Charity helping the elderly. "Old age in joy" needs help

Hedda Bolgar- a real smart one. This cheerful lady is a well-known psychotherapist. She lived to be 103 and last day She received patients who simply adored her, and for good reason! After all, this woman was thoroughly saturated with positive energy and love for life, which was easily transmitted to others, like a virus.

Editorial "So simple!" is in a hurry to introduce you to the life views and secrets of longevity of this unique woman.

Old age is joy

Hedda Bolgar has always tried to help patients accept and love your age. What does this wise lady advise to meet old age with a smile on her face?

  1. Remember that most of your nightmares are entirely in your imagination.
  2. Work as much as your health will allow. Don't be in a hurry to retire.
  3. Look for joy in everyday things.
  4. After fifty, we gain amazing independence from other people's judgments. Use it more often and worry as little as possible about other people's opinions.
  5. Do not grumble at young people, but try to make friends with them!
  6. Sleep well and don't overeat.
  7. Don't dwell on the past, it destroys your present.
  8. Do not worry about the future, it will certainly bring pleasant surprises!
  9. Show interest and compassion for others.
  10. Accept what is happening as it is, and do not worry about difficulties.
  11. Give thanks for every day!

You still don't know what will happen to you in the future. So why not just? You will see that with age, life brings only a lot of pleasure and pleasant surprises!

Our volunteers are the lifeblood of the Joy of Old Age Foundation: they take part in trips and concerts, collect and give gifts, help at events and collaborate with the pro bono foundation. In 2006, we started with a group of 30 caring students - and now thousands of volunteers across the country are joining forces to help the elderly at all levels. And they are also friends, travel and do business, the result of which is immediately visible, no matter how much help the volunteers provide to the foundation. “Help in any way you can, help in any way you want” - this is the motto of our volunteer direction.

Working with volunteers

Volunteers are us. All volunteers - from the director of the foundation to the person who just once sent a postcard to his grandmother for some holiday. Because it doesn’t let go… You can work in the foundation, you can already help professionally, but anyway, communication with grandparents remains very important. And our volunteers - they are all from schoolchildren to the same grandparents who themselves want to travel or give something. When I started this activity, I was very friendly with one grandmother from the boarding school and my own grandmother passed jam to her, for example, it was very cool.

Basically, these are people from 25 to 45 years old actively donating, actively traveling. Of course, we attract schoolchildren and students. Now, within the framework of the Grant of the Public Relations Committee, our volunteer center “Help for the Elderly” works with the elderly. As part of this, we have many meetings with schoolchildren, hours of kindness with students, because there is also a huge potential. Young people want to do something, to help somehow, they don’t always know, and here we are happy to tell you how easy, exciting and sincere it is.

Of course, it's not just travel. Help in the city, pick up something, financial assistance, bring a pack of diapers, correspondence and New Year, to which thousands of people respond and bring gifts to grandparents - this is an excellent volunteer activity. And what ideas come out of it, it's just a miracle - for example: "Beauty Day!". Now a very popular phenomenon in our boarding schools. Volunteers-hairdressers, make-up artists, stylists come, make images for grandparents, cut their hair and get the most real holiday. The beautiful actress Alena Khmelnitskaya came up with it once almost on the go. She went with us to the boarding school and there apparently wanted some kind of exciting continuation, from here she came up with such a format, and then, according to the thumb, they implement it on their own, almost like a program.

You can hold events in favor of the fund, races. Once, just a group of wonderful people-volunteers made a race in Gorky Park, about 600 thousand rubles were collected in our favor. We happily then bought beds for one of the boarding schools in the Pskov region. Probably more than 400 people took part.

The sweet festival was done in our favor. Our friends are the Sweet En confectionery project.

Last year, our volunteers made a holiday in Izmailovsky Park. Since it was Victory Day, it was a weekend and there were more than 20,000 people there. It's great that so many people have heard about the foundation.

Another wonderful project. Our volunteer did a charity sale. He collects all sorts of things from his friends, like at a flea market, and then participates in such events in favor of the foundation.

There are a lot of opportunities for volunteering, a huge realization of your fantasies and aspirations.

Alla Romanovskaya. Head of Charity Relations
Fund "Old Age in Joy"

Project " Regional Center development and support of social volunteering” in 2017-2018 is being implemented using Grant of the President of the Russian Federation for the development of civil society, provided by the Presidential Grants Foundation.

Once in a nursing home, a person usually feels abandoned and useless. Even under the supervision of doctors, being in the company of roommates, older people feel loneliness acutely. The staff sometimes does not have enough time to navigate the individual characteristics of the residents of the boarding school and pay due attention to each. It often happens that people who are not able to move without assistance, do not go out in the fresh air for years. Most of the day the inhabitants of boarding houses are left to their own devices, and the choice of activities is very limited. Therefore, it is important to come to the elderly, giving them precious attention, care and communication.

The trips are organized by the charitable foundations "Sofia", "Old Age in Joy". If you have a dog, you can become part of the Not Just Dogs PET team of therapists and bring joy to lonely people with your pet.

People who spend the rest of their lives in social institutions are in dire need of new experiences. You can become their guide to the big and beautiful world, located outside the walls of the nursing home. It is not so important what exactly you want to please them with: a musical number, a theatrical production, a game of chess or cognitive activity, the main thing is your sincere desire, which they will definitely feel. So, you can take part in the preparation of the holidays or help with your skills as a designer, hairdresser, photographer or lawyer.

Among the many institutions in which the elderly live, there are comfortable boarding schools with fresh repairs and a cozy atmosphere. However, more often the condition of the premises in which the elderly spend their lonely days leaves much to be desired. To make them feel a little more comfortable, caring activists help boarding schools with repairs and landscaping, and at the same time communicate with their residents. You can take part in fundraising for the improvement or go on a long trip to one of the volunteer camps.

If you talk to old people about their values, they are more likely to pull letters and photographs from their treasuries. The last of them were probably obtained in the distant past, and new ones, unfortunately, cannot be expected. Communication with the once close people was cut off, which is why they ended up here. You can become a real friend for a lonely pensioner, even if you live on the other side of the Earth. How long have you been writing paper letters? And it's one of the most simple ways bring joy to the elderly. Start a chat and soon you'll be looking forward to hearing from your new friend.

City and regional institutions for the elderly receive a limited amount of funds for the purchase medical preparations and hygiene items. In this regard, only the most necessary is purchased - inexpensive medicines. Hygiene products and other things necessary for an elderly person are supplied to boarding schools only thanks to charitable foundations. You can provide all possible assistance: the Sophia Foundation, the Joy of Old Age and the project Not Just Dogs are responsible for receiving essential items and raising funds for their purchase.

Everyone wants to enjoy the holidays: both children and adults. For older people left without the care of relatives and friends, this is especially difficult. They also need to read beautiful postcard words of congratulations and receive their gift sent for them by a specific, caring person. It is within your power to do small miracle and give a lonely person a piece of your warmth. This gesture will be really long-awaited for someone and will leave joyful memories of the past holiday. You can send a card to a birthday person or collect gift set. The website of the Joy of Old Age Foundation lists things that will be useful for the elderly.

If you do not have enough time to be directly involved in the lives of lonely old people, you can provide financial assistance to one of the charities that deal with the problems of the elderly:

Other foundations also support the elderly. Find out about opportunities to help on the websites of organizations:

"Faith" - a fund to help hospices and their patients. The founders of the organization are convinced that if a person cannot be cured, this does not mean that he cannot be helped.

"Heart to Heart" - a charitable foundation that provides assistance to various segments of the population, including pensioners who are in the care of the state, veterans and everyone who needs help.

Tradition is a charitable foundation that raises funds and helps those in need. Each fundraiser is held for specific assistance programs, there are 9 in total.

"Joint" - organize creative pursuits in day centers, in the Home Care program, they help the elderly with household chores, organize hot meals and distribute food packages, carry out medical programs, conduct classes on "Preservation of Memory", provide emergency assistance, help not to freeze in winter.

"Orbi" - help patients who have had a stroke and their relatives. Volunteers are needed to help around the house, paperwork, escort on walks and events. The foundation will benefit directly from legal, transport assistance, services in the field of IT, translation of texts and design. We need those who will conduct master classes. Music groups and performers are constantly required.

"Fair Help" - a public organization created by Dr. Lisa. They provide assistance to seriously ill, dying patients and their families, help the homeless. You can make a donation directly on the site or see the lists of necessary things in the "Needs of our wards" section.

"Need help" - here you can even be a volunteer just online. Fill out an application on the site, they will teach you everything. Or make a one-time or monthly donation from 100 rubles.

"Alive" - ​​a fund to help adults aged 18 to 60 years. Help people with serious illnesses.

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I have long wanted to tell about the amazing girls who decided to turn their lives into a daily feat of supporting those who ended up in nursing homes. But the time has come just now. And not because the country should know its heroes. The reason is simple: the people who invented and organized the volunteer movement "Old Age in Joy" desperately need help. Or rather, not to themselves, but to their ward pensioners.

However, first things first. Today in America, a good half of the people retirement age lives in nursing homes. In Europe, this percentage is lower, but the trend is similar: after 60-70 years, residents of Western countries tend to move to a separate place of residence, since neither the lifestyle nor the children's homes satisfy them. In Russia, the statistics are different. And the attitude to Nursing Homes is different. However, if you set a goal and find out the situation, it turns out that despite the same funding, the situation in them is completely different. It turns out that a lot depends on the local leadership.

Volunteers from “Old Age for Joy” know all this firsthand, but from their own observations. The history of the creation of the community itself is amazing. A few years ago Liza Oleskina, a freshman from the philological faculty of Moscow State University, went to folklore practice in the Pskov region. And along with folk songs, somewhere between the villages of Bolshie Gnilishcha and Maloye Zamogilye, in the small village of Yamm, she found a nursing home. Most likely, she did not specifically look for him - the locals advised: where else can you find so many grandparents at the same time, if not in such a place. The state in which pensioners lived out their lives, The spectacle was not for the faint of heart. On the other hand, each of us has his own worries and tasks.

Only Lisa realized that her problems are insignificant compared to these, though she did not know how to solve them. So, returning to Moscow, she began to help those who deal with the homeless. But one winter she could not stand it and put up an ad in the philological building of Moscow State University asking for help. Natasha Sergeeva responded. The only one. A 17-year-old girl, who had just entered the law school with the good intention of helping people, approached Lisa at recess.

There were two of them, then more. And Liza, tormented by the inability to help those who remained in Yamm, offered to at least write ba-de (as the girls call their grandparents under their care). The idea was this: each old man had his own grandson or granddaughter. Their friends liked the action so much that soon the ba de was no longer enough. And the girls went looking. First, Ramenskoye came across on their way, where now volunteers come for all holidays with concerts, pies and gifts.

Today, ten volunteers of the "Old Age in Joy" community take care of about 30 nursing homes. Novgorod, Tver, Nizhny Novgorod, Tula regions are only a part of the “coverage zone”. By the way, if you ask the girls themselves what they do, they will say that they write letters. But that's not all. Every weekend, several cars leave Moscow for different parts of the country with a mandatory set - boxes of diapers, walkers, medicines, gifts, sweets. And, of course, letters from the "grandchildren". All this must be bought, stored, prepared. It is clear that the volunteers themselves have a small army of volunteers who are ready to help from time to time. And yet, Lisa and her friends took on the main burden.

IN Lately it began to seem that life was slowly getting better, systematized. But Lisa always remembered her first nursing home in Yamm, and therefore constantly monitored the state of the ba-de who were there. Moreover, there is something to watch. According to one of the activists of the movement, Marina Kochevalova, “the situation there has always been bad. Sometimes she got a little better. Basically, when we came and brought the necessary things.”

“Bad situation” means not so much the monstrous conditions in which they are forced to 26 people, of which 7 are bedridden invalids. People who come to the care of the chief physician Vladimir Popov and the medical staff die in terrible agony and much more often than in many other places. “And we are sure that the reason for this is the lack of any medical assistance and the disregard for the old people of the staff of the house, and most importantly, the indifference of its director,” Liza Oleskina writes in her LiveJournal.

Lisa is not unfounded, she talks about specific cases. A year ago, Irina Alekseevna looked like a cheerful, prosperous grandmother. Then, Lisa writes, “her consciousness gradually faded away, and she was moved to a separate room. The room was small, but the window was huge. And the gaps in it were also huge. And in the summer, when we set up a volunteer camp near Yamm and did repairs in the nursing home, we learned that diapers for bedridden grandmothers are rarely changed. We decided to do our best to help the nurses who were not there, and in the process we had to turn over and consider Valdaev as well. The smell of ammonia in some unimaginable concentration hit my nose. Grandmother's mattress was in an oilcloth cover and therefore did not absorb moisture, grandmother did not have diapers. Here the grandmother was lying on the mattress, in the dimple, which she had lain out, and went under herself.

The director refused to come into this room and help us support the grandmother while we treated bedsores and put a diaper on her (for some reason they buy grandmothers for the money of the grandmothers themselves the smallest diapers that can hardly be pulled on).

So: the director not only refused to help us, but also did not want to watch. “What did you want? - speaks. - Grandma is a lot of years old. Here she has bedsores. Someone else from the staff happily told us: “Yes, these are not bedsores, these are just cadaveric ulcers, she is old and will die soon!”

Grandmother got exhausted relatively recently. We last saw her on September 30th. They did not take pictures of her: one of her eyes completely leaked out, the other sunk terribly. She died without eyes.

Here, without any reservations at all, we can say that THERE grandmother will definitely be better.

I note that the story of the torment of Irina Alekseevna is not the only one. Those who want to verify this can visit the website "Old Age in Joy" and see for themselves. The lack of basic care is also striking because volunteers bring diapers, walkers, wheelchairs, bed linen to Yamm all the time, but all this turns out to be locked in the back room, and the key disappears without a trace from the hostess sister.

Volunteers are sure that the situation can be corrected in the only way - to completely change the management and staff of the nursing home. But it's not so easy when you're from Moscow trying to manage the process and resist the system. And the fact that the system works perfectly is proved by the fact that the commission, immediately organized after blog posts, consisting of the deputy governor of the region, the head of the social development committee and other administration employees, visited the nursing home today.

One should not be surprised at the information given by them that in a personal conversation, none of the patients complained about the conditions. But everyone vying with each other praised the food, care and weekly trips to the bathhouse. I n none of them expressed a desire to move to another social institution. As a special taunt - the end of the high commission's report that the only wish for them was - repair the bridge that connects the boarding house with the center of the village. It remains to be hoped that she came from an old man capable of moving around.

At this moment, Lisa Oleskina and Marina Kochevalova are sitting on the Moscow-Pskov train. They are not going to give up. " Conditions like in Yamm should not exist. It shouldn't be anywhere! We are only guests in nursing homes, we come to please and entertain grandmothers. But here, in Yamm, all our help, all financial investments go to waste. We kindly ask you to help us understand what is happening. And help save those who are still alive, ”Lisa wrote before leaving.

They know that how the drama in Yamm ends will partly determine the fate of their home community, Old Age Joy. But most importantly, they believe that they can help 26 grandparents. And many more who will have to live out their lives in nursing homes.

Maria Sveshnikova


The governor of the Pskov region Andrey Turchak thanked the girls from the "Old Age for Joy" group:

Statement by the Governor of the Pskov Region Andrey Turchak in connection with the situation in the Yamsky orphanage

In connection with the great public outcry around the Yammsky boarding school for the elderly and disabled, I consider it necessary to express my position.
I am grateful to the student volunteers from the volunteer group “Old Age to Joy” for making a public statement on the situation in the boarding house. Regardless of the results of the check, I consider this a civil act, and charitable activities groups and caring for the elderly, a respectable public service. For my part, I guarantee that in the future public organizations will not have obstacles in their activities in social institutions of the Pskov region. After all, the work of student volunteers was not to look for flaws and inflate scandals, but to help the elderly.

Moreover, I consider this example to be the most important signal of the emergence of an effective civil society in our country. I am sure that public organizations are able to exercise control much more effectively than to assign inspection officials to each institution.
As for the situation in the orphanage. The director of the orphanage has been fired, and that's not the point. Currently, the district prosecutor's office is conducting an investigation. There are grounds for initiating a criminal case under the articles “negligence” and “failure to provide assistance”. The situation is taken under my personal control! All social institutions, as well as the entire administration of the social sphere of the Pskov region, will undergo a thorough check.

I emphasize that the priority, measure of the policy and concrete steps of the Administration of the region is a person and his social well-being. In this specific case the incident will be settled when all the elderly people of the boarding house will feel protected and be in comfortable conditions.

Until April 15, the Easter Gift festival will last in the capital. Charitable organizations are taking an active part in it this year. the site talked to Alla Romanovskaya, a representative of the Old Age for Joy Foundation, and found out how ordinary Muscovites can help lonely elderly people.

The Joy of Old Age Foundation has been in existence since 2007. Initially, it was a volunteer community of people who decided to help lonely pensioners in nursing homes throughout Russia. In 2011, a charitable foundation grew out of the movement. Now, under his patronage there are about 200 institutions in more than 20 regions of the country.

Every week, the foundation's volunteers go to nursing homes and visit their wards, raise funds to buy medicines, equipment, organize repairs and holidays. They do everything so that the elderly do not feel lonely. Alla Romanovskaya, a representative of the Old Age for Joy foundation, spoke about the work of the foundation, plans for the festival and the next year, as well as the fact that each of us has a desire to do good.

Speaking and showing

The Joy of Old Age Foundation is a participant in the Easter Gift festival, what do you have planned?

“In general, we are participating in city events not for the first time. The “Easter gift” for us is an opportunity to tell more about helping the elderly, to attract more people to our work. Our foundation will work at the festival venues for two days: on April 11 on Profsoyuznaya Street, and on April 13 on Revolution Square.

It will be possible to bring things to the stand for grandparents living in nursing homes (the list can be viewed on the website). It can be new T-shirts for grandfathers, new robes for grandmothers, soft sweets (marshmallows, marshmallows, diabetic sweets), art supplies. Actually, it will be possible to engage in creativity right on the site: we will hold master classes in painting eggs, decoupage. And everything that our visitors do during the festival, we will then pass on to our elderly wards.

In general, such festivals are important for people to understand exactly how they can help. Each of us has a desire to share our warmth, but people do not know how to help. And such events, of course, provide an opportunity to convey to a person who has not encountered charity and has not participated in it, the idea that it is possible to help and it is not difficult.

Do Muscovites support charity events?

We hope that many people will respond. This is actually the easiest way to help, when you do not spend a lot of money, but at the same time share your warmth. It's attention first. Elderly people often suffer from the fact that their relatives do not always have enough time for them, and those who do not have relatives generally seem to be on the outskirts.

Therefore, attention to them, even such a simple one, is especially important. Not everyone can get together and go to a nursing home, but a card with a kind word will reach an elderly person, and he will understand that it is important that someone thought of him and gave him a gift. And of course, we hope that we can continue to attract people to help the fund.

Natural desire to help

— How did the idea of ​​creating a volunteer movement working with the elderly come about?

“Our director Elizaveta Oleskina at some point was on a folklore expedition in one of the regions, wandered into a nursing home, and a completely natural desire to help appeared. We began to unite around us people who are also not indifferent.

But in general, there are quite a few funds to help elderly lonely people, this help is highly specialized. About 80 percent of people who want to help someone in general want to help children, and the remaining 20 percent are considering helping the disabled and the elderly. That is, our direction is not very popular, and we are pioneers in it: we do not have very many colleagues, there are no large ones at all, so we conduct most of our activities through trial and error, accumulating experience.

The foundation faces a difficult task - to change public opinion. We understand that by building a system of assistance to the elderly, we care about our future. Every person has the right to a decent old age, and I want the country to have a system that is based on the needs of a person.

- In addition to participating in the Easter Gift festival, you are actively working with the city, how is this cooperation built?

- Now we have launched activities in Moscow and are very pleased to cooperate. For example, we received a grant from the Public Relations Committee for the creation of a volunteer center for helping the elderly. As part of this grant, we organize regular seminars where we tell how to help people old age. We regularly visit Moscow boarding houses, institutions social protection, we work with schoolchildren, students, we spend “hours of kindness”, telling students about how to help people.

Plus recently developed and launched mobile app. With its help, you can learn about the work of the foundation, about trips, how you can visit the elderly and, of course, support our foundation by making a donation.

Global system with a personal touch

— Charitable organizations are constantly developing, and what are your foundation's plans for the near future?

- Now we are reaching a new level - we are creating a system of long-term care for an elderly person as part of a federal initiative. The Joy of Old Age Foundation is actively involved in the methodological and practical part of the project. Now we are pooling the resources of society and the state to improve the quality of life of older people who need help.

Thanks to this system, the needs of the elderly person will be taken into account in order to provide him with further assistance. If you explain with examples, now a person can either end up in a nursing home, where he will receive round-the-clock support, or a social worker will come to him twice a week for an hour and a half. There is no middle option. But not everyone needs round-the-clock support if one or two social worker visits a week is not enough. In this case, you can, for example, organize the following: the nurse will come for an hour or three, but every day. And it will be much more beneficial for the state, because it will not require comprehensive support for a person, as in a nursing home, and at the same time it will be easier for him to stay at home, in a familiar environment.
