Survivor's pension in Belarus. Who is entitled to a survivor's pension? The amount of social and insurance pensions

§ 20.3. Survivors' pensions

Pensions on the occasion of the loss of a breadwinner to members of the families of military personnel, persons in command and enlisted personnel are assigned if the breadwinner died: during the period of military service or service; not later than three months from the date of dismissal from military service or from service; later than three months from the date of dismissal from military service or from service, if death occurred as a result of injury, concussion, injury or disease that occurred during the period of military service or service, and to family members of pensioners from among these military personnel, persons in command and enlisted personnel - regardless of the cause of death, if the breadwinner died during the period of receiving the pension or no later than 5 years after the termination of the payment of the pension. Pensions on the occasion of the loss of a breadwinner to family members of military personnel who served under a contract, persons in command and rank and file, dismissed from military service or from service, who had a length of service of 20 years or more, who died before reaching the age limit for military service or in the service, are assigned and paid regardless of the time elapsed from the day of dismissal to the day of the death of the breadwinner.

Disabled members of the family of deceased (dead) military personnel, persons in command and enlisted personnel, who were dependent on them, have the right to a pension in the event of the loss of a breadwinner. Regardless of being dependent on the breadwinner, the pension is assigned to: disabled children; disabled parents and spouse, if after the death of the breadwinner they lost their source of livelihood; disabled parents and spouse of military personnel, persons in command and rank and file, who died due to the indicated reasons; spouse, parent, or other family member.

When determining the right to a pension, disabled family members are considered:

Children (including adopted children, stepsons and stepdaughters), brothers, sisters and grandchildren under the age of 18 or older than this age, if they became disabled before reaching 18 years of age. At the same time, brothers, sisters and grandchildren have the right to a pension if they do not have able-bodied parents, and a stepson and stepdaughter - if they did not receive alimony from their parents in the manner prescribed by law;

Father, mother (adoptive parents), spouse (wife), if they have reached retirement age or are disabled;

Spouse (wife) or one of the parents or grandfather, grandmother, brother or sister, regardless of age and ability to work, if he (she) is engaged in caring for the children, brothers, sisters or grandchildren of the deceased breadwinner under the age of 8, and does not work ;

Grandfather and grandmother - in the absence of persons who are required by law to support them;

Stepfather, stepmother, if they have reached retirement age or are disabled, provided that they raised or supported the deceased stepson or stepdaughter for at least 5 years.

Persons aged 18 years and older who are studying full-time education in institutions that provide general secondary, vocational, secondary specialized and higher education (except for educational institutions in which students are in military service or in the service ), special education, retraining, are entitled to a survivor's pension until they complete such training, but not more than until they reach the age of 23.

The wives of military personnel, persons in command and privates who died in the line of military service (duties) or died, who are engaged in caring for the children of the dead (deceased) who have not reached the age of 8, are entitled to a survivor's pension, regardless of age and ability to work and regardless of whether the wife works or not.

Mothers and wives (who have not remarried) of military personnel, persons in command and enlisted personnel who died in the line of military service (official duties) or died during the period of military service, a pension for the loss of a breadwinner is assigned when they reach 50 years of age.

The family members of the deceased are considered to be dependent on him if they were fully supported by him or received assistance from him, which was for them a permanent and main source of livelihood.

Members of the family of the deceased, who were dependent on him and received any pension themselves, have the right to switch to new pension.

Orphans and children left without parental care, who are in guardianship and foster families, the survivor's pension is paid in full.

Orphans and persons from among orphans for the period of their stay on state support in organizations, institutions and family-type orphanages are paid 50% of the assigned survivor's pension.

Other children, including children left without parental care, as well as persons from among children left without parental care, who are on state support in organizations, institutions and family-type orphanages, are paid 25% of the assigned survivor's pension.

Persons from among children (including adopted children, stepsons and stepdaughters), brothers, sisters and grandchildren receiving a survivor's pension for military personnel, persons in command and enlisted personnel who died (deceased) in the performance of military service duties (official duties) or those who died during the period of military service or service, as well as for the deceased war invalids who are on state support provided by government agencies those providing vocational, secondary specialized and higher education, and studying in these institutions on a full-time basis of education, including preparatory departments, are paid 25% of the assigned survivor's pension.

The survivor's pension assigned to a disabled spouse is also preserved when the pensioner enters into a new marriage.

Minors who are entitled to a survivor's pension shall retain this right also when they are adopted.

Survivor's pensions are awarded in the following amounts:

a) family members of military personnel, persons in command and enlisted personnel who died in the line of military service (official duties) or died - 50% of the income of the breadwinner for each disabled family member. In the same amount, pensions are assigned, regardless of the cause of death of the breadwinner, to family members of deceased pensioners who were war invalids on the day of death, as well as to orphans and persons from among orphans;

b) family members of military personnel, persons in command and enlisted personnel who died due to causes - 40% of the income of the breadwinner for each disabled family member.

A monthly allowance in the amount of 180% of the minimum old-age pension is assigned:

Parents and wives (who have not remarried) of military personnel, persons in command and rank and file, whose death occurred during the period of military service, service and is associated with the performance of military service duties (official duties);

Parents and wives (who have not remarried) of workers and employees who died (deceased) in the line of duty in Afghanistan or other countries where fighting, - according to the list determined by the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Belarus.

This allowance is paid to persons permanently residing in the territory of the Republic of Belarus. The procedure for assigning and paying the allowance provided for by this article is established by the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus.

The minimum amount of the survivor's pension, assigned to family members of military personnel, persons in command and enlisted personnel, per each disabled family member cannot be lower than:

When calculating pensions for family members of servicemen of fixed-term military service, servicemen who served under a contract (except for servicemen of officers), persons of junior commanding and enlisted personnel - 150%, and for family members of servicemen of officers, persons of middle, senior and senior commanding staff - 180% of the minimum old-age pension;

When calculating pensions for family members of deceased servicemen, officers and rank and file - 100% of the minimum age pension.

For orphans and persons from among orphans, the pension for each child may not be less than two times the minimum old-age pension.

To the survivor's pension, a care allowance is established:

Disabled people of group I - 100% minimum size retirement pensions;

Pensioners who have reached the age of 80, disabled children under the age of 18 and disabled people from childhood of group II, as well as single pensioners who need constant outside assistance at the conclusion of the Medical Rehabilitation Expert Commission (MREC) or the Medical Consultative Commission (VKK ), - 50% of the minimum old-age pension.

If you are entitled to a care allowance on several grounds, the allowance is calculated on one of the specified grounds.

The survivor's pension is established for the entire period during which a family member of the deceased is considered disabled, and for family members who have reached retirement age - for life.

A survivor's pension is assigned to each disabled family member who is entitled to a pension. At the request of family members, they can be assigned one general pension.

If a change occurs in the composition of a family to which a survivor's pension was granted, as a result of which individual members of the family or the family as a whole lose the right to a pension, the recalculation of the pension or the termination of its payment shall be made from the first day of the month following that month, in which the change has taken place.

Family members who are disabled are subject to the rules on the procedure and terms for establishing disability and paying a pension during breaks in the examination at the medical and rehabilitation expert commission (MREK).

survivor's pension

survivor's pension- This is a cash benefit paid to provide material support to dependents in the event of the loss of a person who is obliged to provide them financially. As a rule, we are talking about the loss of close relatives (parents, spouses) or guardians.

The concept of the breadwinner in the legislation is not specifically defined. It means a person who has dependent family members who are incapacitated and who are supported by him or receive assistance from him, which serves as their main and permanent source of livelihood.

A prerequisite for receiving a survivor's pension in the Republic of Belarus is the recipient's incapacity for work.

For each member of the family of the deceased, a pension is assigned for the period of his incapacity for work.

According to the Law of the Republic of Belarus "On pension provision”, Article 35, the basis for granting a survivor's pension is the fact of the death of a person who was dependent on the future recipients of this pension.

The following are entitled to receive a pension:

  • children, including adopted children, up to 18 years old, and if they receive full-time education - up to 23 years old;
  • brothers, sisters, grandchildren who became disabled before the age of 18, if they do not have able-bodied parents or guardians, and do not receive benefits from them;
  • parents and spouses of retirement age or recognized as disabled who were dependent on the deceased;
  • parents and spouses of the deceased, who were not his dependents, but who lost their source of livelihood;
  • non-working relatives of the deceased who care for his children and other dependents under the age of eight;
  • grandparents, in the absence of other persons obliged to provide them financially;
  • disabled stepfathers and stepmothers, if they raised the deceased for at least five years.
  • All legislative norms relating to the deceased also apply to dependents of the missing, in cases specified by law.

    There are two types of survivor's pension: labor - calculated depending on the amount seniority and income of the breadwinner; and social - representing in their content, rather an act of charity than receiving a well-deserved reward for past work.

    According to Article 38 of the Law “On Pensions”, each disabled member of his family has the right to a survivor's pension in the amount of 40% of the average monthly salary of the breadwinner, but not less than the minimum old-age pension.

    In the event of the loss of the other parent, the amount of the pension for each child is 50% of their earnings, but not less than twice the amount of the minimum retirement pension.

    The survivor's pension, assigned to a widow (widower), is preserved even upon entering into a new marriage.

    The principles for calculating the labor pension for the loss of the breadwinner correspond to the principles for calculating the labor pension for old age or disability. The length of service is counted in the same way as when calculating a disability pension.

    Social pensions are assigned in the form of a specific amount, depending on the category of the recipient and without regard to the past income of the breadwinner. The purpose of the social pension for the loss of a breadwinner is to prevent the plight of orphans.

    As statistical information, we can consider the dynamics of changes in the size of the survivor's pension in Minsk in 2016-2017.

    The pension system of residents of Belarus

    Every year there are fewer able-bodied people in Belarus, so since 2016 the pension system of Belarus has changed. The main changes that have affected all pensioners are an increase in the length of service and the retirement age. Read more about all the innovations in the pension system of Belarus in this material.

    Conditions for the formation of a pension in Belarus

    In order to receive a pension, a citizen of Belarus must fulfill a number of conditions, namely:

  • Reaching the appropriate age. Until 2022, the age of pensioners will gradually increase to such indicators as: men - 63, women - 58 years. Read more in the article age of pensioners in Belarus.
  • Minimum experience- 10 years (for the disabled category - 5 years). To assign pension contributions, a man must have a total experience of 25 years (women - 20 years). Persons who do not have a minimum experience, receive a social pension.
  • permanent residence on the territory of the country and the presence of Belarusian citizenship.
  • Source pension payments Belarus - Fund for Social Protection of the Population. The pension is paid directly from the republican budget.

    The amount of pension contributions is equal to 55% of the salary for the last year of labor activity. For other periods, 1% is added to the deductions.

    Pension payments have several subspecies, namely:

  • According to age criteria- standard payments, which are assigned in accordance with the specified conditions.
    Sometimes citizens can arrange pension payments in more early dates. For example, employees of harmful, transport, textile and other heavy industries.
  • Seniority- this list of specialties includes employees of such areas as: medical institutions; education; sport; creative sphere; aviation and other flying units.
  • Disability- when assigning disability pension payments, a citizen is required to have a certain length of service, namely: persons under 23 years of age are required to work for at least one year; 23-26 years old - 2 years of experience; 26-31 years - 3 years and so on in ascending order.
  • Special merit- these payments are regulated by the Council of Ministers.
  • Loss of a survivor- payments due to persons who are recognized as dependents.
  • Will there be an accumulative part?

    When switching to a funded pension system, the majority of Belarusians will be able to independently form a part of pension payments.

    But in practice, the authorities have not yet sought to introduce an innovation called " funded pension». Negative experience Russian pension system to introduce the funded part of pension contributions led to a number of conclusions. Therefore, in 2017, the introduction of a mandatory funded element in Belarus is not planned.

    Pension payments are indexed annually in accordance with the Decree of the President!

    But the authorities do not deny the fact that a voluntary pension insurance system will soon be introduced, which will allow young people to independently replenish their future pension.

    disability pension

    Disability is established by the Medical Rehabilitation Expert Commission (MREC for short).

    To assign pension payments, a citizen must do the following:

  • Visit to MREC. MREC establishes a disease that can limit performance. In addition, commission members are required to analyze the causes of physical violations.
    Based on the results of the studied documentation, the commission determines the group and the period for passing the secondary examination.
  • When assigning a lifetime disability, re-passing the MREC is not required.

  • Appeal to the social security authorities. In addition to the medical report received from the commission, a citizen must provide documentation that confirms the cause of the disease, as well as: passport data; experience documents; reference on the size of the salary part.
    When calculating pension payments, specialists from social security authorities take into account the total length of service. For example, citizens who are under the age of 23 must "acquire" experience not less than a year.
    faces, disabled due to an occupational disease(or injury), receive pension contributions regardless of the period of labor activity. In addition, seniority is not taken into account at the age of less than 20 years.
  • Amount of pension payments varies as follows:
    • 1st group - 75% of the average salary;
    • 2nd group - 65%;
    • 3rd group - 40%.
  • In the absence of experience, disabled people receive social payments the following sizes:
    • Group 1 - 150% of the minimum retirement pension;
    • 2nd group - 100%;
    • 3rd group - 50%.
    • In addition to pension payments, persons with disabilities may receive various privileges. For example, disabled people of groups 1 and 2 have the right to:
      1. June– the increase in pension will be approximately 15%.
      2. September- the increase in pension contributions will be about 8%.
      3. The percentage of pension increase largely depends on the work of all sectors of the economy.

        The pension system of Belarus is implemented thanks to the following laws:

      • Law No. 1596-XII of April 17, 1992;
      • Decree No. 137 of 04/11/2016;
      • Law No14-З dated 09.01.2017;
      • Decree No570 dated 08.12.2014;
      • Decree No. 534 of 04/11/2016;
      • Law No 2050-XII of 12/17/1992;
      • Law No. 322-З dated 05.01.2008;
      • Law No422-З dated 07/23/2008;
      • Law No 3563-XII of 01/31/1995.
      • The increase in the number of citizens of retirement age has led to changes pension reform. First of all, the retirement age and length of service among the residents of Belarus were raised.

        See the following video about plans for the development of the pension system.

        As a result, in 2017 pension payments in Belarus will be accrued according to the new system. To keep abreast of the latest events, every future pensioner in Belarus should study this material.

        survivor's pension

        Up-to-date information on the amount of social and minimum labor pensions in case of loss of a breadwinner in Belarus.

        The size of the survivor's pension is:

      • the minimum amount of labor pension in case of loss of a breadwinner –
      • social pension for children, (Article 37 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus “On Pension Provision”)
      • disabled people of the 1st group -
      • pensioners of 80 years of age, disabled children under 18 years of age and disabled since childhood of group II, as well as single pensioners in need of constant outside assistance on the conclusion of the MREK or VKK -
      • The amount of the survivor's pension is determined on the basis of the average monthly earnings of the breadwinner. However, such pension cannot be less than the specified minimum amount.

        A survivor's pension is not granted if the breadwinner did not have a certain length of service by the day of death. However, children in this case can receive the indicated social pension.

        The amount of these pensions is determined based on the budget living wage average per capita for the last two quarters: 1 and 73 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus “On Pension Provision”:: “> [∗]

      • the minimum size of the labor pension in case of loss of a breadwinner is 100% of the minimum retirement pension (25% of the subsistence minimum budget);
      • children who are not entitled to a labor pension in case of loss of a breadwinner - 85% of the subsistence minimum budget for each child;
      • allowances:
      • disabled people of group I - 100% of the minimum old-age pension (25% of the subsistence minimum budget);
      • pensioners who have reached the age of 80, disabled children under the age of 18 and disabled people from childhood of II group, as well as single pensioners who need constant outside assistance according to the conclusion of the MREK or VKK - 50% of the minimum old-age pension (12.5 % of the subsistence minimum budget).

        Pensions and benefits

        The most important component of the system social protection is a pension. The main purpose of pension provision– ensuring the financial stability of the pension system, providing pension payments disabled citizens and a periodic increase in their size, taking into account the growth of incomes of workers.

        The right to pension provision guaranteed by the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus is implemented through the Law of the Republic of Belarus “On Pension Provision” (hereinafter referred to as the Law), other legislative acts.

        The law establishes the conditions for granting labor pensions for old age, for disability, for the loss of a breadwinner, for length of service, for special services to the republic. The legislation provides for the possibility of appointing certain categories of citizens early retirement on working conditions or social grounds.

        The right to an old-age pension on a general basis have men with a total work experience of at least 25 years, women with a total work experience of at least 20 years upon reaching the generally established retirement age:

      • in 2016: men - 60 years old, women - 55 years old;
      • in 2017: men - 60 years 6 months, women - 55 years 6 months;
      • in 2018: men - 61 years old, women - 56 years old;
      • in 2019: men - 61 years 6 months, women - 56 years 6 months;
      • in 2020: men - 62 years old, women - 57 years old;
      • in 2021: men - 62 years 6 months, women - 57 years 6 months;
      • in 2022 and subsequent years: men - 63 years, women - 58 years.

      A prerequisite for the realization of the right to an old-age labor pension and a labor pension for years of service(Articles 11-13,15,24,47-49-2 of the Law) is the presence of work experience (other activities) with the payment of mandatory insurance contributions to the budget of the state non-budgetary fund for social protection of the population of the Republic of Belarus (hereinafter referred to as insurance experience). For the appointment of a labor pension by age and for the length of service, it is required to have insurance experience:

    • in 2016 - 15 years 6 months;
    • in 2017 - 16 years;
    • in 2018 - 16 years 6 months;
    • in 2019 - 17 years;
    • in 2020 - 17 years 6 months;
    • in 2021 - 18 years;
    • in 2022 - 18 years 6 months;
    • in 2023 - 19 years;
    • in 2024 - 19 years 6 months;
    • in 2025 and subsequent years - 20 years.
    • For the appointment of early retirement pensions parents of disabled children (disabled since childhood); mothers of many children who have given birth to five or more children; disabled since childhood; war invalids; mothers of military personnel whose death is related to the performance of military service duties, midgets and dwarfs (Articles 17-22 of the Law) 5 years of insurance experience required(subject to other conditions stipulated by law).

      From August 1, 2017. Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated June 29, 2017 No. 233 “On pension provision for certain categories of citizens” granted the right to a labor pension by age with 10 years of insurance experience persons who have been carrying out socially significant activities for a long time and for this reason have not been able to form the required length of service.

      In particular, an old-age pension with an insurance period of at least 10 years (but less than that required for the appointment of an old-age pension on a general basis) is assigned to citizens who have a total work experience of at least 40 years for men and 35 years for women. With the same duration of the insurance period - 10 years - an old-age pension is assigned to citizens who for a long time (at least 10 calendar years, excluding the time spent on social leave for childcare) did military service (service in paramilitary organizations), but did not acquire the right to a pension in accordance with the norms of the Law of the Republic of Belarus “On pensions for military personnel, persons in command and rank and file of internal affairs bodies, Investigative Committee of the Republic of Belarus, the State Committee of Forensic Examinations of the Republic of Belarus, bodies and divisions for emergency situations and bodies of financial investigations”, and have a total work experience of at least 25 years for men and 20 years for women.

      The total length of service, in addition to periods of work (other activities) with the payment of mandatory insurance premiums, also includes the periods provided for by part two of Article 51 of the Law (in particular, service in the Armed Forces of the USSR, the Republic of Belarus, time caring for children under the age of 3 years (but not more than 9 years in total), the period of caring for a disabled person of the 1st group or a person who has reached the age of 80 who needs constant care, the period of full-time education of vocational, secondary specialized, higher and postgraduate education, receiving unemployment benefits, but not more than 6 months in total, etc.).

      The length of service also affects the size of the pension.. The maximum length of service taken into account is 45 years for men and 40 years for women.

      In order to exercise the right to a labor pension for disability or for the loss of a breadwinner, preferential requirements are established for the work experience of a disabled person or a breadwinner (including insurance experience).

      When assigning a labor pension in 2018 it is calculated from earnings for the last 24 consecutive years of work experience, but not more than for the actual work experience. At the same time, during periods of work, entrepreneurial activity, actual earnings (income) are taken into account, and for periods of other activities (other periods) that are included in the length of service (part two of Article 51 of the Law), 40 percent of the average wage of employees in republic for the respective months.

      Every year, the period for calculating earnings is increased by 1 year, up to the actual work experience of the person who applied for a pension. That is, in 2019 it will be 25 years, in 2020 - 26 years, etc. Earnings are limited to four times the average salary in the republic (ICW=4), and since 2016 - five times the average salary in the republic (ICW=5) for persons with a work experience of 36 years or more for men and 31 years or more for women.

      Minimum Guarantees

      The minimum size of an old-age labor pension is set at 25 percent of the highest average per capita subsistence minimum budget approved by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus for the last two quarters (Article 23 of the Law).

      The minimum labor pension for disability groups I and II is set at 100 percent, for group III - 50 percent, for heroine mothers (regardless of the disability group) - 100 percent of the minimum old-age pension (Article 31 of the Law).

      The minimum size of the labor pension in case of loss of a breadwinner is set at 100 percent of the minimum size of the old-age pension, for orphans, persons from among orphans (provided that the monthly insurance payment is not received due to the death of a parent) - 200 percent of the minimum old-age pension (Article 38 of the Law).

      The minimum retirement pension for years of service is set at 100 percent of the minimum old-age pension (Article 50 of the Law).

      For labor pensions calculated in the minimum amount, persons permanently residing in the Republic of Belarus are provided with an additional payment in the amount of 20 percent of the average wage of employees in the republic, which is used to adjust the actual earnings of a pensioner when assigning and recalculating pensions in connection with an increase in average wages (Decree Council of Ministers of the Republic dated December 22, 1999 No. 1976 as amended on April 6, 2017 No. 257).

      According to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated January 16, 2012 No. 35 “On increasing pensions”, the surcharges.

      Disabled citizens who do not receive a labor pension and (or) a pension from other states in accordance with international treaties of the Republic of Belarus in the field of social (pension) provision, is appointed social pension. It is assigned to men upon reaching the age of 65 years, women - 60 years. This condition does not apply to children with disabilities, the disabled, including those disabled since childhood, children who have lost their breadwinner.

      Social pensions are calculated from the highest value of the subsistence minimum approved by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus on average per capita for the last two quarters in the following amounts:

    • disabled people of group I, including disabled since childhood - 110 percent;
    • disabled from childhood II group - 95 percent;
    • disabled persons of group II (except for disabled since childhood), children in case of loss of a breadwinner (point "a" of part three and part four of Article 35) for each child - 85 percent;
    • invalids of group III, including invalids since childhood – 75 percent; persons who have reached the age: men - 65 years old, women - 60 years old - 50 percent;
    • disabled children under the age of 18 with the degree of loss of health: the first - 80 percent, the second - 85 percent, the third - 95 percent, the fourth - 110 percent.
    • In order to maintain the level of pension provision, pensions are periodically recalculated.

      (1) in connection with the growth of the average wage on the basis of decrees of the President of the Republic of Belarus at least once a year within the funds of the state extra-budgetary fund for social protection of the population of the Republic of Belarus. Simultaneously with such an increase, the size of the additional payment to the minimum labor pensions is recalculated;

      (2) in connection with changes in the budget of the subsistence minimum per capita (minimum labor pensions, social pensions, bonuses and increases to them, additional payments to pensioners over the age of 75).

      In 2014, recalculations were made:

    • from February 1: labor pensions based on the average wages of workers in the republic, applied in the previous recalculation of pensions, with an increase in its value by 5% (4,960,043 rubles). (Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus "On increasing pensions" dated January 28, 2014 No. 52), as well as minimum labor pensions, social pensions, allowances and increases to them, additional payments to pensioners over the age of 75 - due to an increase in the subsistence minimum budget on average per capita in December 2013 prices - 1,128,070 rubles.
    • from 1May: minimum labor pensions, social pensions, allowances and increases to them, additional payments to pensioners over the age of 75 - due to an increase in the subsistence minimum budget per capita on average in March 2014 prices - 1,212,500 rubles.
    • from August 1: labor pensions based on the average wages of workers in the republic, applied during the previous recalculation of pensions, with an increase in its value by 7.5 percent (5,332,046) (Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus of July 24, 2014 No. 366 "On increasing pensions" with August 1, 2014), as well as minimum labor pensions, social pensions, allowances and increases to them, additional payments to pensioners over the age of 75 - due to an increase in the subsistence minimum budget per capita on average in June 2014 prices - 1 343 420 rubles.
    • from November 1: labor pensions based on the average wages of workers in the republic, applied during the previous recalculation of pensions, with an increase in its value by 5.5 percent (5,625,309 rubles) (Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated October 24, 2014 No. 506 "On increasing pensions" ), as well as minimum labor pensions, social pensions, allowances and increases to them, additional payments to pensioners over the age of 75 due to an increase in the subsistence level budget per capita on average in September 2014 prices - 1,396,020 rubles.
    • In 2015, recalculations were made:

      • from February 1: minimum labor pensions, social pensions, allowances and increases to them, additional payments to pensioners over the age of 75 - due to an increase in the average subsistence minimum budget per capita in December 2014 prices - 1,428,100 rubles.
      • from May 1st: minimum labor pensions, social pensions, allowances and increases to them, additional payments to pensioners over the age of 75 - due to an increase in the subsistence minimum budget per capita on average in March 2015 prices - 1,474,870 rubles.
      • August 1: minimum labor pensions, social pensions, allowances and increases to them, additional payments to pensioners over the age of 75 - due to an increase in the subsistence minimum budget per capita on average in June 2015 prices - 1,569,130 ​​rubles.
      • from September 1: labor pensions based on the average wages of workers in the republic, applied in the previous recalculation of pensions, with an increase in its value by 5.5 percent (5,934,701 rubles) (Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated August 13, 2015 No. 352).
      • In 2016, recalculations were made:

      • from February 1: minimum labor pensions, social pensions, allowances and increases to them, additional payments to pensioners over the age of 75 - due to an increase in the subsistence minimum budget per capita on average in December 2015 prices - 1,591,310 rubles.
      • from March 1: minimum labor pensions, social pensions, allowances and increases to them, additional payments to pensioners over the age of 75 - due to an increase in the subsistence minimum budget per capita - 1,640,000 rubles.
      • from May 1st: minimum labor pensions, social pensions, allowances and increases to them, additional payments to pensioners over the age of 75 - due to an increase in the subsistence minimum budget per capita - 1,699,430 rubles.
      • from August 1: minimum labor pensions, social pensions, allowances and increases to them, additional payments to pensioners over the age of 75 - due to an increase in the subsistence minimum budget per capita on average in June 2016 prices - 175.50 rubles. (including denomination).
      • from December 1: labor pensions based on the average wages of workers in the republic, applied in the previous recalculation of pensions, with an increase in its value by 5.5 percent (626.11 rubles) (Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated October 13, 2016 No. 364).
      • In 2017, recalculations were made:

      • from February 1: minimum labor pensions, social pensions, allowances and increases to them, additional payments to pensioners over the age of 75 - due to an increase in the subsistence minimum budget per capita on average in December 2016 prices - 180.10 rubles.
      • from May 1st: minimum labor pensions, social pensions, allowances and increases to them, additional payments to pensioners over the age of 75 years - due to an increase in the subsistence minimum budget per capita on average in March 2017 prices - 183.82 rubles.
      • from August 1: minimum labor pensions, social pensions, allowances and increases to them, additional payments to pensioners over the age of 75 - due to an increase in the subsistence minimum budget per capita on average in June 2017 prices -197.57 rubles.
      • Nov. 1: labor pensions based on the average wages of workers in the republic, applied in August, indexed by 5.5 percent - 660.55 rubles. (Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated October 17, 2017 No. 377 “On increasing pensions”), as well as minimum labor pensions, social pensions, allowances and increases to them, additional payments to pensioners over the age of 75 due to an increase in the subsistence minimum budget on average per capita in September 2017 prices - 194.81 rubles.
      • In 2018, recalculations were made:

      • from February 1: minimum labor pensions, social pensions, allowances and increases to them, additional payments to pensioners over the age of 75 years - due to an increase in the subsistence minimum budget per capita on average in December 2017 prices - 199.32 rubles.
      • from May 1st: labor pensions based on the average salary of workers in the republic 696.88 rubles (Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus "On increasing pensions" dated April 26, 2018 No. 142), as well as minimum labor pensions, social pensions, allowances and increases to them, additional payments to pensioners over the age of 75 - due to an increase in the budget of the subsistence minimum per capita on average in March 2018 prices - 206.58 rubles.

Afghanistan or other countries where hostilities took place - according to the list determined by the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Belarus. The specified allowance is paid to persons permanently residing in the territory of the Republic of Belarus. At the same time, the payment monthly allowance to the persons specified in paragraph "a" of part one of this article, is made until the day the pension is awarded in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus, regardless of the salary (monetary allowance) received, and to the persons indicated in paragraph "b" of part one of this article - for life regardless of the salary (monetary allowance), pensions and other incomes received. Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus. (art.

survivor's pension

State Control Committee of the Republic of Belarus), special education for persons with special needs of psychophysical development, retraining of personnel; in case of referral for training (study) outside the Republic of Belarus in accordance with an international agreement - a certificate from the educational institution of the Republic of Belarus indicating the grounds for referral for such training (study); in the event of the death of a single mother - a birth certificate of the child, in which there is no entry about the father of the child, or a certificate from the registry office that information about the father of the child in the birth certificate is recorded at the direction of the mother; documents certifying the applicant's right to an allowance and (or) increase in pension; documents on conferring the honorary title "Mother Heroine"; a document containing information about being on state support.

Survivors' pensions

Supplement to the survivor's pension (introduced by the Law of the Republic of Belarus dated 03.01.2002 N 75-З) An allowance for care is established for the survivor's pension: for disabled people of group I - 100 percent of the minimum size of the pension by age; for pensioners who have reached the age of 80 age, disabled children under the age of 18 and disabled from childhood of group II, as well as single pensioners who need constant outside assistance at the conclusion of medical and rehabilitation expert commissions or medical advisory commissions - 50 percent of the minimum old-age pension. if there is a right to a care allowance on several grounds provided for in this article, the allowance is calculated on one of the specified grounds. (art.

Question No. 37430 survivor's pension

A survivor's pension is a cash benefit paid to financially support dependents in the event of the loss of a person who is obliged to provide them financially. As a rule, we are talking about the loss of close relatives (parents, spouses) or guardians. The concept of the breadwinner in the legislation is not specifically defined.
It means a person who has dependent family members who are incapacitated and who are supported by him or receive assistance from him, which serves as their main and permanent source of livelihood. A prerequisite for receiving a survivor's pension in the Republic of Belarus is the recipient's incapacity for work. For each member of the family of the deceased, a pension is assigned for the period of his incapacity for work.

survivor's pension


For family members of a deceased pensioner who received a labor pension (with the exception of a pension for the loss of a breadwinner), a pension is assigned based on the length of service from which the pension was assigned to the deceased breadwinner. For the families of deceased pensioners who received a pension with incomplete work experience, a pension is assigned in proportion to the length of service, on the basis of which the pension was assigned to the deceased breadwinner. The procedure for calculating the survivor's pension The survivor's pension is assigned to each disabled family member in the amount of 40 percent of the breadwinner's average monthly earnings calculated in accordance with Article 56 of the Law, but not less than 100 percent of the minimum old-age pension.

How the survivor's pension is calculated in Belarus

Change in the amount of the pension and termination of its payment If a change occurs in the composition of a family to which a survivor's pension was granted, as a result of which individual members of the family or the family as a whole lose the right to a pension, the pension is recalculated or its payment is terminated from the first day of the month following the month in which the change occurred. (Article 40, Law of the Republic of Belarus dated 12/17/1992 N 2050-XII “On pensions for military personnel, persons in command and rank and file of internal affairs bodies, emergency situations bodies and units and financial investigation bodies”) Article 41.
Law of the Republic of Belarus dated 17.12.1992 N 2050-XII “On pensions for military personnel, persons in command and rank and file of internal affairs bodies, emergency situations bodies and units and financial investigation bodies”) Article 32. Family members who are considered dependents Family members of the deceased are considered dependent on him, if they were on his full support or received assistance from him, which was for them a permanent and main source of livelihood. Members of the family of the deceased, who were dependent on him and received any pension themselves, have the right to switch to new pension. (Article 32, Law of the Republic of Belarus dated 12/17/1992 N 2050-XII “On pensions for military personnel, persons in command and rank and file of internal affairs bodies, emergency situations bodies and units and financial investigation bodies”) Article 33.
Law of the Republic of Belarus dated 08.01.2008 N 323-З) (see the text in the previous edition) (Article 30, Law of the Republic of Belarus dated 17.12.1992 N 2050-XII "On pension provision for military personnel, persons in command and rank and file of internal affairs bodies , bodies and divisions for emergency situations and financial investigation bodies") Article 31. The right to a pension on preferential terms Wives of military personnel, persons in command and enlisted personnel who died in the line of military service (official duties) or died due to the reasons specified in paragraph " a” of Article 21 of this Law, those who are caring for the children of the dead (deceased) who have not reached the age of 8, are entitled to a pension in the event of the loss of a breadwinner, regardless of age and ability to work, and regardless of whether the wife works or not. (as amended by

At the same time, brothers, sisters and grandchildren have the right to a pension if they do not have able-bodied parents, and a stepson and stepdaughter - if they did not receive alimony from their parents in the manner prescribed by law; -Z, dated 08.01.2008 N 323-З) (see the text in the previous edition) b) father, mother (adoptive parents), spouse (wife), if they have reached retirement age or are disabled; (clause "b" of part third article 30 as amended by the Law of the Republic of Belarus dated 08.01.2008 N 323-З) (see.

text in the previous wording) c) spouse (wife) or one of the parents or grandfather, grandmother, brother or sister, regardless of age and ability to work, if he (she) is busy caring for the children, brothers, sisters or grandchildren of the deceased breadwinner who has not reached 8 -years of age, and does not work (taking into account the first part of Article 31 of this Law); (as amended by
An application for a survivor's pension must be accompanied by: documents confirming the relationship of a family member with the deceased breadwinner; death certificate issued by the body registering acts of civil status (hereinafter referred to as the registry office), a court decision on recognizing a citizen as missing; documents confirming the breadwinner's work experience: work book, birth certificates of children, military ID, documents on full-time education in institutions providing vocational, secondary specialized and higher education, advanced training and retraining of personnel, as well as in postgraduate studies, clinical internship, doctoral studies, certificate of the period of receipt of unemployment benefits, etc.


On approval of the Regulations on the payment of benefits (material assistance) for burial and reimbursement of expenses for the burial of a specialized organization at the expense of state social insurance funds

Changes and additions:

Decree of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated September 4, 2006 No. 1133 (National Register of Legal Acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2006, No. 148, 5/22869) ;

Decree of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of November 27, 2007 No. 1615 (National Register of Legal Acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2007, No. 292, 5/26272) ;

Decree of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated December 17, 2007 No. 1747 (National Register of Legal Acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2008, No. 6, 5/26438) ;

Decree of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of February 18, 2008 No. 221 (National Register of Legal Acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2008, No. 53, 5/26825) ;

Decree of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated December 23, 2008 No. 2010 (National Register of Legal Acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2009, No. 14, 5/29066) ;

Decree of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of March 31, 2009 No. 397 (National Register of Legal Acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2009, No. 83, 5/29526)

In order to implement the Law of the Republic of Belarus dated November 12, 2001 "On burial and funeral business", the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES:

1. Approve the attached Regulations on the payment of benefits (material assistance) for burial and reimbursement of expenses for the burial of a specialized organization at the expense of state social insurance.

2. To give clarifications to the Fund for Social Protection of the Population of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection on the application of the Regulations on the payment of allowances (material assistance) for burial and reimbursement of expenses for the burial of a specialized organization at the expense of state social insurance funds.

3. This resolution comes into force from the moment of its publication.

Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus
G. Novitsky


Council of Ministers
The Republic of Belarus

23.05.2002 № 660

on the payment of benefits (material assistance) for burial and reimbursement of expenses for the burial of a specialized organization at the expense of state social insurance funds

General provisions

1. This Regulation was developed in order to implement the Law of the Republic of Belarus of November 12, 2001 “On Burial and Funeral Business” (National Register of Legal Acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2001, No. 107, 2/804) and regulates the procedure for paying benefits (material assistance ) for burial and reimbursement of expenses of a specialized organization that provided guaranteed burial services at the expense of the Social Protection Fund of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection (hereinafter referred to as the Social Protection Fund) in case of death:

Persons who were covered by state social insurance and for whom, or by themselves, paid compulsory insurance premiums for social insurance in the manner prescribed by law (hereinafter referred to as the insured);

Pensioners who received a pension at the expense of state social insurance funds, including professional pension insurance (hereinafter referred to as pensioners);

Unemployed persons registered with the Committee for Labor, Employment and Social Protection of the Minsk City Executive Committee, departments (departments) for labor, employment and social protection of city, district executive committees of the population in the prescribed manner (hereinafter referred to as the unemployed);

Children of the persons listed in paragraphs two to four of this paragraph who have not reached the age of 18 (students - 23 years of age) (hereinafter referred to as children).

For the purposes of this Regulation, students under the age of 23 are understood to mean persons who have studied full-time education in general educational institutions, institutions that provide vocational, secondary specialized and higher education, retraining and advanced training of specialists (except for educational institutions , during the period of study in which students are in military service or in the service in the internal affairs bodies of the Republic of Belarus, emergency situations bodies and divisions of the Republic of Belarus, financial investigation bodies of the State Control Committee), who have not reached the age of 23 years.

2. The amount of the allowance (material assistance) for burial is determined on the day of death, and in cases where, due to a long search for the deceased, the burial was carried out later than the established day of death - on the day of burial, on the basis of documents confirming this fact.

3. Allowance (material assistance) for burial in case of death of the insured, unemployed and pensioners is paid to an individual who took over the organization of the burial of the deceased.

In the event of the death of the children of the insured, the unemployed and pensioners, the allowance (material assistance) for burial is paid to one of the parents (adoptive parents), guardian (custodian) or another individual who has undertaken the organization of the burial of children.

Legal entities that have undertaken the organization of the funeral, as well as citizens who have received a guaranteed list of funeral services, are not paid allowance (material assistance) for burial.

4. The transfer of the allowance (material assistance) for burial outside the Republic of Belarus is not made, except for the funeral allowance in the case established by paragraph 17 of these Regulations, unless other rules are provided for by agreements (contracts) on social security concluded between the Republic of Belarus and other states .

5. The payment of benefits (material assistance) for burial is made on the basis of documents and within the time limits specified in paragraph 229 of the list of administrative procedures carried out by state bodies and other state organizations upon applications from citizens, approved by Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated March 16, 2006 No. 152 (National register of legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2006, No. 44, 1/7344; 2007, No. 222, 1/8854).

6. An application for an allowance (material assistance) for burial may be carried out within 6 months after the right to it arises.

7. Payment of benefits for burial in case of death of persons specified in paragraphs 10, 12, 15 and 16 of this Regulation, departments (departments) for labor, employment and social protection of city, district executive committees, departments (departments) of social protection of local administrations of districts in cities (hereinafter referred to as labor, employment and social protection authorities) are carried out through postal operators, as well as other organizations engaged in the delivery of pensions under licenses issued in accordance with the procedure established by law.

8. In the event of the death of pensioners who received a pension at the expense of the republican budget through the bodies for labor, employment and social protection, or their children, the payment of benefits for burial and reimbursement of expenses for the burial of a specialized organization are carried out in the manner prescribed by paragraph 15 and paragraph four of paragraph 18 of this Regulation.

The procedure for payment of benefits (material assistance) for burial in the event of the death of the insured (unemployed) or their children

9. The burial allowance in the event of the death of the insured (except for the persons specified in paragraphs 10 and 15 of this Regulation) is paid by the payer of mandatory insurance contributions to the Social Protection Fund (hereinafter referred to as the insured) at the place of work of the deceased. The funeral allowance in the event of the death of their children is paid at the place of work of one of the parents (adoptive parents), guardian (custodian).

10. Burial allowance in the event of the death of insured persons who paid mandatory insurance contributions to the Social Protection Fund on their own in the manner prescribed by law, or their children, is paid by the labor, employment and social protection authority at the place of residence of the insured on the basis of an order for payment burial allowances of the department of the Fund for Social Protection of the Population at the place of registration as a payer of mandatory insurance contributions (Appendix 1).

11. The payment of a funeral allowance in the event of the death of the insured (except for the persons specified in paragraphs 10 and 15 of this Regulation) or their children is made by the insured against the accrued mandatory insurance contributions to the Social Protection Fund. If the amount of accrued mandatory insurance contributions is not enough to pay burial benefits, then the bodies of the Social Protection Fund transfer the missing funds for their payment in the prescribed manner.

12. In cases where, at the time of applying for a burial allowance, the insured for whom the deceased worked ceased operations or was liquidated, the burial allowance is paid by the labor, employment and social protection authority at the place of residence of the deceased on the basis of an order from the department of the Social Protection Fund at the place of previous registration of the specified insured as a payer of mandatory insurance premiums (Appendix 1).

13. Expenses for the payment of benefits for burial, incurred by the insured in violation of the law, are not accepted for offset against insurance premiums for state social insurance.

14. Material assistance for burial in the event of the death of the unemployed or their children is paid in accordance with the established procedure by the Committee on Labor, Employment and Social Protection of the Minsk City Executive Committee, departments (departments) for labor, employment and social protection of the city, district executive committees at the place of registration of the unemployed at the expense of the Fund for Social Protection of the Population.

The procedure for paying a funeral benefit in the event of the death of pensioners or their children

15. The funeral allowance in the event of the death of pensioners or their children is paid by the labor, employment and social protection authority at the place of receipt of the pension. At the same time, in the event of the death of pensioners who received an early professional pension, or their children, the specified allowance is paid by the labor, employment and social protection authority at their place of residence on the basis of an order for the payment of a funeral allowance from the Department of the Social Protection Fund of the Population at the place of receipt of the pension.

16. The funeral allowance in case of death of pensioners who have moved to permanent residence in the Republic of Belarus from states with which agreements on social security have been concluded is paid by the labor, employment and social protection authority at their place of residence in the Republic of Belarus, regardless of the fact that on the day of death they were not registered as recipients of a pension.

The allowance for the burial of pensioners who died before leaving abroad, for whom the payment of a pension was terminated on the day of death due to leaving for a permanent place of residence outside the Republic of Belarus, is paid by the labor, employment and social protection authority at the former place of receiving the pension.

17. In the event of the death of pensioners to whom the pension was transferred abroad, the burial allowance is paid by the Social Security Fund in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus or agreements (contracts) concluded between the Republic of Belarus and other states.

Reimbursement of expenses for the burial of a specialized organization

18. Reimbursement of expenses of a specialized organization that has provided guaranteed services for burial is made at the expense of the Fund for Social Protection of the Population within the amount of the allowance (material assistance) for burial in the event of death:

Insured persons (except for the persons specified in paragraphs three to five of this paragraph) - by the insured at their place of work, and their children - at the place of work of one of the parents (adoptive parents), guardian (custodian);

Insured from among the persons who paid mandatory insurance contributions to the Social Protection Fund independently, in the manner prescribed by law, or their children - by the labor, employment and social protection authority at the place of residence of these persons on the basis of an order to reimburse the costs of providing guaranteed services for burial of the department of the Fund for Social Protection of the Population at the place of registration as a payer of mandatory insurance premiums (Appendix 2);

Pensioners (except for the persons specified in the fifth paragraph of this clause) or their children - by the labor, employment and social protection authority at the place of receipt of the pension;

Pensioners who received an early professional pension, or their children - by the labor, employment and social protection authority at the place of residence of pensioners on the basis of an order for reimbursement of expenses for the provision of guaranteed services for the burial of the department of the Social Protection Fund at the place of receipt of the pension;

The unemployed or their children - in Minsk - by the Committee on Labor, Employment and Social Protection of the Minsk City Executive Committee, in other settlements - by the departments (departments) for labor, employment and social protection of the city, district executive committees at the place of registration of the unemployed.

19. Reimbursement of expenses for the provision of guaranteed burial services is made to a specialized organization by bank transfer on the basis of the following documents:

Copies of the application of the persons who took over the organization of the burial of the deceased, on the provision of a guaranteed list of burial services;

Death certificates for receiving benefits (material assistance) for burial;

A document on the actual performance of work and the cost of the services provided for the burial.

Expenses for the provision of guaranteed burial services shall be reimbursed to a specialized organization no later than the first business day following the day it submits the documents listed in part one of this clause.

20. Reimbursement of expenses for the provision of guaranteed services for the burial of persons specified in paragraph two of clause 18 of these Regulations is made at the expense of accrued mandatory insurance contributions to the Social Protection Fund. If the amount of the accrued mandatory insurance premiums is not enough, then the bodies of the Social Protection Fund of the Population transfer the missing funds to compensate for these expenses in the prescribed manner.

Annex 1

To the payment policy
for burial and compensation
burial expenses

social insurance


Foundation department stamp

ORDER No. ____
for funeral benefits

In accordance with paragraphs 10 and 15 of the Regulations on the payment of allowances (material assistance) for burial and reimbursement of expenses for the burial of a specialized organization at the expense of state social insurance funds, approved by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated May 23, 2002 No. 660, we ask you to pay __________________________________________________________________________

(last name, first name, patronymic of the beneficiary)

Identity document, No. ______________ issued by ______________________


(by whom and when)

Location ____________________________________________________________

Burial allowance in the amount of _____________________________________________ rub.

(in words)

In connection with the death of ____________________________________________________________



(I.O. Surname)

Annex 2

To the payment policy
benefits (material assistance)
for burial and compensation
burial expenses
specialized organization
at the expense of the state
social insurance

Head (manager) _______________________________________________


Department (department) for labor, employment and social protection (department (department) of social protection)

Foundation department stamp

ORDER No. _____
for reimbursement of expenses for the burial of a specialized organization

In accordance with paragraph 18 of the Regulations on the payment of benefits (material assistance) for burial and reimbursement of expenses for the burial of a specialized organization at the expense of state social insurance, approved by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated May 23, 2002 No. 660, we ask you to reimburse the costs of providing services by burial ______________________________



specialized organization)

Settlement account No. _____________________________________________________________

In the amount of ________________________________________________________________ rub.

(in words)

In connection with the death of _____________________________________________________________

(surname, name, patronymic of the deceased)

Paying mandatory insurance contributions to the Social Protection Fund independently, son (daughter) of a person paying mandatory insurance contributions to the Social Protection Fund independently, pensioner receiving an early professional pension, son (daughter) of a pensioner receiving an early professional pension (strike out the unnecessary).

Head of the district (city) department __________



(I.O. Surname)

Date of issue of the order ______________

In connection with the increase in the budget of the subsistence minimum per capita (hereinafter referred to as BPM) by a decree of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection No. 26.10.2018 № 79 from November 1 of this year, except for state benefits for families raising children (see materialsand ), the size of the minimum labor and social pensions will also increase.

Accordingly, the amount of allowances, increases and additional payments to pensions for Belarusians aged 75 and older who receive pensions from labor, employment and social protection authorities, as well as benefits for caring for a disabled person of group I or for a person who has reached the age of 80 will also increase. At the same time, all of the above increases will be made in proportion to the growth of the BPM, which means that they will turn out to be very insignificant, since the size of the BPM increased by only 0.25% (by 0.54 BYN) compared to the previous one and amounts to 214,21 BYN . This value will be used to calculate November 1, 2018 to January 31, 2019

New sizes of minimum labor and social pensions, additional payments to pensions non-working pensioners who have reached the age of 75 and 80, and pension supplements that will be valid during the specified period, are shown in the table.

Viewpensions or allowances


Minimum retirement pension with an additional payment of 20% of the average salary

supplement of 20% of the average salary

216,03 = 53,55 + 162,48

(previously - 207,43 = 53,42 + 154,01 )

Social pensions (assigned in case of non-receipt of a labor pension)

disabled people of group I, including disabled people from childhood

235,63 (previously - 235,04 )

disabled since childhood II group

203,50 (previously - 202,99 )

disabled people of group II (except for disabled people from childhood), children in case of loss of a breadwinner

182,08 (previously - 181,62 )

group III disabled

160,66 (previously - 160,25 )

persons aged over the generally established retirement age

107,11 (previously - 106,84 )

disabled children under 18 years of age with the degree of loss of health:


171,37 (previously - 170,94 )

182,08 (previously - 181,62 )

203,50 (previously - 202,99 )

235,63 (previously - 235,04 )

in % of the minimum retirement pension

Additional payments to pensions for non-working pensioners who have reached:

40,16 (previously - 40,07 )

53,55 (previously - 53,42 )

Additions to pensions

by age and length of service:

disabled people of group I

53,55 (previously - 53,42 )

26,78 (previously - 26,71 )

by disability:

disabled people of group I

lone disabled people of group II who, according to the conclusion of the MREK or VKK, need constant outside assistance, as well as pensioners who have reached the age of 80

53,55 (previously - 53,42 )

26,78 (previously - 26,71 )

on the occasion of the loss of a breadwinner:

disabled people of group I

pensioners who have reached the age of 80, as well as other single pensioners who, according to the conclusion of the MREK or VKK, need constant outside assistance

53,55 (previously - 53,42 )

26,78 (previously - 26,71 )

on the occasion of the loss of a breadwinner:

disabled people of group I

pensioners who have reached the age of 80, as well as other single pensioners who, according to the conclusion of the MREK or VKK, need constant outside assistance

53,55 (previously - 53,42 )

26,78 (previously - 26,71 )

In addition, we note that from November 1 this year. allowances for caring for a disabled person of the 1st group or a person who has reached the age of 80 are established in the following amounts: when caring for one person - 214.21 BYN; when caring for two or more persons - 257.05 BYN.

A complete list of minimum labor and social pensions, additional payments to pensions for non-working pensioners who have reached the age of 75 and 80, pension supplements and pension increases is available on the website of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection.

The survivor's pension is a monetary state aid disabled citizens of Belarus who have lost a loved one who supported them. There is no strict definition for the term “breadwinner” in the legislation. Usually they are considered close people who supported the disabled financially, if the assistance was the main or constant source of income for the dependent. Most often, such a person is a parent, adult child, guardian, spouse.

Disability is an indispensable condition for obtaining a pension. The allowance can only be received during the period of incapacity for work. The most common basis for assistance is the recorded death of a breadwinner who supported a family member who was unable to work. Those dependents whose breadwinner goes missing are also eligible to receive benefits. The fact of such absence must also be officially confirmed.

If one person supported several disabled relatives, then a pension is assigned to everyone, and if desired, relatives can receive one general payment. The deceased had to have a certain work experience, because the amount of assistance directly depends on his salary. If required seniority No, instead of a survivor's benefit, a social pension is paid.

Disability and the right to a pension

The law calls incapable family members:

  • children under the age of majority, including adopted children;
  • student children aged 18-23;
  • grandchildren, granddaughters, brothers, sisters under 18 without parents able to work;
  • grandchildren, granddaughters, brothers, sisters aged 18 and older who received a disability before coming of age, without able-bodied parents;
  • minor stepdaughters and stepsons who do not receive alimony from their parents;
  • adult stepdaughters and stepchildren without alimony who received disability before adulthood;
  • spouses, parents, adoptive parents - retired or disabled. When registering the next marriage, the benefit for the loss of the breadwinner-spouse is preserved;
  • stepfathers and stepmothers, disabled people or pensioners who raised a child for at least five years;
  • grandparents who do not have other people supporting them;

The survivor's benefit is also issued to parents and spouses who were not supported by the deceased or missing, but who have lost their source of income. Those for whom financial assistance can also switch to it loved one was an important income, and who at the same time received other state financial assistance.

Minor dependents do not lose the right to receive benefits upon subsequent adoption.

Required documents

To apply for financial assistance, you must write an application, bring your passport with you and submit:

  • a document on family ties with the deceased or missing person;
  • a death certificate from the registry office or a court order recognizing a loved one as missing;
  • proof of work experience;
  • income statement for last years(the number of years is determined by the year in which you submit papers);
  • state social insurance document.

In special situations, they may additionally request certificates from educational institutions, a birth certificate and other papers.

Sometimes, in order to apply for benefits, it is required to establish the fact of being on maintenance and other circumstances. This can be done by a special commission, a court, and for residents of rural areas - the local Council of Deputies.

The amount of the survivor's pension

The amount of the benefit is 40% of the average monthly salary of the breadwinner. At the same time, financial assistance cannot be lower than the minimum old-age pension - as of August 1, 2019, it was 57.73 rubles.

date Minimum labor pension Social pension for each child Allowance for disabled people of group I Supplement for pensioners aged 80 (also single), disabled children under 18,
disabled since childhood II group
From August 1 RUB 57.73 RUB 196.27 RUB 57.73 RUB 28.86
From August 1 RUB 53.42 RUB 181.62 RUB 53.42 RUB 26.71
May-July RUB 51.65 RUB 175.59 RUB 51.65 RUB 25.83
February-April RUB 49.83 RUB 169.42 RUB 49.83 RUB 24.92
November-January RUB 49.45 RUB 168.14 RUB 49.45 RUB 24.73
August-October RUB 49.39 RUB 167.93 RUB 49.39 RUB 24.70
May-July RUB 45.96 RUB 156.25 RUB 45.96 RUB 22.98
February-April RUB 45.03 RUB 153.09 RUB 45.03 RUB 22.52
December - January RUB 43.88 RUB 149.18 RUB 43.88 RUB 21.94

If a dependent child has lost the second parent, then he is issued a pension in the amount of half the average monthly salary of the deceased. In this case, the amount cannot be less than two minimum pensions according to the age.

If the source of income of the deceased was not a salary, but labor pension, then assistance to his dependents is calculated from the length of service for which the deceased was given a pension. This rule does not apply if the breadwinner himself received survivors' benefit.

The law provides for the moments when it is possible to issue an allowance:

  1. Disability of the first group. The bonus is the minimum wage.
  2. Childhood disability of the second group, disability in children under 18 years old, reaching 80 years old, constant need for someone else's help. In the latter case, the conclusion of the medical commission is required. The allowance for these categories is half of the minimum labor pension.

A dependent will not be able to claim two of these allowances at the same time, even if there are grounds for both. The allowance will be charged only on one of the grounds.

If the breadwinner has not gained the necessary work experience, then his dependents are assigned the so-called social pension. It makes up 85% of the subsistence minimum budget. As of August 1, 2018, this minimum was 213.67 rubles, that is, the allowance is 181.61 rubles.

The survivor benefit in Belarus is a good help for those who have lost a loved one, but cannot provide for themselves.
