Children's ditties for the day of the teacher. Funny ditties! Parent performance at kindergarten graduation

The script for the Teacher's Day was prepared by Korotaeva Olga Anatolyevna, teacher kindergarten No. 22, Votkinsk.

Scenario for the Day of the Educator

Presenter 1:

- Time passes quickly in worries,
The holiday is here again.
And we came, having finished the work,
In this bright, friendly room.

Host 2:

- Preschool Worker's Day
Notes kindergarten.
We invite you to have fun
Together with us all in a row!

Presenter 1:

- Life flies like in a fairy tale,
She keeps moving forward
Day after day slips away
And the year changes again,

Host 2:

- And by tradition.
We know - so it is necessary -
The word - the main "mother" of the kindergarten.

The word is given to congratulate the team of the head of the kindergarten.

Presenter 1:

- Let sometimes the road is difficult for us,
And let it be hard on the way.
Preschool worker - a high title,
And we need to proudly carry it!

Host 2:

- They say that the case - time,
They say: fun time.
Our team is fun
No one will be bored!

Presenter 1:

- We are very glad to see everyone,
And, believe me, from the bottom of my heart,
Congratulations today
Preschool kids!

Adults, dressed as children, go out with mugs and sing a song to the tune “Grandmother next to grandfather…”.

1. Holiday, holiday, fun all around.
And for everyone we sing a song
We will love you very much
Please pour milk into mugs!

CHORUS: Dear, dear women,
How many of you are here in this room
All the kids in kindergarten
You have received a low bow.

Dear, dear women
Let's drink to your health
Just don't think bad
We drink cow's milk.

2. The holiday will soon end again.
They will educate us, they will scold us.
Don't lose the warmth of your soul
And kids will reciprocate!

CHORUS: Our dear employees,
You are sitting in the hall now
From kindergarten kids
Low bow you accept.

Dear, dear women
We raise our mugs
Happiness, health, patience
We wish you today!

Host 2:

- Our team is very friendly.
Every employee is needed.
We have valuable personnel,
In the case you will be shown "class"!

The Crazy Hands contest is being held: you need to assemble a meat grinder for a while.

Presenter 1:

Life is full of experiences
Everything tends to surprise us.
And now we sing ditties,
To lift your spirits!

Teachers perform ditties.

“Ah, now, for you girls.”
We will sing little ditties
How we work together
How we have fun!

- Our physical instructor is an athlete,
unrevealed phenomenon.
Maybe in five years
Raise Olympians!

- The light in the kitchen early in the morning -
Girls can't sleep.
They won't give us a cook
Choke on saliva!

- Our babysitters all day
Wash, clean.
How to live on a salary -
They think they guess!

Pregnant women sing:

- To rise sharply
In groups, the occupancy
We decided not to yawn
And raise the birth rate!

- Our team is purely female -
This is not orderly.
We would have a couple of men -
That would be a present!

- If someone gets sick -
They won't let you die
And measure the pressure
And they give you a pill.

What is this strange noise
Icicles don't drip.
This is our caretaker coming
He rattles the keys.

- Like funny old ladies
Our musicians:
Sing a song with us
Have fun dancing!

— Our laundresses and seamstresses
Success everywhere:
Sew costumes for children
And laundry is washed!

- senior teacher
Everyone is smarter. There is no dispute.
Filled with information -
The real internet.

- One, two, one, two -
Here the words are over.
Now, try
Clap your hands!

Host 2:

- We have a lot of talents:
We are actors, musicians,
Masters of all trades
We never know boredom.

Presenter 1:

Even if Michael
stepped on your ear
We must try our luck -
Guess this song.

The contest "Guess the melody" is held. The three people with the most tokens for the songs they guessed advance to the final.

Host 2:

- Our life is easier from a smile,
After all, it's not an easy job for us.
If suddenly unbearable - hold on,
Smile when you want to scream.

Presenter 1:

- To make life easier -
We must be friends with humor!

Host 2: - And now your attention is invited to the information program "Hang up your ears."

They take out the TV in the form of a frame, put it on the table, or someone is holding it. The announcer sits down.

1. Policy news.

  • About the anniversary. In March of this year, we celebrated the anniversary of our nest. The solemn reception was attended by representatives of the roofs of all levels, sponsors, wing brothers.
  • About verification. The raid of inspecting persons in August 2013 was successfully repelled. After the inspections that took place, they destroyed the N-th amount of provisions.
  • About elections. In April of this year, an operation to exchange awl for soap took place. Will our chosen one be an awl or soap? We will know about it in 4 years.
  • About optimization. Not far off is the reduction of staff and, accordingly, the reduction of working space. The musicians will be offered a music box as an office.

2. News of culture.

A new swarm of bees flew out of hive #5. Thanks to the largest bee named Lily, the bee family took 1st place in the dance competition.

3. Sports news.

  • Despite the drought and lack of rain in summer, all the offspring not only survived, but also gained weight and height.
  • The football team of our kindergarten did not get a prize. The reason for this is the adult composition of the team. Instead of kicking the ball with their feet, they ran around the field with the ball in their hands.

4. Weather news.

Heavy snowfalls and snowfalls are expected. The supply manager took measures to provide employees with heaters: brooms and shovels.

5. Obvious - incredible.

A mysterious place was discovered in our kindergarten. The girls who come to work there immediately show signs of infections: they gain weight, their stomach grows, milk appears. What is the reason? Proximity of products? Thermal conditions?

- This is the end of the program "Hang your ears": shake off the noodles!

Presenter 1:

- You are lost in conjectures:
How to become a woman of mystery?
Everyone knows how to be here -
Call the designer!

Host 2: – Today, only once – a collection of models for you!

Models are shown according to the description from waste material.

The model comes out in felt boots, sweatshirt and earflaps.

- This model is suitable for winter,
She will reliably save from frost,
In it the wind is not terrible,
I don't care about snow in it,
Preschool worker -

A model comes out wearing a minimum of clothes.

— Model No. 2 —
Especially for summer.
She is more fashionable
The less worn.
You can swim in it
Revenge, sunbathe.
But, sorry, you are bosses
Can't understand.

A model comes out dressed in bright fabric trimmed with bells.

- Model No. 3 - needed for work,
Every detail in it is especially important:
In it you will be visible from afar,
And the sounds of walking are heard far away.
This model should come in handy on weekdays,
The child will be surprised when he sees you!
Then he will not cause much trouble -
He will sit all day with his mouth open!

A model comes out wearing a suit made from newspapers.

- Put on such a suit for your husband,
He won't need anyone
And morning, evening, day-to-day -
He will only be busy with you.
Let me read a little -
He will know everything!

A model comes out in a suit made of polyethylene.

- And here is a model for a gardener,
Suitable for any weather.
It blows with the wind
And dry in the rain.
A stranger will not suit you -
Not even a fly will land!

A model comes out in a suit made of foil.

— The last model is important —
It's for the holidays.
You will be adorable in it.
And very attractive.
Both top models and beauties
They won't fit you!

Presenter 1:

- It's great to have fun with you,
But it's time to say goodbye.
And we will say goodbye to you:
"See you again and goodbye!"

The evening ends with a disco.


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Day of the preschool worker. Holiday script

Concert for the Day of the preschool worker / scenario for children of the preparatory group /

The script is useful music directors, senior educators and educators of preschool institutions.
Target: To create a positive mood in children, to expand ideas about professions in kindergarten, to cultivate a caring attitude towards kindergarten employees.
Fanfare sounds. The two leading children come out.
The cold wind is angry again
And a thick shadow glides through the clouds,
But the kindergarten is already knocking
A wonderful holiday…
Day of the preschool worker!

There are many professions in the world
There is nothing more important than yours in the world -
You give your heart to children
We bow to you and hello!

You go around the whole planet
Yes, take a look at the kindergarten -
There are no more beautiful people anywhere
Those who grow up preschoolers.
Who gives us love and affection
Who cooks porridge and compote,
Who teaches us, reads a fairy tale,
Who sings songs with us.

Dramatization of the song "Kindergarten - a magical land" muses. Solovieva.
In the morning, only the sun will throw
First ray of gold
All the boys are running
In our native kindergarten.
Here friends, girlfriends

Can you reveal your secret?
With a good teacher
Talk heart to heart.

Song "Three Wishes" Zaritskaya.

Autumn has come.
It became very sad.
Waiting all day for the sun
And the gray rain comes...
Dance "Umbrellas" music. Root.
About preschoolers about our
We'll sing ditties!
In them we will tell you about children
And how we live.
Chastushki / Russian folk melody /.
1. Put your ears on top,
We will sing ditties to you,
And like the motive
Let's create a cooperative.
2. Who is the preschool teacher?
Erudite, painter, gardener,
Janitor, carpenter and artist
And an expert in everything!
Chorus: Look, you, you go,
Yes, you are saying something.
3. To mess around with the kids,
You need to fall in love with preschoolers,
Keep them busy all the time.
Pick up the key to your heart.
The chorus is the same.
3. They sit at the computer,
Children are not looked at
"Don't interfere, we're just
Here we read everything about you!
The chorus is the same.
4. Teachers are all in a hurry
Documents write:
plans, charts, reports,
Diagnostics, calculations.
Who are you writers or educators.
5. The layman argues:
Preschoolers have known for a long time
And working with them - so,
Not a job, but a waste.
Only life tells us:
The educator is in short supply!
6. We sang ditties to you,
We sang and stomped...
Now let's ask you
For you to clap.
I have always been quiet
And she loved to be silent -
Got pissed off today
Knock heels.
Spread out, dispersed
Good, you are good.
Oh he knows how to have fun
Our Russian soul.
Dance "Aty - baty, the soldiers were walking."
Good and easy for adults with us
Often they hear ringing laughter,
And now you can see for yourself -
Our tutors... are the best.
"Hymn of the 25th Kindergarten" op. S.Guseva
We are glad to congratulate now
All kindergarten workers
Everyone who lives here with us
He gives his heart to children.
Children give souvenirs to all present employees of the kindergarten.

Day of the educator and all preschool workers celebrated in our country on September 27. The holiday is relatively "new", it was first established only in 2004. In many preschool institutions are held on this day solemn events, dedicated to the Day employees of preschool educational institutions: matinees, entertainment for children.
At a matinee in honor of the day of the educator of the children senior group can sing incendiary ditties:

Welcome ditties
Let's sing ditties out loud
To make it more fun
We congratulate today
Our tutors!
Ditties about a teacher from children about a kindergarten teacher
Our teacher is good
We love you very much
Accept and you today
Our congratulations!

Our tutors are
It's just top class!
put on heels,
Like fashion models!

Ditties from a girl about a kindergarten teacher
I'm running to kindergarten in the morning,
I take my mother by the hand
In order for mommy
Congratulated everyone on the holiday!
Ditties about the junior kindergarten teacher
To read a fairy tale to us,
You became a reader
It's not for nothing that you were called
Junior teacher!
Ditties about life in the garden
We would have less work
Remove quiet time
Then mothers could not
Take us home without tears.
Final ditties on the matinee "preschool worker's day"
We are glad to congratulate now
All kindergarten workers
Everyone who lives here with us
He gives his heart to children.

This picture for congratulations on the day of the educator at the preschool educational institution can be downloaded from our partner site by clicking on the link

Children's ditties to various holidays and entertainment for older preschool children

Ditties for the "holiday of milk"

We will sing ditties for you,

Listen carefully.

Drink, drink milk

Children, for sure!

We love milk

All children need it

healthy milk,

White and soft!

For our health

They feed us all porridge,

Mannu with milk

Everyone loves kasha!

We drink kefir for an afternoon snack,

We love buckwheat with milk:

Milk in a child's life

Will not replace anything!

To make porridge sweeter

Add oil to it

Butter, bread - we'll get it

Delicious sandwich for breakfast!

Before, I didn’t like foam,

poured milk,

How, children, I forgot

What is it useful?

In the group of our boys

Become very strong

Well, and you, girlfriends,

You will be beautiful!

To make cheeks flush

To keep your teeth from hurting

To grow up faster

Drink more milk.

Chastushki for autumn holidays and entertainment for kindergarten

Bear and Fox perform ditties together.


Lisa and I together

We'll sing ditties to you.


You are a bear and I am a fox

These are the miracles

To show myself

I will dance merrily!

Dancing with a scarf.


I live in the silence of the forest

Clumsy and big

I, a bear, can roar.

I can sing songs loudly!


My coat is golden

The tail is fluffy and big,

Not to be found in the autumn forest

Such a coloring book!



I love sweet honey very much

I sleep in a den, like in a bed, -

clumsy, clumsy,

I suck my paw in winter!


I always live in the forest

And in the village I steal chickens,

With a very cunning head

Don't catch me cheat!

You, Bear, my kumanek,

Dance with me once

Give me your hand, turn around

Have fun circling!

Together they dance to Russian folk music.

Ditties for graduation in kindergarten

Now have a fun day

We will sing ditties to you!

What's the noise, what's the noise?

The walls are all swaying

These are our first graders.

Say goodbye to the garden!

New uniform put on

white shirt,

fall in love with me

First grade girl!

I go to school with flowers

I hold my mother's hand

Because of the lush bouquet

I can't find the door.

Oh my caregiver

Can't sleep at night

I really want to go to school

Learn great!

We tell the boys:

You are no longer a decree to us,

You don't have to offend us

We're off to first grade!

We are funny girls

We won't disappear anywhere

After all, studying in the first grade

We go to school together!


Well, that's enough, we got drunk,

Give me a new one

And thanks to the musician

For a fun game!

Fox ditties and nesting dolls for the New Year's holiday


I, Chanterelle, am not from a fairy tale,

I came to you from the forest

In a new skirt and bandage

Wrapped a ribbon around her tail.


Oh, fox, fox,

You are beautiful to the whole world!


To catch chickens

Brains need to move

I love bunnies, ducklings,

Roosters and piglets!

Matryoshkas repeat.


I'll just wag my tail

Immediately the dust will go in a column,

To avoid trouble

I'll mark the tracks with my tail!

Matryoshkas repeat.


This New Year's holiday

I meet in kindergarten

You clap your hands -

I'm going to dance now!

Dance of the Fox and Matryoshka.

Variants of village children's ditties

Wider circle, wider circle

Give me a wider circle

I don't go dancing alone

There are four of us!

I danced with three legs

Lost my boots

looked back,

My boots are down!

I walked through the village

And I saw Vanya

Sitting under a bush and crying -

The chicken hurt!

And in our yard

frogs croaked,

And I'm from the stove - barefoot,

I thought friends!

I eat porridge and sour cream

I have strength

Still, I won't fight.

Just don't come near me!

I finish singing ditties,

And I sit down in a sieve

I'm going abroad

More ditties!

Humorous ditties of a boy in love

Boy, where am I

Yes, trouble happens to me:

I wouldn't eat or sleep

I would play all the songs!

I'm too lazy to get up in the morning

go to bed in the evening,

I'd rather not go to kindergarten

I have decided to get married!

The girls love me

They say that he is small in stature,

And I'm in the kindergarten Natasha

Kissed me ten times!

The stars lit up in the sky

And then they went out

My new cutie

She only goes to nursery!

Goodbye, kids

Grandmothers and grandfathers,

Because I have to go

On a date with a girl!

Ditties on the topic "Healthy lifestyle" (to the parent meeting)

1. We will sing ditties to you,

Listen carefully,

And to the music all together

Clap hard!


2. All healthy lifestyle life

We are leading with the guys

Although we are still preschoolers,

We are not far behind adults!

The child comes with a towel.

3. We will always be healthy,

Let's grow strong

If you play sports,

You will become the strongest!

The child sits down.

4. We will give advice to grannies,

Mom, dad dear:

Precious health

Cherish yours!

The child is spinning.

5. About pills and drugs

Forget forever

May you become friends

Sun, air and water!

6. To keep your teeth from hurting,

They bought me Blendamed,

Aquafresh buy better -

Recommended by a neighbor!

Children walk with toothbrush and paste.

7. Safeguard Soap Protects

From bacteria to the whole family.

I'm happy, healthy and cheerful -

And so I sing!

The child is dried with a towel.

8. Did you like ditties?

We sang them for you!

We wish everyone good health

In this bright good hour!

Then it is desirable that the children show a sports number.

You guys listen
We want to tell you
About the people that you once
Helped to educate.

We decided, we guessed
How can we congratulate them?
Finally we got everyone
And decided to glorify.

# for caregiver
At Natalia Nikolaevna
Not a few things, a lot of things:
Liza braided braids,
She made sure that Sasha ate.

And she can also
Make sure the kids
Didn't get bored, didn't get sick
She didn't run out of the yard.

With you if you want
You can fly into space.
We are sometimes surprised
How everything is enough for you!

Our secrets and secrets
Everyone is warmed by your heart!
We could trust you
You didn't dare to betray us.

Wish we want love
From all our kids!
Don't be sick, don't be sad
Come visit the school!

Well let's lead
To not let you down!

# for a speech therapist
We remember how our children
Started talking
Only to mother these speeches
We all need to translate.

The children went to kindergarten
They have a lot to do.
Words are ok
Mom doesn't blush at school.

# for manager

And our manager is beautiful.
And he handles everything.
And she has a lot of work.
And we say thank you very much.

For the ability to compete
And trying to finance
For fresh food
And prosperity garden!

# for doctor
The potions of secrets are open to them,
Decoctions the most difficult secret,
From the flu, the art of protection,
There is no one more reliable.

Any bruise or injury
Will they be able to heal
The vaccine will be given
For children to be healthy.

# for music. worker
You have a magical job:
Sounds, notes have obeyed you.
You can command
Melodies sound in the soul.

Thank you for your songs
That danced with us together
That the music of all our days
Sounded better with you!

# for the leader of the art circle:
Children, as usual,
They love to draw very much.
But they used to have to
Explain the drawings to us.

But over the years we see
Amazing progress.
Among them, we know for sure
There are levitans too.

# for cook
The magic of cooking
They are skilled here.
Everything that is fried, boiled
It was delicious.

Cooking miracles
And looks enviously
Ronald from McDonald's.

# for babysitter
With a clear dawn, until dark
She is in our garden.
Who will bring us lunch
And take the dishes?

Of course we helped
We set the tables
And learned not to crumble
And don't use sand.

Our group is not better.
Clean and light all around!
Maybe our nanny
And not two, but ten hands?

Let's thank her now
For care and comfort
And for what it's time
She dedicated her work to us!

# for sociologist/psychologist
Slowly, slowly
Into a big, complicated life
You are the hand of the baby,
Entered carefully.

We followed you, breathing a little,
On the path of knowledge
Our children are not afraid
School assignments.

# for methodologist
To properly raise children
There is a lot to know.
Need to know psychology
And know physiology.

To be a doctor in pedagogy,
Rhetoric and logic.
But the main thing is to be a methodologist,
Children need to be loved.

# for an athlete
We have long understood
What is a healthy mind in a healthy body.
Muscles grow in children,
Sports and physical education are in honor here.

More and more we began to notice
We started falling behind the kids.
Will have to keep up with the children
We have to do sports ourselves.

# for supply manager
Magic is important, of course,
To run a household here,
To take everything into account
And find anything.

The caretaker has a lot to do,
To our kids
It became more comfortable in the garden,
You have to be here and there.

Similar material, we recommend

Our family educators
You were like second mothers to us.
You taught us a lot -
We are ready to go to 1st grade.

You showed us the big world,
They took us there.
And let the years fly by
We will never forget you!

Boys and girls
Our babies
Happy graduation we
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts.

Saying goodbye today
Kindergarten with you
Into our huge world
The chicks are flying.

We wish that in the future
You flew high
Hope and pride
To become ours.

educators loved ones
Congratulations on graduation
Kindergarten with you all the years
It was a second home for us.

us with love and care
You surrounded your
We know that we were loved
You are like your own children.

Not silent in these walls
Let cheerful, children's laughter,
We wish educators
In life, be the happiest of all.

Parent #1
Educators (name)!
Did you recognize your children? Look...
Your beautiful, well-dressed, beloved pupils are sitting in this hall.
How long have they gone to nursery?
Did you learn how to hold a spoon and a mug correctly?
Did you learn to put on hats, pants and coats yourself?

Parent #2
We will remember you with love
How mothers treated our children,
And they were with you, at home.

Parent #3
Thank you, earthly bow,
Accept from all parents.
And also carefully, loving,
Teach your other children!

Parent #4
Bow for your golden hands,
For your faithful hearts.
After all, you worked dear,
Not for the red word.

Parent #5
Thank you for your patience
With what taught each of them.
For your worries and worries,
For the heart that hurts, like relatives.

Parent #6
May the days of your life be good
And there will be joy and harmony in the house.
And we wish you with all our hearts,
Great human happiness!

Parent #1

We all want parents to admit
We love you very much!
You just have to try
Do not forget and remember us!
