Recalculation of pensions for working pensioners. Pension reform in Russia What changes have occurred in pensions for existing pensioners

Changes in pensions for working pensioners in 2019 are a long-awaited event, because you can stop going to work every day and devote more time to your favorite hobby, loved ones and just relax.

In European countries, older people actively travel and engage in self-development. However, in our country, older people postpone their vacation for more late deadline or continue to work.

The reason lies in the small pension payments ah, which is barely enough for the bare necessities.

The concept of pension payments

Today in Russia there are many social benefits from the State.

Pension benefits are paid to a person upon reaching a certain age (men - 60 years, women - 55), regardless of whether the person continues to work or not.

Pension payments are made up of the amounts deducted to the Pension Fund over the course of labor activity person.

If the pensioner continues to work, then he is not paid the social part of the pension, but only the funded one.

Latest news about pension payments in 2019

The government continues to "please" pensioners with new reforms.

For working pensioners, the indexation of pensions and the recalculation of pension benefits were frozen, so they did not receive this compensation.

If a pensioner stops working, he will be indexed pension benefit taking into account the period when the recalculation was not made.

Will pension benefits for working pensioners be canceled from January 1, 2019?

Over the past few years, the country has been disturbed by news that the government intends to abolish pension payments for working pensioners. In order to save budgetary funds, a proposal was considered to abolish the pension benefit for working older people.

Representatives of the Ministry of Finance confirmed this information, but clarified that the adjustments made will affect the category of older people whose annual income is more than a million rubles.

Later, amendments were made to the effect that changes in the payment of pension benefits will affect citizens whose official annual income is 1.2 million rubles.

In their latest clarifications The FIU said that there will be no cancellation of pensions for working older people, and their pensions, as before, will be recalculated on August 1, 2019.

The payment of a fixed part of pensions for working pensioners who are affected by these changes will be resumed in the following cases:

  • The pensioner will stop working;
  • The level of annual income of a working pensioner will be reduced to the specified bar.

The changes introduced will not affect those older people who are employed informally. Pension payments will be made to them in full.

Will working retirees have benefits?

  1. Labor veterans still have a 50% discount on housing and communal services, benefits for dental treatment, and the purchase of railway tickets;
  2. Labor veterans living in Moscow can count on free sanatorium treatment;
  3. An employed Veteran of Labor can count on a vacation of 30 days.

Video: The Big Lie of Pension Reform: Why Raise the Retirement Age?

Is there an increase in pension payments for working pensioners?

Following the sad news about the abolition of pension benefits for some categories of citizens, there were also rumors about an upcoming increase for working pensioners.

The government approved a resolution to increase the amount of payment for each working pensioner on an individual basis. The gain factor is calculated as follows:

  • The age of the pensioner;
  • salary level;

If a person stops working as early as possible, then the accumulated insurance premiums will be divided into fewer years. This will increase the amount of the pension benefit.

Every year, in August, there is an increase in the cost of a pension point for working pensioners, but no more than three points.

The price of one point is 87.24 rubles. Thus, a working pensioner can count on an increase in payment by 261.72 rubles in 2019. Working pensioners who receive a salary of more than 30,000 can count on an increased increase.

On the official website of the PFR, you can use the online calculator to calculate your pension.

What can retirees look forward to in 2019?

The next innovations affected the pension system. The calculation of pension payments for people leaving for a well-deserved rest is now made according to a formula consisting of the salary level, the total number of years of service and the number of points earned.

People who postpone retirement will receive additional retirement points.

It also continues to stimulate the duration of labor activity among citizens who have reached retirement age:

  • If seniority is 35 years for men and 30 for women, then they expect an increase in pension payments;
  • With an experience of 40 years for men, and 35 for women, an increase in payment is also due.

Such innovations will increase the pension benefit by 500-600 rubles.

Is the retirement age expected to be raised?

In 2019, the government launched a pension reform that initiated a gradual increase in the retirement age.

Despite the numerous protests that swept across Russia, the President approved the main provisions of the new reform, so we can only see what it will bring, including to working pensioners.

There is hope that the upcoming elections will force officials to reconsider their attitude towards the elderly, because they are the main part of the voters.

Video: A new pension reform begins in Russia. Who needs it?

Since January 2019, a law on raising the retirement age has come into force in Russia. This information became the most discussed news of the year. Many compatriots do not understand the goals of changing the age indicators for applying for a pension and the procedure for conducting innovations. Let's try to understand the key aspects.

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Changes in 2019-2020

Starting from January 2019, the sequence of taking an earned vacation has changed for the vast majority of Russians. According to the bill adopted by the deputies of the State Duma, men will continue to work until the age of 65, women will rest only at 60. It should be noted that in his televised address, the President of the country promised to correct the ongoing reform by reducing the age criterion for the female half of the population by three years. And in the end, the law was adopted with presidential amendments, for which all deputies voted unanimously.

As a result, the new pension threshold will be reached by 2028 and will remain at this level in the future.

Changes in retirement age

For greater clarity, we present a table where we demonstrate how the retirement age will change in the near future.

YearRetirement age
2019 60,5 55,5
2020 60,5 55,5
2021 61,5 56,5
2022 61,5 56,5
2024 63 58
Important! Taking into account the grace interval, in 2019-2020. male and female persons will be able to draw up a pension six months later until the specified age.

Who will be affected by the pension reform?

Let's start with the fact that citizens who are already on pensions will receive the payments due to them in full. This rule applies to previously assigned social benefits and benefits paid. The only thing retirees will notice is a raise monthly payments, and this growth, according to the government, should exceed the rate of inflation for the first time.

The adjustments made to the order of pension maintenance will mainly affect citizens of pre-retirement age, who will go on a well-deserved rest 5 years later. This will be especially noticed by Russians who do not have insurance experience and they apply for social security benefits. Here the rise in age will be quite noticeable. In particular, men will be able to apply for such security after the age of 70, women - when they reach the age of 65.

The need for pension reform

There are two reasons for raising the age limit. key points: economic and demographic component.

Economic moments

In economic terms, the increase in the age threshold should have a positive impact on the growth of the pensions themselves. According to the head of the Ministry of Finance Anton Siluanov, after raising the age, the indexation of pensions should overtake the inflation rate.

These words were indirectly confirmed by Dmitry Medvedev, who promised pensioners an average increase of 1,000 rubles annually.

In fact, the PFR employees have already stated that the actual parameters of the pension increase will vary depending on the initial size of the recipient's pension. And 1000 r. is the expected average increase in pensions for 1 year

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Demographic Issues

If we look at the reform through the prism of demographic trends, then the key motive is to increase life expectancy among the population. According to Rosstat, men began to live longer by 8.5 years, women - by 5.4 years. However, such longevity destabilizes the pension system as a whole. For example, in the mid-1970s, there were an average of 3.7 workers per pensioner. Today, this ratio has decreased by almost 1.5 times.

It should be noted that here is an approximate ratio of the number of pensioners and the working population of the country. If we take into account the fact that many citizens are freelancing and do not make insurance contributions, the real numbers will be noticeably lower: approximately 1.3 working citizens for every pensioner.

Raising the age bar

It was mentioned above that the raising of the age bar will be carried out gradually, and in general this transition will cover a 10-year period: completion is scheduled for 2028, when the established age will be raised for most citizens.

However, until this happens, for many people it remains unclear when exactly they should apply for a pension. The first stage of the reform will affect men born in 1959 and women born in 1964. To illustrate the example, we present tables where we demonstrate who and when to apply for pensions.

Table 1


Year of birth Year of application for pension
1959 (first half)2019 (second half)60.6
1959 (second half)2020 (first half)60.6
1960 (first half)2021 (second half)61.6
1960 (second half)2022 (first half)61.6
1961 2024 63
1962 2026 64
1963 2028 65

table 2


Year of birth Year of application for pension Full years at the time of application
1964 (first half)2019 (second half)55.6
1964 (second half)2020 (first half)55.6
1965 (first half)2021 (second half)56.6
1965 (second half)2022 (first half)56.6
1966 2024 58
1967 2026 59
1968 2028 60

Are exceptions allowed?

This is indeed a possibility. The ongoing reform will not affect the personnel of enterprises involved in potentially hazardous industries. These include:

  • "hot grid" and work underground;
  • locomotive brigades;
  • textile industry (only for women, subject to hard work and increased production intensity);
  • geological exploration, parties of geophysical, hydrological and other research groups working in the field, including forest management;
  • crew of the river and navy, except for ships performing tasks within the waters of the sea;
  • mining industry;
  • flight and engineering staff of civil airlines;
  • work with convicts in penitentiary institutions;
  • operators of agricultural tractors, road construction and lifting special equipment (women only);
  • employees of logging enterprises, including repair teams;
  • the composition of the rescue teams.

In addition, the reformation will not affect the socially unprotected segments of the population. In particular:

  • who gave birth to 5 or more children. And for those who gave birth to 3-4 children and raised them up to 8 years, concessions are also provided in the form of the opportunity to retire at 57 and 56 years, respectively, but with the required insurance experience;
  • parents, guardians involved inraising children with disabilitiesbefore reaching the last 8 years;
  • women who have given birth to more than two children, in the presence of the "northern" experience;
  • who received a disability group in military service;
  • visually impaired with confirmed group 1;
  • persons suffering from pituitary dwarfism (Lilliputians) and disproportionate dwarfs;
  • citizens living in the Far North or regions with similar climatic conditions,engaged in traditional activities - reindeer herding, hunting, fishing. As for the rest of the northerners, the age limits for themalso moved, now these persons will be able to claim a pension at 55 and 60 years, respectively - women and men);
  • victims of man-made accidents;
  • , including testers of airborne and aerospace equipment.

A complete list of categories of citizens who will not be affected by the pension reform can be found

In addition, people who have chosen the funded option will be able to apply for a pension and lump sum payments according to the old age criteria. pension provision.

Pension reform for civil servants

For this leadership, raising the age threshold was indicated back in 2017. According to the accepted norm, for employees of municipalities, officials of the regional and state levels, the increase is introduced gradually, with a six-month step. This will continue until the bar of 63 and 65 years is reached, for women and men, respectively.

Starting in 2020, the threshold will be raised proportionally: for 12 months each year. As a result, the increase in the age of civil servants will occur in parallel with the general pension reform.

If the pension is due early

The introduced changes will also affect the “early” who are entitled to apply for the appointment of a pension before the deadlines established by law. Let's consider the main provisions.

Special experience

The term "special experience" denotes a certain labor activity under special working conditions or for representatives of certain professions. After the transition to the new rails of the pension reform, the special experience will remain for:

  • citizens working in the Far North or areas with similar climatic conditions;
  • creative workers;
  • health workers.

Today, special experience varies between 15-30 years. However, despite the absence of changes, it is planned to gradually postpone the deadlines for applying for a pension for the listed categories.

In particular, the year in which the above persons will develop a special seniority will be fixed, and an “early” pension will be assigned after a certain period of time. In 2019-2028 the actual term for applying for a pension will be postponed by 1-5 years. Those who have worked out a special experience in 2028 and later will have a real opportunity to apply for an insurance pension 5 years after the completion of this experience.

What to expect

Taking into account the generally accepted requirements for special work experience, the retirement age for citizens working in the Far North and similar territories will be gradually extended by 5 years. In particular, men will be able to apply for a financial allowance at the age of 60, women - at 55.

For medical staff, teachers and representatives of creative professions, a different procedure is provided. In particular, for this category of citizens, the period for issuing a pension will be delayed by 5 years. For example, after the special experience required for retirement is completed, it is registered, and the right to receive pension provision appears after a set period.

For example, teachers need 25 years of service in children's institutions, regardless of their age and gender. If a teacher in 2021 develops the necessary length of service, then in fact a pension will be assigned to him only after 3 years, i.e. in 2024.

Who is supposed to

New "earliest" will become:

  • women and men who worked 37 years and 42 years respectively- 2 years earlier than the others, but not earlier than the age of 55 and 60, respectively;
  • mothers of many children who gave birth and raised three and four children -at 57 and 56 years respectively;

unemployed of pre-retirement age who cannot find a job for reasons beyond their control - at 58 and 63.

Important! Despite raising the age, the right to receive social benefits for pensioners will not be reviewed and changed yet. In particular, it will be possible to issue the due benefits at the age of 55 and 60.

When can I apply for a social pension

"Social program" relies on citizens who have not officially been employed and do not have the length of service necessary for the appointment of an insurance pension. Prior to the adoption of the reformation law, such people could apply for a pension 5 years later than working compatriots.

In 2019-2020, this trend will continue, but the age for the appointment of "social programs" will also be increased. Now women who do not have the required number of years of insurance experience will be able to apply for a pension after the age of 65, men - after 70 years.

As for disabled social payments, such pensions will be issued as before.

How to determine your retirement date

For this, the following factors must be taken into account:

  • age;
  • seniority;
  • profession;
  • privileges.

At the same time, it should be taken into account that the first two years after the reform, citizens have the right to preferential exit retire six months ahead of schedule. For example, this right can be exercised by men who need to retire in 2021-2022. These citizens were born in 1960, so they will be able to retire at the age of 61.5. However, if such a citizen has a length of service exceeding 42 years, then the appointment of a pension, taking into account benefits, will occur as early as 60 years.

What awaits beneficiaries

Above, we indicated that there are certain categories of citizens that the general increase in the retirement age will not affect. This will affect workers involved in heavy and hazardous industries, as well as for certain categories of “early workers” who have received this right for medical or social reasons.

In addition, rural residents who have worked in agriculture for at least 30 years received a special privilege in the form of a 25% increase in pensions.

How payments will be indexed

The government promised that after the reform, the average pension in the country would be increased by 1,000 rubles. This figure was announced by Dmitry Medvedev, Tamara Golikova also mentioned this amount in her interview. However, it remains unclear to future and current pensioners how exactly pensions will be indexed.

It has already been announced that indexation will be carried out annually in January only until 2024.

per year or per month

We are talking about a monthly increase in pensions, but not by 1,000 rubles, and not for everyone. In particular, according to the current legislation, indexation is carried out annually from January 1. In 2019, indexation was 7.05%.

In subsequent years of the next five years, indexation is planned on a smaller scale and also in percentage terms within the range of 5.5-6.6%.

A reasonable question arises: if the indexation indicators are so different, where does the very announced increase of 1000 come from? The answer is simple: as always, averaged data were implied.

If we take the average amount of payments by regions, which is 14,000 rubles, as the initial value, then the monthly increase will be about 1,000 rubles, which was announced by officials from the government apparatus.

However, if you read the explanations of the representatives of the Government of the Russian Federation in more detail, then the increase is still promised not monthly, but annual. Which is more logical and plausible, since it has already been stated that the insurance age pensions for the unemployed will be indexed once a year in January. Thus, it turns out that the increase in pensions will hypothetically occur annually: at the beginning of each year and more over the next 12 months, the pension of citizens will not grow. And this means that the actual monthly increase in pensions will average 83.3 rubles.

That is, the actual increase will not only be not monthly, but annual, but also not in fixed size, but as a percentage of the recipient's original pension. And here, a new round of social injustice awaits the current pensioners: the increase will be greater for those who previously received a larger pension. And those who initially have a smaller pension will be able to count on only a minimal increase.

Thus, if a person received minimum pension, which in the whole of the Russian Federation is now at the level of 8.726 rubles, then its increase in 2019, respectively, amounted to 615 rubles. 18.3 kop. and he received a pension in the amount of 9.341.183 rubles for a whole year. Further in 2020, the increase will be 615 rubles. 51.8 kop. The pension will become 9.956,701 rubles. In 2021, the increase will be 627 rubles. 27 kop. and the pension will be at the level of 10.583, 97 rubles. In 2022, the increase is 613.87 rubles, the pension is 11.172, 84 rubles. In 2023, the increase is 614.51 rubles, the pension is 11,787.35. In 2024, the increase is 636.52 rubles, the pension is 12.423.87 rubles.

The real increase in pensions on a specific example will be for the entire reformation indexed period of only 3697.87 rubles.

If a person initially receives a pension less than the federal or regional living wage(by the way, the federal one, just in the middle of 2018, is 8.726 rubles), then his pension is in any case brought to the level of the subsistence level in the whole country and region of residence. And since the actual indexing for such people will be even less than in the above example, it will still be less than the PM in most cases. This means that such a pension will still be brought to the level of the PM, and in fact there will be no changes to the pension in real monetary terms. Everything will happen only “on paper”.

This means that in reality, only those non-working pensioners who have already been assigned an insurance pension by age - with a size of 14 thousand 300 rubles.

Who is supposed to

The recipients of such an increase will be only those pensioners who already receive insurance pension and at the same time do not work (at least officially). And this means that people receiving social pensions, including state security, will not be affected by the January indexation.

For everyone who receives insurance pension payments by age, payments are indexed in January. Let us clarify once again that the amount of the increase will depend on the actual amount of payments at the time of indexation. For example, if a citizen receives average pension at 14,000 rubles, then, taking into account the indexation of 7.05%, he will receive 980 rubles more. The increase will be a lump sum, but a pension of 14,980 rubles will be paid until the next indexation.

If a citizen receives a pension of 10,000 rubles, his increase will be 700 rubles, if the pension content is 20,000 rubles, an additional payment of 1,400 rubles is due.

Annual increase of 12,000 rubles per year

This figure was also announced, which made even more misunderstanding in the indexation of pensions and increase in payments. It should be noted that pensioners can count on an annual total increase of 12,000 rubles, the amount of which is equal to the average pension in the country - 14,000 rubles. Citizens who receive 10,000 rubles will receive a total increase of 8,400 rubles.

Please note that this is not a one time payment. The annual increase in pensions will be achieved by increasing the monthly payment.

Moreover, in reality, the government announced that by the end of the reform (transitional period), the average increase in pensions would reach 12,000 rubles. That is, the indicated increase, most likely, should be expected following the results of the pension reform after 2028.

The planned indexation for most of the reform period, 2019-2025, has already been announced. In 2019, the SPC and the fixed pension payment increased by 7.05%, to 87.24 and 5.334 rubles. In 2020, these same indicators are planned to increase by 6.6%, in 2021 - by 6.3%, in 2022 - by 5.9%, in 2023 - by 5.6%, in 2024 - by 5, 5%. It is these figures that should ensure annual pension growth above hypothetical inflation and bring average pensions to 20,000 rubles. by the end of the specified 6-year period. Thus, the above conclusions were made absolutely right.

What awaits working pensioners

Indexation of pensions will not affect this category of citizens. As before, the amount of pensions will be recalculated, taking into account all increases, only when the citizen officially stops working.

The unstable economic situation in the country, which has persisted for more than a year, has a significant impact on pensioners. Next year they will have many interesting changes that will help improve their standard of living.

In particular, this concerns the increase in the retirement age and other points that will occur in the process of reforming the pension system.

What will working pensioners get in 2019

The most sensational change that will happen to pensioners in the coming year is the increase in the retirement age, which allows you to apply for an insurance pension. According to the authorities, this measure will help improve the labor market, where there is a shortage of workers and reduce the burden on the country's economy, because every year the number of pensioners who are difficult to maintain is increasing.

There is a pattern here - the more pensioners appear in the country, the more expenses are spent on them.

On a note!
The long-term retirement age in Russia (55 for women and 60 for men) is one of the lowest in the world.

It is worth recalling that at first the authorities planned to raise the retirement age for women to 63 years and for men to 65. But later they decided to make some changes, after which, women will go on their well-deserved rest 60 years, and men 5 years later. ahead of time Only mothers with many children can retire.

What changes await working pensioners

In order for the full implementation of innovations to occur, the authorities provided transition period during which the retirement age will increase by one year each year. It will start in 2019 and end in 2028.

For all citizens who will retire, there will be a special regime. Vladimir Putin proposes to introduce such a concept as “pre-retirement age”. This will include all people who have 5 years left before entering a well-deserved rest.

It turns out that the change will affect the category of the population that this year will not exceed 55 years for women and 60 years for men.

Innovations will not apply to the following categories of pensioners:

  • who retires earlier than the established deadlines;
  • who work in harmful and difficult working conditions;
  • who have health problems due to man-made disasters
  • who took part in the tests of different equipment.

Will pensions be indexed for working pensioners?

Starting next year, the law on the procedure for assigning pension payments will come into force. It was said above that next year there will be an increase in the retirement age, but at the same time, the authorities are going to increase the size of the pension.

IN Lately The question of indexation of pensions worries everyone, not only the current pensioner, but also people of pre-retirement age.

Carrying out indexation and recalculation of pensions according to the new rules

Behind last years indexation of pensions was carried out on the amount of inflation of the past year. In this case, the increase in money was within 5%. The new law adopted a new method of indexing.

According to the new law, the pension increase will be increased. This is the first time that the increase will exceed the expected rate of inflation. The authorities of the country noted that the size of the increase would be 1,000 rubles.

On a note!
In 2016, with an inflation rate of 12.9%, the increase in the insurance pension was only 4%. In January 2017, all pensioners received lump sum 5 thousand rubles, which compensated for the partial indexation of the previous 12 months.

For each pensioner, the amount of the increase will be set individually. If the size of his pension is large, then the increase will also be large.

Pension indexation schedule

It is worth recalling that the recalculation of the pension took place once a year - in February. The increase in pension payments took place in April. According to the new resolution, the procedure for increasing benefits will be as follows:

  • once a year the size of the pension will increase;
  • The recalculation date will be January 1st.

This schedule was approved by the authorities for 6 years ahead. Thus, the first indexation of the pension will be made from January 2019. It turns out that pensioners will receive an increase a month earlier than usual.

The increase in pension payments from February 1 was justified by the fact that the Federal State Statistics Service publishes information on price increases for the previous month only at the beginning of the next month. As for the annual inflation rate, it is already known in the last days of December, and in the first days of January it is only being specified. According to the experience of past years, the December and January data are completely the same. Therefore, it is quite acceptable to index pensions at the beginning of each financial year, that is, from January 1.

Pensions for working pensioners. It consists in accounting for additional pension points formed for the year worked by the pensioner. For example, when recalculating in August 2019, the amount of the payment will take into account the coefficients earned in 2018.

Indexation for working pensioners was. That's why increase from August 1 is practically the only option for increasing the amount of payments for this category of citizens (not counting those provided by law).

What is "pension recalculation"

How else can you get a pension increase

In addition to the unclaimed recalculation in August, working pensioners can receive an increase in their pension in the following cases:

  • When moving to the region of the Far North or an area equated to it. In this case, the payment will be increased by the district coefficient established in the region.
  • With an increase in the number of dependents. For each disabled family member who is supported by a pensioner, he is entitled to an increase in the amount of 1/3 of the fixed payment to the insurance pension (for more details, see the article on).
  • When developing required seniority for getting "northern" allowance. If a pensioner has 15 years of experience in the Far North or 20 years in the ISS, then he is entitled to an increase of 50% of the fixed payment.
  • As a result recalculation for "non-insurance periods". During these periods, insurance premiums are not received by the FIU, however, their duration is subject to offset in the length of service. These periods include:
    • parental leave up to 1.5 years;
    • care period disabled citizen: 80-year-old pensioner or disabled person of the 1st group and so on.

For all of the above reasons, the recalculation is carried out only at the request of a pensioner. To receive the appropriate surcharges, you will need to contact the branch pension fund and provide supporting documents.

Until the beginning of 2015, the appointment, execution and procedure for paying labor pensions to Russians was regulated by the articles of Law No. 173-FZ. Today, it has only some rules that regulate the determination of the size of the labor insurance pension, and do not contradict the new version of the law.

The new law No. 400-FZ "On insurance pensions" entered into force at the beginning of this year, and some articles (14, 15, 17) - only next year.

New provisions of the law

Articles 1 to 7 describe general provisions appointment of labor pensions, their types, possible recipients, retirement. Articles regulate the following issues:

  • As a protection for Russians of retirement age, the state provides for the appointment and corresponding payment of pensions (the Constitution and Law No. 167-FZ).
  • In the field of insurance pensions, the norms of Russian and international legislation apply.
  • Article 3 deciphers the concepts of insurance experience, pension, pension coefficient and others.
  • The persons who can apply for a pension and the types of payments are also indicated.

The conditions for the payment of a pension are determined by articles 8-10 (2nd chapter). All three types of payment are described - for old age, loss of a breadwinner or after receiving a disability. The entire 3rd chapter is devoted to length of service: the time of work, which may be included in its composition, periods outside of work, which are also taken into account in the length of service, the method of determination and confirmation.

The fourth chapter normalizes the determination of the size of the pension and reveals the concept of a fixed payment. So, in addition to the actual calculation scheme, there are options for increasing the fixed part, recalculating the size. Separately, articles 19-20 describe the concept of the share of the old-age insurance pension for special categories of recipients: civil servants and flight test personnel.

Articles in Chapter 5 describe the procedure for appointment, terms of appointment / recalculation, methods of payment or delivery, possible deductions from the pension. Article 27 of the new law on labor pensions describes the procedure for paying citizens who retain their rights to preferential pensions.

Chapter 6 describes the nuances of assigning preferential (early) pensions for flight personnel, persons who have worked for a certain number of years in the Far North or hazardous industries, as well as transitional provisions. The final 7th chapter contains a list of transitional provisions and the entry into force of this law.

Major changes

In addition to Law No. 400-FZ, another important document came into force - Law No. 424-FZ on the funded part of the pension. The articles of these two laws introduced some changes in the procedure for calculating the labor pension of Russians. The main one is the abolition of the actual term "labor pension". From the current year, the pension will be divided into 2 parts, absolutely independent - funded and insurance.

Changes in 2015:

  • Increasing the minimum insurance period required to process the payment. If earlier it was enough to have an experience of 5 years (insurance), now this figure has increased to 6 years. Moreover, the minimum will increase annually by 12 months until it reaches the bar of 15 years by 2025. Article 3 of the new law speaks about the need to increase the length of service in order to receive an old-age pension.
  • There have been changes in terms of pension coefficients. So, from January 1, an old-age pension can only be issued if the individual score of the recipient is 6.6 (with an increase of 2.4 every year). IPC (individual coefficient) is an innovation of this year. The formula for calculating it is not simple, but the size will always be directly dependent on the salary of the future pensioner, the length of service and the date of vacation.
  • Now the period during which a pension is issued is not included in the length of service.
  • There is news for large families- Article 12 establishes their right to offset the length of service during the period of inspection for a child for one and a half years and no more than 6 (and earlier than 4 years) for all children.

The retirement age remained the same - 60/55 except for preferential pensions. For example, the rights of health workers remain the same: they can take early vacation if they meet the requirements: 30 (25) years of experience in the field of medicine, a coefficient of at least 30.

The retirement age is set by Article 27 of the federal law on labor pensions:

  • hot or underground experience suggests early appointment payments from the age of a citizen 50/45 (men / women);
  • difficult working conditions - 55/50 years, if the special experience exceeds or equals 12.6/10 years;
  • 50 years for women - work in the textile industry for 20 years or in some jobs in agriculture for 15 years and so on.

Article 28 of the Law on Labor Pensions defines other categories of pensioners who can count on early payment:

  • women with 5 or more children, and raising each of them at least up to 8 years;
  • disabled after military injury- 55/50 years;
  • employees of the Far North (at least 15 years of experience) - 55/50 years;
  • visually impaired (first group) - 50/40 years (experience - 15/10 years).

The new procedure for assigning payments is designed to reduce the “equalization” in the process of processing payments. Now larger size pensions will be received by those workers who during the period of employment received "white" wages, have a long service (instead of the previous 5 minimum years).

Starting from the new year, 4 main factors will affect the size of the pension: the amount of salary, the amount of contributions paid, the time of going on vacation and the availability of general and special experience.
