What can be done with money. Origami from money: simple diagrams of original crafts with photos

Cash gift options. Poems for the gift of money.

Money is a great gift if you don't have time to travel to the store at all. Besides, cash are never superfluous, the birthday man himself can purchase what he likes. But giving funds in an envelope is very boring, so you can decorate your gift beautifully by making a tree, a rug, a box out of it.

How to make a gift from money with your own hands?

There are many options to donate money. The easiest way is to make a rug out of them or make a heart, origami swan.

Options for gifts from money:

  • Cake. As a frame, ordinary cardboard is taken. A cylindrical shape is made from it, to which banknotes are attached.
  • Carpet. It is necessary to take cellophane and make pockets out of it. Put a bill in each pocket, you get a whole cash canvas
  • Money Tree . You need to take a pot and fill it with foam. The fabric is laid on top. A tree stem made of wire is inserted into the foam. Banknotes are attached to the wire
  • Casket. Make a cardboard box, decorate it with ribbons, flowers and put money inside
  • Beads. You will need banknotes that need to be folded like an accordion, loosely tied in the center with a rope. Next, alternately fasten beads and butterflies from bills. Get the original necklace

How beautiful to give money to your beloved: words

Along with money, you need to say a few nice words. Very carefully it is worth choosing words for a wife or a loved one. Of course, it is better for the woman you love to give some interesting gift, but it happens that the birthday girl herself asks to donate money for shopping.

Poems for giving money to your beloved:

« Man, I'm not far away
And fantasy is not weak
I am a practical person
I know that you will be glad.

I don't give you a cactus
I don't give you flowers
And I give you money
Queen of beauty.

I will give you a holiday
A couple of significant bills.
May it always be on vacation
And haute couture things."

« I wish to live richly
And replenish the piggy bank
Spend on yourself with love
Never forget."

« Let the envelope help you
Purpose to fulfill.
And most importantly, I wish
I always live happily.”

As a gift, so as not to suffer,
Here's the birthday amount!
Hope you are the best
Find a use for it!

How to give money to a child: words

A child is often handed money, as it is very difficult to choose a valuable and really the right gift. Children cannot adequately assess their needs, so they tend to order toys. It is not always necessary and useful gift. If you give money, think of beautiful words.

Poems for the gift of money:

Let it fall or rise,
But this process does not apply to you.
The pocket bulged out, so it's not empty!
This ruble is a talisman, you will be with money.

Success, joy, good luck
And a dream come true!
And wishes in addition
Accept cash gift!

How beautiful, original to give money for a wedding: words, poems

A wedding is an unusual day, not only for the newlyweds, but also for the guests. It is necessary to prepare as much as possible, to purchase new outfits, to do a hairstyle. You also need to take care of the gift. Often money is given for a wedding, this is the best present, so the newlyweds themselves will figure out what they need. Usually with such a gift they say pleasant words and congratulations.

Poems for a wedding for a gift money:

Today is your magical day,
Even the shadow sparkles with happiness.
The bride is tender like a fairy,
The groom immediately melts at the sight.

« Let us congratulate you,
Say - you will be all class!
Give you a money envelope
And make a contribution to us in your budget.

« To live happily, beautifully,
My heart sparkled with positivity.
And every day was full of happiness
And bad weather did not touch you.

« Like a star in the sky
The new family is on fire.
To make her light brighter
I have a present for you."

« So that opportunities with desire
Could match exactly.
I'm in an envelope for you money
I want to donate now."

For such a beautiful couple
Let's raise a glass now!
To start family life
We give start-up capital!

How unusually creative to give money?

It all depends on the age of the hero of the occasion and the occasion. For young people, the main thing is fun and creativity. A cake made of money is beautiful, but young people should be given money in an unusual way.

Some creative options donate money:

  • Cabbage. You need to take a large head of cabbage and cut it in half. Several banknotes in cellophane are inserted inside so that they do not get wet. The cabbage is wrapped in a film and tied with a huge number of satin ribbons. You will get something similar to a huge truffle. The birthday boy will be shocked when he sees the cabbage
  • Ice. Wrap the banknotes in a bag. The packaging must be waterproof. Take a saucepan and pour water into it. Place the money bag and freeze. Put a piece of ice in a bag and give a hammer along with this gift. The birthday boy must break the ice and get the money
  • Umbrella. An unusual and creative way to give money. Just tie the days to the knitting needles by opening the umbrella. Close it up and put it in a case

How fun and funny to give money?

Do you want all the guests to laugh, and the hero of the occasion remember your gift? come up with original way hand over money.

Some joke ideas donate money:

  • Brick. It is necessary to cut the brick into two parts or break it in half. Inside one half, scrape out a place and invest money. Cover the brick with paper and write something like "Brick of Happiness"
  • Balls. Take a few opaque balloons and place bills and confetti into them. Blow up balloons and tie them together. Give a gift and ask to burst balloons
  • Fish. Very unusual option for men - lovers of beer. Take a few dry fish and wrap them in bills. It is necessary that the fish be well dried, otherwise the paper will become greasy.

Is it cool to give money in the bank?

This is the easiest way to hand over banknotes, especially if time is short and you do not have time to do something original. There are several options for how to donate money in a bank.

  • Pickles. Take a three-liter jar and fill it with small paper bills. Roll up the lid and glue the inscription "spicy salted cabbage"
  • Jam. Take a half liter jar beautiful shape and fill it with coins. You can take cents, not domestic money. Screw on the lid and tie the neck with burlap. Stick the label "Jam from Lave"
  • Bank. Fill the jar with banknotes and close the lid. Glue the inscription "ImeksBank"

How to give money for an anniversary: ​​words, poems

If the holiday is not an ordinary birthday, but an anniversary, then you should pick up beautiful and serious poems for presenting money. They should be neutral and spoken from the heart. It is best if you memorize the poem.

Poems for the anniversary to give money:

« Anniversary on his birthday
We brought to the holiday
Wishes and luck
All the way through life."

To make notes a pleasant rustle
lifted the mood,
Our material gift
Inspired to success!”

« Happy Anniversary,
We wish you not to grow old!
By the fire in the forest we wish
Sing songs with the guitar!

“Let the optimism not fade away
And eyes glow with happiness!
We will give you money
What - you yourself will choose (s)!

How interesting it is to give money to a man: words, poems

Do you want to give money to a man? come up with interesting option for decoration and be sure to learn a few lines.


« For happiness to be near
And everything burned in my hands
Let luck help
Be with money all the time!

Success, joy, good luck
And a dream come true!
And wishes in addition
Accept cash gift!

We want to become happier and richer
At least a hundred times!
May good luck accompany you in life
The process will start immediately, now!

May there be happiness and success
Walking confidently!
Let it bear fruit all year round
You have a money tree!

How interesting it is to give money to a woman: words, poems

Money for a woman is like water. No one can spend money faster than the fair sex. Therefore, a woman is tedious to give a lot of money.

Poems for gift money for a woman:

« look so amazing
You can easily do it!
Make a gift, give a warm hug -
All that's left now!

May your life be success, luck,
Love and friendship adorn...
I also want a lot of money -
They don't get in the way either!

Everyone thinks I'm stingy
And stubbornly and for a long time ...
I don't have an obsession
listen to everyone, but

Let everyone line up
Under the orchestral "dawn"
They will see that I give you money
I give for my birthday!”

How beautiful and original to give money to a friend for her birthday?

If your girlfriend has an anniversary, and you have not decided on a gift yet, hand over the money. There are a lot of options for making such a gift. This will be appreciated by the hero of the occasion and guests.

Options to give money to a woman:

  • Kinder. Purchase a pack of 6. Carefully peel the eggs from the foil and break the chocolate in half. Put banknotes in the capsule instead of a toy. Wrap everything up the way it was
  • Bouquet. Get an expensive bouquet of flowers and attach bills around the buds
  • Candies. Buy a box of chocolates and lay out all the sweets. Put money in the candy boxes
  • Casket. Get a jewelry box and put bills in it

Money is demanded
due attention,
May you always have

Let there be no shortage
Let them multiply
Let the beautiful with money
Relationships will develop.

happy birthday congratulations!
I want to wish you
Neither in desires, nor in finances
Don't deny yourself!

Money large banknote
Let it please you.
Fulfillment of desires
You will pamper yourself!

We know about your dream
Congratulations on your birthday.
This money envelope
To fulfill the ticket.

Buy what you want
Joy, happiness you will experience.
We wish you laughter
And always success in everything.

I give you money today
Such a gift is always appreciated.
Let this amount be small
She won't bother you!

And very soon, no doubt
You will find a use for it!
I would like to wish in verse:
"Be constantly with money!"

How much money to give to whom?

It all depends on the occasion and holiday. They give a little more for a wedding than for a birthday. Approximately give 1.5-2 times more than the hero of the occasion spent on organizing the holiday.

Of no small importance is the city in which you survive. In the capital, they earn more, so you need to give more. On average, you need to give 3-5 thousand rubles for a name day. If you are a relative, then you can give more.

Money is one of the most versatile gifts. Hand them beautifully, and do not forget about congratulations.

My gift is unpretentious
I give you money as a gift!
Anything you want
Buy them for yourself!
In general, figure it out yourself
How do you deal with money!

VIDEO: How to donate money?

The best gift is money. Money is good because the hero of the occasion can always spend it on the thing that he really needs. You can present money in an original and beautiful way with the help of the tips listed in this article.

The best wedding gift- This money. There is nothing immodest or unusual here. The money donated for the wedding is the basis of the budget of a young family. Previously, money was given in its pure "paper form", thrown into glass jars, handed over to newlyweds or thrown at their feet.

Then there were money envelopes, which every year became more and more beautiful. These envelopes could "hide" the amount of money. It is pleasant to give them and no one will even notice how many banknotes are in your gift, because it is not customary to open the envelope right at the celebration.

But even beautiful and painted envelopes began to bother. Needlewomen came to the rescue, who made a savings book for the newlyweds. This is a special album in which a lot of wishes are written, thematic pictures and photographs of a happy couple are pasted in, and at the same time money to buy important things and spend the family.

Making a savings book for newlyweds is not difficult if you have a “creative note” and a desire to surprise lovers. If you do not have any abilities, you can always order a savings book online at specialized sites.

The savings book for newlyweds consists of several parts:

  • hard cover(can be made from an A5 binder wrapped in beautiful fabric, paper and even wallpaper)
  • Beautiful colorful pages(each page should be decorated with congratulations and pictures in the theme. There must be a pocket on the page, in which money is invested)
  • Congratulations for the newlyweds(besides the fact that you give money, you must wish with your warm words couple in love happy future and blessings)
  • decorative ornaments(Such decorations, as they say, "create a mood." You can buy in any store for creativity great amount beautiful things: lace, ribbons, hearts, beads, pearls, rhinestones, bows, herbariums and much more)

Such a touching gift is a must. stand out from all the other envelopes with money and will allow the couple to remember the pleasant moments of the wedding for a long time throughout their lives.

Options for savings books for a wedding as a gift to newlyweds:

travel savings book

shopping savings book

retro savings book

How beautiful to roll up, fold money for a gift?

If you are not strong in hand-made, do not want to bother creating a creative gift, you should familiarize yourself with the ancient art origami. This art will teach you a few secrets of folding paper into a beautiful and even voluminous shape.

Money is also paper, and therefore it is quite easy to make something interesting out of a bill. Most often these are wardrobe items: a dress, a shirt, a tie or a figure of a man. You can also make a heart, a bird, a flower, a butterfly and even a car.

You can always choose exactly the figure that matches your event. Depending on who you give a gift to (a woman or a man), you can distribute the figures by gender: a woman - a flower, for example, and a man - a tie.

Money origami schemes for all occasions:

scheme of money origami "heart"

scheme of money origami "slippers"

scheme of money origami "butterfly"

scheme of money origami "shirt" No. 1

scheme of money origami "shirt" No. 2

An original wedding gift made of money - money in the bank

As already mentioned, the old Russian custom is to collect money in a jar and then roll it up. Such a gift is considered the first family budget, which is conserved only in order to remain intact and whole as long as possible.

Such a gift sure to cheer up everyone present and will be a fond memory for the newlyweds.

There are several main ways to create such a bank. Each of them assumes the presence of glass containers. It can be a figured modern jar purchased in a souvenir shop, or it can be the most common Soviet-style one.

Depending on how much money you give, choose correct jar size: liter, two-liter or even three-liter.

How to put money in the bank, three ways:

  • Exchange your amount that you want to give to the newlyweds into smaller bills. The smaller the bills, the greater the amount of money. Bank is completely clogged money and clogged. A decorative scarf is put on top of the lid and a ribbon is tied. The jar can be decorated with a sticker with a humorous note
  • If you don't want to donate small money, you can lay out each bill only along the wall of the can, and put inside soft toy or sprinkle with candy. Such a jar is decorated in the usual way: with a handkerchief and a ribbon on the lid. Stick a sticker on it with the designation This gift always looks spectacular and fun
  • Can cheer everyone up without exception jar filled to the top with change. To do this, of course, you have to exchange your money for a gift (moreover, do this for a long time and in advance), so that there is enough change for the entire jar. You will give the same amount, but only in "iron equivalent". This way of gift will please your newlyweds and there can be no claims against you, because a trifle is also money.

jar for newlyweds as a wedding gift

cash gift for the wedding "cabbage of abundance"

DIY money gifts for birthday

A person with a creative or slightly humorous temperament always wants to stand out in an original way from everyone else. This feature also applies to presenting a gift on a birthday. close person. Nowadays, there are several winning ideas that will make your gift of money the best and most spectacular.

For example, you can make money cake. Of course, it will not be pasted over with real banknotes, but with those made of paper and purchased at a gift shop. Such a multi-storey cake consists of several boxes that are stacked one on top of the other depending on the size. The birthday boy must open each box and only there find his cash gift.

If you cannot find banknotes in the gift shop, you can use printer. Print images of dollars, rubles or euros to decorate the cake.

birthday money cake

If you want to complicate the task of the birthday person a little, prepare a special gift box and put money in it, but not in the usual way, but wrapping each in a ribbon and tying a bow. These bills are sure to create a festive mood!

Especially successful and fun will be the cash gift, which will be divided into small bills, for example, one dollar each!

Another fun way to give a gift is donate money in balloons. To do this, you should first find a huge (or at least large) box. It is necessary to add the entire number of inflated balls into it, in each of which a separate bill will “hide”.

This gift box can nicely pack, tie a bow and present to the birthday man in the most solemn way!

birthday present - money in balloons

Money in a frame gift for any occasion

This is a classic way to present a gift to a person for any occasion: birthday, wedding, anniversary or anniversary. Such souvenir gifts have long been sold in stores. You are also invited to make it yourself and from real banknotes.

To make such a gift, you will need:

  • Photo frame(you will need a small standard size A5)
  • large bill(only one will be needed, so determine the amount in advance and exchange money)
  • Merry congratulations(which will give your gift a humorous touch)

How a gift is made:

  • The frame is opened, background paper, preferably dark in color, is placed on the basis for photographs. This may be the same insert that is in the frame, or it may be a sheet of dark colored paper. Contrasting dark color will favorably highlight a light banknote
  • A wish or instruction about spending this banknote is glued to the frame (see below for examples of inscriptions)
  • A banknote is placed above the inscription and the frame is closed
  • Ready gift can be wrapped in gift wrapping so that a person cannot immediately guess that you are giving him money

The original inscription on the gift in the photo frame money

To add a humorous touch to your cash gift in a frame, you need to look at examples of work already completed. The inscriptions written in the frames represent n statements regarding the spending of the donated amount or interesting quotes.

Examples of gifts "money frame" with the words:

gift "money frame" with the inscription

a gift from a frame and money

money frame as a gift for a wedding with the inscription "when the holiday ends"

humorous inscription on a gift with money

original way to give money

Money tree as a gift for any occasion

The money tree is not a plant, but in this case way to give a gift of money. There are even several basic ways to do this. One of them - topiary from money. Such an item can be purchased already in the finished state, or you can make it yourself. You will need a small flower pot, a blank for wood (purchased at a needlework store) and banknotes.

Pour earth or put plasticine into the pot. A tree stick is attached to the plasticine and crushed. from above, to hide the plasticine, flower drainage is sprinkled. In a foam mold for the crown of a tree, recesses are made with a blade or knife. Bills must be inserted into these holes. folded in several ways.

Tip: instead of drainage, you can use a trifle for decoration. The tree trunk can be painted with paints or decorated with decorative elements: serpentine, ribbon, lace, beads, fabric.

money tree - topiary

Another way to give a gift is decorate an artificial tree. To do this, you should go around several souvenir departments to find the right one. The artificial tree is decorated with real banknotes, which are fastened with tied bows and given as a gift.

artificial money tree - a way to give money

Another original way is to give a real money tree decorated with real banknotes. To do this, you should purchase a real plant in a flower shop and carefully attach banknotes twisted into a tube and decorated with ribbons on its branches.

money tree with money

Money shovel gift for any occasion

Money shovel - a new and original way to give a person money with humor. It is necessary to use a real shovel as a basis for such a gift, but not a garden shovel, but a children's shovel or a scoop. This item must be decorated:

  • wrap with wrapping paper
  • decorate with serpentine or ribbon
  • draw banknotes on it
  • glue on rhinestones for a rich look
  • tie a bow at the top
  • write a parting word "row money with a shovel"

A bag is attached to such a gift shovel, into which a monetary gift is folded. Banknotes can also be attached to the shovel itself without a bag.

do-it-yourself money shovel as a gift

Gift money in a balloon

This is a very original gift that is very easy to make yourself. If you have the opportunity, inflate the balloons with helium, if not, ordinary air will do. These balls have a bill inside. Money must be twisted into a tube and put into an uninflated balloon, and only then fill it and tie it.

Balls are folded into a box and the larger the box, the more interesting. The beauty of this gift is that when presenting a beautiful packaged box with a bow to a birthday person, he will never guess that this is money!

gift - money in balloons

Words for a gift money in a balloon

Each ball into which you put a banknote should contain a congratulation. This congratulation will improve the mood and give a holiday to a person. The congratulation is written on a small piece of paper, in which the money is wrapped with a tube and tied with a ribbon.

Words for congratulations with money:

Everyone needs gifts
Gifts are important.
To smooth out dissonances
Accept the gift of finance!

Live happily and beautifully
And don't count pennies.
Accept our surprise as a gift
After all, there is money in every ball!

We figured you don't need vacuum cleaners,
Toasters, machines, coffee makers.
So that you don't have dumb questions
We give you a financial gift!

This money is for little things,
Spend it easily and quickly.
Spend it quickly boldly
For yummy and sparkling!

There is no such thing as a lot of money
Here's a little more for you!
Let them hide without a trace
Don't forget to use them!

Buy yourself candy
Buy yourself some flowers!
This money and coins
To buy dreams!

Feel free to spend money
spending is not saving!
If you are a record holder in spending,
To be happy to live!

gift - money in a ball

Wedding gift umbrella with money

An umbrella is another gift with which you can in an unusual way present cash gift. Everything looks very simple: you need to attach a banknote on a string to the spokes of the umbrella, which will hang down magnificently during its opening.

The beauty of this gift is that from the first moment a person is not able to guess that you are giving him a cash gift. Only when he opens the umbrella will he see gift secret. Such umbrellas not only cheer up, they become a great attribute for a photo shoot at any event.

You need to choose a long umbrella that does not fold into a compact shape.

wedding money umbrella

birthday money umbrella

Wedding gift ship made of money

Ship of money This is not a difficult gift, but costly. First of all, you will need to find the ship itself. Most often they can be purchased in the department of souvenirs or items for decorative finishes Houses.

In such a boat, you should carefully remove the sails with scissors or only with your hands. Instead of a sail, you will insert banknotes that will be attached precisely to the rest of the elements of the ship - cables. Such a gift is very fragile and you should give it very carefully, since money cannot be glued and an extra air stream will simply blow it away.

cash gift - ship

Gift wrapping for any occasion

It is capable of giving not only pleasant emotions, but also aesthetic pleasure beautiful packaging money as a gift. Every day, many interesting ways are invented that are funny, beautiful and not like others. You can independently figure out the packaging from improvised things, you can purchase decorative items in a craft store, or you can find ready-made packages in souvenir shops.

The most common packaging for a cash gift:

box-packing for money "box"

decorative cash gift box

Stylish miniature gift wrapping jars

pizza box - gift wrapping

original gift box

chest - gift wrapping

Gift carpet of money for the wedding

Carpet of money - this is a very original gift, which often recently surprises newlyweds at a wedding and birthdays. It is not difficult to make it from oilcloth and banknotes. It is a sheet of oilcloth on which pockets are sewn. The pocket must match the banknote. IN each pocket is sewn in or simply nested one bill.

A carpet made of money is convenient in that it can be stored in a folded state and then spread out on the occasion of a gift.

carpet of money as a gift

Gift money in cabbage

Thus, you can take the risk of congratulating anyone. Just choose beautiful head of cabbage carefully remove the damaged sheets and unscrew the top ones. A banknote is placed under each folded sheet. The sheets are folded back and such a gift is presented to a person.

Your hero of the occasion should be warned that this fruit contains a cash gift so that he does not throw it away and spoil it.

money in cabbage - an original gift

Money cake, how to present?

The most common wedding gift made from paper bills is money cake. You can make it yourself or order from a professional. This gift always looks spectacular and causes a storm of emotions in the hero of the occasion.

Depending on how much money you want to give to a person, in what banknotes and in what quantities, there are several ways to “serve” a money cake. One of the most common - cake made from rolled up bills. They are attached to a round box and decorated with bows and ribbon flowers.

money cake, option number 1

The second way is decorate money cake boxes with souvenir banknotes, and put your cash gift in the boxes themselves. This cake is also decorated with ribbon bows and roses.

money cake, option number 2

The third way is cake packaging. Such packaging is called "", each piece of the product can be unpacked and the hero of the occasion will be able to find banknotes in it.

money cake, option number 3

do-it-yourself cash gift "candy"

do-it-yourself cash gift "mattress"

Congratulations on the wedding for a cash gift

It is impossible to give money to newlyweds in silence, therefore pleasant words will serve as a wonderful addition to the gift:

There are many adventures in life
Both funny and sad.
Let there be no life without money
And rustling cabbage!

We give you a gift
From longing and boredom.
Let these finances warm
Young hands!

Don't be afraid to spend your budget
After all, you are not thoughtful!
You with every waste
Give us pleasure!

As a gift to you, young,
Banknotes are green, coins are gold!
Be happy rich
Let life become cotton candy!

Our gift will come in handy
He will give you a dream.
Go abroad
Drive away the fuss!

We give you from the heart
This cash gift.
For sweets and drying for tea,
Yes, and to the bank, but at a percentage!

words-wishes to young people during a cash gift

Words for a gift money for an anniversary

Anniversary is the date!
It's just beauty!
We brought you a salary
For good years!

Today this anniversary
Will be the best
Take it quickly
Pile of money!

The best gift is of course honey,
Any guest will understand this.
But we do not understand and we brought
You have a gift of money, we did not find honey!

Accept a gift from the heart
After all, this is very important!
Don't rush to get upset
Our gift is paper!

This glorious anniversary
Gives us smiles!
Do not be shy from a gift
It's jingling coins!

congratulations on the anniversary when presenting a cash gift

Congratulation for the gift of money for a birthday

Birthday is a sad holiday
You, my friend, do not be sad.
Here's a valuable gift for you -
He's made of money and love!

Long thought, wondered
To give you this.
And found what they were looking for
Let's donate dollars!

There is no nicer gift
The tighter the envelope.
We will give you a cake that is not sweet,
Cake with bills, not for children!

Someone loves gifts
Some people love flowers.
We give you an envelope
Full of our love!

Video: "Original do-it-yourself money gifts, master's advice"

To date, money is a universal gift that is presented to newlyweds. But to make everything look beautiful, it is worth choosing a special way, how to give money for the wedding in an original way. This may seem like a rather difficult task, since there are many various options. We will share great ideas, which you can use when preparing a gift for the newlyweds.

Method number 1 - Collage of money for newlyweds travelers

For newlyweds who love to travel, you can prepare a special surprise. Create a kind of collage of the currencies of different countries of the world, the more there are, the better. It is not at all necessary to have only large bills (you can use several solid ones, for example, 100 euros or 100 dollars), the main thing for a collage is variety.

With such an original gift, you will definitely surprise the newlyweds. In addition, read the congratulations in poetic form, because the poems for the gift (wedding money) will be the perfect complement. Mention that young people now need to visit all the countries of the world whose banknotes are in your gift.

Method number 2 - Present under glass

You can also give cash gifts for a wedding to others, no less than interesting way- in a frame, this will require a photo frame. You need to hand it over with the words: “Now you have such a glass, breaking it, you will instantly solve material problems and find happiness again.” We wanted to give you a picture,
But they thought - suddenly there is?
Then there were arguments about the car ...
And the offers of all do not count!

Decided - enough questions from us,
Tired of thinking
And we give this money simply,
So that you can choose everything!

Method number 3 - Humorous surprise "Careless guest"

Presenting a gift is better to play it interesting so that everyone remembers it. Take a large box, decorate it festively using bows and ribbons, and place glass jars in the middle. Heading towards the newlyweds, the guest must, as it were, accidentally stumble and fall so that the box effectively flies out of his hands, and its contents break with a characteristic ringing.

The donor quickly rises, apologizes for the incident and says that the box has instructions (an envelope with a cash gift), which he hands to the couple. A similar surprise prepared for the wedding of the newlyweds will be remembered by everyone without exception.

Method number 4 - Money composition

Approach the preparation of the gift creatively, be able to beautifully and correctly present a wedding gift with money.

An excellent option would be a money picture. Take a large photo frame, place banknotes under the glass (preferably randomly). Above each bill, sign the destination, for example, “for a diaper for a baby”, “for a gift to his wife”, “for a fifteenth wedding anniversary”, “for a beer for her husband”.

Method number 5 - Unusual umbrella

Another way to give money is to give an umbrella with money. Use an ordinary umbrella, put inside banknotes that are tied on threads. As a musical arrangement, the refrain of a song about the weather in the house can act. At the end, open an umbrella over the newlyweds, thus symbolizing a simple solution to financial problems.

Method number 6 - Money balls

Of the proposed methods, you have not yet chosen the option of how beautifully to give money for a wedding? We will offer you a few more ideas - a gift within a gift. How to make it? Yes, it's very simple: cover a large box with gift paper, then pack balloons with helium and money into it. When the present is opened, the packed balloons fly out, each of them has a tied surprise for the newlyweds - banknotes. This is how you can give money in an original way.

Method number 7 - Decorative cake

Everything is not right? Then see how else it is unusual to give money for a wedding. Then, by the day of the wedding, make a money cake, young people will definitely like it.

How to do:

  • Prepare a round cardboard base.
  • Now carefully roll the bills into a tube, then lay them out in three rows.
  • Next, the “layers” need to be tied with a ribbon, and decorate the cake with flowers (think about the design in advance). The donated craft will undoubtedly surprise and delight. Do not forget to say congratulatory words when handing over. You can prepare such a surprise for your sister, girlfriend or friends.
On a note: In the same way, you can make a ship.

A detailed description of the creation of a wedding decorative cake is presented in the video tutorial.

Or give a “money cake with wishes”!

  1. Journey to the sea (in a piece of cake, you can additionally put small seashells) ;
  2. Prosperity and abundance (here we put the most main gift- money);
  3. sweet daughter (you can put tiny baby booties, socks or a pink pacifier);
  4. Four sons (here you can place 4 key chains depicting: a soccer ball, a basketball ball, a tennis ball, an American football ball);
  5. Good luck (you can put lottery tickets here);
  6. love (candle in the shape of a heart);
  7. health (vitamins from the pharmacy);
  8. Sweet life (sweets, you can fill the whole box with M&M's);
  9. Many true friends (write phone numbers of mutual friends and laminate; or make paper garland from humans);
  10. Lots of energy and vivacity (put energizer batteries in);
  11. Merry family holidays (pipe with a spinning tube, balloons, confetti, serpentine);
  12. Golden wedding (50 years) Diamond wedding (60 years) (image of an ingot or Swarovski stones).

When all the pieces of the cake are filled, put them on a tray or wooden plate (sold in Ikea) and tie satin ribbon so that they don't wander off. Place the plate itself in a gift box transparent package and tie with a huge bow.

Method number 8 - Money in the bank

Presented at the wedding different gifts, but very few funny presents. If the newlyweds have a good sense of humor, prepare them money in the bank. It's best to do everything yourself. The procedure is very simple:
  • Roll each bill into a tube, then tie a thread around the banknote, tie it.
  • Put everything in a jar, you can add large coins.
  • Now cover the jar with a beautiful piece of fabric with embossed edges, tie it with a rope. You can decorate such a surprise with an original label with a cut out heart. It seems that this one original version among the many ideas that involve a cash gift.
  • At the end, decorate the jar with a cabbage sticker. Presenting a jar, in addition to the banal “congratulations”, you can say a beautiful poem. Give it special significance with solemn intonation.
We invite you to choose from any of the options below.

I give you a bank!
It's for storage
Or maybe jam!

Let your household
She'll come in handy.
And won't break
And it won't get dusty!

Accept a present
Such a modest one.
Just a jar
But this is from the heart!

Of course, happiness is not about money!
And what it is - no one knows ...
But if the money is in hand,
Then this “tone” raises!
This gift is perfect.
And it is universal for everyone,
Take money as a gift
And buy what you want.

Or save carefully
And multiply them a hundredfold
Maybe even 1000 times
We will be happy only for you!

Method number 9 - Gift passbook

Here is another option for how fun it is to give money for a wedding: make a passbook.
How to create:
  • To do this, you need to take envelopes, place a bill inside each, and then seal it.
  • Now, on the front of each envelope, make an inscription - the purpose of the contribution.
  • After that, create a cover from cardboard and sign: “Savings book”.
  • Place the envelope inside the cover and sew. This is a great wedding gift from parents.
To make the gift more vivid and original, write humorous rhymes on each “leaf” of the passbook, something like the ones below.

1. Although your happiness is not in money,
But you can't live without them
We decided to start
Give you a passbook.

2. An account has been opened for you in Sberbank,
the interest on the contribution will go big!
We will invest a lot of money, a little,
But in the bank your money will turn into capital!

And each envelope has its own text:

Don't waste money in vain
Buy furniture wisely
To stand for hundreds of years
Never wear out.

Take it to the passbook
What's up for the kids
For diapers, panties
And for other needs.

To you, (name of the bride), for outfits,
For sweets, for lipsticks.
Spend money wisely
Only my husband no gu-gu.

You to dance, to the cinema,
On the button accordion and on the background
We also provided
You have not spared money.

Buy a car later
We think you'll be lucky
To not lose her
We put it forward in the garage.

On Hawaiian cigars
For good wine...
Even though they put it in an envelope,
Sorry for the money anyway.

If a dark day has come
That's for this case
Open the envelope last
And don't torture yourself.

(Name of the groom), on love cupids
And on the broads on the side
You do not expect banknotes from us,
Instead of money - figs to you!

Leave the last envelope blank!

Method number 10 - Money carpet

It is not at all difficult to make such a gift yourself. We offer a good idea that can be easily implemented - make a wedding money carpet.

How to do:

  • Place the banknotes inside the transparent files, fasten them all together to make a large square.
  • In the middle, you can place several photos that are included in the couple's joint photo album (choose cool photos for the wedding).
  • Sew a ribbon around the perimeter of the carpet, its design will become much more interesting.
We were thinking, guessing,
The microwave oven was chosen for you,
Then the food processor
To have a great design
And then they decided: no!
Let them go on a cruise
Wherever they like
We would be happy to send them
To Turkey or to the Emirates.
Let them walk in the open
Only the money needs the sea!
But we're safe here.
Fabulous gin was contacted!

He was asked for help
And now we received the package (get the box)
We don't know what the genie sent
With everyone, we open the parcel (get the carpet and unfold it).
Ah, what a fashionable gift,
The carpet of money is excellent!
If spread over the shoulders
He will warm your soul (depict).
And if you take a camera,
You won’t find a better nature (staging a photo shoot in front of the carpet).
Against the background of this carpet
You can shoot until the morning!

Our gift is very beautiful
We give you this exclusive.
Only a mole so as not to eat
Let's spray it quickly
Young, glasses in hand
For a gift on this day!

Method number 11 - Brick

Take a brick, then attach a banknote to it. If desired, you can decorate the brick with ribbons. It must be presented with the words:

"Brick is an excellent harmonizer of your relationship!",
“A good brick is an excellent tool for resolving conflict situations!”,
“Whoever has a brick in his hands is right!”

Such a present looks unusual and interesting.

Method number 12 - Well-wrapped gift

Put the bills inside a beautiful envelope, put it in a bag, then in a small box, then in a larger box, and so on. Give a present in a box, a small chest can also be used. Attach a note containing the following words:

“Money is not easy to get in our life, but you can definitely handle it!”.

Method number 13 - Present "Help"

As you know, every man must complete three important things in his life, help in these endeavors. To raise a son, for example, put a dummy to build your own house - a brick with a ribbon, to plant a tree - an ornamental tree.

Such a present is symbolic, the newlyweds will appreciate it.

Method number 14 - "Ten" or "Sotochka"

You can give banknotes not one at a time, but, for example, a dozen or a hundred, while pronouncing certain words. Giving a gift to game form with poems, you will definitely be sure that the newlyweds will remember him.

Read an example verse here...

We give you a hundred for free,
Sotka for kindly letting me in.
We put a hundred on a transparent stocking,
Sotochku from us in income tax,
A hundred for a glass
Weave - for two (let it make a little noise in my head),
We'll give you a hundred as a surprise.

Weave you on linen from Versace,
And we will give this hundred to the dacha -
There you will walk in underwear from Versace,
And look like Cleopatra herself.

Take a hundred for a cream from "Max Factor"
Sotka for clarity in the housing issue,
A hundred to go to a restaurant
And this one to put in your pocket.

A hundred for our joint friendship
One hundred for something you really need to drink!

Method number 15 - "Bablomet"

To donate money for a wedding with a joke, take note of the next option - “bablomet”. For manufacturing, you will need a shovel or a broom, attach banknotes and coins to them and hand them over with the following poetic words:

Such a shovel can become a symbol of the financial well-being of a young family.

Bablomet - The unit is multifunctional!

If rubbish lives in the house
And the dust lurks in the corners -
The ubiquitous "loot thrower"
This is where you will need it!

If on the street in the morning
unbearable heat
And the sweat is pouring down
Your salvation is Bablomet!

Kohl in the house "roll the ball",
And there's no gas in the car
Get on the "bablomet"
And rush to the store!

And when Saturday comes
flood the bathhouse
And in the steam room "loot thrower",
Of course, grab it.
He is sick of any and infection
It will drive away from the body immediately!

Method number 16 - Money house

For its "construction" you will need to take a beautiful box, which will act as a foundation. Roll the bills into a tube, then fasten them with paper clips, two banknotes will need to be folded into a triangular attic. The wall will be supported by chopsticks for sushi. Assemble the whole structure - you get a wonderful house.

Method number 17 - Chocolate with a surprise

If the newlyweds have a sweet tooth, then give them chocolate with a surprise. Remove the packaging from a regular tile, leaving the foil. Make a festive decoration of a treat with the names of the newlyweds and the date of marriage, wrap the tile. Place banknotes under the package.

Method number 18 - Thermos

Get a metal thermos and engrave the couple's names on it, it's best if it comes with cups made of the same metal. Place your cash gift under the lid and give it to the young.

Although, at first glance, such a present may seem simple, it looks quite original. Do not hesitate, the thermos will be used for its intended purpose and every time you drink hot tea or coffee, it will remind the couple of solemn day and, in fact, about the donor himself.

Video bonuses

The video instruction below will help you create a great gift - candy with money inside.

Another video will show how to pack money in cabbage. Take note of these gift making options, because everything is done very simply.

A wedding is a solemn and exciting event, so prepare a bright and memorable gift for the newlyweds, with which you will maintain a special cheerful atmosphere, and the holiday will go off with a bang.

Dream up, take into account the preferences of the couple and create your own present that will amaze with originality and special appearance. Unusual jokes and extraordinary ideas will amuse not only the newlyweds, but also the guests. Give your excellent mood, spend the holiday bright and unforgettable!

The decision to give money for a wedding to relatives or friends is made for various reasons. Someone simply does not have enough time or imagination to. Someone is firmly convinced that money in this case - The best decision, as young people are well aware of their needs and will be able to competently manage their finances.

The newlyweds, of course, will not be upset when they receive a cash gift, because a young family has so many needs that they really do not have enough funding for.

But handing over banknotes in an ordinary envelope or by pulling them with an elastic band will be too banal. Be sure to try to find an original way, how unusual it is to give money for a wedding.

And such creative ideas just a lot. Take advantage of our ideas by beating and supplementing them with your own extraordinary thoughts.

Let's start with the banal ways of giving money, which, thanks to a new interpretation, become quite original. Forget about simple postal envelopes. Yes, and now you will not surprise anyone with beautiful ready-made wedding envelopes for money. Turn on your imagination and remember what unusual envelopes still exist.

It can be a huge envelope, the bigger it is, the better. Have a disguised courier bring it to the wedding. Do not forget to put unusual inscriptions, instructions and seals on it.

But a disguised postman can be entrusted with a letter from distant countries, which took a long time to reach the newlyweds, as evidenced by a lot of seals, stamps and marks in foreign languages.

An unsightly envelope made of old paper with a wax seal is also suitable. Handmade gifts are always appreciated.

Therefore, you can make an envelope for wedding money using the scrapbooking technique, which will definitely be exclusive.

How to give money for a wedding in an original way: a bank for money with your own hands

Yes, yes, in that very reliable glass jar where money is stored more securely than in any bank. We will give just such a jar to the newlyweds, having beaten the present in an original way.

Put fake banknotes in a jar along with real banknotes. Just do not forget to put photos of the newlyweds and original parting words on fake banknotes. In such a peculiar way, you can fill the jar with “greens” to the brim.

Decorate the jar with money with fabric, ribbons, bows and be sure to attach a label confirming the reliability of such a bank.

Pick up green bills, roll them into tubes, put them in a jar. Present such a jar as pickled cucumbers, which you yourself grew, ordered yourself. Just do not forget in this case to really roll up the jar with a lid.

Wedding money box

Let me tell you, this idea is not new. Yes, it was not invented yesterday, but it absolutely does not lose its relevance. Try to play around with this idea in an unusual way.

Make a box yourself by pasting it with counterfeit banknotes. Get the original packaging for a real cash gift.

A box with a secret or a double bottom will do. It can be a container for storing jewelry, in which you need to put a sheet with detailed instructions how to find real gems.

In this way, you can achieve different emotions from the newlyweds, ranging from bewilderment, disappointment, to complete delight and surprise.

How fun it is to give money for a wedding: a little cabbage as a gift

In such a gift, we will combine two concepts: cabbage - a plant and money "cabbage". To do this, we take a real head of cabbage and place bills under the leaves.

Or we make holes in the head of cabbage, where twisted banknotes are placed. And you can give such a gift as a down payment on future diapers. Therefore, a baby doll placed on top of a head of cabbage will be very handy.

money tree wedding gift ideas

Continuing the plant theme, it is impossible not to mention the money tree. Even the plant itself is a symbol of prosperity. And if you decorate it with money, symbolism combined with practicality will please the newlyweds much more. And you can give it in a rather unusual way.

Place an empty pot of earth in front of the young. Ask them to plant some coins in it, remembering to water it.

After that, blindfold the young people and ask them to say: "Crex, Pax, Fax."

At this time, you need to replace the pot with a real tree with money, which "successfully grew thanks to wedding witchcraft."

You can also make your own money tree in the form of:

  • embroideries or appliqués of a tree on which to attach coins or banknotes;
  • a wire tree, the leaves of which will become banknotes, you can plant it in a pot of coins;
  • foam tree, inserting bills into the slots.

The original presentation of money for the wedding: a bouquet of money

The complexity of such a gift lies in the ability to twist paper flowers. If you do not have such experience, you risk spoiling the banknotes.

Therefore, it is better to turn to specialists who will help create a monetary flower arrangement. Or practice folding the petals on plain paper beforehand. And yet, try to make a money rose using our master class

  1. We fold the bill diagonally and twist each edge slightly.
  2. We insert the wire into the resulting bend and twist it in a spiral to make a petal. We perform the operation carefully so as not to damage the banknote.
  3. We repeat such manipulations with each money.
  4. We collect a rose from money petals.
  5. We wrap the flower leg with adhesive tape, I did not forget to insert the petals.

If you have enough patience, you can make a whole bunch of such roses. Similar gift will make a real splash at the wedding.

An original wedding gift made of money: an investment in the future

Such a gift is presented as a down payment on a major purchase for a young family. To do this, you can take a box washing powder or dishwasher detergent.

On such a package, you need to attach a pocket in which to put money. So it will turn out to give a targeted cash gift, as your contribution to the future of the family.

How to pack money for a wedding: counterfeiters

No, with such a gift we will not push the newlyweds to the path of crime. But they will have a great way to learn how to draw money.

To do this, we prepare a home-made coloring book, on the spreads of which we place the original banknote on one side, and on the other, an impersonal copy, which the couple will have to decorate in order to receive a cash prize.

How to present money for a wedding in a wedding album

You will need a ready-made original album, but you can also make a creative photo book yourself if you know the scrapbooking technique. Instead of photos, place banknotes of various denominations. And don't forget the original comments.

- To the refrigerator. - On diapers. -To rest. - For a brick for your house. And give the album itself the name "Family Bank".

A beautiful wedding gift: an umbrella with money

The very idea of ​​such a gift is to attach banknotes to the inside of the umbrella, for which they can be glued or tied with threads.

It is possible to invent original packaging for such an unusual probe. Use the packaging to create the illusion of a sausage stick or a spyglass. When the newlyweds get to the real present, be sure to ask them to open the money umbrella.

Golden chest for money for the wedding

It will be a kind of pirate treasure chest. Fill it with a variety of coins, both of different denominations and currencies.

You can dilute coins with real treasures:

  • chocolate coins;
  • candy necklaces in bright wrappers;
  • beads and colorful comedies.

At the bottom of such a chest, place banknotes, which are best wrapped in film so that they do not get dirty or damaged.

The interpretation of such a gift will be a pot of coins or a small chest in which you can place rare, expensive, gold coins or even a gold bar.

How beautiful to give money for a wedding: a money garland

Pretty original and beautiful way give money in the form of a garland.

You can make it by attaching banknotes to a bright ribbon with paper clips, folding them in half.

You can decorate such a ribbon with rhinestones, flowers, paper tapes, balloons.

looks original and Christmas tree garland, decorated with money. When giving such a president, do not forget to turn on the illumination.

We give money for the wedding in an original way: kinder money surprise

Give the newlyweds a whole basket of toy eggs. But not just like that, but money. To do this, purchase the required amount of sweet kinder surprises.

Carefully remove the wrapper, break the chocolate and take out the plastic container with the toy. Replace the toy with a bill and do all the operations in reverse order.

You can restore a chocolate egg by running a hot spoon along the seam.

Of course, you will have to tinker, but you will get a whole basket of unusual cash sweet surprise eggs.

Candy gift box for money for a wedding

Another sweet gift. True, only a box is needed from him, which should look like a box. Suitable packaging from under Raffaello, Korkunov. We put bundles of money or real ones in the box, having original bills only on top.

On each pack we attach an inscription, for which the gift is intended; wife on mink coat, husband on wheels for a brand new car, baby on a stroller.

Mafia gift: box suitcase for a wedding for money

Use the suitcase loved by all the mafiosi to pack the gift. You need to put money in packs into it and supplement the composition with bags of white powder.

Flour can play the role a la cocaine. And the donor himself will have to comply with the dress code, taking care of dark glasses and a headset.

We select packaging for money for a wedding: money balls

Of course, you will need balloons and helium to fill them. And they can be applied in different ways. Take small balls and tie banknotes to them on strings. Put all the balls in a box, from which cash surprises will fly out when opened.

Just don't do it outdoors. Otherwise, your gift will fly high into the sky if you do not have time to catch all the balls.

The second option is to place the money directly into the balls, adding sparkles and sequins to them. After that, we fill the balloons with helium and the original cash gift is ready.

barrel of honey

You will need a pot, a barrel or a jar of honey. We save the sticker with the words "Honey" or make a new one more original.

Inside we place a cash gift and wrap the neck with a cloth tied with twine.

We present a wedding gift with money in an original way: helping the groom

Everyone knows that every man should have time to do three important things in his life. Why not help the groom cope with this task at the wedding and give it as a gift.

For the birth of a son, we will give a leaky condom. To build a house, we will hand over a brick with a bow. And so that he can plant a tree, we will give him a real money tree.

Gift in a money box for a wedding

If there is no time for creative solutions, purchase a box or box that has many drawers and compartments. And in each of them place both banknotes and coins.

A transparent piggy bank also looks original, which will have to be filled at least half.

The box idea can be played up quite interestingly by taking several boxes of various sizes for a gift at once. Fold them according to the principle of nesting dolls. Small to medium, medium to large, and large to huge.

The money, of course, will be in the smallest box. And in the rest of the boxes we put various items in the form of ribbons, sweets, coins, confetti, helium balloons.

Pink in the form of a bouquet of roses.

Fantasize, look for new ideas, and your spouse will definitely like your gift of money, and will not look banal.

We have collected for you the best ideas on how to give money for a wedding. If you missed something or you know new ways, share your ideas in the comments.


How to make a wedding box for money with your own hands, see this video.

It is believed that money best gift. And indeed it is. But why? The answer is simple: the hero of the occasion will buy what he needs right now. After all, perhaps you will give something that will turn out to be completely unhelpful, and you will get a slightly offensive and awkward situation.

And the price of a cash gift is equal to the one you would choose so. Therefore, money as a gift is really worth giving, but not with simple pieces of paper, but in some unusual way. How - this is what we will consider in our article.

A wedding is exactly the case when it is customary to give cash gifts. Nevertheless, this is considered the main budget for a young family. There are many options for how to give them.

For example, ordinary banknotes, in glass jars, thrown at the feet of the newlyweds ... Then there were paper envelopes in which you can invest money. Their designs are very varied.

And it is also quite easy not only to buy, but also to make it yourself, so that such an envelope is only in one, unique version. If you do not have the ability to do this, then in any city you can find a hand-made studio, where they will gladly fulfill your order.

True, now such envelopes no longer surprise anyone, people want more originality and unusualness, which is not even surprising. Then we offer you the option of a savings book for newlyweds.

It looks like a small album with colorful photos, handwritten wishes, thematic pictures or stickers and, of course, money for a future happy life.

Making such a book is easy, but if you have Creative skills. If this is still not for you, then, as in the case of envelopes, a hand-made studio or even just a friend who is fond of needlework will help you.

The easiest option is to buy a ready-made savings book in stationery stores or gift shops. All you have to do is stick photos, write wishes and invest money.

Money in the bank

Another old custom of how to arrange money as a gift is to put it in a jar and preserve it. It is believed that this will be the first family budget, and it is conserved in order to remain intact for as long as possible and not be opened unnecessarily.

There are some of the most common ways to make a gift of money in the bank. Of course, first you need to find a container in which you will add money.

It can be the most ordinary Soviet-style jar, or a curly modern one, which in itself is a good decoration. Choose the volume based on how much money you want to deposit. Still, only half the bank filled will not look so impressive and beautiful.

An easy option on how to fill a jar with money without spending too much is to exchange bills for a smaller denomination. Or, if there is no desire to exchange money, put money on the walls, and pour various sweets inside, put a soft toy or some other symbolic gift.

A jar of money as a gift is easily decorated. To do this, you can use a decorative handkerchief and a ribbon that should be wrapped around the neck.

If you want, attach a card with wishes or congratulations to the ribbon. You can also paint the jar with funny pictures or just buy themed stickers.

Such a gift from a bank with money can become not only original, but also funny. Perhaps you will even listen to "nice words" from the newlyweds. To achieve a similar result, exchange bills with iron coins and pour them into a jar.

Of course, you will have to collect a trifle in advance, because large sums are usually given. Also remember that a gift of iron money with a slight hint of bullying will be appreciated by close people with whom you have a good relationship, and you know about their good sense of humor.

Origami from money

Another unusual option on how to arrange money as a gift is origami. Surely in childhood, almost everyone did this, and on the Internet you can find many options with instructions.

In the table below, we have collected some interesting ready-made figures:

Figure name Photo
Racing car







Instructions on how to make a dress out of money are presented in the video in this article:

Of course, money is plain paper, so it is easy to bend and assemble into the most incredible shapes. Most often these are clothes, figures of small men or other objects: a heart, flowers, butterflies or even birds.

Remember that the form must be chosen depending on which event you are giving. It is clear that folding money for a man on his birthday in a dress is not the best option. Also, be sure to be careful! It's best to practice on plain paper before moving on to money.

birthday gifts

Usually the owner of a creative mindset and good feeling humor likes to stand out from all other people. And this is noticeable even during the presentation of a birthday present.

Glad to see there are so many original ideas that really seem unusual and will make everyone smile. And, of course, don't forget to use your own creativity!

A great way to surprise not only the birthday boy, but also the rest of the guests is a money cake. Only, unfortunately, it cannot be made from real banknotes, but from those sold in souvenir shops. If you can’t find them there, then you can print them yourself on a regular color printer.

The cake itself is a small boxes that are stacked on top of each other. Each box contains a gift - a fake bill. Do not forget to put a few real ones and warn the hero of the occasion about this! This will add intrigue and a desire to open all the boxes in order to find money.

There are other options for how to present money as a gift in the form of a cake. Of course, you can make it from real banknotes, but then for this it is better to chip in with a large company so that the amount is impressive, and it turns out to make a cake out of banknotes.

This will be necessary if you want to depict a cake that consists entirely of money rolled into a tube and attached to a box of the desired shape. You can decorate with bows, ribbon flowers or even real ones.

And as a basis, use foam or a sponge.

Another option to make a gift with money is to put all the bills in one large box, wrapping each with a ribbon with a bow. Yes, it will take time, but you will create a wonderful and festive mood! It looks especially successful and interesting with small bills.

Other good idea a gift from money for a birthday - banknotes in balls. You can either put all the balls in one huge box, or simply hand over a bouquet of multi-colored balls, inside of which there are banknotes. It will be interesting if, in addition to money, you add confetti, sparkles or even small sweets to the balloon.

You can also make a gift of money in a frame. Such a present is suitable for any occasion, whether it is a birthday, wedding or anniversary of a relationship.

You can find similar souvenir gifts in almost any souvenir shop, but we suggest you make your own with real money to add value.

What you need:

  • Standard photo frame;
  • One banknote of a large denomination;
  • Humorous stickers for congratulations. Or you can write it yourself.

How to do:

  • Open the frame and lay the background paper on the base dark color. Thanks to him, a light bill will be favorably shaded and become even more noticeable.
  • Stick a wish or even an instruction on where it is better to spend this money on the frame. You can see examples below.
  • Put the bill and close the frame.

As you can see, everything is very simple and easy, and every person, even those who are not engaged in hand-made, can do this. We advise you to pack the frame in an opaque package so that the recipient does not immediately guess what you are giving him.

Below you will find a photo gallery with examples of what kind of original and unusual lettering can be done.

A money tree is another fun way to use money for a gift. There is more than one way to present it. We will look at just a few.

One option is topiary. You probably know about him coffee tree, but there are also monetary ones. It is easy to buy in the relevant thematic and easy to make at home, with your own hands.

To do this, you will need a small flower pot, a wood blank that you need to buy from a needlework store, and some banknotes.

Pour earth, beautiful stones or even plasticine into the pot - it all depends on your imagination. Place a tree stick and hold it firmly so that it does not fall.

If you put plasticine, then cover it with flower drainage to make it look prettier. In the foam shape of the tree crown, make indentations with a clerical knife. Insert folded banknotes into them.

Attention! Instead of drainage, you can use the usual small change for decoration. Just pour a lot of coins, even kopecks.

The tree trunk itself is decorated with paints or other decorative elements. For example, serpentine, lace, fabric, beads ... It all depends on your imagination and the tastes of the recipient of the gift.

Another option on how to make a money tree is to decorate an artificial tree. You will need to go to many souvenir shops to find one that suits your occasion.

You can decorate it with real banknotes of any denomination that you can afford: just attach them with ribbons tied with bows.

The third way is the real money tree, but with real banknotes. The money tree is sold in many flower shops. To its leaves, you should be very careful not to break them, tie bills rolled into a tube and tied with a ribbon.

This concludes our article. Do not forget, in addition to the fact that you will give money as a gift, congratulations in verse are almost necessary! Otherwise, what kind of gift is it? Now on the Internet there are many options for poetic congratulations for any holidays.
