mathematical fairy tales should go in parallel with certain forms of special education, supplementing it in a meaningful way. Writing math stories is not a substitute for learning. The creation of mathematical fairy tales involves not only the ability to fantasize on mathematical topics, but also the ability to speak competently, as well as a confident command of mathematical concepts. Composing mathematical fairy tales is an activity that captivates children of different ages, but in the middle classes not only opportunities increase, but also difficulties: how best to build a storyline so as not to violate the integrity of the fairy tale and not come into conflict with mathematical concepts. An independently invented fairy tale with the use of mathematical concepts in the storyline allows you to remember these concepts more firmly and more fully. Carried away, children do not notice that they learn, learn and memorize the new involuntarily, that this new comes into them naturally. Therefore, the main emphasis in writing mathematical fairy tales is placed on a deep understanding of educational information, conscious and active assimilation, the formation of students' ability to independently and creatively apply the received educational information.

Offering to compose a mathematical fairy tale, the task is to develop mathematical creativity, the ability to express one's thoughts logically and consistently. The work of creating mathematical fairy tales is exciting, but it requires work of the head and soul. This work involves efforts not only on the part of the student, but also on the part of the teacher, who must keep up with the needs, opportunities and desires of the child.

Usually, work on the formation of the ability to compose mathematical fairy tales begins with reading a finished mathematical fairy tale. Then it is offered to those who wish to come up with their own mathematical fairy tale, explaining that the value of the work will lie in the fact that the storyline of the fairy tale includes, for example, the properties of numbers or geometric shapes. Homework writing a mathematical fairy tale is unconventional for a math lesson and therefore arouses great interest among children. Each student wants to check: will he be able to realize his creative idea, how will the teacher evaluate the fairy tale, how will his classmates react to his work? Many people undertake to write a mathematical fairy tale, but not everyone and not everyone succeeds. Students need to be reminded of the structure of a fairy tale, despite the fact that they have already studied it in literature lessons. For this, students are offered a memo: "How to compose a mathematical fairy tale."
Mathematical fairy tales are a means for the development of further mathematical creativity. They are also a means for a more solid assimilation of basic mathematical concepts. Creating mathematical fairy tales is a creative process, both for the student and for the teacher.

The goal of our upbringing is to grow up a creative person who can develop and put into practice all his abilities.

Creating fairy tales is one of the most interesting types of creativity for children, and at the same time it is an important means of mental development. If it were not for the compilation of fairy tales, then perhaps the speech of many children would be confused and confused, and their thinking would be disordered. There is a direct relationship between creative thinking and the student's vocabulary. The more the word excites the child, the more it is remembered, therefore, many fairy tales are remembered by children, as if by themselves. From such memorization, memory is not overloaded, but becomes even sharper.

Story, poetry...

It would seem that,fairy tale and mathematicsconcepts are incompatible. Bright fabulous image and dry abstract thought! But fairy-tale problems increase interest in mathematics. This is very important for students with disabilities.

Tales are needed. In the classroom, extracurricular activities where there is a fairy tale, a good mood always reigns, and this is the key to productive work. The story banishes boredom. Thanks to the fairy tale, humor, fantasy, fiction, and creativity are present at various events. Most importantly, students learn math.


Project type : interdisciplinary, creative.

Project Goals :

    involve each participant in an active cognitive process of a creative nature, in different kinds creative activity;

    develop the ability to design their activities;

    develop a steady interest in the book - a source of knowledge, the ability to work independently with additional literature, broaden horizons, increase erudition;

    develop fantasy, imagination, the ability to synthesize the collected material and choose the necessary one;

    to cultivate the ability for mutual understanding, interest in the creative efforts of comrades, as well as personal responsibility for the performance of collective work;

    develop presentation skills, i.e. the ability to present one's work to others;

    get involved in school life family members (formation of social activity).


    A fabulous creative game approach interferes with the assimilation of mathematical formulas, rules and laws; it is not acceptable in mathematics lessons.

    A fabulous creative game approach contributes to the assimilation of mathematical formulas, rules and laws, develops the necessary skills in students.

Tasks: get acquainted with the rules and a special plan for composing a mathematical fairy tale.

Product: collection of essays on the topic.

Age of project participants: students in grades 5-9.


    Familiarize yourself with written mathematical fairy tales. Determine the theme of your story.

    Formulate the main idea of ​​the future fairy tale, determine for what purpose you will write it and what it should teach listeners.

    Build a story according to the scheme (see the memo), pick up drawings from the Internet or make drawings yourself.

    Get advice from a teacher.

    Involve your family members in the upcoming work (optional).

    Write an essay and print it out on your computer.

    Submit to the exhibition. Summarize activities. Discuss what worked well and what didn't. What kind of work did you like?


Karl Weierstrass argued that "one cannot be a mathematician without being at the same time a poet at heart".

Our research showed that “a person cannot understand the world around him only with the logic of the brain, he must feel it with the logic of the heart, that is, with emotion,” as S.V. samples. It is not enough just to put knowledge into the soul of a student, they must be strengthened in it, so that knowledge remains for life.

Fairy tales in mathematics allow you to do this. When students wrote their fairy tales, they applied their knowledge gained in mathematics lessons. When the teacher tells some rule also in a rhymed version, it is easier to remember. The work includes not only logical, but also creative thinking.

So, based on everything stated in our work, we come to the conclusion that the second hypothesis has been confirmed, that a fabulous creative game approach contributes to the assimilation of mathematical formulas, rules and laws, develops the necessary skills in students.

    Memo: "How to compose a mathematical fairy tale."

A fairy tale is the same story, only all the events in it are fabulous, magical. Therefore, to compose any fairy tale, you need to use certain rules and special plan.

    The first thing to do is to define topic, that is, what our fairy tale will be about.

    Second, be sure to formulate main idea future story, that is, for what, with what purpose you write it, what is it must teach listeners.

    And the third is to directly build a story according to the following scheme:

    Exposure (who, where, when, what did)

    The plot of the action (how it all began)

    Development of action

    Climax (most important moments)

    Decline in action

    Decoupling (how it all ended)


Where to begin? You can start the tale with "Once upon a time ..." or "Once upon a time ...". You can start with a description of the main character or a description of the place where the events take place.

The work of writing a mathematical fairy tale begins with the choice of its characters and plot. In it, the actors will be mathematical concepts (point, line, numbers, numbers, signs, various geometric shapes ...).

A fairy-tale character should come up with a special fairy-tale name. And do not forget to tell at least a little about his character. And about his appearance. It is very important to worry about your main character, to sympathize with him.

In addition to the main character, there will be other characters. It's good to take care of them too. How do they look? What are their internal features? There may be such that they have nothing to sympathize with, but it is still necessary to describe.

The most important thing is that the fairy tale has the main idea related to the rules of mathematics. "A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows."

    Collection of mathematical fairy tales.

Teacher: Kocheva E.V.

    The world of geometric shapes.

    Important fraction.

    Zero story.

    Who is the favorite?

    How the numbers 1 and 2 quarreled.

    Pluses and minuses in the digital city.

    Friendship of numbers.

    Zero story.

    Friendship figures.

    Important zero.

    Game "Three figures" in the mathematical country.

    An extraordinary occurrence in a mathematical country.

    Land of round numbers.

    1. Mathematical fairy tale."The World of Geometric Shapes"

Composer: Starkov V.

8 "B" class

Mathematical fairy tale.

"The World of Geometric Shapes"

Lived - there were geometric figures. In the world of geometric figures, the triangle was king. Once all the inhabitants of the world of geometric figures gathered and decided to measure their strength.

The best of the best representatives of this world participated in the competition: a triangle, a square and a circle. The triangle was the first to show its strength. No matter how heavy he lifted, he still remained in his form: in the form of a triangle.

The second participant in the competition was a square. He tried very hard to show himself strong and hardy, but could not remain a square under the influence of various weights. Now it turned into a rectangle, then into a parallelogram, then into a rhombus. The square had to admit that he lost and the triangle was stronger than him.

The third participated in the competition circle. He also tried his best, but when lifting various weights, he always turned into an oval. After numerous attempts, the circle admitted defeat.

Everyone unanimously decided that in a fair competition, the triangle becomes the winner: the strongest, hardiest, durable of all geometric shapes. After all, it is no coincidence that a triangle is considered a rigid figure. No wonder he was chosen as the king in the world of geometric shapes!

    1. Mathematical fairy tale."Important shot"

Composed by: Alena Akutina

6 "A" class

Mathematical fairy tale.

"Important shot"

Once upon a time there was a Fraction and she had servants: a numerator and a denominator. The fraction helped them as best it could, and they lived in peace and harmony.

One day, Fraction decided it was time to show everyone that she was special and important in the world of mathematics.

I am the most important! What would you do without me? she told them.

She especially liked to scold the denominator. And the more she scolded him, the less he became.

First, the Fraction became as big as a table, then as a house, and finally as a globe.

When the denominator became completely invisible, the Fraction took up the numerator, deciding that everything was under its control.

And he, too, turned into a speck of dust. Once the Fraction was huge and important, but now it has become very small and inconspicuous. This made her very sad, and she thought about what she had done, deciding not to scold anyone again, as it backfired on such an important person.

The numerator and denominator told the Fraction that its value depends directly on them and there is no need to quarrel.

You can rise and become invisible thanks to us! they said to Droby.

In the world of mathematics, there are concepts that are closely related! You have to be very careful about your actions.

    1. Mathematical fairy tale.

"Tale of Zero".

The boy Vasya was in the third grade. One day he had an amazing dream: he was in the land of numbers.

The figures in this country played, had fun, like ordinary children. The boy began to play with them. Vasya had a lot of fun. He noticed that the number zero was sitting on the sidelines and was bored. The boy approached him and asked why he did not play with other numbers.

And zero said that other figures do not want to be friends with him. They say he means nothing. Vasya felt sorry for him. The boy at school had only fives, and he knew that zero in mathematics is very important. Vasya decided to make everyone friends with the number zero.

He went up to the number nine and asked to take the zero into the game, but she only laughed in response. And so it was with all the other numbers. Everyone refused to be friends with zero and considered Vasya's request strange.

When the boy was completely desperate, he thought about one. It is also a very small number and means almost nothing. The unit thought and agreed.

When all the other numbers saw together one and zero, they were very surprised. It turned out that such small numbers together made up the number ten, which more than any a single digit taken in isolation.

And now everyone wanted to be friends with zero. The figures promised Vasya that they would never offend zero again.

    1. Mathematical fairy tale

"Who's favorite?"

Composed by: Neuimin Artem

6 "A" class

Mathematical fairy tale

"Who's favorite?"

Once upon a time there was a Queen - mathematics. There were many houses in her kingdom. Houses with numbers, signs, figures, fractions, formulas.

Once Mathematics brought numbers a beautiful blanket. When they went to bed, each figure began to pull the blanket more on itself, for some reason thinking that this was a gift for her.

There was a big quarrel. Number 2 and 5 quarreled among themselves.

All the students love me, but you don't! - said 5.

But I am beautiful and look like a swan, - answered 2.

The numbers 1,4,7 called the numbers 3,6,8,9 fat, and the poor 0 sat in the corner and cried.

When the Queen of Mathematics came in the morning, all the numbers ran up to her asking who she loved more.

everyone. The Queen smiled and kissed everyone. explained that

loves everyone equally.

Each of you is beautiful and useful in your own way. All together you are a force. Treat others the way you would like others to treat you! - said the great Queen Mathematics.

The figures calmed down, embraced. They realized that they had to go through life together. It was a useful lesson for the inhabitants of the entire mathematical realm.

    1. Mathematical fairy tale

"How the numbers 1 and 2 quarreled"

Lived - there were figures in a fairy tale0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 .

Once a figure1 quarreled with the number2 .

The unit called other numbers for help,

who began to persuade1 And2 reconcile.

They said that in mathematics, numbers are friendly

and are necessary for writing different numbers and examples.

Signs "+», «-», «×», «:» decided to help the numbers1 And2 .

Together they made examples:

1 + 2 = 3, 2 - 1 = 1, 2 × 1 = 2, 2: 1 = 2.

Numbers 1 and 2 understood that there was no need to quarrel,

because in mathematics everyone is needed and important

without exception numbers and numbers.

    1. Mathematical fairy tale.

"Plus and minus in the digital city".

One fine afternoon, Plus was walking around the digital city. Suddenly he met another sign and looked at it strangely.

What is a stranger calling you? Plus asked.

My name is Minus. What's your name?

My name is Plus.

The signs decided to get to know each other better and measure their strength. They called the numbers 2 and 5 for help. The signs came up with a competition to compose examples so that the result would be a larger number.

“Plus” made his example: 2 + 5 = 7, and “Minus” got: 5 - 2 = 3. “Minus” was dissatisfied with the result and suggested finding other numbers for examples.

For a long time there were signs in the digital city, but nothing has changed in the competition of signs. "Plus" always got more, and "Minus" - less. Because "Plus" increases, and "Minus" decreases.

    Mathematical fairy tale"Tale of Zero"

Composed by: Mamin Kirill

Class: 6 "A"

Mathematical fairy tale

"Tale of Zero"

Somehow, in a small country of numbers, single-digit numbers gathered and began to argue which of them is more important:

Although I am alone, I always come first, says the proud number 1.

And although not the first, but for the student - a pleasant assessment, - says the favorite number 5.

And you, zero, what do you mean? Don't you mean anything? - asks the harmful number 8.

Nothing, nothing! the numbers screamed.

I may not mean anything, but if I stand near any number, I will increase it 10 times. What kind of nichevka am I? - zero offended by the number 8.

Since then, they began to respect zero and began to invite them to visit them in order to increase their number, goodness, wealth by 10 times.

And they began to live, live, and make good.

    Mathematical fairy tale"Friendship of Figures"

Once upon a time there were a circle, a square and a triangle in a geometric country. They were friends and never fought. Very often they got together and created different figures, items.

Here's what they did: they made a ball from a circle, the sides of the cube made up their squares. The house was made up of squares and a circle, and the roof of the house was made of a triangle. Draw a snowman from the circles.

Friends liked this joint work, and they decided to get together more often to make other drawings. As a result, they got a wide variety of drawings, consisting of geometric shapes: a train, a rocket, a helicopter.

The more friends used geometric shapes, the more different drawings they got. Because these figures were true friends.

    Mathematical fairy tale

"A game " Three figures "in math country"

Once upon a time there were geometric figures in a mathematical country - a triangle, a square, a circle and numbers - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0. They loved to play together. Especially geometric figures liked the game "Three figures ».

One day, all the inhabitants of a mathematical country gathered for a game. Geometric figures played against the numbers.

Triangle, square and circle could always make a pattern of three shapes. turned out different variants drawings: a house, a snowman, a pyramid or a car, a little man, a rocket or an airplane, a submarine, a tower.

No matter how hard the numbers tried, they could not make a new figure or a new drawing. At the end of the game, the points were calculated and it turned out that the figures won with a score of "3: 0".

The numbers are a little off. The inhabitants of the mathematical country decided that this game is interesting, and it is suitable only for geometric shapes.

    Mathematical fairy tale.

"An Extraordinary Occurrence in Mathematical Country".

In one wonderful country they lived, but the numbers did not grieve. They had a queen" Mathematics" . She rules honestly and fairly.

And then one day robbers attacked this country" X" And"U".

The whole camp of figures gathered for battle. A1, 2 And3 thought that the country of numbers would lose and hid. Came signs«<» And«>» . They began to argue who is stronger, the country of numbers or the robbers. Sign«>» says that the robbers are stronger, and the sign«<» believes that the country of numbers is stronger. They can't decide who is stronger.

And so the battle began. Numbers5, 6, 7, 8 And9 tried very hard to win. Signs«+» will increase«─» will reduce«:» share, and«×» multiply. Yes, they just can't do anything. After all"X" And "U" - unknown. How to defeat them?

Soon the inhabitants of the mathematical country solved the equation and found out what numbers are hidden under the mask."X" And"U". The numbers won.

Queen" Mathematics" wanted to drive out the robbers, but a sign came«=» and reconciled everyone. The queen forgave all the robbers and everyone began to live happily and amicably.

    Mathematical fairy tale

"Land of Round Numbers"

Composed by: Shurova Tatiana

6 "A" class

Mathematical fairy tale

"Land of Round Numbers"

Once upon a time, in a mathematical state, there lived a king and a queen. The king was called "100" and the queen was "200".

They had two children. The daughters were given the name "300", and the son - "400". They lived together and happily.

The royal family also had fabulous animals. The horse had the nickname "500", the pony - "600", the pig - "700", the goat - "800", the ram - "900". They lived together amicably, happily and did not quarrel with each other. Because it was the state of the "Round Hundreds".

And the neighboring states had the title of "Round Thousands", "Round Tens of Thousands", etc.

All these countries were on the land of "Round Numbers" and lived in peace and harmony. Because every year the number of countries increased, and the "Land of Round Numbers" flourished.

Dear parents! Instilling an interest in mathematics in young children is not an easy task. Make them interesting!

And since children are very fond of fairy tales, funny stories - you can use them!

"How the line was born"

In the country of Geometry, there once lived a small dot. It was a very beautiful red dot. One day she thought:

How I wish I had many friends! I'm going to travel and look for my girlfriends.

As soon as the red dot went beyond the gate, as the dot also goes to meet her, only green. A green dot approaches a red dot and asks her where she is going.

I'm going to look for friends. Come join me and let's travel together.

After a while they meet a blue dot. Friends are walking along the road - dots, and every day there are more and more of them. And finally, there were so many of them that they lined up in one row, shoulder to shoulder, and a line turned out. When the dots go straight, the line is straight. When it is uneven, crooked, a curved line is obtained.

"Advantages and disadvantages"

In ancient times, a mathematician had three students. When they had mastered all arithmetical operations to perfection, the teacher called them and said:

- Now that you have reached some peaks in mathematics, it's time to apply knowledge in practice, in life. Go and consider what is more in the world - pluses or minuses.

The students left, and came exactly three years later, as agreed.

“Well, here you are,” he turned to the first student, “tell me, what is more in the world: pluses or minuses?

- Of course, pluses. I met a smart, beautiful, rich wife. We have a beautiful house, gardens, wonderful fruits. During this time, I had two wonderful children. And in general, I believe that there are only minuses in mathematics, in life they do not exist at all.

- Well, what did you count? he turned sadly to his other student.

- I counted... I counted all the time... Gold, various jewels, money. But I got robbed. All around are villains and swindlers.

"Well, what about my assignment?" Which is more: pluses or minuses?

- What are the advantages? Have you ever seen them in real life? There are only cons at every step.

The teacher became even more sad, waved his hand and did not answer.

- I, the teacher, did not have time. I saw both pluses and minuses. I saw that pluses bring people joy, and minuses bring grief. And I wanted to make sure that in people's lives there were as many pluses as possible and as few minuses as possible.

“Still, it’s a great move. More pluses, fewer minuses - it's worth living for. Well done, you have mastered my science very well!

What do you guys think about this?

« Journey through the land of geometry»

Once Owlet heard an unfamiliar word "geometry". He became very interested in what it was, and he ran to his mother, the Wise Owl. Mom Owl took a sheet of paper and a pencil and drew a dot and a straight line there.

This is the point,” she said. “Point,” the Owlet repeated after her.

Mom Owl has now drawn two points and drawn a line (line) through it. - Look carefully, Owlet, this is a line. Straight line. Try to draw and you are such a straight line, here's a ruler for you.

The owlet was very happy when he got a straight line and even quickly composed this song:

We drew a straight line for the first time!

Now I know what geometry is. She draws straight lines. The Wise Owl laughed.

Take your time, Owlet, geometry studies not only lines, look: the stool is to the left of the chair, and the chair is to the right of the stool. Here are a boy and a girl. Tell me, who is on the left and who is on the right? And here are two points located on opposite sides of a straight line: - Show me which one is to the left of the straight line, which one is to the right?

I know, I know, - cried the Baby Elephant, - geometry studies who is on the right and who is on the left! The Wise Owl shook her head and continued her story:

Geometry can still do a lot, for example, it helps to build houses.

Look out the window, you see, a house is being built. Two have already risen above the ground

floors, and the builders are building a third. Builders are assisted by a crane.

He lifts large slabs from the ground - ceilings and gives them to the builders.

Under the weight of the load, the steel cable stretched taut. Here's a straight line for you

line. It stretched right up and down. Such a line is called a vertical line. The owlet understood everything and, to celebrate, came up with a new song:

Here is my string!

I tied a stone to her,

And the rope instantly

Stretched vertically!

Builders often use such a rope with a weight in their work, the Owl continued. -For what? Owl asked.

In order to check whether the wall of the house is standing vertically, whether it has leaned in any direction. If the wall is tilted, then the rope with the weight will not go along the wall, but like this: The builders must put the wall vertically, like this: Otherwise, the house may fall.

"The Tale of the Cut"

Once upon a time there was a Pencil. He was very inquisitive and wanted to know everything. He will see an unfamiliar line and will certainly ask:

What is this line called?

Once Pencil came out on a straight line and went along this straight line. He walked, walked in a straight line, walked for a long time. Tired. Stopped and said:

- How long will I go? Is the end of the line coming soon?

Direct laughed:

- Oh, Pencil! After all, you will not reach the end: don't you know that the straight line has no end?

Then I will turn back,” said the Pencil. I must have gone in the wrong direction.

And there will be no end to the other side. The line has no ends at all. It is endless... - And Direct, even sang a song to herself:

Without end and end

The line is straight!

At least a hundred years go along it,

Can't find the end of the road!

The Pencil was saddened when he learned that the line had no ends at all.

How to be? Why am I going to have to go on and on and on and on?

Well, if you don't want to go on endlessly, then mark two points on the straight line, prompted Direct.

Hooray! shouted Pencil. - There are two ends, now I can walk in a straight line from one point to another. What happened on Direct? How does is called?

This is my segment, - straight line smiled.

A segment of a straight line, a segment of a straight line, - the Pencil repeated with pleasure, walking along the segment from one end to the other. (He was so glad that there was no trace of fatigue.)

« Dot Adventures»

Lived - there was a Point. She wanted to know everything. He will see an unfamiliar line and will certainly ask:

What is this line called? Is she long or short?

The Point once thought: “How can I find out everything if I always live in one place? I'm going to travel!" No sooner said than done. The Point came out directly to the line and went along this line.

Went-went in a straight line. She walked for a long time. Tired. Stopped and said:

How much longer will I go? Will the straight line end soon?

Oh, you dot! After all, you will not reach the end: don't you know that the straight line has no end?

Then I'll turn back, - said Point. I must have gone in the wrong direction.

And there will be no end to the other side. A straight line has no ends at all.

Saddened Point:

How to be? So, am I going to have to go, go on endlessly?

You can call Scissors for help, - Direct advised. Then, out of nowhere, the Scissors appeared, clicked right in front of their noses and cut the Straight.

Hooray! Dot screamed. - This is the end! Now do the end on the other side, please.

“It’s possible with the other one,” Scissors obediently clicked.

- How interesting! Dot exclaimed. - What about my direct
happened? End on one side, end on the other. Like this

"It's a cut," said the Scissors. - You can cut many segments and even different lengths: some are short, others are long. And you can scatter them however you like. The scissors clicked quickly, quickly.
Look what happened. If you draw a circle, you get a sun with different rays, - Dot answered timidly. - And how can you accurately determine which of the segments is the longest and which is the shortest?

You need to call for help Compasses and Ruler.

Here Scissors called assistants. Compass and Ruler came and set to work.

The compass spread his legs and measured one segment, then went to another, the smallest one, and the Owlet immediately saw that this segment was smaller than the first.

- And the ruler can accurately answer how much this segment is smaller, - it is important
answered the Compass, - and I can connect the segments again.

The compass pulled the rays to each other, connected them at the ends, and that's what happened.

Yes, - exclaimed the Point, - this is not a straight line. You can't go straight here, you have to turn. What is it? How does is called?

It's a corner,” said Cirkul.

Angle ... Angle ... - the Point repeated a new word for it several times - Compasses, but what is the name of the place where the rays join?

The top of the corner. Now you are the point at the top of the corner. And the rays that start from you are the sides of the angle. You can even ride once or twice. Tochka liked this advice. She rolls and says:

From the top along the beam

Like I'm going down a hill.

only the beam is now “she”,

It's called "side".

Dot rolled a little more on the sides of the corner, and then returned to the top and turned to Compass:

I want to roll faster. Is it possible to make the hill steeper?

It is possible,” replied the Circler.

He moved the sides of the corner like this:

Is it too much? Dot squeaked.

What is an acute angle? Will you roll head over heels down such a steep hill? Don't need to be so cool?

The compass pushed the side of the corner a little.

Now it's good, - said the Point. - But I already got sick of skating. Better tell me everything you know about coal.

Angles are different: straight; angles that are wider than right angles are called obtuse angles; and angles that are less than right angles are called acute angles.

"About the Triangle"

Long ago, in the mathematical realm, there was a geometric State and it was ruled by King Triangulus. He was already old and was often sick. One day, he gathers his heralds and sends them to villages and cities with a task: to find a person who would cure Triangulus. And such a doctor was found in the town of “Three Sides. "He came to the king with a triangular sheet on which a drawing was depicted and the question was raised: how many different triangles are there in this drawing? Name them. King Triangulus thought all day. And when I decided, I immediately felt healthy and rejuvenated.

But you, my friend, are healthy. It will not be difficult for you to count all the triangles in this figure. But just in case, listen to the advice that the doctor gave the king at parting:

Who is more or less

With patience,

He considers patience

Not empty at all.

No chance, no luck

They will help you all of a sudden.

Patience, patience

Your very best friend.

Yes, we forgot to tell you the most important thing. As soon as the king sat down to guess the number of triangles in the picture, music was heard. It sang triangles. I hope you have not forgotten that it took place in a magical land? If you want, you can even learn the song of triangles, It's magical and will help you more fun and quickly solve any problem:

You on me, you on him

Look at all of us.

We have everything, we have everything

We only have three.

Three sides and three corners

And so many peaks.

And thrice hard things

We will do it three times.

Everyone in our city is friends,

Can't find friendlier. We are a family of triangles, Everyone should know us.

(V. Shitomirsky)

Good luck, dear parents!

T. Zimenko,

teacher of the highest qualification category.
