Children's riddles about a rooster. Riddles about a rooster for children and adults

He is the pre-dawn alarm clock
And handsome multi-colored.
He has a luxurious tail.
His temper is not at all simple.
Who's a badass fighter
And the famous singer?
He sings very loudly
The grains peck all day.
He is a chicken shepherd.
Who is this?
Z. Toropchina

He protects our sleep
It announces the dawn.
He always walks with spurs,
Starts battles, quarrels,
Hens herd, but not a shepherd.
Guess who?

The shepherd will not graze the cows,
From the nests, pichuga will not fly into the sky,
Horses will not drink water from the river,
The hostess will not put a pot in the oven
And the dove will not leave the dovecote,
While from a perch at an early hour in a chicken coop
The first one will not shout loudly ...

The bird walks around the yard
Wakes up the kids in the morning
At the top of the scallop,
Who is this?

He walks boldly around the yard,
There is a comb, there are spurs.
Only in fights, every now and then,
He has arguments.
Though it wakes everyone up, skillfully.

Look down the track
Small feet walk.
Scallop on the head.
Who is this?

The bird walks around the yard
Wakes up the kids in the morning
At the top of the scallop,
Who is this?

Early, early, at dawn
Rises with the sun.
To wake up everyone in the world
Sings a ringing song.
He has spurs on his paws
At the top of the scallop,
There are patterns on the tail.
He is handsome…..
I. Zakharova

Early in the morning at dawn
Wakes up everyone in the village of Petya:
bright tail and scallop
These are kids, ...
N. Shichaeva

I sat on the fence, I sang and shouted,
And how everyone gathered, I took it and fell silent

Sat on the fence.
The day is calling.
Day at the gate
Walked into the garden.

Sleeping on a perch
Together with chickens.
As the sun rises
Sing loudest of all.
V. Tunnikov

Grandma Lukerya
Feathered alarm clock
How to bawl
Early in the morning
Galloping with fright
The cows are rushing to the meadow!
V. Kuzminov

He sings songs, Time counts.

Tail with patterns, Boots with spurs,
White feathers, Red comb.
Who is that on the peg?
(Petya Cockerel)

Clocks are walking around the yard
Tail of unprecedented beauty.
Legs are ankles.
How loud.
The sun is waking up!
V. Struchkov

He wears spurs on his legs,
Walks with a comb and earrings,
Crow at full speed
And wake up everyone...
V. Marakhin

These birds are bullies
They don't live a day without a fight.
Scallop and a pair of spurs -
Here is their knight set!
N. Rozbitskaya

This cry wakes us up in the morning
Sonorous, joyful such:
"Sun is up! It's morning already!
Stop sleeping! It's time! Climb!"

I'm not an alarm clock, but I wake up
I have a beard and spurs.
I walk with great importance
And quick-tempered like gunpowder.

Bright red comb!
Kuram is a gentle friend.
Well done, he's smart. Wow!
Who screams in the morning?

Bright ponytail in a semicircle
And a beautiful comb.
Who screams all over the place
Early in the morning?

    In your red crown
    He walks like a king.
    Its you hourly
    Listen out loud:
    - I'm here! I'm on the lookout!
    I'll bake you all!
    The children fell asleep. The world is out.
    Shut up, little one...

    I wake everyone up on time
    I don't wind up the clock though.

    scarlet scallop,
    Ruffled caftan,
    double beard,
    Important walk.
    Gets up first,
    Sings loudly.

    Born twice, never baptized, a prophet to all people.

    double beard,
    important walk,
    Everyone gets up early
    Sings loudly.

    From a white stone will be born, the whole world wakes up.

    What bird will be born from an egg,
    Doesn't she lay eggs?

    He screams the loudest in the morning:
    - It's time to get up! It's time to get up!
    He has served throughout his life.
    And makes friends with the sun.

    Who screams the most and does the least

    Who bawls at the top of his lungs?
    Surely …

    Who sings so loudly
    About the rising sun?

    Who, tell me again in the morning
    Sing to us about love
    To the early sun? And to us
    Pour out a balm for the soul!

    On the head - a comb,
    On the tail is a sickle.
    What kind of bird?

    Not a rider, but with spurs,
    Not an alarm clock, but wakes everyone up.

    Not a king, but in a crown,
    Not a rider, but with spurs,
    Not an alarm clock, but wakes everyone up.

    Not a king, but in a crown,
    Not a rider, but with spurs,
    Not a watchman, but screams in danger.

    Not a king, but in a crown,
    Not a rider, but with spurs,
    Not a caretaker
    And wakes everyone up.

    He is in a bright uniform,
    Spurs for beauty.
    During the day he is a bully
    In the morning - hours.

    He sings loudly
    If the sun rises.

    He wakes us up in the morning
    Shouting: "" Ku-ka-re-ku!
    Isn't it time for you to get up?"
    "Yes, but I want to sleep."

    He will knock on the ground with his nose,
    He flaps his wings and screams.
    He screams even sleepy,
    The screamer is restless.

    Gets up first of all
    ""Ku-ka-re-ku!"" sings.

    Sat on the fence - shouted,
    And when everyone gathered, he fell silent.

    He sat on the fence, sang and shouted, and when everyone gathered, he took it and fell silent.

    Not a watchman
    And everyone wakes up early.

    The brave warrior has a red cap
    Boots with spurs and an important gait
    Motley uniform, he is the commander of chickens.

    White feathers, red comb.
    Who is that on the peg?

    Tail with patterns, boots with spurs,
    He sings songs, counts time.

    Tail with patterns
    Boots with spurs
    Sings at night:
    Time counts.

    The king walks around the city,
    Wears honor on his head.

    What kind of bird
    Are people afraid?
    Doesn't fly high
    And sings "ko-ko-ko"?

    This bird in the morning
    Wakes us up: "Ku-ka-re-ku".
    He asks affectionately: "" Get up,
    Give the birds breakfast!"

    The roof of one house is not symmetrical: one slope makes an angle of 60 degrees with the horizontal, the other - an angle of 70 degrees. Suppose a rooster lays an egg on the ridge of a roof. In which direction will the egg fall - towards a more gentle or steep slope?

Roosters Don't Lay Eggs

    What comb do you not comb your hair with?


    white feathers,
    Yes, red comb.
    Who is that on the perch?

    The grain pecks
    Sings songs.

    white feathers,
    Red comb.
    Who is that on the peg?


    Antoshka spins on one leg,
    Where the sun stands, there he looks.


    Yellow Demid
    All day looking at the sun.


    golden sieve
    There are a lot of black houses.
    How many little black houses
    So many white people.

There is nothing more beautiful and mysterious than winter time. Everything around is covered with fluffy snow, which sparkles with all colors in anticipation of a fairy tale. The feeling of something incredible hovering in the frosty air and everyone, young and old, begin to believe in a miracle. Such an incredible and wonderful event is the New Year.

The upcoming 2017 is the year of the Rooster and I want his meeting to be as fun and unpredictable as ours. feathered friend. Since the beginning of December, adults and children have been in a kind of high spirits. The eyes begin to glow with a special light. Everyone jokes and plays tricks on each other. This mood and comic days continue until the New Year.

For children and adults, this is a time of expectations. Everyone believes that next year will be the happiest, and the most cherished desires will come true, so preparations for the celebration are on an unprecedented scale. Our people love holidays and know how to celebrate them, and the Year of the Rooster will prove it once again. We will meet the year 2017, as befits a Russian one - with a rich table and a lot of fun. the best way keeping the New Year spirit are new year games and riddles.

Riddles with answers for a company of adults with children

If you are celebrating the Year of the Rooster with families, mixed puzzles are suitable, that is, suitable for children and adults. For more excitement, you can break into teams, for example, one family against another, or children and adults. At the end of the competition, you can arrange the awarding of teams cool gifts. We offer you a few riddles for the little ones that will make your New Year unforgettable:

Bright feathers on the breast, And under the feathers there is fluff Who is knocking at our doors? Holiday symbol ... ( Rooster)

Whoever guesses this riddle receives a souvenir in the form of a symbol of the year as a gift. It can be a gingerbread in the form of a cockerel or a toy. At home, in a white felt boots There is a rather big bag. In it, for childish joy, I sent you ... ( Sweets)

The one who guesses this riddle is awarded the largest piece of cake.

He is always busy with business, He cannot go in vain. He goes and paints white everything that he sees on the way. ( Snow)

The winner is showered with white confetti.

Older children can guess the following riddles with answers:

  • The boy lives on the seventh floor, but always, passing three floors, he gets out and walks. Why? ( It is very small and does not reach the desired button);
  • What is easy to pick up from the ground, but hard to throw? ( fluff);
  • What is cooked but not eaten? ( homework);
  • What links milk and hedgehog? ( both fold);
  • 6 lamps burned, two turned off. How much is left? ( six);
  • What field does nothing grow in? ( hat field);
  • If you take more, you get more. What is this? ( pit);
  • If it becomes heavier, then it is easier for us. What is this? ( wallet);
  • What can you throw up to the sky? ( glance);
  • What is always growing and never decreasing? ( age);
  • What word has one hundred no? ( groans);
  • Which fabric is not suitable for a shirt? ( railway);
  • Who knows all languages? ( echo);
  • Bell, can't ring? ( flower);
  • What is the word with three w? ( buzz);
  • What rises when it rains? ( umbrella);
  • A word consisting of three letters g and three - i? ( trigonometry).

Comic riddles for adults

If you are used to celebrating the New Year in the circle of adults, then in order to get a little distraction from eating food and alcoholic beverages, you can hold a riddle contest. Such a celebration will be remembered for the whole year of the Rooster. Here are some examples of such riddles:

  • If you shout loudly to everyone now, then she will certainly come. Who? ( police);
  • What needs to be done to make a man lose his temper in bed? ( Select remote)
  • What comes to an end after a vacation? ( Vacation);
  • When he gets up, he will reach the heavens. ( Rainbow);
  • Is gold blue? ( The other half got drunk);
  • Of the three letters it enters the ear, leaves the other? ( Scrap);
  • If you see green, what should you do? ( To cross a street);
  • The shortest month of the year? ( May - three letters);
  • Can a river be scary? ( Yes, if it's called -Tiger);
  • What is thrown away when needed and picked up when not? ( Anchor);
  • What travels the world while staying in place? ( Postage Stamp);
  • How long until the chiming clock? ( 100 rubles);
  • Why are you being kicked out of the office? ( Out the door);
  • Who is sober on New Year's Eve? ( Christmas tree);
  • What was the name of the first semiconductor? ( Susanin);
  • What is a five-letter word containing: p, z, d, a. ( West);
  • Lights up but doesn't heat up. ( 3 years in prison).

New Year games 2017

Very often, adults celebrate the New Year with children. Having tasted all the most delicious, the kids begin to get bored among adults. To prevent this from happening, you can captivate them with various table games. This tradition used to live in Russia, when there were no TVs and the Internet. We invite you to remember the past Good times and spend the New Year with your children in a fun and interesting way. Your children will be delighted with such an idea. We offer you several options for such fun.


The meaning of the game is that all children close their eyes and begin to choose the most experienced detectives among them. Children begin to ask questions such as:

  • How many salads are on the table?
  • What glasses?
  • How are the guests dressed?
  • How many boys and girls are visiting;
  • What are the names of the parents of the girl on the right or the boy on the left?

Who replied to large quantity answers, he is the winner. The best detective receives a gift.


The game is to measure the growth of babies with the help of different objects. It can be: bananas, sweets, apples, spoons, cups. At the end of the game, give all children beautiful postcard with an inscription, for example - Dima's height is 10 bananas or Olya's height is 22 candies.

"Magic Ring"

One of the children goes out the door. The remaining guys hide the ring in the pocket of one of the participants. Returning from behind the door, the participant guesses who owns magic ring. In this game, children must not give themselves away either with a smile, or with words, or with other actions. As experience shows, this is not for everyone.

"Fast Family"

All children are divided into teams. Each group is given a ribbon. Task: connect each other with a ribbon. It needs to be threaded through the details on the clothes: eyelets, straps, etc. Whoever is the first to cope with the task, he shouts out the word - "Family".


Two adults take long fabric at the four ends and periodically lower or raise it. The task of the kids is to have time to run under the fabric or on it. You can do this in the form of a relay race. Whose team overcame the "snowdrift" faster, that is the winner.


First, the children are told a story about what can happen in a snowstorm. Then the children are invited to experience this feeling. Two adults take a large and strong fabric with both hands and swing everyone in the “hammock”. After that, the children tell how scary it is.


Divide the children into two teams and inflate Balloons by the number of participants in the game. Condition: The balls must not touch the ground. Two adults stretch the fabric so that it looks like a net in a real game. Children throw the balls over the fabric, trying to hit everything without a trace. If the ball touches the ground, the team gets - minus one point. This game fascinates children so much that they do not notice the time. Adults alternately change each other, and at this time adult company meets the year of the Rooster, as it sees fit. Everyone wins.

There are a lot of such games, but the most interesting and truly fabulous will be New Year's games in real snowballs and snowman modeling, especially if this happens when the year of the Rooster is on the threshold.

How to come up with a riddle

Adults can start compiling new riddles. Why not a game?

We select an object for the riddle, for example, a children's top. The table below contains the answers to the questions:

There was a riddle:

Like a mushroom, but don't eat it. Like a ballerina, but not alive. Like an umbrella, but will not save from the rain.

You get up early in the morning
Hear in the yard
Someone shouts: "Ku-ka-re-ku."
This is an important bird screaming,
Perky, courageous.
His tail is very bright!
And who is this, answer me guys.

An important bird walks in the yard.
Bright feathers on his tail.
The beak is golden and the comb is red.
Here the answer is simple, because it is (cockerel).

We have a singer in the yard.
He sings early in the heat.
He put on a bright suit.
And he walks important, he is a braggart.
Grain for lunch will eat,
And a worm in one sitting.
And very early in the morning.
Wake everyone up with his "Ku-ka-re-ku."

Like an alarm clock, this bird.
Wakes us up in winter and summer.
Scarlet crest on the head.
Under the beak is a red beard.
"Ku-ka-re-ku" he will tell me.
And sit on the fence so deftly. (rooster)

I'll get up early in the morning
And I'll wake you all up
Although I am not a king, but there is a crown,
I love to sit on the fence.
Chicken is my wife
Answer me, what is my name?

On the ground I peck the grains.
Early in the morning I sing loudly.
The comb is beautiful on my head.
And I am very important in the whole yard.
I often fight with others.
I flap my wings and beat with my beak.
Spurs on my feet
I guard my chickens.
What's my guys name?
Give me the answer to the riddle. (rooster)

He is not an alarm clock, but wakes up,
The worm will have lunch.
There are spurs on the paws
And there is a comb on the head.
A lot of feathers and do not count,
He sings a song at dawn.
What a miracle bird
Who will answer me?
Early in the morning, at dawn,
He will sing a song to me.
The grains peck later,
And eat a worm.
Golden beak, red beard,
And a very important step.
He put a crown on his head
Tell me quickly, who is he?

Bright feathers, golden beak,
The crest is beautiful over the head.
Spurs on legs, sings loudly.
Who is he, who will quickly name? (rooster)

An important bird lives in the yard,
The song will sing in the morning loudly to me.
Bright comb, like fire,
Positioned over his head.
The tail is beautiful, spurs on the legs,
He will take everyone to work and school.

Chicken is his wife.
The children are his chickens.
Red scallop on head
Who is it, tell me guys? (rooster)

Other riddles:

Wallpaper Rooster

Some interesting children's puzzles

  • Riddles about Numbers from 1 to 10 and others for children with answers
  • Riddles about the Parrot for children with answers

    Can sing, but not a soloist! Not an actor, but a parade. (Parrot)

It may seem that New Year's riddles are exclusively child's play. However, this opinion is erroneous: adults can also use them for their festive purposes. For example, at a corporate party: when presenting a gift, an employee must solve a riddle. Why not? Our selection is here to help!

Difficult riddles for the New Year for adults

This poor thing is constantly pulled by the tail. As soon as it is pulled, everything around flies up.
Answer: cracker.

He always comes only at night. And it always suddenly becomes new in one second, although before that it was very old.
Answer: year.

This is an amazing magic that instantly turns children and adults into bears, bunnies and chanterelles.
Answer: masquerade

This graceful spring straightens its fur every year. As a result, at every party she is the most beautiful.
Answer: tinsel.

It is necessary to imagine that there is a saucepan on the edge of the table, which is covered with a lid. The dishes are placed in such a way that two-thirds of them hang from the table. The pot will fall after a certain amount of time. So what was in this dish and why did it suddenly fall?
Answer: ice.

Imagine a situation: a driver forgets his documents at home, including the driving license. On the way, he saw a one-way sign, but the man ignored it and went in the opposite direction. All this was seen by a traffic police officer, but he did not stop the driver. Why did it happen?
Answer: The driver was walking.

How many eggs do you think the first of January really eat on an empty stomach?
Answer: you can eat only one egg, because the rest eaten will no longer be on an empty stomach.

IN new year's eve the car goes to the celebration in the village. Five cars are driving towards him on the way. The question is extremely simple: how many cars are sent to the village to celebrate the New Year?
Answer: one car.

New Year's Eve dinner is being prepared. The hostess prepares food. What does she throw into the pot before putting food in?
Answer: look.

Beautiful winter park. It has nine benches. Five of them have been painted. How many benches are there in the park?
Answer: nine.

The pig, the symbol of the coming year, is a very useful creature. But here is the question: can a pig call itself an animal?
Answer: it can't, because the pig can't talk.

Oh, and it was a noisy banquet ... But something on it still remained sober. Who was it?
Answer: tree.

New Year's riddles for adults - funny

Whose parents is the Snowman with the Snowman?
Answer: most likely, you will hear: "Snow Maiden." In fact, the correct answer is Bigfoot.

Santa Claus has a constantly red nose. Why?
Answer: most likely, in response you will hear: "Because he drinks a lot." However, this is not true: he just got out of the bathhouse. After all, we have such a good tradition: always visit the bathhouse on the thirty-first of December.

Santa Claus is always warm hands. Why?
Answer: most often, adults answer that he is simply not real, but a fictional character. But in fact, he just drank a little to keep warm.

Have you ever wondered why the Snowman wears a bucket on his head and not a normal headdress?
Answer: most often they answer that this is accepted, they say, this is a tradition. In fact, he, like a real man, went to take out the garbage on the thirty-first of December. Well, he came only in April ... His wife put this bucket on his head.

Instead of a nose, the Snowman often has a carrot. Why?
Answer: The most popular answer to this riddle is “because there was nothing else at home, and carrots are easy and cheap.” But the correct answer is this: as a child, the Snowman picked his nose very often, which is why he was sent to be brought up by Papa Carlo.

The snow woman is the happy owner of two waists. Is she just lucky?
Answer: oh, there are a million strange and illogical answers here. In fact, everything is very simple: it is very convenient to hug.

Every woman expects such a gift for the New Year. He really is the best! It is fifteen centimeters long and seven centimeters wide. What is this?
Answer: hundred dollar bill.

Without it, the New Year is simply unthinkable. And it's not a tree!
Answer: vodka.

It happens every New Year. "This" is brought at dawn. What is this?
Answer: the husband from the banquet.

If on New Year's Eve the whole company shouts very loudly and for a long time, then it will definitely show up. Who is this?
Answer: Of course, the police.

She has a very strange figure. She's skinny underneath. Her chest is lush, and her waist is slender. Who is this?
Answer: glass.

It will become hard like a potato if it is slightly mashed in the hand. What is this?
Answer: snow.

He wears boots and a white coat. He is small, with slanting eyes. Who is this?
Answer: Santa Claus from Chukotka.

If unprecedented animals came to visit you, danced in a round dance Christmas decorations, bright lights flashed everywhere ... Who will come to you next?
Answer: urgent.

This is far from a gun, but it shoots loudly. It's not a vile snake, but it always hisses. This is not forty-degree vodka, but ...
Answer: champagne.

By May, this snow-white chic blanket becomes dirty and irritates everyone terribly. What is this?
Answer: snow.

It prickles, it smells bad. Brought here from the cold.
Answer: husband.

This bright snot can be seen from all the streets of the city. She can run across forests and fields without any problems, and she will be seen even in the neighboring village. What is this?
Answer: fireworks.

Hear a question about a welcome guest.
He's coming soon - tighten up.
He easily fulfills every request,
But this is not Yandex, but ...
Answer: Santa Claus.

There are two cigarette butts in a glass in the kitchen.
And for some reason someone danced on the table.
There is a beaker of unfinished alcohol.
I came with my grandfather with her ...
Answer: Snow Maiden.

At night we sneaked out of the village
No vodka string bag, no beer package,
Not an armful of girls, not a whisk of lilies.
Fashionable, holiday-bearing ...
Answer: tree.

Let's get drunk and go with you
Wander around the city in an embrace.
We will kiss under the moon
And mouth to catch crystal ...
Answer: snowflakes.

You would never buy this yourself.
Usually it is not expensive and not brands,
However, he is very cute
Hidden under the tree...
Answer: a gift.

New Year's riddles for children

She always comes with gifts. On New Year's Eve, she is the most beautiful, regardless of what other guests are wearing. All events on New Year's Eve revolve around her. Who is she?
Answer: Christmas tree.

Not a hedgehog, but in needles. There are no legs, but there are paws. Not a beautiful girl, but all in beads and sequins. Who is this?
Answer: Christmas tree.

“I am an incredible fashionista. I love glitter, beads, all kinds of jewelry. However, I only manage to look like a queen once a year. Who am I?
Answer: Christmas tree.

“Lilies of the valley bloom every spring in mid-May. Pied asters always bloom in the autumn months. And I bloom in winter for a short time and always only on spruce. For a whole year, no one remembers me ... I'm lying dusty on the top shelves in the closet and I'm always very happy when they finally remember me. Who am I?
Answer: Christmas ball.

Which riddle did you find the most difficult? Share your thoughts in the comments!
