Pensions for working pensioners will be indexed c. Latest pension indexation news

MOSCOW, 3 November. /TASS/. Indexation of pensions for working pensioners in 2017 is not provided. This was announced by the head of the Pension Fund Anton Drozdov to journalists following a meeting of the State Duma Committee on Labor, Social Policy and Veterans Affairs.

"We are acting within the framework of the current legislation. Here, the deputies say that this was a temporary measure, but since it was a temporary measure, they should have repealed that law and adopted a new one that would provide for the indexation of pensions for working pensioners," Drozdov said.

The head of the FIU noted that in 2017 there will be about 9.6 million working pensioners. The indexation of pensions for working pensioners has been canceled since 2016.

At the same time, during the meeting of the profile committee, the deputies proposed to index the pensions of working pensioners, having generally approved the draft budget of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for the first reading.

"Let's write in the conclusion that dividing pensioners into categories and indexing some and not others is wrong, this is an anti-social approach," said Yaroslav Nilov, head of the committee.

Payments of 5 thousand rubles to military pensioners

About 750,000 military pensioners will receive a one-time payment of 5,000 rubles in January 2017, Drozdov said.

"We now have about 750,000 pensioners who simultaneously receive both military and insurance pensions. All of them will receive a lump sum payment of 5,000 rubles," Drozdov said.

Earlier on Thursday, the State Duma Committee on Labor, Social Policy and Veterans Affairs recommended that the lower house adopt in the second reading a government bill on a one-time payment in January 2017 to pensioners in the amount of 5,000 rubles. Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of the Russian Federation Olga Golodets explained that pensioners who receive insurance pensions and state pensions pension provision.

According to the draft law, in January 2017 it is planned to make a lump sum payment in the amount of 5 thousand rubles to persons permanently residing in Russia and receiving pensions as of December 31, 2016, which are paid by the Pension Fund of Russia. The funds must be paid by the territorial bodies of the Pension Fund at the expense of the federal budget.

It is assumed that the money will be paid regardless of the person receiving other payments and providing him with social support measures. Sum lump sum payment is not taken into account when determining the right to provide other payments and measures of social support provided for by law. The payment will affect more than 44 million recipients of insurance pensions, including working pensioners. The payment will require more than 221 billion rubles.

Draft budget of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation

On October 28, the Government of the Russian Federation submitted to the State Duma the draft budget of the Pension Fund of Russia for 2017-2019.

The fund's budget revenues for 2017 are projected at 8 trillion 363.5 billion rubles, for 2018 - 8 trillion 530.46 billion rubles, for 2019 - 8 trillion 919.85 billion rubles. Expenses for 2017 are provided in the amount of 8 trillion 583.93 billion rubles, for 2018 - 8 trillion 727.15 billion rubles, for 2019 - 9 trillion 87.71 billion rubles.

The fund's draft budget was formed in 2017 with a deficit of 220.43 billion rubles, in 2018 and 2019 with a deficit of 196.7 billion rubles and 167.86 billion rubles, respectively. Intergovernmental transfers from the federal budget in 2017 will amount to 3 trillion 783.31 billion rubles, in 2018 - 3 trillion 630.64 billion rubles, in 2019 - 3 trillion 702.58 billion rubles.

Since August 2017, working pensioners for whom insurers (employers) paid insurance premiums in 2016 will receive an increased pension. Such an increase is due to the adjustment of the size of the pension provision, while it will affect only recipients of insurance pensions and.

This recalculation is carried out unclaimed, i.e. for its implementation, it is not required to contact the FIU branches. The recalculated (increased) amount will be charged from August.

However, the maximum increase, which is made in August, limited to only 3 points(pension ratios) converted into cash equivalent. As of August 1, 2017, the cost of the 1st coefficient is 78 rubles 58 kopecks, hence the increase pensioners will not receive more than 235 rubles 74 kopecks.

At the same time, for citizens who continue to work and those who have stopped working, the cost of a pension point is different - this is due to the lack of indexation (adjustment) of the insurance pension for working pensioners since 2016. Here one can highlight several categories of pension recipients, which is recalculated:

  • For pensioners who have retired until February 1, 2016 the cost of 1 point is 71.41 rubles, respectively, the maximum increase for such citizens was 214.23 rubles.
  • Those who left after 1.02.2016 one coefficient costs 74.27 rubles, while their maximum provision will increase by 222.81 rubles.
  • Accordingly, if a citizen retired after 1.02.2017, then his pension provision will increase by no more than 235.74 rubles, with a point value of 78.58 rubles.

Separately, it is worth highlighting those Russians who form together with the insurance - their pension payments can be increased no more than 1.875 points.

Many experts talk about the injustice of the legislation in relation to working pensioners, because when recalculated, their pension payments increase by a little more than 200 rubles - such an allowance is called “mocking” (considering), arguing that this category of the population loses incentive to work legally.

Will there be an increase for non-working pensioners?

For non-working pensioners, the increase in the insurance pension traditionally takes place on February 1, but in some cases they are also entitled to an additional increase in August. It can occur only due to the presence on the individual personal account of the amount not taken into account in the previous calculation, or not taken into account when assigning a pension, or in other situations described in paragraph 3 of part 2 of Art. 18 of the law of December 28, 2013 N 400-FZ.

For example, if in the previous year a citizen earned more than 3 points, and only three were taken into account during the August recalculation, then the rest will be taken into account in August of the next year.

The amount of insurance pension payments and social pensions for state pensions.

  • The insurance pension is increased by a coefficient determined inflation results for the past year.
  • For social pensions, the determining factor is last year's minimum living standard pensioner in the Russian Federation.

But due to the current difficult situation in the country's economy, at the end of December 2015, a law was adopted that suspended the provisions on the procedure and conditions for indexation. The same law of insurance payments for working pensioners. the only possible option pension increases for them remain, carried out at the expense of contributions to the Pension Fund received from employers over the previous year.

April 19 in the report on the work of the government Dmitry Medvedev mentioned that the issue will be considered in the near future return of indexation of pensions working pensioners, and on April 21, the Ministry of Economic Development began to study this issue. specific solutions for this moment was not accepted.

When is the pension increase planned?

In connection with the rise in prices for goods and various services, an annual increase (indexation) of pensions is carried out to ensure disabled citizens basic livelihood.

Indexation is an increase in the size of pension payments to compensate for the decrease in the purchasing power of pensions due to inflationary processes taking place in the country.

To increase the insurance pension (previously insurance part labor pension) the term is applied adjustment.

The upgrade should take place:

The calculation of the pension is made taking into account all indexations for all years in total.

From 2018, an increased pension will begin to accrue. In order for the fund to become aware of the termination in a timely manner labor activity it is advisable for a pensioner to apply to the PFR department with an application, providing documents confirming the fact of termination of employment or other activities:

  1. work book;
  2. employment or other contract concluded with the employer;
  3. a document on the termination of activities as an individual entrepreneur, lawyer, notary (certificates and other documents of the Federal Tax Service);
  4. passport or other identity document.

In the event of a subsequent employment of a pensioner for work, his insurance payment will remain at the same indexed amount.

Procedure for applying to the Pension Fund (PFR)

Since the second quarter of 2016, the procedure for reporting by employers to Pension Fund. In addition to the quarterly, they are required to submit monthly reports on all persons working for them. This is information about employees with whom employment contracts were concluded or terminated during the reporting period, as well as civil law contracts for the performance of work or the provision of services, for which insurance premiums are accrued from the remuneration paid.

As a result of these changes The FIU automatically learns about the termination of employment with all citizens, including pensioners. That's why:

  • if the dismissal occurred after March 31, 2016, then you should not apply to the fund. The FIU will index the pension payment on an unannounced basis, based on the information it already has.
  • if the pensioner stopped working in the period from October 1, 2015 to March 31, 2016, then in order to receive an increased amount of payments, the pensioner should still apply with an application and documents to the FIU in order to avoid various errors.

Other options for increasing the pensions of working pensioners

Despite the abolition of indexation, the amount of insurance payment for working pensioners is increasing every year.

August 1 is produced recalculation (adjustment) of pension, as a result of which its size increases due to the accumulated contributions transferred by employers or self-employed pensioners for the previous year. Contributions unrecorded at the time of appointment (previous recalculation) are converted into individual pension coefficients (IPR) or pension points.

However maximum IPC value limited by law and takes into account:

  • no more than 3 points - for pensioners who have only an insurance pension;
  • 1,875 points - for those who wished to make pension savings.

An annual adjustment is carried out in the event that one year (full 12 months) has passed since the date of assignment (previous recalculation) of the pension payment.

Recalculation is carried out PFR authorities according to the individual personal account automatically, without a pensioner's application.

In addition to the recalculation of the insurance pension, annually on August 1, adjustment funded pension (Article 8 of Law No. 424-FZ) based on contributions received during the year to the pension account of this pension.

Now it’s not even a question of whether it’s fair or not that working pensioners have been canceled since 2016, which is held annually on February 1. After all, the pensioner deserved the opportunity to work with his whole previous life, his health and careful attitude towards him.

If he has the opportunity to work, it means that his health allows, that means that his attitude to life is such that he has the opportunity, desire, desire to benefit society. And why, in this case, “punish” a pensioner - since you have the opportunity to work, then we deprive you of indexation!

Where is the respect for age? Respect for the desire to be useful. Well, respect, let it be, for the desire to work even for the sake of more income, which means that the pension is not enough!

  • how many pensioners work,
  • how much they still have the opportunity to work (5-7 years, no more),
  • what is this indexing.

Here's what happens.

By law, indexation (non-working) should be the inflation rate for the previous year. Thus, the insurance old-age pension from January 1, 2018 increased by 3.7%. If the pension is 8500 rubles, then in the end it will be increased by - 314 rubles.

For the year, the total income of a pensioner, such indexation will increase by 3768 rubles.

In the country, let's say 5 million - working (every eighth, most likely - less).

We get that the state would annually “lose” on working pensioners (as if pensioners are not the state itself, but what can you do, this is a perverted understanding of the individual and the state, as it has been in us for a long time, and sits, comes out with great labor),

in general, "would lose" - 27 billion 540 million rubles.

The money, of course, is a lot. But, on the other hand, only in the State Reserve Fund and the National Welfare Fund - these "rainy day funds" - Russia stores more than 5 trillion rubles. This money for 50 years to pay indexation to working pensioners!

But, of course, that's not the point. It's not about money, but the ability to manage it and, most importantly, respect. Rather, the matter is in the lack of respect, when the state “pettily” monitors every “penny”, so as not to miss something superfluous.

And this is in relations with pensioners who also “dare” to work!

Be that as it may, but in Russia, working pensioners are deprived of indexation due to inflation.

On the other hand, the period of recalculation of pensions for working pensioners based on pension contributions made by their employers in 2016 has begun.

We deal with the recalculation for the working year 2017

Since, in the pension system of Russia, everything is done to confuse and not give a clear understanding of the essence of the matter, they appear in the accrual - in 2018, the accrual is limited to 8.7 pension points. Each ball had a "weight" of 81 rubles 49 kopecks.

In other words, the maximum pension supplement will be only about 708 rubles per month. Such an allowance corresponds to the average salary for 12 months - 19 thousand 900 rubles. If a pensioner received more, if his employer deducted interest from 30 thousand to the Pension Fund (and in Moscow a pensioner can find a salary and much more), then all the same, the allowance will be 708 - from 19.9.

Where the difference goes is a big question for the Ministry of Finance, the Pension Fund, the Government, and in the end, for the president of the country, for those officials who in Russia are usually personified with the state.

Moreover, it does not matter that the pensioner is simply forced to go to work and receives not "19.9 thousand rubles", but only 5-8 thousand.

Yes, it didn't matter until recently.

But in the second half of July (on the eve of the allowances on August 1, perhaps), in government circles, in the State Duma, first of all, there was talk that it was still necessary to leave indexation to working pensioners, who receive very little. So far, the value of this “slightly” has not been determined, but an approximate list of professions has been determined in which low salaries will be “searched” - these are employees of budgetary organizations and workers engaged in unskilled labor.

This initiative is universally supported by all experts. So the director of the Institute for Social Analysis and Forecasting of the Russian Academy of National Economy Tatyana Maleeva directly states: "IN pension payments there shouldn't be confusion like today. There should be a unified system,- and further - “In our country, there is indeed a huge number of pensioners working to the last of their strength precisely in order to somehow make ends meet.”

That's the whole point - "make ends meet."

Actually, in order to complicate the situation completely, our legislators did not deprive working pensioners of indexation. It will be held, moreover, for all “missed while I was working” dates. But for this you need to quit (read). For example, if a pensioner, while working, missed indexation on February 1, 2016 - 4.56%, missed indexation on February 1, 2017 - 5.40%. Then, having quit on December 31, 2017, he will receive an indexation coefficient on February 1, 2018

4,56 + 5,40 + 4,10 = 14,06% (here 4.10% is the estimated inflation rate for 2017, which means that this will be the indexation for 2017).

Thus, if the pension is 8,500, according to indexation on February 1, 2018, for 3 years in the past, a working pensioner will receive an additional 1,195 rubles. The pension will already be equal to 9695 rubles.

There is, however, one trick here. Under the usual procedure, annual, accrual of indexation, the pension should have been 9,752 rubles, 57 rubles more, but who cares about “such subtlety”.

The state, of course, should be concerned, but not to what is called.

Here one wants to take up the calculations again - how much the Ministry of Finance wins on this “subtlety” (on one pensioner - 684 rubles a year, and there are several tens of thousands of them, no less, who decided to work while they have the strength, but after 2-3 years and they dried up, had to accept).

Easier - this is what should become the law of any "restaurateur of social life" in the country (here, almost according to Bulgakov)

And also, we pay attention to the complexity of the entire pension system in the country. One gets the impression that everything was done on purpose, so that in this troubled water it would be more convenient to arrange “such fishing” with pensions.

The Ministry of Finance of Russia is pushing the idea of ​​the program - the next one - more and more insistently. What will come of this, it is impossible to say yet. There are great fears that a complex system will be invented again, in which “neither me nor you will have to understand,” as Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov wrote.

So far, there are obvious differences in the understanding of the new system between the key departments - the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Labor, and the Government has already twice returned the draft law on PIT for revision.

It should be simpler, simpler, you have to rack your brains, but it’s easier to do so that even pensioners understand what is happening and how.

After all, it’s not in vain that it’s said that the most difficult thing to do is simple, but to do it in such a way that it’s impossible to understand anything, for this, as they say, “you don’t need a lot of mind”, yes, in fact, like souls.

This is how it happened

  • at first, pension indexation was also for working pensioners,
  • then they decided that it was “too much” for them (excuse me),
  • and then, “healthy again”, those who work, but still receive little, thought better of it - indexation can be returned.

Oh, but time goes by, and you can't stop it.

Update: February 22, 2019

Pension increase in 2019 - will there still be indexation and by how much? Read on this page the latest news about the increase in pensions for working and non-working.

The topic of raising pensions in Russia today is being discussed very actively at all levels. Still would! Another one is unfolding in the country pension reform. We have not yet had time to get used to the so-called Pension points, and they are already trying to cancel them. And most importantly, a decision has been made to raise the retirement age in Russia.

What can today's pensioners (working and non-working) expect now? What will be the indexation of pensions in 2019? When will pensions be raised and by how much?

Many questions arise. Let's start with what Vladimir Putin said about raising pensions.

Putin on the indexation of pensions in 2019

Russian President Vladimir Putin for Lately already twice addressed the topic of raising pensions.

1. First, in a televised address on pension legislation, he stated that “ already in 2019, the indexation of old-age pensions will be about 7 percent, which is twice as high as the projected inflation at the end of 2018. In general, over the next six years, we will be able to annually increase the old-age pension for non-working pensioners an average of 1 thousand rubles».

2. And then, during his annual address to the Federal Assembly, Putin commented on how officials had carried out his instructions to raise pensions by 7 percent. It turned out to be bad. The President scolded the officials and demanded a recalculation:

« … Pensions were indexed this year. But if the pensioner's income exceeded the subsistence minimum, he was no longer paid the social supplement. As a result, the size of pensions has practically not increased, people feel deceived. It was necessary to take into account all the nuances, but this was not done. The injustice that has arisen must be immediately eliminated. Putin said. — The state must first bring the pension to living wage, and only then to index. It is necessary to recalculate and return to people the money that they have not received since the beginning of the year ...»

Let's try together to figure out what the authorities did with the indexation of pensions in 2019, and how do they plan to correct the situation?

1. Indexing insurance pension in 2019

The President's instructions from the televised address regarding a 7% increase in payments were embodied in the budget of the Russian Pension Fund for 2019-2021. It spelled out plans for the indexation of pensions for the near future. But we are primarily interested in the situation that has developed with the increase this year. Let's tell.

Pension increase in 2019: increase and recalculation

In the last three years, an average increase in pensions has been carried out by 400-500 rubles. So,

  • in 2016, the increase was 399 rubles,
  • in 2017 - 524 rubles,
  • in 2018 - 481 rubles,
  • in 2019 — …

Speaking about raising pensions in 2019, Putin, as we recall, named two numbers:

  1. indexation by 7 percent;
  2. increase by an average of 1000 rubles.

But many misunderstood the president's words!

Putin's 7 percent turned into 7.05...

With percentages, it would seem, everything is clear.

The President said that in 2019, the indexation of old-age pensions will be about 7 percent. The exact figure was written in the budget of the Pension Fund.

“From January 1, 2019, the old-age insurance pension for non-working pensioners has been increased by 7.05 percent. As a result, the average annual insurance old-age pension for non-working pensioners in 2019 will amount to 15.4 thousand rubles.”

But with a thousand there was a hitch.

... Not everyone received 1,000 rubles for retirement!

Some pensioners thought that they would distribute 1000 rubles to everyone. But, having received the first payments for 2019, they were disappointed. Their increase turned out to be less than the expected thousand. The Russian Pension Fund explained:

The increase is individual for each pensioner, and its amount depends on the size of the pension!

In this table, the site clearly showed the amount of pension increase from January 1, 2019, based on its established size.

Increase in pension, rub

According to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation

As you can see, for some, the increase was less than 500 rubles, while for others, more than 1.5 thousand. But suddenly another problem arose.

Some of those who receive a pension below the subsistence level did not receive any monetary increase at all! That is, indexation seems to have happened, but the actual payout amount has not changed! How could this happen?

The poorest did not see the increase

We are talking about those whose pensions do not reach the subsistence level of a pensioner (PMP) in the region. Today, a special support measure is in place for them: together with a pension, they receive a social supplement so that their total monthly income reaches the subsistence level.

Pension + Supplement = Pensioner's Subsistence Minimum (PMP).

What did the officials do with the promotion? Everything is simple.

How pensions have been indexed for the poorest pensioners since January 2019

Let's take an example.

A pensioner living, for example, in Voronezh received an insurance pension in the amount of 8,000 rubles. The cost of living for a pensioner (PMP) in this region is 8,750 rubles. Therefore, he is entitled to an additional payment of 750 rubles.

As a result, every month he receives in his hands: 8000 + 750 = 8750 rubles.

Since January 1, this person's pension, due to indexation by 7.05%, has increased by 564 rubles and amounted to 8,564 rubles. But in monetary terms, he did not feel the increase, since the Surcharge was reduced by the same amount: 750 - 564 = 186 rubles.

Now he continues to receive monthly the same 8,750 rubles - the amount of the subsistence minimum for a pensioner (PMP) in the Voronezh region. Only its payment is calculated a little differently: 8564 + 186 = 8750 rubles.

As you can see, the terms as a result of the indexation of pensions have changed, but the real amount of payments has remained the same!

It was precisely this kind of injustice that Putin spoke about during his annual address to the Federal Assembly.

How pensions will be indexed under the new rules (taking into account the living wage of a pensioner)

Putin said: "The state must first bring the pension to the subsistence level, and only then carry out indexation."

How did you understand his words?

Perhaps someone thought that the state would first bring the pension of a poor pensioner from Voronezh from our example to a living wage of 8,750 rubles, and then index this PMP by 7.05%. And as a result, our pensioner will receive 8750 + 616 = 9366 rubles. But that would be too good. Officials understood Putin's words differently.

They came up with a new accrual mechanism monthly payments those whose pension does not reach the living wage. Let's analyze it using the example of the same poor Voronezh pensioner.

As we remember, his pension in the amount of 8,000 rubles has been indexed by 7.05 percent since January 2019, resulting in an increase of 564 rubles. According to the new rules, it is this amount that will be added to his current monthly allowance.

Pension before indexation (8000) + Surcharge before indexation (750) + Increase received as a result of indexation (564) = 9314 rubles.

And it's possible like this:

The size of the Subsistence Minimum for a Pensioner in the region (8750 rubles for the Voronezh region) + The increase received as a result of indexation (564) = 9314 rubles.

That is real size payments in monetary terms will increase by 564 rubles.

Well, of course, it's better than nothing!

Who is affected by the new procedure for calculating pensions?

We are talking only about those pensioners whose pension does not reach the value of the subsistence minimum for a pensioner (PMP) in the region!

For what months will the recalculation be carried out?

According to the new rules, pensions for January and February will be recalculated. Recalculation of payments will be made without notice. There is no need to apply to the Pension Fund of Russia and submit any applications.

2. Raise social pension from April 2019

State pensions, including social pensions, traditionally increase from April 1. As we remember, since April 1, 2017, social pensions have been indexed by 1.5 percent, since April 2018 - by 2.9%. As a result of indexation, the average social pension increased by 255 rubles and after the increase amounted to 9,062 rubles.

How much will our government fork out this time?

Putin did not say anything about social pensions. At first, as the Pension Fund reported, the following increase parameters were planned: “Pensions for state pension provision, including social pensions, will be increased by 2.4% for all pensioners from April 1, 2019, while the average annual social pension will increase to 9.2 thousand rubles. rubles."

But at the end of February, plans suddenly changed!

The Ministry of Labor of Russia has prepared a draft government decree on this matter (it is posted on the Federal Portal of Regulatory Legal Acts), in which the previously planned growth of 2.4% has shrunk to 2.0%.

3. Indexation of pensions working pensioners in 2019

As we remember, in 2016, 2017 and 2018, the insurance pensions of working pensioners were not indexed. In 2019, there is also no need to wait for an increase.

There were even rumors that the payment of pensions to working pensioners, in connection with the reform of the pension system in Russia, was planned to be canceled altogether. Fortunately, these are just rumors.

Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova, in the program “Sunday Evening with Vladimir Solovyov” on the Russia 1 TV channel, assured that “working pensioners continued to receive pensions and wages, and will continue to receive both pension and wages.”

However, after they stop working, the amounts of the insurance pension and the fixed payment to the insurance pension will be recalculated taking into account all indexations that took place during their work. Recalculation will be made from the 1st day of the month following the month of termination of work.

And, of course, in August 2019, working pensioners will have their pensions recalculated based on the results of the previous year.

4. Recalculation of workers' pensions in August 2019

In August 2019, working pensioners are likely to face the traditional unclaimed recalculation.

The increase in pension as a result of recalculation is individual in nature and depends on the amount of insurance premiums that the employer paid to the Pension Fund for a working pensioner in 2018.

Pension indexation calendar for 2019

Based on this information, the site's correspondents compiled a preliminary calendar of pension increases for 2019.

  • From January 2019, an increase in the old-age insurance pension for non-working pensioners by 7.05 percent.
  • From January 1, 2019, a 25 percent increase to the fixed insurance pension payment is introduced for non-working pensioners living in the countryside and having 30 years of experience in agriculture.
  • In March (or April) 2019 - recalculation of incorrectly indexed pensions of NON-working pensioners.
  • From April 2019, the social pension will increase by 2.0%.
