Is glass scratched on plastic windows? How to remove scratches from glass


Glass as an element of pottery decoration appeared 6 thousand years ago in Egypt and Ancient Babylon. For so long, glass materials of various compositions have been used not only for decoration, household needs and as a finishing material, but also in medicine and industry. The main quality of modern glass of any kind is transparency. How to polish glass and restore its crystallinity and clearness in case of damage?

Polishing is the removal of the thinnest layer of material using an abrasive, chemical reagents, physico-chemical or plasma methods, which imparts micro-roughness and gloss to the glass surface.

How to polish glass

Grinding and polishing are different processes, which is confirmed by electron microscopes. Polishing is considered a physical and chemical phenomenon, as a result of which it is assumed that the upper layer of glass becomes plastic, therefore, bumps and bumps turn into a continuous smooth surface.

When polishing glass at home, micropowder solutions are used, which are passed through a fuel filter before use, and pastes. Glass polishing compounds can be commercially made or homemade.

GOI paste is a mixture of finely dispersed chromium oxide Cr2O3, active ingredients and a fatty binder.

The composition is of four types according to the size of the "grain": rough - "overwrites" scratches, medium (two types) smoothes, and thin - "rules" to a mirror shine. With GOI paste it is possible to remove scratches on glass ceramics, polish any glass, up to optical glass. How to use GOI paste:

It does not dissolve in water, but in refined gasoline - easily. Therefore, felt, flannel or felt are slightly moistened with gasoline (or kerosene), and then GOI paste is applied.
Mineral oil is dripped onto the glass surface. And start processing.
Rotations should be soft, without sharp gains.

Specialists in the manufacture of lenses for telescopes recommend washing the organic binder from abrasive particles with solvents so that polishing is faster. But when rubbing organic glass, this should not be done.

Chromium oxide has toxic properties. It is similar in hardness to corundum. It is also contained in the artistic oil paint "Chromium Dioxide Green".

Crocus. They are made from iron (not copper!) Vitriol of yellow-brown color, diluted with water and adding alkali. After filtration, the precipitate is dried and used to polish light scratches. Crocus is used in ship repair works as a coloring pigment.
Cerium oxide - removes defects and abrasions on ceramics, ceramic glass, quartz, window glass. Will polish mirrors, watches, lenses, telephones, automobiles, portholes. Included in the polishing finished compositions: Regipol, Cerox, "Polyrit", "Cerit", "Ftoropol".
Diamond pastes and powders that are diluted with vaseline and silicone are the most the best remedy, able to polish even . According to grain size, there are 12 varieties of ready-made pastes.
Polishing pastes from car dealerships for polishing car windows. They are less dirty and easy to use.
glass polishes: chalk, non-abrasive toothpaste, a slurry of soda and water or vinegar and mustard. According to reviews, they cannot level scratches, but they can eliminate scuffs.

To remove scratches from glass surfaces, no matter what they start polishing, they first use pastes with a coarse “grain”, then fine ones. As a polishing material use:

Soft cloth, felt, felt.
Leather (raw), suede.
Category polishing resin.
Cork tapes.
And even a tree.

It is advised to polish glass with a grinder with manually adjustable speed, a drill, a grinder, fixing felt material on the disc and applying polishing paste. Or a special electric polisher.

Blocks of wood, rubber, fabric or cotton wool, first covered with leather and then with felt, are also suitable for processing, but it will take an extremely large amount of effort and time to manually polish.

How to polish a double-glazed window and a mirror

In construction, a number of types of glass are used, differing in thickness and optical energy characteristics. High-quality window glass is colorless, with a high light transmission coefficient. There are two types:

M4 - polished float glass, which is produced by casting a molten glass ribbon on molten tin in a certain atmospheric environment and temperature.
M5 and M6 - made by the "old-fashioned" vertical drawing method between the rollers.

Heat-saving glasses are opaque, the reflective coating gives a slight "haze". Laminated - have a shade. It is not advisable to polish them. Tempered glass is also better not to be machined. Ordinary glasses are transparent to the radiation of the optical range of electromagnetic waves, for which they are valued. Small damage to them does not affect the illumination, but spoil the aesthetics of the room and.

If the scratches are small, “hairy”, then you can try to polish the transparent glass. If the grooves remain deep, they cling to a fingernail, or these are scales from a grinder, then it is better to change the double-glazed window. Since the material during processing will become thinner in one place and crack.

In double-glazed windows, thermopolished glass is more often used, on which, with additional grinding, a lens is formed, which will be noticeable in a conspicuous place.

Just like window panes, mirrors are polished if they are damaged from the outside. In this case, the “lens” effect may also occur. Sometimes, it's better to sandblast a pattern than buff a mirror from scratches. But it is worth choosing such a picture so that the scratch falls on the border of the screen image, because sandblasting will deepen the defect.

How to polish car windows

Minor scratches and haze from abrasions on the glass surfaces of the car are polished with special pastes for automotive glass. Most of them are made according to the principle of GOI paste.

Owners of a “sliffer” for a car will not experience any difficulty. The polishing machine is replaced with a drill or grinder. But there is a nuance. Side windows can be polished at high speeds. But for multilayer windshields and rear windows that have an adhesive and reinforcing layer of polyvinyl butyral (PVB) inside, heating from intense friction is contraindicated, because it causes darkening.

How to polish your car glass yourself:

Circle the defects from the inside so as not to lose damaged areas.
Cover the body parts with protective material and so as not to spoil the paintwork.
Paste can be applied to glass with the same material that will be used for polishing.
Be sure to irrigate the surface with a spray gun at the beginning of work and in the process, in order to prevent the paste from drying out when heated from friction.
Polish areas at 1000 - 2500 rpm.
Before moving on to the next area, wash the treated area and examine it from different angles, including from the salon. If the result is not satisfactory, repeat the process. You may need to change the polishing compound.

When polishing car windows, wear safety goggles and clothing.

GOI paste was named after the initial letters of the place of invention - the State Optical Institute.

How is phone glass polished?

With a scratched phone glass, they do the same as with other glass surfaces: they rub it with GOI paste using soft suede or cotton napkins. In order not to contaminate the entire body, the screen is removed or the entire uncultivated area is sealed with tape.

For scratched touchscreen phones and polishing touchscreens, special products are recommended that remove scratches from CDs. But they hide damage rather than relieve it. After a while, the procedure will have to be repeated. Keep in mind that heating the screen can damage the sensors.

Removing scratches from watch glasses and glasses

Before removing scratches from watch glass, first determine the type. There are sapphire (including those with anti-reflective coating), mineral, plexiglass and combined (with an external sapphire coating). The softer the material, the faster the scratches are removed. Cheap - it is more expedient to replace than to polish.

The most difficult to process - they are polished with diamond powders using a grinder, and with an anti-reflective film - they are given to professionals for repair.

The watch is disassembled for convenience, so as not to damage the case. AND in a circular motion rubbed against a cloth coated with a polishing agent (or vice versa).

They do the same with lenses for glasses, protecting the frame. Previously, of course, having dealt with the material (mineral glass or polymer). Glasses with diopters cannot be polished on their own.

You can manually get rid of scuffs and haze, and polishing scratches on any glass is more convenient and faster with a polishing machine. If you can’t get rid of defects, you can always contact a car repair shop, watchmakers or glaziers.

January 14, 2014, 04:59 PM

The need to know exactly how to remove scratches from glass does not only arise in the repair business. The ubiquity of this material, its lightness and transparency make the appearance of scratches an extremely undesirable, but at the same time probable character. Such a possibility should be prevented and be able to deal with it.

The Best Glass Scratch Remover – Be Careful and Accurate

Modern glasses are very diverse both in terms of chemical composition, and in shape, thickness and purpose. They are used in stained-glass windows and automotive triplexes, in touch screens, in household appliance cladding and in arts and crafts. The entire spectrum of industrially produced glasses cannot be described by the most voluminous study.

The best way to remove scratches from glass, regardless of variety, is to treat this fragile material with care. In this regard, glass care is like medicine - it is easier, more effective and more useful to prevent a disease than to treat it:

  • Don't rub the glass with newsprint, even if "mom/grandmother/second cousin housekeeping always looks after it like that." Many modern newspapers are printed on thick paper, their inks contain particles of heavy metals and solid oxides. Newspapers can even have a bad influence on frosted glass cleaning, not to mention transparent and thin inserts in window frames;
  • The glass washing technique itself is a separate science, we are interested in the final stage of cleaning work. Do not wipe the glass with a dry and hard cloth, especially after processing hot water and chemicals. A window or cabinet door heated with boiling water and “chemically steamed” is very sensitive to hard fibers of the fabric. Rags for washing and wiping should be soft, such as gauze;
  • The variety of glasses dictates the need to clean them with special means. Of course, ordinary laundry soap is suitable for most glass products, but it will not wash away all the dirt. Branded cleaning products recommended by the manufacturer will be much more effective. Their tangible value will be the price of long-lasting impeccability of glassy beauty;
  • Use washing powders for washing glass products and surfaces carefully - powder grains may not dissolve in water and scratch the object being treated. As a result, the elimination of one problem (pollution) will give rise to a much bigger nuisance (furrows from grains of washing powder).

If the preventive measures did not prevent the appearance of scratches, we will have to use more serious means for our glasses.

Removing scratches from window glass

Window glass is a brittle material, especially when pressed at right angles to the surface. Any effort applied must be commensurate with the strength of the window, otherwise, instead of repairing scratches on the glass, you will have to bandage your own cuts and call a glazier to replace the window. Which is especially unpleasant in winter, in rain or snow, or if you need to go on urgent business - but instead you have to “guard” a broken window.

Another important point- removing scratches from glass with sandpaper is more of bad advice than adequate recommendations.

Even if the sandpaper has a minimal roughness, cleaning the glass panel from one scratch will result in a whole group of new scuffs (albeit not so deep). Equally unpromising are mechanical processing methods using nozzles for drills, etc. It is difficult to control the necessary force of pressure with the help of tools, and it is more than easy to break the glass along the scratch line. Of the proven methods of elimination small cracks on window panes, the following can be advised:

  • Unconditional and thorough cleaning of the problem area, but rather good wash all glass - so as not to scrape an ordinary piece of adhering dirt for a long time and gently;
  • Toothpaste - ordinary, standard consistency (gel will not work). It is better to choose a bleaching toothpaste for smokers, it has more abrasive particles. Toothpaste is applied to a cotton or felt swab and rubbed into the scratch in a circular motion. After removing excess from the glass, the operation is repeated with movements in the opposite direction, and so on for several cycles. After the “dental” treatment, the window should be washed well, traces of the paste eat into the glass quickly;
  • GOI paste is a traditional and time-tested abrasive material of universal application. Unfortunately, there are many fakes of such a paste on the market, branded ones are rare. GOI paste is good because it can be gently heated in a water bath; when hot, it rubs scratches much more strongly. For application, cotton wool or felt is used, multi-pass rubbing is acceptable;
  • Automotive polishes for body metal and windshields. These products are so diverse in chemical composition that they must first be used in an inconspicuous place in order to find out the possible reaction of the glass surface to the reagent. Polishes are applied with rags, not cotton-felt swabs. They are precisely poured into the scratched area and rubbed to its edges.

remember, that deep a scratch on a window glass cannot be eliminated by any means - neither modern-innovative, nor folk-traditional. You will either have to come to terms with such an addition on the window surface, or replace the window with a new, transparent and flawless one. Impressive and colorful effect gives stained glass film- with just a few movements, she transforms a standard window into a unique stained-glass window, multi-colored and original.

How to remove scratches from the glass of household appliances?

In addition to the aforementioned window glass scratch treatments, home appliance glass scratches can be repaired with nail polish. This will require a clear and resistant varnish, as well as some skills in applying makeup (men can attract their ladies to work by promising them the purchase of new cosmetics in exchange for repair efforts).

A clear varnish is applied from top to bottom on the cleaned scratch. If the glass is smooth, excess varnish is removed with a rubber spatula. If the glass surface is concave (which is often the case in household appliances), it is necessary to prepare a special scraper made of thick cardboard in advance so that its surface repeats the line of the glass bend. The varnish needs to dry a little in the scratch, otherwise it will stick to the scraper/cardboard and our restoration efforts will be in vain. A complete transparent varnish "patch" should not be expected, the refractive indices of varnish and glass differ significantly from each other.

Proper paint removal from glass - say no to scratches in advance

Quite often the question: "How to remove scratches from glass?" - arises after paintwork on frames, ceilings, wall panels, furniture, etc. One awkward movement with a roller or brush, and unwanted abstract patterns appeared on the glass. Well, if the paint was water-based, then these patterns can be easily washed off with water. oil paint or acrylic lacquer it is much more difficult to remove from glass surfaces. In the process of this removal, any glass can be severely scratched - if you neglect these recommendations:

  • Dampen the glass around the paint (varnish) stain with hot water, most paints will soften from this treatment. Use the sponge to continue wetting the stain as the water dries;
  • Dried paint must be cut with a sharpened knife, directing its blade strictly parallel to the surface of the glass. Gently hold the knife not only by the handle, but also by the edge of the blade - it's easier to control the accuracy of movements;
  • Extensive paint stains should be heated not with water, but with a hairdryer or iron through a layer of laid foil. Set the temperature of the iron to the minimum - some glasses may crack from heat exposure, fold the foil several times;
  • Weak stains of paints and varnishes are washed with solvents, having previously protected the remaining parts of the glass with mounting tape. If possible, solvents should be avoided on the glass surface, including under the stain to be removed.

Glass is a very fragile material, it can be damaged with one careless movement. The scale of damage to the surface, as well as its type (glasses or car glass, cabinet surface) determines how to remove scratches from the glass so that no traces remain. If the scratches are small and shallow, then you can remove them yourself with the help of available tools, which can be purchased at different stores at a low cost.

There are 5 known methods for removing small defects from a glass surface:

It is important to know that the treatment of damaged glass with one of the above methods cannot be performed. a large number of time, hoping that in this way it will be possible to better polish the scratch. On the contrary, prolonged friction can lead to additional damage to the surface.

If the glass is thick

If the glass is thick and the damage on it is impressive, you must first grind the surface, then carry out the polishing process. The latter is carried out with the help of several types of pastes: starting with a coarse abrasive paste and ending with a fine-grained one.

Grinding is carried out with a professional tool or with sandpaper. For this process, you should stock up on a lot of patience, as it is quite laborious and requires some time.

Large thickness will require special tools: drills or grinders. A roller is put on the disk, made for such purposes from felt, leather or cloth. For the manual method, rubber or cork is suitable.

After it is possible to remove the top layer of the surface, it is treated with polishing agents. Polishing is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. The first step is to wash the glass with water and detergent.
  2. Turn on the machine with the polishing disc at a speed of 1000-1200 rpm.
  3. Work until the scratch is completely gone.
  4. Next, a polishing paste is applied to the disc, the desired place is processed in a circular motion.
  5. After the glass becomes smooth, it is necessary to wipe it with water and ammonia.
  6. The last step: wash the glass with water and rub it with a glass cleaner.

For convenience, before starting the whole process, circle the desired place with a colored felt-tip pen in order to see the boundaries of the work and not touch neighboring areas. Another tip: so that the paste does not dry out during processing, it is periodically necessary to moisten it with water from a spray bottle.

To remove scratches, you can use GOI paste. You will need pastes of different abrasiveness: coarse, medium and fine at number 1.

You should start with a coarse paste containing large particles, then use a medium one and finish with a fine-grained one. After each step, the surface should be wiped with a damp cloth.

It is not worth removing damage to spectacle lenses on your own. There is a high risk of microcracks: one wrong move, and the glasses will no longer perform their task of improving vision. With such a problem, it is best to contact an optics store.

And it's as easy to remove scratches on a glass table as it is to remove them from a watch.

When to Engage Experts

If you can’t polish the existing scratch on your own, you need to ask for help from specialists. The following situations are also a beacon signaling that you won’t be able to cope on your own:

  • none of the above methods helped, and the glass took on a worse appearance;
  • the scratch is very large and deep;
  • there are chips and cracks at the site of damage;
  • the glass object has a high material value, is very fragile or old;
  • it is impossible to restore the original appearance of the thing.

Damage prevention

In order for glass objects to remain intact and intact for as long as possible, precautions must be taken when caring for such surfaces.

For example, it is strictly forbidden to rub glass surfaces with newsprint and other paper, despite the fact that our grandmothers did this. And it is also forbidden to use a hard cloth when rubbing.

Protect the glass will help the use detergents specially designed for the care of glass surfaces.

Ecology of life. Life hack: Probably, many of us have encountered a situation where scratches appeared on the surface of the glass. Be it car glass, display mobile phone, a mirror or just glasses. How to remove scratches from glass? Do not replace the entire glass due to one or more scratches.

Probably, many of us have encountered a situation where scratches appeared on the surface of the glass. Be it car glass, mobile phone display, mirror or just glasses. How to remove scratches from glass? Do not replace the entire glass due to one or more scratches.

There are several methods. The simplest and most common is the surface grinding method.

Based on the place where the scratch is located, the method of its removal is selected. Window glass, car windshield and even aquarium glass are not recommended to be polished due to the fact that upon completion of the procedure, the surface will become heterogeneous. Even if at first it will be imperceptible, in the future, the distortion of the place of the former scratch will become more pronounced. The thinner the glass, the more noticeable the unevenness will be.

Is there another way to remove scratches from glass?

The most optimal is the use of polishing. This gentle method is effective for removing shallow lesions. Its advantage is also that after polishing the glass surface becomes more transparent.

In addition to the polish in the process, you can use a special paste to eliminate scratches. The packaging usually indicates the abrasiveness of the paste substance - the size of the microparticles that affect the damage. The lower the abrasiveness, the smaller the scratches that can be repaired. Thus, this value recommends the area of ​​application of the paste. Consider an example of using this method.

How to remove scratches from glasses glass?

For this procedure you need:

  • a small piece of cotton fabric;
  • paste to eliminate scratches (GOI paste);
  • machine oil;
  • polish.

Sequence of operations:

  • place the damaged glass on a horizontal dry surface;
  • apply some engine oil to the damage;
  • apply paste / polish to a piece of fabric;
  • attach the fabric to the damage and treat the damaged area.

If necessary, you will have to add oil and paste, and repeat the last step. Therefore, depending on the size of the damage, the process may take several hours. This work is laborious and slow, so you have to be patient.

For glass grinding by hand, it is advisable to use sandpaper or paste with a low abrasiveness number, i.e. with large grains, since deep damage is more effectively removed by large particles. Next, it is desirable to treat the surface with finer sandpaper or paste and polish it in the end.

If there is a grinder, then the procedure will be completed much faster. But it must be taken into account that it is desirable to remove scratches at low speeds of the machine or grinding wheel.

Scratch remover paste can be replaced with inexpensive toothpaste or even tooth powder. But the result will probably be worse than when using the original paste.

Sanding is only applicable to products with thick glasses with a few large scratches or big amount small ones.

This will be of interest to you:

In order to avoid errors during grinding, it is advisable to first test the method on a small area of ​​the glass surface. And applying professional set scratch removal tools, the quality of the procedure will be higher. But it is not advisable to buy such special kits for use in everyday life. published

Sooner or later, any person has questions regarding the restoration and processing of glass surfaces. Someone accidentally scratched the phone, someone needs to tidy up the car glass or do stained glass work. Simply put, there are a lot of situations, because today glass elements and details are found almost everywhere. The glass itself is quite fragile, so you have to periodically update it. Of course, it's much easier to just take good care of the glass. But if the problem still appears, then you need to know for sure how to remove scratches from the glass so as not to spoil it. Today we will get acquainted with the most effective and popular ways to restore the integrity of glass surfaces.

Glass care rules

So that removing scratches from glass in the future does not take up a lot of your free time, you should first figure out how to properly care for this material. So, remember the following rules:

  • Learn how to clean glass properly. In this situation, refuse to use the newspaper that our grandmothers and great-grandmothers used to rub glass and mirrors in order to give them a glossy mirror shine.

Important! Modern prints contain very rough particles that scratch the glass. First, small cracks appear, and after a couple of such rubbing, rather deep scratches form, which are really visible to the naked eye. Do not use newspapers to care for frosted glass.

  • Always use the most appropriate cloth for cleaning glass surfaces. The main thing is that it should be tender and soft, attract dust and absorb moisture well. Material with prickly pile here will definitely be superfluous.
  • Refuse to use too aggressive chemicals, because after them the glass may become more susceptible to mechanical stress.
  • If you wash glass washing powder, then make sure that it is completely dissolved in water, because the remaining coarse particles can damage it and leave a whole pattern in the form of a grid on the glass.

If the damage still occurs, then try to correct the situation using the proven methods described below.

The most popular ways to eliminate scratches from glass

To begin with, before doing something and trying out the most effective methods in practice, evaluate the scale of the tragedy. That is, look at how noticeable and large these scratches are. Glass outwardly can change a lot if they really are so serious.

If everything is so bad, then try these options:

  1. High quality and thorough cleaning. Are you sure it's really a scratch? To understand everything 100%, you need to thoroughly wash the glass and wipe it with a soft, lint-free cloth - quite often, pieces of dirt adhering to the surface are mistaken for scratches. Therefore, follow this procedure first.
  2. Toothpaste. Better - if it is a whitening paste. But the main thing is not to gel paste. Need to soak in it cotton swab and in circular rubbing movements, treat the defect in a clockwise direction, and then in the opposite direction. It is recommended to repeat this procedure several times to achieve the best effect. Then the glass should be washed so that no traces of paste remain on it.
  3. Paste GOI. She's perfect for those kinds of problems. Previously, it was sold in almost every store, but today it is difficult to find a real high-quality grout among huge amount fakes. But if you still caught luck by the tail and got the original paste, then you should rub it in the same way as toothpaste. It is only recommended to use a piece of felt instead of a cotton swab.
  4. polishing agents. You can find them at an automotive cosmetics store. But you should not immediately start processing the entire surface, it is better to first apply the composition to an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe glass and make sure that the product does not really spoil it. Basically, we are talking about decorated and painted surfaces.
  5. Stained glass film. Of course, it will not completely remove the scratch, but it will help to disguise it. Naturally, it is used in cases where there are the deepest scratches. The main thing is to stick it carefully so that bubbles do not form under it.

Home remedies for glass scratches

Above, we examined ways to eliminate defects using the so-called special tools. But what will the “people” tell us, how to remove scratches on glass with improvised means that can be found in any home?

These include the following options:

  1. Clear nail polish. Many will not believe, but he actually works wonders. It allows you to hide visual damage on items such as jewelry, watches and miniature vases. And for work, you only need the varnish itself and a cardboard scraper. It is necessary to apply a layer of varnish on the defect and hold it on top with a scraper.
  2. Walnut. You need to use only its core, and it is better to throw away the brown skin immediately. You should press the nut against the glass with circular rubbing movements, and right before your eyes the scratch will begin to disappear.


Now you know how to remove scratches from glass with special and folk methods, the main thing is to choose the right option so as not to spoil the thing or the surface to the end. It is also important to stock up on patience and time, because not all defects are eliminated quickly and easily, sometimes you have to work hard.
