Soso Japanese pedicure socks. SOSU socks: product description, composition and principle of operation

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Pedicure socks - soft skin of the feet in just one application

Negative factors: insufficient hydration, wearing tight and uncomfortable shoes - all this makes the skin of the feet coarsened, corns and corns can often form on it. Socks for pedicure thanks to their miraculous properties, they make it possible to forget about these difficulties forever. At the same time, there is no need to spend your own time on procedures in the salon. You just put on these socks, do your daily activities, relax, and they act. The skin of the feet will be smooth and tender, like a child's, the effectiveness of use is confirmed by numerous reviews on socks for pedicure. Customers are delighted with how soft and tender the skin of the feet becomes after just one application.

How to use SOSU pedicure socks?

Unlike the procedures that are carried out in salons, everyone can handle the use of these socks. It is enough to follow a certain sequence of actions. First, it is worth opening the package and extracting the contents, while you must be especially careful. It is important that the liquid inside does not spill. You must put on your feet and tightly fasten the edges with tape. So you can do everyday things, walk, and your socks will not fall off.

The duration of the procedure is 1-2 hours. When the indicated time is up, you should wash your feet. The action will begin after two to three days, the final result can be seen after 14 days. The need to reapply japanese pedicure socks may occur if you have had serious problems with the skin of the feet. The use of such socks is safe, except for situations where you may have an allergic reaction to any of the components, in the presence of wounds and scratches on the feet, as well as during pregnancy.

A few reasons to buy pedicure socks

If you are still thinking about buying this product, here are a few strong arguments in favor of purchasing it:

  • smooth and velvety skin of the feet without trips to specialists;
  • saves money you spend on salon procedures;
  • absolute security;
  • effect 2 in one - relieves rough skin and moisturizes;
  • socks will give you a fragrant aroma of lavender, rose or mint.

Buy Japanese pedicure socks available at an affordable price only with us. The effectiveness of this product is comparable to the effectiveness of salon procedures.

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Water, burdock root extract, lemon extract, common ivy leaf/stem extract, watercress leaf/stem extract, ethanol, lactic acid, glucose, hydrogenated Castor oil PEG-60, sodium hyaluronate, hydrogenated lecithin, ceramide 3, squalane, soy glycine sterols, sage leaf extract, saponaria officinalis leaf extract, fragrance.

What effect can be expected

  • they have a healing effect on problem areas of the legs, improving and rejuvenating the skin;
  • they quickly and efficiently eliminate all kinds of foot problems;
  • the effect will become visible almost instantly and after a few days the first changes will be noticeable;
  • in addition to direct functions, they have a beneficial effect on inflammatory processes;
  • after two weeks, the skin on the legs becomes silky and velvety, which even a baby can envy. And the fabulous effect will last for a long time;
  • eliminate bad smell from the feet, as well as neutralize the fungal infection;
  • remove scuffs, roughness, roughness, calluses and other troubles from the legs.

Features of use and contraindications

It is enough to use socks for manicure once and the condition of the feet will improve significantly. The need to repeat the application depends on the condition of the feet and on the problems that the girl faced.

When using Sosu, you do not need to worry about safety, because in salons all tools are often not sterile. Socks make it possible to spend time at home.

And this means that in the process of the procedure you can do your own business and spend time with benefit.

Contraindications for the use of pedicure socks:

  • personal allergy to those substances that are part of the product;
  • with wounds and scratches;
  • during pregnancy.

How do pedicure socks work?

During the time during which the peeling acts on the skin of the feet, and you go about your business, the active substances impregnate the skin, including dense layers of calluses and corns, soften it, exfoliate and start the action of regenerative processes. When you wash off the composition from your feet, the action of the lotion stops, however, at this time the body itself begins to work, rejecting dead skin and replacing it with new, soft and clean. Outwardly, it is similar to how the skin comes off after sunburn. At the end of the process, only young skin remains on the legs.

When using socks for a pedicure it is impossible:

  • exceed the required peeling time,
  • during the regeneration period, use scrubs, exfoliating compounds for the legs,
  • use "graters" and pumice.
  • Tear off and pinch off exfoliating skin, disrupting the natural process.

Is it difficult to use at home?

Doing a homemade pedicure is quite simple. Here is a small guide:

  • open the package and take out the contents. Be careful not to spill the solution.
  • Socks need to be put on the leg and fixed with adhesive tape so that they fit snugly and do not fall off while walking:
  • wear 1 to 2 hours;
  • after the procedure has expired, you need to thoroughly wash your feet;
  • The first signs to lay down changes will be noticeable in 3-5 days, the effect will be fully visible after 2 weeks.

Smooth and velvety results of the procedure

After the pedicure socks are removed, the first results should be expected in a few days. They may appear as early as two days or appear only on the sixth day. It all depends on the individual characteristics and problems of the feet.

First, peeling occurs, and quite strong. One gets the impression that the legs were badly burned in the sun and are now peeling off. But unlike a burn, the peeling process after Soso socks will be absolutely painless.

This happens under the influence of a healing solution that was in the socks. It provokes the death and elimination of old, keratinized skin.

When the peeling is completely gone, and this can be expected in 10 days, the skin of the legs will become pink and smooth.

This effect will last for a very long time. And already after the first application of socks, your legs can become incredibly velvety.

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Majority modern girls they value their time very much, therefore they prefer to combine cosmetic procedures with other things. The desire to look perfect under any circumstances is understandable, but visiting the salon is not always possible for a number of good reasons. The price is too high for some cosmetic procedures, others have a catastrophic lack of time, others cannot manage to get into the work schedule of their master ... But this is not a reason not to take care of their appearance, so the girls take the situation into their own hands and take care of themselves at home.

Performing a pedicure on your own, I want the end result to be practically no different from the salon treatment of the skin of the legs and nails. However, procedures using the usual traditional tools take a lot of time. For those who are constantly in a hurry, this option is categorically not suitable. great way quickly and efficiently put your feet in order - innovative Sosu socks that perfectly cope with rough areas of skin on the foot. Home pedicure using Japanese technology is a quality foot care without health risks and wasting time on visiting expensive salon procedures.

In our article, we will look at what the Japanese miracle socks from the Sosu brand are and discuss all the nuances of their use. In addition, we will study in detail the composition of the active substance, due to which the deep peeling skin on the feet, as well as its intensive hydration and nutrition. Interesting videos and photos await you as good examples. And for those who want to try the pedicure of the future on their own, it will be very useful detailed instructions application of an innovative tool.

The principle of operation of Sosu socks

The Japanese brand Sosu is the undoubted leader in the production of pedicure socks. The company is considered a pioneer in the field of safe and painless foot skin care. This wonderful product is designed specifically for home use, since the creamy composition with which Sosu pedicure socks are impregnated has a very beneficial effect on the skin of the heels and feet. If we focus on the reviews of girls who have already tried this excellent technique on themselves, then we can say with confidence that the socks of this brand can transform even the most unattractive legs, making them tender and soft to the touch. The use of socks of this brand allows you to quickly and effectively remove the keratinized layers of the epidermis, accelerating the natural process of tissue regeneration. Due to what is such a high-quality peeling of the skin of the legs? Let's look at this issue in more detail.

The fact is that Sosu socks contain lactic acid, which has an exfoliating effect, as well as many additional components, each of which performs its function during contact with the skin on the feet.

  • Hyaluronic acid is responsible for high-quality hydration of the epidermis, gives it firmness and elasticity.
  • Watercress is an excellent prophylactic against various skin diseases.
  • Squalane helps to nourish the skin, delivers nutrients deep into the tissues.
  • Ceramides increase the immunity of the epidermis.
  • Soapwort prevents the appearance of dermatitis.
  • Ivy is an excellent tonic.
  • Castor oil and soy provide deep hydration and nourishment.
  • Sage soothes irritated skin while reducing redness.
  • Burdock prevents peeling.

The plant components that make up the active mixture are perfectly combined with lactic acid, enhancing its effect on the coarsened layers of the skin. Acid provokes softening and rejection of dead skin, relieving you of corns, corns and other things. In addition, natural extracts and pomace provide the most delicate and safe comprehensive care for women's legs, restoring their original beauty. Thanks to this, reviews of Japanese disposable socks are extremely positive, and the result of such a procedure is not inferior to the most expensive salon pedicure.

Sosu pedicure step by step instructions

Sosu peeling socks are becoming more and more popular among those who are used to enjoying pleasant relaxing treatments in home environment. The use of this tool consists of simple steps, so any girl can easily do a good pedicure on her own. Painless and delicate pedicure with Sosu socks will appeal to everyone without exception due to its simplicity, significant time savings and gentle effect on the skin of the feet.

The price of one such pedicure kit is 890-1290 rubles, depending on whether there are one or two socks in a package. According to the reviews of the girls, this cost is fully justified, because after using them your heels will become soft and silky. In order to enjoy a great result, you only need to buy a set of Japanese socks and follow step by step instructions consisting of the steps listed below.

  1. Unpack the disposable pedicure kit, carefully cut off the top of each sock with scissors, following the photo diagram on the package. It is necessary to act with extreme caution so as not to spill the liquid composition inside.
  2. Wearing Sosu brand polyethylene socks, spread the active liquid throughout the bag so that it evenly affects the entire area of ​​​​the feet. Tie the pouches tightly, then warm your feet with warm woolen or plain cotton socks. In heat, the active substance begins to work even more efficiently.
  3. You need to walk in socks for at least 60 minutes. The time of the procedure depends on the condition of your heels and can be from an hour to two. As long as the lactic acid formulation interacts with the skin of your feet, you are free to do other things.
  4. After removing the Japanese miracle socks, be sure to wash your feet with warm water and soap.
  5. The kit should only be used once, so discard the sachets immediately after the procedure. Re-use of socks is prohibited, since the active composition will no longer be effective. For the next procedure, you need to buy a new set.
  6. Somewhere on the 4-5th day after the pedicure session, the exfoliation of dead skin will begin, therefore, for hygienic reasons, it is better to walk in ordinary socks during this period.
  7. Exfoliation of dead tissue can be speeded up a little by making steam foot baths. After that, it is recommended to carefully rub the heels with a hard washcloth, carefully removing the softened skin.

These simple steps make up an innovative pedicure of the future. The price of such a home procedure is less than the cost of the services of a master in a beauty salon, and the result will exceed all your expectations. See for yourself by watching a video on how the process of using Sosu pedicure socks takes place.

The main advantages of Sosu socks

Inspired by the excellent effect of using Sosu pedicure socks, many girls are in a hurry to buy such a product in order to take care of their heels at home. It is important to purchase socks from a trusted manufacturer, as their cheaper counterparts may not be up to the task. That is why we recommend that you pay attention to Japanese socks for skin treatment on the legs from the Sosu brand, the numerous positive reviews of which speak for themselves. This cosmetic product has a lot of advantages.

  • A disposable Japanese pedicure set perfectly removes not only coarsened areas on the heels and feet, but also completely eliminates chronic calluses, as well as hard corns. After the procedure, the skin on your legs will be perfectly smooth, soft and tender. You can see the results of such a pedicure by looking at photos that clearly show all the changes that have occurred with the feet.
  • Due to the active regeneration of the skin, which occurs under the influence of lactic acid, the aging process of tissues is significantly slowed down and cell viability increases.
  • Using Sosu pedicure socks, you simultaneously relieve swelling and inflammation of the feet. In addition, this tool can be used as a prophylactic drug against the appearance of various fungal infections.
  • This product is a godsend for people with diabetes, as well as for those who are obese. This category of the population is contraindicated in traditional edged pedicure using a blade, which in itself is very traumatic and dangerous. Therefore, they need safer and more gentle skin care on their feet. Miracle socks just have all the necessary qualities.
  • With Sosu socks, you save not only your money spent on the services of a salon specialist, but also your personal time. Now you do not need to sit in a chair for hours, waiting for the end of a pedicure session. You can safely do any household chores or do some other caring procedures in parallel. And pedicure socks, in turn, will do everything for you.

innovative cosmetic product has its contraindications. It is better for pregnant and lactating women to refrain from using pedicure socks in order to avoid any problems. Allergy sufferers should also be careful with such products, since the composition of the active mixture may contain strong substances that cause individual intolerance. Therefore, if you are prone to allergies, then before buying Sosu brand home pedicure socks, carefully study what ingredients are inside the solution and whether you have a negative reaction to them.

Today, professional pedicure at home is not a myth, but a reality. With the help of amazing socks from the famous Japanese brand Sosu, you can quickly and painlessly put your legs in order. Do not forget that the underpriced Sosu socks most likely indicate that you have a Chinese fake in front of you. Beware of such products - they are not safe for your health! You can buy a branded set on the website, where only original Japanese products are presented that will not disappoint you with their quality and subsequent results.

In conclusion, we bring to your attention an interesting video on how disposable socks work to perform a high-quality pedicure. After a miracle procedure, your beautiful legs with perfect feet and heels will be the subject of universal admiration!

- a real legend in the field of home pedicure. This is an innovative product from Japan that allows you to take care of the skin of your feet at home without the risk and time-consuming visits to expensive salons. In Russia alone, more than 1.4 million women have already done a pedicure with SOSU socks! The unique Japanese composition, 100% result and recognition from experts have made SOSU a benchmark in the world of pedicure!

How are they different from other pedicure socks?

  • The main active ingredient of SOSU socks is natural lactic acid. Only she starts the natural process of exfoliation of the keratinized layers of the skin. Other socks, as a rule, contain aggressive acids - salicylic, tartaric, glycolic, which can cause skin burns.
  • SOSU socks contain a rich complex of caring ingredients - hyaluronic acid, squalane, ceramides and a dozen plant extracts. They moisturize and additionally care for the skin of the feet.
  • SOSU socks are easy and safe to use: you just put them on for 1-2 hours like normal socks. Everything else will be done for you by Japanese technology.
  • SOSU socks not only remove all calluses, corns and rough skin, but also take care of the feet - they deeply moisturize and nourish the skin, and also take care of the cuticle.
  • Exfoliation process rough skin will pass naturally and quickly: already on the 5th day, the skin of the feet will become incredibly smooth, supple and soft.

How long can socks be kept?

1-2 hours depending on the condition of the skin of the feet. In case of very rough skin, it is recommended to steam the feet in warm water before the procedure.

Are the socks disposable?

Yes, one pair of socks is designed for one procedure.

How many days will the exfoliation process take?

The exfoliation process will begin on the 3rd-4th day. Within 5-7 days from the procedure, the upper layers of the skin will be completely renewed and rough areas will peel off.

Do I need to remove nail polish before using SOSU socks?

If you have shellac or extended nails, they will remain in their original form. Ordinary varnish in most cases is damaged. We recommend that you remove all varnish coatings - without varnish, socks will work better on your cuticles.

How often can the procedure be repeated?

Re-application is recommended no earlier than 2 weeks later. On average, the duration of the effect is 2-3 months, and may vary depending on the individual characteristics of the organism. Socks have a cumulative effect, and with regular use, the frequency of applications is reduced.

What are the contraindications?

  • Individual intolerance to the components that make up the socks.
  • Violation of the integrity of the skin (open wounds, etc.).
  • Inflammatory processes of an acute nature.

Can SOSU socks be used for diabetics?

Can. Socks are not a contraindication for diabetes. Moreover, it is believed that this type of pedicure is the safest for diabetics, since there is no mechanical injury to the skin. Before the procedure, consult with your doctor.

Do socks help with toe fungus?

Socks are not antifungal medicine. But the presence of a fungus does not affect the procedure and is not a contraindication.

Can it be used during pregnancy and lactation?

Can. Socks are not a contraindication during pregnancy and lactation. The composition of the socks does not penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, from where the components can enter the bloodstream. Before the procedure, consult with your doctor.

Good day, Mikrushanochki! Today I will talk about such a beauty product as SOSU pedicure socks. Definitely, every woman wants to look well-groomed and attractive. Untidy heels and calluses often give us discomfort, and 1.5 hours spent on a pedicure do not always give the desired result. Familiar? Yes, for me!

Many remedies were tried: masks, creams, the vaunted Sholl file, which only caused cracks in the heels, pedicures in various salons, dry file and others. I tried pedicure socks for a long time, they were of an unknown company (I remember then in my student years I decided to save money), as a result I got shabby skin with shreds and no result. After 7 years, the original SOSU socks fell into my hands, and I nevertheless risked repeating the experiment.

In general, initially, pedicure socks as a cosmetic product were invented in Japan, they were developed as an easy, safe, and most importantly quick solution for foot care, getting rid of corns and corns.

The peculiarity of pedicure socks is that they can be used at home, there is no need to waste time at the salon and the road to it. And the result from SOSU socks is better than from the use of pumice or a dry brush. Let's understand in order how pedicure socks work and see reviews about them.

Why do calluses form and our heels get rough?

Almost the entire adult generation suffers from corns and corns. If foot hygiene is not carried out in time, then there are more and more keratinized cells and the process of pedicure and treatment becomes more complicated.

The main causes of corns, rough heels and corns:

  • uncomfortable open shoes that can rub or spank your heels;
  • poor foot hygiene;
  • unsuitable creams;
  • frequent or prolonged walking barefoot on a rough surface;
  • diabetes mellitus or vitamin deficiency;
  • poor metabolism;
  • fungus on the legs;
  • hormonal disorders.

Let's start in order. First important point beautiful skin feet - this is the correct daily hygiene. It is needed in order to exclude excessive growth of keratinized skin. Also, do not forget to use a moisturizer, which will help maintain the normal moisture balance of the skin and save it from drying out and cracking. And once a month it is necessary to carry out a skin cleansing procedure, now the usual pedicure can be replaced with the use of SOSU socks.

Pedicure socks - what is it?

Now let's see what SOSU socks are and how they look. Usually in the manufacturer's packaging there are 2 pairs of socks of a universal size from 36 to 42, each pair in its own sealed package. The manufacturer offers various options flavors, you can choose according to your taste.

In an individual package, a pair of socks - they look like plastic cases with a cosmetic solution, which contains many components that fight various skin diseases, including dermatitis, fungi, cracks, while providing moisture and nutrition to the skin of the feet.

The covers are made of dense polyethylene, which does not leak and retains all the solution inside, there are special clamps on the outside that allow you to tightly put socks on your feet, but I like to wear cotton socks on top.

The cosmetic liquid of SOSU socks has its own unique composition, while it is absolutely safe, which will allow the use of pedicure socks during pregnancy and lactation.

Cosmetic components act on the skin of the feet with triple strength:

  • soften and exfoliate old dead cells (keratolic effect);
  • heal cracks and wounds and protect against bacteria and fungus;
  • moisturize and soften the new layer of skin.

Simply put, SOSU pedicure socks are high-quality peeling with simultaneous therapeutic care.

The cost of 1 pair is 891 rubles before the discount, the cost of 2 pairs is 1341 rubles before the discount.

SOSU pedicure socks how they work

What causes the skin on the legs to peel off from socks? Everything is simple! The composition contains lactic acid, it is often used for peeling. The acid penetrates the upper layer of the skin and interacts with it, loosens the upper layer of the epidermis, and moisturizes the new layer of skin, provoking the production of collagen.

Lactic acid is the main component of any pedicure socks. But already additional components can be different, each of which performs its own specific functions:

  • castor oil - softening and protection against dryness;
  • burdock - healing and moisturizing;
  • ivy - healing of wounds and cracks, relieving inflammation and skin tone;
  • soapwort - cleansing and protection from sweat;
  • watercress - protective properties from external factors, cell regeneration;
  • sodium hyaluronate - normalization of water balance;
  • ceramides - increased immunity;
  • lemon - softening and providing smoothness, saturation with vitamins;
  • lecithin - protection against dryness;
  • soy glycine sterols - rejuvenation, moisture retention in the skin;
  • sage - barrier function against bacteria, deodorizing effect, sweating control;
  • hyaluronic acid - responsible for the elasticity and firmness of the skin;
  • squalane - saturates with nutrients.

SOSU pedicure socks: rules of use and contraindications

The main advantage of Japanese SOSU pedicure socks is ease of use. This is how they look in the package:


  • easy to use at home and go about your business;
  • the skin is updated quickly enough, while the socks are struggling with corns and calluses;
  • with regular procedures (every 2-3 months), a long-lasting effect of well-groomed legs is maintained;
  • after the procedure, the skin remains moisturized and well-groomed for a longer time;
  • absolute sterility;
  • safe for health, allowed for pregnant women and people with diabetes;
  • provide a complex effect: remove corns, treat, moisturize and care;
  • inexpensive cost, two pairs of socks will cost you less than one visit to a pedicure salon;
  • choice of fragrances: lavender, rose or mint.


Often in reviews of pedicure socks you can find references to the smell or low effect, I attribute this to the fact that a fake was bought, like me many years ago. original socks SOSU really work, so pay attention to the seller and try to buy from official stores or trusted distributors. I order my socks from Japonica.

The only drawback can only be that the first week after application you will have to walk around in socks and closed shoes, because the skin will still be updated, and it is aesthetically better to hide it. But this is only a week, but then the heels will be perfect. It is much worse to hide untidy and unkempt heels all the time.

It is important to use pedicure socks, strictly following the instructions, then you will get the maximum result. The rules are not very complicated:

  • one pair of socks is designed for 1 application;
  • if possible, steam your legs for 1-2 minutes in warm water (although I did not do this);
  • apply for 1-2 hours, depending on the degree of neglect (I left it for 2 hours with moderate corns), it is better to wear cotton socks on top to ensure the best fixation;
  • rinse with warm water after use;
  • after 3-4 days, the skin will begin to burst and exfoliate, carefully remove the films, if the skin easily comes off, you can not pull hard so as not to damage the skin. First, the thinnest layers will come off (the middle of the sole), and then the denser and thicker ones will be updated - the heels and the skin on the toe pads. After 5-6 days, the skin will be completely renewed, it will become smooth and elastic.
  • apply no more than once every 2 weeks, ideally repeat a second time in a month, then there will be a cumulative effect and the procedure can already be carried out every 2, and then every 3 months.

You need to understand that the composition of the socks has components that protect against skin diseases, but you need to understand that they do not cure them. There may be an effect of reducing discomfort, but it is better to treat the fungus with drugs, under the guidance of a doctor.

IMPORTANT! If, when using socks, you have varnish on your feet, then the decorative design of the nails will deteriorate, the varnish will peel off and peel off. Therefore, it is better to wipe off the coating from the nails, and reapply it after the procedure.


Pay attention to contraindications to Japanese SOSU pedicure socks

  • do not wear on open wounds and scratches;
  • with allergies and intolerance to the components of the composition;
  • running version of the fungus.


In addition to the SOSU brand, other manufacturers also produce pedicure socks.

Japan. Brand Baby Foot. Like SOSU, this brand has high quality and high price.

Korea. Foot Mask - inexpensive pedicure socks, clean the heels well and heal the skin of the feet. They contain two acids - lactic and malic.

China. Silky Foot socks are available under famous brand Vilenta. socks have good quality at an inexpensive price. They are sold in 1 pair, and in addition to the exfoliating mask-socks for legs (209 rubles), you can also purchase a moisturizing mask for legs (190 rubles).
