Increase in pension at age 80. Payments for caring for disabled citizens

Upon reaching the age of eighty, pensioners receive the right to increased financial support from the state, as well as additional benefits and social assistance regulated by regional authorities.

Supplement to pension after 80 years

At the federal level, the following are provided: additional payments for retirement after 80 years:

  • doubling the fixed part of the pension;
  • monthly compensation payment for caring for a pensioner;
  • supplement for pensioners who have dependents.

The right to increase the fixed part arises for a pensioner from the moment he reaches eighty years, to monthly compensation and an allowance for dependents - from the moment he submits an application to the Pension Fund. All additional payments are subject to regional coefficients, so the final amounts will differ depending on the region of residence.

The recalculation of pension payments is regulated by the following regulations:

  • Federal Law No. 166-FZ of December 15, 2001;
  • Federal Law No. 173-FZ of December 17, 2001;
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 343 of June 4, 2007;
  • Federal Law N 400-FZ of December 28, 2013;
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation N 249 of March 18, 2019.


An increase in pension after 80 years of age, which increases the fixed part of the insurance pension by 100%, is of an undeclared nature. The recalculation occurs immediately after the pensioner reaches the age of eighty; the first increased payment arrives the next month.

Recalculation is not made for recipients of a disability pension, since their fixed payment is doubled from the moment they receive disability, regardless of age. It should be taken into account that only recipients of an old-age insurance pension can count on an increase; accrual is not made if the pensioner receives payments:

  • for loss of a breadwinner;
  • social.

Please note that upon reaching eighty years of age and if eligible, a pensioner can apply to the Pension Fund and switch from one type of pension to another.

Based on the size of the fixed part of the pension, the additional payment to the pensioner for dependents (for no more than three people) is calculated:

  • for one person – a third of the insurance portion;
  • for two – two thirds;
  • for three dependents - 100% of the fixed part of the pension.

If a pensioner has three dependent people, when he reaches the age of 80, the premium will be 200% of the insurance portion of payments.


The pension supplement after 80 years of age for citizens living in the Far North and equivalent areas with severe climatic conditions is calculated using the regional coefficient.

The fixed payment increases additionally if you have length of service:

  • at least 15 years in the Far North - 50% of the increase;
  • at least 20 years in areas equated to the Far North - 30% of the increase.

When the right to apply the regional coefficient and increase the payment for northern service arises, the pensioner independently chooses the method of increasing the insurance part of the pension.

Caring for an 80-year-old pensioner

An able-bodied non-working citizen who helps with housework and looks after a pensioner has the right to receive a compensation payment. To apply, you must contact the Pension Fund with an application and provide the following documents:

  • 2 applications - from the pensioner and from the citizen caring for him, indicating the start date of care;
  • confirmation that the person providing supervision does not work, does not conduct business, does not receive unemployment benefits or a pension;
  • identity card of the citizen providing care and, if available, work records of the applicants;
  • consent of one of the parents and guardianship authorities - when providing assistance to a pensioner to minors who have reached 14 years of age.

A stranger or a relative can take care of a pensioner, and it doesn’t matter whether they live together or not. The application is considered within 10 days. A compensation payment in the amount of 1,200 rubles is assigned from the month in which the application is submitted to the Pension Fund. The benefit is transferred along with the pension.

What benefits are available to pensioners after 80 years of age?

Local authorities are establishing additional support measures for octogenarian pensioners. You can find out about the services provided in your region and apply for them at the city social services. These benefits differ in different regions, the main ones are:

  • 50% discount on the purchase of medicines within 10 days after the prescription is issued;
  • provision of vouchers to a sanatorium for treatment once every two years;
  • free travel to the place of treatment (within the region of residence);
  • skip-the-line service at healthcare organizations;
  • partial compensation for the purchase of dentures (except for dental ones);
  • providing space in nursing homes without waiting lists;
  • home-based medical or social worker;
  • if the apartment is confirmed to be unsuitable for living, housing may be provided from the state under a social tenancy agreement;
  • benefits for utility bills and complete exemption from paying contributions for major repairs;

In critical situations, local authorities will provide pensioners with:

  • temporary housing;
  • products;
  • basic necessities;
  • legal, medical and psychological assistance.

Some regions compensate citizens over 80 years of age for communication services and travel on public transport. Airlines may offer discounts on flight prices for such passengers.


IN Russian Federation There are several categories of citizens who are on pensions. Payments for them may vary significantly in amount depending on many factors.

The state pays special attention to providing for those pensioners who have already crossed the 80-year mark, increasing their cash benefits.


There is one significant nuance in the pension provision of persons who have reached the age of 80, which distinguishes it from the formation of pensions for other categories of citizens. In the Russian Federation.

The fact is that pension legislation provides for four types of payments:

  • insurance (old age);
  • state;
  • social;
  • cumulative.

Citizens who have lived to the age of 80 are entitled to an increase in the fixed part of their pension by 100%, but only on the condition that they receive an insurance payment.

The additional part of the pension already depends on a number of other factors. First of all, from the general length of service. And also on the amount of wages that the employee had before retirement.

In Moscow

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The capital provides additional cash bonuses to the federal pension different groups persons Separate benefits for citizens over 80 years of age: this moment does not exist, but they are usually included in other social categories for which local payments are made.

So, if a citizen was recognized as a home front worker, then he will receive 1,500 rubles in addition to his pension.

WWII participants and honorary donors receive 2,000 rubles. If a citizen is recognized as a participant in the defense of Moscow, then his additional payment is 8,000 rubles. You can find out about all pension accruals directly from the territorial branch of the Pension Fund.

In St. Petersburg

The government of St. Petersburg has established at the legislative level all kinds of additional payments to federal accruals for various categories of pensioners and other beneficiaries.

In this region, a pension supplement is provided not from 80, but from 60 years of age. To calculate it, take the difference between the regional cost of living, multiplying it by a factor of 1.15 and by the pension received.

In addition, if an age pensioner is recognized as a home front worker, then in addition to his pension, he receives a monthly supplement of 1,185 rubles.

An allowance of 882 rubles is also given to those who have worked in St. Petersburg for at least 20 years and are a labor veteran, a former military man, or recognized as a repressed person.

In addition, pensioners are provided with a number of benefits such as free travel on public transport, social services, etc.

Last changes

The topic of pensions in Russia remains one of the most relevant and discussed. Therefore, increasingly, various proposed changes in it are accompanied by a lot of rumors and speculation. For 2019, we can only say that for people over 80 years of age, only insurance pension.

There is no talk of any other benefits. The increase in pensions is envisaged by 3.7%, although initially it was about 4%. But indexation was carried out a month ahead of schedule, i.e. in January, not February.

How to calculate

For 2019, the fixed part of the pension is 4,982 rubles. If the calculation is made for citizens over 80 years of age, then this figure should be doubled. Accordingly, the amount is 9965 rubles.

If such a person at the time of retirement lived in the Northern regions or equivalent regions, then they are calculated taking into account regional coefficients. If a pensioner moves to another region where such coefficients are not provided, then payments should be revised

If a citizen has retired due to length of service, then the calculation also changes. With at least 15 years of experience in the Northern regions, a 50% premium is given to the fixed part.

If a citizen has worked for at least 20 years in regions equivalent to the northern regions, then the fixed part increases by 30%. This is only feasible if there is insurance period for men at least 25 years, and for women at least 20 years.

If a citizen has worked in a space-related industry, then the pension should be multiplied by 4 times.

Direct calculation of everyone's pension is carried out according to the standard scheme. Those. Pension Fund specialists take into account the following factors:

  • Bonus based on length of service.
  • The amount of wages accrued to a citizen before retirement.

How much does it increase in 2019?

The new year 2019 brought changes in pension payments for almost all groups of recipients. And 80-year-old citizens were no exception.

Thus, from January 1, the basic part of pensions was indexed. It increased by 3.7 times. Now for this age group the payment is 9965 rubles.

Increase in pension after 80 years

The procedure for calculating pensions for citizens over 80 years of age is established by Federal Law No. 173 “On Labor Pensions”. According to current legislation, as soon as a citizen reaches a certain age limit, the size of his pension should automatically be increased. In this case, we are talking about changing the fixed part of the payment.

Currently the increase is 100%.

There is one exception to this rule. The basic portion does not increase for those pensioners who are officially recognized as disabled people of the first group. This happens because the basic part of their pension was increased initially.

If an age pensioner has other dependents, then the state pays an additional one-third of the basic payment. This additional payment is due for each dependent, but there should not be more than three.

A similar benefit is provided for those who receive an insurance (labor) pension. If a citizen has, for example, a survivor's pension, then no supplement is provided. To receive it, you must contact the Pension Fund with a request to transfer it to an insurance pension.

How to register it

There will be no special manipulations on the part of the pensioner to make additional payments after turning 80 years old.

Pension Fund employees must monitor such changes themselves. All data necessary for this is entered into the electronic system. That's why pension payments By new scheme will begin to accrue automatically.

If a citizen wants to apply for a benefit for caring for a person who has reached 80 years of age, then he should apply to the territorial branch of the Pension Fund.

The same applies to the registration of various additional benefits. For these questions, you should independently contact the Pension Fund, Social Security and the Tax Service.

Elderly care after 80 years

As a person reaches old age, it becomes increasingly difficult to take care of himself on his own.

In such cases, Russian legislation provides for the possibility of obtaining additional compensation, which is intended for the caregiver. This person can be either a relative of the pensioner or a stranger.

However, it must meet a number of requirements:

  • his age must exceed 14 years;
  • he must be recognized as able to work (i.e. not have a disability);
  • such a person should not be a pensioner and receive pension payments;
  • this citizen should not be officially employed;
  • such a person does not have the right to be registered as unemployed and receive appropriate benefits.

Care payments are made regularly every month. And they are an addition to the pension of the citizen being cared for.

If a person caring for an elderly person is officially employed, then it is his responsibility to notify the Pension Fund within 5 working days. If this is not done, then all amounts paid since the date of employment will be recovered from him.

A person who wants to apply for payments to care for a pensioner must come to the nearest Pension Fund branch to do this.

He needs to bring a certain package of documents with him:

  • general passport;
  • work book (if available). Moreover, this document is needed from two parties: both the pensioner and the person caring for him;
  • a certificate confirming that the caregiver does not receive pension payments;
  • a certificate from the Employment Service stating that the citizen is not registered there and does not receive unemployment benefits;
  • certificate from the place of study (if the person caring for is studying in secondary or higher educational institutions);
  • a statement from the pensioner himself that he agrees to leave;
  • written consent of parents or official guardians if care will be provided by a minor citizen.

After accepting documents from the Pension Fund, an employee of this institution must issue a receipt that they were received indicating the current date.

A citizen who cares for an elderly person receives 1.8 pension points for each year while engaged in such activity. The compensation itself is currently equal to 1,200 rubles. Indexing is not provided for it.

In the Russian Federation the topic pension provision V last years remains one of the most relevant. It is also aggravated by the fact that in different regions of the country, cash accruals can differ significantly.

Therefore, it is advisable for every pensioner to make inquiries at local Pension Fund offices.

Russia provides unique benefits and allowances for people who have lived a long life. The state helps to forget about financial problems by increasing some payments and guaranteeing new benefits.

Citizens over 80 years of age receive preferences from the government, their amount was changed in 2019.

What surcharges are possible?

Federal Law No. 173 states that a pensioner over 80 years of age receives a 100% increase in the fixed part of the pension. In January 2019, it was indexed by 4.1%.

Calculations are carried out by Pension Fund employees taking into account standard indicators:

  • bonus for additional experience;
  • regional coefficients, if any.

In addition to this payment, there are additional benefits available to people over 80 years of age. They are paid to citizens who have incapacitated persons as dependents.

The amount of the supplement depends on the situation:

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If a pensioner lives in the Far North, he will receive payments taking into account the increased coefficient.

If at some point in his life a citizen worked in this region, he will receive a bonus if the following conditions are met:

If a pensioner is entitled to both this payment and a pension taking into account another regional indicator, he has the right to choose only one pension.

Who is entitled to

In 2015, the government revised the grounds and conditions for receiving a pension supplement after age 80. Citizens who have previously received an insurance pension have the right to it. If a person has received social benefits, there will be no increase.

If a person receives additional assistance for the loss of a breadwinner, he will be able to apply for a supplement when switching to an insurance type of pension. To do this, you need to sign an application at the nearest Pension Fund.

Disabled person of 1st group

Disabled people of the first group can count on an increase regardless of the citizen’s age and length of service. The main condition is passing a medical examination and establishing the appropriate group.

For these citizens, the size of the fixed payment is initially larger than the standard one. Also, close relatives have the right to receive compensation for caring for an elderly citizen if they are not employed anywhere and do not receive any income other than the minimum pension.

What is the supplement to pension after 80 years in 2019

The additional payment for pensioners over 80 years of age is 4,383.59 rubles. For pensioners of this age with disabilities, the amount may be higher.

Each citizen 80 years old in 2019 receives at least 8,767.18 rubles, plus individual allowances and regional coefficients.

In Moscow

In Moscow, one of the highest amounts of surcharges is established; it varies from 4,500 to 12,000 thousand rubles. Several hundred thousand citizens are counting on the bonus upon reaching 80 years of age in 2019.

To get the maximum increase, a person must meet 2 basic conditions:

  • live in the capital for at least 10 years. The pensioner must have permanent registration. This period includes the time spent in the territories annexed to Moscow;
  • if the pensioner was registered in the territory of New Moscow and then left it, this period is counted when calculating a pension supplement.

Other pensioners receive minimum size old-age pension, which is then increased to the cost of living from federal funds. A person cannot receive less than this amount.

Where to contact

In 2019, upon reaching the age of 80, the pension is recalculated automatically; there is no provision for appealing to government agencies. If employees have problems, they will send a letter asking for clarification of the situation; the processing time for applications is 2 weeks.

If the decision is positive, the bonus is calculated in the same month. If a negative decision is made, the person is sent a letter with the reasons for the refusal. Citizens have the right to appeal the decision in court.

How to apply

In order for a person to apply for an appropriate payment for elderly care, he must visit the Pension Fund or the nearest MFC.

To prove the grounds, the following documents will be required:

  • a statement from a person who is 80 years old;
  • a certificate of absence of unemployment payments and pensions, if the applicant will be looked after;
  • certificate of absence of official employment;
  • internal passport.

What documents are needed

If the pensioner himself applies for payment, he must take a passport and work book. If documents are submitted by an authorized person, then you need to make copies and have them certified by a notary; the person must have a power of attorney.

If a student will be caring for an elderly citizen, he must obtain a certificate from the dean’s office and attach it to the application.

Payment procedure

If a pensioner receives payments at the place of actual residence, then to receive the funds it is enough to sign an application and send it to the nearest Pension Fund. The application can be filled out online on the State Services website if the person has an electronic signature.

If the recipient changes his place of residence, he must withdraw the application. Employees will deregister him at one address based on the move and register him in another location. From this moment on, the payment of the pension supplement will continue; if a regional coefficient appears, a recalculation will occur.

The pension fund sends a notification by mail stating that everything was done correctly, and the citizen retains the right to a bonus. If there are no problems with the documents, all procedures will take place automatically without human intervention.

Payment of accrued money is made for the current month. The local authority of the Pension Fund is responsible for the transfer of funds. If a citizen lives in a municipal or state inpatient facility, payments will go there.

The legislation provides for the possibility of automatically paying for the accommodation of elderly citizens in hospitals and other specialized institutions from their pensions.

To do this, the pensioner signs an application and the Pension Fund begins sending monthly bills to the place of residence for payment. This process can also be automated.

A pensioner has the right to receive a pension either at home or at a post office, bank or organization that delivers pensions. When transferring in person, a person must present an ID each time.

It is possible to transfer by bank transfer to a bank card using the specified details, if the citizen has one. There are no transaction fees.

Fringe benefits

In addition to the pension supplement, citizens over 80 years of age receive an automatic right to benefits, including:

  • absolutely free social and medical services;
  • allocation of places in boarding houses for the elderly, nursing homes, boarding homes and any other specialized government institutions;
  • If a pensioner’s housing is in disrepair, then if he has documents for the living space, he is provided with state real estate (returned after the death of the person).

In some regions of the country, a law has been passed on exemption from paying contributions for major repairs for citizens over 80 years of age.

In addition to the above benefits, people in this category receive unique social services:

  • free legal consultations;
  • receiving a set of groceries and hot meals once a day;
  • free medical and psychological assistance;
  • free visits from medical and social workers;
  • receiving social assistance in the form of clothing, shoes and any items necessary for a comfortable life.

Care allowance

In addition to the basic supplement due to every pensioner over 80 years of age, citizens have the right to receive compensation for care. If relatives do not work to care for the person, the Pension Fund will begin to pay additional funds.

You can apply for compensation at any Pension Fund in the country. The pensioner and relative must sign an application for assistance.

Not everyone can provide care and receive compensation. Payment is possible subject to the following conditions:

  • age from 14 years, up to 18 years it is necessary to obtain permission from the guardianship authorities;
  • do not have an official place of work;
  • not receive any other type of pension;
  • not be a member of the employment service and not receive unemployment benefits from them.

Since at the age of 80 some citizens do not have the opportunity to personally carry documents, they have the right to issue a power of attorney to a third party, allowing them to process payments.

The power of attorney must be notarized; a relative caring for the pensioner can bring it. The notary also makes home visits.

Since long-term care compensation is paid together with the pension, the assistant receives the money from the hands of the pensioner. If a relative finds a job, he is obliged to notify the Pension Fund. Otherwise, it falls under the article “Fraud,” and public money will be confiscated in court.

According to statistics, compensation is often issued by students and schoolchildren who are grandchildren of a pensioner. Fact of transfer Money from pensioner to assistant is not checked. The amount of compensation depends on the regional coefficient.

Citizens over 80 years of age are a vulnerable group of people, therefore they are entitled to additional payments and benefits. If a person’s health is not sufficient to complete the documents, a representative can go through the procedure in his place.

Video: Increase in pension after 80 years in 2019

Letter to the editor. Should the pension be larger after age 80?

A few months ago I turned 80 years old. I read in your newspaper about an increase in pensions for 80-year-olds. I hoped that I would receive an increase in accordance with the specified amount - 9965 rubles. However, they only added half to me (before the increase, the receipt showed insurance part pensions 12,685, after - 17,689 rubles). I am not disabled and do not receive any other payments, except for the daily allowance from the St. Petersburg budget - about 1900 rubles. In response to all attempts to find out the reasons for the discrepancy, the Pension Fund told me that in fact the insurance part indicated on the receipt consists of two parts, of which only one is actually insurance, so they increased it. Perhaps I misunderstood something. Please return to the topic. I think this is important not only for me. I. A. KUKS Institutsky pr.

Illustration by Gods Kings/

From the editor. The most important thing that our dear reader understood: you need to understand any question, do not hesitate to ask questions and demand clear answers. Both from the Pension Fund of Russia and from the editors of the newspaper. Moreover, pension legislation and the system for calculating and recalculating pensions are so sophisticated that even professionals are often confused.

Let's first - schematically.

The pension consists of two parts. The first is the old-age pension, which was once calculated based on length of service and earnings. By 2002, the country switched to the insurance principle of calculation - based on the number of contributions transferred to the Pension Fund by the employer for the employee. For citizens who by that time were already pensioners, they carried out valorization (remember this “beast”?). Since then, the first part has changed its name several times: it was a labor pension, an old-age pension... Since 2015, it has simply been an insurance pension. Or rather, several types of it - for old age, for disability, for the loss of a breadwinner.

It is more difficult to trace the fate of the second part. At first it originated within the amount of the pension received as a result of valorization. Then - in 2009 - it received independent status and a name: the base unit. Now it is called a fixed payment to the insurance pension, and its size is set by the government of the Russian Federation. Neither merits, nor experience, nor a person’s earnings affect the size of this payment. And it affects the region of residence: the “north”, the Far East... Half of the fixed payment is added to the insurance pension for the loss of a breadwinner. There are some other details that do not affect the vast majority of “insurance” pensioners.

From January 1, 2018, the fixed payment is 4982 rubles 90 kopecks per month (Article 16 of Law No. 400-FZ “On Insurance Pensions”).

The rules for increasing the fixed payment for citizens who have reached the age of 80 and some other categories are prescribed in Art. 17 of the same No. 400-FZ: it doubles. That is, after 80, a citizen no longer receives 4982.9 rubles, but 9965.8 rubles. Plus your insurance pension.

The increase occurs automatically, without any applications or documents. If you turn 80, you will receive an increased pension next month.

So the amount received by Igor Anatolyevich Kuks is completely consistent with the provisions of the law.

It is important to remember a few more conditions prescribed by law. The fixed payment from the age of 80 will not increase for pensioners who are disabled in the first group. Since they already receive it in double amount: this amount is due to them from the moment the disability pension is established. Citizens receiving social pension, and are completely deprived of a fixed payment.

Further: if a pensioner who has reached 80 years of age has worked for at least 15 years in the Far North and his experience is at least 25 years for men or at least 20 years for women, then his fixed payment increases not by 100%, but by 150 : that is, by 7473.65 rubles.

And one more thing: all 80-year-olds receive a hypothetical right to additional payments. Old man can draw up documents at the Pension Fund of Russia unit stating that such and such a citizen is caring for him. And he will be given a compensation payment for these services - 1200 rubles. per month.

Any able-bodied person can care for an 80-year-old pensioner, regardless of family ties or cohabitation. There is only one condition: he must not be a pensioner, have another place of work or service, or receive unemployment benefits. But this could be a teenager, starting from 14 years old, or a full-time student.


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Pensioners who have reached 80 years of age are a special category of persons. At this age, physical conditions no longer allow you to live full life and many of the pensioners who have reached this age need help in solving even the simplest issues. The state provides additional payments and certain benefits for citizens of this age category. The article indicates what benefits are available to pensioners after 80 years of age.

Payments to pensioners

For pensioners of the older age category, not only various benefits are provided, but also financial ones. Thus, the standard old-age pension for persons over 80 years of age doubles (by 100%) and amounts to 9,610 rubles, since base size such payment is 4,805 rubles. To receive the payment, the pensioner does not need to visit any institutions. It is accrued automatically upon reaching 80 years of age.

Except state aid, each region may have its own. All information can be obtained from the social protection department at your place of residence.

Elderly pensioners living in the Far North or regions equivalent to them, the payment amount increases by the territorial coefficient. If a citizen who has achieved the required retirement age, has worked in the polar regions for 15 years or more, he can count on a 50% increase in double pay. Citizens, as a rule, have the right to both the northern length of service and the regional coefficient, but receiving two payments is not provided for by law, so older people will have to choose one.

There are often cases when a pensioner has dependent citizens who are not capable of labor activity. In this case - for each dependent in the amount of 1,601 rubles, while the number of disabled persons is limited to three. In this case, the pensioner receives 4,805 rubles. If the number of dependents is more than three, the payment amount does not increase, but such families can be provided with targeted financial assistance.

Many pensioners who have reached the age of 80 are unable to care for themselves. In this case, they have the right to a state surcharge to pay for the services of an outsider. A person caring for an elderly person must meet the following criteria:

  • must not have an official place of work;
  • should not receive a pension;
  • be over 14 years of age.

If a person who has not reached the age of majority is caring for a pensioner, then a permission document from the parents is required to register it. Permission from one of them is enough. To pay for care services, a pensioner is charged an amount of 1,200 rubles every month, which is not indexed. The payment is calculated regardless of the relationship between the pensioner and the person who assumed caregiving responsibilities. The person providing care assistance can live with the pensioner or separately. The amount to pay for services is paid monthly.

To receive this service, you need to prepare the following documents for the PF:

  • application from a pensioner in need of care services;
  • an application from a person willing to provide such services;
  • assistant's passport;
  • a document confirming the absence of official work and pension.

A person caring for an elderly pensioner receives pension points at the rate of 1.8 points per year of providing care services. This ensures the formation of insurance experience.

The person providing care for a pensioner receives nothing from the state, and the pensioner himself pays compensation to him.


Increases in the basic payment to pensioners who have reached the age of 80 are regulated by Law No. 400 Federal Law dated December 28, 2013 and Government Resolution No. 249 PP dated March 18, 2015. Benefits for utility services are prescribed in Article No. 169 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, and benefits in the field of medical services are determined by order of the Ministry of Health and social development No. 255 dated November 22, 2004.

About labor pension read in old age.

What benefits and additional payments are provided to the pension?

In addition to cash payments, pensioners who have reached the age of 80 are entitled to benefits. These preferences are provided in the following areas:

  • healthcare;
  • housing and communal services;
  • transport;
  • taxes.

Medical care for people over 80 years of age

Most pensioners over 80 years of age are most interested in government assistance related to the healthcare sector. Elderly pensioners are provided with the following benefits:

  • acquisition medicines with discount;
  • voucher to a medical institution;
  • compensation for travel to the place of treatment;
  • extraordinary care in medical institutions;
  • compensation for the cost of prostheses.

For citizens over 80 years of age, medications are sold with a 50% discount if they are purchased no later than 10 days from the date of the prescription. Once every two years, a pensioner has the right to undergo treatment in a sanatorium-resort organization. He is also compensated for travel to and from the place of treatment. In all public medical institutions, elderly people over 80 years of age receive medical services out of turn. This applies to both appointments with a specialist and undergoing prescribed procedures. Partial or full compensation for the cost of prosthetic services is allowed.

This benefit does not apply to dental prosthetics associated with the use of precious metals or expensive foreign-made components.


In the housing and communal services sector, persons over 80 years of age are entitled to a 50% discount on utility bills. To receive it, you must submit the following documents to the social protection department:

  • passport;
  • application for benefits;
  • documents confirming housing rights;
  • information about the income of the pensioner and his family members;
  • receipt stubs for paid bills for housing and communal services.

In addition, in the regions there may be a benefit that allows you to reduce payments for major home repairs. In some regions, citizens over 80 years of age are completely exempt from payments for the repair of residential buildings.

Transport benefits upon reaching age 80

The issue of providing pensioners over 80 years of age with any transport services is also being decided at the regional level. This could be a regularly paid additional amount to your pension or the opportunity to purchase a travel ticket on preferential terms. In some regions, it is possible to use discounted travel on electric trains or commuter trains. The ticket is purchased at a discount using a pension document.


For persons over 80 years of age, the following tax preferences are provided:

  • exemption from income tax;
  • when purchasing real estate;
  • reduction in the amount of land tax;
  • the tax levy on your own real estate will be removed.

If a pensioner sues statement of claim in a property dispute for an amount less than 1 million rubles, then he is exempt from paying state duty.

Other types of help that an older person has

Many pensioners who have reached the age of 80 continue to successfully work and engage in scientific or teaching activities. In this case, they have the right to an unpaid two-week vacation at a time convenient for themselves, and upon dismissal from their place of work, they do not require required work. In some regions, persons over 80 years of age are completely exempt from transport tax if the vehicle has a power of up to 100 l/s.
