How to prepare your skin for spring? Beautician recommendations. How to prepare your skin for spring: tips that will really help Using natural oils

All winter your skin was under stress due to sudden changes in temperature, dehydration and wind. In order for her to look fresh and healthy under bright sunlight, she needs to recover. PEOPLETALK will tell you where to start.

The first thing we do is open the cosmetic bag and throw away everything that is superfluous. We throw it away, but do not leave it until next winter. Do not forget that everything has an expiration date, and you should not experiment with leather. Winter Foundation we change to a powder with a light texture, and a protective cream to a nourishing and moisturizing one.

After winter, the skin looks dull, as dead cells give the complexion an unhealthy hue. So the first step is to clean it up. To do this, it is not necessary to purchase expensive products, you can make a scrub at home based on honey and coffee. Wash with warm water and apply the mixture on the face and neck area in a circular motion. After a good wash, first warm, and then cold water. Changing the temperature of the water improves blood circulation.

After you have cleansed your skin, apply a moisturizing mask. It can be purchased at a store or pharmacy, or you can cook it yourself. You will need 1 teaspoon of cinnamon and 3 teaspoons of liquid honey, as well as 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Mix the ingredients until smooth and apply on the face. Wash off after 10-15 minutes with warm water. And if you combine moisturizing and massage, the result will be a refreshed Beautiful face.

Remember that appearance skin depends not only on how many creams you use, but also on the state of the body as a whole. Make it a rule 1-2 days a week to cleanse the body with fasting days. They will help not only cleanse, but also remove overweight. My favorite recipe is kefir with buckwheat: a glass of buckwheat should be brewed with boiling water in the evening and wrapped in a blanket, eat cereal over the next day with 1 liter of 1% kefir.

In winter, our skin is much slower to renew itself. This is due both to the lack of movement, fresh air, and to the slow metabolism of the whole organism. In winter, we do not eat enough seasonal fresh fruits and vegetables, but we eat saturated fats and carbohydrates much more often. Therefore, it is worth starting with a gradual recovery of the body from the inside and changing winter daily habits: instead of fatty foods, eat fish with a high content of Omega acids, replace the potato side dish with a salad with olive oil and lemon juice, wake up with a light exercise, and not strong instant coffee, try spend at least half an hour a day outdoors. Be sure to drink a course of vitamins suitable for you and pay special attention to the content of vitamin D in them - it is this that is lacking after a long winter.

In winter, the skin becomes much more dull, loses its tenderness, is prone to dryness, and at the same time - clogged pores. Therefore, light peeling with fruit acids is a mandatory procedure at the end of winter. It is also worth using soft scrubs, but no more than 2 times a week. Thick and frost-protecting creams should be replaced with deeply moisturizing and containing vitamins, since during the winter the skin's immunity decreases and it needs additional support, otherwise irritation and inflammation may appear on it due to poor resistance to bacteria.

A great way to support the skin in spring is masks with vitamins. Choose their ingredients according to your skin type. For oily you can use lemon juice and honey, for dry - honey and cream for normal - cream, carrot juice and blue clay.

With the onset of spring and the appearance of the first rays, do not hesitate to purchase a cream with SPF, even if it is small. This will protect the skin from the stress associated with the need to protect yourself from the first sun.

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Spring is a joyful period, awakening from hibernation, and, at the same time, transitional. Therefore, if you want to be especially attractive and quickly cope with the consequences of winter cold, you should take special care of your skin. It's not such a difficult task.


The main task of all beauties in spring is cleansing. An increase in temperature causes the sebaceous glands to become more active and a greasy sheen appears on the skin. Complicating the situation a large number of the dust that settles on our face. In the morning, cleanse your skin with a cleanser suitable for your skin type. Can you do it mineral water. To those who have oily skin it will be useful to add a little lemon juice to the mineral water. A good addition would be an express mask with amino acids. It will help to quickly release the skin from the keratinized layer that has accumulated over the winter. The evening cleansing routine should include cleansing of makeup and dust with a creamy product, and then with a lighter one, for example, foam. For those over 30, you need to choose a cleanser with moisturizing ingredients.

In the spring, the habit of using tonic is very useful in order to improve the overall tone of the skin. Wipe your face after cleansing. Make sure that it contains substances that narrow the pores. If the skin is sensitive, prone to irritation, then also antibacterial. To completely restore the skin, nourish it daily with vitamins A, B, B6, B12, C, E, R. You can purchase special vitamin cocktails at. They are very effective not only for nourishing the skin with vitamins, but also have the ability to quickly remove toxins and toxins that have accumulated over the winter. It is good to apply them in the morning, just before applying makeup. You can also do regular vitamin masks in the evening, after removing makeup. Closer to the middle of spring, you can supplement your skin care with masks and creams with a lifting effect. The skin will become more elastic, toned, will have a fresh healthy look.

Another challenge is hydration. Frost, wind and dry indoor air dry out the skin during the winter. The beginning to warm the sun is also not good for our skin. It is better to purchase two products - for deep and superficial moisturizing. Modern cosmetics for the most part contain moisturizing ingredients. For superficial moisturizing, even ordinary products for everyday skin care may well be enough. Note that moisturizers for spring should be less oily than those for winter. For early spring - these are light creams, for late - gels and milk.

In spring, the skin needs special protection. Firstly, from temperature extremes, precipitation. Secondly, the sun already contains ultraviolet radiation, which accelerates skin aging. Protective products should be selected not only depending on the type of skin, but also depending on the season. In the spring they should not contain mineral oils, petroleum jelly, lanolin, glycerin. All of them lead to inflammation on the skin. For fans folk remedies skin care, you should also abandon the masks, which include vegetable oils. It is important to ensure that the cosmetics used contain protective components from UV rays.

The skin around the eyes is the most delicate and sensitive. Her care must be special. it is important to choose the right remedy to remove eye make-up. If you use waterproof cosmetics, then the product should be specifically for waterproof cosmetics. Do not neglect vitamin cocktails designed specifically for this zone. They are applied at night, at least 40 minutes before bedtime.

Hands also require attention to themselves. Warmth gives us the opportunity to take off the gloves that have bothered us during the winter, and as a result, the skin, accustomed to protection in winter, is unprepared. It begins to peel off, becomes weathered, loses its elasticity and softness. Spring hand creams should include vitamin P, chamomile and sea buckthorn extracts. They are good at soothing irritation. A cream containing glycerin is recommended to be used after directly harmful effects, such as washing and washing dishes. Cream for regular use should be lighter.

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With the advent of spring, the female half of the planet wants to look refreshed and cheerful. In winter, cold and wind dry the skin, and the lack of vitamins in the body makes it completely flabby.

Skin restoration must begin with the restoration of the whole organism. To do this, you should start taking vitamins, especially C, A and group B. It will not hurt to switch to healthy eating: More fruits and vegetables fresh or baked, lean meat stews, refreshing herbal teas and freshly squeezed juices.

Find time for the gym. If it does not work out, then you can perform some set of exercises at home in the mornings and evenings. Even an ordinary walk in the park or on the way to work is very useful. And let your body rest for at least 8 hours a night.

To moisturize the skin at home, you can make masks from natural products. On the network you can find many recipes with vegetables, berries and fruits. To lighten the skin, fresh cucumbers and lemon are suitable. They will also cheer her up. For cleansing, many use a pear, honey and yogurt. Brewed teas with a calming effect can be frozen in the form of cubes, and wipe the face and neck with them every morning. The skin from this will wake up faster and take on a healthy pinkish tint. To invigorate the whole body, you should take a contrast shower in the morning. It stimulates your blood vessels and wakes you up completely.

If you don’t want to put cucumbers on your face, then you can purchase ready-made skin moisturizers based on berries or fruits. Also in the spring you can do soft peelings, because. the skin after winter is already thin and sensitive. Regular cleansing of the face with tonics, moisturizing it with creams will help your skin recover after a long and cold winter. And the use of tanning creams will protect her from the first ultraviolet rays and from getting the first burns.

Take care of your skin, be cheerful and beautiful this spring!

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Protecting the skin of the face in spring.

Protecting the skin of the face in spring. The thought of the imminent approach of spring fills every woman with the desire to be transformed. We review our wardrobe, update it, change our hair, buy new cosmetics, and more and more often go to the mirror to evaluate our style. But despite such noticeable changes, it seems that the image is not yet perfect ... This skin of the face, tired of winter stress, devoid of tone and radiance, does not allow perfection to be achieved.

Skin problems in spring and the choice of cosmetics.

With the onset of the first days of spring, the skin of the face, still reeling from the harsh winter weather, will have to face new challenges - more aggressive exposure to sunlight and polluted atmosphere, as dust and tree pollen appear in the city air in addition to exhaust gases.

To effectively restore and increase skin resistance, it is necessary to conduct a course intensive care. An integrated approach with the use of active cosmetics, which guarantees effective and safe use at home, will help eliminate imperfections, prevent the appearance of irreversible signs of aging and restore a healthy look.

The choice of cosmetics is not an easy task: you cannot rely on chance or unconditionally believe advertising assurances. Such frivolity can be not only useless, but also lead to a waste of money. Money and zero result.

Intensive skin care.

Every woman knows about several stages of care: cleansing, moisturizing, nourishing, protecting. Simple Rules care work perfectly with regular adherence to them and the use of cosmetics, suitable type skin and solving major spring problems. The skin will receive additional stimulation of metabolism when using active cosmetics.

Products with a high content of active substances belong to the category of professional cosmetics and are usually used during salon procedures. But even at home, intensive care is possible using medical cosmetics to restore the skin after winter and give it a healthy look. Cosmeceutical ranges are well known to pharmacists - these are brands that have proven themselves as high-quality and exclusive for many years (and some decades): Lierac, Bioderma, Vichy, La Roche-Posay, Uriage, Clinique and others.

The composition of medical cosmetic preparations is narrowly focused, they are intended for use in the presence of a specific problem (dry skin, acne, wrinkles, etc.). At the same time, both basic care products and highly active preparations recommended for specific problems can be presented in one range.

IN Lately the use of ampoule cosmetics is gaining popularity. In fact, it is a serum or concentrate in the format of a one-time individual procedure. The effect of applying the drug from the ampoule and the product from the pump bottle is similar.

The use of active means of medical cosmetics - serums, concentrates, ampoules - just fits into the framework of the intensive facial skin care program in early spring, including daily cosmetic procedures"course" of at least 21 days.

However, their use requires special care, since targeted saturating and regenerating skin care involves “shock” doses of active substances. That is why you must first use a sample of a specific gamma drug or some other product of the same brand to obtain information on tolerance. If there is an allergic reaction, the procedure must be stopped.

For many women, the issue of using cosmeceuticals is debatable, since its cost significantly exceeds the price of mass-market cosmetics. however, the effect of its use is completely different: active compounds allow you to return your skin to a blooming appearance in a fairly short time and cope with the most common spring problems. It is important that most medical cosmetics are very economical to use. Thanks to special packaging (disposable ampoules, pump bottles), serums and concentrates can be used in doses, and so that they do not lose their useful properties, store in a cool place.

Stages of daily spring care.

On those days when intensive exposure is not expected, do not forget about the basic rules of skin care! It makes sense to use cosmeceutical products of the same lines as active preparations used for intensive care, or soft hypoallergenic cosmetics.

First stage. Cleansing.

It is especially important for the full delivery of nutrients to the deeper layers of the epidermis. The remains of decorative cosmetics, pollution and sebum prevent the maximum penetration of active substances.

In the spring, the skin needs careful treatment, so at the beginning of the season do not apply lotions on alcohol based- they dry out the already dry skin, and washing gels should be replaced with more delicate milk or foam.

For daily facial cleansing, cosmeceutical products based on thermal water are suitable. All of them are hypoallergenic and non-comedogenic, have a physiological pH, do not contain soap and parabens, moisturize the skin, preserve lipid layer do not irritate the eyes. Thermal water not only gently removes impurities, but also enriches the skin with microelements, which will help activate metabolic processes.

Second phase. Protection, hydration, nutrition.

Taking into account the spring needs of the skin, daily application of a cream with a protective, moisturizing or nourishing effect on the face is a must. Innovative developments help to cope with this task - products containing antioxidants (vitamins A. C, E, coenzyme Q10, selenium, anthocyanins, polyphenols), probiotics, thermal water, one or more sunscreens. Such an enriched composition will stop the negative effects of external factors and saturate the skin for 24 hours. Cosmetic products are available in the form of creams (for dry skin) and fluids (for normal, combination skin). In addition to them, in the line of medical cosmetics, as a rule, there is a tinting agent that provides additional skin nutrition and protection.

After cleansing the skin before applying nourishing cream or fluid, take care of activating blood circulation with a light massage, tapping the skin with your fingertips. cosmetic it is better to apply also along the massage lines, so as not to stretch the skin and not aggravate the appearance of wrinkles.

Third stage. Additional eye and lip protection.

The skin around the eyes and lips is thin and sensitive, so it needs extra care. Eye contour creams are used in the morning and in the evening, and in case of excessively dry skin are recommended throughout the day. Due to plant components and vitamins (modified A, C and PP), blood circulation in the area around the eyes improves, the severity of fine superficial wrinkles decreases. Lip sticks and balms nourish, restore, soothe delicate skin. Most often contain natural oils (shea butter, sweet almond, chamomile, coconut). They can be used as a base for decorative lipstick or on their own.

Please note that to correct imperfections thin skin in some cosmeceutical lines there are universal serums and balms that can be used both on the skin around the eyes and around the lips.

That's all the secrets good care behind the skin after winter tests, in the end it remains only to add that only an integrated approach to solving the problem will help to achieve the best result. After all, a great appearance, in particular the beauty and health of the skin, depends not only on skin care, but also on our diet, daily routine and good rest. Take care of your health: eat right, refrain from bad habits, try to spend more time outdoors, get enough sleep and most importantly - do not be upset over trifles! As you know, it is not clothes and cosmetics that endow people with true beauty, but their inner mood.

Spring is considered the most pleasant season of the year. In spring, everything blooms and comes to life, enjoying the first, very pleasant brushes of the sun. This is the time of spring change, which forces us to restore energy for everyday tasks, and we want to feel spring in our own body as soon as possible. And when it comes to the body, spring will also take place on our skin. What do we need to remember when we want to prepare him for the happy season of the year?

Daily care

Our winter skin has been adversely affected by many factors that may look dry, damaged and not pleasant to the touch. During the winter, during large temperature swings, our skin lost water through evaporation, and the expanded network of capillaries not only gave us rosy cheeks, but also determined congestion, roughness, and a rough feeling when touched.

First of all: hydration

The basis for proper skin care (not only in spring, but in general) is its proper hydration. Dry and rough skin will also require the precious action of an oil cream, which is not synonymous with the effect of shine in the current development of cosmetology. Modern creams actually hydrate and lubricate the skin, preventing its unfavorable glare.

Second: get natural color

The skin of most of us after the winter is dry, poorly nourished and lacks luster. This grey colour negatively affects overall well-being, which means that we may not have the energy we need to act, especially in the spring. How to effectively bring out the glow of the skin to meet the spring sun?

Just get to the exfoliating peels that are plentiful on the market. Horny, damaged and slightly appetizing looking epidermis can be effectively shed with regular exfoliation routines. This causes not only the removal of dead skin, but also the stimulation of collagen and elastin contained in the skin tissues. The use of peels may involve purchasing those available from pharmacies or making your own mixtures. Those based on milk flaxseeds and wheat bran are ideal. You can also take advantage of specially designed SPA treatments that penetrate deep into the surface of the skin, making the peeling job one of the highest.

When making peels, don't go overboard with the amount. In order not to damage the skin, it is optimal to perform the procedure once a week.

Third: apply masks regularly

Tired after winter, the skin craves the precious effect of masks. They not only effectively nourish it, but also provide shine and emphasize its elasticity. And here you can use ready-made masks available in pharmacies, as well as compose your own. Masks based on egg yolks, lemon juice, olive oil and honey, work well.

Fourth: visit a beauty salon

If your skin is extremely gray and you want to refresh and restore it quickly, it is worth visiting a beauty salon. It is in the salon that the skin can receive a firm dose of soothing and stimulating stimuli through treatments such as iontophoresis and ultrasound. After treatment, it is enough to simply nourish and moisturize the skin for a long time to enjoy its radiance. If, however, there are concerns that the procedure is not nourishing the skin properly, it is worth contacting a dermatologist. Only a specialist will be able to assess whether doubts are in doubt.

You have to take care of your skin regularly, not just before the arrival of spring. But this time of year also usually breeds a willingness to change. Do not be afraid to care and take care of our business card - the skin, which we have only one. Because in the spring the world comes alive again. Let's wake up from the winter stupor and us - together with our full vital skin.
