I got a cold after applying lipstick on my lips. How to disguise herpes on the lip: rules, tips, recommendations

Data 18 Jun ● Comments 0 ● Views

Doctor Maria Nikolaeva

The appearance of herpes on the lips is a signal of a decrease in immunity and the presence of problems in the body. It may cause some physical discomfort. But for most people, the main problem is the aesthetic defect, which is in the most prominent place. Therefore, before starting treatment, many try to mask and hide the manifestations of herpes on the lip.

Hiding herpes on the lips is not easy enough. However, there are two ways to reduce its visibility. Most people will not look closely at the face of an interlocutor or a passerby in search of flaws. And the problem will go unnoticed. How can the defect be masked?

Makeup on hastily- how to disguise herpes?

With makeup

Makeup is the most effective way to hide the aesthetic defect as much as possible. At the same time, it should be remembered that even skillfully applied makeup is unable to 100% hide a cold. With herpes, a tubercle appears on the surface of the lips, which distorts their natural line. The right make-up will help mask the inflammation and redness, however, you should not hope that the swelling will become completely invisible.

If there is a burning sensation and itching in the lip area, this means that the disease is in the initial stage of its development. In this case, it is better to abandon the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bdisguising the problem with cosmetics and use medications that will help prevent its occurrence.

Before applying cosmetics, the focus of the disease should be treated, dried and calmed. An ice cube is applied to reduce pain and inflammation. After drying, antiviral agents are applied (on a non-greasy basis). You can also use a special therapeutic lipstick for herpes on the lip.

To cover up herpes, use a corrective pencil or Foundation or other concealers (BB cream, CC cream, concealers). It is best to use non-greasy makeup with a moisturizing composition. You need to distribute the tinting agent over the surface of the lips, and the entire skin of the face.

How to properly mask herpes with tonal means:

  1. Apply foundation only after drying the focus of the disease.
  2. Use different devices to distribute cosmetics on the affected area and on the rest of the face. If you use the same sponge, or the same brush, then the risk of spreading the disease is high. Set aside one sponge or synthetic brush for applying make-up to the area of ​​​​inflammation, and discard them when the treatment is completed.
  3. Before applying cosmetics to the area of ​​​​skin affected by the disease, squeeze the foundation into a separate container. Quantity - exactly as much as needed to mask the focus of the disease. The packaging of the product should not come into contact with brushes, sponges that have come into contact with inflammation.

Before applying the foundation, you can use special corrective and masking pencils. Pencils are ideal for masking redness around herpes. Green colour. They cover up and cover up the redness. A foundation is applied over them.

Next, apply a light layer of powder. For this, it is best to use a cotton pad or stick, because they can be thrown away. The rest of the face can be powdered with a regular brush, while you should try not to touch it with the focus of herpes.

The last stage of lip makeup is applying lipstick. You should do this with lipstick in natural shades of muted colors. Do not use bright, dark, pearlescent and glossy lipsticks and glosses. You should also abandon the pencil to guide the contour. Lipstick can be applied slightly beyond the contour of the lips. This will help to make herpes almost invisible.

If there are herpes vesicles and they need to be masked, then the makeup should be as natural, discreet as possible. You can make a slight emphasis on the eyes. So they will attract attention in the first place.

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Several ways to disguise herpes on the lip

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Herpes on the lips is a common problem among those who have reduced immunity due to stress, hypothermia, or, conversely, overheating in the sun. It appears gradually, at first the lips swell, then there is a slight burning sensation and itching, and finally, an ulcer pops up in the form of small bubbles with transparent contents in the inflamed area.

You can try to prevent the herpes virus even at the stage of swelling, if within 24 hours, 5 times a day, smear with Zovirax, Acyclovir or Panciclovir cream. If this does not help, and the ulcer pops up, it is recommended to immediately cauterize it with alcohol, brilliant green or iodine until a crust forms. The crust cannot be torn off, it should fall off on its own over time.

To soften the skin of the lips a little and relieve inflammation, you can wipe them with a cotton pad dipped in a warm decoction of chamomile, mint, St. John's wort and sage. These herbs have healing and antiseptic properties.

If possible, smear the sores on the lips several times a day with Alpizarin Ointment or Bonaft. Immediately, of course, these drugs will not help, but at least they will speed up the healing process of the lips.

The ulcer on the lips will be quite noticeable if it is not masked, so use decorative cosmetics (foundation, powder and lipstick). Before you paint your lips, take an ice cube out of the refrigerator and apply it to the sore. Then blot your lips with a sterile tissue and cotton buds moistened with a solution of salicylic acid, treat the damaged area. After that, you can already apply lipstick in a neutral beige shade.

In makeup, focus on the eyes, and try to make the lips as matte and inconspicuous as possible. This will help you properly selected foundation and powder. Before applying tone and powder on the face and lips, do not forget to moisturize them so that wrinkles and cracks do not form, no less noticeable than the ulcer itself.

Please note that in the presence of an ulcer on the lips, everything should be disposable: a face towel, a cup, cutlery and even cosmetics. After recovery, you are unlikely to want to use the same lipstick with which you masked herpes, and this is fraught with its reappearance.

The recurrence of a herpetic infection manifests itself in blisters on the lips, which itch and significantly spoil appearance. Therapy must be comprehensive. It is impossible to completely get rid of the virus, it remains in nerve cells for life and periodically worsens due to a cold or other disposing factors. One of the convenient means for the prevention and treatment of labial herpes is a special hygienic lipstick.

A rash localized on the lips is caused by the herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV 1), also called labial. During the initial infection, the symptoms are most pronounced, further relapses are less extensive. The frequency of exacerbations depends on the state of the patient's immune system and the timeliness of the treatment of the first outbreak of the disease.

The factors provoking the appearance of rashes include the following situations:

  • overheating of the body;
  • hypothermia;
  • pregnancy;
  • menstruation;
  • frequent stress;
  • alcoholism;
  • the presence of an infectious disease.

2-3 days before the appearance of the rash at the place of its future location, swelling, redness are observed, the person feels itching. Then bubbles are formed, filled with a clear liquid. Their usual location is the lips, sometimes the skin around them.

Then the bubbles burst and wounds appear. Over time, they become covered with a crust, which subsequently disappears, leaving no traces. The entire period of exacerbation lasts about a week, depending on the state of health and the methods of treatment used.

During a relapse, the patient should protect the surrounding people from the spread of the virus. You should get yourself a separate face towel, do not use common dishes, avoid kissing. It is important not to transfer the infection from the lips to other parts of the body. You should try to touch the rash less, and after treating it, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.

Methods of treatment of labial herpes

The therapeutic complex is chosen based on the duration of the disease and the intensity of the symptoms. If the rashes appear no more than once a quarter, last no more than 5 days and are limited to the defeat of a small area of ​​the lip, then you can get by with local treatment.

Quite effective in a mild form of herpes are such folk remedies as Kalanchoe juice, wormwood tincture, essential oils of cedar and tea tree, garlic. Traditionally, the specific antiviral agent Acyclovir is used in tablets, solution or in the form of a cream. There are other effective drugs: Bonafton, Farmciclovir, Flacozid, Tebrofen, Valtrex, Bromuridine. The dosage and duration of treatment is prescribed by the doctor. Usually the therapeutic course is 2 weeks. The effectiveness of funds increases if you start using them before the onset of rashes.

In more severe cases of the disease, accompanied by extensive skin lesions, complex treatment with the following drugs is indicated:

  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • antiviral;
  • immunomodulators;
  • interferon inducers.

Herpes lipstick is used for both severe and mild forms of infection. It does not replace all the others medicines, but is only an auxiliary link. It is advisable to use lipstick for prevention, especially in the cold season.

The composition and action of antiherpetic lipstick

The medicine in the form of a lipstick is very convenient. It is not difficult to carry it with you and apply it at the first appearance of discomfort. Such hygienic lipsticks are very effective for healing cracks and eliminating dry skin.

They should be treated with lips every 2-3 hours, depending on the intensity of the rash and pain. After brushing your teeth and eating, you also need to apply lipstick. It is used for as long as there is a rash, and one more day after its complete disappearance.

Typically, anti-herpetic lipsticks include the following ingredients: Castor oil, propolis extract, larch balm, vitamins E and A, cocoa butter, calendula extract, lanolin. It provides antiviral, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory action. Also, these lipsticks nourish the skin well, moisturize the lips, smooth out wrinkles, and accelerate the healing of microtraumas. They are made on the basis of beeswax, thanks to which the product retains its shape even in the heat.

The most popular lipsticks against herpes:

  1. Doctor Nona. The product contains Dead Sea water, a special complex of minerals and vitamins. It does not contain coloring pigments, the useful substances of the lipstick are well absorbed into the skin of the lips. For preventive purposes, it is enough to apply it before going out or at night. For therapy, lipstick should be used every two hours. It effectively dries up sores and blisters.
  2. Evalar. The lipstick contains beeswax, vitamins E and A, lanolin, propolis, essential oils. Previously, acyclovir was added to it, which was subsequently replaced with kopek extract. This ingredient makes the product specifically targeted at fighting viruses and very effective against herpes. The lipstick is quite hard and is difficult to apply on the lips, but it helps well against jamming, rashes of various etiologies, cracks, warts, peeling. It should be used 4 to 6 times a day.
  3. Dawn. Lipstick consists of propolis, larch balm, gum resin, calendula extract. Thanks to its components, it softens the lips, dries up rashes, relieves itching and inflammation. It is used for the treatment and prevention of herpes, and also as a regular hygienic lipstick.

All of these funds are natural ingredients, have no contraindications and side effects. Only individual intolerance to one or more components is possible. If the rash and itching as a result of the use of lipstick have intensified, you should immediately stop using it and replace it with another one that differs in composition.

During the recurrence of herpes, it is not recommended to paint the lips, as the blisters can be damaged and an additional infection can be introduced. However, sometimes the specifics of a person’s work involve applying makeup or make-up (for example, dress code requirements for office workers). In this case, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • before painting the lips, the rash must be dried with tincture of calendula in alcohol;
  • lipstick must be applied very carefully, without violating the integrity of the bubbles;
  • rashes near the lips can be masked with foundation or corrector;
  • it is desirable that the lipstick does not dry the skin and has a natural matte tone.

If the bubbles have already burst and open wounds have formed on the lips, it is still better to postpone makeup until complete recovery. It is advisable to dispose of those cosmetics and tools that were used during an exacerbation of herpes.

Making hygienic lipstick at home

You can make such a tool yourself. The ingredients for it can be bought at any pharmacy.

Recipe 1. For cooking, the following components are needed:

  • poppy oil;
  • propolis;
  • Castor oil.

This is all you need to mix and add the essential oils of myrtle, tea tree, geranium.

Recipe 2. Ingredients:

  • propolis;
  • jojoba oil;
  • cacao butter;
  • vitamin E.

Propolis must be melted in a water bath and, while it is warm, mixed with jojoba and cocoa oils. In an almost cooled mass, add essential oil lavender and 5 drops of vitamin.

Recipe 3. Necessary components:

  • wheat germ oil;
  • cacao butter;
  • propolis;
  • Shea Butter.

All components need to be melted in a water bath, mixed and pour in a few drops of your favorite essential oil.

In all recipes, the ratio of components can be changed at your discretion. The main thing is that the finished product has the consistency of a cream. If you add a piece of a factory product, then homemade lipstick will become colored.

Hygiene lipstick can become effective method for the treatment of exacerbations of labial herpes. But in addition, you should take care of immunity, lead healthy lifestyle life, take antiviral drugs as prescribed by a doctor. Then it is realistic to achieve a long-term remission and forget about the problem with the lips.

The unpleasant symptoms of herpes tend to cause discomfort to the owners. It becomes a very noticeable effect on the face and you want to hide it. Open sores or herpes in a state of blisters are prohibited. It is possible to apply decorative elements only after drying with special ointments. You should follow the rules in applying makeup and remove it in a timely manner. Cosmetics should be non-greasy and of high quality.

Is it possible to mask herpes on the lip with cosmetics?

It is very difficult to hide a cold on the lip. It causes discomfort in the owner and contributes to the development of complexes. Appears due to a weakened immune system and spoils the appearance. Often it is noticeable to others, which unnerves a woman and makes her hide the problem with makeup. Applications cosmetics in the early stages of the development of the disease, it can lead to the spread of herpes to uninfected areas of the oral cavity. In addition to this, there is a fear of introducing an infection into the injured area and exacerbating the problem. It is possible to disguise herpes on the lips, but only after drying the wound and using high-quality cosmetics, following the rules. If it is possible not to do this, such a procedure should be abandoned.

How to do it right?

To hide herpes, use concealer, foundation, powder, or other special cosmetic products. It is important to perform all the steps in stages:

  1. On the wounded area, in the first stages of the manifestation of the disease, in the morning and before bedtime are applied special cream for drying the wound and disinfecting it (Zovirax, Acyclovir, Panciclovir). Apply in a thick layer.
  2. Before applying cosmetics, you should anoint the wound with salicylic acid and wait until it is absorbed.
  3. A moisturizer in the form of a gel or emulsion is applied to herpes.
  4. With the help of a concealer (masking pencil) or foundation (dense cream structure), a dermatological problem is sketched.
  5. Evens out the tone of the entire face.
  6. Lips are powdered.
  7. Eyes and lips are painted with decorative cosmetics.

By focusing on the eyes, the effect of attracting to the hidden zone is removed. Lips, on the contrary, should be made as natural as possible, without using contour pencils and lipsticks. bright colors. Proper alignment of tone will hide a clear stand-out area and prevent "spotting" of the face. All movements should be soft so as not to injure the dried area of ​​​​herpes.

Precautionary measures

In order not to aggravate the problem, the following rules should be observed:

  • Foundation must be fat-free.
  • You can mask herpes only after drying.
  • Apply foundation should not be from a tube, but from a container onto which it is previously squeezed out so as not to introduce an infection into the product.
  • You need to pay attention to the expiration date of cosmetics.
  • All manipulations should be carried out with a disposable cotton pad or hygienic stick.
  • Lipstick is applied with a cotton swab.

You can dry the inflamed area with brilliant green, hydrogen peroxide, or apply tea tree essential oil. In the initial stages, a special drug for treatment should be applied 5 times / day, every 4 hours. Iodine and alcohol solutions are not used in such therapy.

Not only delivers pain, but also worsens appearance.: inflammation, swelling and sores attract attention.

However, it is not at all necessary to endure inconvenience and refuse scheduled meetings - a temporary disadvantage can be made almost invisible. How to do it right?

You can use folk remedies : hydrogen peroxide or.

Do not use iodine, vodka or medical alcohol - the action of these funds is too aggressive.

Such measures are necessary so that the infection does not get into the wound. Apply funds should be in the morning and evening until the moment when ulcers do not form at the site. dry crust.

During an exacerbation of the disease, it is important to choose the right cosmetics. All funds must be new, fat free and suitable for problematic skin . It is recommended to use moisturizers - in the form of gels or emulsions.

Preparations containing nettle, chamomile or burdock extract are suitable.

But with those that include exotic plants, should be more careful.

It is better to postpone them until the moment of recovery.

You can learn how to make lipstick matte on the lips from ours.

Important advice from the editor

If you want to improve the condition of your skin, special attention should be paid to the creams you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of creams of famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are referred to as methylparaben, propylparaben, ethylparaben, E214-E219. Parabens negatively affect the skin and can also cause hormonal imbalances. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances. Recently, the experts of our editorial staff conducted an analysis of natural creams, where the first place was taken by funds from Mulsan Сosmetic, a leader in the production of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store mulsan.ru. If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

How to hide with makeup?

In order for the inflammation to be as inconspicuous as possible, it is important to strictly follow the procedure for applying funds and adhere to the following rules:

Keep in mind that dark and bright, juicy colors will not only draw attention to the lips, but also highlight all imperfections. Therefore, you should not use them.

Pearlescent lipsticks and lip glosses are also not suitable: they do not give a very dense coating, sores and swelling will be noticeable.

The best option would be lipstick natural beige shades. It is important to remember that it should not be nutritious (fatty). In makeup, focus on
