New Year's entertainment for an adult company. Cool New Year's games and contests

In this material, we present New Year's fun with which you can entertain your guests. In order for the participants to be enthusiastic about participating in games and competitions, let them first get used to it a little: chat, sit at festive table, drink up. And only then invite everyone to participate in the entertainment program of the evening.

"This item is needed to..."

The facilitator calls the participants any object (for example, a blanket, a pen, etc.), and they should take turns saying how the hidden thing can be used, starting the phrase with the words: “This item is needed to ...” The game becomes interesting, when all the obvious functions of a thing end and you have to invent them on the go. The one who could not come up with a use for the thing lost.

over bumps

This game is suitable for the moment when the feast is coming to an end and the guests want to warm up a bit. Two or three participants are given two sheets of paper. These are “hummocks”, and the floor in the room is a “quagmire”. It can only be crossed by stepping on each sheet in turn, and moving the other forward. Players must cross the "bumps" to the other side as quickly as possible without stepping on the floor.


An old and familiar game that you can change a little. Participants can get puffballs out of the "hat" with funny tasks: depict an animal - a symbol of the coming year, sing new year song, loudly call the Snow Maiden, etc. This, so to speak, is the traditional approach to this game.

But you can slightly modify the meaning of "Phantoms". Write on the pieces of paper various states of a person, but try to pick up only original and funny ones. For example, “puppy delight”, “stormy raskolbas”, “languid thoughtfulness”, etc. The player who pulled out the phantom must depict what was written without words, and the rest of the participants must guess what he is showing.

color kaleidoscope

This game is mobile and can be played by at least 5 people. Children love this kind of entertainment. After the facilitator calls out the colors (for example, yellow, then red, etc.), the players must grab some object of the named color. The host at this time counts to three. Who does not have time - leaves. The pace of the game can be increased, and its complexity increases.

blind artist

The players are divided into pairs in random order, one of the two partners is blindfolded and given a pen, pencil or felt-tip pen. "Blind artists" should hold their drawing device in an outstretched hand. The second participants are given sheets of paper, the topic of the future creation is reported. It can be from the simplest (draw geometric figure) to quite complex (to create a New Year's landscape). Then the "sighted" partners return to their pairs and begin to draw, moving the sheet around the writing object held in the hand of the second participant. At the same time, the “blind artists” themselves should not move their hand. After the end of the competition, their eyes are untied, and the winners are determined by the best and most accurately reflecting reality drawing.

football players

The host announces to the guests that a competition for the best football player will be held, and everyone can participate in it. Then the players are given air balloons. The task is to prevent the “ball” from falling to the floor for a certain amount of time (for example, 3 minutes). Someone will "mint" the ball with his head, and the most ingenious will simply blow on it from below, thus supporting it in the air. If it is not possible to identify a clear winner, then the game can be complicated: give the “football players” one more “ball”. The winner is the one whose balls do not fall on the floor.

Oh those fairy tales! Oh those storytellers!

This competition develops oratory skills and Creative skills participants. Names should be written on the cards. different fairy tales(for example, you can take "Kolobok", "Little Red Riding Hood", "Sleeping Beauty", etc.). Each player pulls out one piece of paper and remembers the plot of the fairy tale he got. Then the participants should tell what they remembered to the audience, but at the same time they should adhere to a certain genre (which can also be written on a card). For example, "Little Red Riding Hood" will sound differently in the detective genre, "Sleeping Beauty" or "Snow White" - in the melodrama genre. The most inventive storyteller wins.

Fair-selling men

To conduct this competition, at least three men will be required, for each of them “sellers” are selected: one or more women. As props, you need to provide participants with bright scarves, pieces of fabric, various decorations, cosmetics. The first task of the girls is to dress up their "product" as best and original as possible. You can create some recognizable image: for example, Casanova. This task will take no more than 3-5 minutes to complete. Then the "sellers" must advertise the "product" to potential buyers, they may even hold an impromptu auction. The team that does the best job wins a prize.

Too touchy and impressionable in this game is better not to participate - it's a shame when they don't share with you! Participants stand in a tight circle facing each other, while their hands should be behind their backs. The leader becomes the center. The players begin to imperceptibly pass an apple from hand to hand (with other culinary preferences, it is possible to replace an apple with a banana, cucumber, a piece of sausage, in the end). A person who has fallen into the center of the circle must guess who has the fruit in this moment. The difficulty is that you also need to bite off a piece of an apple - naturally, when the driver does not see. If the lucky owner of the fruit is "caught red-handed", then it is his turn to stand in the center of the circle. And so it continues until the main subject of the game is eaten entirely.

"Show Elephant"

Very funny, but quite a tough prank. The host starts a well-known game: you need to guess the animal, depict it without words, and all those gathered must understand who the participant is portraying. The facilitator leads the unsuspecting victim out the door and explains that an elephant (or any other animal that is easy enough to depict) will need to be shown. At the same time, you need to have time to inform the rest that the player will portray such and such an animal, and their task is in no case to name, “not to guess”, offering any other versions. Then, for some time, you can enjoy the sight of a surprised participant who cannot understand in any way whether he himself depicts an elephant poorly, or whether no one has ever seen this animal. The main thing is not to torment the victim for too long.

Two halves

The players are divided into pairs. The host announces the simplest, at first glance, task: cut a snowflake out of paper. Participants are given scissors and paper. If you are afraid that guests will cut themselves with scissors, then distribute bundles, wrapping paper and a bow. In this case, you will need to wrap the "gift". Then the partners should hug each other, hug, leaving only one arm free. Thus, the "halves" interlock into one two-armed whole. And now they must complete the task. Those who do their job faster and better than everyone else win.

New Year's Dictionary

It is necessary to prepare in advance cards with all the letters of the alphabet, except for Ъ, b, b, s, th opaque container. The host announces the preparation for printing of the Special Holiday Dictionary. Each participant in turn takes out one card and immediately calls the word. New Year theme, starting with the extracted letter. It is also desirable, together with all the players, to come up with a funny interpretation of this word. All concepts are written down so that later it would be possible to create a Dictionary in memory of the celebration.

New Year's songs

The host puts the words related to the holiday written on separate pieces of paper into an opaque bag or into a hat: “herringbone”, “icicle”, “snowman”, “hoarfrost”, “frost”, “snow”, “dance”, “gift” and etc. Participants take turns pulling out cards, and then trying to remember and sing lines from a song with a given word, receiving points for this. The winner is the one who scores the most points, i.e., remembers more songs.

snow shooting range

In advance, you need to prepare as many "snowballs" as possible - balls rolled from paper, cotton wool or, better, made from papier-mâché. You can use ping pong balls as snowballs. Participants are divided into two or more teams. Several people (one from each group) stand on chairs - now they are "targets". Opponents are trying to hit the target with "snowballs". At the same time, players on chairs can move, in every possible way dodge "enemy projectiles". The most accurate team wins.

In winter conditions

As you know, in order not to freeze in winter, you need to dress warmly. Invite your guests to check if they have a chance to survive the harsh winter frosts. Participants wear issued warm mittens and bathrobes. Their task is to fasten all the buttons as quickly as possible. The one who completes the task the fastest is the winner. The rest must be saved from the cold in another way - pour a glass of something intoxicating.

Leap into the future

Draw a “scale” in advance: you need to turn a long strip of paper (you can use wallpaper or toilet paper) into a kind of large “ruler”, that is, mark it in centimeters.

Now connect your imagination and write some New Year's wish or prediction near each mark.

It will be great if you write something humorous.

Participants will have to jump from a place in the long jump, see how much they jumped, and find out what awaits them next year.

Understand me

This game is similar in essence to the television show that was on our screens a few years ago. The participants are divided into two teams (at least 4-5 people in each). Teams line up in two rows. The facilitator passes to the first participants the cards on which the phrases are written, preferably more intricately. It is necessary to quietly and quickly transfer the contents of the card to the next player's ear. He tells the next one, and so on. The last participant must say out loud what he heard. The team that completes the task the fastest and, of course, does not lose the meaning of the phrase during the transfer wins.


The host will need to prepare for this game in advance. It is necessary to cut out various phrases from newspapers, preferably funny or ambiguous, and stick them on cards. Then these cards are distributed to the guests, and they will need to make a coherent story out of them.

It will be fun, especially if the prepared passages concern politics, show business, and many other areas of life; You can even take the endings of jokes.

And the further development of the game will depend entirely on the imagination of the participants.

Who said "woof"?

All participants stand in a circle, in the middle stands the blindfolded driver. At the command of the "blind" the round dance begins to move in a circle, at the other command it freezes. The participant standing in the center must point blindly at any other player, who barks once. After that, the driver must guess who he pointed to. If he is right, then the "barking" takes his place, and the game continues. The task may be too difficult, because short word difficult to identify the speaker. Then "Wow!" can be replaced with the phrase "Happy New Year!".

Now prove it!

The facilitator writes down the intended word on a piece of paper in advance (for example, “Santa Claus”, “Christmas tree” or something else on the New Year theme). All those gathered must, without knowing what was hidden, say what this object looks like. Then the host announces the word, and now each participant must prove that the hidden thing really resembles what he compared it with. For example, "Santa Claus is like a sofa because he is just as big and soft."

The most fabulous holiday of the year is just around the corner, which means it's time to think about entertainment: games and competitions for children and adults. Perhaps the new year is the most family celebration when all family members get together to share the joys of the outgoing year, remember what good happened to them and dream about what will happen in the coming year.

Of course, the menu and New Year's table setting are very important points, but if a fun new year is planned, then entertainment is indispensable! We have prepared for you the 20 best New Year's games that will appeal not only to children, but also to adults.

#1 Guess how much

For this competition, you will have to prepare in advance. You will need a container inside of which a number of identical items will be placed (for example, a basket of tangerines). The container should be in the most visible place so that each of the guests can carefully examine and evaluate it. The task of each guest is to guess how many items are in the container. You will also need to prepare a box where each of the guests will throw a piece of paper with their guess and signature. The winner is the one who indicated the number closest to the result.

#2 Memories

The game is suitable for children from 6 years old. You will need 10 to 20 different items. All participants are called to the table on which the objects are laid out, and for one minute they carefully study them. You can only study with your eyes. Then the objects are covered with a towel, and the participants are given a piece of paper and a pen each. The task of each player is to write as many items as possible from those that were on the table.

#3 Sticker Stalker

The game is suitable for a large company. At the beginning of the holiday, each participant in the event is given 10 sticker tags, which he must stick to other guests throughout the evening. The main condition: the one to whom you are going to stick the tag should not suspect anything. If you are unlucky and the victim discovers your plans, then you become a victim, and the one who caught you can openly stick one of his tags on you! The winner is the one who gets rid of the tags issued at the beginning of the holiday before the rest.

#4 Hot potato with camera

Suitable for a large company. All guests must gather in one place. To the music, everyone passes a camera to their neighbor. The moment the music stops, the person holding the camera must take a funny selfie and exit the game. The one whose camera it is wins, because now you have a whole bunch of funny photos of friends!

#5 Get your hat off

Ideal for large companies. The essence of the game is that each guest must have a hat. It is better to prepare in advance and buy (make) paper caps for each guest. The essence of the game is that at the beginning of the evening everyone puts on their caps together. The party hat must be removed, but this must not be done before the host (party host) removes the hat. You take off your hat somewhere in the middle of the evening. Attentive guests will notice, but the one who is busy telling his interesting last year's stories is likely to become a loser, because he will be the last one to take off his hat, if he takes off at all!

#6 Who am I?

Great game for the whole family. Each player is given cards with the names of celebrities, fairy-tale characters, writers or other people known in your environment. Each participant cannot read his own card, but must stick it on his forehead. When asking leading questions to a neighbor, to which he can only answer “Yes” or “No”, you need to determine who you are according to the inscription on the card.

#7 Explain to me

Game for everyone age groups. You will have to prepare in advance. You will need several in simple words and a stopwatch. Participants should be divided into pairs. Each pair is given a piece of paper with words. One person from the pair reads the words and tries to explain them to his partner without using the name of this word and cognates. For everything about everything, each team has a minute. The winner is the one who can explain the most words in a minute.

#8 Broken phone, pictures only

Suitable for all age groups. You will need several participants (at least 5-7 people). Each is given a piece of paper and a pen. On command, each participant writes a proposal on their piece of paper. Anything that comes to his mind. When the sentences are written, the sheet is given to the neighbor on the left. Now you have a sheet of paper on which your neighbor's proposal is written. Your task is to illustrate this sentence. When everything is ready, you wrap up the offer so that the neighbor on the left gets a piece of paper with only your drawing. Now the task is to describe in words what you see in the picture. This is repeated until the sheet with your first sentence returns to you. At the end, you will have an equal number of player sheets with mind-blowing stories in pictures and descriptions! It's funny to read what was in the first sentence and how the development of thought went!

#9 Crocodile

Of course, you should not ignore the game "Crocodile". For those who do not know or do not remember the rules: the essence of the game is that one person explains to the others the word he has guessed with the help of gestures. It will be symbolic to only think of words related to the New Year theme. In addition, if only people who are well acquainted with each other are present at the holiday, you can think of whole life situations that all participants in the event are well aware of. For example, if you are celebrating the New Year with work colleagues, it is quite logical to think of some significant event for you, say, the celebration of last year's corporate party, when Irina Petrovna perfectly danced a striptease.

#10 Guess the word

Another one exciting game For new year's eve in which all guests can participate. The essence of the game is that guests need to guess the word or name only by consonants. You will have to prepare in advance by choosing a topic and preparing several options for words.

Theme: Christmas movies

Tasks: krnvlnnch (carnival night); rnsdb (irony of fate); mrzk (Morozko); lklhmt (shaggy trees); dndm (home alone), etc.

#11 Draw what I described

The game is suitable for both children and adults. Players need to split into pairs. A pair of players sit with their backs to each other. One player from a pair is invited to pull out one thing from an opaque bag. After that, his task is to explain to his partner as clearly as possible what he is holding in his hands. At the same time, one cannot name a thing, just as one cannot use words with the same root.

#12 Truth and lies

Another Christmas game that both adults and children can play. So, one of the players tells two truths about himself and one lie. The task of everyone else is to guess which of the words is a lie. The turn goes to the one who guessed the lie first.

#13 Things that…

Suitable for a large company. All participants are invited to write on a piece of paper some things that make them feel or do something. For example, things that make me smile / happy / sad, etc. After everyone has written an answer, the papers are collected and the answers are read aloud. Now the task of each player is to guess whose answer was read out.

#14 Snowflake racing

If on new year party a large number of children are expected, then you should pay attention to outdoor games. Divide the guys into teams, each team is given a large paper snowflake. The essence of the game is to bring a snowflake on your head to a certain place, and then transfer it to another participant. The team that completes the task faster wins. When a snowflake lies on your head, you cannot touch it with your hands.

#15 Cookies on the face

A great game not only for children but also for adults. You will need cookies, so be prepared ahead of time. A cookie is placed on each participant's forehead. The task is to move the cookie into the mouth without hands.

#16 New Year fishing

A very entertaining game for all ages. You will need Christmas candy sticks. One lollipop is tied to a stick, and the rest are placed on the table so that the curved part extends beyond the table. The task of the participants with a lollipop that is tied to a stick is to collect the rest of the lollipops without the help of hands. Participants hold a stick with a lollipop in their teeth.

#17 Snowball fight

Perfect entertainment for the whole family. You will need ping pong or tennis balls, plastic cups, paper straws and a long table. Plastic cups are glued to one of the edges of the table (on adhesive tape). At the other end are the players, whose task is to roll the balls into plastic cups. Only air can be used! Players blow through paper tubes onto balloons, trying to point them in the right direction. If the ball falls, you have to start over. The one who does it faster wins.

#18 New Year balance

Another active team game. Participants must be divided into teams of two. You will need a cardboard cylinder and a long stick or ruler. The cardboard cylinder is placed vertically on the table, a ruler is placed on top. The task of each team is to place as many Christmas balls so as not to upset the balance. You will have to work harmoniously, because if you hang the ball on only one side, the balance will be disturbed!

#19 Unpack the gift

You can entertain guests at the New Year's party with another entertaining contest: who will unpack the gift faster. You will have to prepare a well-wrapped gift and ski gloves in advance. The task of the participants in ski gloves is to open the gift. The smaller the box, the merrier!

#20 Find the word

Another game that kids will love. Cards with letters must be prepared in advance, and participants from these cards must make as many words as possible. You can write, for example, 10-12 words of the New Year theme, and then cut the words into letters, mix them up and the competition is ready. Alternatively, you can simply write words on a piece of paper by shuffling the letters, and the participants must guess what the word is (for example, nikwegos - snowman).

In general, there are countless ideas for New Year's contests and games. You can use our selection, or you can turn on your imagination and give yourself and your guests an unforgettable evening!

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Interest and love for the holiday called New Year we carry through life, we expect gifts, miracles and special fun from him. And what fun without New Year's games, contests, fairy tales with dressing up and fun entertainment!? Moreover, everyone wants to move a little and fool around after the traditionally generous New Year's table for all sorts of goodies and drinks!

On holiday entertainment program it is recommended to include various comic fortune-telling and predictions, but, most importantly, do not forget to choose games and contests suitable for the gathered company, the festive mood of all guests will largely depend on this.

Offered here new year games and competitions for a variety of tastes: creative, funny, mobile and moderately spicy . This funny Games for cheerful people, some of them will come in handy at corporate parties, others are more suitable for home holidays and a close company of friends. Think about what you need, and play New Year's fun and with pleasure!

1. New Year's game "Santa Claus is coming .."

This entertainment can be held immediately before the appearance of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden and involve all the guests in it, for example, during a dance break. The host invites the guests to stand so as not to interfere with each other and call Santa Claus in an unusual way: not with a cry, but with an unusual New Year's dance. The meaning of the game is as follows: you need to replace the words of the New Year's verse with sign language.

Santa Claus is coming, coming to us,

Santa Claus is coming to us!

And we know that Santa Claus

Brings gifts to us! Hooray!

All words are replaced by gestures: “goes” - walking on the spot, “Santa Claus” - we put a hand with spread fingers on the chin (depicting a beard), the combination “to us” - a gesture pointing at ourselves. To show the word “we know” - we put a finger to our forehead, the word “we” is a gesture indicating all the guests, the word “carries” is like a bag over our shoulders, and with the word “gifts” - everyone depicts what he dreams of. "Hooray!" - all stomp and clap

For greater interest, it is better to change words into gestures gradually: first one word, then two, until the last word disappears, and only gestures remain with cheerful musical accompaniment.

And when they start clapping (meaning “cheers”), Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden appear, who distribute gifts to the “artists” (if they are provided) or begin their program.

2. New Year's competition "Race for luck"

The role of "luck" in this competition will be played by durable, unbreakable Christmas decorations, such as large and colorful balls. Another piece of equipment you will need is children's plastic mini-hockey sticks (or Chinese hand-back combs), one for each player (3-4 people are enough).

At the start, the participants are tied children's clubs (go spinochets) to their belts, and the finish line is marked with chairs for everyone. The chairs will also serve as a gate into which players must drive their “ball of luck”. This can only be done with clubs, in no case helping hands.

Naturally, the winner is the one who scores a goal faster - “drives luck” into his own net. He is given a good luck talisman ( Christmas decorations), he is declared "the lucky one of the year" - everyone else, including those sitting in the hall, is invited to urgently touch the one who has just caught luck, so that they are also lucky.

3. "Be my tree!"

First, the participants of this competition cut out from colored cardboard Christmas tree toy. Then, with the help of the received clothespin or paper clip, they should hang the “created miracle” on the Christmas tree, but ... blindfolded. The most insidious thing about the rules of this game is that the participants, having “deprived” their sight, are spun around their axis and then offered to walk to the Christmas tree. At the same time, the first thing that he will run into will become a Christmas tree for everyone - he must hang his toy there.

Usually, rarely anyone gets to a real Christmas tree, so the main prize is given to the one who stumbles upon the most and even can hang his work on it.

4. Competition at the New Year's holiday "The most resourceful Snow Maiden".

To participate in this competitive game, we form five pairs (boy-girl). Girls are blindfolded, and about ten Christmas decorations are hidden in men's clothes. Jewelry can be hidden in pockets, socks, in the bosom, hung on a tie, attached to a lapel and so on. The main thing is to try not to use anything beating, stabbing or cutting in this game.

The task of the girls - "Snow Maiden" is to find everything hidden on the body of their partner. Naturally, the girl who finds the most toys in the allotted time period wins and receives the title of “The Most Resourceful Snow Maiden”.

5. New Year's greetings for the boss.

This is a party contest. The host will need to call five to seven people, preferably both men and women. The host asks such an innocent question: with which of the animals, birds or flowers (if the boss is a lady), each of you associates your boss.

Then everyone comes out, names his association and depicts it, freeze on command - it becomes a sculpture, the next one comes out - everything repeats - the whole picture is obtained. Depending on the content of this picture, the toastmaster announces that the employees decided not to waste time on trifles and give the boss an instant painting by Repin “They didn’t expect it” or a painting by an unknown author “The morning after the corporate party”.

Perhaps it will be more fun if you limit the associations only to the animal world and then present it as a painting by an unknown author “Animals at a Banquet”.

Everyone gets a chance to join the art and have fun, and the "native" bosses will melt from the sign of attention given to him personally.

6. "Naughty" signs.

At the beginning of the draw, six players are shown six plates, which depict a green Christmas tree, a bottle of champagne, a roll of toilet paper, a chair, packaging New Year's napkins and a beautiful box with a bow - a gift. Then the players sit down with their backs to the audience, and it is announced to them that one of the tablets shown is attached to their chairs in random order, they randomly make an assumption which one and, in accordance with their assumption, answer the questions:

  • What do you think happens to you when you are first brought into the house?
  • What do you think the guests do when they pick you up?
  • How often does the owner use you?
  • Where do you go after use?
  • What can you replace if you really need?
  • What material do you think they are made of?

There are no losers or winners in this prank game, but everyone deserves an applause.

7. Game moment "Road to the New Year"

(Thanks to the author - Adekova T.I.)

The text is read by the moderator. Guests line up in a line, stepping at the appropriate moment.

Leading. The road to the New Year awaits you,
And that on it the whole year will pass,
Who will take what they need.
In the New Year we go in a crowd ...
Did you take everything with you?
If health is taken
Take a big step forward!
Do we take the mood?
Let's walk together with you!
We take problems ... Well, alas ...
You must not move forward!
Who decides to take
You will have to give back!
We'll grab the money, because they
Our lives should be influenced.
And how many pockets do you count
So many steps and walk!
Who lagged behind? Friends will help you
Have...another pocket.

Lagging behind pin an additional pocket.

Hope, too, must be taken,

It's more fun to walk with her!
Do we take love? By itself!
We can't live with you without her.
How many grandchildren do you have, children?
According to their number, you take steps quickly.
Who will take friendship along the way?
He takes a bold step forward.
And who decided to take the blues?
I ask you to step back!
And happiness will not hurt us.
Let it accompany everyone
And it will enter every house ...
Let's take a step forward!
Now turn to each other
And hug tightly!
You celebrate the New Year together
And walk along his path
Forward! Against adversity!
Happy New Year everyone!

The host hands the first in line a bottle of champagne.

Grab a bottle of champagne
Treat each other with champagne now.
May your journey be easy!
And again I wish you all a Happy New Year!

8. "Revived" chairs.

In this game, Santa Claus himself "leads". He recruits participants, there must be at least ten people, and seats them on chairs. Chairs are arranged in a checkerboard pattern with seats facing each other. First, they put the number of chairs, how many participants are involved in the game. The players sit down, and Santa Claus begins to walk around to the New Year's song, and the one next to whom he hits the floor with his staff gets up from his seat and begins to follow Frost, as if tied.

Thus, Santa Claus lifts all participants in the process from their chairs and begins to write out different pretzels around the hall. Everyone who follows him on his heels must clearly follow all his "zigzags". From the side, it turns out to be a rather interesting sight, because this whole procession, following Grandfather, then crouches, then waves its arms and performs other actions.

However, you need to immediately warn the players that when Santa Claus hits the floor with his staff twice, you need to run headlong to the chairs and take your place. In fact, while all this "caterpillar" headed by Grandfather "walks", one chair is removed, so that upon returning one of the players will not find a place for himself.

After this trick, the game is repeated again, only for the second time two chairs disappear - then the game goes on until the last "survivor" (his prize).

9. New Year's "Crocodile"

Even such a well-known game as "Crocodile" at the New Year's holiday can be presented in a new way. For example, the theme of guessable pantomimes is to make comic stories from life and "working days" ... Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden.

To do this, the presenter prepares in advance a lot of paper cards with approximately the following content about Santa Claus: “Santa Claus fell asleep after children's matinee in a gift bag”, “Santa Claus grabbed a surplus and woke up in bed with a Snow Woman”, “Children stole Santa Claus’s beard”, “Santa Claus received a telegram asking the Moscow Zoo to give him a deer”, “Santa Claus overeat ice cream”, “Father Frost gave the Snow Maiden underwear”.

Something like this about the Snow Maiden: “The Snow Maiden will cheat on Santa Claus with the Snowman”, “The Snow Maiden worked on a matinee in a sex shop”, “The Snow Maiden gave birth to twins to Santa Claus”, “The Snow Maiden found Santa Claus in bed with Snow Queen”, “The Snow Maiden was paid $ 1,000 for a striptease”, “After the holidays, the Snow Maiden recovered by 6 kg”, etc.

Choose tasks for a specific company, of course, they should be different for adult party and for family holidays.

The rules can be slightly changed, for example, divide the participants into two teams, each draws a card for himself. Then, in turn, using only facial expressions and gestures, they depict what is written in the style of pantomime, and the opposing team guesses. Time can be limited, and at the end of the game you can calculate which team had more guesses, or you can not do this at all, because the main thing is the general fun.

10. "Who is this?".

In preparation for the most important winter holiday we are all looking for recipes, outfits and gifts. How about inventing new year entertainment, contests and games for adults that will enliven any company and make the holiday unforgettable?

Adults are the same children, only a little matured. And often we are not at all averse to having fun from the heart, playing fun games. And the New Year is a great occasion for fun: there is a feast, and there is enthusiasm, and there is a desire. So why not remember your childhood, especially since most games do not require special preparation. But such a holiday will be remembered for a long time!

New Year's entertainment for adults

New Year's drawing

Several people can participate in this New Year's competition. Contestants are invited to draw an animal - a symbol of the coming year. Think it's easy? No matter how! The main condition of the competition: you need to do it with your eyes closed. You can draw on paper with markers or on magnetic boards with crayons. Tips from guests such as “to the left”, “to the right” are also allowed.

Find a couple

For this entertainment, you will need paired puzzles or pictures, for example: part and whole, animals and their dwellings, animals and their cubs. The cards are distributed to the players. They don't show them to each other. At the expense of 1, the players turn over the cards, and while the host counts to 5, they look for their soul mate in the pictures. The pair that was found last is eliminated. And so on in a circle until there is only one pair of winners.


You need to make two boxes. Put notes with questions in one, with answers in the other.

Sample questions:

Have you ever taken other people's things?

- Do you like me?

- You love cats?

Sample answers:

- When the wife forces.

- Only sometimes.

- If you cook deliciously, etc.

The boxes are passed around. The first person draws the question, the second answers it. Very funny combinations often come across. Guests will laugh heartily during this interesting entertainment for the New Year. You can come up with questions and answers yourself or peep on the Internet.

Yes,No,Don't know

The host thinks of a word without naming it. It would be nice if it had a winter theme. The rest have to guess. Players ask leading questions to which the facilitator can only answer “yes” or “no”, for example: “Is this item large?”, “Is this item worn?”, “Is it portable?”, “Is it dangerous?” etc. If the question is too suggestive, like "Does he bark?", then the facilitator replies, "I don't know." When the interrogation is over, he asks: "Who is ready to give an answer?"

Note: the number of questions can be limited to 7-10.

New Year's songs

The principle of the next entertainment is known to everyone: the participants are divided into two teams and take turns recalling songs on the theme of the New Year and winter. In order for the song to count, you need to sing at least four lines. The winning team is the one that remembers the most songs.


Cut out cards from cardboard rectangular shape. On each write a word denoting some object, animal or feeling. Shuffle and distribute to players. Each in turn, by movement and facial expressions, must depict what is written on his card, without uttering a sound. The rest guess.

Hello Dedushka Moroz

We compose a poem. The beginning is the same for everyone: "Hello, Santa Claus ...". The continuation of the guests come up with themselves. In advance, you need to prepare pencils and sheets. The funnier and longer the poem is, the better.

Forest Fairy

Girls dress boys up as forest fairies. Tinsel and any jewelry are used: beads, clip-on earrings, bracelets, hairpins. You can use clothes, accessories and even cosmetics if the male gender does not mind. Then the guys, transformed into "beautiful fairies", dance around the Christmas tree. The most charming dancer wins.


The goal of this fun Christmas game for adults is to find the "treasure" using clues. Notes are hidden throughout the apartment, on which are written places with the next clue. But the place is not written directly, but encrypted, for example, “it is very cold there, and sometimes you can find a hanging mouse there” (answer: refrigerator). Thus, along the chain, moving from one note to another, the company finds a treasure. Where the first note is located, the presenter narrates orally. The more hints, the more interesting the game.

Complication: On each note, a letter is barely noticeable with a pencil. The last clue says that the treasure can only be obtained by collecting all the notes and putting together a word from the letters written in pencil.

Note: Players are not told in advance that the notes will need to be collected. In the course of the search for each subsequent clue, the read notes are lost, thrust into pockets, hoods. It's quite funny to watch the players try to remember where they put them. The search for lost papers begins.


Material: toilet paper.

The competition is held in pairs, where one is a mummy and the other is a contestant. On command, you need to wrap the "mummy" with paper. The couple that completes the fastest wins.

Note: Buy thick toilet paper and test it beforehand as thin often breaks.

jigsaw puzzle

Material: puzzles.

Players, on a signal, collect a picture from puzzles. Whoever collects faster, he won.

Note: Puzzles of the same size with the same number of elements are selected. Couples or even teams can also participate in this New Year's competition.

Who is faster?

Material: pencil, ball of cord or knitting threads.

Whoever wraps the ball around the pencil the fastest wins.

Note: The end of the cord is pre-tied to the pencil.

Grow a Christmas tree

Material: caps from plastic bottles.

Participants are invited to lay out a vertical pyramid in the form of a Christmas tree from the covers for a certain time. Whoever gets the highest pyramid wins.

Note: The lids must be the same size. A sample is given in advance, according to which it will be clear on what principle to build a pyramid.


Material: multi-colored cardboard, paper clips, knitting threads, pencils or sticks (you can use plastic for balloons).

Fish are cut out of cardboard and small holes are made at the base of their mouths. From paper clips you need to make large rings and attach them to the fish. Further, hooks are made from other paper clips. As fishing rods, you can take pencils or ballpoint pens according to the number of players. At one end, the thread is tied to the “fishing rod”, and a hook is attached to the other end.

The fish are laid out on a blue cardboard - "lake". On command, the contestants try to pick them up with a fishing rod by the rings. Whoever catches the most will win the competition. On New Year's Eve, instead of fish, you can also "catch", for example, snowflakes or Christmas trees made of paper.

Get the tangerine

Material: shallow basins, tangerines.

Water is poured into the basins and 5 tangerines are placed in each.

Players take fruits out of the water at speed with their mouths. The one who can do it the fastest wins.

Pop the balloon

Material: balloons.

Each player is given one balloon, and on a signal they begin to inflate the balloons. Whoever bursts faster, he will win.


Material: small size women's and men's accessories, wide basket.

Two players blindfolded to the touch must get all the items from the basket and name them.

Note: What is in the basket is not shown in advance. It can be agreed that one contestant chooses only women's items, and the second - men's.

Happy New Year and good mood!

  • cake prediction
  • joint toast
  • Table contests and games
  • Who wants what
  • Favorite dish
  • Guess the Gift
  • find the treasure
  • round dance
  • Don't drop the snowflake
  • "Elements of the New Year"
  • Find the symbol of the year
  • Faster to the finish line
  • Competitions and games for youth
  • Two hands for two
  • Who will drink faster
  • Character biography
  • Contests and games for corporate
  • Make a snowman
  • Advertise a body part
  • Don't Guess the Bunny
  • Funny intonations
  • Conversation out of place
  • Plans for the year
  • Preparing for the lottery
  • Prize draw for children
  • Joke lottery
  • New Year's games and entertainment for the family

    new year in family circle- one of the most comfortable options for celebrating. Everyone knows each other well, no one is nervous, and New Year's games and entertainment for the whole family only contribute to greater rapprochement.

    Guess the relative

    One participant has their eyes closed and gloves are put on their hands. The rest of the people sitting at the table come up to him in turn, the blindfolded participant must determine which of the relatives is standing in front of him. The game is complicated by the fact that wearing gloves is not so easy to recognize a loved one.

    The thicker, warmer the gloves put on the participant, the more difficult and funnier it is to guess the relative. Players facing the participant in gloves make faces and the game becomes more interesting.

    Remember the names of the heroes

    "The Irony of Fate" is a film that has become a symbol of the New Year's festivities, so the competition is associated with it. The players take a piece of paper and a pen, on command, everyone begins to write down the names of the characters in the film. Everyone writes the names of the main characters, but the one who remembers as many names of secondary characters as possible wins.

    A gift to the sage

    For this entertainment, a T-shirt, shirt or sweater is specially purchased. white color. All those present write congratulations on these clothes, be sure to draw a New Year's picture. The author wins original congratulations, and the T-shirt is handed over to the oldest of all those sitting at the table.

    Contests and games for an adult company

    Contests and games are a great opportunity to get positive emotions, get to know people better in a stranger or in your own company. It is not difficult to find competitions suitable for adults who like active entertainment, and for those who like more relaxed ones.

    Remade fairy tales

    Participants are given a piece of paper and a pen. The task is to rewrite famous children's fairy tales in the style of official documents: the minutes of the party meeting, the plan for the meeting, or the case history. The one who wrote the funniest fairy tale wins.

    Pass the cucumber

    This game is good for a large company, where everyone is responsive to humor. Participants choose one leader, around whom the rest stand in close formation, putting their hands behind their backs. The players secretly pass the cucumber to each other, trying to quietly bite off a piece of it. The host carefully watches everyone and catches a participant with a cucumber.

    Alphabet congratulations

    When the guests have already drunk a little, relaxed, they are offered to say alphabetical toasts. Each congratulation guests begin with a certain letter. The more kind words, the better. With a new toast, wishes become more interesting and funnier.

    Games for quiet guests

    There are fans of active games, and there are quiet guests who like entertainment in which they take part at the table or relaxing on the couch. It is very important to take into account the interests and preferences of such people, therefore their entertainments are reserved for them. Most often these are people old age or such type of character. Pulling them with active contests, there will be a reason for discomfort, both for them and for other guests.

    cake prediction

    Before the start of the festival, the organizer cuts the paper into squares. Each writes a prediction. The paper is folded on a tray so that no one notices the prediction, and then the guests take turns pulling out their “piece of the pie”.

    On a note!
    If desired, the organizer prepares a real pie. Brought sweet always pleases the sweet tooth sitting at the table. And it is convenient to write a New Year's wish on a cardboard stand under each piece on the reverse side. Those who do not eat sweets are offered a separate bag with a wish.

    joint toast

    The game starts when it's time for a toast. One of the guests says a wish, but at some point interrupts him. The next player continues this toast and so on in a circle until the turn comes to the beginner. He finishes the toast and everyone present drinks. It will be funnier if the beginner has to summarize the wishes of all the other guests. However, if a person does not have a phenomenal memory, you should not insist.

    Table contests and games

    Table entertainment is to the liking of those who have already run enough in other competitions, and now they just want to relax. But no one wants to stop the fun that has already begun, so the competitions continue at the table.

    Who wants what

    The host brings each player a bag of tokens. Each has one letter. The participant pulls out the first one that comes across and quickly comes up with and says aloud a word for a given letter. The fun begins when the host announces: “This is how we found out who wants what for themselves next year!”

    Favorite dish

    The one who is determined by the draw starts the competition, it is better if it is an adult who is not very fastidious. Those sitting at the table, in turn, prick on a fork one piece of the dish that they love the most. The fork reaches the participant with whom they started, and he eats everything from the fork at a time. Whoever gets it, takes the prize, and another participant starts the game.

    Guess the Gift

    The facilitator pulls out any small gift or souvenir from the bag and puts it in the hands of one of the participants. With closed eyes, he guesses what is in his hands. If within a minute he does not name his object, then the souvenir passes into the hands of the next participant. The game continues until someone guesses correctly. The souvenir goes to him, and the game continues on with a new gift.

    New Year's games and entertainment for children

    Families with children of different ages often gather at the same table. Adults face the question of how to cheer them up. To do this, they come up with or select ready-made funny contests with interesting prizes for each child.

    find the treasure

    Adults discreetly throw a note to the children, which gives a hint where to go and where to look for further instructions. Children follow the instructions, find a second note with the following actions. The result is a kind of quest. Where at the very end they come to a box with sweets, fruits and New Year's paraphernalia.

    On a note!
    Children will quickly get bored if there are too many activity notes. It is better to make 4-5 pieces so that the guys think about the instructions, but do not have time to get bored. When compiling assignments, be guided by the age of the children.

    round dance

    Children lead a round dance around the Christmas tree, in the form of a blindfolded participant. Everyone sings a New Year's song, and at a certain moment the leader stops the round dance. The Christmas tree participant guesses who is standing in front of him, if the answer is correct, then the named one takes the place of the Christmas tree, and the round dance continues its way around him. The game continues until everyone is in the role of the Christmas tree. This will avoid resentment among other children. But you shouldn’t drag out the process unnecessarily, when the guys are tired of them, it becomes immediately obvious. Move on to another competition.

    Don't drop the snowflake

    Participants are given a snowflake made from a piece of cotton wool. The task is to blow the snowflake up, preventing it from falling to the floor or other surface: a table, the back of a sofa. The one whose snowflake stays in the air the longest wins. He is given as a gift balloon, which will have to be inflated on one exhalation.

    Competitions and games for schoolchildren

    The organizers at the school annually come up with entertainment for students. Santa Claus is always present at matinees, who gives gifts to all children. The only condition is participation in contests, charades and entertainment.

    "Elements of the New Year"

    Participants form a circle, and the leader - Santa Claus - approaches each in turn. Players each name one item related to the holiday. The one who does not have time to think of anything is out, and the one who says the last word wins.

    Find the symbol of the year

    Santa Claus talks about the symbol of the New Year and invites schoolchildren to find all the objects with the image of this symbol. For a certain amount of time, players find items, and the one who finds the most wins.

    Faster to the finish line

    Players choose a pair for themselves and approach the starting line. The task is to jump to the finish line. The pair that completes the task the fastest wins.

    On a note!
    Participants in a pair jump in turn, and not simultaneously. The main thing for them is to jump a greater distance, and speed plays a less important role.

    Competitions and games for youth

    For young people, they come up with other entertainment. As a rule, young people are active, creative, it is quite easy to cheer them up. Cool contests for them is just a good way to pass the time.

    Two hands for two

    The participant finds a mate. They hug each other around the waist with one hand, and leave the other hand free. One participant is given paper in his free hand, and scissors to the other. The couple must cut out a given figure - a snowman or a Christmas tree. The pair whose figure is recognized as the most successful wins.

    Who will drink faster

    Participants are divided into teams and each is given a container with a low-alcohol or non-alcoholic drink. Be sure to choose the same containers with the same amount of liquid. Each team member takes a straw, on command, everyone begins to drink. Those whose container empties the fastest win. The main thing is not to laugh during the event, because you can choke, then there will be no time for fun.

    Character biography

    Participants choose one fairy-tale hero for themselves so that no one gets the same one. For a certain amount of time, players come up with a biography for their character. After that, they take turns telling their story, and the rest guess who they are talking about. The one whose hero is revealed the longest wins.

    Contests and games for corporate

    A corporate party is a special celebration of the team, where it is very important to maintain the right atmosphere so as not to offend or humiliate anyone. Funny contests help colleagues feel relaxed and amuse everyone at the holiday.

    Make a snowman

    There are three people in the competition. Each is given three balls, adhesive tape, marker. Players make a snowman out of balls, the one whose snowman is called the cutest wins.

    Advertise a body part

    The host calls two young people, who are invited to choose two ladies. Then the host asks why they chose them, what exactly attracted them, while he alludes to a certain part of the body with ambiguous gestures. When young people answer this question, the presenter offers to advertise this part of the body of his chosen one. The winner is the one whose ad is more original and funnier.

    Don't Guess the Bunny

    The host chooses a participant to whom he explains that he is portraying a hare and takes him out of the hall. The rest of those present are given another task - to offer as many options as possible without naming the hare. The performer of the role returns to the hall, depicts a jumping bunny with all parts of the body. The audience makes even the most ridiculous guesses, but the hare participant does not know about it, wondering why no one understands. The end of the competition is the host's signal to end the performance, then the participant is told the essence of the task for the audience.

    Funny contests for any company

    Whatever the company, the most important thing is to have fun during the holiday. funny contests defuse the situation, help vacationers find a common language. Joint games and competitions unite the participants, becoming their common pleasant memories.

    Funny intonations

    One participant pronounces a phrase-wish, and all the rest repeat it in turn, but with a different intonation. The one who does not come up with any new intonation is eliminated, and the one who pronounces the phrase with the largest number intonation shades.

    Conversation out of place

    Choose two players who are given the roles of superior and subordinate or physician and patient. The boss or doctor is put on headphones with loud music playing, and the subordinate or patient asks questions related to work or health. The participant in the headphones does not hear anything, but answers the questions. Everyone else evaluates the degree of adequacy of the dialogue. Then the participants can change roles.

    Plans for the year

    Those present write on a piece of paper three of their wishes for the next year. The more they use their imagination, the better. The papers are mixed in one bag or bag, everyone takes turns pulling out one of them. It's funny when the father of the family wants to have a baby or go for a manicure. And a respectable lady will want a new optical spinning rod or a screwdriver.

    How to hold a New Year's lottery or draw

    The lottery for the New Year is usually held at the end of the holiday, when the guests are tired and want to go home. Small gifts will delight all those present, replenish the treasury of positive impressions. The main thing is to organize everything correctly.

    Preparing for the lottery

    To begin with, the organizer issues lottery tickets. Since this is a New Year's lottery, the presenter draws a stand in the form of a Christmas tree or a snowman. Then he hangs the tickets on the Christmas tree, and the guests choose the one they like. At the very end, a drawing of prizes is held: New Year's paraphernalia, useful little things or comic gifts.

    The organizer gives tickets to those present not for money, but not for free either. Those who wish to receive a prize tell a New Year's rhyme, make a riddle to the rest, or sing a children's song.

    Prize draw for children

    Children usually celebrate the New Year at home in the company of relatives, but the school also arranges such entertainment for children as a prize draw during matinees. At the entrance to the assembly hall, children are given numbers. As prizes, Santa Claus pulls out a gift from his bag that matches the number of the lottery ticket. Raffle small gifts:
    cookie packaging;
    a box of sweets;
    fruit package;
    coloring book;
    Christmas tree toy;
    Kinder Surprise.
    The number of prizes for Santa Claus should correspond to the number of numbers distributed, then everyone will be satisfied with the draw.

    Joke lottery

    Such a lottery will amuse any company thanks to its funny prizes. As prizes, the organizer uses the following items:
    magazine with toasts;
    pen with New Year's drawing;
    postcard from funny congratulations;
    a clothespin in order not to poke your nose into other people's business.
    A joke lottery will amuse many of the assembled guests, but some may be offended. Therefore, it is advisable to conduct it only in a well-known company that understands such humor.
    During the celebration of the New Year, everyone has fun, gets a positive charge for the whole coming year. Even if the company is diverse and of different ages, with the help of games, competitions and a positive mood, vacationers can easily smooth out minor conflicts and contradictions.
